- Notice of CURES Fee Increase
The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) fee will increase from $9 to $15 annually for licenses expiring on and after July 1, 2025. The fee is assessed at the time of license renewal on licensees that are authorized to prescribe, order, administer, or furnish Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substances.
Most licensees will see a $30 CURES fee due to the biennial renewal cycle. The fee covers the reasonable regulatory costs of the Department of Justice for operating and maintaining CURES, a critical element in the state’s continued effort to address the danger of opioid addiction stemming from prescription drug abuse.
For more information about CURES, visit: https://oag.ca.gov/cures.
- No More Public Health Nurse Certification Renewals - Effective January 2025
The Board of Registered Nursing (Board) will no longer require public health nurse certificates to be renewed. Passage of Assembly Bill 2471 (Patterson, Chapter 717, Statutes of 2024) removed both the renewal requirement and associated fee for public health nurse certificates.
A licensee’s public health nurse certificate will remain valid as long as their registered nurse license remains active. Please note that licensees must still apply and pay a fee to renew their registered nursing license as well as any advanced practice registered nurse certificates they may hold.
Monitor the Board’s website, www.rn.ca.gov, for more information as it becomes available.
- New CE Requirement for Nurse Practitioners - Effective January 2025
Beginning January 1, 2025, nurse practitioners who provides primary care to a patient population of which over 25% are 65 years of age or older must complete at least 6 of the 30 continuing education hours required to renew their registered nurse license, in a course in the field of gerontology, the special care needs of patients with dementia, or the care of older patients.
Compliance with these new requirements will be verified as part of the NP certificate renewal process.
Monitor the Board’s website, Continuing Education for License Renewal, for more information.
- CURES Version Update
As of August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances are required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) version 4.2B format. Please visit the Office of the Attorney General's CURES Website for information on this required change.
For information about CURES, visit DCA’s CURES information page.
- Expedited Licensure Application Processing for Service Members Enrolled in Skillbridge
- Name and Gender Change Notification and Request for Confidentiality
SB 372, 2023 - Effective January 1, 2024, under Business and Professions Code section 27.5, licensees may notify the licensing board or bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) of a name and/or gender change and request confidentiality of the previous name or gender information, when meeting certain specified requirements. For more information and to make a request, click here.
- Operation Nightingale and the Fraudulent Nursing School Investigation
- 805 Reporting – Health Facility Reporting Requirement for Nurse Practitioners
- Fraud Alert – Fake DCA Representative Scam Aimed at Licensees
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) has learned of an attempted scam aimed at licensees of DCA’s boards and bureaus. In the scheme, an individual falsely identifying themselves as an employee of the Acupuncture Board has contacted licensees and attempted to gather personal information.
If you receive a call from an individual claiming to be an employee of the Acupuncture Board (or any other DCA board or bureau) and they attempt to gather personal information, please consider the following:
· If you receive a call, simply take down the caller’s information (including name, title, phone number and email address), let them know you will follow-up directly with the department/board/bureau, and end the call.
· You may also consider ending the call without explanation if it appears suspicious or to be a scam.
· Contact the board or bureau responsible for issuing your license. Contact information for all DCA boards and bureaus can be found via this webpage: https://www.dca.ca.gov/about_us/entities.shtml
· If you don’t know who to contact at DCA, call the Consumer Information Center at (800) 952-5210 for assistance and to get directed to the appropriate entity.
· NEVER disclose any personal information, i.e. social security numbers, date of births, or credit/debit card numbers, without first taking steps to verify that the person requesting the information has a legitimate need for it. - Fake BRN Representative/DEA Agents Extortion Scam
The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN or Board) has learned that scam artists posing as U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents or Board investigators are calling California registered nurses as part of an extortion scheme. The scammers identify themselves as DEA agents or Board investigators, calling about ongoing investigations regarding their license issued by the BRN. The scammers tell victims their license may be suspended for illegal drug trafficking. The scammers may provide a “Notice of Suspension” letter with BRN’s letterhead and/or logo which includes statements that licensees must follow instructions given by the Board investigator. The scammers are also asking for licensee bank account information. The scammers’ phone number may show up as the BRN’s office number (916) 322-3350.
No DEA agent, BRN investigator or staff member will ever contact RNs by telephone to demand money or any other form of payment. If you receive a call such as the one described, refuse the demand for payment. Do not disclose any personal information, i.e., social security number, dates of birth, credit or debit card numbers.
Please also consider the following:
- If the caller is stating they are from the DEA, immediately report the threat to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center.
- If the individual identifies themselves as a Board employee, please contact the Board at (916) 322-3350 and press 3 to be directed to the Board’s Enforcement unit or send an email to [email protected].
- If the phone number of the caller appears to be the Board’s number, it is recommended that you submit an online complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) using the FCC's Consumer Complaint form or contact the Board so it can provide this information to the FCC.
- DEA Warns Public of Extortion Scam by DEA Special Agent Impersonators
Welcome to the Board of Registered Nursing
The Board of Registered Nursing protects the health, safety, and well-being of the public through the fair and consistent application of the statutes and regulations governing nursing practice and education in California.
- Summary of Select Nursing Practice Act Provisions Relating to Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Practice
- Be a Part of Transforming California Nursing and Apply to be a Nurse-Midwifery or Clinical Nurse Specialist Advisory Committee Member today!
- Fall 2023 Edition of the BRN Report is now available!
- Forecasts of the Registered Nurse Workforce in California 2022
- Warning of Possible Hospital Cyber Attack
The Board of Registered Nursing would like to notify you that the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Health and Human Services have credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers. The Board is sharing this information to provide warning to healthcare providers to ensure that they take timely and reasonable precautions to protect their networks from these threats. Please see additional information at the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency website.
- Apply for Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) Loan Repayments, Scholarships, & Grants
- The BRN is proud to reveal a new way to view annual school data! Using this link, you can obtain new insights on pre-licensure nursing programs and other relevant trends.
- Important Fingerprint Changes: Applicants must first submit an application for licensure prior to submission of fingerprints.
The Board of Registered Nursing has made some necessary changes to be in compliance with DOJ and FBI fingerprint result information. All applicants must first submit an application for licensure to the Board prior to submission of fingerprints via Live Scan or hard card.
After submission of an application for licensure, a request for Live Scan form or fingerprint hard cards must be submitted to the Board via the Fingerprint Requests page.
Upon receipt of the request, the Board will validate the submission of an application for licensure and will then email a link to the Live Scan form or mail the fingerprint hard card (if outside of California). Please allow 7-10 business days to receive your hard cards by mail or 3 business days to receive your Live Scan form link.
Please visit our Fingerprint Information page to review all information regarding the submission of fingerprints.
- FAQs Regarding the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)
- Applicant Enforcement Webinar with Questions and Answers