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Reviews of books from architectural ideas to construction thinking

  1. Culture

Favourite books: A rallying call for long-termism

James Hampton of New Makers Bureau Architects is evangelical about philosopher William MacAskill’s What We Owe The Future in this conclusion to our mini-series

19 December 2024

  1. Culture

‘Piloti’ reflects the fizz of interwar architecture

Gavin Stamp leaves his mark on architectural histories at home and abroad with his ambitious, and unfinished, study of interwar architecture

5 April 2024

  1. Culture

Past, future, and now: how do we both protect and develop London?

Historian Gillian Darley explores how we might think about heritage today and tomorrow, and in the light of past mistakes, in an essay taken from London of the Future – which asks what the capital will be like in 100 years’ time

16 October 2023