Taxicabs, Taxi Services & Yellow Cabs | San Diego International Airport
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Many companies provide taxicab service at San Diego International Airport. If you need a taxi, simply follow the signs leading to the Transportation Plazas. A Customer Service Representative will place you with the first available taxi, unless you specify a particular taxicab company.

The guide below lists taxicab radio/dispatch services in San Diego. Call directly or use the Web links to find the taxicab service that best suits your needs. Please refer to a San Diego phone book yellow pages for a complete list of taxicab services.

Name Payment Street Phone
Yellow Radio Service All major credit cards accepted 3473 Kurtz St.
San Diego
American Radio Service All major credit cards upon request 433 10th Ave.
San Diego
Orange Radio Service All major credit cards upon request 3911 Pacific Hwy. #208
San Diego
San Diego Dispatch  Major credit cards upon request 3485 Kurtz St.
San Diego
619.226.8294 / 800.368.2947
USA Radio Dispatch  All major cards upon request 2660 Imperial Ave.
San Diego