The Best Current Female Soccer Players
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The Best Current Female Soccer Players

Ranker Sports
Updated October 15, 2024 71.7K views 32 items
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34.1K votes
3.5K voters
3 reranks
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Upvote the best womens footballers playing the game today.

List of the best current female soccer players in 2019. We have compiled a list of the top athletes who are both female and specialize in the wonderful sport of soccer. While many on this list are among the best soccer players of all time, this page specifically ranks the best soccer players of our time.
The greatest women's soccer players today come from different countries and different training. Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe are two of the most popular soccer players in the women's league - and their styles in playing are not exactly the same. Then there are players like Heather O'Reilly, who is such a legend on the American field that she's known by her initials "HAO." Whether or not the woman is a midfielder or an Olympic Gold medalist, like Boston's O'Reilly, any athlete on this list has a long, goal-filled career ahead of her.

Most divisive: Karen Carney
Over 3.5K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Current Female Footballers