The Operation Amplifier:: Level Translator

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The operation amplifier:

An operational amplifier is a direct coupled high gain amplifier consisting of one or more differential (OPAMP) amplifiers and followed by a level translator and an output stage. An operational amplifier is available as a single integrated circuit package. The block diagram of OPAMP is shown in fig. 1.

Fig. 1 The input stage is a dual input balanced output differential amplifier. This stage provides most of the voltage gain of the amplifier and also establishes the input resistance of the OPAMP.The intermediate stage of OPAMP is another differential amplifier which is driven by the output of the first stage. This is usually dual input unbalanced output. Because direct coupling is used, the dc voltage level at the output of intermediate stage is well above ground potential. Therefore level shifting circuit is used to shift the dc level at the output downward to zero with respect to ground. The output stage is generally a push pull complementary amplifier. The output stage increases the output voltage swing and raises the current supplying capability of the OPAMP. It also provides low output resistance. Level Translator: Because of the direct coupling the dc level at the emitter rises from stages to stage. This increase in dc level tends to shift the operating point of the succeeding stages and therefore limits the output voltage swing and may even distort the output signal. To shift the output dc level to zero, level translator circuits are used. An emitter follower with voltage divider is the simplest form of level translator as shown in fig. 2. Thus a dc voltage at the base of Q produces 0V dc at the output. It is decided by R1 and R2. Instead of voltage divider emitter follower either with diode current bias or

Fig. 2

current mirror bias as shown in fig. 3 may be used to get better results. In this case, level shifter, which is common collector amplifier, shifts the level by 0.7V. If this shift is not sufficient, the output may be taken at the junction of two resistors in the emitter leg.

Fig. 3 Fig. 4, shows a complete OPAMP circuit having input different amplifiers with balanced output, intermediate stage with unbalanced output, level shifter and an output amplifier.

Fig. 4 Example-1: For the cascaded differential amplifier shown in fig. 5, determine:

The collector current and collector to emitter voltage for each transistor. The overall voltage gain. The input resistance. The output resistance.

Assume that for the transistors used hFE = 100 and VBE = 0.715V

Fig. 5 Solution: (a). To determine the collector current and collector to emitter voltage of transistors Q1 and Q2, we assume that the inverting and non-inverting inputs are grounded. The collector currents (IC IE) in Q1 and Q2 are obtained as below:

That is, IC1 = IC2 =0.988 mA. Now, we can calculate the voltage between collector and emitter for Q1 and Q2 using the collector current as follows: VC1 = VCC = -RC1 IC1 = 10 (2.2k) (0.988 mA) = 7.83 V = VC2 Since the voltage at the emitter of Q1 and Q2 is -0.715 V, VCE1 = VCE2 = VC1 -VE1 = 7.83 + 0715 = 8.545 V Next, we will determine the collector current in Q3 and Q4 by writing the Kirchhoff's voltage equation for the base emitter loop of the transistor Q3:

VCC RC2 IC2 = VBE3 - R'E IC3 - RE2 (2 IE3) + VBE= 0 10 (2.2k) (0.988mA) - 0.715 - (100) (IE3) (30k) IE3 + 10=0 10 - 2.17 - 0.715 + 10 - (30.1k) IE3 = 0

Hence the voltage at the collector of Q3 and Q4 is VC3 = VC4= VCC RC3 IC3 = 10 (1.2k) (0.569 mA) = 9.32 V Therefore, VCE3 = VVCE4 = VC3 VE3 = 9.32 7.12 = 2.2 V Thus, for Q1 and Q2: ICQ = 0.988 mA VCEQ = 8.545 V and for Q3 and Q4: ICQ = 0.569 mA VCEQ = 2.2 V [Note that the output terminal (VC4) is at 9.32 V and not at zero volts.] (b). First, we calculate the ac emitter resistance r'e of each stage and then its voltage gain.

The first stage is a dual input, balanced output differential amplifier, therefore, its voltage gain is


Ri2 = input resistance of the second stage

The second stage is dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier with swamping resistor R'E, the voltage gain of which is

Hence the overall voltage gain is Ad= (Ad1) (Ad2) = (80.78) (4.17) = 336.85 Thus we can obtain a higher voltage gain by cascading differential amplifier stages. (c).The input resistance of the cascaded differential amplifier is the same as the input resistance of the first stage, that is Ri = 2ac(re1) = (200) (25.3) = 5.06 k (d). The output resistance of the cascaded differential amplifier is the same as the output resistance of the last stage. Hence, RO = RC = 1.2 k Example-2: For the circuit show in fig. 6, it is given that =100, VBE =0715V. Determine

The dc conditions for each state The overall voltage gain The maximum peak to peak output voltage swing.

Fig. 6 Solution: (a). The base currents of transistors are neglected and VBE drops of all transistors are assumed same.

From the dc equivalent circuit,


b) The overall voltage gain of the amplifier can be obtained as below:

Therefore, voltage gain of second stage

The input impedance of second stage is

The effective load resistance for first stage is

Therefore, the voltage gain of first stage is

The overall voltge gain is AV = AV1 AV2

(c). The maximum peak to peak output votage swing = Vopp = 2 (VC7 - VE7) = 2 x (5.52 - 3.325) = 4.39 V

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