Web Ministry and Social Media

Yes, your church does need a website and a social media presence. Yes, web-based programs can expand your ministry with people of all ages. Yes, this is one of the fastest changing arenas through which to do ministry. Articles and other content will offer ideas and alert you to new web-based and social media ministries. The United Methodist Commission (UMCOM) on Communications offers a variety of resources to help churches develop their web ministry.

Explore UMCOM
The Friendship Sunday school class of Belmont United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn., meets online Sunday, March 15, 2020, after church leadership encouraged people to worship from home in response to the coronavirus. Image courtesy of Susan Hay. Originally published by UMNews.

Church leaders can now enroll in free courses from United Methodist Communications to help them continue in ministry via online technology. "iMovie" is the newest course. Others are "Zoom for Churches," "Ministry through Facebook Groups" and "Adobe Rush".

It's all about the prompt: How to get what you need from AI

In this self-paced eLearning course, learn what AI is, its capabilities and limits, how to use AI ethically, and how AI tools can be powerful partners for the church communicator. Then put your knowledge to work with a webinar on crafting AI prompts that get results.

Web Tools

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