VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA

Page created by Julio Stanley
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA



education and


                                           T UR
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
                                                                                               and Science

ADELAIDE STATE                                                                                 Animal Studies
SECONDARY                                                                                      These courses suit students

SCHOOLS’                                                                                       interested in either working with
                                                                                               animals or volunteering and caring

                                                                                               for animals. It provides theory and
                                                                                               practical training in both a simulated
                                                                                               and workplace environment.

                                           open FOR                                            Students will learn animal hygiene
                                                                                               routines, feed and water animals
                                                                                               and communicating in the workplace.

                                           YOUR FUTURE                                         Some possible pathways
                                                                                               »» Park Ranger
                                                                                               »» Veterinary Assistant
                                                                                               »» Groomer
ABOUT NASSSA                               how tO APPLY                                        Courses Offered
                                                                                               Certificate I in Animal Studies
NASSSA is a confederation of               Look at our website                                 Certificate II in Animal Studies
eleven schools in Northern Adelaide.
                                           pages/public/courses.aspx or                        Certificate III in Animal Studies
NASSSA was formed to maximise                              Certificate IV in Companion
the learning opportunities, career         for more detailed information about                 Animal Services
pathways, retention and educational        the courses you are interested in.
outcomes for all students in alliance      Then contact your school’s VET Leader
schools in Northern Adelaide.              to discuss the application process.                 Laboratory Skills
By collaborating, combining resources      You will go through a counselling
and mobilising community and industry                                                          This course is designed for students
                                           application and selection process.                  who are interested in pursuing a
support across the alliance schools,       Course providers will ultimately
NASSSA aims to improve outcomes                                                                career in laboratory work. Students
                                           approve enrolments. Students will be                will be exposed to skills relating
for all students.                          notified of the outcomes by a letter                to handling procedures with lab
NASSSA is focused on identifying           during Term 4, 2018, which will include             equipment, chemicals and basic
and supporting educational innovation      the details of the orientation and                  instruments. Students will conduct
so that students in alliance schools       training days which you will be                     laboratory and field tests, record
successfully transition from school        required to attend.                                 and present data and maintain the
to employment, training and                                                                    laboratory fit for purpose.
further education.
                                                                                               Some possible pathways
NASSSA is a key link between schools
and community, University, Registered                                                          »» Laboratory Technician
Training Organisations and industry                                                            »» Laboratory Sampler/Tester
partners across Northern Adelaide.                                                             »» Pathology Collector
                                                                                               Courses Offered
NASSSA provides nationally accredited                    WINNER
Vocational Education and Training (VET)                  SCHOOL PATHWAYS TO VET AWARD          Certificate III in
which is recognised in a student’s SACE.
                                                                                               Laboratory Operations
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
Furniture Construction
                                                                                     This qualification defines the
                                                                                     competencies and knowledge
                                                                                     required to perform the manufacture
                                                                                     of free-standing furniture or
                                                                                     built-in cabinets, and deliver
AUTOMOTIVE                                                                           on-site assistance in the installation
                                                                                     of furniture or cabinets. This
Industries                                                                           qualification applies to non trade
                                                                                     work involved in the manufacture
                                                                                     of furniture or fitted cabinets for
                                                                                     instance those used in kitchens
                                                                                     and bathrooms.

                                                                                     Some possible pathways
These courses suit students
                                          construction                               »» Cabinet Maker
                                                                                     »» Carpenter
                                                                                     »» Shopfitter
interested in working within the          Industries
automotive industry. It provides                                                     Courses Offered
theory and practical training in                                                     Certificate II in Furniture Making
a workshop environment where
students will undertake workshop
practices such as servicing and
fault finding in light vehicle engines,
systems and components.                   Building Construction
                                          These courses suit students
Some possible pathways                    interested in the building and
»» Service Technician                     construction industry. It provides
»» Panel Beater/Spray Painter             theory and practical training in both
»» Light Vehicle Mechanic                 a workshop and live site environment.
Courses Offered
Certificate I in Automotive
                                          Students can focus on a variety
                                          of construction pathways including         ELECTRO-
                                          general construction, plumbing and
(Vocational Preparation)                  painting and decorating. Students
Certificate II in Automotive              will learn WHS requirements in
Servicing Technology                      the construction industry, use             Industries
                                          construction tools and equipment
                                          and carry out measurements
                                          and calculations.

                                          Some possible pathways
                                          »» Bricklayer or Concreter                 Electrotechnology
                                          »» Carpenter
                                          »» Painter and Decorator                   This course provides basic industry
                                          »» Plasterer                               skills and an introduction to the
                                          »» Plumber or Roof Plumber                 broad range of electrotechnology
                                          Courses Offered
                                                                                     pathways providing students with
                                                                                     an opportunity to experience what
                                          Certificate I in Construction              the electrotechnology industry
                                          (Doorways to Construction)                 is all about. Students work within
                                          Certificate I in Construction              a workshop environment and
                                          (Doorways to Construction)                 undertake practical and theory
                                          (Indigenous Students Only)                 tasks including learning soldering,
                                                                                     CNC milling, AutoCAD, electronic
                                          Certificate II in Construction
                                                                                     projects and problem solving.
                                          (FLO Only)
                                          Certificate II in Construction             Some possible pathways
                                          (Painting and Decorating Focus)            »» Electrician
                                          Certificate III in Brick and Blocklaying   »» Computer Assembly and
                                          (Doorways to Construction+)                   Repair Technician
                                          (Working towards)                          »» Instrument Fitter
                                          Certificate III in Carpentry               Courses Offered
                                          (Doorways to Construction+)                Certificate II in Electronics
                                          (Working towards)                          (Power Focus)
                                          Certificate III in Roof Plumbing           Certificate II in Electrotechnology
                                          (Working towards)                          (Career Start)
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
Sport and Recreation
                                                                                      (Outdoor Recreation Focus)
                                          FITNESS, SPORT                              This course is suitable for students
                                                                                      who have an interest in outdoor

                                          AND RECREATION                              activities and it uses outdoor
                                                                                      experiences to develop an
                                          Industries                                  understanding and appreciation
                                                                                      for the natural environment.
                                                                                      Students will gain knowledge, skills
                                                                                      and attitude necessary for the safe
                                                                                      participation and planning of a range
                                                                                      of outdoor leisure activities. Students
                                                                                      will learn kayaking, bushwalking,
                                          Fitness                                     snorkelling and fishing skills.

                                          This course is designed for students        Some possible pathways
                                          who have an interest in working in
                                                                                      »» Recreation Officer
                                          the fitness industry. Students gain
                                                                                      »» Outdoor Activity Assistant
                                          practical and theoretical knowledge
                                                                                      »» Sports Centre Manager
                                          in a classroom and gym environment.

ENGINEERING                               Students will learn how to instruct
                                          fitness programs, incorporate
                                                                                      Courses Offered
                                                                                      Certificate II in Outdoor Education
Industries                                anatomy and physiology principles           and competencies from Certificate III
                                          into fitness programming and provide        in Sport and Recreation
                                          healthy eating information.

                                          Some possible pathways
                                          »» Gym Instructor
                                          »» Personal Trainer
Engineering                               »» Human Movement
                                          Courses Offered
This course suits students
interested in the engineering             Certificate III in Fitness
industry. The qualification is a well
balanced program designed to teach                                                    These courses are designed for
students both the theoretical and                                                     students who would like to learn
practical skills to work safely within                                                a range of make-up techniques
a workshop. The course will expose                                                    including demonstrating the use of
students to a range of specialist                                                     a range of retail cosmetic products
equipment such as lathes, milling                                                     as well as skills in retail operations
machines, multiple welding systems,                                                   as they apply to selling skin care

                                          HAIR AND BEAUTY
e.g. MIG, TIG, Arc and more.                                                          products, cosmetics and treatments.

Some possible pathways
                                          Industries                                  Some possible pathways
»» Design Engineer                                                                    »» Beautician
»» Fabricator                                                                         »» Makeup Artist
»» Jeweller                                                                           »» Nail Technician
Courses Offered                                                                       Courses Offered
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways                                                Hair and Beauty Directions
(Working towards)
Certificate III in Engineering Pathways
                                          Hairdressing                                Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
                                                                                      Certificate III in Beauty (Nail Focus)
(Working towards)                         In these courses, students will learn the   (Working towards)
                                          basics of hair including shampooing,
                                          blow drying, treatments and braiding.       Certificate III in Make-Up
                                          This course is highly practical and
                                          students will be expected to work
                                          both individually and as part of a team.

                                          Some possible pathways
                                          »» Hairdresser
                                          Courses Offered
                                          Hair and Beauty Directions
                                          Certificate II in Salon Assistant
                                          Certificate III in
                                          Hairdressing Pathways
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
Event Management / Tourism
                                                                                    This course provides a pathway to
                                                                                    work in many tourism sectors and for
                                                                                    a diversity of employers including event
                                                                                    organisers, tour operators and cultural
                                                                                    and heritage sites. To work in tourism,
Health and                                                                          students will need to be comfortable
                                                                                    talking to a range of people, with
Community                                                                           the ability to work independently
                                                                                    and as part of a team. Students will
                                            Individual Support
Services                                    (Ageing or Disability)
                                                                                    learn to provide advice on Australian
                                                                                    destinations, sell tourism products
Industries                                                                          and services and process travel
                                            Students will learn how to provide      related documentation.
                                            personal care, social and emotional
                                            support to a person with a disability   Some possible pathways
                                            or an older person. This will include   »» Conference Assistant
                                            providing care for individuals with     »» Event Planner
                                            dementia, manual handling, first aid,   »» Tour Guide
Child Care                                  and work effectively with culturally
                                            diverse clients.                        Courses Offered
Students learn how to support children
                                                                                    Certificate III in Tourism
and their families within child care
                                            Some possible pathways                  (Working towards)
settings and to be part of a team
implementing appropriate programs           »» Diversional Therapist
for young children. Students will           »» Nurse
learn about the theories of child           »» Aged Care Worker                     Food and Hospitality
development and brain development,          »» Disability Worker
                                                                                    These courses focus on either
undertaking observations and writing        Courses Offered                         Front of House or Kitchen Operations
reports and communicating with              Certificate III in Individual Support   (Cookery). Students will undertake front
children, care givers and others.           (Ageing)                                of house or kitchen operation duties
                                                                                    in both a simulated and restaurant
Some possible pathways                      Certificate III in Individual Support
                                                                                    work environment and will learn
»» Child Care Worker                                                                to communicate in the workplace,
»» Education Aide                           Certificate III in Individual Support   participate in safe work practices
»» Family Day Care Worker                   (Ageing and Disability)                 and work effectively with others.
                                            (Dual Qualification)
Courses Offered
                                                                                    Some possible pathways
Certificate III in Early Childhood
Education and Care                                                                  »» Chef
                                                                                    »» Caterer
                                                                                    »» Restaurant Supervisor
Community Services                                                                  »» Food and Beverage Attendant
                                                                                    Courses Offered
These courses provide an introduction
                                                                                    Certificate II in Hospitality
to the community services industry
including children’s services, aged
care, disability, mental health and youth
                                            Hospitality,                            Certificate II in Kitchen Operations

                                            Tourism and
                                                                                    Certificate III in Hospitality
services. Students can choose their
area of focus in most courses while
gaining a basic understanding of the
community services industry. Students       Food Processing                         Food Processing
will learn to communicate with others,      Industries                              This qualification covers a range
provide first point of contact and                                                  of food processing industries and
support group activities.                                                           students will produce a variety of
                                                                                    products including baked goods,
Some possible pathways                                                              mince, sausages, chocolates and
»» Health Support Services Worker                                                   confectionery. Students will learn
»» Youth Worker                                                                     about safe food handling, occupational
»» Mental Health Worker                                                             health and safety and how to clean
»» Nurse                                                                            and sanitise equipment.
Courses Offered
                                                                                    Some possible pathways
Certificate II in Community Services
                                                                                    »» Baker
Certificate II in Health Support Services                                           »» Butcher
(Food Services)                                                                     »» Chocolatier
Certificate III in Community Services                                               Courses Offered
Certificate III in                                                                  Certificate II in Food Processing
Health Services Assistance                                                          (Bakery Focus)
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
aboriginal                                                                           Information
Programs                                                                             Technology,
                                                                                     and Business
This course suits students interested in
the building and construction industry.
It provides theory and practical
training in both a workshop and live                                                 Information Technology
site environment. Students can focus
on a variety of construction pathways                                                These courses are designed
including general construction,                                                      to develop students’ skills and
plumbing and painting and decorating.                                                understanding of software, hardware
Students will learn WHS requirements
in the construction industry, use
                                           Kitchen Operations                        and operating systems. Students will
                                                                                     learn how to communicate in an IT
construction tools and equipment           In this course, students will undertake   environment, run standard diagnostic
and carry out measurements and             training in kitchen operations with       tests and provide IT advice to clients.
calculations.                              opportunities to participate in real
                                           catering and function events. Students    Some possible pathways
Some possible pathways                     will learn hygienic food practices,       »» Computer Programmer
»» Bricklayer                              use cookery skills effectively and        »» Network Manager
»» Carpenter                               prepare and serve espresso coffee.        »» IT Support Technician
»» Plasterer
                                                                                     Courses Offered
                                           Some possible pathways
Courses Offered                                                                      Certificate II in Information Digital
                                           »» Kitchenhand
Certificate I in Construction                                                        Media and Technology
                                           »» Chef
                                           »» Barista                                Certificate III in Information Digital
                                                                                     Media and Technology
Kaurna Language                            Courses Offered
                                           Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
The land has multi-layers of literacy
and therefore to Aboriginal people,                                                  Entrepreneurship
language is much more than just words.                                               (Micro Business)
It is a direct link to land and country.
It holds traditional songs and stories.                                              This course is designed for
It is about spirituality and deep                                                    students who want to understand
meaning and it reflects unique cultural                                              the complexities of establishing their
concepts and ways of looking at the                                                  own start up business. Students will
world. Cultural learning is a major part                                             get hands on experience in identifying
of this course. Instruction is delivered                                             a business opportunity, undertaking
through intensive workshops and                                                      market research and developing a
also in community owned and driven                                                   business plan for their business idea.
environments. Students should be
prepared to do at least 20 hours                                                     Some possible pathways
per week of unstructured practice                                                    »» Business Owner/Operator
of language.                                                                         »» Marketing Manager
                                                                                     »» Business Manager
Some possible pathways
                                                                                     Courses Offered
»» Interpreter
                                                                                     Certificate III in
»» Cultural Tour Guide
                                                                                     Microbusiness Operations
»» Community Services Worker
Courses Offered
Certificate III in Learning an
Endangered Aboriginal Language
(Kaurna Language)
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
Business                                                                         Visual Art
This course is designed for                                                      This course is suitable for students
students who want to work in                                                     who have a passion for Visual Art
an office environment, such as                                                   and want to pursue a career path
finance, reception or human                                                      in this industry. Students will develop
resources. Students will get a hands                                             their drawing skills, produce creative
on experience in the day to day                                                  pieces and examine both the theory
operations in an office environment                                              and practice of art.
including communicating with
customers, managing invoicing                                                    Some possible pathways
and organising office resources.                                                 »» Artist
                                                                                 »» Designer
Some possible pathways                                                           »» Graphic Designer
»» Office Administrator                                                          Courses Offered
»» Personal Assistant
»» Finance Officer                                                               Certificate III in Visual Arts

Courses Offered
Certificate III in Business              Music
                                         These courses have been developed
                                         for students who have a passion for
                                         music. Students will work in a band
                                         environment and learn how to set
                                         up and pack up for a performance,
                                         perform on stage and read and write
                                         music. Students are expected to

Music, Art and                           perform on stage and have some
                                         experience with a musical instrument.

Multimedia                               Some possible pathways

Industries                               »» Musician
                                         »» Sound Engineer
                                         »» Music Technician

                                         Courses Offered
                                         Certificate II in Music Industry

                                         Certificate III in Music
                                                                                 and Logistics
This course is designed for              Multimedia, Coding and Gaming
students who are interested in
working in the performing arts           These courses provide an
industry. Students will gain practical   introduction to critical thinking and
and theoretical knowledge of various     industry knowledge in a range of
dance techniques including Jazz,         multimedia pathways. There are a
Contemporary and Street. Students        variety of different specialisations
                                         in the creative industries courses
                                                                                 Logistic Operations
will also learn about physical
conditioning practices.                  including Gaming, Coding and            In this course, students will undertake
                                         Multimedia. Students will focus on      both practical and theory components
Some possible pathways                   developing critical skills in these     of transport and logistics. They will
                                         areas including animation, digital      explore the day to day operations
»» Dancer
                                         imaging, film making, programming       of a transport and logistics company
»» Choreographer
                                         skills and game design.                 which includes industry and
»» Dance Instructor
                                                                                 WHS legislation and compliance
Courses Offered                          Some possible pathways                  understanding, load restraint and
Certificate III in Dance                 »» Computer Engineer                    receival/dispatch documentation.
                                         »» Film Maker/Editor
                                         »» Website Developer                    Some possible pathways
                                         »» Game Designer                        »» Forklift Driver
                                         »» 2D/3D Animator                       »» Furniture Removalist
                                         Courses Offered                         »» Truck Driver
                                                                                 »» Courier Driver
                                         Certificate III in Screen and Media
                                         Game Art Foundations                    Courses Offered

                                         Certificate III in                      Certificate III in Driving Operations
                                         Information Digital Media               (Working towards)
                                         and Technology (Programming)
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
                                  TOGETHER FOR
                                  QUALITY EDUCATION,
                                  QUALITY FUTURES
GET IN TOUCH                                                                                    Northern Adelaide
                                                                                                Senior College
                                                                                                7285 1600

                                                                                                Paralowie R-12
                                                                                                8182 7222
                                  NASSSA SCHOOLS
Students and Parents                                                                            Parafield Gardens
For more information, visit the                                                                 High School
NASSSA website or see your                                                                      8258 9855
                                                                        Craigmore High School
School VET Coordinator                                                  8254 6522
                                                                                                Para Hills High School
RTO Enquiries                                                                                   8258 5466
                                                                        Gawler & District
Neville Campbell                                                        College B-12
Phone: 0488 534 925                                                     8521 2400
Email: [email protected]
                                                                                                International College
                                                                                                8255 7566
                                                                        Kaurna Plains School
Business & Industry enquiries                                           8252 4419
                                                                                                Salisbury East
Julie Clifford
                                                                                                High School
Phone: 0413 883 085
                                                                                                8258 2070
Email: [email protected]                                           Mark Oliphant College
                                                                        8209 1600                                                                                   Salisbury High School
                                                                                                8182 0200

                                  SCHOOL PATHWAYS TO VET AWARD
VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA VET COURSES vocational education and training - NASSSA
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