


Available Funds

General Fund
This fund supports Redeemer’s operations and ministries.

Missionary Fund
This fund supports Redeemer’s missionary families all over the world.

Intern Fund
This fund supports all costs (including compensation) for Redeemer’s Internship program.

Camp Fund
This fund supports camp staff compensation, scholarships and reduces the cost of camp for youth.

Building Fund
This fund supports building projects, renovations, expansion, and other significant building expenses.


How to Give

Give Online
Whether you’d like to give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it online using your credit card, debit card or bank account. It’s convenient, consistent and secure, and will get you started in a step of faith. Scroll to the top of this page to give online.

Onsite Offering Boxes
Offering boxes are available onsite leading into our worship service spaces. The easiest way to donate onsite during weekend worship is through our offering envelopes, which are preprinted with your name, address and space to indicate where you’d like your contribution to be distributed. If you would like to receive offering envelopes via our bimonthly mailings, call the church office at (763) 574-7445 or email [email protected].

Stock Donations
If you would like to donate stock to the church, please contact our Business Administrator.