Arts Grade 7
Arts Grade 7
Arts Grade 7
designs found in artifacts of the cultural groups in Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao Elements:
IP INTEGRATION Content Standards appreciates the distinctive designs, color schemes, figures and objects coming from the cultural communities found in the three island groups. Luzon: weaving Abra, kalinga, Vakul, pahiyas, higantes, barong Visayas hablon, piyaya, Mindanao- kulintang, malong, torogan Performance Standards creates a AV presentation with a group that compares the distinct artistic designs of artifacts coming from the different cultural communities from the three island groups of the Philippines and explains what inspired or influenced the design. Learning Competencies joins a group to do a research on the culture of some indigenous communities coming from one island and creates an audio-visual presentation (drawings, paintings) for the class. IP Concepts IPs have the distinct & unique art form w/c were use, handed down from generation to generation. [Dagmay & Dagum of the Mandaya] Headdress. IPs have very rich arts crafts far various purpose & functions that is still very useful today. Indigenous dyes & colors are discovered by IPs in search of developing their craftsmanship. IPs have their own distinctive geometric design patterned in their unique history & origin of that design. Preservation & promotion of IPs artistic history & sense. IP Values Preserve & promote IPs arts & craft
nature-based hues; dyes primary colors secondary, tertiary colors Principles: REPETITION and RHYTHM of colors, shapes and lines.
of the Spanish (400 yrs) and Americans (50 yrs) colonizers on Phil. culture and lifeways (houses, churches, celebrations, education, food, daily utensils, clothing, accessories (paintings of churches and plazas; pictures of cottages at John Hay and Teachers Camp; Vigan, Taal, Batangas, Iloilo, Bacolodthese places still have wellpreserved homes inspired by Spanish architecture)
visual report on the influences of the Spanish and the Americans in the architecture of the Philippines, particularly in the churches and the houses around the plaza, and the distinct features found in it.
report on how the Spaniards and the Americans influenced the culture of the Filipinos,
plaza by drawing/painting during the Spanish times and make a mural of this.
IP INTEGRATION Content Standards Performance Standards Is able to make a short storyboard of the series of shots he is going to film and the kind of shots he will take, to be able to tell his story. Learning Competencies narrates a short story, an event, a celebration, a tragedy, using a camera, cellphone or videocam to record it and present the event. IP Concepts Culture is dynamic. It keeps on changing due to survival value IP Values Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge, System & Practices
NEW MEDIA still pictures - camera films - videoclip - videocam - cellphones - screen printing of design Elements:
realizes that still pictures, film and moving images have a visual language and artistic elements different from still drawings and paintings
can be told through a short film with emphasis on images, color and music or sound, with dialogue not a necessary component. (Cinemalaya films; award winning TV ads; other awarded indie films by Ditsi Casimiro, etc) record an event using a cellphone and other recording devices, and these can be shared with others immediately. ginal design can be replicated many times through the use of a duplicating machine. (Team Manila designs of Phil. icons, maps, places
Film is a series of scenes in action; color sets mood Principles: CONTRAST is created when opposites are combined: quiet colors and loud colors; slow action and frantic movement.
video productions and movies and appreciates the development of the narrative through different shots employed, the use of visual clues and the use of color, music. composed photos and analyze its composition to show balance, emphasis and proportion of shapes and lines.
decisions about the angle of the shots, the kind of shots (close-up, long-shot, topshot,etc) and the composition of the shots while he is in the process of recording.
events he recorded to tell his story and presents it and allows his classmates to critique his pictures or film. Is able to make a short storyboard of the series of shots he is going to take and kind of shots, to be able to tell his story.
for shirts, bags,hats,; Also Island Souvenirs design for different provinces) Grade 7 - THIRD QUARTER Content Process:
narrative through different shots, use of visual clues and use of color, music.
IP INTEGRATION Content Standards knows that modern sculptors and craftsmen use any material in their environment to create a 3D work. Performance Standards exhibits in his assemblage that the material is not important, but the creativity and imagination of the artist in creating an artistic assemblage Learning Competencies gathers material from his surrounding that is considered trash, and with a group, recycles this material to be part of an assemblage (plastic bottles, caps; tetra packs, straws, tin foil wrappers, etc..) which will be a creative sculpture. IP Concepts IPs have their own way of creating things according to its functions & purpose IP Values Appreciate IPs handworks (eg. Sculpture & wood Carving)
3D ASSEMBLAGE Creation of: objects of Jun Yee parts to create a music instrument Lirio Ral Arogante buttons Wall hanging by Ching Abad - bicycle parts Picasso Putting up a Mini Museum Elements:
indigenous groups, it is common to create musical instruments, pots and fishing and hunting weapons, weave cloths, construct houses, according to their own distinct. designs using local materials. Mt. Province bamboo based music instruments metal gongs, Woven baskets for food, rice. Visayas guitars, Tboli,molded bells, jewelry, figurines.Tie-dye abaca tapestry.Maranaos-molded metal jars, gongs, weapons.
communities, constructing., carving, weaving and creating what they need is part of their lifestyle and makes them self-sufficient. looks at his own assemblage and those of others and he can judge which work is most creative and at the same time artistic.
actual 3D artifacts from different parts of the country and research on its source, material, source of design, use, and put up a mini- museum , where each artifact is displayed and labeled properly for students to appreciate.
as they carve or create local crafts and note their mastery of the design and material, which was passed on from generation to generation. Grade 7 FOURTH QUARTER Content Content Standards Process: VISUAL ARTS IN Identifies the unique festivals, dramas, DRAMA & FESTIVALS celebrated all over the Baguio Panagbenga country throughout the Lucban- Pahiyas year, and state the reason Bacolod- Maskara for its celebration Aklan Ati-atihan Davao Kaamulan Holy Week- Moriones, people love a festival, SantaCruzan Pasyon religious ritual or drama Zarzuela Bulacan & where they are required to Luzon provinces wear special attires and Moro-moro different costumes that show provinces creativity and artistry since Elements: this is part of a street or public performance. where there is music and dancing. costumes, masks, accesories, decor for venue and stage Principles: IP INTEGRATION Performance Standards creates his/her own festival attire with accessories based on authentic pictures of the festivals and joins the drama group or festival community to celebrate the event. Learning Competencies designs with a group the visual components of a school drama or participates in a town fiesta to create: the costumes or attire, mask, headdresses, and accessories and dcor and venue and stage design IP Concepts Festivities are done in different purpose: Good harvest & success There are forms of dance & musical beats used for expressing happiness IP Values
artistry of the townspeople who join yearly in the festivities enthusiastically create an entirely new costume, accessories and dcor every year; create a photo-essay about an outstanding local actor in a festival or drama nes what makes each of the Philippine festivals unique by a visual presentation and report. of selected festivals representing Luzon,
the festival and its evolution and describes how the townspeople participate and contribute to its festivity and gaiety.
uniqueness of festivals like the Pahiyas which the townsfolk prepare for, weeks in advance by creating the colorful leaflike kiping which hangs as dcor for their homes.
of the group that was given recognition for its performance to explain what component contributed to their being selected;