Gender Boy
MeaningOne who is innocent
Origin Spanish
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Below is the popularity graph of the name Sein from 2003 to 2003, based on data from the SSA.

Names with similar meaning: One who is innocent

Terrian, Ayanna, Safaa, Safah, Saffa, Ma, Hewney, Imre, Zelen, Uaithne, Sein, Mariatu, Ma'sma, Innocenzio, Zhaki

Numerology details of name Sein

Numerology Number2
Destiny Number2
Inner Dream Number6
Soul Urge Number
(Heart's Desire or Motivation Number)
Personality Number6
Numerology Calculator

Astrology details of name Sein

NakshatraPurva Bhadrapada (Se, So, Da, Di)

Personality details of name Sein

Ruling PlanetMoon
Positive NatureSoft Hearted People
Negative TraitsTend to sink into Depression if not cared for
Lucky ColoursWhite, green, cream and lavender
Lucky DaysSunday and Monday
Lucky StonesWhite Pearl
Harmony Numbers1,2,4 7
Problematic Numbers8
Best Suited ProfessionsAnyone who works in the medical field like nurses, pathologists
Health IssuesHeart problems and problematic digestive system
What people would generally like about you?Love to encourage harmony in work place.
What people would generally dislike about you?Always feel insecure and highly inconsistent in thoughts

Names Similar to Sein

Zayyan, Sana, Saniya, Siyona, Saanya, Sanu, Zayn, Zain Ul Abideen, Ziyaan, Saana