15 Unspoken Rules About California That All The Locals Know

August 13, 2021 156.2K views 15 items
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Californians: Vote up the unspoken rules all tourists should know before they visit.

"California Dreamin'" is not just an extremely popular song - it's an actual thing. How many times have you thought about leaving everything behind and heading to California to relax, surf, get a tan, and become a movie star? If that's the case and you're about to book a flight, it's better that you read this list and follow some secret local rules before you arrive. 

  • 1

    Applies For Everybody And Everywhere

    From Redditor u/actuallivingdinosaur:

    Wear headphones instead of playing your music on speaker.

    656 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 2

    No CD Policy

    From Redditor u/screenwriterjohn:

    Don't take any CDs from anyone. Ignore the folks in costumes. The beach is great north of Venice. Venice at night is [terrible].

    438 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 3

    Rain Is An Event

    From Redditor u/boosted_monkey13:

    People here do not know how to drive. Don't get me started when it rains.

    When it rains, you will hear everyone talking about it.

    Wear deodorant because you will be sweaty.

    Get ready to pay a lot for rent.

    Brace yourself for the entitlement that people have, especially on the roads.

    You must like drinking craft beer.

    440 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 4

    Driving Can Be Perilous

    From Redditor u/pearlc:

    Two cars can make a non-protected left once the light passes yellow unless a [jerk] coming in the opposite direction insists on barreling through the red. Use at your own risk and judgment, of course.

    332 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 5

    THE Highway To Hell

    From Redditor u/d0ndada:

    Always include "the" when naming freeways. For example, "Take the 94 west to the 805 north and then catch the 8 west."

    477 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 6

    Slow Down

    From Redditor u/Nicebirdie:

    Not sure if it's a rule, but more an observation. People walk slowly here. Coming from the [East] Coast, people walk fast and become easily agitated at slow walkers taking up the sidewalk. I've made a half-baked theory that the weather is consistently better, so people stroll from place to place to enjoy the sun a bit before arriving at their destination, which seems to also have a relaxed version of being on time. But as soon as these people get in a car, hold on to your hat.

    314 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 7

    Things Don't Mean What You Think They Do

    From Redditor u/meye-username:

    Never flip off a driver in LA. Unless you want to [].

    "I'll give you a call" means I probably won't.

    "That sounds great" means "Get me out of here!"

    "Are you a model?" means I'll promise you a job if I can screw you. Then never call you again.

    290 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 8

    The Weather Is Gorgeous But They Still Complain

    From a former Redditor:

    "We should totally hang out soon!" does not mean anything at all.

    Also, realize that wherever you came from probably has worse weather, and it's fine to talk about that every now and then. But Angelenos will complain about the weather here sometimes. It might be obnoxious, but there's nothing more boring and grating than replying to those gripes with all of the ways your hometown has worse weather and we should all be grateful to be in LA.

    257 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 9

    The 20-Minute Rule

    From a former Redditor:

    Everyone's always late. They are "20 minutes away."

    408 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 10

    Don't Ask For Autographs

    From Redditor u/TOMTREEWELL:

    Don't ask anyone for an autograph.

    360 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 11

    Food Trucks > Pinks

    From Redditor u/jitatime:

    "Pinks" isn't worth the wait. Food trucks are great. Every waiter/waitress is an actor/actress.

    290 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 12

    The Weather Is... Bad?

    From Redditor u/Fiery_Raven:

    Bring a coat when coming to visit; the weather is a lie.

    271 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 13

    Don't Call It Cali

    From Redditor u/Juano_Guano:

    You will get cut if you call it Cali.

    452 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 14

    It's Hard To Find A Good Pizza In California

    From Redditor u/Vestax-:

    Pineapple pizza is an abomination.

    435 votes
    Golden rule?
  • 15

    Skip The Car

    From Redditor u/Zanalaya:

    Save money commuting by taking an ofo bike or Lime scooter [...]

    292 votes
    Golden rule?