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SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs

Commanders and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) are responsible for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program at their military installation or organization. They are responsible for creating an environment that promotes decreased prevalence, increased reporting of sexual assault and harassment, and providing victims with optimal care.

DoD SAPRO has gathered resources and tools to assist military leaders in establishing climates that are not conducive to sexual assault and harassment and instill confidence in SAPR services.


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Commander's Checklist Military Protective Order (MPO) DD Form 2873  
The Commander’s Checklist serves as a baseline for the response to adult sexual assault victims, suspects, and their unit in the event of an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault. This order informs the Service member and the protected person that the commanding officer is issuing an order to the member prohibiting contact or communication with the protected person or members of the protected person's family or household.  


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Safety Plan Safety Assessment Tool Safety Assessment Worksheet
Safety Assessments are required as part of DoDI 6495.02 in response to Unrestricted and Restricted reports. The Safety Assessment Tool is designed to evaluate current suicidal/homicidal behaviors in alleged offender(s) or in victims of sexual assault who are at risk. Need to provide a victim of sexual assault a safety assessment plan? Use this worksheet.
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Sample MOU DoD Instruction 6310.09 -- Health Care Management for Patients Associated with a Sexual Assault Forms
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is used between organizations to represent an understanding to share specified information within a given timeframe. Establishes procedures to ensure comprehensive standards for providing health care in the military health system for patients who present with a disclosure of sexual assault or disclose they have committed or are suspected to have committed a sexual assault. These forms help commanders, SARCs, and SAPR Victim Advocates (VAs) execute their missions.