Of all the dark webcomics you'll find on the internet, those appearing on Channelate are some of the darkest. The world of online comics have provided plenty of dark but cute comics, as well as those that manage to be both depressing and hilarious, and Channelate comics perfectly blend all of the bleak elements into one hilarious mix. Created by Ryan Hudson in 2008, Channelate features a new comic every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, as well as short animations found on YouTube.
Hudson draws humorous online comics with a simple style. His round-headed, big-eyed characters appear so sweet in contrast to the dark content. Although Hudson's humor may be disturbing at times, his comics are also oddly relatable. Channelate has a healthy social media presence, and you can find Hudson on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Here are the very best of Channelate's comics. Don't feel too bad about laughing; it doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person.