Considerations in the Reopening of Higher Education Institutions
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Considerations in the Reopening of Higher Education Institutions VIEWS 38 / 20 | 9 July 2020 | Ahmad Ashraf Shaharudin Views are short opinion pieces by the author(s) to encourage the exchange of ideas on current issues. They may not necessarily represent the official views of KRI. All errors remain the authors’ own. This View was prepared by Ahmad Ashraf Shaharudin, a researcher from the Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) with input from Christopher Choong Weng Wai and Siti Aiysyah Tumin. The author is grateful for valuable comments from Mohd Amirul Rafiq Abu Rahim. Author’s email address: [email protected] Introduction Attribution – Please cite the work as follows: Ahmad Ashraf Shaharudin. 2020. On 8 July, the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Considerations in the Reopening of Higher Education Institutions. Kuala Lumpur: announced the full reopening of higher education Khazanah Research Institute. License: institutions by October1. Higher education institutions Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0. are given the flexibility to determine the mode of Translations – If you create a translation of reopening. this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution: This Malaysia has recorded single-digit new cases in most translation was not created by Khazanah Research Institute and should not be days for the past two weeks. Under the Recovery considered an official Khazanah Research Movement Control Order (RMCO), many economic and Institute translation. Khazanah Research social activities have been allowed to operate. Institute shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation. Considering the inaccessibility of online learning to some students and the inability to carry out laboratory sessions Information on Khazanah Research Institute for certain courses, the reopening of higher education publications and digital products can be found at institutions seems to be necessary and timely. 1 Astro Awani (2020) 1
The chronology Due to the complex nature of the pandemic, policies continuously changed, and adaptation has been challenging. Before the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) beginning 18 May, two public universities, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) have already conducted online learning completely to curb the spread of Covid-192. When the MCO started, online learning became the only option for all higher education institutions. However, the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) in its FAQ published on the first day of MCO acknowledged that some students do not have access to internet. Therefore, online courses in which these students would be affected were not allowed3. Unfortunately, institutions were left with no choice other than online learning. Meanwhile, when the MCO was announced, students, including foreign students were encouraged to return to their hometowns4. However, just before the MCO came into force, students on campus were asked to stay put5. Students were then allowed to go home beginning 27 April, during the third phase of MCO6. Most public universities have adjusted their academic calendar to include the long break in March due to the MCO. For most programmes, the ongoing semester (Semester 2 2019/2020) will be over by the end of August and the next semester (Semester 1 2020/2021) will start in October7. Beginning 17 May, postgraduate research students were allowed to resume their academic activities on campus8. On 27 May, the MOHE announced that all teaching and learning programmes, except for final year, incoming first year, and postgraduate research students, will be conducted online till the end of 20209. Consequently, during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) that started on 10 June, institutions have allowed their students to take home their personal belongings from campus10. When the National Security Council (NSC) indicated on the 1st of July that the MOHE will announce the date for the reopening of higher education institutions11, there were mixed responses. While some students are eager to go back to campus, some expressed frustrations on the inconsistent decision as they have terminated their off campus rental contract or spent travel cost to return home12. 2 Teoh (2020) 3 Berita Harian (2020) & Fauzi Suhaimi (2020) 4 Radzi Razak (2020) 5 Berita Harian (2020) & Palansamy (2020) 6 Mohd Anwar Patho Rohman and Suzalina Halid (2020) 7 See Table 3 in the Appendix for the academic dates of most programmes in selected public universities. 8 Bernama (2020) 9 Esther Landau (2020) 10 Aininulniza Mohd Yusof (2020) & Norzamira Che Noh (2020) 11 Zanariah Abd Mutalib and Mahani Ishak ibid. 12 Khairil Anwar Mohd Amin (2020) 2
Considerations in the reopening Inclusivity has to be the guiding principle for higher education institutions and the government in deciding the form of the reopening. For example, full online learning put underprivileged students with no digital access at a disadvantage. However, physical class may risk the health of vulnerable students such as those with pre-existing medical conditions. Furthermore, other issues that disproportionately impact certain students (e.g. poor households and foreign students) should also be considered. Several concerns as listed in Table 1, which partly the result of past decisions need to be addressed. Table 1: Concerns related to the reopening of higher education institutions No. Concern Details 1 Public health13 • The standard operating procedure (SOP) to ensure the safety of students and staff from the spread of Covid-19 should be a priority. • Students and staffs also have a varying degree of health concerns that need to be addressed to some extent. • The SOP in the event of an infected case needs to be clear. 2 Accommodation • Some students have to rearrange their accommodation arrangement, especially those who stay off campus. 3 Travel cost • Some students who live far from campus and have travelled back home may face financial difficulty to return to campus. 4 International • Depending on the status of Covid-19 in the home country of the international students students and the decision by the Immigration Department, some international students may not be able to return to campus. In addition, policy related to the reopening has to be simple and clear for all students while still accommodating special cases. Effective communication is also important to avoid confusion. Where appropriate, some form of assistance should be considered for certain groups of students. Proposed measures in the reopening In my view, for policy clarity, physical classes should be expected by default when campuses fully reopen. If students are unable to attend classes with reasons such as being under quarantine, have underlying health issues or taking care of a vulnerable family member, they should be able to do online learning with resources made available to them as much as possible. Nevertheless, lecturers could decide if they want to conduct their class (that does not involve laboratory work) online with the condition that all students enrolled in the class can and want to access their class digitally—an inclusive and documented process to check this should be carried out, for example by asking students to email their preference individually to the lecturer. Otherwise, lecturers may conduct their class physically with the option of online learning. To address concerns listed in Table 1, several proposed measures are outlined in Table 2. 13To address the public health concern, insights from measures taken by higher education institutions in other countries (summarised in Table 4 in the Appendix) are drawn. 3
Table 2: Proposed measures in the reopening of higher education institutions No. Measure Details 1 Time allocation • Students who stay on campus are to return to their residential colleges in stages (in 1 or 2 weeks before the semester starts) to avoid congestion. • A grace period of at least 2 weeks from when the semester starts should be given to students who cannot attend compulsory lectures or tutorials due to justified reasons such as being under quarantine. 2 Improve digital • A special fund is allocated to ensure public institutions are well- infrastructure equipped with a functional digital infrastructure to carry out online learning before reopening. • Digital infrastructure includes both physical hardware such as camera and microphone in all lecture/tutorial rooms and online system such as learning management system (LMS) and lecture capture system (LCS). • Lecturers should be trained to fully utilise digital infrastructure to ensure students who are unable to attend physical classes will still be able to access their lectures/tutorials. • Manual administrative processes should turn fully digital. • Tax incentive should be considered for private institutions to improve their digital infrastructure. 3 Limit classroom density • Physical classes need to be conducted in rooms that allow physical distancing based on the number of students enrolled. • For lectures that have a large number of enrolments such as first year courses, students are split into two rooms where live streaming is broadcasted in one of them. 4 Close contact • If a student needs to be quarantined at any point due to being in close contact with an infected person, online resources (e.g. lecture recordings) should be made available. • The SOP to manage students who were in close contact with an infected person especially if they reside on campus needs to be properly established. 5 Accommodation • Priority for residential colleges are given to students who need to be physically on campus more such as coursework students as opposed to non-laboratory research students, students who do not have laptops or internet access, and students who may face more difficulties in finding off campus accommodation such as first year and international students. • Student Representative Councils are advised to help students who look for off campus accommodation. 6 Subsidy for travel cost • To support students who have to travel from East to West Malaysia (and vice versa) to return to campus, consider providing subsidy for their flight ticket. • Students would need to apply via their respective institution. • For ease of administration, the subsidy could be in a form of a flat rate (e.g. RM300) deposited directly to students’ account. • The subsidy should not be on a reimbursement basis as this would require an out-of-pocket expense from students. • Consider extending the subsidy to students from poor households even if they would not need to fly to return to campus. 4
7 Contact tracing system • MySejahtera contact tracing system to be implemented in every building. • Practical zone designation may also be considered to restrict movements. • Booking system for the use of facilities such as laboratory without supervision to manage physical distancing and contact tracing. 8 Subsidise testing and • Provide testing and quarantine facility for international students with quarantine cost for subsidised rate. international students • For foreign students who are unable to return to campus, for example because immigration reasons, the process to suspend their studies or postpone their registration (for incoming students) need to be made simple. 9 Proper communication • Institutions are required to establish a proper official communication channel system on multiple platforms (e.g. university email and official social media accounts) to avoid miscommunication. • Updates need to be communicated timely and clearly. • Two-level of communication systems are suggested: (i) university-wide communication, and (ii) faculty/department/residential college-level communication for specific issues. • All staff are briefed on the standard communication practice related to Covid-19 to avoid confusion as a result of conflicting messages disseminated individually. 10 Clear procedure in the • The government needs to establish and communicate a clear SOP in event of an infected case the event of an infected case to ensure appropriate response from institutions. 11 Events/ gatherings • SOPs for physical event or gathering on campus should be clearly established. • Institutions, however, are encouraged to continue carrying out events through online platform. Concluding remarks While we strive to ensure equal access to education for students from all walks of life in deciding to reopen campuses, now is also an opportune time for the higher education institutions to accelerate digital initiatives beyond Covid-19 with inclusivity as the core principle. For example, higher education institutions ought to think of how to make classes more accessible to disabled students, students with health issues, students who need to take care of a sick family member, students who need to observe a religious occasion, and so on. In addition, organising a knowledge sharing session with the online streaming option or in the form of a webinar is an inclusive approach that allows people who would otherwise unable to attend it physically (e.g. those who reside in other states) to join the session. 5
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Appendix Table 3: Academic dates for most programmes in selected public universities University End of Semester 2 (2019/2020) Start of Semester 1 (2020/2021) Universiti Malaya 12 July 2020 12 October 2020 Universiti Putra Malaysia 9 August 2020 19 October 2020 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 9 August 2020 12 October 2020 Universiti Sains Malaysia 23 August 2020 12 October 2020 Universiti Teknologi MARA 21 July 2020 12 October 2020 Sources: Universiti Malaya (2020), Universiti Putra Malaysia (2020), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2020), Universiti Sains Malaysia (2020) & Universiti Teknologi MARA (2020) Table 4: How do universities in other countries reopen? Country Details Singapore • Some university remains to implement remote learning, with exception of lab-based students. • NUS students to return to campus in August/Sept, but preparation for this started in June. The campus is divided into zones to restrict movements. Meetings allowed, but
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