Got-Cha Plug Review: Pros, Cons, And How To Rig & Retrieve Them


The Got-Cha plug is one of the most popular lures for beach and pier fishing.

I was recently at a pier fishing for Spanish mackerel and it seemed like every fisherman there was using them (including me!).

They’re popular for a reason — you can cast them a country mile, they catch fish, and they’re available in nearly all tackle stores.

But they’re not perfect.

In this video, I’ll break down everything you need to know about Got-Cha plugs, including:

  • How to rig and retrieve them to catch more fish
  • The pros and cons of using them
  • And much more

Check it out below!

Got-Cha Plug Review [VIDEO]

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First, we’ll talk about the specs, pros, and cons of this lure, then we’ll get into how to rig them.

Got-Cha Plug Specs

There are several models of Got-Cha plugs, which are made by Sea Striker, but they’re all very similar.

Below are the specs for the G101RH:

  • Length: 3″
  • Weight: 1 oz
  • Hooks: #2 tail hook, #4 belly hook

Got-Cha Plug Pros

Here’s what I like about these lures:

  • Very durable
  • Relatively cheap (about $4.50-6)
  • Simple to use
  • Fish love them

Got-Cha Plug Cons

Here’s what I don’t like about these lures:

  • The paint on the head will chip (although I don’t think it matters too much)
  • Hooks cannot be replaced

How To Rig & Retrieve Got-Cha Plugs

These lures are especially good for toothy fish running along the beaches like Spanish mackerel and bluefish.

When rigging them, I like to use 12-15″ of 50 lb mono with a kreh loop knot.

Many people like to use wire, although that can decrease the amount of strikes you’ll get because Spanish mackerel have great eyesight.

When you’re retrieving them, I like to use sharp pops to make the lure dart through the water.

It has great action when you do this, which the fish love.

Now there are lots of colors of Got-Cha plugs, but in my experience, the color doesn’t really matter as long as you’re in the right spot and the fish are eating.


gotcha plug review

If I’m fishing from the beach or a pier for Spanish mackerel, I’m usually using a Got-Cha plug.

They’re durable, cheap, and fish love them.

Have you used these lures?

What do you think?

Let me know in the comments below.

You can get these Got-Cha plugs from our online tackle store here.

And if you want 20% off of these lures, plus 20% off of all the other products in our store (including rods, reels, sunglasses, and more), then join us in the Insider Club.

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Eugene Semenov
11 months ago

Will the Gotcha Plugs ever come back to the shop? These are used everywhere around the coast of North Carolina for Spanish and Blues, but I assume that the Tackle Shop’s items change during the time of year…

al magrum
11 months ago

hey, you could replace the hooks, cut the treble hooks off add split rings then regular hooks,

4 years ago


Steve Dupree
4 years ago

What rod and reel setup would you recommend for the 1 oz Gotcha Plug?

Matt Price
4 years ago

I had one break one time and noticed that its actually only one wire that runs from the back hook to the eye. So u could cut the wire and pull each side out and then rerun a wire with single hooks on it

Glenn Nunemaker
4 years ago

Wyatt, how about cutting off the trebles and using some split rings to add the hook of your choice. I use the lure but have not tried my suggestion.

Brad Brescia
4 years ago

Two weeks ago I caught my PB Bluefish trolling one of these in the no wake zone near Ponce Inlet. Fun little lures!

Randy Hampton
4 years ago

Could you cut the ring portion of the hook to get it off and add a single hook with a split ring?

Harrison Prince
4 years ago
Reply to  Randy Hampton

Same idea i had. Just gotta get something to cut the ring and good to go

Isaac Lee
4 years ago

Wire Cutters are cheap and great!

Ronald H Mattson Sr
4 years ago
Reply to  Wyatt Parcel

Pretty easy to cut the eye of the new treble and open either moving it left or right only as either up or down will break hooks eye. Open just wide enough to allow replacement then realign and make sure gap is closed. Very common up north when striped bass fishing with large lures.

Mike Mahan
4 years ago
Reply to  Wyatt Parcel

Actually it often only takes a pair of pliers to crush the eye of the hook. I replace lots of these trebles with bigger and sharper ones!

1 year ago
Reply to  Randy Hampton

Yes you can. Or a small split ring


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