Join Dr. Larry Wood for an early morning Sea Turtle beach walk! Listen to Dr. Wood share his knowledge about Sea Turtle nesting habitats as we watch the sun rise over Singer Island. Learn how to identify sea turtle tracks and nests by species. Dr. Wood will also explain the dynamics of sea turtle nesting practices, and answer any questions you have about the process. If the timing is right, we may even watch hatchling sea turtles emerging from their nests!

Dr. Wood is the founder of the Florida Hawksbill Project, and a volunteer for the Sea Turtle Conservation League of Singer Island.

Sea Turtle Beach Walk Schedule*:

June 26

July 24

*Meeting times vary. You MUST RSVP for full event details: 561-840-8750 or [email protected]

Every year, thousands of sea turtles wander up South Florida’s sandy beaches to build nests and lay their eggs. Our shorelines are an essential habitat to future generations of many species of Sea Turtles, including Loggerheads, Greens, Hawksbills, Leatherbacks and Kemp’s Ridley.

Attendees MUST RSVP for full event details and meet times: 561-840-8750 or [email protected]. Enjoy delicious pastries and coffee after the event.

A donation of $5 per person is required to attend. All funds raised from this event will be donated to local sea turtle conservation research.