Help & Support

How can we help you today?
PLEASE NOTE: The RYA website was upgraded in the summer of 2021, if you have not logged on since this time you will need to re-register on the site.

If you are an RYA member then registering is simple as all your details will be automatically populated upon entering your membership number and date of birth.  If you have been a member for some time then we may not have your date of birth recorded, in which case please let us know by emailing [email protected].
Struggling to Login ?

Forgotten your password? Can't remember which email address you registered with? We're here to help.

Create an account

Registering for an account on the RYA website will give you access to restricted areas and services, here's how to set up a new account

Connect your membership and qualifications

To get a more personalised experience online, connect your membership & qualifications to your website account

Buying and downloading eBooks

Through our web shop, you can purchase a range of eBooks - this guide will explain how to purchase and download our eBooks.

Accessing online courses

You can access and manage your online classes through our learning platform - RYA Interactive

Edit your details & manage your data

Through your RYA website account, you can control the data we hold about you - such as your address and email preferences.


Help on other services

Exam Payments Service

FAQs for Online exam payments


About SafeTrx and how to use it

RYA Training Chart Plotter

Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Courses

Data Security FAQs

Important information


Still need help? 

Contact the RYA

If the guides above haven't helped resolve any questions or queries you had, please get in touch with our team. We'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have or settle any concerns.

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you're struggling to find a guide that covers a topic you need help with, get in touch with our support team and we'll gladly be of assistance.


This page is here to help you with any technical enquires or issues you may have with our digital products and services

If you cannot see the topic you need above, please contact [email protected]