Locomotive 103
The Railroad Museum of New England is pleased to announce a fundraising campaign to restore Baldwin steam locomotive #103 to active service. #103, a 2-6-2 “Prairie” type originally built for service in Alabama, has been part of the RMNE collection since 1986. #103 was one of the first heritage steam locomotives to operate in the northeast, during the years 1962 to 1975. She’s been dormant for almost 50 years.
UPDATE May 15th 2024
It’s been a long winter here at the Thomaston shop but it’s time for a much needed spring update on the Locomotive 103 Restoration!
Thanks to generous supporters we have been able to raise about $40,000 since launching our 103 restoration campaign in October 2023. This includes a generous donation of $6000 from the Thomaston Savings Bank foundation and bank employees.
During the winter conversations have continued with the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad to plan out needed running gear work. RMNE is also in the process of developing plans for the new tender.
Parts for the locomotive that have been safely stored over the past 40 years have been brought into the shop for evaluation. This includes a rebuilt dynamo, the device that generates the power for the Locomotive electrical system. We intend on doing some test with the Locomotive headlights and the Dynamo off shop air in the next few weeks. We will make sure to post a video update when that happens!
At the beginning of June, the plan is to re-organize locations of assets on the Railroad, at this time the 103 will be likely moved behind Thomaston shop (it is currently not on the locomotive shop tracks). There more work will continue until the remaining funds can be raised, for the boiler and running gear to be shipped out for rebuilding.
Please consider donating to see steam return to the Naugatuck River Valley.
Thank you so much to everyone that contributed so far and continues to donate, donations make the process possible!
10/3/23 Announcement
Our museum will utilize the #103 restoration project and return to operation as a catalyst to encourage volunteerism, museum membership, become a community ambassador, and teach a new generation about these amazing machines. The sensory experience that a steam locomotive invokes is unique and awe-inspiring. RMNE will create new partnerships in preservation to bring this historic piece of Americana back to life.
Almost 100 years since it left the factory in Philadelphia, and 50 years since it last operated, #103 is ready for restoration. It is time to hear her whistle echo off the Litchfield Hills and through the Naugatuck River Valley.
In February 2020, #103 was evaluated by a team of experienced steam locomotive restorers during a week inside the Thomaston Shop. During its 50-year service life, #103 never received a complete overhaul. The locomotive is in good condition overall, and this will be the most extensive work it has had since 1925. It will need repairs to boiler and firebox, cylinders and driving gear, wheels and axles. The tender will be completely rebuilt, and the locomotive will burn liquid fuel instead of coal.
The preliminary restoration plan calls for work to start on the smaller parts of 103, at the Thomaston Shop, and major work will start once major goals are reached in the fundraising campaign. Boiler repairs will be done off-site by Maine Locomotive & Machine, an experienced locomotive boiler contractor, with RMNE volunteers assisting. Frame, cylinders and wheels will be worked on at Thomaston and at Western Maryland Scenic Railroad shops, with contractor and volunteer participation. The tender work will be done at Thomaston.
Financial goals are $375,000 for the entire project; the major disassembly of the locomotive would not be done until the $175,000 mark is reached, when the boiler work would start.
Make a donation.
Help bring steam back to the Naugatuck River Valley! Click on the “DONATE” Button to made a donation today.
Donations can also be made by check to The Railroad Museum of New England and mailed to…
P.O. Box 400
Thomaston, CT 06787