Welcome to Reading.Guru

Hello, I am Satyajit.

Welcome to my blog, Reading.Guru.

What’s New!

Some of the recent updates to make the blog more relevant content.

1. ‘Read. Learn. Enjoy.’ newsletter launched on 1 Aug 2020.

2. Book Summaries page added. This is a single place listing the 50 book summaries and reviews now available on this blog.

3. Insightful reading highlights and thoughts posted on Twitter every hour. Follow me on Twitter or read them here.

What I’m Doing

What I’m doing now and a hint of what’s coming up next.


Reading 📖

Read a few chapters/pages of the books below:

Thinking 🤔

It takes courage to know a stranger’s pain.


In addition to the weekly edition of the newsletter:


A hint of what’s coming up in the next few editions.

Last updated: 18 October 2020

About me

I am an avid reader, and I love reading all kinds of stuff – literary fiction, mysteries, science fiction and fantasy, history, science, personal growth and personal development, personal finance, and so on. There are very few things I don’t like reading 🙂

I am a Chartered Accountant by education and technologist by profession with two decades of experience working with large organizations in a variety of hands-on and leadership roles.

I have recently started this blog to share my love of reading and some of the things I have learned and enjoyed. Hope you find it useful and fun!

(PS: I am not a Guru, the domain name of my blog has .guru extension. It was just a spur of the moment thing.)

How to use this blog

Just a little on where can you find stuff on this site. It will keep evolving.

The blog is searchable, and if you are looking for something specific, just use the search option in the Menu.


All articles posted on the blog appear here in reverse chronological order (latest article first). This is where most of the action takes place. I intend to post one article or book summary/review per week at a minimum and occasionally more.

You can start with the five most popular articles below.

Reading List

There is where you can find what I am reading or have read. Visit the Reading List home page.

So far I have published the following reading lists.

Book Summaries

You can read 50+ book summaries and reviews here covering the following genres.

  • Philosophy
  • Personal Growth (Self-help)
  • Money – Personal Finance, Investing
  • Non Fiction
  • Health
  • Fiction
  • Poetry

You can start with the five most popular book summaries and reviews.

A long way to go before I catch up with the backlog of books read but reviews and summaries to be written. Keep watching this space.

Personal Growth

This section has articles on topics related to personal growth and development, personal finance, and related aspects.

Visit the Personal Growth: A Framework page that would link you to other articles on this topic. This is still work in progress.

This is section is next on my list for a redesign.

Thought of the Day

The Thought of the Day has my Twitter timeline where I post insightful, bite-sized excerpts, quotes and thoughts by some of the brightest minds on this planet that I enjoy and find useful.

‘Read. Learn. Enjoy.’ Newsletter

Launched on 1 Aug 2020. Read all the editions here.

The newsletter will deliver articles and reading recommendations on Philosophy, Personal Growth, Money and Fiction directly to your inbox.

Absolutely free.

I aim to maintain a weekly rhythm to start with and will evolve as I learn.

No Spam Ever. That is a promise. Unsubscribe any time.

Subscribe now.

Important: My book recommendations and reading lists are books I have read. The reviews are solely based on my personal views and not affected by any external factor.

You Can Find Me On



Or you can also email me at [email protected].

Read, Learn, and Enjoy.