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David Wilson Headshot

David Wilson

Director, Statistics


PhD, Statistics, North Carolina State University
MS, Statistics, University of Kentucky
BS, Actuarial Science, UNC-Chapel Hill


Dr. David Wilson has more than 25 years of experience in statistics. His extensive expertise includes assessing disclosure risk for data and developing methods to reduce that risk, creating sample designs for large national studies of schools and students, and developing weighting procedures to account for unknown eligibility, nonresponse, and coverage errors.

In addition to managing the development of the commercial statistical analysis software SUDAAN, Dr. Wilson currently supports the High School and Beyond Study of 2022, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study of 2023, and International Computer and Information Literacy Study of 2023 for the U.S. Department of Education.

Dr. Wilson is skilled in multiple programming languages, including SAS, R, SUDAAN, C/C++, and VBA. He is a member of the American Statistical Association.

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