Newspapers and Publications
The Provincial Archives houses the largest available collection of Saskatchewan weekly newspapers, and many of the major Saskatchewan daily newspapers. Primarily, these newspapers are available on microfilm, and date back to the establishment of the Saskatchewan Herald (Battleford), first published in 1878.
In addition, the Saskatchewan Historic Newspapers Online collection has been created in collaboration between the Saskatchewan Archives and Sask History Online (SHO). The project when completed will see the digitization of newspapers from all across Saskatchewan from 1878 through to the mid 1960s.. The collection includes newspapers from communities across the province which were published in English, French, German, and Ukrainian.
The Provincial Archives has an excellent collection of pamphlets and other rare printed materials, many of which were not widely circulated. The pamphlet collection documents a wide array of themes, including arts and culture; politics; the activities of societies, organizations, and populist movements; and recreational activities.
Other publications in the Archives’ Collection include local history books, family history books, city and town directories, and government publications including statutes and annual reports. Our publications also includes Saskatchewan History, which was published by the Provincial Archives from 1948-2017.

Cyril and Claude Parkinson, newspaper delivery boys at Kamsack, ca. 1916. PAS Photo R-A4106.