30 Original Pokemon Designs That Almost Made The Cut

Raelyn Giansanti
Updated May 1, 2024 339.5K views 30 items
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Vote up the Pokemon that should've made the cut.

After over thirty years, the Pokemon franchise has racked up quite a bit of lore. So much so, Pokemon Historian Dr. Lava and artist and designer Rachel Briggs have teamed up to uncover the hundreds of pocket monsters lost in creation. There are entire communities dedicated to unearthing the Pokemon that were never made, final evolutions that were scrapped, and behind-the-scenes secrets. 

Most of the illustrations below were created by Rachel Briggs, based on the original black and white sprites of the Pokemon that didn't make the cut. Gorochu was designed by artist Foxeaf. There are many reasons Pokemon get scrapped, so check out Dr. Lava's unique commentary under each image. Some of these lost Pokemon are pre-evolutions of Kanto favorites like Grimer and Ponyta, while others we just would've liked to have around, like Crocky. 

Vote up the original Pokemon designs that should've been in the Pokedex.

  • 1


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed by Game Freak developers in a 2018 Japanese newspaper interview, Gorochu was planned for Gen 1 as Raichu's evolution, but was cut due to a lack of cartridge space. In an interview with Gamespot, Junichi Masuda was asked if Gorochu might return to the series someday.

    Masuda: '...I would say the chances are low.'

    Gorochu's return would also be complicated by the fact that Pichu was added in Gen 2 — giving the family its third stage."

    5,651 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 2

    Rinrin and Berurun

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Rinrin & Berurun were a bell-themed family of Dark type felines... but they didn't make the final cut. Rinrin was female-only and evolved into Berurun at level 28. 'Rinrin' is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a ringing bell, while 'Berurun' is the Japanese onomatopoeia for cheerful humming.

    This two-stage family of adorable Dark-type cats definitely would've been fan-favorites... but unfortunately, they didn't make Gen 2's final cut. However, it appears many of their characteristics were later recycled for future felines like the Skitty and Purrloin families."

    4,900 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 3


    Dr. Lava says:

    "Originally meant as stage 1 of the Meowth family, Kōnya was created for Gen 1, but ended up getting cut. Then Kōnya was later planned for inclusion in Gen 2, but got cut again. 

    Kōnya was first revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018. This early build of G&S showed that Kōnya would have evolved into Meowth at level 14, and that just like its evolutions, was Normal type. Kōnya could translate to either 'Baby Meow' or 'Coin Meow."

    4,712 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 4

    Kurusu Family

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Kurusu was originally meant as Gen 2's Water starter, but was later scrapped and replaced with Totodile.

    Kurusu, Akua, and Akueria were all pure Water types. Akua evolved into Akueria at level 32, but G&S's 1997 demo lacked evolution data for Kurusu — probably because he wasn't meant to evolve while the demo was being played. Like Lapras, they're all based on the plesiosaur."

    4,933 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 5

    Kotora Family

    Dr. Lava says:

    "These electric tigers were created during Gen 1's development, but ended up getting cut. A few years later, they were planned to return in Gen 2... but sadly, got cut again. Kotora and his evolution Raitora were first revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018.

    Both pure Electric-types, Kotora translates to 'baby tiger,' and Raitora translates to 'thunder tiger.' In G&S's 1997 demo, Kotora evolved into Raitora at level 35... little is known about this third stage. The artwork used in this thread is speculative — it's based on his back sprite and the appearance of his pre-evolutions."

    4,839 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 6

    Wolfman and Warwolf

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Wolfman and Warwolf were pure Ice-type Pokemon based on werewolves. Sadly, they ended up getting cut. Wolfman evolved into Warwolf at level 35.

    Their Japanese names were Urufuman and Wāurufu, meaning 'Wolfman' and 'War Werewolf.' G&S's 1997 demo didn't include official English names — but due to these translations, their English nicknames have become Wolfman and Warwolf.

    Similar to Tangela's design, these Pokemon's true appearance is shrouded in darkness, hidden by the fur of a slain wolf. Considering their appearance, and the fact they're Ice-types, it seems likely these Pokemon ultimately got revised into Swinub and Piloswine."

    4,165 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 7

    Honooguma Family

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Honooguma was originally planned as Gen 2's Fire starter... but in development, he got replaced by Cyndaquil.

    Honooguma, Borubeaa, and Dainabea were all pure Fire types. Borubeaa evolved into Dainabea at level 32, but Gold & Silver's 1997 demo didn't include evolution data for Honooguma -- probably because he wasn't meant to evolve while the demo was being played. Honooguma translates into English as 'Fire Bear,' Borubeaa translates to 'Volcano Bear,' and Dainabea means 'Dynamite Bear."

    4,207 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 8


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gen 1 beta assets leaked in 2018, Guardia was created during Gen 1's development as the final stage of the Cubone family... but ended up getting cut."

    4,401 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 9


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First officially revealed in the 2018 Japan-exclusive manga, Satoshi Tajiri: the Man Who Created Pokemon, Gyaoon was one of the very first Pokemon ever created.

    Gen 1 beta sprites included the 2018 Satoshi manga shows Rhydon with an index number of #0, while Gyaoon was listed as #1 — making him one of the oldest Pokemon in existence, and probably the very first lost Pokemon.

    In Japanese, 'GYAOON' is the sound for Godzilla's roar."

    3,799 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 10


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Turban was almost promoted to becoming its own Pokemon... rather than just the monster that chews on Slowbro's tail. 

    Gold & Silver's 1997 demo didn't include any official English names — but since his Japanese name was 'Taaban,' which translates to 'Turban,' that's become his unofficial nickname. While Slowpoke & Slowbro are Water/Psychic type, in the demo, Turban was pure Water-type.

    The 1997 demo didn't include any evolutionary data linking Turban to the Slowpoke family. This might have been because his data was still incomplete, or he may have actually been intended as a stand-alone Pokemon. Fans are still split on this particular issue."

    3,606 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 11


    Dr. Lava says:

    "22 years before Sirfetch'd, there was Madame. Gold & Silver's 1997 demo contained many Pokemon that were later scrapped — including Madame, who evolved from Farfetch'd at level 24. Its original Japanese name was Madaamu, which in English means 'Madame' — like all Gold & Silver's 1997 demo Pokemon, Madaamu was never given an official English name.

    While Farfetch'd and Sirfetch'd are based on ducks, Madame appears to be either a goose or a swan. Like Farfetch'd, Madame is dual-type Normal & Flying, and despite its name, has a 50/50 chance of being male or female. Now that Sirfetch'd has appeared in Gen 8, it seems unlikely Madame could ever return... although a gender-based branch evolution is still possible."

    3,372 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 12


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Pudi was originally planned as the baby stage of the Growlithe family. In Japanese, Pudi's name means 'Petit Growlithe.' 

    Pudi would have evolved into Growlithe at level 13, who in turn evolves into Arcanine via Fire Stone. Just like his evolutions, Pudi was pure Fire-type. Pudi was likely cut because G&S's 1997 demo included too many baby Pokemon — 17, which ended up getting cut down to 7."

    3,265 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 13

    Norowara Family

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Norowara and Kyonpan were pure Ghost-type Pokemon based on a Chinese straw doll and a Jiangshi panda. 

    Jiangshi are creatures from Chinese mythology akin to zombies -- they move around by hopping and suck out their victims' qi (life force). Jiangshi can be frozen by writing particular characters onto a piece of paper with special ink and sticking it to their foreheads. 

    It appears Curse — an attack whose animation shows a nail being driven into its user's body — was created as Norowara's signature attack... though he doesn't learn it until level 100. Nevertheless, Norowara was cut, but Curse still made its way into G&S's final build."

    3,437 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 14


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Monja was a Grass-type Pokemon once meant to evolve into Tangela at level 22... but he didn't make Gen 2's final cut.

    In addition to Monja, Gold & Silver's 1997 demo also included a Tangela evolution named Jaranra. However, both new Tangela stages ended up getting scrapped before Gen 2's release, and it wasn't until Gen 4 that Tangela eventually received a new evolved form — Tangrowth."

    3,133 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 15


    Dr. Lava says:

    "Puchikoon was originally created as Ponyta's pre-evolution in Gen 1, but got cut during development. Then Puchikoon was later reappeared in Gold & Silver's demo... but ended up getting cut from Gen 2 as well. Puchikoon is Japanese for 'Petit Unicorn.'

    When Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, it revealed Puchikoon would have evolved into Ponyta at level 20, who then evolves into Rapidash at level 40. Unlike its Fire-type evolutions, Puchikoon was pure Normal-type."

    3,464 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 16


    Dr, Lava says:

    "First revealed by Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara in December 2018, Omega was one of many Pokemon created during Gen 1's development who didn't end up making the final cut. 

    Ishihara showed off several beta Pokemon sprites on Japan's national broadcast channel NHK in Dec 2018. But he only revealed one Lost Pokemon — Omega, who appears to have been inspired by Mechagodzilla, the 1970's kaiju who serves as one of Godzilla's primary archenemies."

    3,108 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 17

    Ikari Family

    Dr. Lava says:

    "This three-stage Water/Steel family was created for Gen 2, but tragically, didn't make Johto's final cut. Manboo translates into English as 'Ocean Sunfish,' Ikari to 'Anchor Rage,' and Gurotesu to 'Grotesque.' Manboo was pure Water type, while Ikari and Gurotesu were both dual-type Water & Steel. Each stage represents a creature that lives progressively deeper in the ocean.

    Manboo evolved into Ikari at level 19, who evolved into Gurotesu at level 38. Ikari's design was likely revised into Sharpedo, while Gurotesu probably ended up as Lanturn. Gen 3's Huntail also appears to have scavenged elements from Gurotesu's scrapped design."

    3,119 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 18


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Twinz was a pair of conjoined twin ghosts originally created as Girafarig's pre-evolution — back when Beta Girafarig still had two heads. 

    In Japanese, Tsuinzu means 'Twins,' so fans have given him the English nickname Twinz. In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Twinz and Girafarig were both dual-type Dark & Normal. Twinz ended up getting cut from G&S's final build, while Girafarig was revised to Normal & Psychic."

    2,797 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 19


    Dr. Lava says:

    "Revealed by Game Freak in 2018, this Elephant Pokemon was originally created during Gen 1's development. He ended up getting cut, but a possible reference still exists in the game — Raichu's Japanese Pokédex entry: 'Its electric charges can reach even 100,000 volts. Careless contact can cause even an Indian elephant to faint.'

    Raichu's entry in Japanese Pokemon Green may be a reference to Gen 1's lost Elephant Pokemon, whose design might have been inspired by the Indian elephant god Ganesh."

    2,882 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 20


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Para was originally created to serve as the baby stage of the Parasect family... but he didn't make the final cut. Although Paras and Parasect are dual-type Bug & Grass, Para was a pure Bug-type Pokemon. Para would have evolved into Paras at level 12, who then evolves into Parasect at level 24."

    2,796 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 21

    Cheep and Jabetta

    Dr. Lava says:

    "First discovered when Gen 1 beta assets leaked in 2019, this two-stage Pokemon family was originally created during the development Red & Green... but ended up getting cut.

    In 2017, a hacker broke into Nintendo servers and extracted lots of development data, including beta sprites from Generations 1, 2, and 4. The hacker was later prosecuted, but some of that hacked data was eventually made public — data that included almost 100 Lost Pokemon. As a result, the artwork and names used here are speculative, in use until more info is discovered."

    2,495 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 22


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gen 1 beta assets leaked in 2019, this Pokemon may have once been meant as a counterpart or rival to Jynx, and appears to be based on the kaiju known as Woo. Freezeti was first discovered when Gen 1 beta assets were leaked and published by @helixchamber in February 2019.

    Helix speculates this Pokemon is based on Woo, a 40 meter tall kaiju from the 1960's Japanese television show Ultraman, who lives in the Phantom Mountains."

    2,739 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 23


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First officially revealed by Game Freak in the 2018 Satoshi Tajiri biographical manga, Cactus was created during the development of Gen 1... but didn't end up making the final cut. Cactus might have been revised into Gen 3's Cacturne family."

    2,572 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 24


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gen 1 beta assets leaked in Feb 2019, this Pokemon was originally created as the middle stage between Psyduck and Golduck — but he ended up getting cut. 

    In a 2018 interview, several Game Freak developers said Gen 1 suffered from a lack of cartridge space. As a result, they ended up having to cut several 3 stage families down to just 2 stages. This is likely the stage of development where Psyduck's middle stage got cut."

    2,420 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 25


    Dr Lava says:

    "First revealed when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018, Betobebī would have transformed the Grimer line into a three stage family... if he hadn't gotten cut. 

    In English, Betobebī means 'Grimer Baby.' He evolved into Grimer at level 19, who then evolves into Muk at level 38. Like his evolved forms, he was pure Poison-type. He was probably cut because G&S's demo had too many babies —17, which ultimately got cut down to just 7."

    2,335 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 26


    Dr. Lava says:

    "Gyopin was first discovered when Gold & Silver's 1997 demo leaked in 2018. This early build of Gen 2 revealed that Gyopin would have evolved into Goldeen at level 16, and that just like its evolutions, was pure Water type. In Japanese, Gyopin means 'Lively Goldfish."

    2,502 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 27

    Zubat's Pre-Evolution

    Dr. Lava says:

    "In a 2018 Yomiuri interview, several Game Freak developers said that Gen 1 suffered from a lack of cartridge space. In order to free up space, a number of 3 stage families were cut down to just 2 stages. This is likely the point at which Zubat's pre-evolution got cut."

    2,621 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 28


    Dr Lava says:

    "First revealed in the Japan-exclusive 2018 manga "Satoshi Tajiri: The Man Who Created Pokemon," Deer was originally created for use in Gen 1... but he got cut during development. This Lost Pokemon's name was ディアー (Diā), which literally means Deer ... Deer's design was likely repurposed and became Stantler in Gen 2."

    2,401 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 29


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First officially revealed by Game Freak in 2018, Crocky is one of the series' oldest Lost Pokemon — he was created in the early 90's, but thrown out before Gen 1 was finished. 

    Crocky may have ended up getting revised into Gen 2's Totodile. But more recently, some fans have pointed out Crocky's resemblance to Gen 8's Dreepy. Lost Pokemon's traits are sometimes recycled into more than one new Pokemon — which might've been what happened to Crocky."

    2,509 votes
    Should've made the cut?
  • 30


    Dr. Lava says:

    "First revealed in the 2018 Japanese manga about the life story of Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri, Barunda was created during Gen 1's development... but didn't make the final cut."

    2,405 votes
    Should've made the cut?