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1. Their are no set kamae in Takagi Yoshin Ryu. Due to the connections with the Kukishinden Ryu, Hira, and Seigan etc can be used. 2. When in Seiza the toes are up, and the back is straight. The hands rest on the tops of the thighs. 3. When striking in Takagi Yoshin Ryu, a Kiai is given out. press the

4. When the collar is grabbed, grab your own jacket below Ukes hand, and thumb into the pressure point of the little or ring finger.

5. To release a collar grab, grab Ukes wrist, and pull his hand, and your jacket apart with a violent pull. Turn the body to face the hands, at the same time. 6. The take downs in practice are done gently. For real they are done so that Uke, can not roll, breakfall, or escape. They are designed so that He breaks his back, neck, or a limb. The restrains are for holding down a violent attacker. 7. When a strike has been applied, a further strike is sometimes applied to "make sure". This is either done straight away, or at a later time during the technique. 8. When striking from Seiza (e.g), the right knee comes up, and the left the back, at 90 degrees to the right foot. The toes are up. comes across


One of the characteristics of the Takagi Yoshin Ryu is to control at least two points of the attackers body at once. The Takagi Yoshin Ryu is a complete system and incorporates the following systems. JUTAIJUTSU KENJUTSU TANTO JUTSU BOJUTSU HANBOJUTSU TORITSUKE (Empty hand) (Katana and Kodachi) (Knife and dirks) (Rokushaku Bo - Long staff) (Short staff) (Ropebinding)

The Jujutsu is broken down into the following groups GYAKU ATE NAGE SHIME KATSU Joint locks, and dislocation Body strikes Throws Chokes & Strangulation Resusitation

The Ate is used to distract, weaken and unbalance (Kuzushi)

Characteristics of the Takagi Yoshin Ryu: 1. 2. 3. 4. EYES: First the eyes, always look at your opponents eyes SPEED: Move like the wind COURAGE (Spirit): Pluck up as must courage as your body will muster. STRENGTH: Always use your strength effectively, and efficiently.

The inside of your body must remain calm, and the inside must have courage when you are involve in a fight.

From the Shoden is the following

BUDO is a philosophy. BUDO is a Buddhism. BUDO is a creative art, without a spirit of Buddha. BUDO is a weapon of evil, without a creativity. BUDO will not advance. In a life, tens of hundreds of ways are there. Keep walking, only on the way of truth. The principle of flexibility is applied to the technique and in strategy and tactics. The Ryu feels that conflict should be avoided, with actual physical violence being the last and least favourable response to a situation. When a situation is faced, never take the opponent face on. The attackers force is redirected, in such a way that it doesn't strike the defender. This is then used against the attacker. The defender at all times observes 'Zanshin' (heightened awareness). Zanshin is to be used at the beginning, middle, and end of each technique. Always have a strong Kamae (posture). This is not a Kamae, as in a fighting posture, but a feeling of being in a correct posture during a conflict. The absolute control of Ma-ai (distancing) is only possible when you have mastered Tai Sabaki. This is the most important basic of Jujutsu. In the Jutaijutsu kata the most important factor is to learn Kuzushi (loss of balance). When his balance is lost, this is the time that he is easiest to control. If he pushes - pull him, if he pulls push him, This is the Willow bending in the wind. Otherwise strike with hands or feet to distract him, pressure points can also be used. Almost all movement to engage Kuzushi are circular. Joint dislocation (Gyaku) and throws (Nage) are achieved by lever principles (Teko), and the fulcrum of the lever (Shiten) It is also essential to be calm, but full of courage within, and during a fight.


Resuscitation If someone is knocked unconscious with Sankaku Jime in Suwari Jime. Press the point 2 inch (5cm) below the navel, and they will awaken. This is also a kyusho point.

There is a cure called Dosui Katsu (Soil and water katsu). If someone has physical ailment around the Suigetsu region, put Kyu (healing incense) on the Kinketsu healing point located on the nipples, tailbone, and between the thumb and forefinger.

By saying the Mantra Amo Issun no Tama Mushi, while grabbing hold of a bee, you will not be stung. Supposedly when the Bee is entirely covered he loses his ability to sting. What this all means is that the mantra reminds us to be fearless and unhesitant when we take action.

(Free movement training) This is taken from the Bujinkan Dojo video number 2 "Takagi Yoshin Ryu" After you master technique and Kata, try to develop a proper positioning (Kurai Dori). Try to position your self at his dead angle (Spot where he can not see you). Instead of using your power make the attackers power crash against each other. This will take away their fighting power. Technique will take the same form as kata. It changes it's form infinitely.


Five way postures
1. HIRA NO KAMAE (Flat posture)

Basic posture forms

The feet are apart, approx shoulder width. Both hands are in Fudo Ken, and palms facing the body they both rest just on the inside near the hips 2. HIRA ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE (Flat number one posture)

The body is the same as Hira no Kamae. The arms are out stretched to the side of the body. The hands are in Shikan Ken so that the fingers will not get cut off. Also it is almost impossible to make a good Fudo ken when wearing Armour. 3. SEIGAN NO KAMAE (Correct eye posture)

The body is side on to Uke. The left hand points at Ukes eyes, the right hand in Shikan Ken, rests on the heart. 4. KATATE HICHO NO KAMAE (Single crane posture)

Same as Seigan no Kamae, except the right hand is open. The left foot, can come back near to the right foot. 5. KOSEI NO KAMAE

The left hand is Shikan Ken above the eyes. The right hand is by the heart in Shikan Ken.

These are the same Kamae as used in Kukishinden Ryu Dakentaijutsu


(Initial transmission outside forms) 1. KASUMI DORI (Haze capture)

Uke, and Tori are in Seiza. Uke steps up with the right foot, and grabs Ukes collar with the right hand (Kiai). Tori comes up his right foot, and strikes Uke with a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Toris right hand comes back and grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and at the same time comes up into a standing position. When stood Tori changes the Ura Gyaku to Hon Gyaku, and a right Keri to Butsumetsu. From this Tori comes down to the right knee, bringing Uke down to O-Gyaku. HENKA Same attack. Secure then Ura Shuto. Rock your body back a little to break his balance, and kick up with the right foot to Asagasumi. Land with the knee inside next to his knee, and take him down backwards with pressure to the knee. Shift the feet when he is halfway down to change his fall, so that he lands on his front. HENKA (Jutte) Tori hits the Kasumi with the Jutte which is in the right hand. Tori then brings the Jutte back to Ukes right hand on the wrist joint, and with the Yoko Ha, applies pressure to it before completing the end of the Kata. NOTE: While in Seiza the Jutte can be hidden behind the knees, with the handle to the right. It can then be grabbed when Tori raise off the right knee. 2. DO GAESHI (Torso overturn)

Uke and Tori, are both in Seiza. Uke comes up on the right foot, with a Jodan Tsuki (Kiai). Tori comes up on his left foot forwards, and takes Ukes right wrist in a open handed right grab. Tori then steps forward with the with the left foot, so his knee presses Ukes right knee. The left hand comes over the top of Ukes right arm to grab the left side of Ukes collar, and Shime waza. Tori pulls the left hand back, pulling Uke on to his back. Tori then bars the back of Ukes right elbow onto his left knee, and pulling the right hand, and pulling the left collar grab bring Uke over on to his stomach. O-Gyaku HENKA Do from standing HENKA Strike to the face with the left hand then with the elbow

3. KARAME DORI Tori is in Seiza. Uke walks towards Tori, and does a right Zenpo keri. Tori steps up to the left with the left foot, and does aright Gedan Uke, and holds Ukes leg up off the ground. Tori turns to the right, and the left hand goes under Ukes leg, to grab the put. Tori pulls his left hand back, turning Uke over. At the same time Tori stands. Uke is now on the ground on his front. Tori strikes a Shuto into the calf of the leg he holds. HENKA When you stand, turn him over, then walk backwards dragging him down. HENKA When you stand kick away the supporting leg 4. KYOTO (Ko-to - Tigers sword) Trnt p.125

Tori walks towards Uke who does a right Gedan Tsuki. Uke is in Seiza. Tori steps up to the left, and grabs the wrist with the right hand, turns to the right, and the left hand goes to the elbow or grabs the skin on the upper arm. Tori keeps the momentum going and pulls on the wrist, bringing Uke to the ground. Lock with O-Gyaku, or brace his right hand on your right thigh, and kneel on his elbow with the left knee. NOTE: HENKA Same attack. As you try to take him down he resists. Tori then kicks with the right foot to Kaku (Inside), and then pulls him down. HENKA Same attack. This time as he resists, kick with the left foot to Kaku (outside), causing him to fall on his back. Finish with Do-Gaeshi. 5. KATAMUNE DORI (single chest capture) This can also be done if Uke draws a Shoto with a Do/Jodan Kiri

Uke grabs Toris left collar with the right hand. Tori checks the hand in Takagi Style. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. The right hand the grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and pulls the hand free (Takagi Style). Tori then does a right keri to Koe, and changes the grip to Hon Gyaku with both hands. Toris right hand then grabs Ukes right shoulder, and the right foot, kicks the back of Ukes right knee, knocking Ukes down forwards O-Gyaku. NOTE: On the way down you can kick Uke in the shoulder or the face with the knee. The Hon

Gyaku is really needed. HENKA Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Toris right hand comes over the top of the arms, and grabs the right hand, and locking the left elbow with his elbow. Tori steps back with the left leg, releasing Ukes right hand with a snapping motion. With the right foot Tori kicks Uke in the front Butsumetsu. Tori then drops the right foot, and down to the right knee. The drop in body weight, brings Uke down. Pin Uke to the ground. HENKA Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori strikes with both Shikan ken to the backs of the hands. Turning the body Tori strikes up under the chin with the right hand. Tori steps back and releases the Ukes right hand, and kicks to the floating ribs, with the right foot. Tori drops to the right knee, this brings down Uke. 6. RYOMUNE DORI (Double chest capture)

Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori does Shikan Ken to the backs of Ukes hands. By turning the left. Tori strikes vertical to Asagasumi with a right Shikan Ken. Tori left hand grab Ukes right hand and applies pressure to the thumb Kyusho (from underneath). Toris right hand goes to Ukes right shoulder, and a right keri to Ukes right Kaku. Tori then steps back, and down with the right knee. to O-Gyaku. HENKA Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori checks both hands, steps back with the right foot, and does Ryote Shikan Ken, to the back of the hands. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a Koppo Ken to Ukes left Kasumi, and at the same time a Omote Gyaku with the left hand, causing Uke to fall on his back. 7. OIKAGE DORI (Pursing capture)

Tori is behind Uke. They walk in the same direction. Tori lets out a Kiai. Uke turns to face him (turn right). with the right foot forward, Tori does a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. The right hand the drops to the rear of Uke, and up again under the arm. Toris right foot, is placed behind Ukes right foot, and is swept back. Tori places his Knee on Ukes chest. HENKA Same start as Kata. As Tori comes close to Uke, he grabs the collar with the right hand, and kicks into the back of Ukes right leg taking him down. Tori then kneels on Ukes chest with his right knee. Zanshin.

HENKA (Jutte) Same start. Tori strikes Uke with the Jutte which is in the right hand. The left hand grabs Ukes right hand, and lifts it, then pulls it down taking Uke to the ground. At the same time Tori drops to his right knee. Tori strikes to Buda with the Jutte 8. KAIGO KUDAKI (Rear guard crush)

Uke grabs Tori from behind in a bear hug. Tori shoves his hips back into Ukes groin, and a Ryote Shukki to Butsumetsu, to break the grip. Tori catches the right wrist with the left hand, and the right shoulder joint with the right hand. Tori drops his weight on to Ukes knee, and throws with Seionage. HENKA As Uke grabs Tori, as in Kata, Tori puts his arm straight up, and slides down out of the hold. As Tori slides to the ground, he moves through Ukes legs, with just his head, and shoulders, he then kicks Uke in the chest or face while laying on the ground. HENKA Uke does a bear hug. Tori bends the body backwards, then slams the hips back into Uke, then brings the arms down to his sides. Tori moves his body to the side, and does a Ganseki Nage, or Otoshi. HENKA Uke grabs Tori in a bear Hug. Tori bends the body backward to break Ukes balance, then forwards slamming the hips back, and the arms down to Ukes hips. Tori side steps, and brings the arm up to Ganseki, and throws with either Ganseki Nage, or Ganseki Otoshi. 9. IKI CHIGAE (Yuki Chigai) (Walking past)

Uke and Tori walk towards each other on their right sides, As they pass, Tori takes hold of Ukes right hand with his right hand, but does not grip it. He continues with the right foot, and lifts the right hand in the air. Tori then steps back with the right foot, and turns to the right, bring the right hand back and up to his right. Tori either strikes with a left Shukki to Butsumetsu, or with a left Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. Tori then turns to the left and steps forward with the right foot, placing it behind Ukes right foot. The right hand is brought forward, and pulled, so that Uke falls over backwards. HENKA When you bring the hand back to drop Uke, turn as you walk to the right, so that you are stood

behind Uke, and place his hand up behind his back. Kick his right leg away with the right foot, and pull his right hand towards you as he falls, breaking it. HENKA This is the same as the last Henka. But place the left hand on Ukes left shoulder, and when you kick his leg away you can control his fall, and place his hand as if in Take Ori on the ground (back of the hand against the ground). Place pressure on the palm of the hand with the right foot, and push down on both shoulders with the hands. 10. YUI GYAKU Uke does a right Ura Shuto to Toris Kasumi. Tori steps back to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke. Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. The right leg is then hooked behind Ukes right eg, and knocks him off balance. Tori then throws Uke with Seio Nage. HENKA Uke, and Tori walk towards each other. As they come close, Uke punches to Toris face, Tori steps back to the right, and Jodan Uke.. Tori then steps in with the right foot, and strikes with Shikan Ken to Ukes Asagasumi, and a right kick to Ukes right knee, knock Uke to the ground on his back. Tori steps back to Kamae, and Zanshin. 11. MIDARE GACHI (Ran Sho) (Disturbance quest)

Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back on the right, and a left Jodan, and grabs the wrist after the Uke. With his right foot, Tori steps on Ukes right foot, and applies a Hijigyaku (arm lock). Tori then Turns to the left and throws with Seio Nage, or Gyaku Nage. NOTE: For the arm lock. Pull the wrist down, and bring the elbow to the body. HENKA Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right with a left Jodan Uke.. Tori then strikes Ukes Asagasumi, with a right Fudo Ken. Tori then steps on Ukes right foot with the left foot, and with the right foot, kicks the right inside Kaku with the right foot. Continue with this (Yoko Aruki), to move away. HENKA Uke does a right Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and catches the wrist. Tori steps in with the right foot, and strikes in a Sanshin motion with shikan Ken to Ukes Asagasumi.. From the inside Toris right foot, hooks Ukes right foot, and pulls the foot away, causing Uke to fall on his back.


KEN NAGASHI (Fist flow)

Uke does a right Gedan Tsuki. Tori steps back with the left foot, and strikes down with the right hand, and catches the right hand with the right hand, in a Ura Gyaku grip. Tori steps forward with the right foot, then back with the right foot, applying Ura Gyaku as he steps in, and out. Tori then steps back with the left foot, and applies Ura Gyaku Henka, and steps back with the right foot, and down to the right knee, at the same time Ura Gyaku is applied. Finish with Ude Jime. HENKA Uke is close to Tori and strikes to Chudan. Tori twists and slide to the right on the outside of the punch. Tori takes this hand with the right hand, and the elbow with the left hand, and twists in a Ura Gyaku fashion. Tori walks Uke to the floor with Jigoku Dori. When Uke is on the floor, Tori drops his weight breaking the elbow. Tori then kicks the Butsumetsu with Sokugyaku. HENKA Uke strikes with Fudo ken to Chudan. Tori steps in with the right foot, and a small Taisabaki motion to the inside. Tori takes the hand in Ura Gyaku with the right hand. Tori applies Ura Gyaku then Ura Gyaku Henka, and sits down on his right knee. Uke falls backwards. Tori then does a right keri to Butsumetsu. 13. HIZA GURUMA Knee vehicle

Tori is in Seiza. Uke walks towards him and kicks with a right keri. Tori steps out to the left, with a right Gedan Uke. Tori drops to the left knee, and bring the right hand to Ukes right hand, and takes hold of it in Omote Gyaku grip. Tori brings the left hand to his right hand, and then brings them over his head, with Omote Gyaku. Tori moves forward on the knees, and takes Uke down with the Omote Gyaku. HENKA Uke is in Seiza. Tori walks towards him and does a right Zenpo keri. Uke steps out to the left and does a right Gedan Uke. Tori grabs the blocking hand, in Ura Gyaku, and with a large clockwise motion does Ura Gyaku. Uke falls on his stomach. Tori places his right knee in Ukes Tricep. Hand is still in Ura Gyaku HENKA Uke is in Seiza. Tori walks up to Uke, and kicks to Suigetsu. Uke steps out to the left and does a right Gedan Uke. Tori sinks down on the left knee, and takes Ukes right hand in his right hand. Tori lifts Ukes hand over Ukes head in Omote Gyaku. Tori walks forward on his knees, and takes

Uke down onto his back

HENKA Tori is in Seiza, and Uke walks towards him and kicks with the right foot. Tori steps to the left, and strikes down with the right hand, and then catches Uke's right wrist with his right hand. Tori then stands so he is next to Uke, and takes hold of Ukes right shoulder, with his left hand. Tori stretches Ukes right arm, and sits on the right leg to press Uke down. Tori then twists, pulling on the right arm, and presses on the left knee, knocking Uke to the ground


(Initial transmission inside forms) 1. ATE KOMI (Hit down)

Both are in Fudoza. Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand, and attempts a punch. Tori covers the grab with the right hand, and before the punch can come in strikes with a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face (come up on the left foot as you strike). Tori then does Omote Gyaku to Ukes grabbing hand, and turns anti-clockwise. Lock Uke when he is on the ground. 2. GYAKU DORI (Suno Ichi) (Reverse capture No1)

Both are in Fudoza. Uke grabs with the right hand, and attempts a punch. Tori covers with the right hand, and coming up on the left foot, does a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face. Tori places Ukes hand in Ura Gyaku, and finishes kneeling on Ukes arm. 3. MENBU (Suno Ichi) (Face front No 1)

Both are in Fudoza. Ukes does a right Stomach punch. Tori does a Gedan Uke, and then grabs Ukes right hand at the wrist with the right hand. Tori rises up on the outside of Ukes arm and strikes with a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face. Tori then places the left hand on the outside of Ukes elbow, and walks in a circle in a clockwise direction taking Uke to the floor. 4. GYAKU DORI (Suno Ni) (Reverse capture No2)

Both are in Fudoza. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori drops his balance to the right, and places the right hand on the ground for support, and takes hold of the inside of Ukes wrist with the left hand. Tori comes back to the left, and strikes with a right Shako Ken to the face, and sweeps Ukes right leg away with the right leg, knocking Uke onto his back. 5. RYO ASHI DORI (Suno Ichi) (Double leg capture No1)

Tori is in Fudoza, Uke is in Shizen. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori moves to the left with a right Gedan Uke. Tori grabs the foot, and twists it inwards, and then changes hands. Tori then strikes downwards with a right Omote Shuto to the calf. This drops Uke. When he is down fold Ukes legs up, with the soles against the backside. Tori wraps his right leg around the legs, and leans forward to cause pain.

NOTE: The right leg is between Ukes calves, and his backside.


MENBU (Suno Ni) (Face front No2)

Tori is in Fudoza, Uke is in Shizen. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori moves to the left, and a right Gedan Uke. Uke then does a right Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and as he rises he rotates Ukes right arm downwards, and brings Ukes leg over the arm. Tori then punches Uke in the face. 7. KE KOMI (Suno Ichi) (Hand down No1)

Both in Seigan. Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori does a right Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the right hand. Tori then kicks Uke in Butsumetsu with the right foot, and with the left hand pushes down on Ukes right elbow, at the same time stepping back with the right foot from the kick. 8. KATA MUNE DORI (Single collar capture)

Uke grabs the lapel with the left hand, and a right Tsuki. Tori covers the hand in Takagi style, and moves forward 45 degrees to the right. Tori then does a left Ura Shuto to Kasumi, and a left kick to the solar plexus. 9. RYO MUNE DORI (Double collar capture)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori does a Ryote Fudo ken to the backs of the hands. Tori then strikes with a left Shako ken to the face, while at the same time he applies a Omote Take Ori, or Omote Gyaku with the right hand. Tori the turns clockwise to take Uke down. NOTE: The Fudo ken to the hands can be a Shikan ken to Jakkin HENKA In the end do a right kick, and go down on the right knee. 10. RYO ASHI DORI (Suno Ni) (Double leg capture No2)

As Uke walks in front of Tori (as in Oikage Dori from Shoden no Kata), Tori makes a grab for both of the legs. Uke turns to see what is happening. Tori places the left hand in front of Ukes legs and the right to the rear. Tori then pulls Uke to the ground, so that he ends up on Ukes knees.

NOTE: To bring Uke down you can use Yoko Nagare


TENGU DORI (Demon capture)

Uke walks in front of you (you walk in the same direction). Tori creeps up behind Uke, and strikes with a Ryote Happa Ken the strikes with a Ken to the middle of the back NOTE: For the ken use any of the following. Fudo, Happa, Boshi, Shuto Nio etc. 12. KAIGO KUDAKI (Rear guard crush)

Uke walks up behind Tori and attempts a full nelson. Tori drops his weight, and brings the elbows in. Tori then peels off both arms, and does Ganseki Nage. 13. CHIKI TAOSHI

As Uke walks towards Tori. Tori takes hold of the right hand with the left hand, and does Seio Nage. Before the throw Tori strikes with a back fist to the face. 14. TSUKI TAOSHI (Strike ?)

Both in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and steps in, and does a right Shako ken to the face, as if doing a Tsuki. 15. UDE ORI (Suno Ichi) (Arm break No1)

Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the left hand. Tori steps in with the right foot, and strikes with a right Shako ken to the face. Tori then takes his right arm over Ukes right arm, and grabs his own wrist to lock the elbow. Tori then steps behind, and Osoto Nage, still holding the arm 16. HIKI KOMI

Both are in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabbing Ukes right with the left hand. Tori continues his movement (from the Uke), and takes Uke with the flow, as he moves into Ihen, moving Uke to the ground with the flow. 17. NAGASHI (Flow)

Both are in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist at the same time as stepping in and striking with a left Shako ken to Ukes right elbow. Tori then twists clockwise making sure that your left leg is behind Ukes right knee.


KE KOMI (Suno Ni) (Hand down No2)

Both are in Seigan. Uke attacks with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and takes hold of the wrist. Tori then kick Uke in the throat, and steps back from the kick, dragging Uke down. 19. UDE ORI (Suno Ni) (Arm break No2)

Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist. Tori steps in and moves his left arm over the top of Ukes right arm, and grabs his own right wrist to bar Ukes arm. Tori drops to the left knee to throw Uke. 20. ERI JIME (Collar choke)

Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist. Tori steps in and grabs the back of Ukes elbow with the left hand, and twist clockwise to throw Ukes face down. Tori then puts the right knee into the back of Ukes right elbow, and strangle Uke with the left hand by grabbing Ukes right lapel, and pulling the lapel across his throat. Keep the left knee on the spine to aid the strangle.


Middle transmission lateral forms 1. KATAMUNE DORI (Single collar capture)

Uke grabs the right collar. Tori checks with the left hand, and steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Ura Shuto to Ukes Kasumi. Toris right hand then goes down to Ukes right wrist, and turns it over to Ura Gyaku, the left hand goes to the elbow, as Ukes hand passes in front of the face. Tori then kick with the right foot to the groin, and bringing the right foot, back, and turning clockwise, so that Uke spins to the ground. HENKA Uke and Tori stand in Kumi Uchi. Tori checks Ukes right hand with his left hand, and steps out to the left side, and strikes with a right Shikan ken to Ukes face. At the same time Tori grabs Ukes right hand in Omote Gyaku, and goes back and down onto the left knee, taking Uke with him. 2. RYOMUNE DORI (Double collar capture)

Uke grabs both Mune. Tori covers Ukes hands, and kicks with the right shin to Suzu. Tori then applies a armlock (Omote - Ura Gyaku, Muso Dori etc) to take Uke down, and secure him. NOTE: Arch the back when you cover his hands. You can throw with a Ryote Omote/Ura Gyaku HENKA Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori checks both hands, and does a right shin kick to suzu. Tori then steps in with the left foot. Tori turns so that his back is to Uke with Both hands over his shoulder, and throws. HENKA Uke grabs both Mune. Tori does a right shin kick to suzu. If Uke has a strong grip Tori steps in with the right foot. The right palm is placed under Ukes chin, and the left hand grabs the hair at the back of the head. Tori then twists the head around to break it.


ONI KUDAKI (Demon break)

Uke strikes with a right Shikan Ken. Tori is in Shizen, and steps back to the right, and a left Jodan Uke. The left hand stays with Ukes right hand. Tori steps in with the right foot, and applies Oni Kudaki to Ukes right arm. Tori right foot, goes behind Ukes right foot. Tori applies the Oni Kudaki. HENKA This Henka is the same as Kata, but instead of placing your foot behind Ukes leg to take him down, stamp on the top of the calf, and keep it in place while taking Uke down. HENKA This is the same as the first Henka, but instead of Omote Oni Kudaki, use Ura Oni Kudaki, and stamp on Ukes leg to take him down. 4. SEOIGAMA (Back Sycle?)

KUDEN: In Japanese the word Seoi, comes from Seo, meaning to carry something on ones back. Therefore this throw should be down with you using your hips with your back to Uke'. Uke grabs with the left hand the Mune, and a Jodan Tsuki with the right hand. Tori covers this with the right hand, and moves to the right to block with a left Jodan Uke. Tori shifts to the left, and puts his right arm under Ukes arm, at Nagare. Tori secures Ukes left hand to the chest (Hijigyaku), with the left hand, and steps between Ukes legs, with the right foot, while pushing up on the elbow, and holding the hand in place (the scrolls says :- Tsuki Agaeru, thrust upwards with the right hand breaking the elbow - bend the elbow). Then Tori uses Kosshi Nage to throw Uke forwards. HENKA Uke grabs the left Mune, and does a right Tsuki. Tori moves back to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke. The right hand then moves to Ukes left arm, and grabs Hoshi from underneath (keep the grab on the chest with the left hand). Tori steps between Ukes legs with the right foot to lock the elbow. Uke resists. Tori responds by lowering the weight, and pushing the thumb into Nagare to bend the elbow Tori then shifts forward pushing Ukes elbow in front of him. Tori sweeps the left leg with the right foot, making Uke fall down on the elbow. HENKA Same start as above. When Tori steps between the legs to lock Ukes elbow, Uke is more powerful. Tori keeps the hand on his chest Tori steps with the right foot, on top of Uke right Toki, and strikes with the right shoulder with a Slam with the entire body weight against the left arm throwing him or breaking it.


KOSHINAGE GAMA (Hip throw ?)

KUDEN: 'Koshi Nage differs from Seoi, in that you do not have to have your back completely facing Uke'. Uke punches with the right hand. Tori steps to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke. Tori shifts to the left, and places the right arm under Ukes arm, grabbing his own wrist (similar to Oni Kudaki). Tori steps with the right foot, between Ukes legs, and turns to throw with Seio Nage. NOTE: Throw with the Oni Kudaki still on. HENKA Uke does a right strike, and Tori steps back to block. Tori then steps in with the left foot, and attempts Oni Kudaki. Uke then strikes with his left hand. Tori steps forward with his left foot to avoid the strike. Tori then turns to the right placing Ukes arm on top of his shoulder. From here if Tori rises he can break the arm. Tori throws with Gyaku Nage. HENKA Uke does a right strike. Tori steps back to the right, and does a Jodan Uke. Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and applies a Oni Kudaki. Uke is strong, so Tori shifts his body back to the left (For balance breaking), then back in again pushing Ukes weight backwards. Tori pushes Ukes restrained arm down towards the ground (Use Hiji Gyaku), and Ashi Barai with the right foot. 6. UDE ORI (Arm break)

Uke does a right grab. Tori steps forward to the left , and an Ura Shuto to the eyes. At the same time, Tori grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and applies it. Tori steps back with the right foot, to make Uke bend over. Tori steps back and down onto the right knee (use Gozen Dori to make Uke fall onto his back). Tori does the finish to Do Gaeshi to make Uke move onto his stomach. With the hand still in Ura Gyaku place the left knee on the elbow HENKA Both Uke, and Tori are in Fudoza. Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand. Uke goes up on the right knee, and punches with a right Tsuki. Tori grabs Ukes arm, and leans back, using the right

knee to apply pressure to the back of Ukes straightened left elbow. Tori rolls to the left, and continues with the pressure to the elbow.

HENKA Uke grabs the left Mune. Tori steps and does a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Tori then takes Ukes hand in Omote Gyaku and attempts to take him down. Uke resists. Tori then steps to Ukes left side with the right foot, then the left foot behind his (as the weight goes from the right to left, hit Ukes hip with yours). Take Uke backwards with the Omote Gyaku part way. Then break the elbow. 7. GYAKU TE NAGE (Reverse hand throw)

Uke steps forward with the right foot, and grabs the collar with the right hand. Toris left hand grabs the underneath of Ukes hand, and twists it so that the palm is on the outside, and then lifts it to shoulder height. Tori steps in with the right foot, and grabs just above the Butsumetsu.. Ukes arm is held high. Tori steps with the right foot, to the rear of Ukes right foot, and does Ashi Barai, at the same time Tori drops the arm to throw Uke. NOTE: For the Butsumetsu grab, sink low, below his shoulder. HENKA Do not grab Butsumetsu, but the elbow. Bend it back and forth a few times. Then do Ash Barrie and Agouti/Otoshi 8. KIMONO NAGE (Demon gate throw)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori steps in with the right foot, and grabs with both of his hands Ukes jacket at his chest, and then strikes with Bootie Ken. Tori then straight away grabs the jacket, and pulls Uke to him so that he can strike with Kick ken. Tori then pivots to the left until he has his back against Ukes. Tori then drops to his right knee, and throws Uke over his shoulder or Agouti/Otoshi. 9. ATE NAGE (Ate Kimono) (Place the throw)

Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand. Tori take hold of the hand with his right hand in Gyaku Et Take Or, and strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Butsumetsu, striking under the arm. Tori turns to the right going under Ukes left arm (strike Butsumetsu with the elbow), and grabs Ukes left

shoulder or Butsumetsu with the left hand with Ukes left hand up behind his back. Tori then kicks Ukes supporting leg out, and drops him. NOTE: When you take the Take Or from underneath, drop the weight by bending the knees.

HENKA Uke does a left grab. Tori does Ura Take Or with the right hand, and steps underneath Ukes arm, and Shukki ken to Ukes left Butsumetsu. Tori is now standing behind Uke, and grabs Ukes left Butsumetsu with his left hand followed by a right kick to the back of Ukes left knee and pulls Uke onto his back. Uke falls onto his own arm. HENKA (Jutte) Hold the Jutte in the right hand. The left hand comes across to grab Ukes hand, and the Jutte comes up and strikes into the inside of the elbow. The tip of the Jutte is then pushed into the armpit. Tori then turns underneath the arm, and places the tip of the Jutte handle into the top of the shoulder muscle, and applies pressure. 10. KOCHO DORI (Catching a Butterfly)

Uke does a left grab. Tori then grabs Ukes left elbow with the right hand from underneath, and the left from above. Tori steps forward to his right, and turns so that he is stood to the side of Uke. Tori moves the elbow up then down so that Uke is bent over forwards. Tori then turns to the left, and goes down on the right knee, putting Ukes elbow over his right shoulder, and throws Uke, onto his back. NOTE: When they are stood next to each other, Toris right shoulder is next to Ukes left shoulder. The final throw is dangerous, take great care. HENKA Uke grabs the right lapel with the left hand. With the right hand cover the grab, and step to the left rear. Change the hand grips, and the right takes hold of his left elbow lightly, Step in front of | Uke with the right foot, and throw, twisting anti-clockwise. HENKA Left garb to Collar. Step in with the right foot, then left foot, and twist anti-clockwise, then kneel and throw with his arms barred. NOTE: Keep your fingers on the Kyusho inside his elbow. Do not concentrate on catching his

foot, as this could mess you up in the technique. Just let his foot land were it wants to.


Middle transmission body forms 1. KOSHI GURUMA (Hip vehicle)

KUDEN: In the scrolls this is described as a standing technique, and is written as such. The opponent grabs the front of the belt with his left hand, and the back of it with the right hand, and attempts to throw you with a hip throw. You grab the back of the opponents belt with the left hand, strike his face with your right hand, move forward, and collapse in front of him, using your right hand to push his left leg (shin) up and fall over in a whir. NOTE: This version was printed in Tetsuzan. HENKA (Jutte) Uke grabs and attempts the throw. Tori grabs the back of Ukes Obi with the left hand, and as he comes around the front he strikes Uke in the face with the Jutte. Finish as in Kata. 2. YOTSUDE (Four hands)

Uke and Tori stand in a form of Kumi Uchi, but with the left hand holding the Obi, and the right on the Mune. Uke pulls, and does three steps back with the left foot. Tori follows with three steps with the right in front. . On the third steps he slides his left leg between Ukes legs, and places the right on the hip for Tomoe Nage. 3. YOTSUDE KUZUSHI (Four hand balance)

Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Ukes belt with the left hand, and the left shoulder with the right hand. Tori steps back with the left foot, and pushes Uke back in with his left foot. Uke does a right step back. Tori falls on his back left leg doing Tomoe Nage. 4. KEI TOU

Uke stands behind Tori, and grabs his collar with the right hand. Tori grabs Ukes hand with his

right hand, and turns to the left, striking with a left Shikan ken to Men. Uke now pulls and takes three steps back with the left foot. Tori follows with the three steps. On the third step stepping to the left,, Tori takes the grabbing hand over his head, with his left hand, and strikes with the right with Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori pulls Ukes right shoulder, and drops back with Tomoe Nage. NOTE: When bringing the hand over the head switch hands


KOSHI OR (Hip Break)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi, Tori has his left hand on the Obi. Uke comes in and tries to do a Kosshi Nage (with the right hip). Tori puts his right foot in between Ukes legs, and strikes with a right Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori then grabs Ukes belt at the back with the left hand, and does a Yoko Tomoe Nage. Tori then drops down the left leg between Ukes legs. 6. KOSHI NAGARE (Hip flow)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders from above, and does a Yoko Nagare. Uke lands on his back next to Tori. 7. KUMOI GAESHI

Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime (over the top of Ukes arms), and then drops back with Tomoe Nage. 8. RYOTE KAKE (Two hand trap)

Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori drops his hips, and steps back with the left foot, and at the same time pushes up on the underneath of Ukes elbows.. Tori suddenly pivots to the right, going down on the right knee, and pulling down on Ukes left elbow, and pushing up with the right. This flips Uke on to their back NOTE: The final movement to the right, must all be done together to make it work. 9. MIZU NAGARE (Flowing water)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders, and steps in with the left foot. Tori pushes with the left hand, and pulls with the right hand, tilting Ukes Torso. Tori steps to the outside of Uke with the right foot, and does a Nagare, throwing Uke to his right. 10. RYUSETSU (Willow dance/snow)

Uke grabs both Mune. Tori grabs one shoulder, and the opposite Butsumetsu. Tori pulls the Butsumetsu, and pushes the shoulder to off balance Uke. Tori then throws with Tomoe Nage. 11. EICHIGO KUZUSHI (? Balance)

Uke grabs Tori with Ryote mune Dori. Tori takes hold of the elbows from underneath, and presses the thumbs into the Kyusho, above Hoshi. Pulling the elbows out, Tori strikes with Kikaku Ken to Men or the chest. Tori the walks between Ukes legs, dropping to the ground, pulling Uke over the top of him. NOTE: Before pulling Uke, trap his hand against your chest, with your forearms. By doing this Uke will not be able to do a Kaiten, or Ukemi, and will land on his face. 12. KASASAGI (Magpie)

Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the left, and a right Jodan Uke, to the outside of the strike. Tori takes hold of the wrist. Uke then does a right kick, and to counter this Tori pulls the right hand down. Tori then quickly does a right keri kaeshi to the outside of Ukes right thigh / calf. Tori then strikes with a left Shikan Ken to Butsumetsu. To do this Tori lifts Ukes right arm, and then Tori passes under the right arm, and does a exaggerated Omote Gyaku to drop Uke to the ground. NOTE: It is important to relax both arms when you throw. 13. HYO TSUI

Uke grabs with Ryote Mune Dori. Tori brings his hand up to the shoulder, on the inside of Ukes arms, and grabs the flesh. Tori then steps with the left foot, between Ukes legs, and drops to the ground, with Tachi Nagare. Tori follows Uke over with the roll, and sitting astride him, applies a Hon Jime. 14. TSUTA KARAME

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime to Ukes shoulder muscles (up). Tori goes in and under for a Tomoe Nage. Tori flows with the Nage, and finishes astride Uke, finishing with a Shime. NOTE: Keep the Shime on while doing the Nage. 15. TATSU OTOSHI (? drop)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime. Tori then steps forward, and slides through Ukes legs to throw with a Tachi Nage. Tori follows Uke over and applies a Shime. NOTE: Keep the Shime on at all times.

Inner transmission forms 1. BAIDO Uke does Ryote Mune Dori (grab the pressure points in the neck. Tori attempts to do a Omote Gyaku. Uke counters this by stepping to the opposite side of the lock. Uke then strikes Tori in the neck with the thumb to unbalance him. Uke drops onto one knee same as the Omote Gyaku), and using his body weight brings Tori down with him. KUDEN: This refers to blood, and organs being vomited, as your elbow strikes 2. KURUMA GAESHI (wheel counter)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and strikes with the right palm up into Ukes chin, then grabs the collar. Tori places his right foot into Ukes hip for a Tomoe Nage. 3. TEN GAESHI (Heaven counter)

Uke, and Tori stand in Kumi uchi. Tori takes a step back to unbalance Uke, and kicks with his right foot to Ukes right knee. Tori then comes in to throw with a Koshi Nage, but kicks Ukes left knee out with the right foot (Uchi Mata) 4. NAGARE DORI (Flowing capture)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori does a right boshi Ken to Ukes right Uko to push him off balance (step to the right when you do this). Tori then comes back in with the right leg, and pushes Ukes left elbow straight up with his right hand (to put off balance again), and Tori then does a koshi Nage in the same direction as Uke is off balanced, and walks in this direction also. Uke falls onto his back. 5. YAMA OTOSHI

(Mountain drop) Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori does a Left Omote Gyaku, to Ukes right hand, and at the same time strikes with the right hand into Ukes neck with a Boshi Ken. Tori then places his right arm over Ukes right arm (as in Oni Kudaki), and Tori grabs his own Jacket. Tori then applies the Omote Gyaku, and Uke falls onto his back. Tori then falls with Uke, onto his back on top of Uke, and does a Koho kaiten to break Ukes arm. the hand is still in Omote Gyaku, and the arm lock is still on (Oni Kudaki) NOTE: In training release the hands, and arm, so as not to break them. Great care is needed. 6. KURA ARASHI ( ?? storm)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the right foot to put Uke off balance, and comes back in with a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori clasps the hands together, and goes back, and down to hid right knee. Uke will fall on his back. 7. SODE GURAMA (Sleeve capture)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori checks Ukes right hand with his left hand, and grabs it in Omote Gyaku (step back with the left foot). Tori then strikes with a right Boshi Ken to Ukes left Uko, and then grabs the shoulder Tori steps with the right foot, behind Ukes right foot, and does Osoto Gake (pull with the Omote Gyaku, and the shoulder). 8. RYOTE KAKE (Two hand trap) TRNT P. 169

Uke does a double hand choke to Toris neck. Tori drops his hips, and steps back with the left foot, and pushes up on the underside of Ukes elbows. Tori then suddenly pivots to the right dropping to the right knee, and pushes up with the left hand, and pulls down with the right hand. This flips Ukes onto his back. NOTE: All these movements are done in one movement. 9. TANSAI

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back to the right, and does a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori is now standing next to Uke. Tori strikes with a left Boshi ken to Ukes throat, and then clasps the hands together, and goes back, and down to his right knee. Ukes falls onto his back. 10. SUE OTOSHI

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the left foot, and does Muso Dori to Ukes right arm. Tori then steps back in with the left foot, and grabs Ukes right shoulder with the right hand, and steps back and down to his right, pulling Uke onto his stomach. Tori now goes down with him on his back. the arm is locked, and Tori then does a Koho Kaiten to break the arm.


TAI KUDAKI (Destroy the body)

Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the left foot, and does a Muso Dori to Ukes right arm. He then steps to the right with the right foot, and stands in a posture similar to that of Ganseki. Instead of doing a Ganseki Nage. Tori comes back with his right foot, and pulls behind Ukes right leg. At the same time he slams his right forearm into Ukes right throat. Ukes right arm is gripped under Ukes throat. Tori is now standing behind Uke, and does Koshi Nage to throw Uke. Uke falls to his back. 12. SOFU

Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime. Tori steps forward with the right foot, Ukes steps back with the left foot, and then the right foot. Tori kicks Uke right knee. From the kick, Tori places his foot against the left hip. Tori lets himself fall backwards to the ground, and does a Tomoe Nage. 13. GYAKU DORI (Reverse capture)

Uke grabs with his right hand, and does a left Tsuki. Checks with the left, and steps to the left with Jodan Uke. Tori holds Ukes right arm with Omote Gyaku, and pivots in a clockwise direction. Tori places Ukes arm on his shoulder (still in Omote Gyaku). Tori then goes down to his left knee, and does Gyaku Seio Nage. 14. RAMPU

Uke grabs Tori collar with the right hand, and the Obi with the left hand. Tori sticks his left arm under Ukes right arm at the elbow, and grabs the lapel. This is a elbow lock (keep Ukes arm pressed against the body, and push the elbow up). Tori puts his right arm under Ukes left arm, and grabs the other lapel. Tori no pivots to the left, until he is completely with his back to Uke, and then drops to the right knee, to do Seio Nage. 15. FUSETSU (Snow dance)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori steps forward with the left foot (next to Ukes), and grabs under both armpits (strike first with a Boshi Ken then grab). Step steps forward a little with the right foot (turn Uke a bit), so that Tori is almost behind Uke, and does a Koshi Nage. Uke should fall onto his back.


Collar choke forms
1. HON JIME (Principle choke)

Uke grabs the right lapel with the right hand (thumb inside the jacket), and the left with the left hand (thumb inside) with the wrists are crossed. Uke applies a scissor action to apply the choke, with the right forearm against the neck, and pulling with the left hand HENKA (Jutte) The Jutte is in the right hand in a reverse grip. The left hand grabs the left collar, and the Jutte passes to the right side, and then to the rear of the neck. Tori's left hand grabs the shaft of the Jutte in the left hand, and pulls to apply the Shime waza. 2. GYAKU JIME (Reverse choke)

Uke grabs the same as Hon Jime, but the palms face out, with the fingers inside the jacket. Uke does the scissor action to choke. 3. UDE JIME (Arm choke)

When Ukes does a right arm grab, Tori applies a Ura Oni Kudaki, and goes down with Uke, falling on the arm to break it. NOTE: Do not complete the Oni Kudaki, fall forwards still holding his arm. Turn your body (back) to him 4. ITTEKI JIME (One punch choke)

Uke grabs Toris left lapel. Tori places his left hand under Ukes, on the lapel, and steps back with the left foot, then forwards with the left foot, to the outside of Ukes foot. The right foot comes to the rear of Toris left foot. Tori drops his body weight. Tori uses his fore arm and elbow to lever Ukes arm up. Tori then places his right hand on Ukes shoulder (Toris arms are crossed). Tori then steps behind Uke, and places the left hand on Ukes shoulders . Tori then grabs the flesh on both sides of the neck, and gripping tight, pulls Uke back, and down to the ground. NOTE: Grip the flesh tight to shock Uke into dropping back. Place your head against his when he drops to apply pressure to the back of the neck. When Uke is down roll over him (forwards) to break the neck. 5. ITAMI JIME (Painful choke)

Tori does Ryote Mune Dori, with the palms down. Tori then pulls forward while pushing back and inward with the tips of the knuckles and the thumbs on both sides of the neck. 6. OSHI JIME (Pinning choke)

Tori places both hands on the shoulders, and drives Boshi Ken into the side of the neck, just above the collar bone, in a downward forwards motion. 7. GYAKU OSHI JIME (reverse pinning choke)

Tori applies Gyaku Jime (grab is high) or Ryomune Dori. Tori then pushes with the thumbs into the neck, in a downward, or upward motion. Then turn and drop him down. If you turn fast he can fly. 8. SUWARI JIME (Seated choke)

Tori grabs the lapel with both hands, and then walks around Uke. One forearm is at the back of the neck, the other is in front of the neck. Tori is now standing behind Uke. With the left hand Tori grabs his right elbow, and the right grabs the left. The forearms are now pushing into the neck. Tori pushes with the forearm at the rear of the neck, and pulls with the front. Tori can also use his own head to apply pressure. NOTE: When you go behind Uke, almost jump into place. This is a faster movement. Tilt him back and support him on your knee.

(Submerging forms) 1. GYAKURAKU OTOSHI (Let fall to heaven)

Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand, and the right sleeve with the left hand. Tori steps in to apply a Muso Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori then pivots to the right, applying the lock, and kicks with the right heel into the back of Ukes calf. As Ukes leg is knocked out, Tori pushes down on Ukes arm forcing him into a sitting position, or breaking the arm. HENKA Uke grabs Tori with Gyaku Jime or Hon Jime (Eri Shime Gata) Tori does a right Koho Sabaki, and a right Muso Dori to the left arm, and a left Koho Sabaki. With a left grab to the right arm, Tori turns into position and does a Ganseki Otoshi. HENKA As above, but do a left Yoko Sabaki, to Osoto Gake, followed by a right Sokugyaku Ken to the front right Yaku, and the Otoshi 2. JIGOKU DORI (Hell capture)

Uke steps forward with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right 45, and does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the left hand, and pulls the arm so that it is straight. Moving around the arm, and switching the grip from the left to the right hand, Tori places his left knee against the elbow, and forces Uke to the ground. HENKA Tori and Uke are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps to the left wit Yoko Sabaki to do a Osoto Gake,

followed by a right Sokugyaku Ken to Yaku. Tori does not complete the Osoto, but does a right Yoko Sabaki Moguri (Ash Sabaki). Tori ten goes under the right arm, and finishes with a Gyaku Seoi Otoshi 3. TAMA KUDAKI

Uke is in a left Seigan no kamae, and does a left then right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does Jodan Uke to both (first to Ura Kote, second to Hoshi). Tori grabs the elbow with the left hand, and strikes with a right Boshi Ken to the front left Uko., then applies a Osoto Gake, and a right Sokugykau Ken to the front right Yaku.


HICHO DORI (Capture the Crane)

Ukes does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, and a left keri. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, right Jodan Uke, and a left Gedan Uke. Tori then grabs the left wrist with the right hand, and the right shoulder with the left hand. Tori then kicks with the right heel to Ukes left thigh. Tori then places the left foot on Ukes right thigh, and does Uchi Mata. HENKA Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a left Jodan Tsuki, right Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, Tori does a Jodan Uke to Ura Kote to both Tsuki, and does a Yoko Sabaki, and a right Sukui Uke. Tori steps to Ukes right leg and a right Sokugyaku ken to the front left Mokuzume, and right Boshi ken to the left side of Uko. Tori grabs the left collar, and with the right hand the left wrist. Turn the right, and down to the right knee, and throw with Tai Nage. 5. ONI BUSE

Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand. Tori holds underneath with the left hand. Using strength the hand is pulled away, and with a sudden and instant move, also with kiai, Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Taisho to Uko HENKA Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a right, then left Jodan Tsuki., then a left Sokugyaku Ken, and a right Sokugyaku Ken. Tori does a left then right Jodan Uke, then a right then left Gedan Uke, striking into Sai. Tori then applies Osoto Gake. 6. INAZUME NAGE (Lightning throw)

Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a right, left, then right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does Jodan Uke to Ura Kote. Uke then does a right Sokugyaku Ken. Tori steps to the left, and does a Gedan Uke, and a right Boshi Ken to left Uko. Tori grabs the collar with the right hand. Tori turns to the left, drops to the left knee, and throws with Tai Nage.


MIZU DORI (Water capture)

Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and a right left, right Tsuki. Tori does a left, right left Jodan Uke. Uke then does a right Keri. Tori steps to the left and a right Gedan Uke. Uke, does a another right Keri. Tori does a forward right Uchi Yaku. Tori grabs the collar with the right hand, and throws with Uchi Mata.



Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae. He does a right, left, right Jodan Tsuki With the left hand Tori grabs the right Kote. Uke does a right Keri. Tori steps to the left, and blocks. A right Boshi Ken to Uko. Tori then does a left Omote Gyaku (lock not throw). Tori then does Oya Goroshi with the palm up. With the right hand Tori grabs the lapel, and turns to the right, down to the right knee, and Tai Nage. 9. TAI OTOSHI (Body drop)

Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori shifts to the right 45 degrees to avoid the strike. Uke then does a right Zenpo Keri, Tori shifts 45 degrees to the left, and does a right Chudan Uke, to the outside of the knee. Uke then does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts again back to the left, and grabs Ukes right wrist with the right hand. Tori reaches over Ukes arm with his left hand, and grabs the collar. Uke pulls the hand away from the collar. Tori the grabs the left hand with his left hand. Tori then moves his left shoulder under Ukes arm and throws with Seio Nage. 10. MOGURI DORI (Submerging capture)

Uke grabs Toris right collar with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori responds by checking the grab with the right hand, and does a left Jodan Uke. Uke does a right keri, with Tori doing a left Gedan Uke. Tori then grabs Ukes right shoulder with the left hand, or a Boshi Ken into Uko ("door of rain", rear of the Jaw bone). Press with the thumb, pull with the hand, and drop to the right knee in a circular motion, dropping Uke. 11. MOGURI NAGE (Submerging throw)

Uke grabs the right collar with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori checks the grab, and does a left Jodan Uke. Uke does a right keri, Tori does Gedan Uke. Tori changes the left hand grab to the right hand to apply Oni Kudaki on the left arm. Tori kicks with the right heel

strike to the back of Ukes left thigh, then steps back down to the right knee.

Unarmed against sword techniques 1. SOJA DORI (Ken Jiya Dori) (Boxer capture)

Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Uke has a Katana and is in Daijodan. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori's right foot moves to the rear of the left (turning the body sideways). Tori then does Ken Nagare (do not move the feet). Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Ukes right Bicep Uke drops the Katana). Tori's left hand takes hold of Ukes right wrist, and the right hand takes hold of the right shoulder. Tori then turns clockwise pulling down with the right hand, and dropping Uke to the ground. 2. ICHIMONJI (Figure 1)

Tori is in Hira Ichimonji, Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps a little forward with the right foot, and drops the body weight low. Tori strikes with a right Fudo Ken to the stomach. Tori then jumps back, to a low Kamae. 3. TSUKA OTOSHI (Handle drop)

Tori is in Ichimonji, Uke is in Daijodan. Uke does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward to the left, and drops to the right knee. Tori places both hands on Ukes wrists. Tori then stands and pushes Ukes hand into the air, with the Katana moving back. Tori steps to the left Keeping the Katana to the back. Tori turns clockwise with the right hand taking hold of the handle. Tori has his back to Ukes chest, with the arms over the left shoulder, and Tori throws Uke. Tori keeps hold of the Katana, and cuts Uke. 4. BI HAKU DORI / HAKU DORI

(Redirecting capture) Tori is in Seigan no kamae, Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and goes under the cut, and place the hands on Ukes elbows, and push up, to put him off balance. Tori then strikes with a Shikan Ken to the solar plexus, and again takes hold of both elbows. Tori then pivots to the left, until his back is to Uke, and then dropping to the right knee, throws Uke. 5. MAWASHI DORI (Rotating capture)

Tori is in a right Ichimonji, slightly leaning forward. Uke is in Daijodan , and cuts with Jodan kiri. Tori steps to the left, and strikes down (in a sweeping motion) with Shuto, to Ukes right Nagare. Tori then does a Sanshin style kick to the underneath of the right arm (this lifts the arm up), and from under the right arm, Tori strikes with a right Fudo ken underneath the arm to Asagasumi. 6. USHIRO DORI (Rear capture) Tori has his back to Uke. Uke is in Daijodan, and does a Jodan Kiri (from behind). Tori steps to the left, comes back, and grabs Ukes arm under the elbow (between the arm, and the body). With the right hand grab Ukes right hand, and the left with the left hand. With the left hand apply Omote Take Or, and with the right hand, Omote Gyaku, and then turn to the right. During the turn strike with a right Shukki Ken to the face, and keep turning until you have your front to Uke. Finish with a right kick to Butsumetsu. 7. SHISUMI DORI

Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri, followed by a Tsuki. Tori steps back as the first cut comes down, and Soto Sabaki (left foot forward). Tori places his right hand on Ukes right hand, and strikes with a left Fudo ken to Ukes left elbow (strike from under the right arm). This knocks Ukes left arm away. Tori has hold of Ukes right hand in Omote Gyaku, and he lifts it up, and makes a full clockwise circle (Omote Gyaku) until Uke is on his back. NOTE: Be totally aware of the Katana at all times in this technique.


Long and Short sword manipulation forms
When you study Daisho Sabaki, it is best to know Kyusho 1. TSUKA KUDAKI (Hilt crush)

Tori and Uke are both in Shizen with Daisho. Uke steps back with the left foot, and starts to draw the Katana. Tori steps in with the right foot, and follows with the left foot (this is a walking motion), and strikes down with Hidari Shuto to Ukes right Kyukansetsu. Toris right hand takes hold of the Katana tsuka, and lifts it in front of Ukes face, at the same time with a right sanshin style kick to Gedan Renro (Suzu). As Uke drops Tori backs away fast from Uke. NOTE: When Uke does the shuto he bends his knees. The Shuto knocks the Katana hand out to Toris left. HENKA After the Shuto to kote, Tori does another Shuto to Uke throat, knocking him back, or do Ganmen Dori to take Uke down. HENKA When Tori steps forward he strike Uke with a right Nio ken to the back of the hand. Tori immediately grabs the wrist, and the left hand grabs the elbow as he steps in with the left foot. Tori turns tot he right with uzimaki to take Uke down. 2. HIKI DORI (Pulling capture)

Uke is in Shizen with Daisho. Tori is in Fudoshin (Shizen). Uke steps back with the left leg to draw the Katana. Tori quickly moves in (type of Tobi), and grabs both of Ukes Ryusode (right foot is between Ukes legs with bent knees), Ukes Katana is by Toris right Butsmetsu. Tori lets go of the head and grabs hold of the Katana. Uke drops his posture, Tori steps back pulling the Katana with him, and then in to Tsuki with the Katana to Ukes Suigetsu. NOTE: The fists strike can be Koppo Ken then turn it into Happa ken. HENKA Uke is a little fast (or you slow). Tori takes the Katana hand with his right hand, and the elbow to the left of the Tsuka, and moves it across to Toris right. Tori then does a Ryote Happa Ken to Mimi. Tori then does a Ganmen Dori to take Uke down. HENKA Instead of Ganmen Dori, pull Ukes Katana away from him, and a Jodan Kiri, or Kesa Kiri to the back of Ukes neck. 3. IRI DORI (Entering capture)

Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. As The cut comes in Tori moves in under the arms (*), and drops to the left knee, striking with a right Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori grabs Ukes Shoto, and as he rises and steps a little back to the left he draws it. With the right hand under, grabbing the back of the blade, Tori rocks, or steps in with the right foot, to Tsuki at Uke NOTE: * Use the feeling of If you step in , ahead lies Paradise HENKA When you grab the Shoto, instead of stepping back with the left foot. Tori grabs the jacket with the right hand, and draws the Shoto with the left. Restraining Uke Tori does a Tsuki to Uke with the Shoto 4. RAN GAKU (Jagged peaks)

As Uke is walking Tori follows behind him. (same as Oi Kage). Tori speeds up the pace to move to Ukes left side. Tori then turns to face Uke, and takes Ukes left hand in his left hand, the right hand grabs the base of the Wakizashi Saya Kojiri. Uke now tries to draw his Katana, Tori pulls the left hand and applies pressure with the Saya. Tori then forces Uke to the ground. NOTE: If Uke will not go to the ground place the right knee into the back of his knee. To keep him pinned to the ground, place the foot on the end of the Saya.


ET DORI (Sukui Dori **) (Hand capture)

Both Uke and Tori are in Shizen with the Katana sheathed. Uke steps forward with the right foot and starts to draw the Katana. Tori shifts a little to the left with the left foot (in the blink of an eye 6th sense). Tori kicks up with the right foot to knock Ukes right hand away, Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and grabs Ukes wakizashi with the left hand, without stepping Tori strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Ukes chin, and then steps back with the left foot draws Ukes Wakizashi breaking clear from Uke. Tori steps back in with the left foot, and does a Tsuki with the Wakizashi to Ukes stomach / ribs. Tori then retreats. NOTE: The kick to the arm is a push kick, and it is directed to the elbow. When back away with the Wakizashi the knees are bent. The Wakizashi is also held with the right hand on the back of the blade. The cutting edge is up. 6. RYU KOKU (Ryu Kotsu **) (Willow bone)

Tori is in Shizen, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and turning a little to the right places his left hand on top of Ukes left hand. Without stepping Tori strikes to the chin with a right elbow, by turning from the hips up keeping the knees bent. Tori lifts his left hand up a little and moves to the right pushing Ukes hand with him. As He steps Tori takes the Katana away from Uke with the right hand, and then cuts with a overhead Yoko Ichimonji (L-R) NOTE: The Taisabaki is the same as notching an arrow to a bow 7. USHIO GAESHI (Tide reversal)

Tori is in Shizen Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts both feet slightly out to the left in a sliding motion. Without stepping Tori strikes to Sakkotsu (Nagare) with a right Shuto (Uke drops the Katana). From the Shuto the right hand slides up Ukes arm and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Jinchu. The right foot then shifts behind Ukes right heel, and is swept back with Ash barai 8. KE RYAKU (Ke Kimono **) (Hooking and felling)

Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Shizen. As Uke cuts Tori moves in under Ukes arms on the forearms (the fingers face towards Uke wrists). Tori kicks up with the right foot / shin to the groin, and places it to Uke left as far as possible past Uke. As He steps Tori takes Ukes left hand in his left hand. Tori then grabs the Kojiri of the Saya, and lifts it up. The mouth of the Saya is across Ukes left forearm (the Saya passes throught he groin). NOTE: Keep low when going under the Katana. Use the elbow in the small of Ukes back to help

force him to the ground. 9. ORA DOME (Kote Dome **) (Wrist stop)

Tori is in Shizen, Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and turning places his left hand on top of Ukes left hand. Tori steps forward a little with the right foot, and the right hand comes up underneath Ukes hands, and takes hold. Tori twists the body to the left and does Omote Gyaku. Tori drops down to the left knee having moved a little across to the right. The Katana is now placed on Ukes neck, and is pulled to cut. NOTE: When the Omote Gyaku is done, the Katanas position does not move, Tori comes underneath it. It does not go to Ukes throat. It is important to use all 5 areas of the body as you do 5 strikes to Ukes body NOTE: In the Densho is starts by saying I evade by opening up my right to the rear left. 10. OTO (Side sword)

Both are in Shizen. Uke goes to draw his Katana. Tori steps forward with the right foot on to Ukes right foot. Tori places his right hand on Ukes right wrist to stop him drawing the Katana. Uke retreats to gain space, but Tori follows him. As he follows Tori pushes the Tsuka towards the ground making it harder to draw the Katana. Tori gets close enough so that he can place his left hand on the Tsuka, with his left forearm against Ukes. Tori then steps in a little to strike with a right Shukki to Asagasumi. Tori then pulls away taking the Katana with him, then steps back in with a Uko Kiri NOTE: When following Uke keep the knees bent 11. KURUMA NAGE (Waterwheel throw)

Both are in Shizen. Uke steps forward to draw the Katana. Tori steps out to the left, and places his right hand on top of Ukes right hand Tori the moves his right hand across the front of his body, placing the Katana hand into his left hand. Tori steps forward with the right foot between Ukes legs Tori strikes with a right Shukki to Suigetsu. Tori then grabs the left Pectoral with the right hand, and places the left foot on Ukes right foot (or kick). Tori the drops to his left knee, and pulls the left hand and pushes with the right to throw Uke. As Uke falls Tori takes the Katana away from Ukes to the cut his while he is on his back. NOTE: The Katana hand is pulled straight so that Tori does not cut himself when he does the Shukki 12. YOTSU SHUTO (Yotsu De To **) (4 hand sword)

Both are in Shizen. Uke walks forward then goes to draw the Katana. Tori steps back 45 degrees to the left, and places his right hand, on the Tsuka (Important to hide your left side for Uke). Tori turns a little to the right and grabs the Wakizashi with the left hand, at the same time kicking Ukes right knee, or stamping on the right foot (Kyokei) with the right foot (He is distracted). Tori releases the grip on the Katana, and pulls the Wakizashi clear (after stamping on his foot, he retracts it, this helps to pull the Shoto clear), and places the right hand on the Wakizashi Mune, and rocking / stepping forward with the right foot, does a Tsuki NOTE: As The Shotos Kissaki clears the Sayaguchi/Koiguchi, this is the time to thrust in. 13. NIN KETSU (Ha Musubi **) (Blade knot)

Both are in Shizen. Uke moves forward to draw his Katana. Tori moves to the left forwards with the left foot, and turns to the right. Toris left hand comes across to take Ukes left hand, and the right hand takes hold of the Wakizashi. Tori turns to his left drawing the Wakizashi, and grabs the Wakizashi Tsuka also with the right hand. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and turns to the right with a Yoko Ichimonji Kuji Kiri NOTE: The Kuji Kiri is done the same as the Kanji for Ku, and Japanese 9 14. SUKASHI DORI (Sparing capture)

Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Shizen. Tori steps with both feet out to the left. Uke the stepping back with the right foot, cuts with a L-R Yoko Ichimonji, Tori steps back. As Uke then raises the Katana to Daijodan no Kamae, Tori rushes in dropping to the left knee, places the left hand on the base of the Katana Tsuka, and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Suigetsu. As He rises Tori strikes again with a Fudo Ken to Suigetsu, and steps back and around with the left foot, so that his right foot is across Ukes left foot (Tori is standing at Ukes left side). Tori holds Ukes left hand in his left hand, and the right hand has the left Bicep. Tori sweeps back the right foot, and pushes with the right hand, and pulls with the left hand. NOTE: As Tori turns and rises off the knee, his right hand now grabs the bicep. Daisho Sabaki Gata Transmitted to all Bujinkan Dojo Members By Soke Hatsumi Masaaki Hisamune, Heisei 7, Ni Gatsu, Juichi Yobi (11th day, 2nd month, 7th year of Heisei - 11th Feb 1995). The day Hatsumi Soke became a Hanshi in the Zen Nippon Todo Renmei (**) - Names used in San Myaku

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