PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

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PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                        Driving excellence in print



              It all makes perfect sense for Typecast
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm
In this issue   1 New Acuity flatbed                                                        Fujifilm’s PLATESENSE programme was launched

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRINT! SPRING 2019
                Fujifilm announces the first printer                                        to make pre-press for offset printers easier to both
                in its Acuity flatbed range to feature
                                                                                            finance and manage. So in our cover story this
                                                                                            month, we take an in-depth look at a printer in the
                2-7 Wide format
                                                                                            UK who has taken the plunge, benefiting from being
                Oedim, one of Spain’s largest wide
                format print providers, assesses
                                                                                            able to introduce a new plate production solution
                the benefits of its investment in                                           with no capital investment, and in the process also
                Fujifilm’s latest superwide format                                          getting better quality from their new plates. A true
                                                                                            win-win scenario. We also explore how automation
                The Onset X with two white
                channels has boosted production
                                                                                            and customer empowerment can benefit mid-sized
                speeds and quality for leading global                                       printers, in the second article of a three part series,
                POS provider HL Display                                                     and take a look at how all types of printer can benefit
                8-9 FESPA 2019                                                              from the use of Phoenix’s imposition software.
                Fujifilm uses FESPA 2019 to                                                    Our feature on the power of print in this issue,
                showcase how the Acuity Ultra can                                           published by kind permission of Two Sides, focuses
                transform the production of high
                quality indoor applications and                                             on how a few major digital brands, including
                outdoor signage                                                             Facebook, AirBnb and Amazon, have turned to print to
                10-13 Offset                                                                enhance their marketing efforts, an exciting and very
                UK print and design company                                                 real sign of the power of print. We also feature two
                Typecast Colour benefits from
                Fujifilm's new Platesense
                                                                                            German printers who reflect on why they invested
                                                                                            in the Jet Press for the production of packaging and
                                                                                                                                                                                     Acuity flatbed gets the
                14-17 Opinion
                                                                                            small format point-of-sale, with the quality of print
                                                                                            being at the heart of their decision making.                                             LED treatment
                As Facebook, Buzzfeed, Uber,
                AirBnB and Amazon turn to print,
                                                                                               In the world of superwide format print, we take a                                     The first printer in the Acuity flatbed range to feature LED-curing offers customers                                              01
                Sam Upton asks whether the days                                             look at another very happy customer for the Acuity                                       added flexibility, increased sustainability and enhanced print quality.
                of digital-only marketing are coming                                        Ultra printer. With eight superwide machines already
                to an end

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WIDE FORMAT
                                                                                            installed, this major Spanish printer was amazed at                                      In February, Fujifilm announced the           The Acuity LED 40 features a new        looking for more environmentally
                18-21 Workflow                                                              the productivity and quality achievable with this                                        launch of the Acuity LED 40 series         LED ink, Uvijet KL, and is available       sustainable solutions, and to maximise
                The second article in a series,                                             industry-leading machine, also to be featured on                                         of flatbed printers. Building on the       with four, six or eight colour channels.   efficiency and profitability. The Acuity
                based on reports from InfoTrends,                                                                                                                                    success of the Acuity Select 20 and on     Users have the option to add light inks    LED 40 delivers all of this by combining
                looking at the benefits of workflow                                         Fujifilm’s stand G15 in Hall A5 at FESPA. We also visit
                                                                                                                                                                                     Fujifilm’s expertise in LED curing that    and varnish for stunning, high-value       the versatility and reliability of our
                automation and customer                                                     HL Display in the UK to hear about their Onset X                                         dates back to the launch of the Acuity     applications, and can also upgrade         existing Acuity flatbed range, with
                empowerment                                                                 installation, featuring two white channels, and why it                                   LED 1600 seven years ago, it marks the     to Fujifilm’s brightest white UV ink       the LED-curing capabilities already
                Exploring the planning, imposition                                          has given them an edge in a very competitive market.                                     first time that LED-curing technologies    ever, providing the highest possible       enjoyed by so many users of Fujifilm’s
                and automation benefits of Phoenix                                                                                                                                   have been made available within the        image quality in slower print modes,       Acuity roll-fed machines."
                software from Tilia Labs
                                                                                            Finally, we report on the new Acuity LED 40, which
                                                                                                                                                                                     Acuity flatbed range.                      making it ideal for photographic and
                                                                                            brings the benefits of LED curing to the diverse range                                       Ideal for both growing mid-volume      fine art applications. Furthermore, all
                22-25 B2 Inkjet
                                                                                            of Acuity flatbeds.                                                                      print service providers and existing       of Fujifilm’s Uvijet inks are Greenguard
                Two German customers reflect on
                the packaging and POS capabilities                                             For all the printers featured in this magazine, print                                 Acuity customers who want to upgrade,      Gold certified, so prints can be used
                                                                                                                                                                                     the Acuity LED 40 provides production      safely in schools, hospitals or retail     For more information visit:
                of the Jet Press                                                            is a profitable and exciting business to be in. Long
                                                                                                                                                                                     capacity of up to 15,000 m2 per year, at   environments.                    
                                                                                            may the Facebook and Amazon digital dominators of
                                                                                                                                                                                     speeds of up to 52.8 m2 per hour. The          Existing Fujifilm Acuity flatbed
                                                                                            this world agree!                                                                        standard model enables users to print      printers with conventional UV lamps         Acuity LED 40
                                                                                                                                                                                     on media or objects of any size up to      already consume less power than
                                                                                                                                                                                     1.25 x 2.5 metres, while the X2 (double    most competitive systems, even those        Speed up to 52.8 m2
                  PRINT! is sent free of charge to senior professionals in the print,   PRINT! was printed by Emmerson Press, an ISO14001 and FSC-certified printer, using
                                                                                                                                                                                     bed size) model increases to 2.5 x 3.08    which are LED-curable. The Acuity LED       Sheet size up to 1.25m x 2.5m (Standard)
                  graphic arts and creative industries.                                 Fujifilm’s Superia LH-PJE low chemistry plates and ZAC processor, XMF Workflow and XMF
                                                                                        Remote. It is printed on Essential Silk, FSC®-certified paper, using vegetable-based inks.   metres. With the ability to print on a     40 range, however, uses an estimated        and 2.5m x 3.08m (X2 model)
                  Publisher:    Fujifilm Graphic Systems Europe
                                c/o Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems Ltd,                                                                                                             range of almost any rigid or flexible      30% of the power of the Acuity              Features new LED ink, Uvijet KL
                                Pysons Road, Broadstairs,                                                                                                                            material, the series demonstrates the      Select 20, demonstrating excellent          4, 6 or 8 colour channels available
                                Kent, CT10 2LE, United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                     application versatility of the Select 20   environmental benefits and offering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Features Fujifilm’s brightest UV white
                  Email:        [email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                     range, as well as introducing the added    significant cost benefits to users.         ink ever produced
                                                                                        Fujifilm welcomes readers’ comments and suggestions. Please contact us by email,
                  Twitter:      @FujifilmPrint                                          ensuring that all c­ ommunications are clearly marked ‘PRINT!’.                              benefits of improved quality, along           Says Mike Battersby, Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Estimated more   information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           power  saving overvisit:
                  YouTube:      Fujifilm Print                                                                                                                                       with the reduced costs and energy          Manager, FUJIFILM Graphic Systems           conventional UV curing systems
                  Web:                                                                                                                                consumption of LED lamps.                  Ltd: Our customers are increasingly
                  Design:      Hiscock Ransom
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                               PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     Ultra superwide
                     supercharge                                           Oedim, one of Spain’s largest wide format print providers, assesses the business
                                                                           benefits of its investment in Fujifilm’s latest superwide format printer.

02                                                                                                                                                            03




                     “Customer feedback was immediate:
                     ‘we want this level of quality and this
                      speed of delivery for all our jobs.’”
                     Miguel Angel, Co-founder and General Manager, Oedim
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     Having started out as a 40            extensive equipment portfolios        with rapid end-to-end service       seven Fujifilm machines in our        the first to have their canvases,    recommend working with them
                     m2 architectural studio in Jaén,      in the country, with eight 5 m        and extremely high levels of        factory, so we have an excellent      vinyls and printed textiles          without a doubt. For us, being
                     southern Spain, specialising in       roll-to-roll machines, eleven         quality.                            relationship with them and they       produced on the Acuity Ultra.        technologically up to date is a
                     the design and production of          3.2 m printers and twelve                “Though we already had an        have always kept us informed          Their feedback was immediate:        basic requirement for doing
                     architectural plans, Oedim saw        wide format flatbed devices.          extensive range of 5 m roll-to-     of their latest technological        ‘we want this level of quality and    business successfully, and
                     an opportunity to expand into         Alongside these sits a range          roll machines at our disposal,      developments. When Fujifilm           this speed of delivery for all our   Fujifilm is a technological leader
                     the growing wide format market.       of finishing equipment, which         we’ve always recognised the         introduced us to the Acuity Ultra,    jobs.’                               that has proven to be the perfect
                     23 years on, Oedim now occupies       includes multiple digital cutters,    importance of keeping our           we were very impressed by the            “Looking ahead, we see            partner to help our business
                     a 14,000 m2 facility from which       milling machines, laminators and      technology up-to-date. Our          production speed it was able          personalisation in interior décor    grow. No less importantly, their
                     it operates two distinct brands.      industrial sewing machines.           customers are continually           to achieve at such a high level       as a major trend in our sector and   service is excellent from both a
                     One of these is Oedim, which is           Oedim employs around 100          seeking greater levels of quality   of quality, so we immediately         this requires very fast and high     commercial and technical point
                     responsible for the production        staff across all departments          at the same rapid turnaround        wanted to be among the first in       quality equipment to take full       of view. From the pre-sale stage,
                     of large format printed flexible      and works with major brands           times they have become              the world to have it.                 advantage. It’s in areas like this   throughout the installation
                     materials, including canvas,          and leading agencies, for whom        accustomed to, so we are always        “We had a few important            that the Acuity Ultra will give us   process and beyond, when they
                     vinyl and textiles, while the         it produces a huge variety of         on the lookout for new solutions    customers who were challenging        a real edge in the market.           are needed, they are always
                     other is Clickprinting, which         wide format display products.         that combine exceptionally high     us to improve still further the          “We’re delighted with the         there to help.”
                     specialises in direct printing onto   Annually the company delivers         quality with high productivity.     already very high standard of         new machine and pleased to
                     rigid substrates, such as PVC,        more than a million square               “Even before the Acuity          quality we were delivering to         have developed our relationship       For more information visit:
                     aluminium and corrugated board.       metres of printed products to its     Ultra installation we had           them, so these customers were         with Fujifilm further. We would
                         In March 2018 Oedim became        growing customer base.
                     one of the earliest sites in             “Our customers demand a
                     the world to install a Fujifilm       fast and efficient service and
                     Acuity Ultra (then in the beta        extremely high quality above
                     phase of testing) boosting its        all else,” says Miguel Angel, Co-
                     already impressive superwide          founder and General Manager
                     credentials. The company              at Oedim. “We pride ourselves
                     now boasts one of the most            on meeting these expectations

04                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   05




                                                             "When Fujifilm introduced us to
                                                             the Acuity Ultra, we were very
                                                              impressed by the production speed
                                                              it was able to achieve at such a high
                                                              level of quality"
                                                              Miguel Angel, Co-founder and General Manager, Oedim

                                                            Location: Jaén, Spain
                                                            Fujifilm Products: Acuity Select
                                                            HS X2, Inca Onset S20 x 2, Uvistar
                                                            3532 R2R Printer, Uvistar 5m,
                                                            Acuity F67, Acuity Ultra 5208
                                                            Type of work: Huge range of
                                                            wide format print for a variety of
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     HL Display is in the business of      shopping experience for people       Onset X1, supplied by Fujifilm, to   to this investment, and a great      of automation.                                         was more than up to the task.
                     helping its customers to create       all over the world.                  its product portfolio in January     appreciation of their combined           “With the many challenges                              “The fact that the Onset X1
                     attractive and profitable in-             In the UK, HL Display’s Harlow   2018, has boosted production         technology, having installed an      the retail industry faces, we                          can incorporate two white
                     store environments. With its          site acts as both a factory and      speeds, improved quality and         Onset S20 nine years ago.” says      wanted to ensure we were in the                        channels was also very appealing
                     solutions installed in 265,000        regional distribution centre,        delivered significant time and       Adrian Edwards, Production           best possible position to respond                      and it has given us a real edge in
                     stores across 50 countries, it is a   predominantly for the UK market,     cost savings.                        Director at HL Display. “This        to them,” Edwards continues.                           the market. There are certain
                     global leader in the development      but also for export markets in           “We already had an excellent     relationship played a major part     “Being able to offer the latest                        product applications where our
                     of innovative and sustainable         western and northern Europe.         working relationship with            in the investment decision, as did   products with relatively short                         only alternative would have been
                     solutions, creating a better          The addition of an Inca Digital      Fujifilm and Inca Digital prior      the boost in production speeds       lead times is increasingly                             flood-coating using screen
                                                                                                                                     and quality on offer from the        becoming the norm, and this                            machinery. Now we are able to
                                                                                                                                     Onset X1. Furthermore, we’re         year we’ve seen a huge increase                        use a one-step process rather
                                                                                                                                     very conscious that we operate       in the demand for print from                           than two, saving us valuable time

                     Whiter than white
                                                                                                                                     in a fast-changing environment,      one major retail customer in                           and resources.
                                                                                                                                     so the scalability of the Onset X    particular. There was no way our                           “We’ve seen a significant
                                                                                                                                     series platform gave us added        previous machine could have                            improvement in the quality of
                                                                                                                                     flexibility other machines could     coped with such a rapid increase                       our print as well as an increase in
                                                                                                                                     not match, including the ability     in demand. This was a major                            output, allowing us to reduce the
                     The UK’s first Onset X platform to feature two white channels has boosted                                       to boost output speeds, add ink      factor in our decision to invest in                    amount of work we sub-contract.
                     production speeds and quality for leading global POS provider HL Display.                                       channels and increase the level      the Onset X1 and the machine                           We have also been able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 standardise our colour profiling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 across all digital print machines,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 making our work process simpler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and more cost-effective. With
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 results like these, we can meet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 our customers’ expectations and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 remain confident that we can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 always find a solution to help our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 customers solve their problems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and create opportunities both
06                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     07
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 today and tomorrow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “I would not hesitate to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 recommend the Onset X1 to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WIDE FORMAT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 other businesses – the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 modularity of the system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 provides a platform that fulfils
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 today’s needs, while the option
                                                                                                                                                                                               HL Display (UK)                   to upgrade enables you to cater
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for tomorrow’s demands.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Location: Harlow, Essex               “Overall, Fujifilm was a
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fujifilm Products: Onset X1       pleasure to work with through
                                                                                                                                                                                              Type of Work: POS products for     the sales and installation
                                                                                                                                                                                              a huge range of local and global   process.” Edwards concludes.
                                                                                                                                                                                              retail outlets                     “They are a global organisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 at the forefront of print
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 innovation and the support we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 were given was second to none,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from the project planning and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 management, to the hand-over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and execution. It all happened
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 very seamlessly and we managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to comfortably achieve our target
                      “The fact that the Onset X1 can                                                                                                                                                                            dates for the completion of
                       incorporate two white channels was                                                                                                                                                                        the process. It was one of best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 installation processes I have
                      very appealing and it has given us a                                                                                                                                                                       been involved with.”
                       real edge in the market.”
                       Adrian Edwards, Production Director, HL Display
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For more information visit:
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRINT! SPRING 2019
                                                                           At FESPA Global Print Expo           profile installations in Europe        conventional UV technology, it
                                                                                                                                                                                            Acuity Ultra:
                                                                          2019 (Munich, May 14th-17th),         now complete, it is a must-see in      runs at much higher speeds
                                                                                                                                                                                            key features
                                                                          Fujifilm will use its stand (G15 in   Munich as well.                        than LED competitors, but as
                                                                          Hall A5) to showcase the Acuity           The Acuity Ultra is available      the vacuum table is efficiently      Up to 236 m2 per hour
                                                                          Ultra, a superwide format printer     in 5 metre and 3.2 metre models        water cooled, it does not build      Uvijet GS inks – fully emissions-
                                                                          targeted at the high end indoor       with up to eight colour channels.      up excessive heat on the print       compliant for indoor applications
                                                                          graphics and outdoor signage          It uses a new, high quality, low       plate, meaning no shrinkage and      6 colours as standard (CMYK
                                                                          markets. This recent addition         film weight Uvijet GS ink which        allowing the use of heat sensitive   plus lights), 2 additional white
                                                                          to the Fujifilm Acuity range          is GREENGUARD and AgBB                 substrates. Linear motors also       channels option
                                                                          is unlike anything currently          approved. This ink has been            ensure smooth edge-to-edge           3.5 picolitre grayscale printheads
                                                                          available on the market. It is a      specifically designed to deliver       printing with no vibrations at the   0.1 to 2.0 mm media thickness
                                                                          high productivity, UV superwide       the highest quality and is fully       end of the run. With a throughput
                                                                                                                                                                                            3.2 & 5 metre options
                                                                          format printer offering almost        emission-compliant for interior        of up to 236m2 per hour, the
                                                                          photographic levels of quality at     graphic display work.                  machine is capable of printing       Linear drive system
                     Fujifilm is set to use FESPA 2019 to highlight the   greater speeds, lower cost in use         With a 3.5pl drop size ensuring    on three rolls simultaneously, as    Chilled vacuum table
                     versatility of its recently launched Acuity Ultra    and better return on investment       incredible quality, the Acuity Ultra   well as printing superwide format    Powerful and intuitive graphical
                                                                          than any other existing machine.      is ideal for the high end indoor       graphics up to five metres in        user interface
                     platform for the production of high quality, high
                                                                          It generated huge interest when       display market, especially for         width.
                     end indoor applications, together with traditional   it made its FESPA debut at the        brands focussing on the highest
                     outdoor signage.                                     2018 show and with several high       possible quality. Operating with


                     Fujifilm at FESPA 2019                                                                                                                                                                                      09

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WIDE FORMAT
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                            PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     “The transition was seamless and
                      cost us nothing, as the installation
                      and maintenance of the equipment
                      are also covered by the fee.”
                     Chris Stainton, Co-owner, Typecast

10                                                                                                                                          11


                                                             It all makes sense
                                                             with PLATESENSE
                                                             UK print and design company Typecast Colour reaps the rewards of being
                                                             one of the first printers to sign up to Fujifilm's new Platesense programme.
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRINT! SPRING 2019
                                                                                                                                                                         and cost us nothing, as the          takes care of the developer
                                                                                                                                                                         installation and maintenance of      change and offers a processor
                                                                                                                                                                         the equipment are also covered       clean at least twice a year, we
                                                                                                                                                                         by the fee,” continues Stainton.     no longer need to manage this
                                                                                                                                                                        “Not only did Fujifilm install the    process ourselves, saving us
                                                                                                                                                                         processor, but they also had to      further costs and time.
                                                                                                                                                                         open up a doorway in the pre-           “Most of our clients expect
                                                                                                                                                                         press room to accommodate the        fast turnarounds at competitive
                                                                                                                                                                         machine and put in an extra door.    rates. Our ability to reliably
                                                                                                                                                                         And they even installed a water      deliver this is how we retain
                                                                                                                                                                         pump as our previous system          our clients. We’re confident that
                                                                                                                                                                         had been processless.”               our partnership with Fujifilm
                                                                                                                                                                             Typecast’s experience            will enable us to maintain this
                                                                                                                                                                         of working with Fujifilm has         standard. The support we
                                                                                                                                                                         continued to be positive: “When      received throughout the sales
                                                                                                                                                                         moving over to any new product,”     and installation process was
                                                                                                                                                                         says Stainton, “you anticipate       superb – everyone was very
                                                                                                                                                                         that there are going to be some      approachable and supportive. I’d
                                                                                                                                                                         teething problems, but we’ve         definitely recommend working
                                                                                                                                                                         had absolutely no issues at all      with Fujifilm – they understood
                                                                                                                                  "The press operators love              and the press operators love         our needs and have addressed
                                                                                                                                  the Fujifilm plates –                  the Fujifilm plates – they’re        them with the Platesense

                                                                                                                                  they’re cleaner, more                  cleaner, more durable and
                                                                                                                                                                         deliver better print quality due
                                                                                                                                                                                                              programme. We see Fujifilm as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              long-term supplier and think that
                                                                                                                                   durable and deliver better            to a sharper dot on the plate.       they will be able to support us
                                                                                                                                   print quality."                       When the plate goes on the           with other exciting technologies
                                                                                                                                                                         press, it is more receptive to ink   as our business expands.”
                                                                                                                                   Chris Stainton, Co-owner, Typecast
                                                                                                                                                                         and dampening. When viewed
                                                                                                                                                                         individually, these improvements
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13
                                                                                                                                                                         are relatively small, but, when
                                                                                                                                                                         put together, they add up to a
                                                                                                                                                                         significant benefit – something       Typecast Colour
                                                                                                                                                                         Dave Brailsford, the British


                                                                                                                                                                         Cycling coach, refers to as ‘the      Location: Kent, UK
                                                                                                                                                                         aggregation of marginal gains’.       Fujifilm products: PLATESENSE
                                                                                                                                                                            “Our three year contract also      programme – rental option
                                                                                                                                                                         safeguards us against increases       Type of work: Producing a wide
                                                                                                                                                                         in the cost of aluminium and, in      range of products using offset
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and digital equipment
                                                                                                                                                                         fact, allows us to make a cost
                                                                                                                                                                         saving as we know the plate
                     Founded in 1980, Typecast          services a range of clients from    with our previous plate supplier,    was set up for the plates from          price will be held for the next       For more information visit:
                     Colour operated as a typesetting   publishers and design agencies      but after it increased its prices,   our existing supplier, we were          twelve months. And as Fujifilm
                     house until forming a long         to end users, all of whom expect    we decided to explore other          even happier with the outcome
                     standing relationship with         consistently high quality.          options.” says Chris Stainton,       and it gave us the confidence to
                     litho print specialist Principal      When Typecast’s incumbent        Co-owner of Typecast. As part        make the move to Fujifilm.”
                     Colour in 1997. With Typecast      plate supplier of 15 years          of his research into alternative         Following discussions with
                     handling pre-press and Principal   announced it was increasing its     suppliers, Stainton visited          Fujifilm, Stainton then decided
                     Colour looking after litho print   prices, Typecast decided it was     Fujifilm’s UK showroom in            that the most cost-effective
                     operations, the two companies      time to benchmark the supplier      Bedford and was impressed            supply option would be Fujifilm’s
                     continue to work out of the same   against others and, as a result,    by the range of high quality         new Platesense programme.
                     factory unit in Kent, south east   became the first company to         equipment Fujifilm was able to       Typecast therefore signed up to
                     England.                           invest in Fujifilm’s Platesense     offer. “Having seen Fujifilm’s       a three year contract to rent a
                         With an annual turnover of     programme. Six months after         plates in Bedford last year,“ he     processor and pay for the 11,000
                     around £1 million in commercial    starting to rent a Fujifilm plate   says, “we decided to carry out       plates per year, all for a nominal
                     print and reprographic sales,      processor and Superia LH-PJE        a comparative test and ran the       monthly fee, eliminating the
                     Typecast produces a wide           thermal low chemistry plates,       same job on plates from our          capital expenditure required
                     range of products including        Typecast is now enjoying            existing supplier and then on        to invest in a new processor
                     greetings cards and annual         multiple benefits and has no        Fujifilm plates, with the latter     and providing a consistent and
                     reports. Using both offset and     regrets about the move.             producing higher quality output.     predictable cost.
                     digital equipment, the company       “We had a good relationship       Bearing in mind that the press          “The transition was seamless
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PRINT! SPRING 2019
                                                                                                 n November last year, a toy catalogue was                      a sense of an authenticity and trust – qualities
                                                                                                 mailed out to millions of Americans. Given                     Facebook used when printing full-page apologies
                                                                                                 that it was the run-up to Christmas and toys                   in the national newspapers after the data privacy
                                                                                          are among the season’s most popular gifts, there’s                    scandal earlier this year.
                                                                                          nothing unusual in that. What was unusual was                            “Paper-based items are finding a new and clear
                                                                                          the retail brand behind the publication.                              purpose,” says Phil. “The tactility, being able to
                                                                                              Titled ‘A Holiday of Play’, the 68-page                           hold it and touch it, then still look at it even when
                                                                                          catalogue was planned, created and mailed                             we’ve put it down, creates a level of permanence
                                                                                          by Amazon – the world’s most valuable online                          and a much deeper connection than the transitory
                                                                                          retailer. On the face of it, for a company that’s built               digital experience.”
                                                                                          its vast fortune in the digital arena to produce
                                                                                          a print publication is one of the year’s biggest                      A hive of print activity
                                                                                          surprises in marketing. Amazon thrives online,                        While it’s heartening to note that the world’s
                                                                                          using a variety of digital platforms, sophisticated                   biggest digital brands are discovering the value of
                                                                                          use of data, and a lack of bricks and mortar stores                   print marketing, it’s important to note that many
                                                                                          to keep its prices low and its profits high.                          brands, retailers and publishers are continuing
                                                                                              But by producing the catalogue, Amazon has                        to invest heavily in print, understanding that the
                                                                                          not only demonstrated that print is a valuable                        reach and low cost of online and social media
                                                                                          marketing tool, but shown how a print publication                     doesn’t necessarily translate into physical sales.
                                                                                          can fit neatly into a hugely successful multi-                            The latest readership figures from the
                                                                                          platform marketing campaign.                                          Published Audience Measurement Company
                                                                                                                                                                (PAMCo) found that 89% of UK adults interacted
                                                                                          Building a buzz                                                       with consumer magazine and newsbrand content
                                                                                          It’s not just Amazon that is turning to print to                      in a typical month, which 37.3m people reached
                                                                                          build its brand and expand its customer base                          through printed titles. National newspapers
                                                                                          further. Other online giants such as Facebook,                        have also experienced their best performance in
                                                                                          Uber, AirBnB, LinkedIn and even online global                         seven years, with print advertising rising 1% to
                                                                                          online marketing company Mailchimp have                               £153m in the first quarter (AA/WARC). It may be
                                                                                          all used print in the past few years to engage                        premature to get the champagne out, but it’s a
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
                                                                                          with their audiences in a more credible, tactile,                     move in the right direction.
                                                                                          memorable and trustworthy way.                                          “There is a renewed optimism and verve
                                                                                              More recently, US news website Buzzfeed                           sweeping through the publishing market for
                                                                                          created its own newspaper, distributing 20,000                        the first time in many years,” said Adam Crow,


                                                                                          copies around New York “to put some joy in the                        Head of Publishing Investment at media agency
                                                                                          physical world,” said Ben Kaufman, the company’s                      MediaCom. “The market is a hive of activity from
                                                                                          CMO. The newspaper ran content from the online                        an advertiser investment perspective.”
                                                                                          site, such as a guide to cooking steaks, a feature
                                                                                          on the world of viral challenges, and a page of                       Catalogue models
                                                                                          money-off coupons for similar internet-based                          Print catalogues are also enjoying sustained
                                                                                          companies.                                                            success, thanks to their ability to engage with
                                                                                             “As we move more and more into a digital world,                    their target audience at a time when they’re at
                                                                                          there are some subtle differences beginning to                        their most relaxed, using the sensory nature of
                                                                                          appear about how people feel about digital versus                     print to bring the reader closer to the brand and its
                                                                                          paper-based media,” says Phil Alexander, Joint                        products. While Amazon is new to the catalogue
                                                                                          Managing Director of leading paper maker GF                           game, retailers such as John Lewis, Tesco,
                                                                                          Smith. “We felt that digital was the future and                       Sainsbury’s, Aldi, Lidl and Morrisons have been
                                                                                          that continues to be the case, but over the                           reaping the rewards for years.
                                                                                          passage of time I think that mass of information                        “The amount of catalogues we print for
                                                                                          and the way it’s so instant is working against                        supermarkets runs into the millions,” says Steve

                     The pendulum swings back
                                                                                          it – we are realising that digital is a fleeting                      Middleton, Sales Director at finishing specialists
                                                                                          experience and we don’t get any feeling of
                                                                                          ownership or any real connection with it.”
                                                                                              That connection is what Facebook, Uber and                      “We are realising that digital is a
                                                                                          AirBnB are trying to achieve with the launch of
                     With many of the world’s biggest online brands turning to print to   their own print magazines. Faced with increased                     fleeting experience and we don’t get
                     engage with their customers, it seems that the days of digital-      competition in the battle for consumer attention,                   any feeling of ownership or any real
                     only marketing may be coming to an end. Sam Upton explains how       as well as a desire to have a physical presence in
                                                                                                                                                               connection with it”
                                                                                          the hands and on the coffee tables of their users,
                     Facebook, Buzzfeed, Uber, AirBnB and even Amazon are discovering     all three companies are turning to print to set                       Phil Alexander, Joint Managing Director, GF Smith
                     the value of paper.                                                  themselves apart, using the medium to foster
                                                                                                       • A shorter version of this article originally appeared in The Page, the magazine produced by Two Sides
PLATESENSE It all makes perfect sense for Typecast - A - Fujifilm

                                                                                                                                                                              PRINT! SPRING 2019
16                                                                                                                                                                           17


                                                                  Celloglas. “What we’re seeing this year is brands
                                                                  spending a lot of time and money on the look and    the levels are starting to balance, that print is
                                                                  feel of their publications. Retailers know that a   beginning to find its place in the complex area of
                                                                  well-produced catalogue can completely alter        multi-platform marketing campaigns.
                                                                  someone’s perception of their brand.”                   It’s impossible to say what’s around the corner,
                                                                     As well as being a permanent reminder of         what new innovations will come along to further
                                                                  a brand in the home, catalogues are a proven        disrupt an already disrupted market, but brands of
                                                                  way to drive sales. In fact, according to a Royal   all shapes, sizes and backgrounds are discovering
                     “Retailers know that a                       Mail MarketReach report, 52% of people bought       the value in print and, more importantly, using it
                     well-produced catalogue                      more than they planned when shopping with
                                                                  a printed catalogue. They are also a convenient
                                                                                                                      to complement and boost their other channels.
                                                                                                                         “Digital is a great enrichment to our daily lives
                      can completely alter                        way to show customers a range of products, as       and we have seen some amazing developments,”

                     someone’s perception of                      well as giving them important details about those
                                                                  products. In the same report, 63% of people
                                                                                                                      says Phil Alexander at GF Smith. “But there’s
                                                                                                                      now an understanding that the tactility and
                     their brand”                                 say it’s easier to browse through products in a     permanence of paper does a completely different
                     Steve Middleton, Sales Director, Celloglas   catalogue, rather than in-store or online.          job to digital and people are realising that when
                                                                                                                      the two work together it’s a really powerful
                                                                  A powerful combination                              combination.”
                                                                  Of course, no one expects print to return to
                                                                  production levels experienced before the advent     A version of this article was first published in The
                                                                  of digital media. But there’s a sense across all    Page - visit for more
                                                                  areas of the print and marketing industries that    information
Xtra Automation
                     Automation where

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     it counts

                     The following article is the
                     second in a series looking
                     at the benefits of workflow
                     automation and customer
                     empowerment. The series is
                     based on reports compiled
                     by Key Point Intelligence/
                     InfoTrends, on behalf of
                     Fujifilm, which examine the
                     benefits of highly automated,
                     user-friendly workflow
                     systems. The first article in
                     the series, which featured
                     in the Winter 2018 issue of
                     PRINT!, looked specifically
                     at the benefits to small print
                     service providers, in particular
                     those with fewer than 20
                     staff. In this issue we examine
                     the ways in which automation
                     can aid mid-sized PSPs with
18                   20 to 99 employees.                                                                                                                                                                                                              19


                     Introduction                                        overlooked once the initial implementation is                                                                            Customer service experience in 2018
                     The speed at which a printer can execute is a       completed. These pitfalls cripple the printer’s      Dealing with a high number of small jobs                      39%   It’s 2018, not 2008. The bar for customer service
                     differentiating factor in an e-commerce and         ability to increase throughput, meet service level                                                                       is rising with every new technology implemented
                     instant gratification world. Customers are          agreements (SLAs), and contend with an ever-                                                                             in the business-to-consumer (B2C) space, from
                                                                                                                              Customising the workflow to our needs                         39%
                     expecting printers to deliver a quality product     increasing number of small jobs—bottlenecks                                                                              live online chat to voice-enabled status updates.
                     at a competitive price with a superior customer     highlighted in the 2018 Western European                                                                                 Customers expect to engage with a business
                     experience, powered by online interaction and       Software Investment Outlook survey from              Keeping up with change; training users                 33%          online (mobile or web) and receive repeated
                     transparent communication at major stages of        Keypoint Intelligence - InfoTrends (right).                                                                              communications that their order is in progress
                     ordering, production, and delivery.                    Mid-sized printers must implement a universal                                                                         and on track. Professional, corporate print
                                                                                                                              Managing multiple workflows                          31%
                         Mid-sized printers face several challenges      workflow that empowers their customers                                                                                   buyers down to the micro business owner expect
                     to meet these customer expectations. Many           and increases production efficiencies through                                                                            a similar level of customer experience when
                     printers have a patchwork of software solutions     automating as many workflow touchpoints as           Increasing throughput; shortening production times   30%            ordering print today. So why are your customers
                     acquired over time that are often under-utilised.   possible.                                                                                                                e-mailing or sending files to your FTP site?
                     Maintaining and customising software to                                                                                                                                          Fujifilm’s XMF Remote is a web and mobile
                                                                                                                              0%            10%                20%             30%         40%
                     the needs of the business is also commonly                                                                                                                                   equipped portal where customers can upload files,
Phoenix rising

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PRINT! SPRING 2019
                     view potential errors, collaborate in real-time,         equipment might go down for service. Printers
                     and give approval. Better yet, the same file that is     must implement a workflow where last minute
                     being viewed online is the same one processed for        changes can be executed and qualified for such
                     print output.The solution solves many challenges         exceptions.                                                                       Phoenix imposition software from Tilia Labs, available as part of Fujifilm’s
                     faced in print production:                                  Making a stock or quantity change is easy.
                                                                                                                                                                XMF portfolio, offers highly sophisticated planning and imposition for the
                        • Easy and natural for a customer and internal       Switching the job to another press or print
                           staff to use, it starts by sending a secure link   technology at the last minute is not as trivial.                                  packaging, labels, commercial and wide format markets.
                           in an e-mail to the customer.                      Repurposing the job requires reprocessing of
                        • More Secure and easier to maintain and use         the file for colour management, imposition
                           than FTP.                                          (stock, format size, and work style changes), and
                        • Control and access to your customer’s files is     rendering/RIPing.
                           in your hands, not an online file service.            Fujifilm XMF and ColorPath workflow tools
                        • Quality control is immediate as customers get      make these types of changes quick and painless.
                           near-instant feedback to know if their file        XMF takes care of format changes to move a
                           is acceptable based on an industry leading         job from one printing press to another through
                           preflight engine.                                  dynamic impositioning and ColorPath ensures
                        • Speed is of the essence, and one of the biggest    colour is managed to that equipment’s colour
                           bottlenecks in any workflow is getting the         space by using DeviceLink ICC profiles. Since
                           customer’s approval (which can now be done         ColorPath is a cloud-based colour management
                           and recorded online).                              system, the quality of the print run can be
                                                                              monitored from anywhere for colour compliance
                     Set the production workhorse free with                   using targets placed in the sheet margins.
                     Most mid-sized printers are using a print MIS            InfoTrends’ opinion
                     solution to track as well as manage customer             Printers that get fast and efficient at print
                     and production information. Odds are favourable          production have the competitive (and often cost)
                     that your print MIS solution also supports the           advantage. New, shiny equipment can only take
                     industry Job Definition Format (JDF) specification       the efficiency curve so far. There are ample time
                     for passing job details and intent between               and cost reduction opportunities in streamlining
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       21
                     software solutions. Information sent in the JDF          and automating job on-boarding up to the point                                    Designed to take the labour and          the same benefits across a huge
                     file can greatly automate production workflows           of print, but it requires a workflow that is flexible                             the pain out of pre-press, tilia         range of printing tasks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ocyan Group
                     by creating the job based on data in the print MIS       and robust. Print production workflow tools from                                  Phoenix is a highly automated                                                 Ocyan Group is a leading Portuguese print company


                     job ticket, pass the customer file to the workflow,      Fujifilm are certainly capable of improving many                                  planning and imposition tool             Imposition                           offering a full end-to-end service from pre-press to
                     and provide an instruction set on how to process         aspects of any commercial print operation.                                        suitable for a huge range of             When it comes to imposition,         finishing, delivering a range of offset, commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              digital and wide format applications to a variety of
                     the file and create the imposition. Fujifilm’s XMF                                                                                         work including packaging, labels,        Phoenix (which actually
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              customers in Portugal and beyond.
                     workflow can work with any JDF-capable print                                                                                               cards, tags, wide-format, and            started out as an imposition
                                                                               New MIS integrations enhance Fujifilm’s XMF                                                                                                                        The installation of Phoenix workflow software
                     MIS solutions, such as Tharstern, to automate                                                                                              commercial print. Though it can          solution) offers one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in 2017 has transformed Ocyan’s wide format print
                     production and prevent the re-keying of critical          Workflow Solution                                                                be used purely as an imposition          comprehensive sets of imposition     division, massively reducing the time and manpower
                     job specifications that can lead to errors.                                                                                                system for creating print ready          tools on the market. Intelligent     necessary to deliver high quality products to its
                         Regardless of the level of automation, there           Fujifilm’s XMF Workflow has            The integration with EFI Pace allows     layouts, or exclusively as a             and highly automated, it also        demanding customers.
                                                                                recently become fully integrated       users to benefit from complete
                     are also peaks and troughs in print production.                                                                                            planning tool to estimate and            offers the user pinpoint control         Ocyan Production Coordinator, Carlos Júlio explains:
                                                                                with both Tharstern and EFI Pace       two-way end-to-end workflow
                     You must plan for the peaks. XMF workflow uses             MIS systems. A key benefit of the      integration. XMF’s messaging to          report the production costs              over all aspects of the layout       “Complex job set up time that would typically have
                     core Adobe technologies, including the Mercury             integration with the Tharsten MIS      the EFI Pace MIS automatically           involved with printing a set of          when adjustments are needed.         taken around half an hour previously, using a largely
                     RIP Architecture, adding multiple instances of             is the ability to deliver additional   completes all pre-press job planning     orders, its true value is in the way                                          manual process, now takes two to three minutes,
                                                                                PDF content attached to an MIS job,    activities in Pace Scheduling,                                                                                         thanks to the degree to which Phoenix automates
                     the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) based on how                                                                                             it can unite and automate the            Automation
                                                                                with automatic page assignment         reducing the time for pre-press                                                                                        the layout process. Waste is also down as a result, and
                     much processing power is available at the server.          helping for future reference           data collection. A job can be            imposition and planning process          Increased automation means
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              over the course of a week, the time savings become
                     It is like going from a Vauxhall to a BMW without          purposes. This enables printers to     submitted by Pace to XMF directly,       to create a seamless workflow            less opportunity for human error
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              substantial. Planning time used to require two people
                     the cost. Adobe’s colour and trapping engines are          streamline the delivery of artwork,    and automatically processed in XMF.      from initial quote all the way to RIP.   and ever greater efficiency. It is   for five days a week, now the same workload can
                     also leveraged to maintain the integrity of PDF            and allows old jobs to be visible      Once done, XMF sends information                                                  becoming increasingly important      be accommodated by one person in three days. This
                                                                                after they have been archived and      about the production timings and
                     files through to the point of rendering for output
                                                                                deleted from within XMF. This is       the number of plates used back to
                                                                                                                                                                Planning                                 in the modern print industry         has freed up a huge amount of staff time to direct to
                     and minimising file processing irregularities. XMF         especially beneficial for web-to-      the MIS and the data is stored. This     Able to search across millions of        and Phoenix, with its intuitive,     other uses and gives us the opportunity to target new
                     is also quick to adopt and implement the latest            print workflows.                       enables the EFI Pace MIS to manage       combinations in minutes to find          modern design that runs equally      customers and new business opportunities.”
                     Adobe technologies to ensure peak performance.                                                    not only the cost of the job, but also   the most cost effective layouts,         well on either Mac or Windows,
                                                                                In addition, jobs created in the
                                                                                                                       plate utilisation.
                                                                                Tharsten MIS are pushed directly                                                Phoenix minimises both press             provides the ultimate flexibility    “Complex job set up time that
                     Last minute, qualified production                          into XMF, including the full job       For more information on                  costs and post-press complexity.         when it comes to automation,
                     A lot can, and usually does, change between the            description, customer details,         Fujifilm XMF workflow visit:
                                                                                                                                                                Hours or even days of work can be        from plug and play with Enfocus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               would have taken around half
                     initial request for a quote and the job shipping out
                                                                                product details and imposition
                                                                                                                                                                reduced to mere minutes and the          Switch, custom scripted hot           an hour previously, now takes
                                                                                requirements, saving time and
                     the door. The customer may request a simple stock          ensuring that jobs are created                                                  system works equally well across         folders, to full-on web based         two to three minutes."
                     or quantity change, a more complex image/font              consistently.                                                                   square-cut and irregular shape           REST-client.                         Carlos Júlio, Production Coordinator, Ocyan
                     change due to licensing restrictions, or a piece of                                                                                        designs, allowing users to get

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRINT! SPRING 2019
                                                                                                               T PRESS

                     Another Jet Press deal


                                                                                                          DI             T
                                                                                                               NG CAR

                     packaged up in Germany
                     Cardboard packaging print specialist, Ebro Color unfolds new opportunities
                     to win short-run work with Jet Press 720S installation.

                                                                                                                              "Nothing else quite
                                                                                                                               matched up to the quality
22                                                                                                                             of the Jet Press"                                                                                                23
                                                                                                                                German Brodbeck, CEO, Ebro Color

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                B2 INKJET

                                                                                     Based in Albstadt, southern                 “Run lengths have been                  “First there was the quality.       “We see significant business
                                                                                     Germany, Ebro Color is a modern,        trending down for some time,”           Nothing else quite matched up        growth opportunities ahead
                                                                                     cardboard packaging print               says company CEO German                 to it and we became convinced        with this investment,” concludes
                                                                                     specialist with more than 90 years      Brodbeck. “We recently invested         that it is at least as good as       Brodbeck. “The Jet Press will
                                                                                     of history behind it. Founded in        in a specialist offset press for        offset, perhaps even better. We      give us the ability to offer ultra-
                                                                                     1925, it has continually invested in    short-run work and we’ve been           talked to a few Jet Press users      short-run jobs (down to runs of
                                                                                     new technologies over the years         very happy with it. However, as         and the feedback we got from         one) both quickly and profitably,
                                                                                     and now produces cardboard              the trend continues and average         them regarding the quality was       enabling us to produce high
                                                                                     packaging and display units for         run lengths get shorter still, we       that it is at near-photographic      quality samples and prototypes,
                                                                                     a huge range of customers in a          want to put ourselves in the best       levels and that customers often      and to seriously target the end
                                                                                     variety of sectors, from cosmetics,     possible position to win new            request that their work is printed   user market for the first time.”
                                                                                     to food, jewellery and tourism.         short run work and deliver it cost      on the Jet Press, even for longer
                                                                                         Already something of a short-       effectively.                            runs where offset would be            For more information visit:
                                                                                     run specialist, offering run lengths        “We were also seeing                cheaper.                    
                                                                                     as low as 25 units, the company         increased demand for                        “The Jet Press users we spoke
                                                                                     decided to give itself even more        personalisation and unique              to were also very positive about
                                                                                     flexibility and lower its costs still   identifiers on printed products,        the up-time which they said
                                                                                     further by making its first digital     so we knew this meant investing         is reliably over 90%. We felt
                                                                                     press investment. After a careful       in digital, a first for us. We looked   that the quality, combined with       Ebro Color
                                                                                     decision-making process, it chose       carefully at the market and             the reliability of the machine,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Location: Albstadt, Germany
                                                                                     to invest in the Fujifilm Jet Press     attended demonstrations for a           represented excellent value for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fujifilm products: Jet Press 720S
                                                                                     720S specifically for folding           range of machines. In the end it        money and we also feel, based
                                                                                     carton production, with the press       was a combination of things that        on our research into all the          Type of work: Short-run cardboard
                                                                                                                                                                                                           packaging and display units for a
                                                                                     going into operation in September       convinced us that the Jet Press         technology out there, that inkjet
                                                                                                                                                                                                           variety of sectors.
                                                                                     2018.                                   was the right machine for us.           is the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PRINT! SPRING 2019
                                  T PRESS



                                  T OF SA

                                                                                                                                  "The Jet Press really stood
                                                                                                                                   out to us. The quality and
                     The full POS package
                                                                                                                                                                                                            out our history working with
                                                                                                                                   colour gamut were far                                                    Fujifilm, we’ve been very happy
                                                                                                                                   better than anything else                                                with the level of service and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            support provided, and the Jet
24                                                                                                                                we looked at."                                                                                                  25
                     A recent Jet Press 720S investment has helped a German POS print service                                                                                                               Press sales and installation
                     provider to offer a full-service package, including small format material, to                                 Gerhard Worch, Managing Director, KL Druck                               process has been no exception.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            And as for our customers, they
                     its customers.                                                                                                                                                                         are very excited about the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B2 INKJET

                                                                                                                                                                                                            new creative opportunities our
                     Based in Bergisch Gladbach,              “We first heard of the Jet      able to offer our customers a      turnaround times required            options, particularly some toner-     investment in the Jet Press has
                     Germany, KL Druck has a               Press when it was launched         full service POS package, which    by customers. Campaigns              based alternatives, but the Jet       provided to them."
                     proud 120-year heritage and           at drupa, 2012” says Gerhard       often includes both large and      were traditionally planned           Press really stood out to us. The
                     specialises in producing point of     Worch, Managing Director at        small format material. Until now   well in advance, whereas now,        quality and colour gamut were          For more information visit:
                     sale and out-of-home products         KL Druck. “We were then, and       we’ve had to outsource smaller     customers often won’t finalise       far better than anything else we
                     for a range of high-profile           remain to this day, a Fujifilm     format work, where run lengths     details until the last minute.       looked at, and we also liked the
                     global brands, including Audi,        plates customer, but this new      were too short to produce cost-    As a result, they need print         fact that the Jet Press is sheet
                     Adidas, Lindt and Primark. A          machine certainly grabbed our      effectively on offset. With our    turned around at a much quicker      fed and fits in perfectly with         KL Druck
                     screen printing pioneer in the        attention. We kept an eye on its   investment in the Jet Press, we    rate than ever before. The Jet       our existing finishing systems.
                     years following the Second            development over the years and     can now produce everything         Press helps us to meet these         Furthermore, many of our               Location: Bergisch Gladback,
                     World War, the company began          as our business grew and our       in-house, and can do so            requirements, allowing us to         customers are increasingly eco-
                     investing heavily in digital print    customer requirements evolved,     quickly and affordably without     get finished products back to        conscious, so the fact that the Jet    Fujifilm products: Jet Press 720S,
                     technology around 20 years ago.       the Jet Press became the obvious   compromising quality.              customers at a much faster rate      Press uses water-based ink was         Fujifilm litho plates

                     Its latest investment, the Fujifilm   next investment choice for our        “Over the past five years in    and for a more competitive price.”   also a major contributing factor       Type of work: Rapid, high quality,
                     Jet Press 720S, began operation       business.                          particular, we have noticed           Worch continues: “We did, of      in our decision.”                      short-run POS materials in small
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and large format sizes
                     in August 2018.                          “We pride ourselves on being    a significant change in the        course, explore a range of press         Worch concludes: “Through­

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