r05310304 Kinematics of Machinery

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Code No: R05310304 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What do you mean by constrained motion? What are different types of con-
strained motions? Explain each type with examples and neat sketches.
(b) Find the distance between the fixed centers of a Whitworth quick return mo-
tion mechanism if the length of driving link is 30mm, return stroke is 120mm
and time ratio of cutting to return stroke is 2. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain Scott Russell mechanism through a neat sketch. Show that it gener-
ates a straight-line motion.
(b) What are the limitations of Scott Russell mechanism. [12+4]
3. A crank and rocker mechanism ABCD has the following dimensions: AB =0.75m,
BC =1.25 m, CD =1 m, AD =1.5 m and CF = 500 mm. AD is the fixed link. F lies
on BC produced. Crank AB has an angular velocity of 30 rad/s counter clock-wise
and a deceleration of 200 rad/s2 at the instant angle DAB= 300 . Find
(a) The instantaneous linear acceleration of C and F and
(b) The instantaneous angular velocities and accelerations of links BC and CD.
4. (a) Sketch polar velocity diagram of a Hooke’s joint and mark its salient features.
(b) The angle between the axes of two shafts joined by Hooke’s joint is 20o . The
driving shaft rotates at a uniform speed of 200 rpm. The driven shaft carries
a steady load corresponding to a power of 7.5 kW. Calculate the mass of the
flywheel of the driven shaft if its radius of gyration is 160 mm and the output
torque of the driven shaft does not vary by more than 12% of the input shaft.
5. (a) Define following terms with reference to cams.
i. Angle of Dwell.
ii. Pressure angle.
iii. Angle of action.
(b) The following data relate to a cam operating an oscillating roller follower:
Minimum radius of cam = 44mm. Diameter of roller = 14mm, Length of the
follower arm = 40mm. Distance of fulcrum centre from cam centre = 50mm,
Angle of ascent = 750 , Angle of descent = 1050 , Angle of dwell for follower in
the highest position = 600 , Angle of oscillation of follower = 280 . Draw the
profile of the cam if the ascent and descent both take place with SHM. [16]

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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 1
6. (a) Deduce an equation for velocity of sliding of gears.
(b) Two spur gears of 24 teeth and 36 teeth of 8mm module and 200 pressure angle
are in mesh. Addendum of each gear is 8mm. The teeth are of involute form
and the pinion rotates at 450rpm. Determine the velocity of sliding when the
pinion is at a radius of 102mm. [16]

7. A belt is required to transmit 40kW from a pulley 1.5m diameter running at 300rpm.
The angle of contact is spread over 11/24th of the circumference of the pulley, and
the coefficient of friction is 0.3, determine the width of the belt required, if thickness
of belt is 10mm, safe working stress for belt material is 2.5 MPa, and density of
belt material is 1100 kg/m3 . [16]

8. (a) Discuss about torques in epicyclic gear trains.

(b) In the epicyclic gear train shown in figure 8b, the compound wheels A and
B as well as internal wheels C and D rotate independently about the axis O.
The wheels E and F rotate on the pins fixed to arm a. All the wheels are of
the same module. The number of teeth on the wheels are

TA = 52, TB = 56, TE = TF = 36

Determine the speed of C if

i. the wheel D is fixed and arm a rotates at 200rpm clockwise.
ii. The wheel D rotates at 20rpm counter-clockwise and the arm a rotates at
200rpm clockwise. [16]

Figure 8b


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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Enumerate different types of mechanisms. Give examples for each type.
(b) In a crank and slotted lever type quick return motion mechanism, the driving
link is 60mm. While the distance between the fixed centers is 120mm. Find
the ratio of the time of cutting stroke to that of return stroke.
(c) Describe Oldham coupling. Where is it used in practice? [6+6+4]

2. A torque of 75 N-m is applied to the link OA at A of a Gross-Hopper mechanism

shown in figure 2. The link OA makes an angle of 20 degrees with the horizontal.
Find the magnitude of the vertical force exerted at B to overcome the resisting
torque of 75 N-m. The lengths of the links are: OA=40 mm, AC= 60 mm and
CB= 150 mm. If the link OA makes an angle of 10 and zero degrees with the
horizontal, what will be the vertical force at B to overcome the torque of 75 N-m?

Figure 2
3. (a) Explain what is meant by coriolis Acceleration?
(b) In the mechanism shown in Figure 3 the crank OA makes 200rpm in the
counter clockwise direction. Find
i. angular velocity of link BA and
ii. Velocity of the slider at B. OA=60mm, BC=300mm and OB= 220mm.

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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 2

Figure 3
4. (a) What conditions must be satisfied by the steering mechanism of a car in or-
der that the wheels may have a pure rolling motion when rounding a curve?
Deduce the relationship connecting the inclinations of the front stub axles to
the rear axle, the distance between the pivot centers for the front axles and
wheelbase of the car.
(b) A Hooke’s joint connects a shaft running at a uniform speed of 1200 rpm to a
second shaft, the angle between their axes being 20 degrees. Find the velocity
and acceleration of the driven shaft at the instant when the fork of the driving
shaft has turned through an angle of 15o from the plane containing the shaft
axes. At what positions of the driving shaft during a revolution, the angular
velocity of the driven shaft is the same as that determined above? [8+8]

5. (a) Define cam. What are the uses of cam & follower?
(b) Construct the profile of a disk cam with translating flat follower with the
following data: Rise 3 cm with harmonic motion in 1800 of cam rotation,
return with parabolic motion in 1500 of cam rotation and then dwell. The
base circle diameter is 15 cm. Determine the width of follower face allowing
0.75 cm clearance. The cam rotates in a counterclockwise direction. Check
the possibility for a cusp on the cam. [16]

6. (a) Deduce an equation for velocity of sliding of gears.

(b) Two spur gears of 24 teeth and 36 teeth of 8mm module and 200 pressure angle
are in mesh. Addendum of each gear is 8mm. The teeth are of involute form
and the pinion rotates at 450rpm. Determine the velocity of sliding when the
pinion is at a radius of 102mm. [16]

7. Determine the number of turns a hauling rope must be wound round a rotating
capstan in order to haul 10 trucks, each having a mass of 3000 kg up a gradient of
1 in 30. Rolling resistance is 45N/1000 kg, and pull on the free end of the rope, is
180N. Co-efficient of friction between the rope and the drum is 0.4. [16]

8. The speed ratio of the reverted gear train shown in figure 8 is to be 12. The module
of gears A and B is 3.125mm and of gears C and D is 2.5mm. Calculate the suitable
number of teeth for the gears. No gear is to have less than 24 teeth.

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Figure 8


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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Describe three practical applications of a Quadric cycle chain

(b) In a Whitworth quick return motion mechanism, the length of the driving link
is 75 mm while the distance between the fixed centers is 50mm. Find the ratio
of the time of cutting stroke to that of return stroke. [9+7]

2. In figure 2 shown, the dimensions of the various links are such that
= OE
= BD = FEC
. Show that if C traces any path, then D will describe a
similar path and vice-versa.

Figure 2
3. (a) State and Explain Kennedy’s theorem as applicable to instantaneous center
of rotation of three bodies.
(b) In the mechanism shown in Figure 3. the crank OA makes 400rpm in the
counter clockwise direction. Find
i. angular velocity of the link BA and
ii. velocity of the slider at A. The lengths of the links are OA= 60mm, OB=
220 mm and BC= 300mm. [6+10]

Figure 3

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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 3
4. (a) What is a double Hooke’s joint? State the conditions to be satisfied in a
double Hooke’s joint in order to provide a uniform velocity ratio through out
a revolution.
(b) The angle between the axes of two shafts connected by a Hooke’s joint is 22.5
degrees. The power supplied to the driving shaft is 7.5 KW at a uniform speed
of 300 rpm. If the output torque on the driven shaft is not to vary by more
than 15 percent of the input torque, what is the necessary moment of inertia
of the flywheel? [6+10]
5. (a) Derive an expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a tangent
cam with roller follower. When roller is in contact with flank.
(b) A tangent cam with straight working faces tangential to a base circle of 120mm
diameter has a roller follower of 48mm diameter. The line of stroke of the roller
follower passes through the axis of the cam. The nose circle radius of the cam
is 12mm and the angle between the tangential faces of the cam 900 . If the
speed of the cam is 180rpm, determine the acceleration of the follower when
i. During the lift, the roller just leaves the straight flank.
ii. The roller is at the outer end of its lift, i.e at the top of the nose. [16]
6. (a) What is standard system of gears? How does it ensure interchangeability of
(b) Two 200 involute spur gears have a module of 10mm. The addendum is one
module. The larger gear has 50 teeth and the pinion 13 teeth. Does the
interference occur? If it occurs, to what value should the pressure angle be
changed to eliminate interference? [16]
7. In a belt drive, the mass of the belt is 1 kg/m length and its speed is 12m/s. The
drive transmits 19.2kW of power. Determine the initial tension in the belt and the
strength of the belt. Coefficient of friction is 0.25 and the angle of lap on smaller
pulley is 2200 . [16]
8. In an epicyclic gear train, as shown in figure 8b, the number of teeth on wheels A,
B, and C are 50, 25, and 52 respectively. If the arm rotates at 420rpm cw, find
(a) speed of wheel C when A is fixed, and
(b) speed of wheel A when C is fixed. [16]

Figure 8b


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Code No: R05310304 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, February 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define ‘Machine’ and ‘Mechanism’. How are these different from each other?
(b) Distinguish between structure and a machine.
(c) Explain completely, partially and incompletely constrained motion of a kine-
matic pair with examples. [4+4+8]

2. In a Watt mechanism of the type shown in figure 2. The links OA and QB are
perpendicular to the link AB in the mean position. If OA =40mm, QB =80mm
and AB=55mm, find the point P on the link AB produced for approximate straight
line motion of point p. [16]

Figure 2
3. In the mechanism shown in Figure 3. The crank OA rotates at 50 rpm and the
lengths of the links are OA= 125 mm, AC= 600 mm, QC= 150 mm, QD= 150
mm, CD= 130 mm, BD= 550 mm and OQ= 625 mm. When the angle AOQ= 45
degrees, determine,

(a) The linear acceleration of the slider at B.

(b) The angular acceleration of the links AC, CQD and BD. [10+6]

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Figure 3
4. (a) Explain Ackermann steering gear with a neat sketch.
(b) For an Ackermann steering gear, derive the expression for the angle of incli-
nation of the track arms to longitudinal axis of the vehicle
(c) Differentiate between the Ackermann type and Davis type steering gears.

5. (a) Derive an expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a circular

arc cam with flat faced follower when follower is in contact with flank.
(b) Layout the profile of a cam so that the follower
i. Is to move outwards through 30mm during 1800 of cam rotation with
cycloidal motion.
ii. Dwell for 200 of the cam rotation.
iii. Returns with uniform velocity during the remaining 1600 of the cam ro-
The base circle diameter of the cam is 28mm and the roller diameter 8mm. The
axis of the follower is offset by 6mm to the left. What will be the maximum
velocity and acceleration of the follower during the outstroke if the cam rotates
at 1500rpm counter-clockwise? [16]

6. (a) State and derive law of gearing.

(b) Following data relate to two meshing involute gears:
Number of teeth on the gear wheel = 60, Pressure angle = 200 , Gear ratio =
1.5, Speed of the gear wheel = 100rpm, module = 8mm.
The addendum on each wheel is such that the path of approach and the path of
recess on each side are 40% of the maximum possible length each. Determine
the addendum for the pinion and the gear and the length of the arc of contact.

7. (a) Discuss about selection of belt drive.

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(b) A shaft runs at 80 rpm and drives another shaft at 150rpm through belt drive.
The Diameter of the driving pulley is 600mm. Determine the diameter of the
driven pulley in the following cases:
i. Neglecting belt thickness.
ii. Taking belt thickness as 5mm.
iii. Assuming for case (ii) a total slip of 4% and
iv. Assuming for case (ii) a slip of 2% on each pulley. [16]

8. An epicyclic gear train consists of three gears 1,2 and 3 as shown in figure 8. The
internal gear 1 has 72 teeth and gear 3 has 32 teeth. The Gear 2 meshes with both
gear 1 and gear 3 and is carried on an arm A which rotates about the centre O2 at
20 rpm. If the gear 1 is fixed, determine the speed of gears 2 and 3. [16]

Figure 8


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