Rajib Mall Lecture Notes

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Software Maintenance and Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

(Lecture 12)

Dr. R. Mall

Software maintenance:
any modifications to a software product after it has been delivered to the customer.

Software maintenance is an important activity for many organizations.


Maintenance is inevitable for almost any kind of product. Most products need maintenance:
due to wear and tear caused by use.

Software products do not need maintenance on this count.

Many people think
only bad software products need maintenance.

The opposite is true:

bad products are thrown away, good products are maintained and used for a long time.

Software products need maintenance for three
reasons: corrective adaptive perfective

Corrective maintenance of a software product:
to correct bugs observed while the system is in use. to enhance performance of the product.

A software product needs maintenance (porting) when


need the product to run on new platforms,

or, on new operating systems,

need the product to interface with new hardware or software.


Perfective maintenance:
to support new features required by users. to change some functionality of the system due to customer demands.

Maintenance Effort Distribution

Perfective Adaptive Corrective

Causes for maintenance

During development:
Software not anticipated to last very long (e.g., Y2K problem).

Rate of hardware obsolescence:

immortality of software products maintenance necessary for software performing low-level functions.

Causes for maintenance

Users want existing software to run on new platforms:
to run in new environments, and/or with enhanced features.


Causes for maintenance

Whenever other software it works with change:
maintenance is needed to cope up with the newer interface. For instance, a software product may need maintenance when the operating system changes.

Software evolution
Every software product continues to evolve after its development:
through maintenance efforts.

Larger software products stay in operation for longer time:

because of high replacement cost.


Laws of Maintenance
There will always be a lot of old software needing maintenance. Good products are maintained, bad products are thrown away.

Laws of Maintenance
Lehmans first Law: Software products must change continuously, or become progressively less useful.

Laws of Maintenance
Lehmans Second Law When software is maintained, its structure degrades,
unless active efforts are made to avoid this phenomenon.

Laws of Maintenance Lehmans Third Law: Over a programs life time,

its rate of development is approximately constant.

Other Laws of Maintenance

All large programs will undergo significant changes during operation phase of their life cycle, regardless of apriori


Legacy code--- Major maintenance problems

Unstructured code (bad programs) Maintenance programmers have:
insufficient knowledge of the system or the application domain. Software maintenance has a bad

Documentation absent, out of date, or insufficient.


Insufficient knowledge
Maintenance team is usually different from development team.

even after reading all documents Also there is a limit to the rate at which a person can study documents
and extract relevant information

it is very difficult to understand why a thing was done in a certain way.

Bad image of maintenance?

Maintainers are skilled not only in writing code:
proficient in understanding others code detecting problems, modifying the design, code, and documentation working with end-users


Maintenance Nightmares

Use of gotos Lengthy procedures Poor and inconsistent naming Poor module structure Weak cohesion and high coupling Deeply nested conditional statements Functions having side effects


How to do better maintenance? Program understanding Reverse engineering Design recovery Reengineering Maintenance process models


Maintenance activities
Two types of activities:
Productive activities:
modification of analysis, design, coding, etc.

Non-productive activities:
understanding system design, code, etc.

Software Reverse Engineering

By analyzing a program code, recover from it:

the design and the requirements specification.


Software Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is an important maintenance technique: several existing software products are unstructured, lack proper documentation, were not developed using software engineering principles.

Software Reverse Engineering

First carry out cosmetic changes to the code to improve:

readability, structure, understandability.


Cosmetic changes
Reformat Program Assign Meaningful Names Simplify Conditions

Simplify Processing

Replace GOTOs


Cosmetic Changes
Reformat the program:
use any pretty printer program layout the program neatly.

Give more meaningful names to:

Variables, data structures, and functions.

Cosmetic Changes
Replace complex and nested conditional expressions: simpler conditional statements

whenever appropriate use case statements.


Software Reverse Engineering In order to extract the design:

fully understand the code.

Automatic tools can be used to help derive:

data flow and control flow diagrams from the code.


Software Reverse Engineering

Extract structure chart:
module invocation sequence and data interchange among modules. after thoroughly understanding the code. design has been extracted.

Extract requirements specification:


Software Maintenance Process Models Maintenance activities are not

depend on the extent of modifications required,

also, depend on condition of the product:

how structured it is, how well documented it is, etc.

Software Maintenance Process Model - 1

When the required changes are small and simple:

the code can be directly modified changes reflected in all relevant documents. more elaborate activities are required when required changes are not trivial.


Software Maintenance Process Model - 1

Gather Change Requirements Analyze Change Requirements Devise Code Change Strategies Apply Code Change Strategies Update Documents Integrate and Test


Software Maintenance Process Model 1

Start by gathering change requirements.

Analyze change requirements

formulate strategies for code change.

Software Maintenance Process Model 1

Formulating strategies for code change:

presence of few members of the original development team
helps in reducing cycle time, especially for unstructured and inadequately documented code.


Software Maintenance Process Model 1

Availability of a working old system at the maintenance site:

greatly helps the maintenance team provides a good insight into the working of the old system can compare the working of the modified system with the old system.


Software Maintenance Process Model 1

Debugging the system under maintenance becomes easier:

program traces of both the systems can be compared to localize bugs.

Software Maintenance Process Model -2

For complex maintenance projects, software reengineering

needed: a reverse engineering cycle followed by a forward engineering cycle. with as much reuse as possible from existing code and other documents.


Maintenance Process Model 2

Preferable when:
amount of rework is significant software has poor structure.

Can be represented by a reverse engineering cycle:

followed by a forward engineering cycle.


Software reengineering

Many aging software products belong to this category. During the reverse engineering,
the old code is analyzed (abstracted) to extract the module specifications.

Software reengineering
The module specifications are analyzed
to produce the design.

The design is analyzed (abstracted)

to produce the original requirements specification.

The change requests are then applied to the requirements specification:

arrive at the new requirements specification.

Software reengineering Forward engineering is carried out to produce the new code. During design, module specification, and coding:
substantial reuse is made from the reverse engineered products.


Process model for Software reengineering

Change Requirements Requirements Specification Design Code New Requirements Specification Design Code


Software reengineering

Advantages of reengineering:

produces better design than the original product, produces required documents, often results in higher

Software reengineering
Efficiency improvements are brought about by better design.
However, this approach is more costly than the first approach.

An empirical study indicates:

process 1 is preferable when amount of rework is no more than 15%.


Software reengineering

Reengineering is preferable when:

amount of rework is high, product exhibits high failure rate. product difficult to understand.


Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

CASE tools help in software development and maintenance. CASE is a much talked about topic in software industries.

CASE and Its Scope

CASE tool is a generic term: In a more restrictive sense:
denotes any form of automated support for software engineering.

a CASE tool automates some software development activity.


CASE and Its Scope

Some CASE tools assist in phaserelated tasks:
specification, structured analysis, design, coding, testing, etc.

Other tools help non-phase

activities: project management and configuration management.


Objectives of CASE

To increase productivity To help produce better quality software at lower cost.


CASE Environment

Although individual CASE tools are useful:

true power of a tool set can be realized only when:
all CASE tools are integrated together.

CASE Environment
Tools covering different stages of life cycle share information
(data): they should integrate through some central repository (store) consistent view of development information.


CASE Environment The central repository is the data dictionary:

contains definition of all composite and elementary data

items. through this repository all CASE tools share information.


Programming Environment

A CASE environment helps:

automate step-by-step methodologies. In contrast to CASE environment: a programming environment denotes tools supporting coding phase alone.

Schematic representation of architecture of CASE environment

Consistency checker Testing

Project Manageme nt

Central Repository

Structured Design

Coding Support

Document Generation

Configurati on Manageme nt

Structured Analysis


Benefits of CASE
A key benefit of using CASE environment:
cost saving through all developmental phases.

Studies carried out to measure the impact of CASE usage:

cost saving between 30% to 40%.


Benefits of CASE
Use of CASE tools leads to improvements in quality:
becomes easy to iterate through different software development phases. chances of human error is reduced. CASE tools help produce higher quality and consistent documents.

Benefits of CASE
Data relating to a software product are maintained in a central repository:
redundancy in the stored data is reduced. chances of inconsistent documentation is reduced.

Benefits of CASE
CASE tools take drudgery out from software engineers work:
engineers need not manually check balancing of the DFDs easily draw diagrams and produce documentation, etc.

Benefits of CASE
CASE tools lead to cost saving in software maintenance effort:
traceability and consistency

systematic information capture during various development phases.


Benefits of CASE

Introduction of a CASE environment:

impacts the style of working of engineers. makes them oriented towards structured and
orderly approach.

Prototyping Support Prototyping CASE tool: often used in graphical user interface (GUI) development,
supports creating a GUI using a graphics editor.


Prototyping Support
The user should be allowed to define:
data entry forms, menus and controls.

It should integrate with the data

dictionary of a CASE environment.


Structured Analysis and Design

A CASE tool should:
support some standard structured analysis and design technique. support easy creation of analysis and design diagrams. should provide easy navigation through different levels of design and analysis diagrams.

Structured Analysis and Design

The tool must support completeness and consistency

checking. The tool should disallow inconsistent operations:

but, it is difficult to implement such a feature.


Code Generation
As far as code generation is
concerned: expectations from a CASE tool is low. generation of module skeletons in one or more popular languages. Another reasonable requirement is traceability from source code to design.

The CASE tool should support:

Code Generation
It should automatically generate header information:
copyright messages, brief description of the module, author name and date of creation, etc.


Code Generation
The tool should generate data records or structures automatically: using data dictionary definitions.
It should generate database tables for relational database management systems.

Code Generation
The tool should generate code for user interface from the prototype:
for X window and MS window based applications.


Testing Support
Static and dynamic program analysis of programs. It should generate test reports in ASCII format:
which can be directly imported into the test plan document.


Desirable Features
The tool should work satisfactorily
when many users work simultaneously.

The tool should support windowing interface:

Enable the users to see more than one diagram at a time. Facilitate navigation and switching from one part to the other.

Documentation Support

The deliverable documents:

should be able to incorporate text and diagrams from the central repository. help in producing up-to-date documentation.

Desirable Features
The CASE tool should integrate
with commercially available desk-top publishing packages.

It should be possible to export text,

graphics, tables, data dictionary reports: to DTP packages in standard formats such as PostScript.


Project Management
It should support collecting, storing, and analyzing information on the software project's progress:
such as the estimated task duration, scheduled and actual task start, completion date, dates and results of the reviews, etc.


External Interface
The tool should allow exchange of information for reusability of design.
The information exported by the tool should preferably be in ASCII format.

The data dictionary should provide

a programming interface to access information.


Reverse Engineering Support

The tool should support:

generating structure chart, DFD, and data dictionary from source code. should populate the data dictionary from source code.

Data Dictionary Interface

Data dictionary interface should provide
viewing and updating the data definitions. print facility to obtain hard copy of the viewed screens. analysis reports like cross-referencing, impact analysis, etc. it should support a query language.


Tutorial and Help

Successful use of CASE tools:
depends on the users capability to effectively use all supported

For the first time users:

a computer animated tutorial is very important.

Tutorial and Help

The tutorial should not be limited to teaching the user interface part only:
The tutorial should logically classify and cover all techniques and facilities. The tutorial should be supported by proper documentation and animation.


Towards Next Generation CASE Tool An important feature of next generation CASE tools:
be able to support any methodology.

Necessity of a CASE administrator for every organization:

who would tailor the CASE environment to a particular methodology.


Intelligent Diagramming Support

Future CASE tools would

aesthetically and automatically lay out the diagrams.


Towards Next Generation CASE Tool

The user should be allowed to:

integrate many different tools into one environment. It is highly unlikely that any one vendor will be able to deliver a total solution.

Towards Next Generation CASE Tool

A preferred tool would support tune up:

user would act as a system integrator. This is possible only if some data dictionary standard emerges.

Customization Support
The user should be allowed to define new types of objects and connections.
This facility may be used to build some special methodologies. Ideally it should be possible to specify the rules of a methodology to a rule engine:
for carrying out the necessary consistency checks.

We discussed some fundamental concepts in software maintenance. Maintenance is the mostly expensive phase in software life cycle:
during development emphasize on maintainability to reduce the maintenance costs.

We discussed software reverse engineering:
extract design from code.

Reengineering is a reverse engineering cycle:

followed by a forward engineering cycle

Maintenance process models:
Process model for small changes Process model for reengineering

We also discussed:
applicability of process models to maintenance projects.


We discussed important features of present day CASE tools:
and the emerging trends.

Use of CASE tools is indispensable for large software projects:

where a team of software engineers work together.


The trend is now towards:
distributed workstationbased CASE tools.

We discussed some desirable features of CASE tools.


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