Fans Are Sharing Sad Lore From 'The Lord Of The Rings'

Damon Davis
June 22, 2021 109.3K views 9 items
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598 voters
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Vote up the saddest details about the people and places of Middle-earth.

The land of Middle-earth and the people living in the Lord of the Rings' story have quite a depressing history. Many of the older, more powerful characters like Elrond and Galadriel have suffered greatly but it is rarely touched upon in the films. Fans and lore nerds of the story have been pointing out more of the upsetting details from the series, and they might just make you see the mythical series in a whole new light. 

  • 1

    The End Of 'Return Of The King' Marks The End Of Magic In Middle-Earth

    From a former Redditor:

    That departure at the end of LoTR is extraordinarily moving and powerful, especially after reading the Silmarillion and the histories. It's really the departure of "magic" from the world, and the end of the age of myth. They are sailing to a place beyond the reach of anyone who will ever live, until the final end of the world.

    Lothlorien will fade into... I don't know, regular woods or something, maybe with a little bit of an "enchanted" or "elvish" feeling. Whatever elves are left will fade and become nothing, or maybe something invisible to men, diffuse spirits out of time...

    The end of LoTR is really the end of wizards, elves, and mythic powers, with the possible exception of old Tom Bombadil. From here on out, it is the age of mortal men, the age we live in still.

    315 votes
  • 2

    Elrond Has Had A Rough Life

    From Redditor u/super_red:

    He loses his twin brother to the Gift of Man. His wife was tortured, assaulted, and poisoned by Orcs. His loses his daughter to the Gift of Man, and I think it's implied that his sons might have followed suit. That's a lot of personal loss and pain.

    283 votes
  • 3

    Galadriel Turning Down The Ring Was Her Giving Up On Her Dreams

    From a former Redditor:

    When Frodo finally offered her the one ring, she turned down her last and final chance to take over and transform Middle-Earth into the land of her memory. Instead, she chose to fade, and let go of her hope of aeons.

    250 votes
  • 4

    Elves Consume Their Bodies Upon Death

    From Redditor u/dinfaroth:

    The spirits of the elves actually physically consume their own body. It is possible for an elf of sufficient age to fully consume the body and be only the spirit remembering the form. The body is merely a memory, and that elf is truly deathless.

    245 votes
  • 5

    Galadriel's Family Banned Her And Exiled Her To Middle-Earth

    From a former Redditor:

    Banned from the undying lands, estranged from her kin, Galadriel was exiled to Middle-earth, where, for thousands of years, she tried in vain to stave off the corrupting darkness and "fading". Through wars and horror and death, she tried to preserve a failing glimmer of something like land of the Valar.

    257 votes
  • 6

    Elrond And His Brother Were Adopted By Their Parents Killer

    From Redditor u/_abracadaver_:

    Plus the fact that he and his brother were adopted by the psychopaths who had just killed everyone they knew.

    And let's not forget that his dad left to become the literal morning star and then a few thousand years later Bilbo had the gall to dredge up sad memories by going to Elrond's house and singing mediocre poetry about it.

    197 votes
  • 7

    Aragorn Carries The Shards Of Narsil Everywhere

    From Redditor u/WildVariety:

    Aragorn carries the Shards of Narsil with him everywhere. He has it when he encounters the hobbits in Bree. It is reforged for him in Rivendell before the Fellowship departs.

    217 votes
  • 8

    Elves Never Get Over Their Hatred Of Cats Because Of Sauron

    From Redditor u/The_ginger_cow:

    Sauron used to be a cat in the earlier versions of his works, this caused the elves to have an overall dislike towards cats which mirrors Tolkien's own opinion of cats.

    228 votes
  • 9

    Tol Morwen Has A Depressing History

    From Redditor u/DeadEnd707:

    The island of Tol Morwen is one of the few places in that survived the drowning of Beleriand in the First Age. Located there is the Stone of the Hapless which serves as the gravemarker of Túrin Turambar, the hero who slayed Glaurung, the Father of Dragons, and his sister/wife Niënor Níniel, as well as their mother Morwen Eledwen. Thinking that Túrin had died of his wounds after slaying Glaurung, the pregnant Niënor committed suicide by throwing herself off a cliff and into the river, and Túrin after awakening and learning of Niënor's death and that she was his long lost sister, committed suicide by falling on his blade, Gurthang...

    190 votes