Thesis Chapter 4 & 5

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Chapter IV



This chapter presents the data gathering of the study, interpretation of the results

from the conducted survey and the software product analysis.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 4.0

Age and Gender of the Respondents

Gender Percentage
Age Age%
M F M% F%

18-25 3 3 9% 9% 18%

26-33 6 8 19% 25% 44%

34-44 4 6 13% 19% 32%

1 1 3% 3% 6%

Total 14 18 44% 56% 100%

The Table 4.0 shows the age range of the respondents. Majority (44%) of the

respondents belong to the 26-33 age range. The 34-44 year olds comes next which
comprises 32% of the total respondents. The lowest percent goes to 45 year olds and

above which only comprises 6% of the total sample population. Out of the 32

respondents surveyed, 44% are males while 56% are females which means majority of

the total sample population are females.

Table 5.0

Respondents’ Civil Status

Status No. of Respondents Percentage

Single 13 41%

Married 19 59%

Total 32 100%

Table 5.0 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents’

civil status. The table shows that majority of the respondents are married while the

minority are single. The frequency is distributed to 41% single and 59% married.

Table 6.0

Respondents Length of Service

Years No. of Respondents Percentage

0 – 1 Years 16 50%

2 – 3 Years 12 38%

4 – 5 Years 4 12%

6 Years and above 0 0%

Total 32 100%

Table 6.0 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

according to their length of service in the company. Out of the 32 total sample

population, 16 have served 0 – 1 years in the company (50%), 12 have served 2 – 3

years in the company (38%), 4 have served at least 4 – 5 years (12%) and no one has

served more than 6 years.

2. Problems of the Existing System

Table 7.0

Problems Encountered by the Respondents

Number of Percentage
Respondents Criteria Total
Problems Total
Criteria %
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
There is no clear
sales process to
follow and guide 24 5 1 2 0 32 75% 16% 3% 6% 0% 100%
the agents in
closing every
Keeping track of
the prospect and
client lists are 19 12 1 0 0 32 59% 38% 3% 0% 0% 100%
done manually by
Difficult and time
consuming in
manually keeping 13 18 0 1 0 32 41% 56% 0% 3% 0% 100%
track of all
schedules and
Inability of
managers to keep
track of the 23 8 1 0 0 32 72% 25% 3% 0% 0% 100%
agents’ sales
Storage of files is
susceptible to be 15 14 3 0 0 32 47% 44% 9% 0% 0% 100%
damaged as well
as lost of files.

Table 7.0 shows the common problems encountered with the existing manual

system of the agency and the respondents’ rating for each problem, where the scale of

5 means strongly agree while the scale 1 refers to strongly disagree.

Majority (75%) of the total respondents strongly agree that there is no clear sales

process to follow and guide the agents, while only 6% disagree.

More than half (59%) of the total respondents strongly agree that keeping track of

the prospect and client lists are slow and difficult due to the manual way of listing the

names. No one (0%) disagreed.

Almost half (41%) of the respondents strongly agree that the manual way of

keeping schedules and appointments are difficult and time consuming, while only 3%


A vast majority (72%) of the sample population strongly agree that the inability of

managers to keep track of the agents’ sales activities is a big problem with no one (0%)


Out of the 32 total sample population surveyed, almost half (47%) strongly agree

that the storage of files are susceptible to damage while nobody (0%) disagreed.

The table clearly shows that a vast majority of the respondents strongly agree to

the problems encountered with the manual system of the agency.

3. Effectiveness of the Proposed System

Table 7.0

Mean Summary of the Existing and the Proposed System

Criteria Existing System Proposed

Accuracy 3.19 4.91

Reliability 2.56 4.91

Efficiency 2.50 4.63

Speed 2.31 4.94

User-Friendliness 2.22 4.47

Average Mean 2.56 4.77

Table 7.0 presents the mean summary of the existing and the proposed online


With an average mean of 2.56 for the existing system and 4.77 for the proposed

system, the table clearly illustrates how it is more effective than the manual system in

terms of accuracy, reliability, efficiency, speed and user-friendliness.

With the summary of the table, it only shows that the proposed system is indeed

feasible for implementation and effective for the life insurance agency.

4. Summary of ROI and Payback Period

Table 8.0

Summary of CBA

Total Hardware Development Cost P 0.00

Add: Total Software Development Cost P 27,000.00

Total Present Annual Supplies Cost P 26,587.75

Add: Total Present Electric Consumption P 5,588.35

Total Proposed Annual Supplies Cost P 10,349.30

Add: Total Proposed Web Services Cost P 3,500.00
Add: Total Proposed Electric Consumption P 5,868.29

Total Present Annual Operating Cost P 32,176.10

Less: Total Proposed Annual Operating Cost P 19,717.59

Payback Period 1 Year and 11 Months

Net Present Value P 1,031.65

Table 8.0 presents the summary of Cost Benefit Analysis. (CBA). The payback

period of the company is within 1.84 years and the Net Present Value is P1,031.65 in 1

year and 11 months of payback period.

Existing System

The inability of the managers to track the sales activities of the agents serves as

a burden for the existing manual system. The lack of scientific sales process to follow
also results to fewer sales of the agents. In most cases, there is a clear lack of

performance in terms of speed and tracking of activities with the existing system.

Need to Develop the Proposed System

With the numerous problems encountered by the respondents and the need to

maximize the sales potential of the agency, it is evident that there is a need to develop

an effective online sales management system for the agency.

Prospective User and Beneficiaries

The prospective users who are the agents and managers of the agency can

benefit a lot from the proposed system. The proposed system can provide easily

accessibility and tracking of activities for the managers resulting to a more efficient

relationship between agents and superiors. It will also provide the agents with vital tools

that can maximize their sales potential and increase the chances of closing every sale.

The implementation of the proposed system will minimize paper works and therefore

simplify and drastically improve the focus of managers and staffs in keeping track of

agents’ sales.

Components of the Proposed System

The proposed system has the following features and functions to maximize the

sales potential of the agency:

General Features:

Secure Login. The system has a secured login interface provided for managers

and users to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the system.

Menu-Driven. The software has menus or list of options for different categories

that leads to different locations depending on the desired purpose.

Keyboard-Driven. The users will be able to access the system through the

keyboard when accessing their desired information in the system.

Mouse-Driven. The software can be explored and accessed using a point and

click device such as the mouse.

User-Friendliness. The proposed system is design such that the average user

of a computer can easily use or operate it without problems.

Functions of the Proposed System

The proposed system which is an online sales management system supports

various functions needed to maximize the sales potential of the agency such as online

tools for agents to help them in closing every sale, online tracking of sales activities of

agents for the managers and a detailed step by step walkthrough of the stages in a

sales process for agents.

Software Development
Software development is the process of developing a system to meet the

requirements of the end users. The process includes system analysis, design,

programming, testing, security and back-up.

Design. The software design is specifically targeted to managers and sales

agents of an insurance agency. The organization of components is analyzed well and

designed to meet the requirements of a system needed by people in the life-insurance


Programming. The proposed system is programmed using PHP for the server

side scripting and takes advantage of MySQL for the database. Both languages are

open-source as it does not aim to increase the cost of users, in fact, the languages are

free and is backed by a large online community. JavaScript is also used in the proposed

system for the client side scripting as well as Ajax.

Testing. The proposed system has been tested before deployment to ensure

that the system is free from bugs and if there are features to be added or modified and

errors to be resolved.

Security and Backup. The proposed system is secured such that access to the

system requires an account with a password that is only exclusive to managers and

agents. Backup of the system files can be done regularly depending on the need of the


Hardware Requirements:
Processor Pentium III or higher

Hard Disk Space 5GB or higher

Memory Capacity 128 MB or higher

Monitor SVGA Monitor (600 x 800 and 32-bit color)

Keyboard Standard keyboard

Mouse Scroll ball or optical mouse

Printer Inkjet Printer

Software Specification:

Operating System Microsoft Windows 98 or higher

Web Browser Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox

Technical and Operational Feasibility

Based on the survey method of research which the proponents have conducted,

the proposed system is feasible for implementation because it has been proven to be

effective in terms of accuracy, reliability, efficiency, speed, and user-friendliness.

Chapter V

This chapter discusses the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the

software “Online Sales Force Management System”.


It has always been the aspiration of humankind to create devices that would

simplify the work of people. With the invention of computers, many businesses have

taken the leap to implement automated systems as to maximize the productivity of their

business in terms of efficiency, speed, accuracy and most importantly the long term


Apparently, a majority of agencies are still using the manual system in their sales

force, so the researchers decided to propose and develop an online sales force

management system that would maximize the sales potential of each agency while

being able to keep track of all the sales activities of agents online. All these with the use

of data gathering and statistical tools such as surveys and interviews, the researchers

are able to determine the difference and measure the effectiveness of the existing and

the proposed online system.


Based on the results gathered, the following findings are thereby presented:
1. There were a total of 32 respondents in which 8 are managers, 6 are staffs and

18 are sales agents. Majority are female, married, served 0-1 year in the

company and belong to the 26-33 age group. There are 56 percent females and

44 percent males. There are 59 percent married and 41 percent single. In the

age group of respondents, there are 18 percent 18-25 year olds, 44 percent are

26-33 year olds, 32 percent are 34-44 and only 6% belong to the 45 year olds

and above.

2. A vast majority 75% strongly agreed to the problems encountered with the

existing system while only 6% disagreed, which means there is indeed a need to

change the current manual system of the insurance agency.

3. The manual system does not provide agents with tools to maximize the sales

potential of each agent. The current system is not capable of tracking the sales

activities of agents and provides a possibility of loss of files.

4. The solution to the problems encountered with the manual system is to develop

an online sales force management system for the agency.

5. The proposed online sales force management system is feasible for



Based on the findings, the researchers come up with the following conclusions:
1. The proposed online system will be a big improvement over the existing manual

system such that every agent will be easily tracked by managers and can easily

be guided in all their sales activities. Aside from the tracking, the ease of being

able to access the system anywhere as long as there is an internet access

serves as freedom for the managers to work wherever they want.

2. The proposed system will be a substantial improvement over the current system

for agents such that all of their sales will be based on the scientific stages of the

sales process. The implementation of the new system can therefore maximize

the sales potential of each agent.

3. As a whole, the proposed system and the existing system have a tremendous

distinction. The difference from the traditional to the proposed system is truly

beneficial to the company, managers, employees and agents.


Based on the results of the findings and conclusions gathered, the researchers

would like to recommend the following:

1. The proponents recommend that the company consider the proposed online

system to increase the number of individual sales of agents and also maximize

the full sales potential of its sales force.

2. The proponents recommend the proposed system be implemented by the

managers, agents and staffs because it is more productive and more capable of

delivering quality performance in sales.

3. The proponents recommend that future researchers continue to improve the

proposed system.

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