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Copyright 1981, 2006 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1981.

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How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered the Enigma

The paper gives a personal view of work in the Polish Cipher Bureau From 1932 to 1939 as mathematicians worked to decipher the codes of the military version of the Enigma. The author, who was a participant. relates details of the device and the successes and frustrations invdved in the work. He also describes mathematical principles that enabled him and his colleagues to break successive versions of the Enigma code and to construct technical devices (cyclometers and "bombs' thet facilitated decipherment of Enigma-coded messages. Keywords: Enigma, cryptology CR C a t e g w 1.2



A the end of 1927, or possibly at the beginning of t 1928, a parcel containing radio equipment, according to the declaration, arrived f o Gennany at the cusrm toms house in Warsaw.Because the parcel had been sent erroneously in place of other equipment, a r e p resentative of a German firm very insistently demanded the return of the parcel to the German government before it was cleared through customs. Hs demands were so urgent that they awakened the i suspicions of the customs officers, who informed the Cipher Bureau of the Second Department of the General Staff, an institution interested in every kind of innovation in the area of radio equipment. Since it happened to be Saturday afternoon, the employees delegated by the bureau had time to study the matter at leisure. The box was carefully opened, and it was


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Annals bf the history of Computing. volunb 3 Number 3,July 1881 .



This article wee entitled "Jak matematycy polscy ros*d E n i i e " in the Annals of the Poliah Mathematical Society. Series n, Wiadomoici Matemdyczne, Volume 23, 1980, 1-28, copyright 8Paistwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, W m w , 1980, translatedby Joan Stepenske with the permission of the publisher. Translation O 1981 by the American Federation of Information Proceasing Societies. Inc. Permkion to copy without fee all or part of thin material i granted provided &at the copies are no_t made or s distributed for direct commercial advantage. the APIPS copyright notice and the title of the pub~ication its date appear, and notice and in given that copying is by pemiasion of the American Federahon ,of Information Processing Societies, Inc To copy otherwise, or to republish,requires specfie permission. @ f98l AFlPS 01 64-1239/81/030213-234$01 .W/O

deterpined that indeed it did not contain radio equipment; it contained a cipher machine. The machine was thoroughly examined, and then the box was carefully refastened. You can easily surmise that this cipher machine was the Enigma--clearly the commercial version-because at that time the military version was not in use at all. The episode had no immediate significance, being simply the time the Cipher Bureau became interested in the Enigma machine and manifested that interest by the completely legal purchase of another unit of the commercial machine. When the first machine-enciphered'messages appeared on the air on July 15, 1928, transmitted by a Qerman military station, Polish radio telegraphers working at monitoring stations began to pick up the transmissions. Polish cryptologists in the German sectiorrof the Cipher Bureau receive&ordersto undertake an attempt to decipher them. But the effort was un&ccessful and after a time was terminated. Very minute traces of that work were left in the form i f severdsheets of paper densely filled with writing; the comfnercid of the Enigma Inachine wss avail+able.

We wodd like to thank'!oan Stepenske for. , transiating 'this articl'e from tIie Polish. We 'also want to thll& zbweW~ e ~ ~ d ~ n ) -+m + M. ~~b for . r . ; dd W u *eartick aRd inensuring a Eaiw . thehe9rtartain tmnhlation.We are gratefulto Joa- Semienfor compiling . , bib6gruphic data. ' ' . ...

M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work


Marian FLejewski

But the Cipher Bureau, whose chief at that time was Major F. Pokorny (related to the famous cryptologist of the Austrian army during World War I, Captain Herman Pokorny), did not give up. At the end of 1928, a course in cryptology was set up in P o n d for students who were completing their course of study in mathematics and were fluent in German. When the course ended, a temporary branch of the Cipher Bureau was formed in P o d for some of the participants. Finally, on September 1, 1932, three math graduates employed i n the agency were hired for permanent work at the Cipher Bureau in Warsaw, located on Saski Square i the General Staff Building, which n is no longer standing. There we three (Jeny Wzycki, Henryk Zygalski, and Marian Rejewski) received as our first indepen-

Marian Rejewski was born on August 16,1905, in Bydgoszcz, Poland, where he graduated from secondwy school in 1923. He studied mathematics at the Uniwrsity of Poznwi and afaet receiving the degree of Master of Philosophy in 1929 he spent a year in Giittingen specializing in the mathematics of insurance underwriting. From September 1930 to September 1932 he w m a lecturer at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of P o z n d . At the same time he worked at the Pozncvi branch of the Polish Cipher Bureau (the cipher bureau of the General Staffof the Polish army). He was transferred from that office to Warsaw whre the . events related i this article took place. A f i r the n war, Rejewski returned to Poland. For the next n twenty years, until he retired i February 1967, he, mrked in Bydgoszcz as o clerk in various firm. He died i Warsaw on February 23,1980. n
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dent assignment theytask of solving a code of the German navy. TO d&t& knowledge of the German language was very helpful. But, as I will try to make clear later, knowledge of the language was not as useful as familiarity w t mathematics. The great conih tribution of Major Pokorny, and also of his successors Lieutenant Colonel KarolG. Lmger and Captain Maksymilian Ciis that comiderably earlier than their counterparts in other cipher bureaus they understood the usefulnes of requiring cryptologists to be mathematics graduates as well as; to know languages. Here I will introduce another person, whom I will mention a g d , who played an abso1utely exceptional role in breaking the Enigma cipher: General Gustav Bertrand of the French army, who died in 1976. In 1932 (at the rank of captain), as leader of the French intelligence section D, he procured and delivered to the Polish Cipher Bureau intelligence materials of tremendous significance; after that he repeatedly influenced the Eate of the Polish crypto1ogist.s in a substantial way and eventually made their decisive role in breaking the Jbigma cipher known to the world (Bertrand 1973). It is not my purpose to describe the commercial or military machine in detail; I will briefly present only what ia needed for the understanding of subsequent arguments. The machine 1) had the size and appearance of a portable typewriter, with 26 keys labeled with the letters of the Latin alphabet, but in place of typebars it had a platform with 26 electric lamps (the kind used in fhhlights) labeled with the same letters as the keyboard. A battery provided electric current. The most important parts of the machine were three rotating coaxial enciphering drums I, XI, and III that could be mutually transposed (in Figures1 and 4 these drums are in the positions denoted by the letters L, M, #) as well as a fourth drum known as reflecting and drum R (immovable in the military machine). A ring w t the 26 letters of the alphabet engraved on the ih circumference was iixed to eatch enciphering drum, as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. The letter positioned at the top could be seen through a small window located in the metal cover of the machine. The ring could be rotated with respect to the rest of the drum. The central part of each dnun was an ebonite disk. Twenty& stationary contacts were positioned concentrically along one- side of the.ring Xvisible on the right side of Pigure 3) and connected irregularly by insulated wires to the 265sprhg contacts~located on. the other side, also podioned concentrically (visible on the beft side. of Figure 3)- The reflecting,drurnhad 26 s p contacts oa .ohe side only; they were inter~ connec~ihahirregulm fashion.' . :

... , .

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M. Rejewski

. Polish Enigma Work

Figure 1. General view of the military Enigma. Wd Wooden outside cover W, Metal lid coveririg d m and lamp 4 Windowa in the metal lid for viewing the b p s(the letter corresponding to each lamp i on the window) s 0, Windows for viewing lettera on movable rings B Drums (R, M, H) L, N, D Lever fastening drums S Lamps K Keyboard L Plug-typewvitchboad

When a key is pressed on the machine, enciphering drum N (that is, the dnun at the rightmost position N) tuma 1/26th of the circumference. Current from the depressed key flows through the three enciphering drums, through the reflecting drum, again through the enciphering drums,and lights one of the lamps (Figure 4). When key u, for example, is depremed, a lamp labeled with another letter lights (differing from the depressed letter; in Figure 4 this is the letter d); at the next depression of the same key u, one gets--= a result of the rotations of the drums performed in the meantime-a different enciphered letter, us@y a different lamp lights. In this way, when a series of letters of unend$he*ed text (called plaintext) is keyed, the letters of the successively lighted lamps constitute the cyDheytext. Conversely, when a series of cipher letters is keyed in the same way, the sequence of lighted lqmps gcinerates plaintext. In bther words, under each ryangmeit of the drums, the actual cipher permutation is an inv6lution, equivalent to the product of 13 Qampdsitions. ..+ .
. I . .

Clearly, the number of enciphering drums with different interconnections i s

26! = 403,291,461,126,605,635,584,000,000

and the number of different reflecting drums is

. 21a-13!


= 7,905,853,580,025

Therefore, the factory making thew Enigmas could provide eat$ lot of mac&ei that a customer ordered with different dru;m &omections.This ia prlrticubrly , relevant for thg of military machines, which obviously must have different connec'tkms $om the dnuns of.any comm,ercial machine.~ v e&of d;uins r ~ for military- machinee ' (numbering an.eetimated . 100,000 tq 200,000 d&ng wartime) the same.connections,. 8o byptogiaphers from any &~ Gnii coyld wlpnp@@ dh .any other unit, &.lopg as . t ' , .' .t$eir machines we+ set to the e key.







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Mmb o f . 9History @ Cknputing. VOIIJIM


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umber 3. July 1 '~81 2f 5. *

M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

The key- starting position for the drums--was the a second secret of the military Enigma apart from the interconnectionsof the d m . Each enciphering dnun can be set 26 different ways; therefore, three dnuns can be set 269 = 17,576 ways. Since a sequence of three drums on a shaft can again be arranged in six ways, the settings and ordering of the drums together result in 6 263= 105,456 possibilities. That number seemed too low to the specialists from the German Cipher Bureau, so they added something in the nature of a telephone switchboard to the military version of the machine. This made it possible to interchange six pairs of letters freely, which created an additional

to expodng@& lpeaaagea, since the fust l e 6 r s d d l messages &dd'#%xi a letter-for-leb~ a u ~ t u form F tion-that is, a very elementary ciphertext, e a d y solved when having enough matonials; the m n d letters of all wodd determine another substitution, an13 so o . These are not merely theoretical n' considerations In Fhme i 1940 we solved a S i s n ws cipher machine of the Enigma type exadly in this way. Because of this, selection of the setting of the drums at which encipherment of a given message began was left to the discretion of the German encipherer, who had t c m u i a e that initial setting to o omnct his deciphering colleague so that the latter w u d ol know how to set the drum in order to read the message. Thisrequired sending three lettera (the Germans believed they ahould be enciphered), and bec a w radio did not always e r n e good reception, the letters had to be sent twice, enciphered each time; thus six letters were inserted at the beginning of the given message. Theae ti.uee letters, freely chosen by the cryptographer, were called the message key, as distinct f o the daily key, and they comtituted the rm thkd secret of the military cipher Enigma.

Message Keys

new possibilities. So now the Germans figured that even if the enemy captured an actual military machine, perhaps as a result of military operations, without knowing the key they would be unable to decipher any messages. I & l to demonstrate that- the ltry Germans were mistaken in this view. The collection of settings imposed on cryptographers-the settings of the druma, their ordering, selected switchboard connections, and certain other settings, which I will not discuss for the time beingwas called the daily key (although several elements of that key were changed more frequently than every 24 hours, especially during the last phase of the war; others were changed less frequently, particularly during the initial period of the machine's use). Cryptographers received the daily key in the form of a print& table for a period of an entire month. This is not the last of the secrets of the military Enigma. Enciphering all mGssages on a given day with themme position of the drums would be tantamount
216 ;Annals of the History of CompuIing. Volume 3.hhjmber $ Juby -, . . ' 4 * ^ . * .

I n t h e a u t u m n a f ~ I w r r s ~ ~ up to that time, F& i t& Iwasasigmdmy o w n m b i c l e m t h e ~ d t b Staff and was e ~ imtmcted to reeumethe etudy of the Enigma that had been abandoned by my predecewrs. Today, after the passing of almost half a century, I no longer remember whether at that time I understood the Werencea in the structure of the military and commercial E i m s It is likely that I received this nga. information somewhat later, but in any case it was not useful to me in the initial stage of my work. The





M. Reiewski

Polish Enigma Work

way, after a certain number of steps I encountered the first letter that I pad.Written. The second time I did not copy this repeated letter, but enclosed the letters I had already written in parentheses. An example will illustrate my procedure more clearly. Let

dmq ubn

Pw: fmg
be three somewhat artiticially chosen enciphered keys of messages on a given day. For greater clarity I divided each key in half so that the first three letters were the key under the first encipherment and the next three letters were the second enciphennent.Then I took the letter d h m the fvst message and wrote the fourth, v, beside it. Next to it I wrote the fourth letter of the message starting with v (that is, p) and the fourth letter of the message starting with p. I got dvpf k o m the keys of subsequent m s a e it would turn esgs out that a whole cycle of letters would emerge


In this way the aggregate of cycles formed f o the rm first and fourth letters could be seen as in the following
example: hcznica wtyczkowa = plugboard

AD = (dvpmgzyo)(eijmunqZht) (bc)(nu)(a)) (9
commercial machine we had purchased, as well as dozens of messages enciphered each day on the military Ehigma, was placed at my disposal. The fact that the first six letters of each message formed its three-letter key, twice enciphered, was ob-

I labeled the aggregate of cycles AD to signify that it arose f o the first and fourth letters of the message rm keys bf the given day. I proceeded in a similar way with the second and fifth as well as the third and sixth letters of the keys and came up with a representation


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M. Reiewskl

Polish Enigma Work

How can one explain the origin of the characteristic structure? If I were to press each key in succession in such a way that the position of the enciphering drums did not change- by keeping one key dqremd, for example-then different lamp would light continually. In thia way a certain permutation of the letters would appear. Under a different setting of the drums, the permutation would clearly be different, but the reflecting drum would c m all permutations to be a composed exclusively of the hnspositions. For example, if striking key t would cause lamp z to light, then striking key z under the same setting of the drumswould cause lamp t to light. (In the introduction I mentioned that plaintext yields ciphertext, and ciphertext yields plaintext.) One can easily verify that if the six successive permutations arising from enciphering the measage keys twice are denoted by the l e m A to F, the products of the permutations AD, BE, and CF will be identical to the expressions constituting the characteristic of the given day, thereby justifying this notation. Yes, but why in these expressions do cycles of the same length always appear in pairs? That also can be explained easily by proving the following theorem: If two permutations X and Y of the same degree consist exclusively of disjoint transpositions, then the number of disjoint cycles of the same length in the product X Y is even. One can also prove the following converse theorem:
If in some permutation (of an even degree) different cycles of the same length appear in pairs, that permutation can be considered as the product XY of twopennutatiuns X and Y, each of them being fonned by disjoint transpositions only.

choose three identical letters such .as aaa, bbb, and the like as measege keys. Let us examine the characteristic shown earlier (Equation1).Because the letters a and s form one-letter cycles in the product AD, if the key aaa is to be found among the message keys, the encipherment of the first letter has to be s. S u p pose that among the enciphered message keys of a given day there were three keys beginning with the letter s
SUg smf

sjm spo

A simple proof of these theorems k lengthy and will not be given. The following also can be shown:
1 Letters belonging to one and the same .

The enciphered key sug snf could not come from the letters aaa,since the second letter u is found in the nine-letter cycle of the product BE, while a is found in the three-letter cycle of the same product. Similarly, the enciphered key sjm spo could not come from the letters aaa, since the letter j is also found in the nine-letter cycle. The enciphered key syx scw could result f o the letters aaa, however, since s and rm a are found in two one-letter cycles of product AD, y and a belong to two different three-letter cycles of product BE, while x and a belong to two different thirteen-letter cycles of product CF. The fact that the enciphered key syx scw really denotes the letters am under encipherment was confirmed by the fad that with thi~ assumption a very great many other enciphered keys could be deciphered as sequences bbb and ccc. Thus, one of the m s e i s of the Enigma cipher, ytre the secret of the message key, was solved. It is interesting that knowledge of neither the positions of the drums nor the daily keys- other words, none of the in remaining secrets of the Enigma cipher-was needed to attain this result. A sufficient number of messages from the same day were needed, around 60 specimens, for the characteristic structure AD, BE, CF t be o

transposition ofpennutation X or Y always belong to two different cycles of the same permutation XY. 2. If two letters in two different cycles of the same lengUrofpnnutotion XY &law th transposition, their neighboring letters (one on & right, the lep) ah&long to the same transposition.

An appropriate interpretation of these facts &nplies that it is sufficientto know the practices of cryptographers in order to reconstruct all, message keys corn: pletely. As an example, cryptographers are incliped t@

Besides this, a good knowledge of the practiLe of cryptographers regarding the selection of a message key was necewq. When I first m e d that,there would be many k e p d @e sort wa, bbb, etc., it ,was, only a hypothesb th.$luckily turned out to be true. crygbgraphars were 'T. The followed,.and other predilectionswere uncovered. fully For example, when the use of three identic+ letters was forbiddeh, the cryptogfaphets- started avdiding even double:repetitions of a given letter. that trait also was mou@ t determine what the'-m-ge a keyswere beforct enciphenne~t.


M. Rejewski

Polish Enlgma Work

T e e and several s m l r methods were de"eloped. hs iia It is well known that 'a human being gifted w t ih consciousness and memory does not have the ability to imitate chance in a faultle~s manner. Among other things, it is the task of a cryptologiet to uncover and suitably make use of these deviations from chance.
Interconnections of the Drums

the expression MLRL"M-' is repeated in all 'the preceding equations and can be replaced temporarily by the letter Q, which denotes a fictitious reflecting




This allowe our set of equations to be simplified Signiflc8ntly.

It would have been better for the Germans if the mesaage keys had not been enciphered at all because encipherment, as we have seen, not only did not guard against exposure but in addition supplied a bonus in the form of six successive permutations, A to F.As I will demonstrate, knowing them brought me closer to finding the drum connections of the military Enigma. Fyst, I must describe what goes on imide the machine in terms of operations on permutations. I denoted by the letter S the permutation produced by the switchboard, by the letters L, M,and N permutations from the three enciphering d n labeling them from left ~ to right, and by the letter R permutations from the reflecting drum. Another drum should be mentioned: the initial drum, which was etationmy and constituted a transition h m the switchboard to drum N; I denoted this drum by the letter H. The path of the current could then be expressed in the following way:
SHNMLRL-' M-'H-IS-' Because drum N rotated by 1/26th of its circumference with each stroke of a key, I had to introduce still another special permutation that would take this rotation into account. This permutation, which I wl il always denote by the letter P, changed each letter into the next letter in the alphabet: a to b, b to c, . . , z to a. Permutations A through F could now be represented in terms of the following equations:

SHPNP-'QPN-'P-'H-IS-' B =~ ~ N P - ~ Q ~ ~ N - ~ P - ~ H - ' S - '



The actual problem lay in solving the above set of six equations with four unknown permutations S, H, N,and Q. Realizing the difficulty of the problem, I first tried to reduce the number of unknowns. Since in the c o m m d machine the connections of the initial dnun had the form


(where the upper line of the permutation H represents the alphabet as given on the machine's keyboard), I originally assumed that permutation H had the same form on the military machine, because on both the commercial and military machines the letters were in the same order on the keyboard. I finally walked that this hypothesis was incorrect and had led to much n+ess work and considerable loss of time-so much a that the study of the Enigma w s almost discontinued once again. Thus, an unusual event had taken place here: the Cipher Bureau's purchase of a commercial A = SHPNP-'MLRL-'M-'PN-'P- 'H-lS-' madhine with the intention of simplifying the breaking B = S H P ~ N F - ~ M L R L - ~ M - ~ P ~ N - ~ P - ~ H - ~ S - ~ Enigma cipher actually greatly impeded of the military the task. For the time being, however, I assumed that permutntion H was known. So I had a set of six equations

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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

given and transfer it, in the same way as the known permutation H, the left side of the set of equations, to which would take on the following form: H-'S-'ASH



In this set of equations, all permutationa on the left side are completely known, and on the right side only permutations Nand Q are unknown. We again transform both sides of the h t equation by the internal automo~hism determined by P, the second equation by P2, and to be concise we denote the left sides etc., . by the letters U through 2

In addition, we will form new products by multiplying consecutive pain of these equations

from which, by eliminating the common expression QP-'QP, we get the set of four equations with only the single unknown NPN-'.

We see that the expression V W i tramformed from s the expression W by the use of permutation NPN-'. Writing W u n d e r W i n $possible ways-and there aie dozens of such w?ys-we get dozens of pomible

solutions for the expression NPN-'. Similarly, WX is transformed from VW by using the same expression NPN-'. Therefore, writing U X under VW we again get dozens of possible solutions for the expression NPN-'.One of these solutions has to be identical to one of those previously obtained. That one is our desired NPN-' . The last two equations in XY and YZ are already superfluous. The rest is straightforward. It is sufficient to write the known permutation Pin al 26 possible ways below l the expression that was obtained for NPN-' in order to obtain 26 variants for connections of drum N. Which of these variants we choose does not have great significance for the time being, since the choice of one or the other variants denotes only a greater or lesser rotation of the fixed-contactside relative to the springcontact side in drum N. The final determination of the actual rotatioq can take place only later. This is how the problem looked in theory, In practice, alas, it was different. From the above formulas it appears that the products W, VW, WX,XY, YZ all ought to be similar to each other. But that was not the case, and consequently it also was impossible to write those products beneath one another. And even though I carried out the same operation repeatedly on the material from different days, because I suspected that a shift of the middle drum occurred, the result was always negative. Carrying out the testa took a great deal of time, and the discontinuation of work on the Enigma was deliberated again, when I finally realized that the reason for my bad luck might be only an incorrect assumption regarding the connections of the initial drum. A small digredon here. I have every reason to believe the British cryptologista did not manage to solve the problem because of the dZF~culty caused by the connnnections the initial dnun. First, in July 1939, of when representatives of Polish, French, and British cipher bureaus attended a meeting in Poland, the first question put forth by the British cryptologist Alfred Dillwyn Knox was: "What are the connections of the initial drum?' Second, Penelope Fitzgerald, Knox's niece, in her book, The Knox Brothers (1978),stated that Knox was furious when he realized how simple it Was. What, then, were the connectiok of the initial drum? It turned out later that it was possible to find them using a deductive approach, but in December 1932, or perhap early in 1933, I came up with the settings by g e: u1. asstuned that &ce the keys were riot- connected with successive contacts,of the initial drum in the -order of l~tttqs the keyboard, ov very likely they w & corinected i alphabeticalordw, e d I

M. Reiewski

Polish Enigma Work

dtogether. This time I was in luck. The hypothesis turned out to be correct, and the first test gave a positive result. As if under a magic spell, numbers denoting the settings of the drum N began flowirig from my pencil. So that is how the settings of eve drum,the right-hand one, at last became known. H w were the connections of the remaining drums o found? Recall that I received a photocopy of daily keys for a period of two months, September and October 1932. At this time a change in the order of the d u s on the shaft occurred every quarter. Because rm September and October belong to two different quarters they had different orderinga of the drums,with different drums located on the righbhand side. Therefore, during both quarters I was able to employ exactly the same method for findingtheir connections. Finding the connections of the third drum and, in particular, the reflecting drum,did not present great clifficultiea by then. Likewise, there was no M c u l t y with the determination of either the exact rotation of the aides of the drums relative to each other or the moments when a revolution of the left-hand and center dnuns

that it is not clear whethen the director of the Cipher Bureau would have had enough patience to employ several workers for a long period without certain attainment of success, or whether he would have once more discontinued work on the E i m . nga Therefore, the conclusion is that procurement of intelligence material was the decisive factor in breaking the machine's secrets. Many y e . later I found that the source of the material was the already mentioned Captain Bertrand.
The Dally Keys

In principle, the work required for settling these particulars consisted of attempts to decipher parts of hs several messages fkom t i period and incorporating such corrections in the d m settings so that cornpletely error-free segments would be obtained. Some simplification of this work was due to the Germah instructions for using the Enigma machine that were delivered together with the monthly tables of daily keys, In the instructions the plaintext of a certain message and its actual encipherment under a specified daily key and message key were provided as an example. In later editions of the same instructions, the example that was provided was always fictitious. Because, as I have already stated, it turned out that the connections of the initial drum could be found by

As soon as the connections of the drums became known, the search began for ways to discover the third and final secret of the Enigma,the daily keys. Earlier, a commercial machine was suitably remade m the tc esection of the Cipher Bureau. I was told (probably at the beginning of January 1933) to let my two colleagues Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy R6iycki in on the secret so they could read cipher material from the two months of September and October 1932 by making use of the daily keys that were delivered by French intelligence. I, however, had to remain in isolation u t l the conclusion of the assignment. ni That the conclusion was not at all easy and could not be easy follows from the Germans' conviction that the cipher, even with the machine in hand, could not be broken without knowing the daily keys. I focused my attention on the fact that permutation S changed only six pairs of letters and thus fourteen letters remained unchanged. Let us again examine the parts of Equation 3. We already know that permutation H s the identity, so it i can be omitted. For the time being we will assume that pekmutation S also is an identity. If we now transfer all permutations with the exception of the unknown permutation Q to the lefbhand side, we

PN-~P-~APNP-'Q =

tedly, another approach to the reconstruction of t&e

drum connections has been found, in theory at any rate. But that approach is imperfect and laborio*.

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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

To take this into account, it is more correct to write

If permutation S actually were the identity, then by substituting the numbers 1 through 26 in succegsion for the variable x and after each substitution evaluating the left-hand side of the above set of equations, for a particular value of x we would obtain the same value for alI expressions Q and in this way we would find the setting of drum N. Permutation S does exist, however, so for no x will the expregsions Q be equal to each other, but among them there will be a certain similarity for a particular value of x, since permutation S does not change all of the letters. But carrying out the work described would be too laborious I searched for a more practical method. I found it in the form I called the grid method. For each of the three drums, the 31 permutations N,PNP-I, P ~ N P - .. ,, PNP-%, N,PNP-I, ..., ~, P4NP-'and the connections of the three drums are entered once and for aIl on a suitably sized sheet of paper in the following way:

Next, the grid is moved along the paper on which the drum connections are written u t l it hits on a ni position where some .simhritiea show up among the several expressions Q. In this position the upper and lower letters of each permutation A through F ought to be displaced eo that all permutationsQ become the same. In this way the setting of drum N and the changes resulting from permutation S are found simultaneoualy. This process requires considerable concentration since the simihrities I mentioned do not always manifest themeelvw distinctly and can be very easily overlooked. The task is still incomplete, for the unknown Q remains. Recall that Q is only an abbreviation (Equation 2) denoting a fictitious reflecting drum. At this point the connections of drums M, L, and R are already known. The positions of d m M and L are still not known; only drum R is stationary. T u ,it hs would be better to write

On another chart with six slits, which I called the grid the previously determined pennuhtions A through Fare entered in the following way:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz srwivhnfdolkyglgltxba.pzecqmu

abc"&fgh~klmnopgrstuvwxyz wxo$bduiJizeuqscymtnrglabpj

' ;

where the variables y and z, analogous to the aforementioned variable x, can take on al values from 1 to l 26. At the time (the beginning of 1933) the only means I could use to tind y and z consisted of simply going through all possible 26* 676 positions of the drums M and L every day on the machine until I found their true positions. The work was quite tiresome, rather mechanical, but still not the end. One must recall mother detail about the construction of the E i m , which I pointed out earlier while nga describing the machine. On the circumferences of the enciphering dnuns L,M,and N movable rings were engraved with the letters of the alphabet. The way these rings had to be adjusted each day was delivered to the cryptographer along with the other components of the daily keys. Thus the setting of the rings was still to be found. From the messagea of September and October 1932 that were deciphered in the interim, it was learned all measages (of course, not taking that in into account succeeding i>arts of messages consisting of or more parts, beim the letters ANX, from the word an (German for "toto" the spacer X. ) and It was necessary to select ap appropriate message beginning, for instance, with the letters tuv, and while continually striking key t, both t r the drums and un simultaneously notice when lamp A lighted. Then it waa necessary to strike key u and, if by chance lamp N lighted, also strike key u. If lamp X lighted, there was a hlgh probability that we had found a good case; . it was then netmdy t.6 adjust.& ripgs accofi'gly. If not, it was nece--Qii search to the bitter end.'

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- 9 +,i Annals of the History of &.mputlng, Volume 3, Nurnbetf. July'lQ81

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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

the course of merely a few months can be

1. Reconstruction of the German military cipher

lations had t be performed and on which theoretical o principles they were based.) During thia period Mzycki worked out a procedure

A Period of Relative Peace (1933-1935)

The first decision my superiom made when I informed them of my results was to issue an order to the AVA factory, which was under the control of the Cipher Bureau, to build a series of copies of the German military Enigma patterned after the commercial model. They were to use the drum conn8ctjons I providedandtakeintoaccountotherdifferencesin theconstructionofthetwotypesofmachines,firstof all by adding a switchboard. Next,five or six young people were employed and assigned to a separate room with the exclusive task of deciphering the stream of messages for which daily keys soon began being delivnently fromthen on. Now there were three of us instead of one. Using the methods that have been described, day &er day we recovered the daily keys to be delivered to the decipherers. Since the Germans introduced no significant changes in the Enigma cipher in the three years until the end of 1935, we were able to devote some time to improving our methods of decryption. . , For example, for the six possible combinations of drums--I 11, I III, I1 I, I1 III, I11 I, and 1 1 111 we

drum was on the right-hand side of the machine. True, the order of the drumechanged only once each quarter until the end of 1935, and thus the determination of the drum N was not yet too important. But starting on February 1, 1936, the change in the order of the drum occurred every month and starting on November 1,1936, every day. What was this method? If we write two texts in German, one beneath the other, letter by letter-for example,

then on the average two columns with identical letters can be found within a span of 26 letters. This feature wiU also be observed when we encipher both texts

found within a span of 26 letters. The reason for this phenomenon clearly lies in the unequal frequency of letters in German (and in other languages, too). In a span of 26 letters tbis phenomenon does not occur in a noticeable way. If, however, we have two messages, each 260 letters long, say, with this method we generally can decide whether the two messages were enciphered u i g the same key or different keys. We m'ake sn usenof this possibility in the following way. ,

.-. .."

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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work


Figure 5. Cyclometer.

N place, the shift of drum M occurs when drum N shifts h m letter Q to R in the window. If drum I1 is located in the N place, the shift occurs during the change from letter E to F,and if drum 111 is drum N, the shift occurs during the change from V to W.For each of the two possible ways of writing the measages beneath each other, it issufficient to count the number of columns with identical letters in order to determine which way of writing the messages is correct and therefore to determine which of the three drums is located on the right-hand side. Rbiycki's clock method, which simplified our work in a great many instances, also had an interesting property: of al the methods we discovered, it was the l only one based on characteristics of the language-on the actual frequency of letters in the German language. As I have mentioned, in general the introduction of cipher machines influenced the change in the charactar of a cryptologist's work from linguistic to mathematical investigation.
The Period of Extensive Changes (1936 to August 1938)

separate networks we had to recover more and more daily keys. I have already mentioned the ever more frequent changes of the order of the h But begin. ning on October 1,1936, the number of modified pairs of lettars on the switchboard was changed h m six to anywhere from five to eight, which complicated the use of the grid method. So we searched for another method. Our attention returned to the characteristics that had a rarely repeated f o m and for that reason labeled a given day t a certain degree. From the pattern o

AD a SPNP-I QPN-' P 3 NP 4 QP 4 N-'PJS-'

and the two analogous forms for BE and CF, it follows that penhutation S as a transformation influences not the length of the cycles in the characteristic but only the letters in the cycles. So if we managed to invent a device that would produce the length of the cycles for each of the expressions of the type AD (again, these expressions are not numerous, since for each of the six possible sequences 'of the dnuns there are only 263 = 17,576 expressions), we would be able to make a chart of cycle lengths for expressions of the type AD and determine the drum setting by comparing the cycle lengths with the characteristic of a given day. We actually succeed4 in-inventing such a device, and it is unusually simple 5); we named it thwych- -' meter. It was produced by the AVA factory, the same

The growing Gennan military power brought about

an expansion of the sphere of users of the Enigma

machine. On August 1,1935, the German air force had ih formed its own radio communication network w t its own daily keys, but clearly employing the w e
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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

ebonite panel on which 26 flas&ht lamps with switches were mounted, and a power murce. When the flip of a switch a t one of the lamps turned the current on, then not just the given lamp but all lamps belonging to the Bame cycle and to the other cycle of the same pair lighted. It remained to write the position of the drums and the number of lighted lamps on a card and to arrange these cards in a certain wayby cycle length, for example. The work lasted a long time, over a year, since we worked on it along with our normal job of recovering l daily keys with the aid of the grid. When al six card files were prepared, finding the daily key was an ordinary matter that took a mere 10 or 15 minutes. The drum positions w r read off the card, the order ee of the drums was read from the box h m which the card was retrieved, and permutation S was obtained by comparing the letters in the cycles of the characteristic with the letters in the cycles of permutations Unfortunately,on November 2,1937, when the card 6les were ready, the Germans changed the reflecting dnun that had been used up to that time (which they denoted by A ) to a different drum B. We had to redo all the work, starting with the reconstruction of the connections of drum B. In September 1937, and thus several weeks before the change of the reflecting dnun, a new network appeared on the air. We soon learned it was the network of the party security staff, the so-called Sicherheitsdienst (SD). would like to devote a few words I to the role our reading of this network played in the work on the Enigma several months later. The method of encipherment by the SD did not differ in principle f o the method used in other rm networks. When, for the first time, one day's characteristic from that network was formed, it was found in our files with no difficulty. Consequently, the order and positions of the drums as well as permutation S were determined, but when method ANX was tried in

Gennan. After a more thorough analysis of this apparently mmidess series of letters, we could make out definite repetitions of letters; these repetitions formed fourletter groups, and the space between them was a multiple of four; in other words, it was possible to divide the entire message (leaving out the word ein) into four-letter code groups. Thus we were faced with so-called double encodmg. First, the sender of the message, undoubtedly an officer, encoded the text of the message using a codebwk of four-letter code groups and wrote the word ein only because he did not find it in the codebook Only then did he turn the prepared message over to cryptographers for further encipherment by machine. Thanks to such a +mixing plaintext with codeand also to a bit of luck, it became possible to recover the entire daily key as well as the ring settings. Luckily the code also turned out to be easy to solve, although

instances, since not a l l code groups appear in the messages. Early in 1938, the head of our intelligence department, Colonel Stefan Mayer, ordered that statistics be gathered for a period of two weeks to measure the quantity of deciphered material against all Enigmaenciphered material picked up by the radiotelegraphers. It tuned out that there was a 75%success rate. Pet& Calvocoressi, former employee of the British Cipher Bureau, in a talk broadcast on British radio on January 18,1977, stated that no one else on earth had attained such result. Obviously, he was thinking of later times since in 1938 no one except the Poles had read a single message enciphered on the German military Enigma.Moreover, the 75% of messages that had been deciphered did not define the limits of our capabilities. With a slight increase in personnel we could havedeciphered !lo% o the messages.(A certain quanf tit9 of enciphered m a t e d , because of faulty trans*ion, faulty reception, or various other reasons, always remains unread.),

ment from the middle of one of the messages apd


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Pdish Enigma Work

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message without being enciphered. He then eet the drums to these letters, chose three other lettern as a mesaage key, and, as before, after enciphering them twice, placed them at the beginning of the message. Then he set the drum to the m q e key and began the actual encipherment of the measage itself. The changes in the trammbion of the message key were implemented in all military units but were not carried out in the SD network. AU we had produced up to that time for the recovery of daily keys and message keys-the card files and grid method-came to naught with regard to the military units, because there were no more characteristics. We could solve and read only the SD network. In a very short time, perhaps a week or two, we came up with two ideas-or rather, since this is more important, we found ways to carry them out. I will attempt to summarize the ideas and their execution. W t the e d e r method of transmitting the key, we ih presented the key in the form of two three-letter p u p s . Now we had to present it as three groups-for example,


The first group, separated by a comma &om the rest, is not enciphered, and the other two group make up the message key enciphered two times. With enough cipher material it can happen that on a given day three messages will be found with keys as in the following example:

nously. After passing through all possible 26' Y1,576 positions in a specified time (about two hours), the machine would indicate when three pairs of lamp (the same lamp in each pair) lighted. The order of the drums is unknown, so it would be better to build six such devices from the start, one for each W b l e ordering. But we must deal with permutation S. Duping this period, permutation S consisted of five to eight tmmpositions; that is, it changed half the letters on the average. One could therefore expect that a letter that is repeated six times in three measages (the letter W in this case) would not be changed by permutation S at least every second time. I have just presented the operating principle. The AVA factory built six such devices in an unbelievably short time-it waa only November 1938. For lack of a better name we called them bombs. Our success was thanks to the exceptional service of the factory's director, Antoni Palluth, who was not a regular employee of the Cipher Bureau, but worked closely w t ih it. B e i i a cryptologist himself, he understood the needs of the bureau very welt The mcond idea, which originated at practically the same time as the idea of the bomb, was based on apparently similar, but actuaUy completely different assumptions. As w t the bomb,we a h had to possess ih enough suitable cipher material. Out of t i material hs we could expect about ten messages with keys such as



where the first and fourth, the second and fifth, or the third and sixth letters in the keys of all three messages are the same. In this case it is the letter W, but it could a s be any other letter, just so it is the same in lo all three messages. Let us assume for the time being that permwtation S was the identity. If the ring setting was also identical and if we knew the order of the drums on the shaft, it would be sufficient to set the drums at position RTJ; then by striking key W three times in a row, the same lamp would light. The same would happen in drum positions HPN and DQY.The setting of the rings makes the positions of the at which t i would happen unknown to ILS,but the hs differences in the positions wl be maintained and il thus are known. One need only construct a device that in principle would consist of sets of drupls from six Enigmas and &at,- preserving the known m h d differences in #e positions of the drums, would tunithe dnuns'synchfo4
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In these keys either the finst and fourth, th; second and f f h or the third and sixth letters are the same, it, but the identical pairs could be different in each key. If we recall the characteristic shown in Equation 1, we should a h remember that the identical letters in corresponding place8 in the key represent one-letter cycles in the characteristic. But permutation S d m not, after all, influence the length of cycles in the characteristicand therefore does nat influence the fact of the occurrence or nonoccurrence of cycles one letter ..


Thus,in place of the card file of cycle lengths in all products of the type AD,we b d to produce a card file of the positions of all those productsof the type AD in

which 'one-letter cycles o c c d d and then compare them with the one-letter cyelea o c h g in message keys for a given day. Buk how.could the comparison be ca+d out? In thie process; &in the previous me, only tfie r e l a t i v s . W of &letter cS;cleidiecov- .


-. , . . . . .F ., g, ., . .,226, . Annals of the Hiatory o f ~ ~ m p u t h Volume 3. ~urnber$, July IWI .






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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

loolied for aad found a day on which dnunN was one of the o r i g i n a l 4 therefore known-dnuns, We asm e d tbat one of&e dnunr,L or M belonged to the knowns and the other to the unknownx We found the connectim of the unknown dnun the same way we had found the connectione of the third drum in 1932. In this way we obtained the COIUM&OM of all five drums and were able to read memagea of the SD network. It was not easy, however. We sometimes knew which drum was at position N as a result of RZycki'e clock method, but the grid method, the only one we couldnow @ply to the SD network, sometimes failed. It failed because on January 1, 1939, the Germans again increased the number of pair6 of letters modified by permutation S from seven to ten. Nevertheleas, we did read meesages of the SD network Calvoco~ wrongly stated (1077) that at thie time no one on earth was able to read messagea enciphered on a fv iEnigma. Reading messap of military u i s was a different nt problem- Although we had found the connections of drums IV and V through the SD network, these drums had to be incorporated into our bomb and i t our no perforated sheeta of paper. The AVA factory did supply a small number of the drums IV and V for the cnachineaused by the decipherers to read the messages The order of the druma was derived from the iden- of the SD network, but each bomb required 36 pairs tity of the set to which the sheets of paper belonged. of drums IV and V. Since the work using the bombs From the position of the perforation and the letter on had to go on m u n d the clock, several additional the paper, we could compute the settings of the rings, operators yould have to be employed. As for the and by comparing the letters of the keys with the perforated papera-we would have to make 58 comletters in the machine, we could obtain permutation plete sets i addition to the two we already had. We n S-that is, the entire daily key. Still, as I mentioned, developed methods that, in certain cases, helped us the work was vast, since we had to cut out about a establish with a high degree of probability which d m thousand perforations in each sheet of paper, each was at position N. Nonetheless, all sets .of the papers hs complete set contained 26 sheets, and six sets had to were needed. Ti was the situation: aside from mesbe made. We carried out this work in addition to our sages of the SD network, we only read military mesnormal activities; that is why we managed to produce sriges when it happened that the three original drums were on the shaft, which averaged out to one time out only two complete sets by December 15,1938. Meanwhile, the Germans instituted new changes in of t n The introduction of drums I and V meant a e V the Enigma cipher by adding two more d n m , IV and change in the quantity but not i the quality of our n V, to the three original drums i the machines used work. When the SD network also changed to a new n by all units, including the SD. There were still only way of specifying the daily key on July 1, 1939, the three dnuns on the shaft, but now the three were to grid method became ueeless here, too. fiom a set of five; instead of six possible -. . . . . ere were sixty. Besides the tenfold increase ~ o ~ & l u s i-m + r of possible ordering8 of the drums, &ere July25 mid 26,1939,athe' Poles called reprkntawere the unknown connections of the drunis How could they be obtained? Under the new system o f tiv@ of the Britieh, Fr'ench,:and Polish inkUigencC together for & meeting in .Warsaw. At -that.- t there w'as no longer any charakterisb* ' agbci~a meeting we told everything we knew and showed , .thecyclometer and the card files were worthless. hek. the SD network, which, although .it in&& , eve&hing we had. We prb$ded Major Bertrand..with ' E& n& we haid-made. He undertook-. drums IV a6d V; remained under-the-ojd encipWeAt. Wsidg the grid 'm@h~d - -thfbb&ation to hand & d ?ihe;hdhin& over to the. wk <. . , . :.?.> .* . . .. '.- ,<,. . .. .. ,, .<. , ._ , , ' 2 ' P. ' . <-. >&*. % .< , > a r 2 8 . --. , , . ~n?+pt&?~+ty @ ~omputinp. o h - g ~ u r n b e3,July 1. . . . .>*>

ered in the message keys of a given day are known It was here that Zygalski pointed out a way to carry out the comparison. For each of the 26 ~ m i b l dti0118of dnun L. a e square partitioned inb 51 x 1 smaller squaree-is d a n on a large sheet of paper (about 60 x 60 an). rw The square is labeled with the consecutive letters of the alphabet: the letters A through Z followed by A through Y are written along the aides, on the top, and on the bottom of each square. Thie was, as it were, a coordinate system in which the ab&m and ordinate denoted consecutive possible pcdiona of c&umsMand N,and each small quare denoted a permutation with or without one-letter cycles corresponding to t h ~pot sition. Squares with one-lettercycles w r j d o r a t d . ee The work was vast, all the more because the instances with one-letter cycles had to be perforated four times. When these sheets of paper were placed on top of each other according to a precisely defined program, in proper order and properly displaced with respect to each other, the number of perforations showing through gradually decreased. If an adequate number of keys with one-letter cycles were at hand, at the end one perforation remained ahowingthrough all the sheets of paper, most likely correi3ponh to a

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M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

Figure 6. In the gardem of the castle Les Fouzes in southern France in 1941. Left Lo right: Henryk Zygalski, Jeny F&, t& and Marian

British, which he did. We learned nothing from our guests. Neither the British nor the French had managed t get past the first difficulties. They did not o have the drum connections. They had no methods whatsoever. The meeting did have far-reaching effects. Shortly thereafter, the Germans, without a declaration of war, invaded Poland. The General Staff, and with it the Cipher Bureau, fled to Rumania. Major Bertrand then brought 15 employees of the bureau, including the chief, his assistant, my two colleagues, and me, to France where he had created a workshop for us in the castle at Vignolles about 40 kilometers f o Paris. But rm how could we work there? All of the materials, equipment,and machines (with the exception of two Enigmas transported across the border in Lt. Col. Langer's car) had been carefully destzoyed before leaving Poland so that no trace of our work would fall into

In Bletchley, a town situated about 60 kilo mete^ north of London, where the British cipher bureau was then located, 60 cryptologisb were employed already at the beginning of the w r and later there were far a, more. It is not surprising that when we began to recreate the daily keys using the perforated sheets and send the keys back and forth to each other across the English *Channel,out of every 100 keys that were recovered 83 came from the British, and only 17 came from the Poles. When the French signed a truce with the Germans in June 1940, Major B e r e a d arranged for us to flee to Algeria In the fall of the same year, when we returned to the unoccupied zone of France in order to work clandestinely'hdet the leadership of Major b r trand, we discove%ed tha:tt 'the Germans had again' changed the way of sp'ecifjring the daily key, thereby . rendering7Zygalslii's sheets uselea. We tbok up the


M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

more complicated and costly. The am6unt of intercepted traffic needed to break a cipher grew comespondingly. Under the conditions we had in France, in zone8 that were unoccupied but conbaed by the Germans, we obtained little intercepted traffic. We could not even dream about concoctmg a plan to buildmuch less to actually construct-the complex and costly machines that would have been useful BY 1940 the British in Bletchle~ reworked the had 1938 Polish bombs to correspond with changed requirements, preserving the name bomb and their electromechanjcal character. Then they built more and more complicated machines to break the Enigma cipher until finally one of them, which came into use at the very end of 1943, was, as Calvocoressi (1977) asserted, the first red electronic computer built in the

Hinsley, F. H., et a . 1979. "The Polish,French and British l Contributions t the Breaking of the E-" o n. British 'Intellagemein the Second World War, Volume I, Appen; London, HM.S.O. d Johason, Brian. 1978. T h Secret War. London, British Broadcasting Corporation. Kahn, David. 1967. The Code-Breukers.N m York, Mac-

KozaWEedyah. 1967. Bitwa o Tajemnice (Battk for Secrets). Warsaw, K&dm i Wiedza. Kozaczuk, Waddaw. 1976. Z . a n y Styfr (Broken Cipher). W~areaw, Wydawnictwo MON. K - e Wled~&w. 1977. Wojna w Eterze (War on the Ah-), Warsaw, W~dawnictwaRadia i Telewizji. Kozaczuk, Wbd-w. 1979. W Kwgu Enigmy (Aroundthe Ewl. Werea,,,, Ksiaika Wih Lewin, Ronald. 1979. UEtra Goes to WW The Secret Story.
New York, McGraw-Hill.

On November 8, 1942, when the Allies landed in North f i c a and in retaliation the Germans crossed into the unoccupied zone of France, Major Bertrand hurriedly evacuated all of us to the CGte d'Azur, from wherehe organized a plan for us to go in smallparties Over the 'yrenk to 'pain and On to Great Britain. The crossing did not prove successful,however. While crossing the Spanish border three of the p m n s mentioned in this work fell i t German hands: Lt. Col. no bnger, Major Ci&, and PJluth. Palluth died in a labor camp on April 19,194, when he was struck by a hagment of a bomb the Allies dropped an air raid on the camp. Langer and Ciwere placed in prisoner-of-warcamps from which they were freed by the Allies in May 1945. J e w R6iycki perished earlier, on January 9,1942, in a shipwreck ae he was crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Only Henryk Zygalski and 1 made it to Great Britain. There we became part of a Polish military unit and after a while we again became involved with breahg German ciphers (but not the Enigma) until our unit was disbanded on the strength of relevant Soviet-British agreements.

Lisiclri 7'. 1979- Die Leistung des ~olniechen JMdferungadiebei der Liigung dm Verfatuena der deutschen " E n i g m a - F w h e k h i n e n . " In: Rohwer, J., and

~ - 0 ~ 6 , nja. 1977, "Enigma"

Jiichel 1974:

Pobjede ("Enigma" on the Way to Victoyy).Zagreb. R e j e d , M r a .1980. An application of the theory of ain pe""uhtim i breaking the n cipher. ~pplicat i o m Mcrth 16,4,543-568. Rohwer, J., and E J'dckel(e&.). 1979. Die ~ a u f k . (Radio Reco&~ce). Bom-Shttgart, Motorbuch
S t e v m n , Williams. 1976. A Man Called Intr@id:


Secret War. New York, Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich. S-pbWojtkiewiez, 1978. Sekret Enigny t, of* E*,. WareaW, IsLry. Winterbotham, E. W. 1974. The U h Secret, New York, Harper & Row.




Editor% Note: solicited two r q to Rejews articleone from c,, Deavours, an amateur Q y who has written about the work in pop ~ * l&d, and one from Jack Good, who worked with T during the war.
Cryptanalyais is an exciting coxqbination of mathematica, statistics, linguirstics, computational agility, and inspired guesswork. If one needed convincing of this,;the Rejewaki article should do it. After d, how mahy applications of group theory and computer sci-


Bennett, Ralph. 1979. Ultra in the West. London, Hutchin-

WorM War II). Paris, L i b 6 Plon



M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work


10 CLS

90 50 60 70 80

500 Y=ASC(ZI):IFY<650RY>9OTHEN60TO79'0

510 K(l)=K(1)+1:IFK(l~=26THEHK(l~=O 520 POKEl5771rK(1)+65 530 IFK(l)=T(N(l))THEHK(2)=K(2)+1

. -

Simulation of Enigma cryptqgraph.

M. Rejewski

Polish En~grna Work

560 IFK(3)=26THENK(3)=0 570 IFK(Z)=T(N(Z))THENFLACrl 580 POKEl5773rK( 2)+65




620 FORJ=lT03 630 H=M+K( J) :IFMiZJTHENMon-26

640 H = M + D ~ J V H ) : I F ~ > ~ S T H E N ~ ~ = N - ~ ~ 650 M-M-K( J)

660 IFM<;OT HENM=H+26


679 700 710 720 730

H=M+D ( 4 r M ) : IFi4>25THENi4=)5-26 NEM REVEASE ROTORS FORJ=lT03 M=H+K~4-J):IFM325THENM=H-26 H=H+D(8-JrM)tIFH>25THENM=M-26

770 POKEii ,M+65:LL=LL+l 800 810 820 830 840





960 FORI=lT07:IFI=4THE~COTO1020 970 FDRJ~OT025:G(OrJ)=D(IrJ):NEXi 980 DS=ASC(F$(I) 1-65 990 IF DS=O THEN GOT0 1020 1000 FORK=DST02J;D(I~K)=D(OrK-DS):NEXf I010 FORK=OTODS-I:D(IIK)=D(O~~~-DS+K):NEXT 1020 NEXT 1030 REM PLUGBOARD

1120 IF NN>lO THEN LL=LL+64 1130 RETURN


- .

M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

theory should introduce this property of permutations to students as "the theorem that won World W r 11." a Of course, actually solving the Enigma traffic via statistical analysis, table lookups, or mechanical computation (the Poles used all these methods) was an immense undertaking-one that no other country was up to at that period of history. At the same time Rejewski and his compatriots were busting Enigma traffic on an ongoing basis, the only cryptanalytic technique available was a method known as "cliques on the rods" to the British or the "baton" method to the French. This technique w s perfected during the a Spanish Civil War and was r e d y useful only for the nonplugbud model of the Enigma that was used in that conflict. A salient point made by Rejewski that differs markedly from accounts contained in popular histories is that the rotor w r n s were reconstructed by Polish iig cryptographers using the commercial model of the machine as an aid as well as the "Asche" documents. Thus, no military model of the device was available to the Poles, as has been claimed by some authors. The Polish computational aids, the cyclometer and bombs, were in no sense computers but did hasten the advent of later British electronic calculators mch as the Colossus and Heath R o b i n devices, which became operational around 1943. Rejewski gives the impression that these later machines were aLso used to solve Enigma messages, but this is not the case since the system being attacked was a series of m a * ~ called Geheimschreibers ("secret writers") whose complexity generally exceeded that of the Enigma. One point that should be made is that the British machine8 called Bombes were not merely high-speed improvements of the Polish bombs but performed Enigma solutions by radically different methods involving known plaintext and parallel proem in The architects of testing plugbod these British Enigma solvers were Alan M, Turing and Gordon Welchman. Some minor technical points:
1. The rotor movement of the Enigma was not precisely that of an odometer, at certain positions the

introduced from which to choose the three that were used in the machine. A four-rotor model with a much better keying system was adopted for naval use. Message-indicator systems were altered, etc. Polish and later British cryptanalyets managed to keep up with these changes. Eventually, the Germans must have sensed the vulnerabilities of the Enigma became a new cipher machine was being introduced on the front lines when the w r ended. Ironically, this new machine a would have been even easier for the Allies to penetrate than had been the older Enigmas.


Deavows DePmt

Union, NJ 07083
The editor ha8 requested my reactions to Rej e w u s Paper describing the c r ~ ~ u fwork on i c the German Enigma by three Polish mathematicians. MY relevant experience was as a W P N d m World War 1 , especially in the attack on the German 1 naval Enigma when I w s the chief statistical &t a t A- Mo Turing and lam to the farnous chess player C. H.O'D. Alexander in Bletchley P r in the section ak called Hut 8. I mrived at BleWey Park on May 24, 1941, which happened to be the day the Bismarck was 8un.k- I October 1943 I b ~ a m e main statistical n the ~~t and first mathematical assistant t M.H.A. o Ne , F.R.S., who was in charge of machine attacks on the C ~ Y P ~ ~ P P machine called the Ge~~C heimschreiber- At the time &wman had one other cryptanalytic b t a n t , Donald Michie, now a profes8 'of machine intelligence i Edinb~gh. 0 n principle of the '.'need to Bemuse of the h w " I was not aware, during the war, of the details of the Polish work, although I knew they had made a contritiution to the breaking of the Enigma. It was therefore an eye-opener for me when I read Rejewski's paper. The Polish mathematicians, with the help o f French intelligence, certainly did an outstanding job. It would be a pity, however, if the publication o f anyone to belittle thhjemki's paper British c r y p M ~ c e&*. In my opinion a view can obtainep f o .Appepdix I (p. 495) of rm Hinsley (1979). It appearsfrom Hinsley's accoht that

M. Rejewski

Polish Enigma Work

The punched forms of the messages were called The aecurity of the German usage of the Enigma Banbury aheets becauee they were printed in the town gradually increased, with the result that the Polish cryptanalyticresources became inadequate before the of Banbury. The punching was done laboriously by outbreak of the war.The Germans made the following scores of young women known as "the girls." The cryptographic improvements in the use of the naval repeat patterns were scored up, wing "weights of evidence" (logarithm of Bayes factors) measured in Enigma. In 1939 the number of distinct rotors used by the "decibans." The names &ciban and ban were inGerman navy increased to eight. The Poles had read vented by T r n .Iff is a Bayes factor then 10 loglof uig much traffic when there were only three rotors in the is the corresponding number of decibans. For more set-that is, six possible wheel orders. They recovered discussion of this terminology see Good (1950). althe wirings of five rotors, but 5.4.3 = 60 wheel orders though in that book I made the retrograde step of decibels." for the military Enigma were too many for their re- calling decibans " sources. With eight wheels in the set there were 8.7One of my early contributions in Hut 8 was the 6 = 336 possible wheel orders for the three-wheel intellectually modest one of proposing the half deciban machine, and later there were 8 7 6 5 = 1680 for the (hdb) as the unit,to be rounded to the nearest integer. four-wheel (U-boat) machine. Moreover, ten pairs of Previously the "girls" had been compiling large tables letters were plugged into the Stecker board so there of scores such as 3.7, meaning 3.7 decibans. My first were only six "self-steck~n" nonplugged letters or reaction was to think that the decimal point should be i instead of the fourteen previously available. S x self- dropped, the unit then being a centiban, but then a steckers were too few to be readily exploited by the calculation showed that the use of half decibans would cryptanalyst. Finally, the indicator system for the lose little accuracy, and writing 7 should be adequate. naval * , for the initial settings of individual This saved a great deal of writing, arithmetic, and messages, was made more sophisticated. (The settings eyestrain and therefore saved hours every Banburiswere enciphered at a setting called the GrundsteUung, mus day, which for a time was roughly every second which was fixed for the day and had t be recovered day. Some ideas are very useful without being very o clever. cryptanalytically.) The probabilistic informationobtained from nurnerPart of the stock-in-trade of the cryptanalyst is a ous pairs of messages al had to be fitted together to l search for repeats (Saccho 1951, p. 186; Friedman make a consistent story concerning the simple substi1922). Rbiycki's "clock method," mentioned by Rejewski, is an application of such a search. Rhiycki tution applied to the third letter of each trigraphic aligned two messages, one under the other, in "depth," indicator group as a consequence of its encipherment if the number of pairs of repeated cipher letters (such at the Gmndstellung. It would take too long to go into as an X underneath an X)was large enough. Several further details. Banburismus was a game that required much Bkill and judgment, because it involved numersuch alignments led to the identification of the righthand rotor. We used an elaboration of this procedure, ous little pieces of probabilistic information, and it is not surprising that the chess champion Hugh Alexwhich we called Banburismus, but it was logically ander-was also the champion at this game. The game much more complex because of the nature of the went further than the identitication of the right-hand system for indicating the initial settings of the rotors for each message. Information was derived from long wheel, which was the application mentioned by Rej e d . The information obtained f o Banburismus rm repeats, such as pentagraphs, found by sorting all the or from cribs, or both, was fed to the Bombes for trfic, and by short repeab, such as monographs and finding more information about the daily keys. The digraphs, found by sliding one message against anoutput from the Bombes was then returned to the other. Not all tetragraph repeats, for example, were of cryptanalysts to complet+ the daily job. equal value. By subdividing the population one cqukl improve the accuracy of one's scoring system. The , It y a in connection with Baiburiamus that &ing had a nuniber of new or fajrly new statistiql ideas, process of using the more accurate scores was c d e d such ,as sequ'ential analysis .and the nontrivial form of ROMS~~~, where ROMs meant 'kesources of modern science." The entire repeat pattern between two mes- . empmcal Bayes. For a rapid rundown of these.ideas _ sages gives probabilistic evidence for or against +e . see Good (1979~). hypothesis that the two messages are correctly aligned As %e& sut.mises, ol?; Bonbes were mu+ more "in depth" at a certain stagger (Good 1973). Of course, elabdrate knd soohisticated thaq the Polish Bombas, the sliding process can be c-edout more easily with both+ the4 .basic log& aqd in 'the& 'inginee+ng:dethi! help of punched paper thaq by. slidingwritte~or sign.--Bath the Bombas and the Bombes were electmpkinted messages. magnetic. ThiCdo&, which was electronic, was,not
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M. Rejewski

Polish Entgma Work

related to nor derived from the Bornbe nor to Polish cryptanalysis Thug RejeWMs penultimate paragraph 'about the Cois For further lofisi see Johnson (1978,p. 3381, Randell (1*0), and Good (19793).

Good, I.J. 19798, Studies in the history of probability and statistics XXXVII. A, b'l. Turing's statistical work in World War 11. Bwrnetrrka 66, 393-396. Hinsley, F. H., al. 1979. British Intelligence in the Second et World war.vole1, London, H.M.S.O.

Friedman, W. F. 1922.

Good, I.J. 1973. The joint probability generating function for run-lengths in regenerative binary Markov chains, with applications. Anna& of Statistics 1, 933-939. Good, I. J. 1979a. Early work on computing at Bletchley. Annals of the History of Computing I , No. 1,38-48.

1. J. ~~~d Department of Statistics Vkginia Polytechnic Institute andstate University Blacksburg, VA 24061

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