'; document.getElementById('outstream-iframe').onload = function () { setupIframe(); } replayScreen = document.getElementById('iinfoOutstreamReplay'); iinfoOutstreamPosition = document.getElementById('iinfoOutstreamPosition'); outstreamContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('outstream-container')[0]; setupReplayScreen(); } function setupIframe() { outstreamDocument = document.getElementById('outstream-iframe').contentWindow.document; let el = outstreamDocument.createElement('style'); outstreamDocument.head.appendChild(el); el.innerText = "#adContainer>div:nth-of-type(1),#adContainer>div:nth-of-type(1) > iframe { width: 99% !important;height: 99% !important;max-width: 100%;}#videoContent,body{ width:100vw;height:100vh}body{ font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Arial,sans-serif}#videoContent{ overflow:hidden;background:#000}#adMuteBtn{ width:35px;height:35px;border:0;background:0 0;display:none;position:absolute;fill:rgba(230,230,230,1);bottom:-5px;right:25px}"; videoContent = outstreamDocument.getElementById('contentElement'); videoContent.style.display = 'none'; videoContent.volume = 1; videoContent.muted = false; if ( location.href.indexOf('rejstriky.finance.cz') !== -1 || location.href.indexOf('finance-rejstrik') !== -1 || location.href.indexOf('firmy.euro.cz') !== -1 || location.href.indexOf('euro-rejstrik') !== -1 || location.href.indexOf('/rejstrik/') !== -1 || location.href.indexOf('/rejstrik-firem/') !== -1) { outstreamDirectPlayed = true; soundAllowed = true; iinfoVastUrlIndex = 0; } if (!outstreamDirectPlayed) { console.log('OUTSTREAM direct'); setUpIMA(true); } else { if (soundAllowed) { const playPromise = videoContent.play(); if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then(function () { console.log('OUTSTREAM sound allowed'); setUpIMA(false); }).catch(function () { console.log('OUTSTREAM sound forbidden'); renderBanner(); }); } } else { renderBanner(); } } } function getWrapper() { let articleWrapper = document.querySelector('.rs-outstream-placeholder'); // Outstream Placeholder from RedSys manipulation if (articleWrapper && articleWrapper.style.display !== 'block') { articleWrapper.innerHTML = ""; articleWrapper.style.display = 'block'; } // Don't render OutStream on homepages if (articleWrapper === null) { if (document.querySelector('body.p-index')) { return null; } } if (articleWrapper === null) { articleWrapper = document.getElementById('iinfo-outstream'); } if (articleWrapper === null) { articleWrapper = document.querySelector('.layout-main__content .detail__article p:nth-of-type(6)'); } if (articleWrapper === null) { // Euro, Autobible, Zdravi articleWrapper = document.querySelector('.o-article .o-article__text p:nth-of-type(6)'); } if (articleWrapper === null) { articleWrapper = document.getElementById('sidebar'); } if (!articleWrapper) { console.error("Outstream wrapper of article was not found."); } return articleWrapper; } function setupDimensions() { outstreamWidth = Math.min(iinfoOutstreamPosition.offsetWidth, 480); outstreamHeight = Math.min(iinfoOutstreamPosition.offsetHeight, 320); } /** * Sets up IMA ad display container, ads loader, and makes an ad request. */ function setUpIMA(direct) { google.ima.settings.setDisableCustomPlaybackForIOS10Plus(true); google.ima.settings.setLocale('cs'); google.ima.settings.setNumRedirects(10); // Create the ad display container. createAdDisplayContainer(); // Create ads loader. adsLoader = new google.ima.AdsLoader(adDisplayContainer); // Listen and respond to ads loaded and error events. adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent.Type.ADS_MANAGER_LOADED, onAdsManagerLoaded, false); adsLoader.addEventListener( google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError, false); // An event listener to tell the SDK that our content video // is completed so the SDK can play any post-roll ads. const contentEndedListener = function () { adsLoader.contentComplete(); }; videoContent.onended = contentEndedListener; // Request video ads. const adsRequest = new google.ima.AdsRequest(); if (direct) { adsRequest.adTagUrl = directVast; console.log('Outstream DIRECT CAMPAING advert: ' + directVast); videoContent.muted = true; videoContent.volume = 0; outstreamDirectPlayed = true; } else { adsRequest.adTagUrl = iinfoVastUrls[iinfoVastUrlIndex]; console.log('Outstream advert: ' + iinfoVastUrls[iinfoVastUrlIndex]); videoContent.muted = false; videoContent.volume = 1; } // Specify the linear and nonlinear slot sizes. This helps the SDK to // select the correct creative if multiple are returned. // adsRequest.linearAdSlotWidth = outstreamWidth; // adsRequest.linearAdSlotHeight = outstreamHeight; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotWidth = 0; adsRequest.nonLinearAdSlotHeight = 0; adsLoader.requestAds(adsRequest); } function setupReplayScreen() { replayScreen.addEventListener('click', function () { iinfoOutstreamPosition.remove(); iinfoVastUrlIndex = 0; outstreamInit(); }); } /** * Sets the 'adContainer' div as the IMA ad display container. */ function createAdDisplayContainer() { // We assume the adContainer is the DOM id of the element that will house // the ads. outstreamDocument.getElementById('videoContent').style.display = 'none'; adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer( outstreamDocument.getElementById('adContainer'), videoContent); } function unmuteAdvert() { adVolume = !adVolume; if (adVolume) { adsManager.setVolume(0.3); outstreamDocument.getElementById('adMuteBtn').innerHTML = ''; } else { adsManager.setVolume(0); outstreamDocument.getElementById('adMuteBtn').innerHTML = ''; } } /** * Loads the video content and initializes IMA ad playback. */ function playAds() { // Initialize the container. Must be done through a user action on mobile // devices. videoContent.load(); adDisplayContainer.initialize(); // setupDimensions(); try { // Initialize the ads manager. Ad rules playlist will start at this time. adsManager.init(1920, 1080, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL); // Call play to start showing the ad. Single video and overlay ads will // start at this time; the call will be ignored for ad rules. adsManager.start(); // window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) { // if (adsManager) { // setupDimensions(); // adsManager.resize(outstreamWidth, outstreamHeight, google.ima.ViewMode.NORMAL); // } // }); } catch (adError) { // An error may be thrown if there was a problem with the VAST response. // videoContent.play(); } } /** * Handles the ad manager loading and sets ad event listeners. * @param { !google.ima.AdsManagerLoadedEvent } adsManagerLoadedEvent */ function onAdsManagerLoaded(adsManagerLoadedEvent) { // Get the ads manager. const adsRenderingSettings = new google.ima.AdsRenderingSettings(); adsRenderingSettings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = true; adsRenderingSettings.loadVideoTimeout = 12000; // videoContent should be set to the content video element. adsManager = adsManagerLoadedEvent.getAdsManager(videoContent, adsRenderingSettings); // Add listeners to the required events. adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdErrorEvent.Type.AD_ERROR, onAdError); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_PAUSE_REQUESTED, onContentPauseRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED, onContentResumeRequested); adsManager.addEventListener( google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED, onAdEvent); // Listen to any additional events, if necessary. adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED, onAdEvent); adsManager.addEventListener(google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE, onAdEvent); playAds(); } /** * Handles actions taken in response to ad events. * @param { !google.ima.AdEvent } adEvent */ function onAdEvent(adEvent) { // Retrieve the ad from the event. Some events (for example, // ALL_ADS_COMPLETED) don't have ad object associated. const ad = adEvent.getAd(); console.log('Outstream event: ' + adEvent.type); switch (adEvent.type) { case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.LOADED: // This is the first event sent for an ad - it is possible to // determine whether the ad is a video ad or an overlay. if (!ad.isLinear()) { // Position AdDisplayContainer correctly for overlay. // Use ad.width and ad.height. videoContent.play(); } outstreamDocument.getElementById('adContainer').style.width = '100%'; outstreamDocument.getElementById('adContainer').style.maxWidth = '640px'; outstreamDocument.getElementById('adContainer').style.height = '360px'; break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.STARTED: window.addEventListener('scroll', onActiveView); // This event indicates the ad has started - the video player // can adjust the UI, for example display a pause button and // remaining time. if (ad.isLinear()) { // For a linear ad, a timer can be started to poll for // the remaining time. intervalTimer = setInterval( function () { // Example: const remainingTime = adsManager.getRemainingTime(); // adsManager.pause(); }, 300); // every 300ms } outstreamDocument.getElementById('adMuteBtn').style.display = 'block'; break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.ALL_ADS_COMPLETED: if (ad.isLinear()) { clearInterval(intervalTimer); } if (outstreamLastError === 303) { if (isBanner) { renderBanner(); } else { replayScreen.style.display = 'flex'; } } break; case google.ima.AdEvent.Type.COMPLETE: // This event indicates the ad has finished - the video player // can perform appropriate UI actions, such as removing the timer for // remaining time detection. if (ad.isLinear()) { clearInterval(intervalTimer); } if (isBanner) { renderBanner(); } else { replayScreen.style.display = 'flex'; } break; } } /** * Handles ad errors. * @param { !google.ima.AdErrorEvent } adErrorEvent */ function onAdError(adErrorEvent) { // Handle the error logging. console.log(adErrorEvent.getError()); outstreamLastError = adErrorEvent.getError().getErrorCode(); if (!loadNext()) { renderBanner(); } } function renderBanner() { if (isBanner) { console.log('Outstream: Render Banner'); iinfoOutstreamPosition.innerHTML = ""; iinfoOutstreamPosition.style.height = "330px"; iinfoOutstreamPosition.appendChild(bannerDiv); } else { console.log('Outstream: Banner is not set'); } } function loadNext() { iinfoVastUrlIndex++; if (iinfoVastUrlIndex < iinfoVastUrls.length) { iinfoOutstreamPosition.remove(); outstreamInit(); } else { return false; } adVolume = 1; return true; } /** * Pauses video content and sets up ad UI. */ function onContentPauseRequested() { videoContent.pause(); // This function is where you should setup UI for showing ads (for example, // display ad timer countdown, disable seeking and more.) // setupUIForAds(); } /** * Resumes video content and removes ad UI. */ function onContentResumeRequested() { videoContent.play(); // This function is where you should ensure that your UI is ready // to play content. It is the responsibility of the Publisher to // implement this function when necessary. // setupUIForContent(); } function onActiveView() { if (outstreamContainer) { const containerOffset = outstreamContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (containerOffset.top < windowHeight/1 && containerOffset.bottom > 0.0) { if (outstreamPaused) { adsManager.resume(); outstreamPaused = false; } return true; } else { if (!outstreamPaused) { adsManager.pause(); outstreamPaused = true; } } } return false; } let outstreamInitInterval; if (typeof cpexPackage !== "undefined") { outstreamInitInterval = setInterval(tryToInitializeOutstream, 100); } else { const wrapper = getWrapper(); if (wrapper) { let outstreamInitialized = false; window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { if (!outstreamInitialized) { const containerOffset = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (containerOffset.top < windowHeight / 1 && containerOffset.bottom > 0.0) { outstreamInit(); outstreamInitialized = true; } } }); } } function tryToInitializeOutstream() { const wrapper = getWrapper(); if (wrapper) { const containerOffset = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if (containerOffset.top < windowHeight / 1 && containerOffset.bottom > 0.0) { if (cpexPackage.adserver.displayed) { clearInterval(outstreamInitInterval); outstreamInit(); } } } else { clearInterval(outstreamInitInterval); } } }