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City Planning Department

Meeting Agendas

Posting of Planning Group Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Community planning groups are private organizations officially recognized by the City Council to advise the city on land use issues. It is essential to the success of recognized community planning groups that broad community participation be encouraged. To this end, the links to the monthly meeting agendas for community planning groups are provided below. 

The agendas contain information pertaining to meeting dates, times, locations, as well as a listing of informational and action items to be discussed at the meetings. Each community planning group sets its own monthly agenda and is responsible for providing it to the department for posting onto the web. Posting to the web is a courtesy notice and does not absolve the responsibility of each group to post the legal notice outside the place of the meeting 72 hours prior to the meeting. All community planning group meetings are open to the public. For more information regarding a particular planning group meeting agenda, please refer to the Community Planning Group Contact List.

Requests to post agendas along with draft minutes can be submitted to [email protected] 7 calendar days in advance of the scheduled meeting to allow staff sufficient time to post. City website posting of planning group meeting agendas and meeting minutes is done as a courtesy and is not intended to satisfy requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act.  It is the planning group's responsibility to comply with noticing requirements per the Ralph M. Brown Act. It is also the responsibility per Council Policy 600-24 for planning groups to maintain their own official records (e.g., meeting agendas and minutes) for a period of 5 years either on its website, in electronic files or in hard copies.

Translation and Interpretation Services

Planning groups can request translation and interpretation language services to improve access to planning group meetings and participation in the planning process by diverse populations in the City: Announcement regarding translation and interpretation services


For a community's planning group agendas, please select the community from the following list: