and our journey

In 2009 we set off an a new adventure; we decided to get into printing.
We purchased an existing little print shop called RL Printing that was located on 67th Ave and Coral Way. Back then we didn't have a clue as to what the printing business would entail and really didn't even know much at all about the industry.
Still, being the entrepreneurs that we were, we decided to give it a shot.
When we purchased the print shop, we re-named it R & L Printing Services
and a year later moved it down south to
12217 SW 131 Ave. We have learned so much about this industry and we really grew our little print shop from the ground up. We have been in business for 16 years. Not many businesses make it past year #1. We have been truly blessed with great customers and friends that have helped us grow our little print shop into what it is today.
In September, 2018 we moved to: 12350 SW 132 Ct - Suite #101.
And lastly, in January 2025 we moved to our current location:
11861 SW 144 Ct - Suite 1
We are looking forward to meeting new customers and providing them with the same excellent service we provide all of our existing customers with.
Thank you for being a part of our journey.
R&L Printing Team