Science Formulas

How science formulas can help you in your academic requirement for science subject? if this questions came to your mind than think of what are the missing tool in your revision part of science in general the theory part of science was clear to all the students the only think which they forget in exam is crucial points and important facts with formula.

science formula

Physics Wallah academic team develop and integrated support pdf for all class science subject. Physics Wallah science formulas pdf consist of all important formula and pointer which are used in each chapter. Science formulas pdf consist of all important formula, points, equations & diagram of all chapter of science of class 7 to 12. You can check out NCERT Solutions prepared by expert faculty of Physics Wallah.

Let’s understand the Do’s for Physics in Science Formulas

  1. Read the numerical-Take out the quantities given and the quantity to be found out. Then find the formula to be used.
  2. In numerical of Motion-Work, Energy, Power, and Sound, convert all the quantities into similar and preferably S.I. units.
  3. Show the complete steps in solving numerical.

Let’s understand the Don’ts for Physics in Science Formulas

  1. Never forget to write S.I units of v, u, s, t and a etc.
  2. Always check the calculations of a numerical while rechecking the answer sheet.
  3. Don’t use short and crisp method in numerical.
  4. Don’t forget to write the key terms in answers.

Let’s understand the Do’s for Chemistry in Science Formulas

  1. Learn the equations and formulae by writing again and again.
  2. Check the numerical/calculations again before submitting the answer sheet.
  3. Learn the valences and make the formula for required compounds yourself.

Let’s understand the Don'ts for Chemistry in Science Formulas

  1. Never write unbalanced equations.
  2. Never try to mug up with all the formulas. Formulas and series should be learned by heart and preferably by linking them to a story. For example, reactivity series can be learned like this.

Kedar Nath Bali Ca Mali Aloo Zara Feke Se Pakata Hai

(K) (Na)(Ba) (Ca)(Mg) (Al) (Zn) (Fe)(Sn) (Pb) (H)

Let’s understand the Do’s for Biology in Science Formulas

  1. In 3 marks and 5 marks questions, always make the relevant diagram even if it is not mentioned.
  2. Read the question carefully and give to-the-point answer.
  3. While differentiating terms, always write the important differences in the form of coloumns.
  4. Never repeat the same answer.
  5. Practice even the diagrams before the exam.

Let’s understand the Don'ts for Biology in Science Formulas

  1. Answers should not exceed the word limit.
  2. Don’t miss to write the key terms in the answers.

To check your understanding towards the subject, you can take the Class 10 Online Quiz here.

Discovery/Invention Name of the Scientist (Year)
Discovery of Electron J.J. Thomson (1897)
Discovery of Proton Goldstein (1886)
Discovery of Neutron Chadwick (1932)
Cell was coined Robert Hooke (1665)
Describing first cell Leeuwenhoek (1674) (1886)
Cell theory Schleiden and Schwann (1838-39)
Cell arise form pre-existing cells Rudolf Virchow
Nucleus as heredity unit Haeckel (1866)
Discovery of nucleus Robert Brown (1831)
Fluid Mosaic Model Singer and Nicolson (1972)
Five Kingdom Classification Robert H. Whittaker (1959)
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) S.N. Bose and albert Einstein (1920)
Structure of nervous system Camillo Linnaeus (1729)
Archimedes’ Principle Archimedes
Cure of Peptic Ulcer Warren and Marshall (2005)
Vaccination Edward Jenner


Quantity Unit Symbol
Temperature kelvin K
Length Meter M
Mass Kilogram Kg
Weight Newton N
Volume Cubic meter m3
Density Kilogram per cubic meter Kg m-3
Pressure Pascal Pa
Atomic Mass Amu U
Size of cells and cell organelles micrometre µ m (10-6 m)
Speed /Velocity (u or v) Meter per second m/s
Displacement (s) Meter M
Acceleration (a) Meter per second2 m/s2
Force (F) Newton N or kg ms-2
Momentum (p) Kg meter per second kg ms-1
Relative Density Nil Nil
Work Joule J or Nm
Energy /PE/KE Joule J or Nm
Power Watt W or Js-1
Commercial unit of Power Unit Kwh = 3.6 ×106 J
Frequency (v) Hertz Hz
Wavelength(λ) Metre M
Time period (T) Second s

Science Formulas FAQs

Q1. What are the formulas in science?

Ans. In science, a formula is a succinct way of expressing information symbolically, for example in a mathematical or chemical formula. The informal use of the term formula in science refers to the general construction of the relationship between given quantities.

Formulas used in science almost always require a selection of units. Formulas are utilized in physics to precise relationships between different quantities, like temperature, mass, or charge.

Q2. How to remember science formulas?

Ans. To remember science formulas one can use the following tips.

  1. Use and write formulas first when solving related questions.
  2. Revise formulas regularly and visualize them.
  3. Learn mnemonic and apply creative memory links to memorize long-term formulas.
  4. In 2 to 3 weeks, write down all the formulas and then solve numericals.
  5. Make it more interesting and with the help of a like-minded friend, play a game by asking for formulas at random and the winner can throw a party.
  6. Understand the logic behind the formula and learn how the formula is derived.

Q3. How to learn science formulas?

Ans. Understand chapter before revising the science formulas to learn chapter wise science formulas one must have very clear idea about the chapter. Chapter wise science formulas consist of all-important points of the chapter. Do follow the following tips and suggestion to learn formulas easily.

  1. Relax your brain and concentrate on science formulas.
  2. Practice more.
  3. List all the important formulas on a sheet of paper for practice.
  4. Try to clarify your basic concepts before proceeding with the formulas. This will help you understand the meaning of the formula.
  5. Keep away from all distractions and learn the derivation of every formula.

Q4. Is it necessary to know how science formulas work?

Ans. Indeed, it is necessary to understand and solve equations either when you want to work as a scientist or in another field that uses science, or when you want to become a science teacher or a teacher in an area that uses science.

Q5. Why it is important to learn science formulas?

Ans. It is important to learn and understand the scientific formulas according to your curriculum. With the help of these formulas, you can solve any problem with ease. Also, if you plan to become a scientist in the future, or be associated with this field, in particular, it is extremely important to learn all the formulas effectively.

And to be able to solve equations either if you want to work as a scientist or in another field that uses science, or if you want to become a science teacher or a teacher in a field that uses science. Build your understanding from Previous year Class 10 Questions Papers and you can also practice from Class 10 Science Sample Papers.

Q6. Where can I get all the important science formulas?

Ans. You can visit our website or download our app from the Play Store to access all the important science formulas for grades 6-12 under one roof. Best of all, all study materials are in PDF format and can be easily downloaded. These are also available completely free of charge. Now you can easily download and prepare for the exam.

You can also check out NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science prepared by our expert team.

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