Roles That Prove Tim Curry Is An Even More Incredible Actor Than He Gets Credit For

Jack Morgan
Updated April 22, 2024 148.4K views 21 items
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Vote up Tim Curry's most impressive performances.

Whether it be striking pure terror with a single glance, nailing his signature vocals and notable laugh, or simply owning it in a pair of fishnet stockings, it’s fair to say Tim Curry is a man of great versatility. Given his talent, it's no surprise that Tim Curry's roles expand over a diverse range of TV shows and cinema, maybe more than fans realize. His career has stemmed across theater, film, television, and he even released a few rock albums.

Tim Curry's devil in Legend is ranked as one of the top satanic performances of all time. He nailed his role as Wadsworth in Clue, and Curry has also done plenty of voice acting. Of Tim Curry's TV shows, films, and more, which are the most impressive?