Church Records
Religious organizations have recorded vital statistics information from important rites, such as baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials in the parish register. The information that was captured is usually the names of parents or other family members, ages, dates and places. However, church records often contain information regarding the privacy of an individual. These records may be considered confidential and the church that maintains the records may restrict access.
The Provincial Archives has in its custody many original and microfilm copies of parish registers. Most of these are from United, Anglican, and Presbyterian churches in the province, but other denominations such as Catholic and Lutheran may be available.
Access to these records may be subject to the permission of the Conference or Diocese; the researcher must contact the appropriate church body first.
Unless researchers know that the church to which their families belonged is still open, it is best to write to the central office or archive of that denominational body with an inquiry. Letters are usually forwarded to the appropriate congregation.
List of major Saskatchewan churches and contact information.

Ukrainian Catholic Church at Alvena, pre-1950. PAS Photo S-B7422.