Rr310304 Kinematics of Machinery

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Code No: RR310304 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Production
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Distinguish clearly between a ‘structure’ and a ‘Machine’.

(b) Explain various inversions of single and double slider crank chains. [4+12]

2. Two points P and Q, 4 cm apart are to be connected by a pantograph. The motion

of P to the motion of P Q is 13 : 7. Fine the distance of Q from the fixed point O of
the pantograph such that the point P moves at least 12.7 cm in either direction of
live O Q P when it is horizontal. Find also the main dimensions of the pantograph.

3. Figure 3 shows a worth whit quick return motion mechanism. The various dimen-
sions in the mechanism are as follows:
OQ = 100 mm; OA = 200 mm; QC = 150 mm and CD = 500 mm.
The crank OA makes an angle of 600 with vertical and rotates at 120 rpm in the
clockwise direction.
Locate all the instantaneous centers and find the velocity of ram D. [16]

Figure 3
4. (a) Discuss the three types of instantaneous centers for a mechanism.
(b) The stroke of a steam engine is 15 cm and the connecting rod is 30 cm in length.
Determine the velocity and acceleration of the piston when the crank has
made 450 measured from the inner dead centre and rotates at 600 r.p.m. Also
calculate the velocity and acceleration of point p, 5 cm on the connecting rod

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produced from the junction of the crank. Use instantaneous centre method.
5. The angle between the axes of two horizontal shafts to be connected by Hook’s joint
is 1500 . The speed of driving shaft is 150rpm. The driven shaft carries a flywheel
weighing 10 Kg and having a radius of gyration of 10 Cm. If the forked end of the
driving shaft rotates 300 from horizontal plane, find the torque required to drive
the shaft to overcome the inertial of the flywheel. [16]
6. The following data relate to a circular cam operating a flat faced follower
Least diameter = 40 m.m
Lift = 12 m.m.
Angle of action = 1600
Speed = 500 r.p.m.
If the period of acceleration of the follower is 60% of the retardation during the lift
(a) The main dimension of the cam
(b) The acceleration of the main points
(c) What is the maximum acceleration and deceleration during the lift? [5+5+6]
7. (a) Derive the formula for the length of the path of contact for two meshing spur
gear having involute profile.
(b) Find graphically, the length of the path of contact when pinion with 18 teeth
meshes with an internally toothed wheel with 72 teeth, when the pressure
angle is 200 , module pitch is 4 mm and the addenda of pinion and wheel are
8.7 mm and 3.7 mm respectively. [8+8]
8. A compound epicyclic gear is shown diagrammatically in Figure 8. The gears A,D
and E are free to rotate on the axis P. The compound gear b and C rotate together
on the axis Q at the end of arm F. All the gears D and E are annular gears. The
gear A rotates at 100 r.p.m. in the anti clockwise direction and the gear D rotates
at 450 r.p.m. clockwise. Find the speed and direction of the arm and the gear E.

Figure 8

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Code No: RR310304 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Production
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Sketch and describe the working of two different types of quick return mechanisms.
Give examples of their applications. Derive an expression for the ratio of times
taken in forward and return stroke for one of these mechanisms. [16]

2. A grass hopper straight line mechanisms gets its motion from a crank OA. The end
A of the crank in joined to a long rod PQ such that Q A is 6cm. The end Q is
further joined to along vertical link O1 Q, 24 Cm long moving with centre O1 . The
length of rod PQ is also 24 Cm and its end P describes an approximate vertical
straight line. Determine the radius of crank OA. Find also the maximum deviation
of P from the vertical straight line in a travel of 6 Cm on each side of its mean
position. [16]

3. In the mechanism shown is Figure 3, O and Q are fixed centers. If the crank OC
revolves at uniform speed of 120 r p m, find the angular accelerations of the links
CP, PA and AQ. Dimensions of various links are OC = 50m; CP = 200 mm; QA
=100 mm; QE = 50 mm: [16]

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Figure 3
4. The crank OA drives the rod AB as shown in Figure 4. A lever CD is pin-jointed
to the rod at C and to a block D which moves in the fixed guides; there is a
similar arrangement for the rod EF. The speed of block F is 0.72 m/sec for the
configuration shown in the figure. Find the speed of crank OA in rpm.
In figure the dimensions are given as hereunder OA = 18cm, AB = 72cm, AC =
40cm, CD = 36 cm, CE = 24 cm, EF = 30 cm. [16]

Figure 4
5. (a) Describe the working of Davis steering gear mechanism giving neat sketch.
Derive the condition for correct steering of the above mechanism.

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(b) The Distance between the steering pivots of a Davis Steering gear is 1.3m.
The wheel base is 2.75 metres. What will be the inclination of the track arms
to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle if it is moving in a straight path. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain a radial cam mechanism and describe the types of cams with sketches.
(b) Sketch the different types of cam followers.
(c) Explain angle of Ascent, dwell and angle of descent. [5+5+6]

7. (a) Derive an expression for minimum number of teeth (T) on the wheel if in-
terference is to be avoided between two mating gears. Also find the above
expression if gear ratio is 1.
(b) Two 200 involute spur gears mesh externally and give a velocity ratio of 3.
Module is 3 mm and the addendum is equal to 1.1 module. If the pinion
rotates at 120 rpm, determine
i. the minimum number of teeth on each wheel to avoid interference.
ii. The number of pairs of teeth in contact. [8+8]

8. An epicyclic gear train, as shown in Figure 8 has a sun wheel S of 30 teeth andtwo
planet wheel P.P. of 50 teeth. The planet wheels mesh with the internal teeth of
a fixed annuals A. the driving shaft carrying the sunwheel, transmits 4 kW at 300
r.p.m. The driven shaft is connected to an arm which carried the planet wheels.
Determine the speed of the driven shaft and the torque transmitted, if the overall
efficiency is 95%. [16]

Figure 8


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Code No: RR310304 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Production
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Distinguish clearly between a ‘structure’ and a ‘Machine’.

(b) Explain various inversions of single and double slider crank chains. [4+12]

2. Classify the straight-line motion mechanisms. Describe “a copied straight-line

mechanism”. [16]

3. In a mechanism as shown in Figure 3, the link AB rotates with a uniform angular

velocity of 30 rad/S. The lengths of various links are; AB = 100mm; BC = 300
mm; BD = 150 mm; DE = 250 mm; EF = 200 mm; DG=165 mm.
Determine the velocity and acceleration of G for the given configuration. [16]

Figure 3
4. (a) State and prove Kennedy’s theorm of instantaneous centers.
(b) In a four bar chain ABCD, A and D are fixed centers 12.5 cm apart. The
driving crank AB = 6.25 cm, at certain instant makes an angle of 600 with
AD. The driven crank CD and the coupler BC are 7.5 cm each. Determine
the following when the driving crank makes 10 r.p.m in clockwise direction:
i. The angular velocities of the links CD and CB
ii. of the angular acceleration of the link CD by instantaneous centre method.

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5. A Hook’s joint is used to connect two shafts whose axes are inclined at 200 . The
driving shaft rotates uniformly at 6000 rpm. What are the extreme angular veloc-
ities of the driven shaft? Find the maximum value of retardation or acceleration
and state the angle where both will occur. [16]

6. A flat ended valve tappet is operated by a symmetrical cam with circular arcs for
flank and nose profiles. The total angle of action is 1500 base circle diameter 125
mm and the lift 25 mm. During the lift, the period of acceleration is half that of
the retardation. Speed of cam shaft is 1250 r.p.m. The straight line path of the
tapper passes through the cam axis. Find

(a) Radii of the nose and flank, and

(b) Maximum acceleration and retardation during the lift. [16]

7. Two 200 involute spur gears mesh externally and have a gear equal to 2. The
number of teeth on smaller gear (i.e., pinion) is 20. The module is 10 mm. The
addendum on each wheel is to be made of such a length that the line of contact on
each side of the pitch point has half the maximum possible length. Determine:

(a) the addendum height for each gear wheel,

(b) length of path of contact
(c) arc of contact and
(d) contact ratio. [16]

8. An epicyclic bevel gear train, as shown in Figure 8 has fixed gear B meshing with
pinion C. The gear E on the driven shaft meshes with the pinion D. The pinions C
and D are keyed to a shaft, which revolves in bearings on the arm A. The arm A
is keyed to the driving shaft. The number of teeth are: TB = 75, Tc = 20, TD =
18 and TE = 70. Find the speed of the driven shaft, if 1. The driving shaft make
1000 r.p.m. and 2. The gear B turns in the same sense as the driving shaft at 400
r.p.m. the driving shaft still making 1000 r.p.m. [16]

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Figure 8


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Code No: RR310304 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Production
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) State the difference between the closed and unclosed pairs giving examples in
each case.
(b) What is a Kinematic chain? How is it formed from the links? [10+6]
2. (a) Show the Peaucellier mechanism generates an exact straight line as its path.
(b) Classify the straight line motion mechanisms with examples. [10+6]
3. The mechanism shown in Figure 3 the length of the various links are,
OE = 15cm, AB = 40cm, BC = 60cm and CD = 20cm. The crank rotates at
70rpm. Determine
(a) Coriolis component acceleration of E with respect to F
(b) Angular acceleration of link BC. [16]

Figure 3
4. The crank and connecting rod length of a simple steam engine are 10 cm and 40
cm respectively. The connecting rod weighs 50 kg and its center of gravity is 22
cm from the cross head center, the radius of gyration about the center of gravity
being 12 cm. If the engine speed is 300 rpm, using Klein’s construction, for a crank
angle of 450 from inner dead center, determine
(a) The inner velocity and acceleration of the center of gravity of the rod,

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(b) The angular velocity and acceleration of the rod,
(c) The kinetic energy of the rod. [16]

5. (a) Sketch a pantograph, explain its working and show that it can be used to
reproduce to an enlarged scale a given figure.
(b) The angle between the axes of two shafts joined by Hooke’s joint is 250 . The
driving shaft rotates at a uniform speed of 180 r.p.m, The driven shaft carries
a study load of 7.5 k.w. Calculate the mass of the fly wheel of the driven shaft
if its radius of gyration is 150 mm and the out put torque of the driven shaft
does not vary by more than 15% of the input shaft. [6+10]

6. A flat ended valve tappet is operated by a symmetrical cam with circular arcs for
flank and nose profiles. The total angle of action is 1500 base circle diameter 125
mm and the lift 25 mm. During the lift, the period of acceleration is half that of
the retardation. Speed of cam shaft is 1250 r.p.m. The straight line path of the
tapper passes through the cam axis. Find

(a) Radii of the nose and flank, and

(b) Maximum acceleration and retardation during the lift. [16]

7. A pinion 120 mm PCD meshes with a gear wheel 400 mm PCD. The teeth are of
involute form, 2 mm module pitch and 250 angle of obliquity. Addendum for each
wheel is 6 mm. Find the angle that the pinion turns through while any one pair of
teeth continue to maintain contact. If the pinion is the driven and rotates at 200
rpm, find the velocity of sliding at the instant contact ceases. Prove any formula
you use in this latter part. [16]

8. (a) Explain reverted gear train with the help of a sketch.

(b) In a reverted gear train, as show in Figure 8 two shafts A and B are in the
same straight line and are geared together through an intermediate parallel
shaft C. The gears connecting the shafts A and C have a module of 2 mm and
those connecting the shafts C and B have a module of 4.5 mm. The speed of
shaft A is to be about but greater than 12 times the speed of shaft B, and the
ratio at each reduction is same. Find suitable number of teeth for gears. The
number of teeth of each gear is to be a minimum but not less than 16. Also
find the exact velocity ratio and the distance of shaft C from A and B.[6+10]

Figure 8

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