Zinta Hardeep
Zinta Hardeep
Zinta Hardeep
from simple house hold equipmen to intricate mechanical gadgets. In this project, I will describe the use of stamping to manufacture a simple sheet metal part. Starting from the part details (material and dimensions), I will ensure the part meets all requirements for manufacturability. The main objective is to find the most cost efficient variant of manufacturing. Thus least wasteful method to produce the required sheet metal part is shearing by die. 1. Blank For Sheared Part. die Type selection 1.1. Choice of the shape and of size of part, choice of standard sheet providing the maximum material utilization ratio
Fig 1.1 Drawing of the sheared part Description of the part, its peculiarities and manufacturability. The drawing with all dimensions of the given part is shown in Fig.1. It is necessary to manufacture the part with equipment that would give the necessary accuracy. This part is a contact for aircraft control system. For production of such part it is advisable to select cold punching blanking from a sheet metal strip. The flat sheet has overall dimensions of 50 30mm, simple outer counter without slot and with hole of diameter 3 mm and rectangular hole with radiuses 5mm which are made at the distance of 10 mm from the straight edge. Material thickness is 1 mm. Tolerances correspond to 14 and 9 classes of accuracy.
2 Table 1 Mechanical properties of the alloy D16 material. Elasticity modulus E, Density Shear Ultimate strength 9 Y,(g/cm3) (Pa 10 ) strength, s, uts, (MPa) (MPa) 72 2.8 300 380
The criteria of the good manufacturability of the sheared parts are follows: 1) minimum of material waste; 2) minimum number of operations and minimum labor intensiveness; 3) presence or absence of the following part machining; 4) minimum of required equipment and manufacturing areas; 5) increasing of operations and workshop productivity; 6)increasing of dies durability. The most general manufacturability criterion is a minimal part cost. The main manufacturability requirements for sheared parts are: a) avoiding of complex shapes with narrow and long notches (b 2S). Here b notch width, S sheet thickness. This criterion is satisfied. b) avoiding of blanking of a long and narrow parts with constant width (b 3S); instead it is common practice to use the flattening of wire blanks. This criterion is satisfied (30>3). c) minimal dimensions of pierced holes can be defined with the help of table 2 (S sheet thickness). This criterion is satisfied. Minimal dimension is equal to 3 mm > 0.8 mm. d) minimal distance from the hole edge to the strip edge shouldnt be less than S for circular holes and 1.5S, if hole edges are parallel to the parts edge. This criterion is satisfied (5mm>1.5mm). e) minimal distance between holes pierced at the same time should be: b = (23)S. This criterion is satisfied : b = 4 mm Table 2 Minimal dimensions of the pierced holes Stamping with free punch Material circular rectangular Hard steel 1.3S 1.0S Soft steel and 1.0S 0.7S brass Aluminum 0.8S 0.5S Textolite and 0.4S 0.35S turbonit Conclusion: all above requirements are satisfied. 2. The most advisable method of manufacturing is shearing by die. 3. Ive chosen two standard metal sheets ( 1050-88) width 750mm and 1500mm, length 2000mm and 3000mm is cut by guillotine shears, and the blank is a strip (figure 1.2).
3 4. It is necessary to use the strip nesting arrangement which guarantees the maximum of material utilization ratio (the waste of material should be minimum). 5. Analysis of possibility of low-wasted nesting (without waste of material at the upper and lower side of a strip) by comparison of tolerances for parts dimensions p (table 3). The length of the part is L=50mm and tolerance for 14 quality is 0.74mm. With the part thickness 1 mm, guillotine shear tolerance g. s, is 0.8 mm. Since g. s=0.8 > p=0.74 shear cannot provide the required accuracy and strip nesting with scrap allowance should be used. Table 3 Tolerances p for 13th and 14th accuracy classes p, mm Dimension, mm th 13 accuracy class 14th accuracy class over 3 6 0.18 0.30 over 6 10 0.22 0.36 over 10 18 0.27 0.43 over 18 30 0.33 0.52 over 30 50 0.39 0.62 over 50 80 0.46 0.74 over 80 120 0.54 0.87 Table 4 Guillotine shears tolerance () g. s, S, mm over 1 2 over 2 3 over 3 5 0.8 1.2 2 1.2 2 3
up to 1 0.6 0.8
4 6. The tab dimensions m (edge clearance) and n (skeleton width) are chosen according to the table 5; which compensate the inaccuracy of strip placing into a die and its fixation. m=2.5 (noncircular punching), n=2 (noncircular punching) Table 5 Minimum tab values m and n, mm Manual strip feed punching with Automatic strip noncircular feed strip 180 punching turning m n m n m n 2 1.5 3 2 3 2 2.5 2 3.5 3 3 2 3 3 4 3.5 3 3
S, mm
7. Choose the optimal nesting arrangement on two standard sheets which provides the maximum material utilization ratio (minimum material waste).. Factor can be calculated by the following formula:
N F B L ,
N number of parts on the sheet; F=1129 mm2 area of one part; B, L sheet width and length. Sheet metal blank 2000 750 mm Horizontal nesting arrangement
N=36 23=828; F=1.12910-3m2 =0.623 Sheet metal blank 3000 1500 mm Horizontal nesting arrangement
N=54 46=2484; F=1.12910-3m2 =0.623 Conclusion: it is advisable to use horizontal arrangement of strip in standard sheet 3 1.5m. The obtained results are shown in the table 6
6 Table 6. Selection of a standard sheet with maximum Number of parts, pcs. Nesting Sheet providing , % Horizontal strip Vertical strip higher nesting nesting 2511 2484 Horzontal 63 1500 3000mm 806 828 Vertical 62.3 750 2000 mm The variant of nesting with maximum should be defined as optimal one and should be used as primary. 1.2. Selection of die type Using the recommendations for manufacturing of sheared parts and taking the initial data (parts geometry, dimensional accuracy and surface smoothness, production plan, etc.) into consideration, the die type may be chosen. 1. I chose combined stamping as stamping method. For combined stamping one die generates all contours (inner and outer); this method decreases the labor intensiveness and cost of parts. 2. I chose progressive die. A part is manufactured in several operating steps; this stamp is cheaper but is less accurate (it can provide only the accuracy IT13+); stamping productivity is higher: stamping (strip feed, scrap removal) can be automated; operating safety is higher.
Figure 1.4 Progressive die: 1 piercing punch;2 blanking punch (for outer contour); 3 die block; 4, 6 scrap; 5 part; 7 stop (shearing punch); 8 strip. For progressive die: 1 part per cutting pass (except the first pass when the inner contour is created). strip feeding right-to-left, along guide rails. Elements of automation can be applied here (automatic/manual feed).
7 blank (strip) fixation: first, by a finger stop; during the every other cutting pass by a stationary (permanent) stop; parts and scrap removal a fall stamping type is used, parts and scrap fall down separately to special containers after each cutting pass; elements of automation can be used. 1.3. Energy-power parameters of stamping Calculation the main energy-power parameters of stamping. 1. Punching force for inner contours (punching force p): p = k sh Li.c S, k = 1.2 factor, which considers the irregularity of material thickness, its mechanical properties, cutting edges dulling, etc.; sh shear strength of strip material; Li.c inner contour(s) perimeter; S sheet thickness. p = 1.2 300000000 ( 0.003+0.071) 0.001=28953 N , 2. Punching force for outer contours (blanking force b): b = k sh Lo.c S, k = 1.2 factor, which considers the irregularity of material thickness, its mechanical properties, cutting edges dulling, etc.; sh = shear strength of strip material; S sheet thickness. Lo.c = 143mm outer contour perimeter. b = 1.2 300000000 0.143 0.001= 51480 N , 3. Total punching force for all parts contours: P = p + b.= 28953 +51480 =80433 N 4. Stripping pressure. A stripping pressure calculation helps to determine the correct amount of the spring pres sure a spring-loaded stripper must produce. It usually varies between 3 and 20 percent of the blanking pressure and can be calculated using next equation: r = h-d = kr/h-dP, Where kr/h-d factor, which depends on die type and material thickness (table 7). Table 7 Factor kr/h-d kr/h-d Stock thickness S, mm combined progressive separate stamping stamping Less than 1 0.020.06 0.060.08 1.15 0.060.08 0.100.12 r = h-d = kr/h-dP=0.08 80433 = 6435 N, 5. Part (scrap) pushing force for die block with cylindrical band:
Q k P
h , s
k = 0.065 experimental coefficient; h height of cylindrical band (standard value; e.g., 5 mm).
6. Total technological force Pt: Pt = + h-d + Q=80433 +6435 +26141 =113010 N . Working procedure: upper die shoe moves down, inner and outer contours are created (P), after that punches push the scrap through the cylindrical band (Q). Total technological force Pt is used as one of parameters for press selection. 2. Die design. selection of equipment 2.1. Center of pressure When a progressive blanking die is too large, it would better be positioned on the same axis as the ram of a press. This way the center of the press force and the center of its distribution throughout the blanking station will coincide. To position a powerful blanking die slightly off the center may result in greater than usual wear of die bushings, caused by the dies inclination in the direction of the lesser support. In order to place a complicated shape dead on center, first the center must be located. The method of calculating the center of pressure of an irregular shape is demonstrated on the sample shown in Fig. 2-1. Figure 2.1 shows method of calculation of center of pressure position (an intersection of yc and xc axes).
Figure 2.1 Center of pressure Analytical method of center of pressure calculation gives the following formulas for xcenter and ycenter (, b are not shown on fig. 2.1):
= xcenter distance from y axis to the center of pressure; ycenter distance from x axis to the center of pressure;
9 P1, P2, punching forces; X1, X2 distances from the center of pressure of blanking and piercing punches respectively to y axis; Y1, Y2 distances from the center of pressure of blanking and piercing punches respectively to x axis. Instead of forces P1, P2, P3 one can use the respective perimeters of figures, because p-i.c = k sh Lc S, and parameters k, sh and S are the same. An axis of press slider must go through the dies center of pressure (intersection of xc and yc axes). 2.2. Defining of cutting clearance between punches and die block opening If cutting clearances are defined correctly, the cut edge quality is high, die durability is greatest, punching forces are optimal, etc. For a die block with cylindrical die land, the value of punch-die clearance z (figure 2.3) depends on material properties and sheet thickness S (table 8): z = k S. Table 8 Bilateral clearances Factor k value for Sheet thickness (steels) 10, 45 (Steel S, mm aluminum alloys 15, 08rim, 20, 25, 45) and higher 30, 35, 40, brass 0.10.25 0.0050.02 0.0050.02 0.0050.02 0.250.5 0.050.10 0.060.12 0.070.14 0.51.8 0.060.10 0.070.12 0.080.14 1.83 0.080.10 0.090.12 0.100.13 Over 3 0.080.12 0.110.15 0.130.16
Figure 2.3 Cutting clearance for cylindrical punch: 1 punch; 2 die block z = 0.11 = 0.1mm. For the die opening with conical die land the cutting clearances are decreased by 10-15%. The main rule for optimal cutting clearance is the follow: the dimension of the pierced hole is equal to the dimension of the piercing punch and the dimension of the blanked contour is equal to dimension of the die opening.
10 2.3. DIE BLOCK AND PUNCHES DIMENSIONS Die set may be used for piercing and blanking when the cutting clearance becomes greater than allowable maximum clearance (optimal). In such a case the main rule is broken: the pierced hole dimension becomes greater than the piercing punch dimension and the blanked contour dimension becomes less than die opening dimension. In this case the proper tolerance d dimension of the punch and die must be assigned. Checking the possibility of separate manufacturing of die block and punches is possible if the following condition is fulfilled (for zmin see table 2.1): z zmin < d + p. 0.1 -0.08=0.02 < 0.075+0.075=0,15 mm For complex shape punches (inner or outer), only manufacturing together with die block is possible. In this case, one of two dimensions (of punch or die block) is defined as main (depending on type of contour inner or outer), and another one is manufactured according to the main dimension. All cutting tools (punches and die block) must be by 3-4 accuracy class greater than accuracy class of the part being sheared (technological recommendation). Figure 2.4 shows how to determine the dimensions of the die block and punches. Nominal dimensions depend on the rule noted above and the optimal clearance z. Toleranced dimensions of circular contours (punches dimensions or dimensions of holes in die blocks) can be calculated by the following formulas: 1 2 a) for inner contour(s): Figure 2.4 Punches and die dimensions: 1 die, Dp Dn 0.8 p , 2 punch. d b Dd b Dn 0.8 z ; b) for outer contour:
d b
, Dd-b, Dp die and punches dimensions; Dn nominal dimension; tolerance of parts corresponding dimension (for defined accuracy class); d-b p dimensional tolerances of die block and punches (11th accuracy class). Table 2.2 can be used for determination of d and p. Table 9 Dimensional tolerances (14th accuracy class) and tolerances for tools (11th accuracy class)
11 Tolerance Tool Tool th (9 tolerance, tolerance, Dimensions, mm accuracy (6th th (11 accuracy class), accuracy class) m m class) m 13 250 25 60 6 over 3 6 300 30 75 8 over 6 10 360 36 90 9 over 10 18 430 43 110 11 over 18 30 520 52 130 13 over 30 50 620 62 160 16 over 50 80 740 74 190 19 over 80 120 870 87 220 22 over 120 180 1000 100 250 25 The defined dimensions are represented in table 10. Dimensions of non-circular contours can be calculated by the following formulas: ) decreased (because of tool deterioration) dimensions punch dimensions (e.g., dimension A on figure 2.4): Pp Pn 0.8 t , ; b) increased (because of tool deterioration) dimensions die block dimensions (e.g., dimension F on figure 2.4):
Pd Pp
Pn Pn
0.8 0.8 z
c) constant dimensions (dimension E on figure 2.4): P = Pn 0.2 , P toleranced non-circular dimension; Pn nominal dimension; tolerance of parts corresponding dimension (for defined accuracy class); tool (die block/punches) dimensional tolerances. t = 0.3 Table 10 Dimensions Nominal Tool Tolerance Dimen dimension, tolerance Dimension type P, mm sion , mm mm t, mm 50 0.62 0.16 Increasing 49.504+0.16 A 30 0.62 0.16 Increasing 29.504+0.16 B 10 0.3 0.075 Increasing 9.76+0.075 C 20 0.43 0.11 Constant 200.086 D 5 0.03 0.008 Decreasing 5.024-0.008 E 3 0.03 0.008 Decreasing 3.024-0.008 F
12 2.4. Selection of press and manner of die fixturing 1. Mechanical presses are usually used for manufacturing of relatively small parts. Such presses usually have greater productivity than hydraulic ones due to the greater stroke rate of the ram. Mechanical presses have many parameters and there are many requirements for such presses.
Figure 2.5 Press geometry 2. Press selection (first approximation). Total technological force Pt should be approximately equal to the normal press force P (table 11). 3. According table we select Single-crank C-frame single-action press. Model 2122. Table 11 Press parameters 2122 Press Capacity 160 (Tonnage) P, kN Stroke, mm 571 -1 Stroke rate, min 180 Bolster Plate BL, mm 420280 Shut Height H, mm 250 Maximum press height, 550 mm Bolster Plate opening 260 diameter, mm Drive power N, kW 1.1 Wholesale price, USD 4200 4. Checking of the press requirements: a) Required technological force Pt should be less or equal to the normal press force P: Pt P 113 160 kN. Hence it satisfies requirement. b) Effective press drive power Apr should be greater or equal to the stamping energy (work): Apr. Stamping work can be calculated by the following formula: A = c Pt h = 0.7 0.004 113010 = 316 J, = 0.7 dimensionless factor;
13 h = Hmax Hmin die stroke length (can be calculated after one has the dimensions of dies elements: upper and lower die shoe, punches, die block, etc.). Press drive power can be calculated by the following formula: Npr = 1 N =0.9 1100=990W , 1 = 0.9 coefficient of efficiency (from an engine to a fly wheel); N electric motor drive power. Determine a fly wheel work: k 1.3 irregularity coefficient; n stroke rate, min-1 (table 2.5). Determine the effective press drive power Apr: pr = f.w=0.7 254=178 J, = 0.7 press efficiency coefficient. Finally, check if Apr. 178. Thus this requirement is not satisfied. So I have selected press model 2124. Its press capacity equals 250 kN c) Press stroke should agree with the stamping process. That means that: Hmin + 5 mm < Hst < H 5 mm, Hst die minimum height; Hmin = H minimum press height (table 2.5, figure 2.5); H maximum press height (table 2.5, figure 2.5). This requirement is satisfied. d) Bolster plate dimensions BL corresponds to the dies overall dimensions. 7. Die is fixtured by special T-shaped slots which can be used for dies fixturing. 2.5. Strength, stability and bearing calculations for construction elements of die 1. Die block Usually the empirical relations are used for defining of die block overall dimensions B and B1. B = b + (34) H, B1 = b1 + (34) H, B, B1 die block overall dimensions; b, b1 maximum width and length of a die block hole (e.g., outer shape of the part); H die block thickness (height) (table 12).
st st
14 Maximum width (length) of a die block hole b (b1), mm 50 50100 100200 over 200 Table 12 Die block thickness (height) Die block thickness (height) for sheet thickness 1 mm (0.30.4) b (0.20.3) b (0.150.2) b (0.100.15) b 13 mm (0.350.5) b (0.220.35) b (0.180.22) b (0.120.18) b 36 mm (0.450.6) b (0.300.45) b (0.220.30) b (0.150.22) b
b =50 b1=30 H=0.3 50=15. Rounded up to the 16. B=50 +3 16=98. Approved equals 100. B1=30+3 16=78. Rounded up to the 80.
Figure 2.6 Working zone and hole dimensions According reference literature [1, p. 75] the die cant have lesser dimension than 125 125mm. And according [1, p. 448] it was chosen 22number of die shoe with dimensions 125 125mm 2. Punches Usually punches are made of tool steel (for example, 8 1435-90). The main properties of 8 steel are: [ bear] = 100 MPa allowable bearing stress; [ c] = 1600 MPa allowable compression stress; E = 2.151011 Pa modulus of elasticity. ) punches bearing calculation:
P bear = F [ bear], P axial punch force (punching force Pp); p = 1.2 3 108 0.003 0.001=3392N F punch bearing surface area. F= 0.0092/4
15 >[ Punch bearing diameter (area) should not be increased. b) punches compression calculation:
P [ c], f
0.0032 /4 minimum sectional area of the punch. MPa c < [ c], so the punch diameter (area) should not be increased:
Jmin minimum moment of inertia of the punch; Jmin = min (Jx, Jy); P axial punch force (punching force Pt); n = 2.5 safety coefficient. Table 9 Results of calculations Element Punch for inner contour ( 3mm) P, kN 3392 Jmin, mm4 4.051012 b,
MPa 53
l, m 0.0642
3. Lower die shoe It is reputed that a die block doesnt react a load; it transmits load to the lower die shoe. Bending analysis should be made for the lower die shoe (e.g., cast steel 30: [ bend] = 120 MPa).
Mmax = PtL/2 maximum moment of force; L = d hole diameter in the press table; W moment of resistance of a lower die shoes section about a horizontal axis (b, h lower die shoe overall dimensions) (figure 8).
M max W [ b=
Figure 8 Moment of resistance for a rectangular This moment of resistance of a lower die shoes section Wx=0.1250.1252/6=3.25510-4 Mmax =113010 0.05/2=2825 Nm
Thus bending analysis shows safety conditions for lower die shoe. 2.6. DIE DESIGNING A die includes a certain number of parts (die block, punches, upper and lower die shoes, sliding bars, stripper, punch plate, buffer, etc.) and standard articles (screws, pins, guide bushes, guideposts, stops, shank, pilot pin, etc.). The blanks for upper and lower die shoes and circular punches are standard. The use of standard die elements decreases a period of dies design and manufacturing and its prime cost. Dimensions of standard articles can be defined with the help of state standards (e.g., GOSTs) and special reference books [1]. Shank diameter depends on the selected mechanical press. Die designing order: 1. The upper and lower die shoe type and dimensions are gotten from [1, pp. 444451] diagonally arrangement upper and lower die shoe. Diameter of guide pin 28mm and 32mm, r=45, length of die shoe L2=216.5 mm, width of die shoe W=125 mm, clearance between die shoe and working area e=40mm, height of lower die shoe hl=45mm, height of upper die shoe hu=36mm 2. The type and dimensions of the guide bushes are gotten from [1, pp. 444, 459461] smooth pins and bushings: diameter of guide bushing Dg=45mm, height of guide bushes Hg=80mm 3. The type and dimensions of the guideposts are gotten from [1, pp. 444, 462] height of guideposts Hg=160mm diameter of guideposts Dg=32mm 4. The type and dimensions of the shank are gotten from [1, pp. 468472].
17 Shank with flange diameter of shank Ds=40mm 5. The type and dimensions of the permanent stop are gotten from [1, pp. 125127]. Mashroom stop is choosen. Height of the permanent stop is 8mm. 6. The type and dimensions of the finger stop are gotten from [1, pp. 128 131]. 7. The clearance between the punches and the stripper (stationary or movable) are gotten from [1, p. 113]. It is equal to 1 mm. 8. Dimensions of screws and pins are gotten from [1, p. 77]. Diameter of screws are equal to M12, pins diameter equals 8mm. 2.7. Die assembling. assignment of tolerances and fits Typical die assembling procedure is the following: 1. Install the lower die shoe (pos. 4) on a workbench. 2. Install the die block (pos. 1) with stock guides (pos. 2) and finger stop (pos. 26) on the lower die shoe. Fix by screws (pos. 14) preliminary. Ream the holes 12 3. Fix the die block by dowel pins (pos. 17) by fit H7/n6, after that fix the die block by screws (pos. 14) finally. 4. Install the guide posts (pos. 22, 23) into the lower die shoe by fit S7/h6. 5. Install the shank (pos. 27) into the upper die shoe (pos. 3) by fit H7/s6; fix it by the pin (pos. 15). 6. Install the guide bushes (pos. 20, 21) by fit H7/s6. 7. Join upper die shoe (pos. 3), back up plate (pos. 5), punch plate (pos. 9) with punches (pos. 68) and stripper (pos. 10) by screws (pos. 13). 8. Lubricate the guideposts with technical vaseline and install the die upper on corresponded guideposts; move the upper die shoe down and check if punches go easily through the holes in the die block. 9. Install the block punchespunch plateback up plate in a way to provide the required clearances between the punches and the die block. Fix the block preliminary by screws (pos. 13). 10. Ream the holes 12H7 in the block punchespunch plate back up plate. 11. Install dowel pins (pos. 16) in the holes ay fit 8 H7/n6. 11. Fix the block punchespunch plateseparator by screws finally (pos. 13).
18 Conclusion The die for piercing-blanking operation is designed. Given part can be manufactuered to required degree of accuracy using designed die. If the tool is produced and assembled as was said above, the production of the part will meet all requirements which were considered
19 References 1. Die designers handbook: Sheet stamping. Edited by L. Rudman. Moscow: Mechanical engineering, 1988. 496 p. (lang - russian)