Xawo Bashiroos

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Chapter four

Cross sectional study was conducted and results of the study were presented in this Chapter, data
analysis was carried out by using the data from the respondents of the questionnaire in this study.

4.1. Age birthday?

figure 1 shows that the majority material manager and leader hospital about 35-45 (46.88%) of
staff department other were the age between 31-35 while (37.50%) were the age between 26-30,
in addition train and all department not employment

4.2. marital status

marreid frequency percent

married 15 46.9%
single 10 31.3%
divorced 4 12.5%
widowed 3 9.4%
Total 60 100%

figure 2: marital status of management staff Shows that the single 31.25% of major staff were
married, while 46.9% were separated. Also other divorced (12.5% ) were widowed. Were

4.3 highest level of education

Education Frequency percent

UNIVERSIT 18 56.3%
MASTER 7 21.9%
Diploma 7 21.9%
total 60 100%

Figure Education level of staff figure?

Indicates that the university bachtural ( 56.25%) were master degree ( 21.9%)

were diploma education, while (21.9%)

4.4. occupation
occupation Frequency percent
employment 22 68.8%
unemployment 10 31.3%
Total 60 100%

Table : occupation of staff hospital

Table 4: shows that the ( 68.7%) were employee, while ( 31.25%) were unemployment.

4 .5 what is gender

Gender Frequent Percent

female 19 59.4%
male 13 40.6%
total 60 100%

Figure what gender?

Were above show about major female 59.4% were 40.6%



No Roll hospital manage No mean Std Interpretation

1 To hire qualified and 60 2.5312 1.54470 Very good
competent staff

2 To provide adequate 60 2.2500 1.39122 Very good

numbers of personnel per
3 To provide all equipment, 60 2.0625 1.01401 Very good
drugs and supplies to
perform all work

4 To conduct audits, risk 60 1.9375 1.13415 Very good
assessment, and mitigation
5 To conduct audits, risk 60 1.9063 1.20106 Very good
assessment, and mitigation
6 To conduct daily, weekly 60 1.8750 1.28891 Very good
or monthly departmental
7 To reward talent, 60 1.8438 1.27278 Very good
achievement and
8 Accountability and 60 1.7500 1.13592 Very good

9 leadership and guidance 60 1.7188 .99139 Poor

10 Transparency and integrity 60 1.6563 1.03517 Poor

11 Team work 60 1.6250 1.12880 Poor

Total 60 19.4 13.1 Very good

Respondents were in strong agreement of 10 out of 11 roles of a manager. This constitutes an

awareness or knowledge level of managers of their roles of 80.4%, which is impressive. The

study now goes further to determine whether this awareness translates into quality practices as
analyzed here after

Mean Range Interpretation

2.5312 EXCLENT


2.0625 VERY GOOD

1.9375 VERY GOOD

4.7 During this hospital stay how often did other staff treat you with courtesy and respect?

Respect Frequency Percent

Never 8 25%
Sometimes 5 15.6%
Usually 4 12.5%
Always 15 46.9%
Total 60 100%

During this stay how often did other staff treat you with courtesy and respect?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents and their treatment
were 25% is not provide good health care and respect from other staffs while the majority

15.63% they provide sometimes treatment and respect and other 46.9%% usually provide and
12.5% always have treatment and respect from other staff

4.8 How often did the other staff pay close attention to you during your time at the

Attention Frequency Percent

Never 13 40.6%
Sometimes 10 31.3%
Usually 4 12.5%
Always 5 15.6%
Total 60 100%

How often did the other staff pay close attention to you during your time at the hospital?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents and there Staff pay
were sometimes, 31.25% 1s 40.6% while the majority respondents never

and 12.5% usually provide and 15.6% always have attention and during your time from other

4.9. During this hospital stay often did other staff explain things in a way you could

understand Frequency Percent

never 5 15.6%
sometimes 14 43.8%
Usually 6 18.8%
9 7 21.9%
total 60
During this hospital stay often did other staff explain things in a way you could understand?
From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents and their staff
explained to the patients the way to their understanding is 39% majority and 36% sometimes
were 22% usually explained while 3% never explain.

4.10 Did you have any issues arranging an meetings?

meeting Frequency Percent

yes 14 46.6
18 56.3
60 100

Did you have any issue arranging an meetings?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents meeting is 56.25%
and 43.75% isn’t

4.11 How often do you have meetings?

meeting Frequency Percent

daily 15 46.9
weekly 8 25.0
months 6 18.9
quarterly 3 9.6
total 32 100

How often do you have meetings?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents and their meetings
staff is 18.75% majority monthly and 25.0% by weekly were 46.88% daily and 9.4 % quarterly

4.12 Have you ever done an audit?

Audit Frequency Percent

Yes 19 59.4%
No 13 40.6%
Total 60 100%

How do you have don an audit?

From the above table and figure shows that audits is 59.4% majority respondent by no and 40.6%
respondent by yes

4.13 Have you ever done a assessment material?

assessment Frequency Percent

Yes 16 50%

No 16 50%

Total 32 100%

have you ever done an assessment material?

From the above table and figure shows that the assessment material 50.0 % respondent by yes
while other response 50% is no.

4.14 what are the sources of error in equipment?

Equipment frequency Percent

Instrumental 12 37.5%
AND Human
Total 60 100%

What are the source of in equipment?

4. 15 How often are staff appraisals done?

appraisals frequency percent

Never 59.4%
annually 40.6%
Total 100%

How often are staff appraisals done?

The above table and figure shows that 59.4% annually and 40.6% is never

4.17. How often are staff recognized and rewarded for achievement or talent?

achievement frequency percent

Never 11 34.4%

Annually 21 65.6%

Total 60 100%

How often are staffs recognized and rewarded for achievement or talent? This Table and figure
shows that 65.6% never reward and 34.4% annually

4.17. How would you rate the professionalism of your staff?

Staff Frequency Percent

Very good 9 28.1%
Good 12 37.5%
unwell 11 34.4%
1total 60 100%

How would you rate the professionalism of your staff?

From the above table and figure shows 28.5%% is very good professionalism were37.5 % is
good and 34.4% is unwell professional.

4.18 How did you receive conflicting information from different medical care professionals
at this hospital?

professionals frequency percent

Reporting 11 34.4%

Brainstorming 11 34.4%
Face to face 10 31.3%
Total 60 100%

How did you receive conflicting information from different medical care professionals at this

This figure and table above shows is 34.4% brainstorming majority and 34.4% reporting were
31.2% brainstorming.

4.19 . How do you manage hospital during pandemics like covid-19?

Provide 16 51.6%
Training o 12 41.9%
Both a and b
None 2 6.5%
Total 60 100%

. How do you manage hospital during pandemics like covid-19?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents is 51.6% majority
provide health promotion and 41.9 % to give training and 6.4% they choose both two process

4.20. How do you manage stress?

Manage Frequency Percent

Reading Quran 12 38.7%

Holiday 10 32.3%

Medications 9 29.0%

Total 60 100%

How do you manage stress? From the above table and figure shows that the number of the
respondents is 38.7% they manage reading of quran-karem.to given holiday 29.0% were
medical 29.0%

Are you willing to work in shifts?

willing frequency percent

Yes 15 48.4%

No 16 51.6%

Total 60 100%

are you willing to work in shifts?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents 1.6% yes and 48.4%

4.21 What is your salary expectation?

salary Frequency percent

$200-300 11 34.4%
$300-500 10 34.4%
$500-1000 10 31.3%
Total 60 100%

What is your salary expectation?

From the above table and figure shows that the number of the respondents 34.4% $200-300) and
34.4%their ($300-500) salary expectation is 31.3($500-1000) them


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