
Where is Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)

The locality Nseleni suburb of Empangeni is located in the district of uThungulu in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (NL), South Africa. The satellite coordinates of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni are: latitude 28°39'52"S and longitude 32°1'19"E
There are 251 places (city, towns, hamlets …) within a radius of 100 kilometers / 62 miles from the center of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL), the nearest place in the area is Cwaka suburb of Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal. Below is the table with the 51 places near Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL). In the table are indicated: name of the place, admin, distance[1] in kilometers, distance[1] in miles and the link to the travel sheet with road route.

Position of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) on the map

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51 places in the vicinity of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
Cwaka suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal9,68 Km6,02 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Cwaka suburb of Empangeni
Nozambula suburb of KwambonambiKwaZulu-Natal9,83 Km6,11 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Nozambula suburb of Kwambonambi
KwambonambiKwaZulu-Natal9,83 Km6,11 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Kwambonambi
Inkanyezi suburb of KwambonambiKwaZulu-Natal9,83 Km6,11 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Inkanyezi suburb of Kwambonambi
Ndondotha suburb of KwambonambiKwaZulu-Natal9,83 Km6,11 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Ndondotha suburb of Kwambonambi
Alton suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal11,10 Km6,90 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Alton suburb of Richards Bay
Arboretum suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal11,14 Km6,92 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Arboretum suburb of Richards Bay
Waterberry Wood suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Waterberry Wood suburb of Richards Bay
Saligna suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Saligna suburb of Richards Bay
Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Richards Bay
Richardsbaai suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Richardsbaai suburb of Richards Bay
Veld and Vlei suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Veld and Vlei suburb of Richards Bay
Alton Industrial suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Alton Industrial suburb of Richards Bay
Alton Industriele suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Alton Industriele suburb of Richards Bay
Essenwood suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Essenwood suburb of Richards Bay
Birdswood suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Birdswood suburb of Richards Bay
Brackenham suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Brackenham suburb of Richards Bay
Arbex suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Arbex suburb of Richards Bay
Bottlebrush suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Bottlebrush suburb of Richards Bay
Aquadene suburb of Richards BayKwaZulu-Natal12,66 Km7,87 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Aquadene suburb of Richards Bay
Dindi suburb of PietermaritzburgKwaZulu-Natal14,43 Km8,97 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Dindi suburb of Pietermaritzburg
Mabhuyeni suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Mabhuyeni suburb of Empangeni
Ntambanani suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Ntambanani suburb of Empangeni
Inyala Park suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Inyala Park suburb of Empangeni
Emakwezeni suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Emakwezeni suburb of Empangeni
Empangela suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Empangela suburb of Empangeni
Esidakeni suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Esidakeni suburb of Empangeni
Ntshidi suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Ntshidi suburb of Empangeni
Central suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Central suburb of Empangeni
Macekana suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Macekana suburb of Empangeni
Enqoleni suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Enqoleni suburb of Empangeni
Mombane suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Mombane suburb of Empangeni
Ndlangubo suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Ndlangubo suburb of Empangeni
Tuzi Gazi suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Tuzi Gazi suburb of Empangeni
EmpumeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Empumeni
EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Empangeni
Kildare suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Kildare suburb of Empangeni
Qwayinduku suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Qwayinduku suburb of Empangeni
Gegede suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Gegede suburb of Empangeni
Donda suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Donda suburb of Empangeni
Phathani suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Phathani suburb of Empangeni
Kwa Nomyaca suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Kwa Nomyaca suburb of Empangeni
Sentraal suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Sentraal suburb of Empangeni
Empangeni Stasie suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Empangeni Stasie suburb of Empangeni
Noordsig suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Noordsig suburb of Empangeni
Mningi suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Mningi suburb of Empangeni
Qunebo suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Qunebo suburb of Empangeni
Empangeni Station suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Empangeni Station suburb of Empangeni
Buchanana suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Buchanana suburb of Empangeni
Fuyeni suburb of EmpangeniKwaZulu-Natal15,19 Km9,44 MiRoute and road distance Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) - Fuyeni suburb of Empangeni

Below is shown the table of main cities with the corresponding distances[1] of the main cities from Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) measured both in kilometers and in miles.

distances[1] from Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) of the main cities
DurbanKwaZulu-Natal162,48 Km100,96 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
PietermaritzburgKwaZulu-Natal190,54 Km118,40 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
NelspruitMpumalanga368,59 Km229,03 MiRoute and road distance Mpumalanga - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
JohannesburgGauteng478,07 Km297,06 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
PretoriaGauteng500,94 Km311,27 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
BloemfonteinFree State573,96 Km356,64 MiRoute and road distance Free State - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
PolokwaneLimpopo589,32 Km366,19 MiRoute and road distance Limpopo - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
KimberleyNorthern Cape707,86 Km439,84 MiRoute and road distance Northern Cape - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
Port ElizabethEastern Cape854,16 Km530,75 MiRoute and road distance Eastern Cape - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
Cape TownWestern Cape1.417,71 Km880,92 MiRoute and road distance Western Cape - Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)

[1]The distances indicated are measured in a straight line, the road distances can be appreciably different. To obtain road distance you can select route planner Road itinerary

To know where is Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) is definitely useful the service by RoadOnMap with:
  • Always up-to-date information on Nseleni suburb of Empangeni uThungulu, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
  • Exact position of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL) on the map
  • Geographic coordinates of Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)
  • Calculation of the route to how to get to Nseleni suburb of Empangeni (NL)

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