Pollng Corbett Ryan Shafik Rockwood Strategies

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To: News Media and All Interested Parties From : Ryan Shafik, Rockwood Strategies Date: January 8, 2013

Re: Polling on Gov. Corbett __________________________________________________________________

The recently released survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP) reveals a grim reality for Republican Governor Tom Corbett, as follows: Currently, Gov. Tom Corbett is one of the most unpopular Republican Governors in America. Today, Gov. Corbett has much worse numbers than former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum did at this point in 2005. Consider: In Feb. 2005, Santorum had an Approval/Disapproval rating of 52% - 31%. In contrast, Governor Corbetts Approval/Disapproval rating is at 38% 52%. Santorums approval was + 19 points, while Corbett is underwater at minus () 14 points. More alarming is Corbetts Approval/Disapproval rating among women which stands at 30% 57% ( - ) minus 27 points. Not even Romney or Santorum had this large of a gender gap problem. Also, Santorums re-elect number was hovering around 50% at this time, while Gov. Corbetts is stuck at 41%. Corbett barely breaks the 40% support threshold against little-known Democrat candidate John Hanger and is stuck in the low 40s against all potential Democrat challengers. Also, Corbett has an unusually high disapproval number amongst Republican voters, who are also losing faith in him. It is very rare for Republican disapproval to cracks 10% for a sitting Republican Governor. Corbett has a 30% disapproval rating amongst Republicansthree times the normand it continues to trend in the wrong direction. Worse still: Corbetts recent NCAA lawsuit gambit is viewed by the public as a raw political stunt to alleviate the fact that, by a 2-to1 margin, the public believes he mishandled the Penn State scandal. Finally: incoming Attorney General Kane takes office soon and will conduct an investigation of the Sandusky scandal; while its uncertain how her investigation will unfold, its reasonably foreseeable that Corbetts numbers will sink even lower and have not much prospect for going up. *Sources: (2005 and 2012 Quinnipiac and 2013 PPP Polls) Contact: [email protected]

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