Mainstreet - Final B.C. Election 2017 Poll

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Methodology About Mainstreet

Mainstreet surveyed a stratied random sample of With 20 years of political experience at all three
1,650 British Columbians from May 5-6, 2017 levels of government, President and CEO Quito
through Chimera IVR. Respondents were screened Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian
to conrm voting eligibility. Landline and Cell lines public aairs.
were included. Responses were weighed using
demographic information to targets based on the Dierentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet
2011 Census. Research has provided accurate snapshots of
public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP
The margin of error for survey results is 2.41 government in Alberta, a majority Liberal
percentage points, 19 times out of 20. For Greater government in British Columbia and a majority
Vancouver specic results, the margin of error is Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has
3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. For been the most accurate polling rm in several by
Vancouver Island specic results, the margin of elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral
error is 4.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. election. Most recently, Mainstreet Research was
For Rest of BC results, the margin of error is 4.64 the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal
percentage points, 19 times out of 20. majority government in the 2015 federal election.

Riding Surveys were conducted seperately. Contact Information

430 voters were surveyed in Saanich North & the In Ottawa: Quito Maggi, President
Islands. The margin of error is 4.69 percentage [email protected]
points, 19 times out of 20.
In Montreal: David Valentin, Executive Vice
425 voters were surveyed in Fraser-Nicola. The President. [email protected]
margin of error is 4.72 percentage points, 19
times out of 20. In Toronto: Dr. Joseph Angolano, Vice President
[email protected]
460 voters were surveyed in Delta North. The
margin of error is 4.53 percentage points, 19 Find us online at:
times out of 20.
411 were surveyed in Surrey-Fleetwood. The margin
of error is 4.8 percentage points, 19 times out of
Its Deja Vu All Over Again
Quito Maggi, President

When this election began a few short weeks ago, John Horgan and the NDP have run a decent
Christy Clark found herself in a familiar position, campaign, they have not made some of the same
she was once again the underdog to the renewed mistakes that his predecessor Adrian Dix made in
NDP under leader John Horgan. Like in 2013, her 2013. Not making big mistakes however, is not the
BC Liberal led government had suered from a yardstick by which campaigns looking to uproot
prolonged series of scandals, cash for access incumbent governments are measured. Horgans
was perhaps the best known across Canada but debate performances were received largely
other local issues like Yoga-gate and issues with positively, but his favourability with voters, and his
both Education and Healthcare, the top two inability to shake his angry reputation, will
responsibilities of any Provincial government. ultimately serve to keep him in the Opposition
Housing aordability had become a big problem Leader chair.
across greater Vancouver and continues to be a
great concern. Environmental protection became a Ultimately, this election will be largely like 2013,
growing concern with the federal approval of the another BC Liberal majority government. Our
Kinder Morgan pipeline, and opponents vowed to research across North America and other
ght the Provincial and Federal governments on jurisdictions is consistent on a single principle, the
this issue. Among her most vocal opponents on economic climate dictates the mood of the
Kinder Morgan was Vancouver Mayor, Gregor electorate. Although aordable housing has been
Robertson. a growing concern, jobs and the economy have
been the top issue identied by numerous polls
The campaign itself was bitter and nasty at times, and pollsters. While house prices have soared in
including the #IAmLinda twitter campaign that greater Vancouver, causing concerns, many more
dogged the BC Liberal leader for days on the have benetted from the increases. Despite the yet
campaign trail. With two weeks to election day, the unfullled promise of a massive LNG market, the
NDP had opened up a nearly 10 point lead and the BC economy has done well while maintaining
Green Party was stealing just as many votes from balanced budgets unlike most other Canadian
BC Liberals as they were from the NDP. It seemed Provinces.
like a very dierent election than the last time
around. Which brings me back to the title, Dj vu all over
again, a famous quote from Yogi Berra. Christy
Andrew Weaver and the Green party have been an Clark and the BC Liberals will emerge again on
x factor in this election and are headed for a top, solidifying Christy Clarks title as the
historic result on May 9th that should not be comeback kid and sending the NDP back to the
overlooked. They will not form government, they drawing board.
will not be the ocial opposition, its quite likely
that their goal of reaching ocial party status may We conducted polls in 4 ridings that we believe
also fall just short, but that is not clear. They will are bellwethers; Surrey-Fleetwood, Delta-North,
register the highest percentage of the popular Saanich North & The Islands and Fraser-Nicola.
vote ever recorded for a Green Party in any This points to signicant candidate and incumbent
Canadian jurisdiction. They will likely have the strength that will make the dierence in close
highest seat count of any Green Party in any races. The province-wide numbers plus the 4
Canadian jurisdiction. That result on Tuesday ridings where we have BC Liberals leading puts
should shake up BC politics for the next few years, the BC Liberals at the 44 seats needed for a
and should be an encouraging sign for Elizabeth majority, and using those riding results as an
May and the federal Green Party who have failed indicator for other close ridings, points to the
to make gains despite repeated eorts. possibility of signicantly more.

May 8, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll nds the BC Liberals set to return to the
legislature in major numbers. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.41 percentage
points, 19 times out of 20.

Its 2013 all over again said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. Our nal poll nds the NDP
and Liberals in a dead heat - but despite the statistical tie in support, were expecting a Liberal majority
government on Tuesday night. For the NDP to win they would need to be leading by substantially more
given the ineciency of their vote, with a statistical dead heat, we expect Liberal incumbents will be able
to pull themselves over the nish line.

Its important to remember that these numbers do not exist in stasis - with the poll having nished on
Saturday, and the voters moving towards the Liberals in the closing day, its likely the Liberals could pick up
another point or two in support.

While the Greens are set for their best night ever, it will be a tough slog to ocial party status. Our riding
poll of Saanich North & the Islands indicates that Adam Olsen may be able to pull o a victory - where other
pick-ups may come from is tough to say. Perhaps Cowichan Valley where Green Leader Andrew Weaver
visited over the weekend. Despite the Greens being in line for their best ever result, their support strength
is weak and they are at the mercy of the rst past the post system which does not reward support a mile
wide and an inch deep.

It looks as though the NDP are facing a disappointing nish and will need to reassess what to do in the
future. Its important to remember though that Christy Clark is a talented campaigner, her team, for the
most part, ran an ecient, targeted and eective campaign. She is the Comeback Kid, all over again,
nished Maggi.

For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Quito Maggi, President, [email protected]

David Valentin, Executive Vice-President, (514) 913-5524 - [email protected]
Decided & Leaning Voters

seats there that the Liberals have targeted

(Skeena comes to mind).

Due to riding dynamics, incumbents, the trendlines

and the numbers itself, its hard to game out how
the Liberals dont win government Tuesday night.

Seeing all the numbers in front of us, were asking:

what seats will the Liberals lose? The answer is not
immediately clear.

To be sure, good luck, high turnout and eective

campaigning could make up the gap. It only takes
3-5 votes per poll sometimes to make a dierence
in a riding.

But, the NDP would need to be very lucky, very

talented, and would need selective high turnout to
win - or even to hold the Liberals to a minority.
Our Prediction: Liberal Majority
Time is almost out, and with the electorate For the Greens the campaign must be bittersweet:
trending towards the BC Liberals in the closing likely an historic result if they are able to hold onto
days of the campaign, it looks like we will have the their voters for another 24 hours, and probably an
same result as 2013: A Liberal Majority historic night even if they arent.
They face the very real possibility of picking up
The Liberals have made up major ground in only another seat or two despite currently polling
Greater Vancouver, bringing the race to a at 20%.
statistical dead heat. In Vancouver Island they are
running second now, though the NDP hold a For the NDP, its time to hope for upsets and to
healthy 15% lead. As our Saanich North & the rally around imperiled incumbents.
Island riding poll shows however, when Green
candidates punch above their weight they create If it is another Liberal majority - what then?
volatile three-way races.
The Federal NDP are looking for a new leader - so
In the Rest of B.C. the Liberals are leading easily, too are the NDP in Manitoba and Saskatchewan -
the NDP should be nervous about holding onto will there be another race?
Among All Voters


82% 74% 53%

(+4) (-9) (-6)


18% 26% 47%



21% 17% 20%

(-3) (-7) (-1)

32% 48% 58%

(+8) (-3) (-9)

47% 35% 22%

(-5) (+10) (+10)

Saanich North & The Islands

Fraser- Nicola

Delta North


Decided & Leaning - but only for voters who say they are strong supporters and
wont change their mind.
Who Will Win The Election?

Note that many Green Voters (37%, see next page for table) believe the Liberals
will win the election and are voting Green regardless.

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