The 55+ Best 2000s Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated September 16, 2024 85.5K views 58 items
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15.1K votes
1.4K voters
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Vote up your favorite science fiction films that were released in the 2000s

The dawn of a new millennium ushered in a remarkable era for science fiction cinema, showcasing intriguing narratives, technological advancements, and awe-inspiring cinematic moments. The best 2000s sci-fi movies delivered memorable stories that challenged viewers' imaginations, exploring themes of technology, dystopia, and the human experience. These cinematic gems elevated not only the genre but also movie-making as a whole. 

The best sci-fi movies from the 2000s exemplified visionary storytelling, encompassing themes that resonated with viewers while pushing the limits of imagination. From philosophically layered narratives to enthralling character arcs and breathtaking worlds, 2000s science fiction movies offered an expansive canvas for filmmakers to express their creative visions. By capturing the essence of futuristic societies and alternate realities, these movies stimulated rich discussions and critical reflections on our own world. 

Among the plethora of outstanding sci-fi movies from the 2000s, Serenity stands as a shining example of a well-crafted space opera, blending adventure, suspense, and humor. Meanwhile, Pixar's charming WALL-E tackles environmental issues within an animated framework, presenting a poignant tale about the importance of caring for our planet. James Cameron's visually mesmerizing Avatar immerses viewers in an extraordinary alien world, setting new standards for CGI and 3D technology while weaving an epic story of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. 

Reflecting upon the impact of the best 2000s sci-fi movies, their creative accomplishments continue to inspire awe and admiration in audiences worldwide. These remarkable films left a mark on the history of cinema, inspiring future generations of filmmakers to dream big and push the envelope even further. As we celebrate and cherish these 2000s science fiction masterpieces, their contributions to the genre and the art of filmmaking will forever be remembered.

Most divisive: The Day After Tomorrow
Over 1.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 55+ Best 2000s Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked