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CMMR Certification Study Guide

Educational Institute Books


CMMR Certification Study Guide

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ECopyright 2006 by the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association 800 N. Magnolia, Suite 1800 Orlando, FL 32803 USA

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Self Inventory of Content Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitaltiy Facilities . . . . . . 7 2 Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3 Safety and Security Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4 Water and Wastewater Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 5 Electrical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems . . . . . . . . . 163 7 Lighting Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 8 Laundry Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 9 The Building and Exterior Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 CMM Sample Examination Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

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You are about to join the growing number of professionals seeking to expand their careers in the challenging and exciting world of hospitality! These individuals realize that they must become better prepared to provide quality service to an increasingly sophisticated clientele in this era of growing competition and greater technological innovation. Your decision to pursue certification as a Certified Maintenance Manager (CMM) is significant because in many fields today a professional certification is considered a symbol of expertise and achievement. It demonstrates your attainment of an increased level of competence and provides a way for others to recognize your professional status. In a field as diverse and dynamic as the hospitality industry, the designation of Certified Maintenance Manager means more than a mere title after one's name. The CMM signifies an individual whose competence, sound judgment, and practical skills have been proven.

Purpose of the CMM Certification Study Guide

The purpose of this study guide is to prepare for the CMM comprehensive examination. The study guide does this by helping you: Assess your knowledge of the content required for CMM certification. Be successful studying the portions of the content areas you will need to master in order to pass the exam.

The information in this guide is compiled from many reference materials produced by the Educational Institute. This guide will not give you answers to specific exam questions. It will, however, help you become familiar with information on the examination. Apply the information in this study guide and rely on your professional industry experience to determine the best response to each exam question.

How to Use this Study Guide

This CMM Certification Study Guide is organized into two sections: a self inventory of your knowledge of the CMM comprehensive examination's content, and readings that cover the topics you are expected to know for the examination. We recommend you complete the self inventory to determine which areas you need to become familiar with. You may find that you are already knowledgeable in certain content areas and, therefore, will not have to read all the material associated with those areas. Concentrate on those you are unfamiliar with.
ECopyright 2006 Educational Institute of AH&LA vii

Finding a Time and Place to Study

The key to successful study is to plan and organize your learning. If possible, set aside a regular time and place for your study. Likewise, set a specific goal (such as reading ten pages or one chapter) and reach that goal before putting aside the study guide. You may also find it helpful to underline or highlight key information as you read. Once you have a regular weekly study schedule, stick to it! If you get out of the habit of studying at regular times, you may stop studying altogether.

Adjusting Your Study Schedule

Review the time and place you have set aside for studying, and ask yourself the following questions: Will you have many visitors or interruptions while you try to study? Are you likely to get many phone calls during the times you want to study? Will someone be watching television or listening to the radio at home while you try to study?

If you answered yes" to any of these questions, you may need to adjust your weekly study schedule or find a quiet place to study, such as the public library. Many candidates say they study best on Saturday or Sunday morning; while commuting back and forth from work; or at home while easy listening music is on the radio. Experiment a little until you find what works best for you. You should ask yourself what time of day you're most alert. For example, it's probably not a good idea to study late at night if you require a lot of sleep or have to get up early in the morning. Nor is it a good idea to study first thing after getting out of bed if you're the kind of person who takes a while to wake up. You may also have to set some limits for your friends and family. Remind them that you need your study time.

Determining the Best Way to Study

When you read a book for relaxation or leisure, you probably get as comfortable as possible and dive right in. This approach might not work very well as a study strategy, however. Get organized before you sit down to study. You can save time if you keep all your study materials workbooks, tapes, pencils, notebooks, highlighters, etc. in one place. Try to choose a spot where no one will disturb them. Begin your study session by browsing through a particular chapter in the study guide. Read headings and look at the graphics. Also, list some of the things in the lesson that look interesting or difficult.
viii ECopyright 2006 Educational Institute of AH&LA

Once you have a feel for the section's content, you're ready to become an active reader. Active readers do more than just pay close attention to the reading. They close the book once in while to think about what they've read. You might pretend you are teaching the lesson you just finished. Write down some of the questions you would ask students on a test. You'll be surprised at how many of the questions you think of will appear in a similar form on the comprehensive examination.

CMM Sample Examination Questions

Sample examination questions and answers are presented in the last section. Some are general questions, and some relate to specific situational scenarios. All questions are similar to those found on the actual examination.

ECopyright 2006

Educational Institute of AH&LA



Rate how familiar you are with each task according to the following scale:

1 = Unfamiliar

2 = Somewhat Familiar

3 = Very Familiar

Most major subsections within each main content area contain references to where the corresponding material is found in the study guide. After studying a content area, check the Material Studied" column.
Content Area 1 2 3 Material Studied

CHAPTER 1 THE ROLE, COST, AND MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY FACILITIES Identify a number of important roles played by hospitality facilities. Explain why construction costs vary by facility type and why proper construction practices provide long-term benefits. Identify the two primary categories of facility operating costs, the components of each category, and various factors that affect those costs. Explain the purpose and limitations of the reserve for replacement. Describe how facility components, layout, materials, methods and types of construction, and systems affect facility management. Identify several equipment concerns that affect maintenance needs. State managements responsibilities with regard to facility management. Outline typical maintenance requirements found in management contracts and franchise agreements. Summarize the basic responsibilities of the facilities department and the facilities manager. CHAPTER 2 HOSPITALITY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TOOLS, TECHNIQUES AND TRENDS Describe several types of maintenance. State the goals of maintenance management systems.

ECopyright 2006

Educational Institute of AH&LA

Content Area Identify and explain the function of several important forms and documents typically used in a maintenance management system. Describe the role played by maintenance schedules and detailed instructions in a preventive maintenance program. Outline the various types of plans and specifications that may be needed for equipment repair and building renovation. List several tactics that could help during maintenance emergencies. Describe elements to consider when hiring contract maintenance services. Describe computerized and Internet-based facilities management. Explain basic elements of budgeting for POM and utility costs. Describe the role of the maintenance department in capital projects and renovations, and explain facilities benchmarking. Outline several considerations involved in managing personnel issues in the maintenance department. CHAPTER 3 SAFETY AND SECURITY SYSTEMS Describe how to reduce occupational injury rates in the hospitality industry. Outline how building design and maintenance affect safety. Identify several safety concerns with regard to the guest bathroom. Cite evidence that concern over fire safety is growing. Identify critical elements of fire prevention, fire detection, and fire notification. Identify components of fire suppression and fire control devices and systems. Outline several elements that should be addressed in evacuation plans. Describe various ways in which facilities design and management can enhance a propertys security efforts.

Material Studied

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Educational Institute of AH&LA

Content Area Identify the elements of key control and guestroom locking systems. CHAPTER 4 WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS Outline water usage levels and patterns in the lodging industry, and describe the basic structure of water and wastewater systems. Identify various potential water quality problems, outline major water heating concerns and options, and identify various water system maintenance concerns. Explain how lodging properties can use water for entertainment and recreational purposes, describe issues associated with swimming pool water systems, and summarize water conservation issues pertinent to the lodging industry. CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Describe briefly various aspects and components of electrical systems, and cite important considerations regarding system design and operating standards. Identify elements of an effective electrical system and equipment maintenance program. Describe electrical system components: fuses and circuit breakers; distribution panels and wiring; electric motors, controls, and drive elements; electronic equipment; emergency power systems; and electrical maintenance equipment. Explain the billing methods of electric utilities, describe how to read electrical utility meters, state why electric bills should be checked for errors, summarize issues involved in deciding on a tariff (rate) for electric service, and discuss electric utility deregulation.

Material Studied

CHAPTER 6 HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS Describe the basic elements of human comfort and how HVAC systems affect this comfort. Identify heating sources, types of heating equipment, and operating and maintenance concerns for this equipment. Explain how the vapor compression refrigeration cycle operates.

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Educational Institute of AH&LA

Content Area Identify cooling system operating and maintenance concerns. Describe several guestroom HVAC systems, including centralized, decentralized, and hybrid systems. Identify the system types and maintenance needs of HVAC systems for other building areas. Outline the nature and maintenance needs of HVAC controls. Identify various maintenance concerns with regard to cooling towers. CHAPTER 7 LIGHTING SYSTEMS Define basic lighting terms, explain how natural light can be used to meet a buildings lighting needs, and describe common artificial light sources. Describe the following lighting system design elements: light levels, luminaires, color rendition, safety, and emergency lighting. Describe lighting system maintenance and identify energy conservation opportunities. CHAPTER 8 LAUNDRY SYSTEMS Describe laundry transport equipment. Distinguish a washer-extractor from a tunnel washer. Describe dryers. Describe ironers, folders, and valet equipment. Explain factors in locating a laundry and selecting laundry equipment. Describe laundry layout, utilities, and labor. Outline laundry maintenance. CHAPTER 9 THE BUILDING AND EXTERIOR FACILITIES Describe a buildings roof, exterior walls, windows and doors, structural frame, foundation, and elevators, including typical problems that each of these building elements have, and preventive maintenance measures that hotel managers can take to keep these building elements in good shape.

Material Studied

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Educational Institute of AH&LA

Content Area Describe parking areas, including the materials parking structures are made of (concrete and/or asphalt), structural features, layout considerations, maintenance issues, and ADA requirements. Describe storm water drainage systems, utilities, and landscaping and grounds, including preventive maintenance strategies and inspection tips.

Material Studied

ECopyright 2006

Educational Institute of AH&LA

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

In 1877, a San Francisco reporter, evidently weary of the endless hoopla over the city's new Palace Hotel, described the hotel's remote signaling device. Twenty five thousand numbered bellboys, he wrote, one for each guestroom, wait in a basement for lodgers to ring. Down goes the clerk's foot on a corresponding pedal and up shoots the bellboy0he is put in a box, shut up in a pneumatic tube and whisked right into the room desig nated by the bell dial. A door in the wall opens to receive him, an auto matic clamp catches him by the coat collar, and he is quietly dropped to the floor." This whimsy satirized a very real tradition of technological innovation in the hotel industry. In fact, the idea of luxury in a hotel had already come to be defined as much by plumbing, heating, and machinery as by rich fabrics, furniture, and architecture.1 stainless steel and specialty equipment of the commercial kitchen, the hospitality industry of today relies on well designed and well maintained facilities as a key element of its business. Guests desire a safe and comfortable environment in which to conduct business, entertain, relax, dine, and sleep. The hotel, motel, or restaurant is their home away from home, and they usually want it to be better than home. Hospitality managers' involvement with facilities takes several forms. All departments use the facilities, relying on efficient design and proper equipment and systems to perform their duties. Department heads may be consulted for ideas concerning the design of new facilities. They are also often involved in either plan ning for or coping with renovations. Meetings of the executive committee at most hotels place department heads in formal contact with the engineering manager. Managers also have day to day involvement with the maintenance/engineering/ facilities department as they use its services. (For our purposes, the terms mainte nance, engineering, and facilities will generally be used interchangeably.)

FROM THE EXOTIC AND LUXURIOUS ENVIRONMENT of the fantasy resort to the gleaming

Chapter 1

The Role of Facilities in the Hospitality Industry

Facilities play critical and varied roles in the hospitality industry. They can provide an appealing visual environment that contributes to the overall ambiance, experi ence, and comfort of the guest. These elements, created by the artistic efforts of architects, interior designers, and craftspeople, are sustained by the diligence of the maintenance and housekeeping staff. For some components of the industry, such as destination resorts, theme restaurants, casinos, theme parks, and water attractions, the facilities themselves are the attraction that engages and entertains guests. Other elements also contribute to ambiance, experience, and comfort but in more subtle ways. Often, unseen facilities components create comfortable thermal environments by controlling indoor air conditions while others provide needed supplies of clean water at the proper temperature for bathing, swimming, and relaxing in spas. The environment for the guest is also enhanced by the control or elimination of unwanted sounds that could disturb the guest's experience and, in the most basic terms, by protection from the elements whether inside the build ing or under sheltered areas near pools. Safety is another important factor related to facilities. Guests expect to be safe. They expect to be provided an environment in which they are protected from injury and from loss of their possessions. For many of these roles, the skills of the engineer and technician are required, although the guest (who expects comfort) may not directly notice their contributions. Besides contributing to the pleasurable experience of the guest, facilities play a role as manufacturing plant" in the creation and delivery of services and prod ucts. Facilities house and interconnect the equipment and systems that allow the operation to function, whether it be the power and communication cabling con necting point of sale devices; the elevators that move guests; or the collection of utilities, equipment, and controls that make up a modern kitchen or laundry facil ity. In their manufacturing plant role, the facilities are also the workplace for the employees. This means that back of house spaces need to be efficient, comfortable, and safe. Specialized consultants in fields such as food service, laundry, and other technical areas are called upon to design these spaces. Facilities help to define the industry and provide identity in the marketplace. Characteristic roof shapes, signage, colors, and other trademark elements create an image for various products and serve to draw customers. Travelers quickly develop the ability to identify various hospitality businesses by the characteristic appearance of their facilities. Children who can't yet read have no trouble identify ing their favorite quick service restaurant at 300 yards from a speeding auto. It must also be recognized that industry growth largely comes as a result of additions to the number or size of facilities. In an era of e commerce, when many services are accessed or delivered electronically via cyberspace, the hospitality industry remains a service that requires a unique space" (facility) to produce and deliver its service. And while some growth is achievable by higher prices and more customers served (better occupancy), a significant portion of the growth of many hospitality enterprises comes through the addition of facilities. This is also true of restaurant operations, where most sales growth for chain operators is due largely to additional stores rather than increased sales at existing stores.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities

Hospitality companies such as ARAMARK and Sodexho have further recog nized the potential for facilities management to be a contributor to corporate growth in another way. These companies have entered into the facilities manage ment business, providing services such as housekeeping, grounds, and physical plant management to hospitality companies, schools, universities, and various industries. Recognizing the opportunities and challenges involved in the operation of facilities provides another role for facilities management within the hospitality industry that of business opportunity. Hospitality (and particularly lodging) facilities provide owners with a return on investment in two basic ways. First, they are the location where the business generates operating profit. Second, hospitality firms enjoy a portion of their return" in the change in market value of their property. In this regard, the return considerations resemble those of real estate, an industry where facilities certainly play a major role. Finally, facilities play a key role in the amount of revenue generated at the property. On one level, this is obvious: the presence of guestrooms, meeting spaces, dining opportunities, and even recreation spaces provides the appeal guests recog nize in choosing your property. The proper design and mix of these facilities is important to meet the customers'needs. However, the existing facility has little lati tude to make extensive changes with what it has in terms of facilities except through the infusion of massive amounts of new capital. What the existing facility can do is maintain the facilities it has. A recently published study illustrates the value of facilities maintenance.2 The study, conducted in early 2001, investigated the relationship between the defects identified in quality assurance reports and the revenue per available room (RevPAR) of the properties. Properties with one or more failed" items related to facilities on the quality assurance reports showed significantly different RevPAR values than those that had no failed items. For example, hotels with at least one defect in the exterior had a RevPAR of $3.12 less than hotels with no defects in the exterior. Hotels with at least one defect in the guest bath had a RevPAR of $1.32 less than hotels with no defects in the guest bath." These are very significant findings. The study estimates that the effect of facilities deficiencies for the chain studied amounted to lost revenue of $20 million over the three year period studied (Febru ary 1990 through January 1993). The study concludes by stating:
This study demonstrates a direct relationship between product quality and operation's financial performance, when product quality is gauged by the level of facility defects the defective hotels in my sample recorded a RevPAR of approx imately $2.80 less than hotels that did not have defects. This difference was con sistent over time and represents an annual revenue shortfall of approximately $200,000 per deficient hotel. The study also indicates where hotels might best invest their capital improvement and maintenance funds. What seems to count is the exterior, the guest rooms and the guest bath.

This text strives to provide the reader with the tools needed to effectively manage energy, environmental, maintenance, and capital projects. Successful man agers recognize that these expenditures are not only costs" but also contributors


Chapter 1

to guest satisfaction, employee productivity, revenues, and profits. Delivery of effective, well managed facilities services plays a key role in the successful opera tion of a hospitality business.

Costs Associated with Hospitality Facilities

Hospitality facilities generate several types of cost. First, the facilities must be designed, developed, and constructed. Once occupied, they must be operated. And eventually, they must be renovated and modernized. Each of these phases incurs unique expenses.

The Costs of Development and Construction

The facilities of the modern hospitality industry vary greatly. Budget and economy lodging operations have relatively small and simple physical plants, while conven tion, resort, and luxury properties may resemble small cities. And the facilities of food and beverage (F&B) outlets can range from an airport kiosk to a large themed restaurant. Such differences in complexity and in the overall luxury level of fin ishes and furniture contribute significantly to the differences in the construction costs of various types of facilities. Exhibit 1 contains a historical overview of new hotel development costs subdivided into various levels of service. Even a 100 room economy property represents an investment of several million dollars, and a large luxury property could cost several hundred million dollars. The maintenance, operation, and reno vation of these multimillion dollar facilities are ultimately entrusted to the engi neering staff. Exhibit 2 further delineates the cost categories of new hotels. Besides the sig nificant (60 to 65 percent) costs associated with construction, relatively large out lays are made for furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E), development, and financing. Hotels also incur pre opening and shortfall reserve costs categories not commonly found at this level of cost for other types of facilities. The cost of land is not incorporated into these percentages, since it varies widely. The development and construction of a hospitality facility represents a com mitment of capital by an owner who naturally expects a return on this investment. As mentioned earlier, this expected return is driven by two elements: operating profit (from the sale of rooms, food and beverages, and meeting services) and real estate appreciation. To provide both types of return, the facility must be operated and maintained in a manner that maximizes operating profit potential and real property appreciation. A facility constructed with appropriate quality and good budget control should have predictable costs for maintenance, renovation, and operation. Con versely, one that was poorly designed or built with cost overruns and cost cutting due to poor budget planning, poor project management, or poor construction prac tices may well face major problems within the first few years of operation. This often means larger than expected infusions of cash and a nightmare for mainte nance and other property staff.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 1 Hotel Development Costs: Dollars per Room
Improvements 1990 Luxury 67,000 Standard 42,000 Economy 22,500 1992 Luxury 64,000 120,000 Standard 39,000 62,000 Economy 21,000 38,000 1994 Luxury 64,000 121,000 Standard 40,000 63,000 Economy 22,000 40,000 1996 Luxury 66,000 126,000 Standard 42,000 67,000 Economy 23,000 43,000 1997 Luxury 68,000 131,500 Standard 43,000 69,500 Economy 24,000 47,000 1998 Luxury 70,000 139,400 Standard 43,900 71,200 Economy 24,500 48,600 1999 Luxury 73,900 149,200 Standard 45,700 75,500 Economy 25,200 50,500 15,800 39,700 10,800 20,600 5,900 10,600 4,700 2,900 1,900 7,500 5,100 2,700 3,200 4,500 2,000 3,200 1,500 2,000 97,600 200,900 61,400 104,400 34,500 65,800 15,300 37,800 10,600 19,600 5,700 10,100 4,600 2,900 1,800 7,100 5,100 2,600 3,100 4,400 2,000 3,200 1,500 2,000 93,000 188,700 59,400 99,100 33,500 63,300 15,000 36,000 10,500 19,000 5,600 10,000 4,500 6,800 2,800 5,000 1,750 2,500 3,000 4,300 2,000 3,100 1,500 2,000 90,500 178,600 58,300 96,600 32,850 61,500 15,000 34,200 10,500 18,500 5,600 9,900 4,300 6,500 2,500 4,900 1,600 2,300 2,900 4,100 1,900 3,100 1,300 1,800 88,200 170,800 56,900 93,500 31,500 57,000 14,300 31,100 10,000 17,600 5,100 9,500 3,900 6,200 2,400 4,600 1,500 2,200 2,800 3,800 1,800 3,000 1,300 1,800 85,000 162,100 54,200 88,200 29,900 53,500 14,200 30,900 9,800 17,400 4,900 9,300 3,800 6,100 2,300 4,400 1,400 2,100 2,700 3,700 1,800 3,000 1,300 1,800 84,700 160,700 52,900 86,800 28,600 51,200 28,000 65,000 41,000 15,400 33,000 10,800 18,500 5,600 10,000 3,500 5,700 2,200 4,000 1,200 1,800 2,500 3,500 1,600 2,800 1,200 1,600 88,400 170,200 56,600 90,300 30,500 54,400 Furniture Equipment Pre Opening Operating Capital Total


Source: 2000 Hotel Development Cost Survey, HVS International.

As Exhibit 3 illustrates, restaurants are particularly costly to build. This is because of the food and bar equipment required and extensive mechanical equipment needed for efficient operation. Though restaurants in hotels would not normally have parking and land costs assigned to them, their base building costs would be higher.

The Costs of Operation

Following the construction of the facility, there will be ongoing costs of operation. The two principal cost entries on the operating (or income) statement pertaining to facilities operation are the property operation and maintenance (or POM) and the utilities accounts. In the United States, lodging properties expend more than $7 bil lion annually for POM and utilities. Exhibit 4 is a summary of typical utility and POM expenditures for U.S. hotels. Most hotels pay at least 10 percent of revenue for these two items, with


Chapter 1 Hotel Development Costs: A Percentage Breakdown*

Percent of Total 6065

Exhibit 2

Cost Category Construction Base building, utilities, site work, recreation facilities, contingency Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Interior design, food service equipment expendables, back-of-house equipment, miscellaneous systems, contingency Development



Fees (architectural, engineering, consultant, legal, accounting, project management, development, franchise) Payments (feasibility studies, insurance, soils tests, surveys) Contingency Financing Pre-opening Salaries, training, advertising, promotion, office expenses Working Capital Reserve for Operating Shortfall 12 35 810 34

Note: A good starting point for cost information on franchises is the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC) available from the franchisor. Many franchisors provide fairly detailed cost estimates for their various products, providing breakdowns of costs for not only the building but a number of the systems required by the UFOC.

*Excluding land, which can be 10 to 20 percent of the final total. Exhibit is based on data prepared for Cornell University courses by Richard A. Penner. POM usually the larger of the two. The POM account includes all labor and fringe benefit costs in the maintenance department, maintenance supplies and expend ables, and all contract maintenance costs. Labor and fringe benefit costs are usually about one half of the POM expenditure. The utilities account includes electricity, fuel, steam, and water. The major ele ment of the utilities expenditure is electricity. Fuel includes such items as natural gas, oil, and propane. A steam cost is generally incurred by hotels (and a few resorts) that derive their heating energy from steam purchased from a local district heating system or from a central heating plant for those in mixed use complexes. Water costs include potable (drinkable) water purchases and sewage charges.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 3 North American Restaurant Capital Costs ( $ per Square Foot )
Quick/ Limited Service 47 254 30 32 75 22 Cafeteria 40 220 31 32 75 25


Cost Category Base Building Construction and FF&E Smallwares and Pre-opening Parking Land

Restaurant 37 217 32 32 75 30

Approximate Gross Square Feet Per Seat

Sources: Cornell University course materials prepared by Professor Jan deRoos; data from Cini Little International; Means Construction Cost Estimates (1999).

Exhibit 4

U.S. Hotel POM and Utilities Costs: 1998 Median Values

Percentage of Revenue POM Utilities 3.6 4.9 3.3 3.7 2.9 Cost per Available Room ($) POM 2053 864 3870 1321 3000 Utilities 1519 729 2235 1146 1852

Full-Service Hotels Limited-Service Hotels Resort Hotels All-suite Hotels Convention Hotels
Source: Trends in the Hotel Industry

4.8 5.8 5.6 4.3 4.6

USA Edition (San Francisco: PFK Consulting, 1999).

The high absolute cost of POM for various types of properties will generally correlate with initial construction costs. That is, the more you spend to build the property, the more you spend to maintain it. Utilities expenditures also vary by type of property, but not as greatly as the POM expenditure. A U.S. full service hotel has an average expenditure of 8.4 percent of revenues for POM and utilities, while a limited service hotel averages 10.7 percent of revenues for these services. The manager who effectively controls utilities and maintenance expenses can contribute both significant dollar amounts to the bot tom line (especially at larger properties) and a potentially significant percentage to property profits (possibly even turning a losing operation into a profit center). While we will deal primarily with lodging facilities, information about restau rants provides an interesting contrast with that of hotels, as shown in Exhibit 5. The repair and maintenance (R&M) costs for restaurants do not include labor, since these are included in the overall operation labor account; for hotels, the R&M (POM) account includes labor. This is one reason for the restaurant facilities maintenance value being as low as it is. And restaurants are actually more energy


Chapter 1 U.S. Restaurant POM and Utilities Costs: 1998 Median Values
Percentage of Revenue POM Utilities 3.2 2.6 3.4 Cost per Seat ($) POM 84 94 139 Utilities 178 171 255

Exhibit 5

Full-Service Restaurants Check under $10 Check over $10 Limited Sevice Restaurants

1.5 1.6 1.8

Source: 1999 Operations Report, National Restaurant Association, Washington, D.C., and Deloitte

& Touche, Los Angeles, Calif., 1999.

(utilities) intensive than hotels, consuming more energy per unit of floor area than almost any form of commercial building. However, they also generate more reve nue per unit area than almost any kind of commercial building. This is why the percentage of revenue expended for utilities (and R&M) is as low as it is. Factors to Consider. An often debated question concerning hotel utilities and POM expenditures is the degree to which these costs vary with hotel occupancy. Any discussion of this issue should consider a couple of points. First, utilities costs are influenced by occupancy, but the building is heated or cooled (at least some what) and much of the equipment is operated whether the building is occupied or not. Weather plays a much larger role in determining energy costs. Sometimes occupancy and energy needs are correlated, and sometimes they are not. A resort in the southwest United States may see occupancy peak in the winter, a time of lower outside temperatures and therefore lower cooling needs than in the summer. A ski resort located in Colorado may see peak heating requirements and occu pancy exactly coincide. It is possible that as much as 80 percent of a facility's utili ties costs can be fixed, that is, unaffected by occupancy. Second, while the usage of the building and systems during periods of high occupancy clearly creates increasing needs for maintenance, the high occupancy itself may make it difficult to perform the maintenance. Management may choose to delay maintenance (and therefore expenditure) until periods of lower occupancy. While this tactic may frustrate managers hoping to cut costs when occupancy is low, it is hard to find the time to perform needed maintenance when occupancy is high. During such periods, rooms are occupied, equipment is heavily used, and the maintenance staff lacks the access it needs. Periods of low occupancy are a good time for maintenance staff to deal with backlogged work, shut off systems, and get behind the walls." Management needs to be aware of this and to plan accordingly, especially in budget preparation. Estimates of the percentage of fixed POM costs range from 50 to 75 percent. Exhibit 6 shows the percentage of revenue and expenditures (in equivalent U.S. dollars) for POM and utilities for various locations around the world. The highest expenditures for POM are in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The highest

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 6 International Hotel POM and Utilities Costs: 1998 Median Values
Percentage of Revenue Region Asia Africa and Middle East Australia and New Zealand South America North America Europe World POM 5.7 5.4 3.6 5.9 5.1 4.3 4.7 Utilities 5.6 3.3 2.0 4.6 3.6 2.7 3.4 Cost per Available Room ($) POM 2035 2168 1691 1680 1944 1763 1846 Utilities 2010 1324 968 1325 1401 1108 1315


Source: 1999 Worldwide Hotel Industry Study, Horwath International, New York.

expenditures for utilities are in Asia. As a percentage of revenue, South America has the highest POM expenditures, with Asia a close second. Asia clearly has the highest utilities cost as a percentage of revenue. Australia and New Zealand have the lowest expenditures in each category. Each of these regions has specific locations where costs are substantially greater than these median values. For example, Malaysia reports expenditures of 13 percent of revenues for utilities and the Dominican Republic 9 percent. Other countries reporting POM values substantially in excess of their regional values include Malaysia (8.2 percent), Colombia (7.7 percent), Dominican Republic (7.5 percent), Argentina (7.2 percent), and Mexico (7.0 percent). Therefore, it is quite likely that some locations around the world can expect POM and utilities to con sume as much as 15 percent of revenues. The POM and utility figures cited here are snapshots of where the industry was in the late 1990s. Where the industry will stand in the future regarding these costs is unknown, but it is likely costs will escalate at rates higher than the rela tively low rates of the 1990s. In Exhibits 4 through 6, data about hotel and restaurant properties are pre sented either on a per room basis (for hotels) or on a per seat basis (for restau rants). While this approach produces interesting comparisons, it can create problems when comparing two properties. First, despite the fact that much energy usage is fixed, some of the utilities and POM expense will be related to occupancy or cover levels. Comparing properties without controlling for occupancy or cover differences may lead to incorrect conclusions. Another problem arises when large differences exist in the business mixes of the two properties. If a hotel has a large banquet business and all the related facili ties, its expenditures, when expressed per available room, will look high compared to a facility with the same number of rooms but without the banquet business. The commercial building sector expresses its costs for utilities and POM on a cost per square foot basis. This is probably a better way in that much of these costs


Chapter 1

are more related to building area. Most hotel energy management programs use this measure, although it is somewhat rare for measuring POM expenses. Other factors to consider when comparing two facilities are the ages of the facilities, types of building systems, local utility rates, local labor rates, and identi fiable differences in construction (such as single versus double glazed windows).

The Costs of Renovation and Modernization

One large expenditure category that is clearly facilities related is that of capital expenditures, or CapEx. CapEx includes not simply the replacement of worn out furniture, finishes, and soft goods CapEx must also cover wear and tear, obsoles cence, regulatory requirements such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and life safety, franchise product demands, changing technology, market demand for product change, and replacement and renovations of building components and heavy equipment."3 Recognition of the unique and expensive nature of CapEx, planning for its needs, and managing its implementation represent a significant portion of the facilities manager's duties, especially as buildings age. Historically, management contracts for lodging facilities provided for three to four percent of revenue in what was often called a reserve for replacement account. This percentage was sometimes lower during the first couple of years after open ing, because these years were often not profitable. The low percentage level of the reserve conveyed confusing signals to ownership about the actual costs and timing of CapEx over the life of the facility. CapEx can range from near zero to as much as 30 percent of revenue in a given year, something not conveyed by a small fixed per centage number. Some industry consultants believe the poor planning for CapEx was a major reason for the operating losses and bankruptcies the industry experi enced in the early 1990s."4 Estimates of CapEx needs for well maintained proper ties (where capital expenditures do not also have to compensate for neglected ongoing maintenance) indicate that, over a full service hotel's first 30 years of life, CapEx will approximately equal and may exceed seven percent of total gross reve nues. Exhibit 7 illustrates the wide variation in this expenditure over the first 30 years of product life. Facilities managers can assist owners and operators in becoming aware of these needs and planning accordingly.

The Impact of Facility Design on Facility Management

Good design can clearly increase a hotel's top line performance, as evidenced by the ability to command higher room rates and increased revenue. Good design also helps build a better bottom line by reducing staffing costs, energy costs, and operations and maintenance expenses Poor design can accelerate a hotel's physical and functional obsolescence, thereby decreasing it value. When valuing hotels, we look closely at operating costs that are out of line with the norm. If the hotel is under performing, the problem may be inherent in the building's design."5

Our primary focus is on managing rather than designing facilities. Nonetheless, a facility's design will clearly dictate the scope of the facility management function. The role of facility design, then, can be understood by focusing on such factors as:

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 7

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
0.5 4.7 0.9 4.7 0.9 4.7 5.2 9.9 16.8 14.6 10.9 17.2 17.8 16.2


Capital Expenditures as a Percentage of Revenue by Year


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Source: Gregory A. Denton, Managing Capital Expenditures," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant

Administration Quarterly, April 1998, pp. 30 37.

Facility components Facility layout Materials Methods and types of construction Equipment Systems

Components and Layout

The facility components dictate the needs for facility maintenance, renovation, and operation. The presence of recreational facilities, kitchens, food and beverage out lets, convention space, meeting rooms, and extensive landscaped grounds will all create maintenance needs. Layout also affects maintenance needs. A high rise structure generally has more complex building systems and concerns. In addition, high rise facilities bring needs and costs for such items as elevator maintenance and window cleaning. Low rise facilities that spread over multiple acres, such as those found at some resorts, create maintenance needs for transportation equipment and long travel times around the facility.

Materials, Methods, and Types of Construction

The materials used in a building will affect not only the maintenance needs, but also renovation needs and such operating costs as energy and insurance. Most


Chapter 1

seasoned hospitality personnel (and a number of homeowners) have experienced maintenance problems caused by poor material selection for example, slippery flooring material, siding that is not suitable for the local climate, or premature product failure due to a defect. Problems caused by materials increase mainte nance costs. They often can be solved only by capital investments. They also affect the operation of several departments. The methods of construction used for a building also will affect maintenance, renovation, and operation. If the building is well constructed, the maintenance manager's duties will in fact focus primarily on maintenance. However, if the methods used in construction were substandard, the maintenance manager may quickly be forced into the construction business. Actual examples of substandard construction and its consequences include, but unfortunately are not limited to, the following: A poorly installed roof soon began to leak, requiring replacement of walls and ceilings as well as more cosmetic changes. Poor construction of the exterior skin of a hotel subject to driving rainstorms in a hot, humid climate allowed moisture to enter the skin and flow along the dividing walls between guestrooms. This led to mold, mildew, and deteriora tion of the walls. Not too many years ago, hotels in the southeast United States failed to prop erly insulate water pipes. This resulted in massive failure due to freezing. In a Midwestern hotel, unapproved changes made to the building's design during construction resulted in the collapse of a walkway and the deaths of scores of people. A new urban hotel was built with knockdown (multi piece) doorframes rather than one piece doorframes. The frames sagged, aligned poorly, and caused operating problems with locks. Panicked guests often found themselves unable to leave their rooms.

Besides the problems that can result from substandard design and construc tion, the type of construction itself can affect the costs of the physical plant. A wood frame structure will have higher insurance rates than a masonry one. An exterior surface that requires painting will have higher maintenance costs than one that does not. A facility with plaster walls will cost more to repair than one with dry wall. The retrofit of sprinkler systems in older buildings will be easier if a drop ceil ing is in place in the guestroom corridor rather than just a finished slab. Facilities with poorly insulated exterior walls and roofs and inefficient windows will all have higher than average utility costs.

The equipment installed at the facility will have an impact on the need for mainte nance. An island resort operating its own electrical generators, desalination plant for fresh water, sewage treatment facility, and large refrigerated storages will

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 8 Equipment Service Life
Median Years Equipment Item Median Years 25 27 20 20 17 30 20 25 20 15 20 20 15 24 20 20 23 23 Equipment Item


Equipment Item

Median Years

Air conditioners Window unit . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Residential single or split package . . . . . . . . . 15 Commercial throughthe-wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Water-cooled package . . 15 Heat pumps Residential air-to-air . . . . 15 Commercial air-to-air . . . 15 Commercial waterto-air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Roof-top air conditioners Single-zone . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Multizone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Boilers, hot water (steam) Steel water-tube . . . 24 (30) Steel fire-tube . . . . . 25 (25) Cast iron . . . . . . . . . . 35 (30) Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Burners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Furnaces Gas- or oil-fired . . . . . . . . 18 Unit heaters Gas or electric . . . . . . . . . 13 Hot water or steam . . . . . 20 Radiant heaters Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Source: 1991 ASHRAE Handbook

Hot water or steam . . . . . Air terminals Diffusers, grilles, and registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Induction and fan-coil units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VAV and double-duct boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duct work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fans Centrifugal . . . . . . . . . . . . Axial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ventilating roofmounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coils DX, water, or steam . . . . Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat exchangers Shell-and-tube . . . . . . . . . Reciprocating compressors . . . . . . . . . Package chillers Reciprocating . . . . . . . . . Centrifugal . . . . . . . . . . . . Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cooling towers Galvanized metal . . . . . . Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceramic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air-cooled condensers . . . Evaporative condensers . . Insulation Molded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blanket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumps Base-mounted . . . . . . . . . Pipe-mounted . . . . . . . . . Sump and well . . . . . . . . . Condensate . . . . . . . . . . . Reciprocating engines . . . Steam turbines . . . . . . . . . . Electric motors . . . . . . . . . . Motor starters . . . . . . . . . . . Electric transformers . . . . . Controls Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valve actuators Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . . . Self-contained . . . . . . . . .

20 20 34 20 20 20 24 20 10 10 15 20 30 18 17 30 20 16 15 15 20 10

HV Applications (Atlanta, Ga.: ASHRAE, 1991), p. 33.3. AC

clearly have greater and more complex maintenance needs than will a suburban 100 room economy motel. Equipment concerns that will affect maintenance and operating needs involve such issues as equipment durability, lifetime, repairability, efficiency, and accessibility. Durability and Lifetime. Some equipment is clearly designed with a throwaway mindset a light bulb, for example. Other equipment may be suitable for residen tial use, but not durable enough to last under constant usage. The nature of the hospitality environment mandates the use of commercial duty equipment for such items as vacuum cleaners. Information about equipment lifetime and maintenance cost can be helpful in understanding maintenance needs and in planning equip ment purchases. Lifetime data for building equipment are presented in Exhibit 8. The figures shown are median values. This means that, in a large sample of the products, one half of the sample would have failed in the period listed. These data illustrate the variations in the life of equipment commonly found in commercial buildings. The data also point out the potentially large number of expensive items that will


Chapter 1

need to be replaced 10 to 20 years after they are installed. This has major implica tions for property capital and maintenance expenditures. The information in Exhibit 8 does not mean that the equipment cannot con tinue operating beyond the times given. With a good maintenance program, the life of the equipment can be prolonged somewhat. However, as the equipment reaches and exceeds this expected service life, management should anticipate more frequent failures and a need to invest additional labor and materials to keep the equipment operational. Repairability. The repairability of equipment involves several issues. Property staff can repair some equipment, while other equipment clearly requires the ser vices of specially trained mechanics. This is one of the reasons 50 percent or more of the POM account is expended on items other than payroll. The decision to repair or replace an item involves several factors. Equipment near its expected life is probably not worth repairing unless the repair will result in a large extension of its life. In addition, the repair of equipment sometimes reduces the efficiency of the equipment. An electric motor, for example, is generally less efficient when it is rewound. Repairability also depends on the availability of parts and the ability to remove equipment from service while it is repaired. Some operators have pur chased imported equipment and discovered that service and parts were virtually impossible to get domestically. Though operators of off shore facilities often face such problems, this distressing and costly experience has happened even region ally within the United States. This is one good reason to check on service and parts availability and quality before you sign the purchase agreement. The repair of equipment (and facilities) must never jeopardize safety. Equip ment (and facilities) should not be repaired in a way that bypasses, disables, or compromises safety features. A repaired electric cord with the grounding plug removed, a repaired lawnmower without a discharge guard, or a repaired fan with its belt guard removed may function properly, but each is a potential safety hazard to both employees and guests. One hotel repaired" a leaking roof by installing a false guestroom ceiling below. Eventually, the true ceiling collapsed and killed a guest sleeping in the bed below. The lesson is clear. Safety first. Efficiency. Selecting equipment with efficiency in mind involves being aware of the life cycle implications of equipment decisions. Some pieces of equipment have operating costs per year that are two to four times their purchase price for exam ple, a water heater for the laundry. Others, like incandescent light bulbs, will cost 30 to 50 times more to operate than their initial cost. Therefore, choosing a more efficient piece of equipment at a higher initial cost could provide some real payback. Management sometimes finds itself with inefficient equipment that was pur chased to keep the initial cost of the building on budget. While there may be no immediate remedy to this problem, the worst decision management can make is to choose the same inefficient equipment when a replacement is required. Understanding the factors that contribute to the efficiency of various types of equipment can help you make wise purchase decisions.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


Accessibility. Accessibility to equipment is essential to ensuring proper mainte nance. A few years ago, one of the major auto manufacturers built a car that required partial removal of the engine to change spark plugs! In another case, a water heater was boxed in behind a paneled wall in a private residence. Though defying common sense, these things can and do happen. And building design and equipment location are not exempt. While it is tempting to squeeze mechanical space to reduce building costs, the result can be a near disaster for future mainte nance. Maintenance staff may forget equipment located in remote areas with diffi cult access, either accidentally or deliberately.

The types of systems found in a building will clearly affect facility management needs. Older buildings with steam heating systems need experts who specialize in this type of equipment maintenance. Local codes may even require such buildings to have on site boiler operators. Newer facilities often use hot water for heat dis tribution, reducing the need for maintenance in general and eliminating the need for boiler operators altogether. To provide guests the option of regulating heating and cooling of their guest rooms and to avoid using through the wall packaged room units, many hotels choose centralized (fan coil) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units for guestrooms. In contrast with packaged units, centralized units have a large amount of additional equipment besides what is in the guestroom, but, from a cost to operate perspective, are much more efficient. Constituting these units are boilers, chillers, cooling towers, pumps, and a variety of control devices. All of these components will need specialized maintenance and will incur costs consis tent with that level of maintenance expertise. Systems installed in modern buildings can be quite complex. Computers often must interpret input from a number of sensors in order to control the operation of various pieces of equipment. In addition, the systems are themselves integrated, with the operation of one having an influence on the other. For example, a building fire control system and a building HVAC system may both want to control the operation of certain pieces of equipment, while the building energy management system may want to turn this equipment off. Introduction of new systems, such as cable or satellite TV and computers, and the addition of increasingly sophisticated entertainment venues to casino hotels and other facilities have increased facilities related needs. This trend is certain to continue. Today the installation of international standard data network (ISDN) lines for Internet access and of increasingly sophisticated locking and control technology for guestroom security is broadening the sphere of maintenance knowledge and activity. Landscaping features using precision controlled (comput erized) fountains and lights are increasingly being used. What the future may see in terms of new systems in buildings and the maintenance implications of these new systems could truly redefine the skills set of today's facilities engineer. (Imag ine the building and other systems necessary to launch the much discussed era of Space Tourism!)


Chapter 1

Management's Responsibilities
The management of facilities is not the responsibility of just the building engineer. While this person has budgetary responsibility for utility, POM, and often CapEx funds, these funds are really spent to provide services for the guests and for the other departments in the operation. And the actions and expectations of other departments relative to facilities need to be the same as those in the facilities area if the customers paying and internal are to have their needs met. Since all manag ers and departments are involved with facilities to some degree, understanding the responsibilities and priorities of facilities management is a shared need. We can think of the responsibility of facilities management as involving four major areas: Safety and security Legal and regulatory compliance Service Cost control

Safety is always the first concern; legality is tied for second with customer service."6 The responsibilities of facilities managers as to safety and security are numerous. Facilities staff are often responsible for the proper operation of building systems installed specifically to provide a safe and secure environment. These include fire protection systems, water purification and treatment systems, and locking and security systems. In addition, the proper repair and operation of a variety of building equipment and systems are required to ensure safety. Examples here include such items as ensuring furniture is in good repair and that no electri cal shorts exist in lamps and around pool areas. Safety and security also involve the standards, methods, and procedures used to maintain and care for the facility. Facilities employees need to safely conduct their work following procedures that do not endanger themselves or others. And, with ongoing renovation at many properties, the safety of the facility and its guests as part of the renovation construction zone" is also an important consideration. Legal compliance includes attention to local building codes, health depart ment regulations, emissions and environmental requirements (including such items as mandatory recycling), and such issues as ADA mandates. The need for legal and regulatory compliance is driven not only out of a need to comply with laws at a variety of levels but also by contracts entered into by the property. To remain valid, equipment warranties may mandate certain maintenance require ments. Management contracts and franchise agreements may also require specific levels of maintenance and refurbishment. And agreements with tour providers may stipulate certain levels of maintenance, environmental performance, and availability of amenities and services. By design and in practice, the facilities department is a service operation. Facilities staff provide services to the guests, to other departments, and directly and indirectly to the owner of the building. The level of maintenance and care of the facility should contribute positively to the guests' experience. There are

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


numerous ways in which a well maintained facility can contribute in a positive manner and possibly more ways in which a poorly maintained facility can create a negative experience. More often than not, guests make their comments about the facility to employees of another department. The impact of the facilities depart ment is felt throughout the operation and can boost or impair productivity and quality in other departments. Properly operating equipment allows staff in depart ments such as housekeeping, food service, and laundry to perform their tasks quickly and efficiently. Finally, the efforts of the facilities staff in caring for the overall physical plant provide an important asset management and protection service to the building owner. Facilities professionals represent the long term interests of the owner by preserving his or her investment and contributing to the monetary appreciation of the building. Cost control has high priority in the activities of the facilities department; at times, it is top priority. Costs over which the facilities manager can exercise some control are utilities (fuel, electricity, water, and related items), maintenance and operations (including labor, materials, and contracts), and capital expenditures (including furniture, fixtures, and equipment [FF&E] and major building equip ment and systems replacement). Controlling the costs of each major category requires attention to differing issues and can, at times, be in conflict with each other. For example, if an operation focuses too intensely on the control of capital expenses, there may be a rise in maintenance operations expenses and energy deriving from repairing rather than replacing aging equipment and systems. Finally, the management contracts and franchise agreements that characterize so much of today's lodging and food service environment often make manage ment responsible for providing levels of facility maintenance. Let's look at these in more detail.

Management Contracts and Franchise Agreements

Management contracts may require management to fund reserves for future main tenance and repair needs, to solicit the owner's approval before making building related expenditures, and to report to the owner regarding how funds are used. A requirement that the operator fund reserves for replacement of FF&E is a common provision of management contracts. Less common are reserves established for non FF&E repairs. Exhibit 9 presents two sample clauses. In the 1990s, management contracts underwent some significant changes, as owners were able to garner more control. These changes, as described in the side bar by James J. Eyster, a leading expert on these contracts, bring replacement reserves more in line with actual expenditures and require operators to analyze and document proposed expenditures. Under terms of most management contracts, the operator generally needs the owner's approval to spend the reserves. Getting this approval can be a difficult point of negotiation when the operator and the owner disagree over whether a cer tain expenditure should come from the POM budget, the reserve account, or the owner's capital. If the expenditure is categorized as a POM item, it will decrease income before fixed charges (or another profit line) and may therefore decrease the


Chapter 1 Sample Management Contract Clauses

Exhibit 9

Reserve for Replacement of Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Owner shall establish and maintain a separate account to be known as Reserves for Capital Improvements and Replacements of and Additions to Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment, for use solely for capital improvements and replacement of, and additions to, furniture and equipment so as to maintain the Hotel in a first-class condition.


Reserve for Structural Repairs Operator shall establish, in respect of each Fiscal Year during the term of this Agreement, a reserve cash amount from which shall be drawn funds for structural or extraordinary equipment repairs, replacement, or maintenance at the discretion of Owner. During each Fiscal Year of the Agreement, funds shall be transferred into the Structural Component Reserve in accordance with the following percentages: (a) None (0%) for all Fiscal Years through and including the Fiscal Year in which the Renovation Program is completed; and (b) One half of one percent (0.5%) in each full Fiscal Year thereafter.

Source: Stephen Rushmore, Hotel Investments & Lamont, 1990), pp. A3 10, A3 12.

A Guide for Lenders and Owners (Boston: Warren Gorman

management fee (if it is based on financial performance rather than a flat fee). On the other hand, if the expenditure is categorized as a capital or reserve item, income before fixed charges is not affected and the management fee will be higher. This is a financial basis for debate and potential conflict between owners and man agement. Similar disagreement can occur regarding contract services, which are also covered in management contracts. Issuing contracts for emergency" services may become a point of friction when operators and owners have different definitions of what constitutes an emergency. For example, the owner and operator may disagree over whether a given amount of flooding in the building should be handled by current staff or treated as an emergency calling for contract service. The management contract will generally contain provisions specifically assigning responsibility for the operator to perform needed repairs, replacements, and improvements. These clauses may contain limitations based on dollar amounts or a percentage of revenue, may contain provisions for owner approval of expenditures, and may allow the owner the option of performing the work using outside contractors. The contract may also specify guidelines for determining whether the expenditure will be considered a POM, reserve, or capital item. Negotiating and interpreting these clauses is a challenging task. As operating margins tighten, owners become more reluctant to authorize capital expenditures and may even question repair and maintenance expenditures. Conflict results, especially when the pressure on economic performance is caused by the entry of new or renovated facilities into the marketplace. These problems can have major effects on the condition of the physical plant and on the options available to meet perceived needs.7

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


The Funding of Reserves

The basis for funding replacement reserves for furniture, fixtures, and equipment has generally increased in recent years to better match actual expenditures. Most contracts base the initial calculation of annual reserve amounts on at least three percent of gross revenues. The base is stepped up to five percent after the first several years of operation. The issue of whether the owner funds all or a partial amount of the reserve remains a topic of strenuous negotiation. Owners want the reserve funds to be on call, while operators want all or a significant portion of the funds to be placed in escrow. Often a management-discretion slush fund is established for minor expenditures for operators to use without obtaining owner approval. Owners frequently require approval of competitive bids on all reserve-forreplacement requests and cost-benefit analyses on major expenditures over a negotiated amount. Since significant owner-operator differences can exist in classifying expenditures as repairs and maintenance on one hand or as capital expenditures on the other, recently negotiated contracts often contain appendices describing in detail what types of expenditures are to be classified in each of the two categorieswith the arbitrator making the decision for items contested or not included. Owners and operators both are negotiating for additional capital expenditure budgets separate from the reserve-for-replacement. The funding base for such capital-expenditure budgets is usually one to two percent of gross revenues. Operators seeking to spend those budgets are required to submit cost-benefit analyses for owners approval or disapproval. Operators have the right to expend funds without owners approval in emergencies and for situations involving health, safety, licensure, law, or brand compliance. Many owners require that operators submit three-to five-year plans for replacement and capital improvement with the annual budgets. These plans permit the owner and the operator to focus on the upcoming years priorities, which often compete and change during the year. The two parties agree in general terms to the expenditures at the beginning of the year, but before the expenditure is made the operator submits actual bids with supporting documentation for the owners approval.
Source: James J. Eyster, Hotel Management Contracts in the U.S.," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, June 1997, p. 30.

Franchise agreements also establish important requirements for property operation and maintenance. Most franchisors require that facilities be developed and operated in accordance with the franchisors' operating manuals. These manu als establish minimum standards and requirements for constructing, equipping, furnishing, supplying, operating, maintaining, and marketing the establishment. Exhibit 10 presents sample phrasing that might be used.

Responsibilities of the Facilities Department

A complete discussion of the responsibilities of the facilities department in hotels can be quite involved. The following discussion briefly illustrates the potential scope of duties and responsibilities of the facilities staff. Not all operations require all of these, and in some instances, the responsibility may be given to another department.


Chapter 1 Sample Franchise Agreement Clause

Exhibit 10

Licensees Duties Operate, furnish, maintain, and equip the hotel and related facilities in a first-class manner in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Operating Manual, in conformity to the high service, moral, and ethical standards of the System, and in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws, customs, and regulations, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, maintaining and conducting its business in accordance with sound business and financial practice.

Systems and Building Design. It is highly beneficial to have the facilities manager for a new facility provide input regarding building systems and building design from a facilities perspective. This will help to ensure that the facility has been designed with maintenance and operating costs in mind and that the facilities manager is as knowledgeable as possible about the systems and components of the building. Systems and Building Commissioning. When the actual construction work on the building or system is complete, a commissioning and startup process should be implemented. Commissioning is the quality assurance facet of systems installa tion. It is a process for achieving, verifying, and documenting the performance of each system to meet the operational needs of the building, within the capability of the documented design and specified equipment capacities, according to the own er's functional criteria. It is a process that ensures the quality of the installation."8 Typical of the elements of commissioning HVAC and water systems is what is referred to as TAB testing, adjusting, and balancing. Building and System Operations. Building and system operations are the day to day activities that ensure the building and its systems continue to operate as intended and provide needed services. To the operators of the facility, this means attention to details, such as proper operation of doors and locks, resetting circuit breakers when appropriate, making sure meeting room schedules are entered into the building management computer system, and a host of other seemingly small but meaningful activities. In the best circumstances, these activities are transpa rent everything is working when it should and it becomes invisible to those receiving the resulting service. Building Maintenance. The building structure and components are a significant investment and serve as the first line of protection for the building's occupants and contents. Facilities staff need to pay attention to the building structures' needs. Ele ments such as roofing, exterior surfaces, windows, driveways and parking areas, and steps all require regular inspection, maintenance, and other care. Your build ing's exterior is the first image guests are exposed to; its appearance has a strong influence on their impression of your operation.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


Guestroom, Furnishings, and Fixtures Maintenance. The importance of the guest room, its physical condition, and the proper operation of the equipment serving it cannot be overstated. Regular guestroom preventive maintenance three to four times a year is a signature responsibility of maintenance that helps make the guest experience a positive one. Equipment Maintenance and Repair. Property facilities contain a vast and varied amount of equipment whose proper operation requires maintenance and repair by facilities staff or by suppliers contracted by facilities staff. Also, facilities staff are often responsible for maintenance and repair of equipment used in or by other departments, such as housekeeping, laundry, and food and beverage. Equipment Selection and Installation. The equipment operated in hospitality opera tions changes over time. As new food service, laundry, and other equipment is acquired, it is important that facilities staff be involved in its selection and installa tion. Facilities staff involvement helps ensure that the equipment is suitable, that its installation can be accomplished cost effectively, and that its ongoing mainte nance can be performed efficiently and in a cost effective manner. Contract Management. A host of facilities services are provided by outside contrac tors. Managing the contracts and contractors for these services is important if costs are to be controlled and the necessary services provided. Facilities managers are central to providing contractor oversight and coordinating and negotiating contract responsibilities. Utilities Management. The task of utilities management is one of growing complex ity and opportunity. Facilities professionals are increasingly finding they have a broader field of utility service vendors from which to choose. Evaluating the cost, dependability, and service levels of each calls for even more managerial decisions than before. Moreover, decisions need to be made about how to control costs of services once they are purchased. And, for water in particular, some utilities man agers may find they have potential curtailment or shortage issues to contend with, which may also involve regulatory restrictions with significant cost penalties for over consumption. Finally, with utilities management now a key component of the growing environmental consciousness arena, compliance, conservation, and com munication become priority issues for facilities staff and management. Waste Management. The facilities department usually is charged with the task of managing waste; its cost is usually in the facilities budget, facilities staff possess the knowledge of the regulatory environment, and facilities professionals have traditionally taken on this task, sometimes even viewing it as a way to reduce the operation's environmental impact. Budgeting and Cost Control. Facilities professionals must be able to plan and bud get for their financial needs (utilities, POM, and CapEx), properly explain and jus tify these needs, and control the expenditures in all areas under their purview. With 15 to 20 percent of property revenue budgeted for these categories, proper management skills are clearly needed.


Chapter 1

Security and Safety. Contributions involving security and safety are twofold. First, the facilities department must be sure its own staff are working in a safe manner. Second, facilities staff must do all that is appropriate to ensure a safe and secure environment for other employees and for the guests. These responsibilities can range from attention to the building and grounds to the proper operation of secu rity and locking systems. Contractual and Regulatory Compliance. Many elements of facilities operations come under regulatory oversight. Examples include fire codes, building codes, sanitary codes, and environmental regulations. In addition, franchise agreements and management contracts along with contracts with customers have elements requiring actions involving the facility. Parts Inventory and Control. The potentially large number of specialized parts and equipment needed for facilities operations requires that inventory be adequately controlled. Because much of this inventory is also usable outside the building, con trol of inventory is needed to prevent theft as well as to ensure that parts and mate rials are available when needed. Renovations, Additions, and Restorations. Almost immediately upon opening a property, there begins an unending process of renovation, addition, and modifica tion. These can range from a minor installation of a bookshelf to the addition of a new guestroom tower. Involvement and coordination with the facilities depart ment of all these needs are critical. Since adequate service to guests and other departments cannot be jeopardized, maintaining high safety levels and controlling costs during these activities are a major concern of the facilities staff. Special Projects. Special projects include unexpected" tasks that fall to facilities staff and those tasks that meet unique guest demands and needs. Building custom facilities for performances and special events, configuring lighting and sound sys tems, creating special effects, and a host of other unique demands provide not only the opportunity to be resourceful and creative, but generate new streams of reve nue for the property. Staff Training. The continued education and training of departmental staff is essen tial to orient new employees and learn emerging and changing technologies. Local technical institutions and vendors may offer training services that help facilities staff to update their skills consistent with advances in technology. Another important source for upgrading skills is internal training, in which property specific and general awareness issues such as OSHA requirements can be addressed. Emergency Planning and Response. Because of their knowledge of the facility and its systems, facilities staff play leadership roles in the property level emergency planning and response effort. Facilities staff are often key members of emergency response teams as well. If a catastrophe results in damage to the facility, the staff must be prepared to secure the facility from further damage and know the steps to take to restore the facility to operation.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


Corporate Reporting. Documenting the activities of the facilities department is important to the success of the operation, as it provides a living history of facilities related events. The facilities staff will have requirements for corporate reporting and measurement via benchmarking, based on their efforts to keep the facility operating regardless of systems, environmental, or natural problems. Staff will also be called upon to gather and report specific additional informa tion on facility maintenance, repair, and restoration and on compliance with internal and governmental requirements. These reports serve as the basis not only for recording system and facility breakdowns and slowdowns, but as repair and restoration guides for future reference in similar circumstances.

Facilities Managers in Lodging Operations

Individuals in charge of the lodging facility may have one of a variety of titles such as Director of Engineering, Chief Engineer, Director of Property Operations, or Director of Facilities. Their responsibilities vary as well. Small economy lodging operations have Directors of Engineering (DOE) who do much of the work them selves and require more technical than managerial skills. At larger properties and those with more elegant interiors, the DOE is much more of a manager, controlling a large budget and staff and working to accommodate more complicated demands. Facilities managers in lodging generally do not oversee housekeeping activi ties. They are also unlikely to oversee security, except at smaller properties. How ever, in the world of commercial buildings, housekeeping and security often report to the facility manager. The separation of these activities in lodging is not univer sal; some operations have initiated a management structure that has engineering and housekeeping reporting to a Director of Facilities staff person, though this is unusual. Lodging facilities managers are likely have some technical background gener ated in military service, contracting firms, or trade and technical schools. Manage rial skill development is largely on the job or derived from in house managerial seminars. Most property level managers do not hold four year engineering or tech nical degrees, having gained much of their knowledge through experience. Exhibit 11 summarizes the skills typically expected from a facilities director. The salaries of lodging facilities managers (chief engineers) are on the lower end compared with other members of the executive committee of the property, ranking 9 out of 11 nationwide, as shown in Exhibit 12. A significant trend seen in this exhibit is that the relative salary of chief engineers improves with the proper ty's average daily rate (ADR). Mid rate property chief engineer salaries rank 9 out of 11, first class 7 of 11, and luxury 6 of 11. This is perhaps reflective of the more significant role that facilities departments play and the care they take at higher end operations. Hourly employees in facilities are among the better paid staff at the properties. Facilities staffing varies with the age of the property, services offered, types of systems, commitment to in house versus contract services, and a host of other fac tors. Staffing levels of 2.5 to 4 facilities staff per 100 rooms covers the likely range.


Chapter 1 Summary of a Facilities Director's Position and Required Skills

Exhibit 11

Scope of Position Manages and coordinates the work of skilled engineering staff, placing particular emphasis on guest satisfaction and maintaining the property in good working condition. Position is responsible for supervising, managing, and overseeing the following departments: Maintenance Engineering Security

Position Requirements

Current on all safety and sanitation policies and procedures that affect the property. Familiar with chillers, cooling towers, chemical treatments, pneumatics, control systems, water systems, boilers, refrigeration, compressors, etc. Strong energy management background. Strong technical skills in HVAC, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, carpentry, etc.

Participative management style. Instill a can do attitude in employees. Use a hands-on approach to management. Demonstrate ability to lead by example. Ability to sell concepts and ideas to management, peers, and employees. Instill a guest service attitude in all employees. Clear, concise written and oral communication skills.

However, luxury and first class operations with large rooms and suites and exten sive grounds can have significantly more.

One goal of this chapter has been to drive home the importance of facilities in the hospitality industry. Some of the material about facilities is a bit technical, but then, the industry is increasingly so just look behind the front desk at most hotels! The manager who wants to control costs, create value for owners and stockholders, and have high departmental efficiency and productivity, happy guests, and a safe and secure operation should find this material helpful. The manager who lacks these concerns should probably look for another line of work. The services pro vided by a properly funded and well run maintenance department are of signifi cant value to the property. When it comes to facilities maintenance, you can pay now or pay more later.

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities Exhibit 12 Lodging Facilities Manager Salary Comparison
Average Base Compensation (1998) Position Chief Engineer Controller Director of Food and Beverage Director of Human Resources Director of Rooms Director of Sales and Marketing Director of Security Director of Management Information Systems Executive Housekeeper General Manager Resident Manager Nationwide $ 43,624 $ 55,938 $ 61,671 $ 50,576 $ 56,149 $ 62,749 $ 40,438 $ 48,559 $ 34,105 $ 77,950 $ 67,512 Mid-Rate $ 37,836 $ 48,185 $ 56,884 $ 45,545 $ 53,739 $ 52,285 $ 33,109 $ 45,955 $ 30,698 $ 66,486 $ 53,460 First-Class $ 50,408 $ 56,559 $ 62,476 $ 47,399 $ 56,266 $ 66,430 $ 41,384 $ 45,624 $ 40,174 $106,605 $ 77,311 Luxury $ 63,163 $ 70,516 $ 69,946 $ 47,383 $ 55,032 $ 86,382 $ 47,383 $ 50,132 $ 48,164 $ 129,356 $ 82,517


Source: 1998 Lodging Property Annual Report, Hospitality Compensaton Exchange, Mineola, New York.

1. Molly W. Berger, The Old High Tech Hotel," Invention & Technology, Fall 1995, p. 46. 2. Cheryl E. Kimes, How Product Quality Drives Profitability The Experience at Holiday Inn," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, June 2001, pp. 25 28. 3

ity, April 1995, p. 48.

Peggy Berg and Mark Skinner, CapEx: Do You Spend Enough?" Lodging Hospital

4. Peggy Berg and Tom French, CapEx in the `90s," Lodging, April 1995, p. 103. 5. Russell Kett, Managing Director of HVS International (London), quoted in Howard J. Wolfe, Maximizing the Top and Bottom Line by Design," Hotels Investment Outlook, September 1999, p. 68. 6. David G. Cotts, The Facility Management Handbook, 2d Ed. (New York: AMACON, 1998), p. 10. 7. Further information on management contracts may be found in James J. Eyster, The Negotiation and Administration of Hotel and Restaurant Management Contracts, 3d ed., (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1988). 8. ASHRAE, 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook, 1999, Chap. 41.


Chapter 1

Key Terms
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act. U.S federal legislation enacted in the early 1990s mandating that owners and operators of public facilities provide certain accommodations for individuals with disabilities as specified in the legislation. CapEx Capital expenditure. A major expenditure category in the hospitality industry covering replacement of worn out furniture, finishes, and soft goods; and wear and tear, obsolescence, regulatory requirements such as ADA and life safety, franchise product demands, changing technology, market demand for product change, and replacement and renovations of building components and heavy equipment. facilities management companies Companies with the expertise to provide ser vices such as housekeeping, grounds, and physical plant management to hospital ity companies, schools, universities, and various industries. FF&E Furniture, fixtures, and equipment, a major portion of CapEx. franchise agreement An agreement under which one entity that has developed a particular pattern or format for doing business the franchisor grants to another entity the franchisee the right to conduct such a business provided it follows the established pattern. HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The general term applied to a property's temperature management system. It includes heat and refrigerated air systems and attendant ductwork, airflow machinery, and control devices. management contract An agreement between the owner/developer of a prop erty and a professional hotel management company. The owner/developer usu ally retains the financial and legal responsibility for the property, and the management company receives an agreed upon fee for operating the facility. POM Property operation and maintenance. One of two principal cost entries (with utilities) in the hospitality industry detailing ongoing costs of operation fol lowing construction of the facility. R&M Repair and maintenance. Generally applied to costing procedures, R&M comprise the maintenance expenses incurred in the regular and unanticipated repair and maintenance of a property's physical assets. replacement reserves Cash reserves (the amount usually based on a percentage of gross revenues) set aside largely for maintenance and repair needs. Manage ment contracts commonly require that operators fund replacement reserves for FF&E. TAB Testing, adjusting, and balancing. In the building commissioning process, TAB is one of the verification elements that ensures the quality of the installation of systems in the facility (for example, the HVAC and water systems).

The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities


Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers www.appa.com Building Owners and Managers Association www.boma.com Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers UK www.cibse.org Energy Decisions www.facilitiesnet.com/energy decisions Energy User News www.energyusernews.com Facilities Net www.facilitiesnet.com/fm FM Data www.fmdata.com FMLINK www.fmlink.com Institute of Real Estate Management www.irem.org International Facilities Management Association www.ifma.com Today's Facility Manager http://www.facilitycity.com/tfm/

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

The ideal [engineer] is he who sees further than the mere production of power who also follows it to the logical conclusion: satisfactory service to the guest at the low est possible costs to the management. The engineer to succeed must be able to work with department heads and employees in departments that consume the products he manufactures. They must be impressed with the necessity for the engineer and his associates. Next to the manager I believe the engineer can serve as the most valuable man in the organization of a hotel that has a complete modern plant. The engineer in such an organization should be responsible for the physical upkeep of the house. Under his direction should be the electricians, plumbers, carpenters, decorators, masons, machinists, telephone men, laundry superintendent, silversmiths, and all engine room employees. He should be responsible for the inspection and mainte nance of every piece of mechanical equipment in the house. And it should be possible for him to requisition for whatever he needs in his department. His department should operate on a carefully prepared budget. He should at all times receive reports from the accounting department so that he will know where he stands. One of the greatest weaknesses in the American hotel system is the manager's failure to work more closely with the man who is responsible for the Heart of the House." In order to do so it is not necessary that he know all there is to know about different types of heating systems, refrigerating units, and ventilators. But he can learn the highlights about these in a few hours of study. An engineer does not expect a manager to know as much about engineering as he does, but he appreciates a sympathetic interest in his problems which after all are the manager's problems as well. Gaston Lauryssen, 19291

WHETHER it is 1929 or today, satisfactory service to the guest at the lowest pos

sible cost" and being able to work with department heads and employees in departments that consume the products he manufactures" remain the facility



Chapter 2

manager's goals. Achieving them requires the use of the correct managerial and physical tools and techniques, as well as continued attention to relevant trends and opportunities. In this chapter, we discuss the management of the facilities function, focusing on types of maintenance, maintenance management systems, budgeting, and personnel management. Our goal is that you, as a person applying a few hours of study," will develop an understanding and appreciation of management of operations within the Heart of the House."

Facilities Maintenance and Repair

A significant portion of the property operation and maintenance (POM) budget is consumed by maintenance and repair demands. Maintenance activities are those done to keep something in an existing state or to preserve something from failure or decline. Repair activities are those that restore something by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken. There is intrinsic value in functioning in a maintenance mode rather than in a repair mode. Using an appropriate mix of maintenance methods and capital expenditures is a sound approach to keeping repair to a minimum. But when repair is needed, the skills, parts, and even time should be available to allow the repair to be done in the most efficient manner, on time and within budget. The types of maintenance at any property can be grouped under a variety of labels. One possible grouping classifies maintenance types as routine, preventive, guestroom, scheduled, emergency/breakdown, and contract. Routine Maintenance. Routine maintenance is that which pertains to the gen eral upkeep of the property, recurs on a regular basis, and requires relatively mini mal skill or training to perform. Activities such as grass cutting, leaf raking, and snow shoveling are in this category, as are such housekeeping activities as carpet and floor cleaning. Preventive Maintenance. While some confusion seems to exist concerning pre ventive maintenance (often abbreviated PM), most practitioners agree that it has several common elements: inspections, lubrication, minor repairs or adjustments, and work order initiation. Preventive maintenance on equipment is generally per formed using manufacturers' information concerning maintenance needs as a guideline, coupled with a healthy dose of good mechanical knowledge and com mon sense. Preventive maintenance may also result from test and inspection activi ties that indicate action is needed. Guestroom Maintenance. A unique category found in the maintenance manu als of most hospitality firms, guestroom maintenance is actually a form of preven tive maintenance. It involves the inspection of a number of items in the guestroom, filter changes in air conditioning units, minor lubrication of doors and other equip ment, repair of obvious small problems, and, when needed, the initiation of a work order for more substantial problems or needs. Scheduled Maintenance. Certain forms of maintenance clearly require advance planning, a rather significant amount of time to perform, specialized tools and equipment, and high levels of coordination between departments. Scheduled maintenance includes preparing equipment for changes in the seasons (such

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


as draining cooling towers or winterizing pools) and other activities that are periodically required to keep equipment operating at an efficient level (such as descaling boilers and water heaters). It may also involve more substantial activi ties, such as replacing major equipment or equipment components or major ele ments of the building itself (such as a window). Scheduled maintenance activities usually involve more than inspection, sim ple cleaning, and lubrication as their primary activities, making them somewhat different from many preventive maintenance actions. Scheduled maintenance may require that major pieces of equipment be removed from service for several hours or longer. In addition, the needed repair may be costly and may be performed by contract service personnel for example, the repair of a leaking piece of refrigerant piping in a rooftop air conditioning unit. Scheduled maintenance activities may result from PM inspections when the maintenance worker notices a need for repair beyond the scope of PM. Another action that could be considered a form of scheduled maintenance is the replacement of equipment. Replacement sometimes requires only a minor amount of scheduling. For example, if a through the wall guestroom HVAC unit needs replacing, the maintenance staff probably needs access to the room only for about half an hour to remove the old unit and install the new one. On the other hand, if the item to be replaced happens to be all the windows at the property or the roof mounted HVAC unit for all the public space at the property, the time and scheduling issues may be critically important. Emergency and Breakdown Maintenance. For the lodging property, emergency and breakdown maintenance (referred to as corrective maintenance by some) have some important connotations. The emergency or breakdown forms of main tenance are those that either have an immediate revenue effect (the room is out of service and cannot be rented until the problem is solved) or are likely to have a rev enue effect if allowed to continue (the leaking pipe threatens the potential rentabil ity of guestrooms if not repaired, or the poorly operating food service refrigeration system will not properly chill food). These forms of maintenance are particularly costly for the operation because: They are usually solved only with the application of premium pay (overtime). They often bypass the traditional parts or supplies purchasing system, leading to premium parts cost. They often have other costs associated with their solution (for example, a leak ing pipe may also damage walls and ceilings).

Contract Maintenance. At all properties, the maintenance effort is a mix of in house and contract activities. Contract maintenance activities are undertaken for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to):
A desire to minimize the commitment of staff on the payroll to handle these needs. A recognition that special tools or licenses are required to perform the work effectively. A temporary staffing shortage.


Chapter 2 A need to deal with emergencies. A recognition that the complexity of the task is beyond the skills of the exist ing maintenance staff.

Elevator maintenance, trash haulage, window cleaning, kitchen duct cleaning, yard work, herbicide and pesticide application, water treatment, and HVAC con trol calibration are common contract maintenance services.

Maintenance Management Systems

To effectively manage the types of maintenance outlined above, the hospitality business uses a variety of maintenance management systems. The goals of these systems are: To handle the maintenance needs of the property effectively. To record essential information concerning the equipment and systems at the property. To establish standards for the performance of the maintenance workers. To provide the feedback necessary for management to assess the performance of the maintenance department and the status of work in this department.

This discussion of maintenance management systems uses a paper systems model. While it is relatively easy to visualize these systems, maintenance manage ment is increasingly being computerized. Computer systems are also discussed in this chapter. The work or repair order is one of the most commonly used maintenance management forms. Used to initiate requests for maintenance services, this very simple document (usually a sequentially numbered form) provides basic informa tion concerning the needed repair (room, nature of the problem, initiator of the request), a place for the name of the individual assigned to the task, and some area for this individual to respond when the task is completed. This response some times includes an estimate of time spent, material used, and other information that might be used for recordkeeping. Exhibit 1 is a sample work order. At smaller properties, the work orders may be issued from the front desk or from the housekeeping department. Front desk work orders are generally the result of comments or complaints received from guests. Housekeepers may gener ate work orders in response both to guest comments and to problems that come to their attention in the course of their duties. Some small properties consolidate all work orders in a log at the front desk, while others maintain separate logs in sev eral areas of the hotel. If logs are maintained, they can identify the overall activity in maintenance, the promptness of response, and the size of any backlog. Many maintenance manuals contain written instructions and flow charts that describe the steps to be taken when a need for maintenance arises. Exhibit 2 illus trates various potential initiators" of a maintenance need. In this instance, guests, housekeeping, quality assurance (QA) checks, preventive maintenance (PM) checks, and insurance or manager inspections may all identify the need to initiate a

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 1 Sample Maintenance Work Order


Courtesy of Hyatt Corporation

maintenance work order. Most of the steps result in some sort of log entry regard ing repair. A property contains many pieces of equipment. Since the continuity of infor mation from manager to manager or employee to employee cannot be expected, several types of written records are maintained concerning the building and equip ment. Equipment data cards are used for all major pieces of equipment to record facts and information of importance for maintenance purposes. Exhibit 3 is a sam ple of one such card. When a property is opened or a piece of equipment is pur chased, the equipment data card is completed using information from the equipment specifications, nameplates, and other sources. The equipment data card provides the maintenance staff with a summary of key facts and specifications that will assist them in making repairs and in determining correct operation of the equipment. Cards are also used to record maintenance performed on the equipment, as shown in Exhibit 4. Information contained on these maintenance log cards can be very helpful in determining if equipment is nearing (or has exceeded) its useful or design life. This information is especially helpful when making repair or replace decisions for a piece of equipment.

Exhibit 2

Maintenance Work Order Flow Chart


Guest Reports Problem Fill Out Out Of Order Slip Give Slip To Supervisor Place Slip In Repair File

Give Repairs Priority (Maint. Super.)

Dispatch Maintenance Worker

Log In Repair

Housekeeping Finds Problem

Q.A. Check

Notify Manager

Notify Maintenance

Maintenance Notifies Manager When Task Is Complete Log In Repair

Notify Q.A.

P.M. Check Log In Repair

Can Problem Be Corrected In-House? Call Outside Help

Insurance Inspection

Notify General Manager

Notify Repair & Maintenance

Maintenance Notifies Manager When Task Is Complete

Notify Loss Control

Inspection By Manager

Notify Maintenance

Maintenance Notifies Manager When Task Is Complete

Log In Repair Stop

Courtesy of Days Inns of America

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 3 Sample Equipment Data Card











Courtesy of Days Inns of America


Chapter 2 Sample Maintenance Log Card


Exhibit 4

Property No __________

Equip. ID No __________ Cost


Work Performed




Courtesy of Days Inns of America

Since a key element of the guest experience in hotels is the guestroom itself, some companies maintain information specifically concerning the guestrooms. Exhibit 5 is a sample room data card used to record information concerning an individual guestroom. This card contains information about the basic physical characteristics of the guestroom and data on all major elements of the room, whether fixed or movable. The merit of such information usually is not apparent until the need arises to replace some element of a guestroom. Also note that there is space for scheduling and verifying the preventive maintenance dates for the room. Besides the items contained on the first page of the room data card (usually referred to as FF&E, or furniture, fixtures, and equipment), the second page of the card contains information about the major HVAC and electrical services in the room. The equipment portion of the room card contains an area for entry of war ranty information (as does the equipment data card). For the newer property or for newly acquired equipment, this can be very useful and potentially valuable if maintenance problems arise during the warranty period. Another important recordkeeping system is the inventory record kept by maintenance. A large number of items go into the physical plant of a hospitality facility, many of which are listed on the equipment and room data cards. The choice of what to put into the maintenance inventory and how much of the item to stock affects the responsiveness of maintenance, the storage space needed for maintenance supplies, and the overall investment in the inventory. The need to maintain an inventory of supplies must not be overlooked when facilities are designed. Failure to consider this need results in a space shortage. It also leads to difficulty in locating inventory, because the supplies that do exist often must be stored in various nooks and crannies. This also contributes to inven tory loss or excess inventory. Establishing a formal inventory list for maintenance,

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 5 Sample Room Data Card






























Chapter 2

Exhibit 5 (continued)











Courtesy of Days Inns of America

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


stocking target levels for these items, and conducting periodic inventories of main tenance supplies helps ensure that what is needed is in stock and that excess sup plies are not acquired. Some chain establishments with relatively uniform physical plants develop inventory lists for their properties. Still, all properties need to develop their own lists to address the unique items needed at their facilities. Preventive maintenance schedules and instructions are certainly the backbone of the PM system. Exhibit 6 is a PM schedule for one lodging chain. This listing illustrates several features typical of PM schedules for example: Not every element of the building and physical plant is on the list to receive preventive maintenance. Elements of the building that are critical to guest satisfaction, overall property image and marketing, safety and security, and the performance of other departments' duties are often included in a PM program. PM frequency varies with type of equipment. Some elements of the building require PM on a weekly basis. This is likely to consist largely of an inspection or the performance of some repetitive task. Other equipment requires atten tion monthly, quarterly, or even less frequently. But, when attention is required, the work often involves more than just a simple inspection. The scheduling of PM activity is done to attempt to smooth the workload. Activities are not bunched" into the first week of the month or in some other way accumulated, but rather are staggered throughout the months to allow for productive use of labor. The schedule is only a schedule. Information about what is to be done to each system, piece of equipment, or area is not found on the schedule. This infor mation is contained in specific preventive maintenance instructions, which vary for each item on the PM list.

Preventive maintenance instructions are derived from several sources. Equip ment suppliers often suggest maintenance activities and frequencies in their equipment manuals. PM instructions for FF&E, building features, and building grounds are generated through a combination of experience, input from vendors and suppliers, and information from various professional and technical organiza tions. PM instructions may also contain a listing of specialized parts or equipment required to perform the PM task. Exhibits 7 9 are sample PM procedures for an HVAC wall unit, a convection oven, and a clothes dryer. They are provided for illustrative purposes and are not suggested as the only recommended procedures for such equipment. Nonetheless, they verify that much of the PM activity involves basic inspection, cleaning, and lubrication. PM is not a troubleshooting activity directed at diagnosing and solving a problem. The instructions for PM generally do not state how to repair a piece of equipment. Obviously, to perform PM, the maintenance person must have access to specific tools and supplies. Like PM activities, many guestroom maintenance activities involve inspec tion, lubrication, and cleaning. Most hospitality firms have some form of rooms checklist, which is used for guestroom maintenance. Exhibit 10 is a sample of one

Exhibit 6 Sample Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Courtesy of La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc.

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 7 Sample PM Procedures: HVAC Wall Units
Maintenance Action #7 Frequency: Bi-MonthlyAnnually Maintenance Action #7BM 1. Check unit for proper operation. 2. Clean or replace filter. 3. Ensure coils are clean. Maintenance Action #7A 1. Remove unit from room and blow out whole unit. 2. Clean coils with coil cleaner and steam or pressure wash. 3. Clean blower wheels thoroughly. 4. Clean condensate pan and paint with bituminous paint. 5. Lubricate fan motors to manufacturers specifications. 6. Check all electrical components and connections. 7. Run unit and check full operation. 8. Record amp draw against manufacturers specifications. 9. Clean and repaint any deteriorated surfaces. 10. On units in coastal locationsafter full service, recoat unit with tectyl corrosion treatment. Courtesy of Days Inns of America


Exhibit 8

Sample PM Procedures: Convection Oven

Maintenance Action #41 Frequency: MonthlySemi-Annually Maintenance Action #41M 1. Inspect unit and check operation. 2. Check that unit is being cleaned properly. 3. Advise F&B Director of any cleaning problem. Maintenance Action #41SA 1. Inspect unit. Remove any grease buildup. 2. Remove blower unit and dismantle. 3. Clean blower wheels with degreaser. 4. Clean motor and lubricate per manufacturers specifications. 5. Remove burner, clean and adjust. 6. Check all electric components and connections. 7. Check doors, seals, and hinges. 8. Reassemble unit and check operation.

Courtesy of Days Inns of America


Chapter 2 Sample PM Procedures: Clothes Dryer

Maintenance Action #49 Frequency: DailyMonthlySemi-Annually Maintenance Action #49D 1. 2. Inspect machine and check operation. Clean lint trap.

Exhibit 9

Maintenance Action #49M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check and tighten base hold-down bolts. Blow out dust and lint from top compartment and burner assembly. Blow out dust and lint from lower electrical compartment. Check for loose wires and connections. Tighten as required. Check belt for wear and tension. Lubricate chain per manufacturers specifications.

Maintenance Action #49SA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carry out Maintenance Action #49M. Lubricate bearings per manufacturers specifications. Open front loading door. Check rotating basket for clearance. Use adjustment bolts in rear if required. Thoroughly clean dryer. Check pulley alignment. Adjust as required.

Courtesy of Days Inns of America

of these. The checklists used for guestroom (preventive) maintenance will usually list all the items in the guestroom and provide a brief explanation of the type of inspection, lubrication, or cleaning activity to be performed. Since the goal of guestroom maintenance is to keep the guestroom in proper operating order, com pleting the checklist also involves some repair and replacement activities. To be able to handle the guestroom maintenance activities efficiently and with minimal downtime for the room, the guestroom maintenance person is usually given a guestroom maintenance cart. This cart contains basic tools and supplies necessary to deal with problems or needs typically encountered. Exhibit 11 is a list of tools and supplies included in a guestroom maintenance cart for a typical motel operation. The selection for any particular hospitality facility will depend on the design and contents of the guestroom. Many operations provide detailed instructions to the employee concerning the tools and methods to be used to perform maintenance. Exhibit 12 contains a sample of this type of instruction for the touch up and repair of damaged furniture. Note that the quality of the finished product is stressed. Note also that safety is addressed in the use of the paint remover. The material safety data sheets (MSDS)

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 10 Sample Rooms Check List






Thermostat controls and fan (operation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knob on thermostat (secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter (clean or replace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grille (clean) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switches (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lamp sockets (tighten) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lamp shades (repair or note for replacement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cord on hanging light pullswitch (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover on hanging light (secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bulb (replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plugs (replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOORS BATHROOM GENERAL Condensation water drain (clean) add Algaecide tablet . . . . . . . .

Handles (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lock cylinder set screw (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hings and hinge pins (oil with WD 40 and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . Door chain and viewer (check, repair if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . Lock striker plates (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Night latch (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door frame rubber bumpers (check, replace if needed) . . . . . . . . Door stops (check and replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toilet flush valve (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toilet cover bumpers (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seat hinges (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toilet seal (check for evidence of leaks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bath drain plug and pop up (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixing valve (secure handle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixing valve washers (replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot and cold faucets (check/replace `H' and `C' buttons leaks) . . Escutcheon plates (secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shower curtain hooks (check and replace if needed) . . . . . . . . . . P trap under basin (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain pop up(check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faucet strainer (clean or replace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basin bowl hangers (reglue or resecure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toilet paper holder (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clothes hanger on bathroom wall (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . Floor and wall tile (grout tile and caulk around tub if needed) . . . . Soap dish and grab bar (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Towel rack (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lavatory counter (check and refasten) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non slip pads in tub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhaust grill (clean) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tissue holder (check and replace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseboards (check and replace/reglue as needed) . . . . . . . . . . . Carpet (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vinyl (check, reglue if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pictures (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ceiling (check for cracks and/or peeling paint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paint (check paint on walls and door casings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rate card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire exit plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check for air leaks under A/C unts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cracks in sidewalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Outlet wall plates (insect, clean, secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switches (inspect, clean, secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switches, and receptacles (replace missing screws) . . . . . . . . . . Receptacles (change if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audio (check radio channels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Video (check television channels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knob (replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine tuning (adjust if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antenna outlet (secure plate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antennae connectors (check, repair if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replace message light cover (if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dialing instructions (replace if necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defects (report any other defects to front desk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drawer handles and knobs (check, replace if necessary) . . . . . . . Drawer guides (lubricate if needed with WD 40) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stains (clean and touch up) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair legs (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table tops (check, repair small defects) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Headboards (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casters or legs (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair bumpers (check, replace if missing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring on chairs (check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Night stands (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coat racks (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Window guides (lubricate with WD 40) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mirror hangers (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Window hardware (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bedframe (check and secure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspect and secure all drapery track, rollers and pull cord . . . . . . Hangers (should be 8) clothes hanger hooks (replace if rusty) . . .

Courtesy of Days Inns of America

that are referenced serve to inform employees about potentially hazardous materi als used in the workplace, how to work safely with these chemicals, and what to do in case of an accident. In the United States, OSHA requires vendors and suppliers of hazardous materials to provide an MSDS for each product. The hospitality operation must then maintain these forms and make them available to employees.


Chapter 2 Guestroom Maintenance Cart Tools and Supplies

QUICK FIX-IT PROGRAM Required Tools: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/8 Electric Drillvariable speed Set Drill Bits 8 Pipe Wrench 10 Pipe Wrench 6 Vice Grip Pliers 8 Pliers Linesman Pliers Claw Hammer Ball Peen Hammer Electricity Tester 0-250 V. AC/DC Hand Sander 7 Piece Punch and Chisel Set 6 Piece Combination Wrench Set (7/16, 1/2, 9/12, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4) Putty Knife 6 x 10 Clear Plastic Tray for assorted bolts, nuts, screws 3 Paint Brush 2 Paint Brush 6 Three Cornered File 6 Tailed File 6 Flat File Set Allen Wrenches Phillips Screwdrivers (small, medium, large) Regular Screwdrivers (small, medium, large) Package Assorted Sandpaper Large Sponge Plumbers Friend Plumbers Snake Wire stripper Utility Knife Supplies for Cart: 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 Commode Seat #1 Wax Toilet Bowl Gasket Hinges, Pins, Nuts for Commode Seats Can Rossite Drain Opener Can Tile Grout Elmers Contact Cement #1602 Can Elmers Carpenter Wood Filler Lamp Sockets Showerheads #782 Double Hooks for Bathroom Doors Rate Cards and Holders Liability Law Cards Aerators Shower Cartridge Assembly Drain Release Assembly Tub Drain Stoppers Tank Balls Plug Bottoms Faucet Handle Caps Toilet Water Control Repair Kits Ballcock Repair Kits #41071 Smoke Detector Carpet Repair Kit Furniture Touch-up Kit

Exhibit 11

Courtesy of La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc.

Detailed instructions help maintain a standard of work. This is especially use ful when personnel turnover occurs and when employees have different percep tions of how to do a task. The best PM program will not eliminate all breakdowns and emergencies, but it will help extend the time between these events. The familiarity that the employees develop with the equipment while doing PM should prove useful

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 12 Sample Task Breakdown: Refinishing Wood Furniture
Refinish wood furniture.


Refinish wood furniture when scratches cannot be covered. a. Brush paint remover on the damaged part of the furniture. See MSDS #25. Allow the paint remover to set for at least 20 minutes. When the finish begins to bubble and blister, use a putty knife to scrape the finish off the furniture. Wipe off the remaining finish with a clean rag. b. When sanding upholstered furniture, insert a broad knife between the wood surface and the upholstery to protect the upholstery. Use a vibrating sander with #180 fine grade sandpaper to sand heavily damaged areas. If nicks are still present after sanding, Place a damp, heavy cloth on the area. Place a hot, flat iron on the damp cloth for about 5 seconds. c. Apply a stain that matches the furniture. Wipe along the wood grain. Allow the stain to set. Wipe off excess with a dry rag. d. Spray the repaired area with the clear lacquer. See MSDS #86. Let the lacquer dry completely to avoid smudges, fingerprints, etc.

Formbys paint remover is recommended. Use caution while working with paint remover. Read and follow the container instructions carefully. Be careful to keep the putty knife parallel to the surface to avoid damaging the wood.

The moist heat will cause the wood to swell and the nick to pop out. The longer the stain is allowed to set before wiping, the darker it will become.

A stained piece can be immediately sprayed with a polyurethane spray that will give a gloss finish and dry faster, approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Minwax is recommended.

Courtesy of La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc.

when the need to repair equipment occurs. In order to have at hand the infor mation necessary to perform equipment repairs, it is useful to maintain files of equipment specifications and manuals supplied by the manufacturer with the equipment. These are the same items that often contain the PM recommenda tions, another good reason to retain them. These specifications and manuals often


Chapter 2

contain troubleshooting lists that can help greatly in diagnosing the problem and deciding upon a solution. Another useful item is a control schematic, which shows the relays, timers, fuses, switches, and basic wiring of controls within electrical equipment. When maintenance staff must deal with renovations, the building itself, and equipment installed as part of the building, the plans and specifications for the building are key. Structural plans allow the maintenance staff to determine loca tions of key building structural elements, a most important piece of information for certain proposed modifications. Mechanical plans identify flow patterns for air and water, control schemes, equipment and system interconnections, and basic operat ing parameters. Electrical plans provide information about circuit capacities, wire sizes, circuit connections and routing, and emergency power circuits. Plans for specialty services such as laundry, telecommunications, lighting, and sound sys tems assist the maintenance staff or outside contractors in repairing or updating these systems. How you store plans is very important. Plans should always be accessible to the technician needing them when he or she needs them and stored such that they remain in good condition over time. Purchasing a suitable plans storage unit can be well worth the investment. It is also very helpful to update the plans as changes and modifications are made to the building and systems. When the time arrives to renovate, the lack of updated, current plans often leads contractors either to over bid or to request numerous change orders in the project. Both can result in excess cost and delays. As mentioned, emergency and breakdown maintenance are costly. The use of the maintenance management systems outlined so far in this chapter will help to greatly reduce the need for emergency and breakdown maintenance. Still, it will be impossible to eliminate this need entirely. Because of the inevitability of emergen cies, a property should be prepared. The following are some tactics that can help make a difference during maintenance emergencies: Keep a current listing of all telephone numbers for maintenance staff. This list should be available to the maintenance manager and the general manager. Train the appropriate night staff concerning procedures to be followed in the event of the more common emergencies. In the context of maintenance emer gencies, this would include knowing the location of key water valves and elec trical shutoffs. Maintain some ongoing relationship with contract maintenance and cleaning firms. Know their telephone numbers (day and night). Adequate manpower and equipment during a maintenance emergency (such as a windstorm which damages a roof) can make a major difference in the extent of damage that might follow and the cost of repairs. Consider appropriate backup systems for use during emergencies. This could include using multiple pieces of equipment for key system components (for example, two pumps on the building's chilled or hot water circulation systems, so that a backup exists) or stocking replacement items for key system components (for example, one pump on the system and a spare in stock).

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


Contract maintenance services are commonly used to supply various services for hospitality properties. Managing these services begins before the contract is put out for bid. The following were identified by two authors as some key provisions in drafting a maintenance contract.

Insurance: The contract should require that the contractor have ade quate insurance coverage and specify both the type and limits of coverage. The property owner and management company should be a named insured on the contractor's insurance policy. Term: The contract should be for a specific term with no automatic
renewal provision.

Cancellation: The property manager should have the right to cancel the agreement on short notice for lack of performance, and either party should be able to cancel the contract in 30 days for no cause. Penalties for nonperformance may also be included. Contractor not an employee: The agreement should state that the
contractor is not an employee or agent of the property owner or management company.

No assignment of contract: The contractor should be prohibited from

assigning the contract.

Specifications: The contract should include very detailed specifica tions of the work to be performed and the frequency of each task. The specifications should be attached as an addendum to the agree ment. Contract fee: The contract should be specific on the fees for the ser
vices named and address fees for extra services. A retention fee would be advisable if the contract is for a one time maintenance job. A 10 percent retention fee payable after the work has been inspected and approved is appropriate.

All non technical maintenance, such as janitorial service, snow removal, parking lot sweeping, and most landscaping maintenance, can be negotiated on a property's standard maintenance contract. Have all contract forms reviewed by an attorney before use. However, technical maintenance, such as elevator or HVAC, requires a maintenance agree ment designed specifically for that service. Most [hospitality] companies do not have specific technical mainte nance agreements and must use the contractor's agreement. When this is the case, the property manager must thoroughly review the contract and negotiate provisions out of the agreement that might be detrimental to the property or its owner.2

In addition, it is suggested that you use a relatively short contract term, especially in the early stages of a relationship with a contractor, and take great care with the form of the insurance and indemnification wording found in the con tract. A current certificate of insurance should be required and kept on file for all contractors.


Chapter 2

Once a contract is signed, it is the responsibility of the maintenance manager or other responsible individual at the property to ensure that the work that has been contracted and billed for has been performed. One property had contracted and been billed for boiler water treatment from one firm for several years. When failures in the heating system began to occur, an inspection of the system revealed major corrosion and a need to replace the boiler and several elements of the piping system. The contractor had never performed the specified work and no one at the hotel had ever followed up to ensure that it was performed.

A growing trend in commercial real estate is outsourcing, a process by which facil ities services are provided not by in house staff but by contract service firms. This is an extension of a common practice in real estate and the lodging industry of what is sometimes referred to as out tasking, purchasing specific facilities services (such as window washing and elevator maintenance) from outside contractors. Hospitality industry firms such as ARAMARK, Sodexho, and ServiceMaster are active in providing facilities outsourcing. The U.S. lodging industry has not embraced facilities outsourcing to any sig nificant degree, though there are indications that activity is on the rise. Outside of the U.S., lodging facilities are outsourcing at a somewhat greater level. U.S. out sourcing is primarily associated with large building complexes, either individual large hotels or hotels that are part of larger complexes, in which case outsourcing is not yet at full facilities level. The sidebar on the next page depicts a property where many of the facilities services are outsourced. Lesser outsourcing of energy ser vices occurs when steam or chilled water is purchased from a local utility or from a centralized plant serving a building complex of which the hotel is a part. Of course, the use of contract services for a variety of needs is commonplace in the lodging industry. Facilities outsourcing can go in both directions. A lodging property could decide that it will, in effect, go into the facilities management business for other properties. This generally involves offices, retail space, or apartments, rather than other hotels, because of proprietary and competitive issues. It is certainly reason able that hotels occupying portions of buildings (for example, with retail on the ground floor and apartments either above or below the hotel) could provide facili ties services to these other spaces. This could turn the typical facilities cost center into a revenue center. Operators may choose to develop their own maintenance management records and systems or they may choose to purchase sets of cards and recordkeep ing systems from various vendors. The key is using the systems and maintaining the appropriate controls and records that enable the maintenance operation to be kept productive and under control. Some operations (especially larger ones) use computerized systems to perform maintenance record keeping and to generate the reports and maintenance instructions needed by employees. These computerized systems vary from ones that are operated at the property on either personal

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


Gaming Industry Bets on Outsourcing

In one example of energy infrastructure outsourcingor integrated energy management services (IEMS)Sempra Energy Solutions (formerly known as Energy Pacific), an affiliate of Southern California Gas Co., and Atlantic Thermal Systems, Inc. (ATS) in Atlantic City, N.J., through a new joint venture called Atlantic-Pacific Las Vegas LLC, will own and operate a $70 million, state-of-the-art energy system for The Venetian, a Las Vegas hotel, casino, and convention center. The system will provide a complete lighted, conditioned and powered environment for the hotel and casino and the related convention center and shopping mall complex being developed by Las Vegas Sands Inc. (LVSI). The joint venture will develop a turn-key, high-efficiency energy operation for The Venetian, providing a package of energy services that includes energy infrastructure development, equipment financing, operations and maintenance services, and energy procurement. In addition to saving the $70 million cost of building the energy infrastructure, The Venetian will reduce energy system operating costs in the resort by as much as 20 percent, according to Sempra officials. Atlantic-Pacific will actually provide the bundled services to three separate affiliates of LVSI. The three customers are The Venetian Resorts Hotel Casino, which will own the hotel and casino; Interface Group, which owns the Expo and Convention Center; and Grand Canal Shoppes Mall, which will own the shopping mall complex. The IEMS Package Provides For: Energy infrastructure ownership. Atlantic-Pacific will finance and own $70 million of energy production and distribution assets, including the central plant, thermal energy distribution system, HVAC delivery systems, fire protection, control systems, and backup power. Central plant operating services. Atlantic-Pacific will handle all central plant operations and provide labor and materials for scheduled preventive maintenance and daily operating functions. Facility operations and maintenance services. Atlantic-Pacific will be responsible for operation and maintenance of facility systems and controls, including all equipment owned by the joint venture and other systems owned by the customers. Energy procurement services. The joint venture will manage energy procurement services for The Venetian, including natural gas and electricity. Customer choice in Nevadas electric industry is expected by the end of 1999.

At the completion of the first two phases, The Venetian will include two hotel towers totaling over 6,000 luxury suites, two casino floors totaling over 200,000 square feet of casino space, The Grand Canal Shoppes, an indoor mall featuring 150 executive shops and boutiques, and 1.6 million square feet of convention and meeting space in the adjoining Sands Expo Center.
Source: Energy User News, January 1999.


Chapter 2

computers or the property management system to those that are provided by out side service firms.

Computerized and Internet Based Facilities Management

During the 1990s, a number of lodging companies adopted various computerized and Internet based facilities management systems. In most instances, these are sys tems operating separately from the existing property management" systems, a term that in commercial real estate often includes a facilities management element. Lodging's use of this term does not generally include facilities management, a subtle but important difference. Computerized facilities/maintenance management systems (CFMS/CMMS) in lodging are used for a variety of functions. Larger operations often control pri mary building systems (HVAC, for example) by computer. The capability of these systems varies, with the most sophisticated not only controlling equipment opera tion and building comfort but also fire protection interfaces, security, and electric power management. Even freestanding restaurants have versions of these systems, with varying degrees of smart" electronics for operating the building's HVAC system and often other equipment. The management of the paperwork and dispatch" of maintenance and repair is also increasingly being handled by computerized systems. Preventive, sched uled, and guestroom maintenance and work orders can all be established on com puterized systems. These systems can also direct this work to the appropriate staff, account for the time and materials used on the task, and establish a record of the work. In some cases, this feature is a part of a package that provides building sys tems operations a CFMS module and management. More commonly today, however, it is a standalone system (a CMMS module). While a computer does cen tral coordination and recordkeeping, a variety of other technologies and tools can be used. Work orders can be printed, faxed, or dispatched via pager or personal digital assistant (PDA). Communication can be via phone, pager, or PDA as well. Data can be input by way of keyboard, electronic transfer, or barcode reader. CFMS/CMMS have provided a way to help bridge the gap that sometimes exists between the housekeeping department and facilities. Maintenance manage ment packages can provide multilingual precoded information for housekeeping that allows housekeepers to have information in their native language via pre recorded messages and other information. Housekeeping responds to a given problem with an appropriate telephone signal (a code 555, to mean light bulb needs replacing," for example, and depending on the system, also the room num ber). When the computer system receives the signal, it generates a work order to the appropriate employee and sends it via pager. The employee completes the task and enters the work order number (if not already displayed) to indicate the task is done. Inventory is relieved of one light bulb. All the interim steps of the former manual system (housekeeping reports bulb outage to floor supervisor, supervisor writes work order, supervisor sends work order to dispatcher, dispatcher logs and dispatches work order, employee picks up work order, the employee completes the

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


work, employee makes a record of completed work, employee makes manual entry to relieve inventory) are done automatically in a fraction of the time. CFMS/CMMS not only improve productivity and provide for more complete records, they also provide the basis for more knowledgeable and well advised decisions up and down the chain of operation. These systems generate information in ways that former systems could not. A ready overview of maintenance back logs, average time to respond, employee productivity, types of repairs, location of repairs, and a host of other databases can be created. Managers now can actually use maintenance data to help influence decision making a much talked about wish in the era of manual systems, but one often difficult to achieve. CFMS/CMMS systems are being used both at the unit level and the regional and corporate level. It is possible for access to be set up to these systems in a remote mode. In this manner, a regional or corporate manager can oversee unit level facili ties activity. Or a manager in charge of multiple operations can access the data for these without having to be physically at each location. Under the best of all scenar ios, this could mean that an engineering manager is able to connect with the CFMS/CMMS and solve" an operational problem with a piece of equipment without having to drive an hour each way in an ice storm. An additional feature of some CFMS/CMMS packages, though one not widely used in lodging, is the integration of building plans and specifications with the facilities management software. Managers of office buildings, universities, cor porate headquarters, and even manufacturing plants are finding this a particularly helpful tool to effectively and efficiently manage, plan, and allocate the space they occupy. Lodging properties have not seen a particular need for this type of usage, but the application potential is apparent and such a feature may become a common tool for hoteliers in the future. It is almost assured that in the future many CFMS/CMMS implementers will not load their systems into individual computers at the property level, but will use an Internet connection. Some interesting activities already are emerging and taking place in building monitoring and energy management that use the Internet. By using CFMS/CMMS in Internet mode, facilities professionals and outside vendors alike have access to historical and (at times) real time information about the build ing and its systems.

Budgeting for POM and Utilities

The maintenance department's expenditures for property operation and mainte nance (POM) and utilities equal 10 percent of a U.S. property's revenue. Here we discuss the components of these two elements of the budget, some considerations for budget development, and some of the factors that may result in variations from the budget. The discussion uses the standard" form of the POM and utility accounts as found in the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI) and an actual listing of these accounts for a sample property. The POM and utility accounts as defined by USALI are shown in Exhibits 13 and 14. For most operations, salaries, wages, and employee benefits constitute approximately 40 50 percent of the POM expenditure. Note that contract expendi tures may be found in several areas of the POM account. Contract maintenance


Chapter 2 POM Schedule

Property Operation and Maintenance
Current Period

Exhibit 13

PAYROLL AND RELATED EXPENSES Salaries and Wages Employee Benefits Total Payroll and Related Expenses OTHER EXPENSES Building Supplies Contract Services Curtains and Draperies Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Elevators Engineering Supplies Floor Covering Furniture Grounds and Landscaping Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Equipment Kitchen Equipment Laundry Equipment Life/Safety Light Bulbs Locks and Keys Operating Supplies Painting and Decorating Removal of Waste Matter Swimming Pool Telecommunications Training Uniforms Vehicle Maintenance Other Total Other Expenses TOTAL PROPERTY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES

Source: Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, 9th Rev. Ed. (Lansing, Mich.: Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 1996), p. 118.

costs can constitute 25 percent or more of the non labor element of the POM bud get; rubbish removal is a quickly growing cost for many operations. Utility costs include not only what is typically considered to be energy (fuels and electricity), but also water (and sewage) charges. While the fuel and electricity portions of this account have been relatively stable in most areas in recent years, the water and sewage component has substantially increased due to water shortages and/or increased costs of sewage disposal. The utility costs schedule also recognizes the potential for cost recovery due to sales (of office space in a nearby building, for example) or charge backs to departments (such as the laundry). Exhibit 15 presents annual budget information for the POM and utility bud gets for a 485 room suburban full service hotel. The POM expenditures total approximately $2,860 per room or six percent of revenues. Payroll and Benefits

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 14 Utility Cost Schedule
Utility Costs
Current Period UTILITY COSTS Electricity Gas Oil Steam Water Other Fuels Total Utility Costs RECOVERIES Recoveries from other entities Charges to other departments Total Recoveries NET UTILITY COSTS $ $


Source: Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, 9th Rev. Ed. (Lansing, Mich.: Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 1996), p. 122.

represent just over half this amount. The overall POM expenditure is often divided approximately equally between the Labor and Other POM categories. In this instance, only about 30 percent of the Other POM category is contracts. This figure can be as much as 50 percent of the Other POM expenses. The utilities expenditures total approximately $1,830 per room or 3.9 percent of revenue in Exhibit 15. As is usually the case, electricity represents the largest component of utilities, here costing $1,240 per room. The budget in Exhibit 15 is an actual for this hotel, illustrating realistically the impact of various factors on facility needs. The hotel recently changed franchise affiliations and management, at least in part because maintenance needs were neglected by the previous management. This neglect is one of the reasons for the relatively large portion of revenue allocated to POM. In addition, the property is largely responsible for grounds maintenance, which not only creates a large POM cost, but also contributes to the high water/sewer costs. The electric utility serving this property has comparatively low rates so these costs are somewhat low. (These low rates, coupled with a moderate climate, prompted the hotel to select electricity for space heating.) The process of preparing the POM and utility budgets should use data from several sources. For POM, the labor portion should be approached as it would be for any department, using expected staffing levels, projected hourly wages, and estimated benefit costs. The non labor portion of the POM account requires a somewhat different treatment. While many operations budget this portion by add ing a percentage to the previous year's amount, this approach can create problems. In particular, when either the base year or the year being budgeted involves extraordinary expenditures, this method may produce unreliable figures. For


Chapter 2 Sample Facilities Department Budget

Exhibit 15

485-Room Full-Service Suburban Property Management Salaries Hourly Wages Overtime Wages Annual Bonus Total Payroll Cost Employee Benefits Total Payroll and Benefits Other POM Expenses General POM Refrigeration POM Pool General Electrical Exterminating/Pest Control Automotive Heating & Plumbing Kitchen Equipment Laundry Equipment Elevator Supplies Fire Safety Equipment PaintInterior Curtains/Drapes Floor Covering Supplies Furniture Supply PaintExterior POM Supplies Building Supplies Bulbs Common Grounds Permits & Licenses Waste Removal Elevator Maintenance Hood Cleaning Generator Maintenance Fire Pump Maintenance Chiller Maintenance Soda System Energy Management Life Safety Guestroom Security TV $ 124,623 373,625 31,242 15,600 545,090 (2.4% of Revenue) 183,443 728,533 (3.2% of Revenue) 9,600 27,000 6,200 24,000 9,600 18,700 24,000 21,000 21,000 6,000 600 26,400 300 12,000 3,000 300 30,000 66,000 12,000 143,600 2,400 34,400 96,000 5,700 1,200 1,800 4,400 1,000 12,600 9,000 3,000 4,900

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 15


12,000 7,800 $ 657,500 $ 1,386,033 (6.0% of Revenue) $ 602,000 112,500 174,000 $ 888,500 (3.9% of Revenue) $ 2,274,533 (9.9% of Revenue)

Marble Maintenance Water Treatment Total Other POM Total POM Utilities Electricity Gas Water Total Utilities Total POM & Utilities

example, a renovation, whether it is upcoming or just finished, will probably reduce the need to expend resources on basic repairs. Budgeting the utility portion is best handled by dealing with the actual units of energy purchased (kwh, gallons, liters, or whatever is appropriate) and attempt ing to secure price estimates for these fuels for the coming year from suppliers. During the 1970s and early 1980s, budgeting energy was a major challenge because of double digit annual escalation rates. The situation in the 1990s was somewhat more stable. The new millennium seems to be headed a bit more toward uncer tainty with oil prices fluctuating and electricity showing potential for lower or higher costs due to deregulation.

Contract Services, Responsibility Accounting, and Facilities Costs

There have been instances when the costs for contract services for specific depart ments in the property, such as computer or copier repair and food service equipment cleaning, have been included in the POM budget, rather than in the individual department's budget. The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry recognized a change was needed in this practice. In the 1996 edition, USALI made a change to include any contracted service expense within the department that is responsible for the contract. For example, contracted service related to the property management system is charged to the rooms department, while a contract to service point of sale devices is charged to the food or beverage department. To facilitate recording these expenses, a new expense item Contract Services has been created for each department or cost center."3 While properties are not required to follow the USALI, the change noted above is potentially significant, especially when combined with another provision and comments found in the 1996 USALI related to responsibility accounting and facilities costs.


Chapter 2

The department income of the revenue department (for example, rooms, food, and beverage) is computed by charging against revenues only a limited number of expenses that are traceable to the department. For instance, undistributed operating expenses, such as marketing and property operation and maintenance, and expenses that are charged against gross operating profit such as rent, insurance, depreciation, and property taxes are not charged against revenue departments. This measurement approach to departmental income is chosen to help ensure account uniformity. Uniformity is important for the comparability of operating units. Because of this approach to departmental income measurement, departmental expenses omit a number of significant costs that may be incurred by a revenue department. It may be necessary to ascribe many of the undistributed operating expenses and deductions from gross operating profit to the revenue departments to have a complete and legitimate measure of department performance. There may be times when managers wish to know the overall cost of operating a department. This information is useful for assessing the profitability of a department, for deter mining prices for services and goods, and for determining whether outsourcing for the services is practicable. Identifying the costs incurred by a department is also useful for making managers responsible for the consumption of resources that drive costs. Managers who are charged for resources may consume them more judiciously than those who do not feel responsible for certain costs. Charging costs to revenue departments may also provide departmental managers with more incentive to monitor the costs of service departments, since these costs will be assigned to their departments.4 It is certainly possible to submeter utilities within hotels and track specific information on the usage of utilities by various areas. This is most readily done when the property is constructed, since the installation of the meters at that point is easiest. There are also other methods to allocate utilities costs based on area or other factors. With the growth of food and beverage (F&B) outsourcing in hotels, there may be a growth in interest of both hoteliers and the F&B operators in getting metered information about utility usage. Arguably, the easiest facilities expense to charge to areas using the service is that of POM. Computerized maintenance management systems can readily account for the POM activity of the major revenue areas of the property as well as other areas (such as the laundry). Finally, although not addressed in the USALI, an additional opportunity is to allocate the capital expenditure costs to departments. This large expenditure could shed some most interesting (and possibly unwelcome) light on the actual costs and profitability of various activities in the hotel. Charging costs to tenants" in a building is not a new idea. Many lodging companies already do this within their timeshare/condominium divisions and, when the hotel is part of a mixed use complex, a central plant with submetering often supplies utility services. There is increasing interest in this activity for all util ity services since it is generally acknowledged that submetered customers paying directly for their own usage are more frugal than those who are not metered. There is little reason to believe that the same would not be true for departments in the hotel.

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Management

The management of capital expenditures is a significant task. At the unit level, the magnitude of responsibility will vary with the size of the property and the corpo rate organizational structure. At small properties, the owner or general manager may be extensively involved in the planning decision and implementation of capi tal expenditures. This responsibility at large properties may again be in the hands of the owner or general manager, or the facilities manager may play a more signifi cant role. In any event, two major managerial functions related to capital expendi tures must be addressed: (1) planning and budgeting and (2) execution. Planning and budgeting for CapEx requires knowledge of the expected life time of various elements of the facility and the cost of their replacement. Lifetime is defined as a function of the item itself (kitchen equipment lasts longer than office equipment), the durability of the item (commercial grade lasts longer than residen tial), the care of the item (periodic and proper cleaning of carpeting extends its life time), the degree of use (a space with 90 percent usage will wear faster than one with 50 percent), the degree of abuse (items cannot withstand high levels of guest or employee abuse), and the overall level of appearance expected by management and guests (a worn and tired" piece of FF&E unacceptable at a five star property could be quite acceptable at a two star hotel). Property specific data tailored to the unique issues facing the property itself is the most pertinent to CapEx planning. Exhibit 16 provides one company's view of equipment life expectancy and replacement cost (expressed in 1997 dollars) for a 200 room full service hotel constructed in 1997. The exact life and cost of these items will vary from property to property. An item worthy of note is that CapEx activity becomes heightened beginning approximately in year five. A property should have a plan for CapEx to address at a minimum the near term needs (two to five years) and at least be aware of the needs in the longer term (5 to 25) years. A study conducted by the International Society of Hospitality Consultants serves both as a model and a benchmark for CapEx needs. The most recent version of this study is titled CapEx 2000 A Study of Capital Expenditures in the U.S. Hotel Industry.5 Updates are planned at five year intervals. Exhibit 17 is the capital budget for the 485 room property featured in Exhibit 15. This property was recently acquired so the capital budget also reflects the deferment and neglect associated with its previous management. The capital bud get of nearly $10.7 million dwarfs the annual combined POM and utilities budget of almost $2.3 million. Almost 50 percent of revenue earned in this year will be spent on capital expenditures. The facility manager is charged with managing con tracts for all these items. The execution of CapEx plans is in many ways similar to the process of facili ties construction. Detailed plans and specifications may need to be prepared. These are placed out to bid and vendors and contractors must be selected. Contracts must be negotiated and signed. Timelines and plans must be coordinated with hotel operations. When the process begins, conformance to budget and timetable must be monitored, along with the quality of the work and materials supplied. Often, the oversight of the process is tasked to the facilities manager. Depending on the


Chapter 2 Estimated Replacement Cost and Life Expectancy of Hotel Equipment

Life Expectancy (years) 5 7 10 12 15 5 10 12 12 5 10 10 5 7 10 10 4 5 7 10 10 5 7 10 24 5 7 12 Cost $255,000 240,000 75,000 630,000 70,000 $70,000 100,000 125,000 100,000 $114,000 40,000 21,000 $27,500 8,000 35,000 15,000 $10,000 2,000 2,500 5,000 24,000 $75,000 25,000 45,000 75,000 $20,000 2,500 42,500 Subtotal

Exhibit 16

200 Room Hotel (1997) Guestrooms Drapes, sheers, carpet Vinyl wall covering, upholstery, TV Light fixtures, artwork Beds, case goods, in room HVAC Electronic locking system Bathrooms Vinyl, towel racks Tile, lighting Mirrors, vanity, liners Fixtures Corridors Carpeting, vinyl Doors, lighting, ceilings, artwork, mirror Ice machines Lobby, Front desk, Public areas Carpeting, vinyl Upholstered items Front desk, ceilings, tile, case goods Restroom vanities, tile, fixtures Administrative offices Faxes, copiers, computer equipment Carpet, vinyl Employee dining room furniture, tile Case goods, furniture Central reservations equipment Restaurant and lounge Carpet, vinyl, upholstery Lighting, displays, tile flooring Case goods, artwork Kitchen equipment Meeting rooms Carpet, vinyl, drapes Equipment Lighting, fixtures, partitions, furnishings








Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 16


4 5 5 12 7 8 8 10 12 20 24 24 $20,000 40,000 50,000 39,000 $34,000 30,000 15,000 100,000 24,000 125,000 50,000 30,000

Exterior and back of house Parking lot (seal and stripe) Pool deck, furniture, landscaping Paint Laundry equipment Building systems Exercise room Property management system Elevators (interior finishes) Phone switch, front office systems Water heaters, softeners Roof Central HVAC Elevators (cable) Total


$408,000 $2,811,000

Source: Gregory A. Denton, Managing Capital Expenditures Using Value Engineering," Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, April 1998.

size of the staff/task, skills of the staff, and the preferences of the owner operator, the actual execution of the CapEx activity may be by in house staff, outside con tractors, or a combination of the two. In some cases, the planning and even the execution of CapEx at hotels is under the oversight of an asset manager, an official of the property who serves as a com bination of owner representative, investment manager, financial and marketing consultant, and project manager. The asset manager evolved during the late 1980s and early 1990s, as owners of lodging properties recognized that their interests might not have been adequately served in CapEx projects.6

Facilities Benchmarking
The concept of facilities benchmarking developing numerical (and other) stan dards that allow comparison of a given facility to itself and to other facilities is not new. Facilities costs and utilities usage have long lent themselves to this con cept. And, with the right tools in place, it is also possible to benchmark facilities service itself, providing insights into effective areas and those needing improve ment. The desired result is improved cost control and better service. Given the accounting system used by the industry, it is not unusual to attempt to benchmark utilities based on cost per room as a percent of revenue. As was indi cated previously, facilities related costs and other measurements are best compared on a per square foot or square meter basis. This is how benchmarks are developed for other types of commercial real estate. An example of a benchmark is shown in Exhibit 18 that represents fuel usage benchmarks (in this instance, aver age consumption) for various types of commercial buildings.


Chapter 2 Exhibit 17 Sample Facilities Department Budget

485-Room Fullservice Suburban Property Project Description Guestroom RenovationMain Tower Plaza Club Lounge Elevator Interiors Ice Machines Retreat Building Tower Meeting Space and Ballroom Public Restrooms Lobby F&B Outlets Public Areas Administrative Offices Back of the House Banquet Chairs and Tables Signage Landscape ADA Compliance Aluminum Oxidation Exterior Sealing Chiller Conversion Bathroom Exhaust Motors New Roof Public Area Ceiling Cracks Parking Structure/Lot Y2K Mechanical/Energy Management LAN Telephone Front Desk/Point of Sale CCTV Total

Budget $ 3,358,200 120,000 60,000 75,000 1,425,000 1,950,000 150,000 600,000 200,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 100,000 175,000 175,000 425,000 100,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 100,000 325,000 200,000 75,000 42,000 $ 10,690,200

The most readily used benchmarking data source is the property itself. Comparing performance with similar periods in previous years or monitoring long term trends in performance is readily done. Internal benchmarking gets around the challenge of comparing like with like that exists when outside compari sons are made. However, looking only internally for benchmarks and best prac tices can result in a complacent attitude and a potential failure to strive for significant improvements in performance. The creation of benchmarks for the POM budget can be expressed in total expenditures per room or as a percent of revenue. Facilities labor per room could also be compared (as either staff per 100 rooms or rooms per staff member). As with utilities, a per room benchmark can make comparisons between properties

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 18 Energy Consumption Benchmarks
Energy Consumption Benchmarks BTU/Ft2 Year 79,300 213,500 245,500 240,400 127,300 76,400 97,200 113,700


Principal Building Activity Educational Food Sales Food Service Health Care Lodging Mercantile and Service Office Public Assembly
Source: United States Department of Energy, 1995.

Exhibit 19

Sample Benchmarks for Commercial Hotels

Range 2147 12,70039,000 3.77.1 $1,820$6,500 $2.10$6.00 1.9%5.3% $1.14$3.36

Benchmark Rooms per Person Sq. Ft. per Person POM% of Revenue POM Cost per Room POM Cost per Sq. Ft. Energy % of Revenue Energy Cost per Sq. Ft.

misleading. Commercial real estate firms might use a value such as facilities staff full time equivalents (FTE) per unit area. Exhibit 19 contains benchmarking data from one major lodging corporation. As the data show, significant variation exists in the actual benchmark values for the properties in this company. Age of the property, extent of services, local costs of utilities, labor and material, and a variety of other factors contribute to these variations. The introduction of computerized maintenance management systems has sig nificantly increased the ability of managers to use other benchmarks. Benchmarks readily available in these systems are: Work orders completed per unit time equipment, and employee Work order backlog Work orders created day Work order response time total by trade, location, piece/type of

total by trade, location, age, and employee total by trade, location, age, and employee total by location, employee, department, and time of


Chapter 2

Benchmarking can be a useful tool to the hotelier, and there are indications that its use will be more widespread, especially as environmental issues develop. However, caution must be used when applying this tool. The needs and even abili ties of properties vary significantly due to climate, facilities, systems, and age. A good first step to initiating benchmarking as a management tool is to use a proper ty's own parameters. After this, comparison with other facilities is appropriate when done with care. The result should help create a measurable path for improved service and reduced costs.

Personnel Management in Maintenance

Key concerns in the management of maintenance department personnel include job qualifications, on the job supervision, and employee productivity. Depending on the size of the property and the complexity of the equipment, the way in which the departmental organization is structured will vary, as will the needs for management. Management personnel for the engineering department will need to have some level of mechanical and electrical skill. The smaller the property, the more the engineering manager will have a hands on" role with regard to maintenance. As staff size grows and departmental responsibilities increase, the engineering man ager becomes much more a manager and much less a line worker. Line staff for engineering need very broad skills in maintenance at the small property level, where they perform a varied list of tasks. Usually, these staff mem bers need an education in the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing trades beyond that available in high school. Ideally, they would have several years of experience in these fields. As a screening technique, many operations develop a set of techni cal questions about maintaining the types of equipment they own. Applicants then must try to answer these questions. In addition, since maintenance staff are some times required to lift heavy objects, they should be in good health and physical condition. You should consider using a physical examination as part of the hiring process. If you do use physical examinations, in the United States you must by law require them for everyone applying for a given job; requiring physical examina tions selectively violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since engineering staff work all over the property, often under minimal direct supervision, individuals need to be reliable and capable of working on their own. In addition, they need to be aware of what constitutes good workmanship and proper safety procedures and of what complies with local codes. While their trade training should provide much of this, the property still needs to establish and com municate its own standards regarding, for example, appearance and how to address guests and fellow employees.

Training and Certification

Providing the necessary training for engineering staff and management is not difficult, but it does require commitment, time, and money. With low turnover common, little is invested over time in recruitment and job familiarization training of staff. A fair share" approach suggests that money and time be budgeted to

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends Exhibit 20 Certified Engineering Operations Executive (CEOE) Program


As a Certified Engineering Operations Executive, you are recognized worldwide as having achieved a distinctive level of excellence in the lodging industry. Created and administered by the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, the certification program requires a mix of education, experience, and examination. The five steps to certification are: 1. Select from one of three plan types: a. Education emphasis, in which you must possess at least a two-year hospitality degree from an accredited institution or successful completion of the Educational Institutes five-course certificate of specialization program. Experience emphasis, requiring a minimum of three years full-time experience in the qualifying (facilities manager, for example) position. Early entry, in which the candidate must hold a qualifying position before taking the examination. Upon successful completion of the examination, the candidate is required to complete specific courses, workshops and seminars to earn points toward the designation. This plan has no educational requirement, but a degree reduces the length of time required in the qualifying position.

b. c.


Submit an application to the Educational Institute Professional Certification Customer Support Center, 800 Magnolia Ave., Suite 1800, Orlando, FL 32803. Verification, in which the candidates general manager or corporate representative recommends the candidate and verifies employment. Preparation and examination, in which, upon acceptance, candidates have six months to complete all program requirements, including the examination. Study guides and review classes are available. Recertification and maintenance, in which candidates are recognized for their continuing efforts to grow in their hospitality career.

3. 4.


The Certified Engineering Operations Executive designation links the profession to the hospitality industry and establishes a level of expectation and recognition within ones company and the lodging industry.

allow these long term staff to continue to upgrade their skills. This is especially important for staff holding positions and performing tasks that require licensing and certification. Engineering line staff can benefit from programs offered by local technical schools and a host of trade associations. Groups such as the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) and Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) offer course and certification sequences geared toward developing the skills and knowledge of the technical staff.7 Also, most equipment suppliers offer a variety of technical training that may be a requirement of new equipment acquisi tion. Such training is either included in the purchase price of the equipment or offered for a fee. 8


Chapter 2

Training for engineering management staff is also widely available. Not only can management staff benefit from the programs for line staff, they can take advan tage of certification programs offered for facilities managers. Both IFMA and BOMA have certification sequences of various types oriented toward corporate and speculative office building managers and not for profit building managers. The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), through its Educational Institute, offers the Certified Engineering Operations Executive (CEOE) program that recognizes individuals possessing a specified combination of experience and knowledge in the field. See Exhibit 20 for more information about this certification.

1. Gaston Lauryssen, Proved Plans that Have Reduced Engineering Costs," Mid West Hotel Reporter, 1929, reprinted in Hotel Engineering 1 (1941). 2. Richard F. Muhlebach and Frank E. Ryan, Developing the Maintenance Agreement," Journal of Property Management, March/April 1988, p. 40. 3. Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, 9th Rev. Ed. (Lansing Mich.: Educational Institute of American Hotel & Lodging Association 1996), p. ix. 4. Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, p. 183. 5. CapEx 2000 is published by the International Society of Hospitality Consultants, 515 King, Street, Suite 420, Alexandria, VA 22314, www.ishc.com. 6. Further information about asset management can be found in Deborah S. Feldman, Asset Management: Here to Stay," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Oct. 1995, pp. 36 51. 7. For further information, visit and www.ifma.org and www.boma.org. 8. A company offering extensive technical training courses is Johnson Controls. For more detailed information visit www.johnsoncontrols.com.

Key Terms
asset manager an official of the property who serves as a combination of owner representative, investment manager, financial and marketing consultant, and proj ect engineer. CapEx capital expenditure; expenditures for capital items such as FF&E and building systems. computerized facilities/maintenance management system CFMS/CMMS Computerized maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, and archiving systems that streamline the paperwork and dispatch" of maintenance and repair. contract maintenance maintenance performed by contract service companies. control schematic a document showing the relays, timers, fuses, switches, and basic wiring of controls within equipment.

Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends


emergency/breakdown maintenance maintenance required for problems that either create an immediate negative revenue effect or are likely to created a nega tive revenue effect if allowed to continue. equipment data card a card used for all major pieces of equipment to record facts and information of importance for maintenance purposes. facilities benchmarking a continuous improvement initiative of developing numerical and other standards to allow comparison of a given facility to itself and to other properties or facilities. guestroom maintenance a form of preventive maintenance involving the inspec tion of a number of items in the guestroom, minor lubrication of doors and other equipment, repair of obvious small problems and, when needed, the initiation of work orders for more substantial problems or needs. inventory record a maintenance recordkeeping system that keeps track of the equipment and other items in physical inventory. material safety data sheets (MSDS) OSHA mandated forms that inform employees about potentially hazardous materials used in the workplace, how to work safely with these materials, and what to do in case of an accident. Vendors and suppliers of hazardous materials must provide and MSDS for each product. These forms must be available to employees. outsourcing a practice in which facilities services are provided by contract ser vice firms rather than by in house staff. preventive maintenance maintenance stressing inspections, lubrication, minor repairs or adjustments, and work order initiation. Generally performed using manufacturers' information as a guideline. preventive maintenance instructions maintenance instructions derived from experience, input from vendors and suppliers, and information from various pro fessional and technical organizations. May contain a listing of parts or equipment required to perform each task. preventive maintenance schedule a schedule for maintaining elements of the building that are critical to guest satisfaction, overall property image and market ing, safety and security, and the performance of other departments' duties. POM Property Operation and Maintenance. One of two principal cost entries (with utilities) in the hospitality industry detailing ongoing costs of operation fol lowing construction of the facility. repair order a document used to initiate requests for maintenance services. Also called a work order. room data card a card used to record information concerning the basic character istics and major elements of an individual guestroom. rooms checklist a checklist used for guestroom (preventive) maintenance, usu ally listing all the items in the guestroom and providing a brief indications of the type of inspection, lubrication, or cleaning activity to be performed.


Chapter 2

routine maintenance maintenance that pertains to the general upkeep of the property, recurs on a regular basis, and requires relatively minimal skill or training to perform (for example, grass mowing, leaf raking, snow shoveling, carpet and floor cleaning). scheduled maintenance significant maintenance requiring advance planning, a significant amount of time to perform, specialized tools and equipment, and high levels of coordination among departments. work order see repair order.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites.

American School and Hospital Maintenance magazine http://www.facilities management.com/ Buildings magazine http://www.buildings.com Building Operating Management magazine http://www.tradepress.com/ publicat/bom
Energy Decisions http://www.facilitiesnet.com/ energydecisions

Facilities Net http://www.facilitiesnet.com/fn Institute of Real Estate Management, Journal of Property Management http://www.buildings.com International Society of Hospitality Consultants http://www.ishc.com

Maintenance Solutions magazine http://www.tradepress.com/ publicat/ms/index

United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Agency, Commer cial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cbecs

Energy User News http://www.energyusernews.com

Safety and Security Systems

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY has long been expected to provide guests with a reason

When you lay your head on a pillow at night, you're statistically safer from fatal fire when that pillow is in a hotel or motel than virtually any other place safer than in a single family house, a duplex, a manufac tured home, an apartment, a townhouse, rooming house, boarding house, or lodging house. The current situation (re: hotel fires) is a result of an industry transforming itself. While the number of people the lodging industry serves continues to grow, fires have been cut by more than half in the past 15 years, and fire deaths by more than three fourths, because the indus try responded to major disasters with determination and sustained efforts to make their properties safe.1

ably safe and secure environment. This safe environment has changed from the stout walls and barred doors of the travelers inns of years ago to the electronic locks, fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, and closed circuit television of many mod ern lodging properties. Today's hospitality manager must understand safety and security needs as they affect the well being of both guests and employees and how they influence the financial success of the business. Managers can be motivated to address safety and security issues by several factors, including: A sense of moral and ethical responsibility for the welfare of guests and employees. Concern over the cost of losses associated with safety and security problems. Concern over potential legal liability for failure to exercise reasonable care."2 Corporate policies and procedures that establish standards. Contractual responsibilities related to union contracts. Governmental regulations. Concern for employee welfare, productivity, and retention. Market issues related to safety and security standards expected by guests.



Chapter 3

Exhibit 1 Occupational Injury and Illness Incidence Rate per 100 Full Time Workers, 1989 vs.1999
Lost Workday Cases 1.8 3.2 Nonfatal Cases w/o Lost Workdays 3.8 5.3 Cases Involving Days Away From Work 1.4 3.0 Cases Involving Restricted Work Activity 0.4 0.2

Total Cases Eating and Drinking Places All Retail Trade 5.6 8.5

1999 1989 1999 1989 1999 1989 1999 1989 1999 1989


8.1 10.8

2.5 3.7

3.4 4.7

3.6 4.1

4.6 6.1

1.7 2.1

3.1 4.2

0.8 1.6

0.3 0.5

Hotel and 7.8 Other Lodging Places All Services 4.9










Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C., Selective Access Statistics (www.bls.gov).

Safety and the Hospitality Industry

Safety involves avoiding those causes of injury and damage that we might call accidental slips and falls, cuts, burns, and other personal injuries, as well as related property damages. Safety issues are important for their impact not only on guests and employees but on profitability as well. Lodging and food service industries have demonstrated significant improve ments in the safety of their workplaces over the past decade, as evidenced by the statistics in Exhibit 1. Substantial reductions have been achieved in not only the total number of injuries and illnesses (down 34 percent for eating and drinking places and 28 percent for hotels and other lodging places) but also in the more seri ous injuries and illnesses those resulting in days away from work. Eating and drinking places have reduced the incidence rate of cases involving days away from work by 53 percent (from 3.0 to 1.4) and hotels and other lodging places have reduced these by 50 percent (from 4.2 to 2.1). These reductions result from a com bination of improved safety within the workplace and the increased return to work of employees with restricted duties. Eating and drinking places increased their use of restricted workers by 100 percent over this time (from 0.2 to 0.4) and hotels and other lodging places increased theirs 220 percent (from 0.5 to 1.6). The good news of Exhibit 1 should certainly be celebrated. At the same time, however, certain concerns and opportunities remain. Hotels and other lodging places continue to have relatively high overall injury rates compared to other ser vice industries. And with the large employment in eating and drinking places and hotels, each of these categories continues to make the top ten" list of industries in terms of total injuries and illnesses. In 1999, approximately 300,000 injuries and

Safety and Security Systems


illnesses were reported in eating and drinking establishments and 108,000 in hotels and other lodging facilities.3 These figures put both of these hospitality sectors once again in the top ten." In eating and drinking establishments, the sheer num bers of people employed will almost guarantee their position on this list. However, hotels and other lodging facilities could drop off the list if they could achieve a little more than a 10 percent reduction in their overall injury and illness rates. Some U.S. lodging companies have achieved injury and illness rates that are substantially lower than the national averages. They have achieved this by imple menting programs of loss prevention as part of their overall corporate risk man agement efforts. Risk management and loss prevention programs are designed to pinpoint major potential risk areas and identify options to reduce either their fre quency or the severity of their losses. Implementation of restricted duty programs, as evidenced by the data in Exhibit 1, is an effort to reduce the severity of losses. Exhibit 2 lists 14 elements that the U.S. National Safety Council suggests are neces sary for a successful safety and health program. The emphasis a property places on individual elements is dependent on the type of business or unit. Establishment of a safety committee is key to encouraging a safe work place. Involving employees in the development of safety policies, reviewing details of accidents, recommending corrective action, and participating in safety inspections and other safety functions helps ensure interest and buy in. It is quite helpful to draft a policy statement setting the organization, responsibility, recommendations, and procedures for a property level committee. Numerous resources exist to assist in this endeavor, ranging from those of the corporation itself, to the Educational Institute of AH&LA,4 to the National Safety Council.5 Occupational injuries and lost workdays affect the capability of operating departments to function properly. This degraded functionality in turn affects the operation's profit picture. In addition, injuries affect employees and their families. A property with a good safety program should be able to reduce both the rate at which injuries occur and the severity of the injuries that do occur. Some hospitality operations have reduced their injury rates below the indus try average by implementing safety programs. Such programs are often part of an overall program of risk management, an integrated effort to reduce the causes and effects of safety and security related incidents of all types. One of the most impor tant factors in risk management programs is having the support and involvement of top management. One researcher has noted:
The effectiveness of a risk management program depends greatly on the support of top management, both at the property and corporate levelThe most effective programs held property managers accountable for losses, either through charge backs for losses or incentives for safety. Moreover, properties that have implemented ongoing training pro grams as part of their culture have better risk management programs. In these litigious times, a solid risk management program is a sound investment.6

It is also very important to place either an individual or a safety committee in charge of safety. This person or committee should have the authority to enforce compliance with safety rules. The membership and leadership of a safety


Chapter 3 The 14 Elements of A Sucessful Safety and Health Program

Exhibit 2

The 14 Elements The U.S. National Safety Council established the following 14 Elements as the standard for a successful safety and health program. All effective programs contain these elements, but the emphasis on each will vary according to individual company needs. For example, a service organization might place less emphasis on some activities that receive top priority in a heavily regulated manufacturing company. Element 1: Hazard Recognition, Evaluation, and Control Establishing and maintaining safe and healthful conditions require identifying hazards, evaluating their potential effects, developing ways to eliminate or control them, and planning action priorities. This process is the essence of successful safety and health management. Element 2: Workplace Design and Engineering Safety and health issues are most easily and economically addressed when facilities, processes, and equipment are being designed. Organizations must incorporate safety into workplace design, production processes, and equipment selection. They also need to evaluate and modify or replace existing processes, equipment, and facilities to make them safer. Element 3: Safety Performance Management As in all areas of operations, standards must be set for safety performance. They should reflect applicable regulatory requirements, additional voluntary guidelines, and best business practices. Element 4: Regulatory Compliance Management The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), and state safety and health agencies establish and enforce safety and health regulations. Other agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, also issue and enforce regulations relating to safety and health in the United States. Element 5: Occupational Health Occupational health programs range from the simple to the complex. At a minimum, such programs address the immediate needs of injured or ill employees by providing first aid and response to emergencies. More elaborate medical services may include medical surveillance programs and provision for an in-house medical capability. In addition, some companies are beginning to focus on off-the-job safety and health through employee wellness and similar programs. Element 6: Information Collection Safety and health activities, including inspections, record keeping, industrial hygiene surveys and other occupational health assessments, injury/illness/incident investigations, and performance reviews, produce a large quantity of data. Safety and health professionals must collect and analyze this data. Small incidents often provide early warning of more serious safety or health problems. Complete and accurate records can be used to identify hazards, measure safety performance and improvement, and, through analyses, help identify patterns. The recording, analysis, and

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 2 (continued)


communication of safety and health data are greatly simplified through the use of computers and commercially available software. Element 7: Employee Involvement Design and engineering controls are limited in their ability to reduce hazards. Companies now understand that their real assets are people, not machinery, and they also realize that employees must recognize their stake in a safe and healthful workplace. As employees become more involved in planning, implementation, and improvement, they see the need for safer work practices. Solutions to safety and health problems often come from affected employees. Element 8: Motivation, Behavior, and Attitudes Motivation aims at changing behavior and attitudes to create a safer, healthier workplace. Element 9: Training and Orientation New and transferred employees must become familiar with company policies and procedures and learn how to perform their jobs safely and efficiently. The use of onthe-job, classroom, and specialty training can contribute to a successful safety and health program. A complete program includes hazard recognition, regulatory compliance, and prevention. The training is reinforced through regular follow-up with both new and veteran employees. Element 10: Organizational Communications Effective communication within the organization keeps employees informed about policies, procedures, goals, and progress. Effective two-way communications among employees and managers is critical, as is publicizing safety and health information in the community. Element 11: Management and Control of External Exposures Todays safety and health programs must address risks beyond the organizations walls. Contingency plans and what if worst-case scenarios are part of planning for disasters, contractor activities, and product and other liability exposures. Element 12: Environmental Management Environmental management often requires a complete program of its own. Many companies, however, address environmental issues along with safety and health as part of their comprehensive programs. Element 13: Workplace Planning and Staffing Safety and health considerations are important when planning for and staffing the companys work force. Issues include work safety rules, employee assistance programs, and requirements resulting from the Americans with Disabilities Act. Element 14: Assessments, Audits, and Evaluations Every organization needs tools to measure conditions, monitor compliances, and assess progress. A variety of evaluative tools can be used to meet the needs of the organization, including self-assessments, third-party assessments, and voluntary regulatory assessments.


Chapter 3

committee should be rotated among management employees and perhaps key line employees as well. One study indicated, The most effective committees included the general manager, certain department heads, and some line employees." This study found the seemingly least effective technique to be that reported by one manager:
We meet every month, review the accident records, and make recom mendations. The minutes are sent to the GM, but nothing ever really changes unless corporate [management] calls screaming that we've got to lower our accident rate. Then the GM has us start contests and do more training. This lasts for about two or three months, and then it's back to business as usual. 7

A note of caution is needed. Responsibility for safety and security cannot be delegated to a committee or to a department. Safety and security must be viewed as a responsibility of all employees line and management. Some key elements of safety programs that have helped reduce employee injuries include:8 Composing and communicating to all employees a written policy relating the organization's commitment to safety and what it expects of its employees. Soliciting and using the input of line employees on safety matters Conducting regular safety inspections of the property Setting realistic goals for accident reduction, closely monitoring progress, and rewarding reductions Requiring accountability for accident reduction Offering a modified or transitional duty program to return injured employees to work sooner Creating a heightened sense of safety awareness through signs, contests, rewards, and health fairs Training, retraining, and more training Establishing specific safety oriented behaviors as a performance consideration

Building Design, Maintenance, and Safety

The proper design and maintenance of the physical plant are important contribu tors to employee and guest safety. Properly maintained and adequately illumi nated walkways, stairs, and parking lots reduce the likelihood of falls and related injuries. Using slip resistant flooring materials and finishes helps protect employees and guests from injury due to slippery surfaces. Another important design consideration is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which spells out accommodations to be made for people with disabilties. The glass installed in sliding doors to balconies, other patio doors, and exit/ entrance doors is another potential source of safety problems. Tempered glass should always be installed in such locations. Tempered glass is harder to break

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Safety and Security Systems and the ADA

Guests with disabilities may often be at greater risk in emergency situations due either to a diminished ability to hear warning signals or an inability to exit a building quickly. Guests with hearing or other cognitive disabilities may be unable to perceive some types of emergency warnings, while guests with some types of mobility impairments may be unable to independently evacuate floors that are above or below grade if the elevators are out of service. Although such potential situations have been recognized for many years, possible solutions have only recently been addressed by accessibility standards. To alert guests who cannot readily hear audible alarms, the Title III ADA Standards for Accessible Design require the installation of visual fire alarms (strobe lights) in various areas, especially where an individual might be isolated, such as in restrooms, meeting rooms, and guestrooms. The strobe lights are required to meet certain minimum requirements such as spacing, installation heights, flash rates, intensity, and synchronization. All wheelchair accessible guestrooms plus a percentage of other guestrooms are required to have audible/visual alarms that are triggered by a local smoke detector and the buildings general fire alarm. Accessible guestrooms are required to be configued and distributed to provide choices of room types and amenities comparable to those offered to the general public, including room types, levels of service, smoking/non-smoking rooms, views, etc. The ADA Standards for Accessible Design require that new hotels be fully sprinklered or that each floor have either direct at-grade egress or an area of rescue assistance. Areas of rescue assistance are designated protected spaces that connect directly to a means of egress (usually a fire stair), are large enough to accommodate two wheelchairs out of the path of normal egress, and have a two-way audible and visual communications system that connects to a fire command location. In these protected areas, guests who are unable to use stairs are expected to wait to be evacuated. Unfortunately, areas of rescue assistance can cause collateral security problems in hotels/motels. Spaces with immediate access to an exit, where persons are out of sight of security personnel, can potentially cause a threat to other hotel guests. Also, if storage space is at a premium, it typically becomes an ongoing management challenge to assure that areas of rescue assistance are kept clear at all times. It is important that hoteliers establish backup operational procedures to ensure the safety of guests with disabilities. The simple task of flagging the folio of each guest with a hearing or mobility impairment at the time of check-in can provide an effective means of identifying rooms that staff should notify in case of an emergency or that fire professionals should check to ensure that guests have been safely evacuated.

and, when shattered, breaks into rounded pieces, reducing the chance of injury. Take care when replacing glass that the correct type is used. In addition, when glass doors may be mistaken for open doorways, the glass should have decals affixed or bars of some type placed across them to alert people to its presence. Besides the physical plant, the furniture, fixtures, and equipment also need attention as part of a safety program. When these items are cleaned, they also


Chapter 3

should be inspected for loose connections and worn or frayed parts. This is yet another example of the need for a close working relationship between maintenance and housekeeping. If any problems are noted, the item should be either repaired immediately or removed from service until it is repaired. Attention should also be paid to product recall and defect notices. In recent years, defective sprinkler heads and high chairs were among a host of product recalls.

Safety in the Guest Bath

An area of particular concern in guest safety is the guest bathroom.9 Some of the safety concerns are: Hot water temperatures Slip resistance of bathtubs, showers, and bathroom floor coverings Electrical shock Proper bathroom construction

The scalding of guests in lodging bathrooms has resulted in injury and death. This problem occurs primarily in older establishments due to system design and operation. The resulting lawsuits can bankrupt smaller operations and signifi cantly affect the bottom line of larger ones. To prevent scalding, it is suggested that operators: Set guest use water temperatures no higher than 120 F (49 C) at the source and 110 F (43 C) at the tap. Separate hotel water systems supplying commercial facilities, guestrooms, and locker rooms from those supplying kitchens and laundries. Install bath and shower valves that provide pressure and temperature com pensation. These valves maintain a preset mix of hot and cold water and auto matically adjust to system changes.

The slip resistance of bathtubs is also a concern, since slippery bathtubs can cause injuries. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has defined indices of slipperiness." When purchasing new bathtubs and showers, ask for a nonslip surface per ASTM F462. The slip resistance rating of a bathroom tub and shower can decrease over time due to wear and the effects of cleaning chemicals. Tub and shower suppliers can recommend cleaning materials and methods. When resurfacing these fixtures, be sure to specify the required slip resistance as part of the contract; require the con tractor to submit test results per ASTM F462 on samples of the finished product. The location and installation of grab bars is also important in bath safety. Sug gested guidelines for positioning and mounting grab bars appear in Exhibit 3. All wall mounted items need to be installed with adequate blocking to ensure secure anchoring.

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 3 The Position and Mounting of Grab Bars


48 24


48 24

48 24


BATH AND SHOWER Source: Robert L. Kohr, The Safety Factor in Bathroom Design," Lodging, May 1989, p. 28.

Any glass used in shower stalls and mirrors should be safety glazed. Shower stall doors should be of tempered glass to reduce the possibility of cuts should the door break. Bathroom flooring should also have proper slip resistance. When specifying floor surfaces, require the manufacturer to submit certified copies of slip resistance test results from independent laboratories. The test results should represent condi tions appropriate to the expected use of the flooring material. The manufacturer can also recommend cleaning materials that maintain the floor's slip resistance. These steps will help minimize slips and falls. To reduce the hazard in the guest baths due to electrical shocks, furnish ground fault protection on selected electrical outlets. If your property provides hair dryers, the fan and coil should be mounted on the wall with a built in GFCI capability.


Chapter 3

Fire Safety
The U.S. lodging industry has had great success in improving the fire safety of hotels and in reducing the number and severity of hotel fires. In the late 1970s, an average of 11,500 hotel/motel fires were occurring yearly. By the early 1990s, this figure had dropped to about 6,000,10 and the number of deaths in hotel/motel fires had dropped from more than 100 per year to an average of about 35. This occurred amid a substantial increase in the number of hotel/motel rooms. The National Fire Protection Association remarked that it was in fact a milestone in the dramatic and remarkable progress of fire safety in the lodging industry. How did the industry manage to achieve this? A major factor was attention to fire prevention identifying possible causes of fires and striving to reduce or elim inate them. Hotels have also greatly improved the ways in which they detect the presence of a fire and the policies and methods they use to notify and evacuate building occupants. Finally, there is technology. Vastly improved fire suppression systems are installed today and systems to control the spread of fire and smoke effectively control even those fires that do flare up. With all these improvements, the reader may ask why we continue to discuss these topics. The admirable fire safety record of U.S. lodging establishments can be lost through complacency, a false sense of security, and a lack of managerial atten tion to fire issues. A classic case in point is a hotel fire in Cambridge, Massachu setts, in 1990. Banquet staff brought a 20 pound propane tank into a function room to operate a buffet warming grill. The grill created smoke and set off the room's smoke detector. To dissipate the smoke, the staff set up fans. Later, when the staff disconnected the propane tank, they failed to notice that the fuel line was still open. The escaping propane was circulated around the room by the fans, encoun tered an ignition source, and a fireball surged across the room. Amazingly, only one person died and 10 others were hospitalized. In a news story reporting the fire, the writer stated, Fire safety know how may or may not trickle down to the people who need it most the banquet staff."11 This incident is a reminder that management not only needs to know what to do, it needs to convey this informa tion to the staff and ensure that policies and procedures are followed. Continued attention to fire safety is mandated also by rapidly advancing fire detection and suppression technology. New technology, systems, and devices require continued maintenance and testing and, unfortunately, may be subject to operational problems. The greatly reduced numbers of lodging fires, coupled with the presence of increasingly sophisticated fire technology, can give managers a false sense of security. Smoke detectors and sprinkler heads do require mainte nance; they cannot be installed and then forgotten. Moreover, various components of systems need checking and, possibly, replacement. Market factors also favor operations with the proper technology and systems related to fire safety. For example, the federal government continues to follow the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act, which stipulates minimum fire protection standards for the lodging establishments at which federal employees stay. Federal employees will not be reimbursed for stays at properties not complying with

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federal fire safety requirements. Since the federal government is the largest employer in the United States, it represents a huge market for the lodging industry. Though major strides have been made in hotel fire safety, major gaps in hotel fire protection still exist. Some of these are within the U.S., but during the 1990s, the major loss of life due to fires in lodging was offshore. The last major loss of life in a hotel fire in the United States or its territories was in 1986 at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in Puerto Rico. The 1990s also saw major loss of life fires in hotels and vari ous social and dance clubs outside the United States. Exhibit 4 presents a summary of a hotel fire that claimed 91 lives and seriously injured another 51. A fire safety program involves fire prevention, detection, notification, control, suppression, and evacuation. No fire safety program will ever eliminate the possi bility of a fire. However, a well conceived and well managed fire protection pro gram can reduce the frequency and severity of fires. Lodging industry efforts over the past decade have significantly reduced deaths in lodging fires. In addition, the number of lodging fires has dropped substantially over the same period. Major hotel companies have improved their fire safety records through design of new facilities, retrofitting fire protection features into older facilities, and devel oping and implementing various fire safety procedures. The use of property level checklists to identify and remedy hazardous situations is one feature of these pro cedures. Exhibit 5 is a checklist from the National Fire Protection Association that identifies a number of key concerns in fire safety at the property level. Checklists such as these should be prepared and used to help maintain a fire safe facility. One key provision is that all fire protection equipment must be able to operate during a power outage. Therefore, checking the connection and operation of fire protection equipment under conditions of a simulated power outage is very important.

Fire Prevention
Fire prevention is everyone's job. It is clearly linked with maintenance, but fire safety itself pervades all departments and tasks of a property. An It's not my job" attitude toward fire safety just isn't acceptable. Many links exist between maintenance activities and fire prevention. Estab lishments with on site laundry facilities need to clean dryer ductwork regularly and remove lint from filters frequently to minimize the risk of fire. If a linen chute is used, it should also be cleaned periodically as needed. In addition, all linen chutes should be kept locked and provided with automatic fire sprinklers. Regu larly scheduled inspections of the building's electrical systems (and especially thermal scanning of electrical wiring) also help prevent fires. Critically important, especially in the lodging industry, is a well informed staff. Managers should make fire prevention and response training a priority in their operation. Materials are available from a host of sources, including fire prevention agencies, local fire departments, government, and trade associations. The Educational Institute of AH&LA, for example, has produced a fire prevention training video in conjunction with the National Fire Protection Association that addresses the fire safety issues unique to the lodging industry.12


Chapter 3 Hotel Fire in Thailand

Exhibit 4

At approximately 10:20 a.m. on July 11, 1997, a fire began in a ground-floor coffee shop at the Royal Jomtien Resort at Jomtien Beach in Thailand, approximately 200 kilometers (124 miles) southeast of Bangkok. The fire killed 91 hotel guests and staff and seriously injured 51. The fire was first reported by a crew from the local beach rescue foundation, which was patrolling nearby. The nearest fire station crew, monitoring the radio traffic, overheard the first call and responded immediately, arriving on the scene in 7 to 10 minutes. At the hotel, they saw a well-advanced fire with flames emanating from the third-floor [of the 17-story structure] roof of the discotheque. Smoke was also visible from the top of the hotel towers, and fire was visible on the third floor. The first-arriving crews also noticed that 14 people had climbed out a secondfloor window onto a canopy above the hotel foyer and that they were exposed to the fire. During the early stages of their operations, firefighters concentrated on rescuing and protecting those exposed to the fire. Once the first on-scene apparatus had exhausted its water, firefighters had to leave the scene to replenish its supply. An aerial apparatus with a turntable ladder that arrived with the second wave of responders positioned itself near the hotel entrance, and its crew rescued the 14 people from the canopy above the foyer. Once inside the hotel, firefighters tried to mount an attack using the standpipe, but they found it dry. The post-fire investigation revealed that no standpipe connections existed to permit the fire brigade to boost the standpipe system, and that an electric fire pump would have been needed to do so. The only external city water source at the resort was in the southwest section of the complex near the hotels swimming pool, where it was used to maintain the pools water level. It was impossible to position a piece of apparatus close to the valve outlet, and when firefighters tried to connect [a] hose to it, they discovered that the connection wasnt compatible with that of their hoses. The firefighters only alternative water supply on the property was the swimming pool, which contained approximately 336,000 liters (88,763 gallons) of water. They suctioned the water from the pool using a floating pump and five portable pumps. Tankers were refilled at water sources outside the property. Fire cause and origin Before the fire started, approximately eight staff members smelled what they thought was gas emanating from the buffet area of the coffee shop. Investigating its source, a male staff member noticed that gas was leaking from the valve assembly of a 9-kilogram (20-pound) liquid propane gas cylinder. The cylinder was connected at the valve assembly to a Y-shaped breaching piece connected by [a] flexible rubber hose to two wok-type burner jets. The jets were regularly used to cook breakfast for the hotel guests. Noting the leak, the man tried to shut down the cylinders main control valve. However, he inadvertently turned the valve the wrong way and, instead of shutting off the flow of gas, actually increased it. The vapor, expanding as it was released, quickly ignited. . . The fire, which grew rapidly as it consumed combustibles near the cylinder, soon became too big to contain with a portable extinguisher.

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 4



According to the local police officers responsible for the initial investigation, the sister of one of the hotels senior managers had fled the area of the fire before she realized that no one had begun to evacuate the resorts guests. When she reentered the complex to do so, she was overcome by the fire. Combustible interiors, the westerly breeze, and the lack of fire separation, compartmentation, and active suppression systems allowed the fire to spread rapidly through the lower levels of the complex. As the fire grew, the lack of pressurization in the stairwell, the lack of self-closers on many of the upper-level doors, and the lack of firestopping in the service shafts allowed smoke to penetrate the upper levels, causing the hotel to fill with smoke. According to NFPA Chief Fire Investigator Ed Comeau, the lessons learned from this disaster are those that have been repeated time and time again, both in the United States and throughout the world. While significant progress has been made through code adoption and fire safety education, theres still much work to be done, says Comeau.
Source: NFPA Journal, March/April 1998. Written by Garry J. Martin, inspector for the Fire Investiga tive and Analysis Department of the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board of Melbourne, Australia.

Kitchen areas pose great risks for fire. Attention to proper housekeeping prac tices in the kitchen and regular cleaning of ductwork can help prevent fires and reduce their severity if they do occur. Quick attention to problems with poorly operating kitchen equipment will help to prevent the outbreak of fire. Particularly important from both a fire safety and sanitation perspective is the kitchen ventilation or hood system.13 This system must be properly designed and maintained. Cleaning a hood system is a major maintenance task, the extent and nature of which depends on the type of hood system and the filtering method used. Some old hood systems are difficult to clean, yet require frequent cleaning. New designs incorporate automatic wash cycles, minimize potential pockets and crevices where grease can accumulate, and incorporate grease extractors rather than mesh or baffle filters. Periodic cleaning of ductwork and fans is also required to reduce the risk of fire and avoid a grease dump" on the roof or wall area near the fan outlet. This cleaning is often done by a contract service.14 Trash storage and disposal should also be viewed with the possibility of fire in mind. Storing combustible trash near the building (on the loading dock, for exam ple) provides an arsonist with a supply of fuel for which only a match is needed. Failure to secure trash rooms and other storage areas in the building may also pro vide an arsonist with a relatively isolated location loaded with fuel. Fire prevention is also a key issue during renovation. Renovation may involve nothing more than replacing interior finishes, or it may consist of substantial changes to the building. When replacing interior finishes, be sure to consider the relative flammability and smoke development potential of the materials. Local fire codes and corporate standards usually establish minimum requirements for these finishes. If such standards do not exist, refer to publications of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), such as NFPA 10 The Life Safety Code. Also, be


Chapter 3 NFPA Hotel Fire Safety Checklist

Exhibit 5

To be completed by Chief Engineer, Director of Safety or Equivalent: 1. Is there a fire alarm system to alert the attendees of a fire? What does it sound like? a. Bell b. Horn c. Slow whoop d. Other: 2. Are exit doors and routes to them indicated by illuminated EXIT signs? 3. Is there emergency lighting for the exit ways and exit stairs? 4. Are there any obstructions in corridors, exit doorways, exit stairs, and other routes that constitute exit ways for occupants? 5. Do exit doors from meeting, food service, or casino areas swing out? 6. Are exit doors locked or secured in any way that would prevent ready use of the door? 7. Are doors which could be mistaken for an exit marked properly? At least, DO NOT EXIT. 8. Do doors to exit stairs close and latch automatically after use and remain properly closed? 9. Are you able to access the guestroom floor from the exit stairs? 10. Are instructions prominently displayed in each attendees room giving details of the fire alarm signal and indicating locations of the nearest exits? 11. Are attendees room doors self-closing and free of transoms or louvers that might permit penetration of smoke into the room? 12. Is there a sign clearly visible in each elevator lobby station that states Elevators are not to be used during a fire? 13. Are there signs posted at the principal entrance to meeting and facility rooms, specifying maximum number of occupants? 14. Are the provided exits remote from each other so that occupants are able to use alternatives if one exit becomes unusable in an emergency? 15. Are folding partitions or air walls arranged so as not to obstruct access to required exits? 16. Are there mirrored surfaces near exits that might create confusion for evacuees? 17. Do meeting rooms have sufficient exits to allow the number of occupants to leave readily, based on the following rate? More than 1,000 3001,000 50300 4 exits (minimum) 3 exits 2 exits

18. Are all corridors, stairways, and aisles free of temporary or permanent storage, including laundry, chairs, tables, room service trays, and trash? 19. Is there a designated senior staff person responsible for on-site firesafety inspections? Name: Title:

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 5



20. Are you subject to a fire code? If so, which one? 21. Are any violations related to fire safety inspections outstanding or uncorrected? If so, please list. 22. Does your facility have an established operating emergency procedure in case of fire? Please include a copy with this completed checklist. 23. Is your facility fully sprinklered? If no, indicate where sprinklers are located. a. Meeting Rooms e. Public Washrooms b. Corridors f. Other c. Public Lobbies d. Guestrooms

24. Are smoke detectors located in all areas of the facility? If no, indicate smoke detector locations. a. Meeting Rooms e. Other b. Corridors c. Public Lobbies d. Guestrooms

25. Are all smoke detectors hard-wired into a central signaling system or directly to the fire department? If no, which are not?

careful about where new furniture, carpeting, and other combustible items are stored. Don't create an opportunity for either an arsonist or a carelessly thrown cigarette to create a fire. Some major hotel fires have started this way. More extensive renovations sometimes create additional risks. To demolish and remove portions of the building, contractors often bring equipment on site that may create a fire risk (cutting torches and fuel tanks, for example). Stress fire safety with your contractors, specify designated smoking areas and storage loca tions for hazardous materials, inspect their work for unsafe practices, and be sure that both you and they have the necessary insurance coverage. It is also important that you know if any elements of the fire detection, notification, or suppression systems have been disabled during the renovation. A system for scheduling notifi cation and a fire watch must be determined prior to any shutdown.

Fire Detection
Fires are often first detected by human observation. Nonetheless, methods of fire detection that operate independently of human presence are needed. These meth ods include heat detectors, smoke detectors, and sprinkler activation detectors. Heat detectors react to the absolute temperature in a location (fixed tempera ture detectors), to a change in the temperature of a space (rate of rise detectors), or to a combination of the two (rate compensation detectors). They are likely to be used where the use of smoke detectors would be problematic, such as in dusty locations. Smoke detectors are of two types. Photoelectric detectors are triggered when smoke particles either scatter or obscure light. Ionization detectors contain a small amount of radioactive material that establishes a flow of ionized air between charged electrodes in the conductor. The presence of smoke changes this flow of ionized air and triggers the detector.


Chapter 3

Dust buildup on smoke detectors can result in nuisance" alarms. Therefore, periodic cleaning of detectors is required. In addition, detector sensitivity changes over time. Too large a change can either compromise system operation or result in nuisance alarms. Because of this drift in detector sensitivity, it is necessary to cali brate detectors from time to time. Some detection systems monitor detector sensi tivity, adjust this sensitivity automatically, and signal operators when detectors exceed allowable changes so that maintenance can be performed. For other sys tems, periodic calibration is necessary. Consult manufacturers' information for testing methods and frequencies. Many lodging establishments now contain sprinkler systems. Besides their contribution to suppression, these systems also detect fires and trigger an alarm. The alarm is triggered by flow in the sprinkler piping, which is sensed by piping flow sensors connected to the building alarm. The alarm also identifies the particu lar flow sensor involved, making it possible to identify the approximate location of the fire.

Fire Notification
Notification involves all means used to inform guests and employees not only about an existing fire, but also about the correct procedures to follow in case of a fire. Notification is accomplished in several ways, each of which requires some maintenance attention and consideration. Elements of the notification system are: Emergency instructions and floor plans Building horns and alarms Voice alarms, visual alarms, and communication systems Single station smoke detectors Exit lights

Local fire codes will dictate minimum standards with regard to all aspects of build ing fire protection. Most fire codes will address the items listed above. Emergency instructions are typically posted on the guestroom door. They tell guests what to do in case of a fire or other emergency. Floor plans should be part of these instructions and should show the locations of the nearest exits. If elevators are present, guests should be instructed not to use them during a fire. Guests are also instructed to keep their room keys with them (to allow them to get back into their rooms either after an all clear signal is given or if the fire has them trapped). If stairwell doors are self locking, guests should be warned of this. Other property specific emergency instructions should be included as well. With the growing number of international travelers, management should include graphic instructions and instructions in languages commonly spoken by the hotel's guests. Some hotels have created videotapes that provide safety and security infor mation. These tapes are shown on an information channel on the guestroom television. The set may tune to this channel automatically when it is turned on. At some locations, there are several such channels, each in the language of a major guest group.

Safety and Security Systems


Building alarms should be checked regularly, in accordance not only with local codes but also corporate standards. Special testing and inspection is also war ranted whenever work is performed on or near these circuits. Alarms must be clearly audible inside guestrooms; codes usually specify some noise level that the alarm must produce inside the guestroom. Adjustments may be necessary to meet these standards. Some alarms have test switches or reset keys that are used during testing. Other alarms are activated only when the user breaks a glass panel. When these alarms are tested, the glass should be removed; afterward, the glass should be replaced. The maintenance staff should have the replacement links needed to restore the system following activation. To provide better information to guests, lodging properties have been install ing more voice and visual alarms and communication systems. Voice alarm sys tems usually integrate a warning alarm with a pre recorded message providing guests with information about proper procedures in case of a fire. The systems nor mally allow property staff or the fire department to override the recorded message so that additional instructions can be given. Keep in mind that speakers of foreign languages may not understand these spoken instructions. Just as multilingual written information about emergency procedures may be needed in the guest rooms, multilingual spoken instructions may be needed when appropriate. Voice alarms and other communication systems should be tested periodically for proper operation. To notify hearing impaired guests of fires, visual signaling devices are now regularly used. Strobe lights are installed on alarm speakers in hotel guestrooms and hallways and on the exit signs in hallways. These visual devices may go off in all rooms or only in rooms identified as having hearing impaired guests, depend ing on local codes. As already discussed, smoke detectors are a key feature of fire detection sys tems. Some detectors also serve as local notification devices that is, they do not sound a building alarm. Called single station smoke detectors, these devices are similar to those used in residences in that they contain both a smoke detector and an integral alarm. They differ from most residential types in that they are powered by a dedicated electrical circuit, not by batteries. Since guests at most hospitality facilities are only slightly familiar with the physical layout of the building, the role of exit signs and lighting in a fire is very important. In addition, exit signs are almost always included in a fire department inspection. Management has the clear responsibility to keep exit signs illuminated and clear of obstruction. Emergency lighting should be installed and operational. Inspecting and maintaining emergency lighting often involves using emergency test switches and checking battery fluid levels (for battery lighting systems). Sys tems powered by emergency generators should always be checked with the gener ator under load. Doors and hallways that are dead ends should be clearly marked NOT AN EXIT." Changes in exit patterns as a result of ongoing renovations must also be noted. It is appropriate to comment on the dangers of overriding the protection devices of fire doors and exit passages. Far too often when a hotel is opened,


Chapter 3

wooden wedges are placed to hold open every fire door in the hotel. This compro mises the fire protection designed into the building. Fire and smoke control doors should not be held open by anything other than an approved device that will release the door in the case of a fire. Similarly, exit passages should not be used to store equipment and furnishings (or anything else, for that matter). Doing so not only reduces their ability to serve as exit passages, but also may provide a fuel source for a fire.

Fire Suppression
Despite the successful initiatives by designers and operators to reduce the number of fires, outbreaks of fires in hospitality establishments still occur. It is therefore necessary to have adequate fire suppression and control equipment, to know how to use this equipment, and to keep it in proper operating condition. Fire suppression equipment includes such items as sprinklers, standpipes and hose systems, portable extinguishers, and all related equipment (such as fire pumps, emergency generators, and hoses). Sprinkler systems are becoming much more prevalent in hospitality applica tions as their effectiveness becomes better known and as fire codes are modified to require them. Wet pipe sprinklers are commonly found in hospitality applications. These systems consist of pipes filled with water, individual temperature activated sprinkler heads, and a water source with sufficient pressure. For low rise build ings, the water source is generally the local water supply, which provides adequate pressure without a supplemental pump. For high rise buildings (usually those higher than five to seven stories), a fire pump is generally installed to provide the necessary water pressure and quantity. A 1998 AH&LA survey revealed that installation of sprinkler systems, while widespread, is still not universal in lodging establishments. Exhibit 6 depicts the results of this survey. Many smaller establishments are not required by code to install sprinklers, particularly if the guestrooms open directly to the outside. What is surprising in the survey is that of the various classifications of properties, only the casinos category had sprinkler systems installed in more than 80 percent of their hotel properties. In contrast, smoke detectors were installed in more than 99 percent of the properties surveyed. Properties should stock a supply of sprinkler heads to replace those damaged or needing replacement after a small fire. If these are not on hand, occupants may be denied re entry to the building after a small fire. This causes at best an inconve nience for guests and employees and at worst a significant revenue loss. Portable fire extinguishers are useful for extinguishing fires in their early stages. To be effective, however, an extinguisher must be the correct type and must be operated properly. Exhibit 7 summarizes the types of extinguishers suitable for use on various types of fires. The extinguishers in a given area should be appropri ate for the type of fire likely to be encountered in that area (that is, a water extin guisher should not be located in an electrical room). Some extinguishers are labeled for multiple applications (the ABC extinguisher, for example), while others are labeled for a specific type of fire.

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 6 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 20-39 40-74 75-149 150-249 250 or more
25% 49% 55% 65%


Percentage of Hotels with Sprinklers in Room

Hotels with Sprinklers in Room by Number of Rooms 84%

Number of Respondents 2039 876 4074 1740 75149 2510 150249 871 250 or more 686

Hotels with Spriklers in Room by Segment Type

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Luxury Upscale Mid-Priced Economy Budget
18% 80% 71% 53% 39%

Number of Respondents Luxury 308 Upscale 1359 Mid-Priced 3271 Economy 1303 Budget 261

Source: AH&LA 1998 Lodging Survey.


Chapter 3 Types of Fires and Extinguishers

Exhibit 7

Note: Halon is banned for refills under the Montreal Protocol and should gradually be replaced under that protocol and its time limits. Halon is being replaced in many establishments by traditional water sprinkler systems or water fogging or misting systems. (Courtesy of Sheraton Corporation and Badger Fire Protection)

Safety and Security Systems


Two recent developments regarding portable fire extinguishers should be noted. First, a new type and classification of extinguisher has been added, the class K. This new extinguisher was created to cope with fires in large fryers and other appliances using large quantities of vegetable or animal fats. The new extinguisher reduces the potential for fire flashback. Before development of the class K, auto ignition was a problem because, though other extinguishers smothered the fire ini tially, heat retained in the fat could re ignite the fire. Class K units are designed to effectively prevent re ignition. Class K extinguishers are used in addition to and following activation of the installed fire protection system. The other new development is an expansion of the extinguisher ratings. A numerical value has been added to the previously used letter value. The number now appearing before the A" letter classification denotes the amount of fire sup pression material contained in the extinguisher. An extinguisher rated 2A has approximately 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters) of extinguishing agent. The number before the B" letter classification denotes the total square feet of a class B" fire that the extinguisher is rated to cover. A unit rated 20B is suited for suppression of approxi mately 20 square feet (1.9 square meters) of a surface with a class B" (flammable liquid) fire. No numbers are assigned to the C" and K" letters. All portable extinguishers should be included in the operation's preventive maintenance program. Maintenance staff should regularly inspect hoses, fittings, gauges, pressure levels, and the weight and condition of the extinguishing media. You should also ensure that the correct type of extinguisher is readily available. If you hire outside contractors to service portable extinguishers, make sure that someone at the property monitors their work. For many years, the standard fire suppression system in kitchens used dry chemicals discharged through a set of nozzles located over key equipment and sometimes in ductwork. Dry chemical hood systems are particularly sensitive to pipe runs, so any change in piping should be done only after an engineering study. Check chemical levels in the systems periodically and inspect all plumbing for pro pellant leaks. These systems are activated manually or by a fusible link (which melts to activate the system) in the hood or ductwork. In several restaurant fires, the fire protection equipment has not operated properly because of problems with its installation, the installation of food service equipment, or maintenance related failings. Because of the need to suppress and control vegetable oil and animal fat fires, and in recognition of the large cleanup task associated with dry chemical systems, some food service operations have begun using wet agents in their kitchen hoods. One version of the wet agent system uses a mixture of potassium salts and water spray. These extinguishing agents are used on Class K fires (those involving large quantities of cooking oils in appliances such as fryers). These wet chemical extin guishing systems create a foam layer on the surface of the hot or burning grease, thereby smothering the fire and preventing reflash. In addition, the liquid spray provides a cooling effect. The cooling effect is important to reduce the potential for re ignition of the fire due to auto ignition. Advantages of the wet agent system include its easy cleanup and low corrosiveness. Dry agents use sodium bicarbon ate, which is not only quite messy, but also somewhat corrosive if left in contact


Chapter 3

with kitchen equipment. Wet agents result in more localized application of the agent and can be cleaned up with sponges and towels. Agents used in these sys tems must pass UL 300 tests.15 A variety of kitchen hood systems exists, several of which are designed to reduce energy usage. Some of these energy saving designs fail to provide adequate kitchen ventilation. Maintenance and food service managers considering energy saving ventilation systems should make sure the systems provide ventilation ade quate to meet all applicable code requirements. Maintenance staff should check that (1) the hood system is properly con nected, (2) the nozzle caps are in place to protect nozzles from grease, (3) the nozzles are aimed correctly, and (4) the fusible links are not covered with grease and dirt. Fusible links may need to be replaced on a regular (usually annual) basis per manufacturer's instructions. Spare fusible links should be in continuing inven tory. Cable connections for manual activation should also be inspected. When the kitchen fire suppression system is activated, it should also interrupt the supply of fuel to equipment. Care should be taken when installing new equip ment or modifying equipment installations so that the interrupt capability of the fire protection system is not affected. One operation connected a new range to two gas lines but installed a shutoff on only one, resulting in a problem when a fire occurred. This can easily happen when maintenance staff replace equipment or modify installations to reflect changing needs. Periodically inspecting the fire sup pression system can help to ensure its operation when needed. On the other hand, not all equipment needs to be shut off automatically. Do not connect such equipment to automatic shutoffs, because this may interrupt some equipment unnecessarily for example, a kitchen alarm that shuts off all gas in the building. Either provide a separate gas line for the kitchen or use another fuel (such as electricity) as the primary or backup energy source for the rest of the building. Studies of restaurant fires indicate that sometimes the plumbing connecting the dry chemical tanks, piping, and spray nozzles either was never completed or was disconnected for maintenance and not reconnected. In other instances, the fus ible links were replaced with wires, bolts, and other inappropriate items. The result was suppression systems that failed when needed. You need to be aware of these problems. You should not compromise the operation of the system. Work done by outside contractors on the restaurant fire suppression system should always be inspected. Maintenance staff are often part of the emergency response team particu larly at smaller properties and should be instructed in the proper operation of extinguishers and other equipment. Exhibit 8 contains information concerning the discharge time and distance of several common types of portable extinguishers. Familiarity with such data is important for any operator of extinguishing systems. Kitchen staff should also be trained to use portable extinguishers. Particular emphasis should be placed on instructing the staff on how to use them on grease fires. An improperly handled CO2 extinguisher can spread a grease fire rather than smother it. Also, employees should practice removing extinguishers from wall mountings. Ensure that extinguishers are not located in places that are too high

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 8 Portable Fire Extinguishers: Typical Discharge Times and Distances
Discharge Time 60 seconds 825 seconds Discharge Distance 3040 feet (912m) 520 feet (1.56.1 m)


Type and Capacity Water 2.5 gal. (9.4L) Dry Chemical, 2.75 to 5 lb (1.2 to 2.3 kg) Wet Chemical, 2.5 gal. (9.4L) Carbon Dioxide 2.5 to 5 lb (1.1 to 2.3 kg) Halon, 2 to 3 lb (0.9 to 1.4 kg)

UL Classification 2-A 5 to 20-B:C

4585 seconds 830 seconds

812 feet (2.43.7m) 38 feet (0.92.4m)

1-B;C or 2-A:1-B:C 1- to 5-B:C

810 seconds

610 feet (1.83m)


or that otherwise make access difficult. Employees should become familiar with handling extinguishers before there is a fire. Further training in extinguisher opera tion can be obtained from most local fire departments, corporate training resources, or the NFPA.16

Fire Control
Fire and smoke control equipment includes such items as fire and smoke dampers in air handling systems, smoke sensors in HVAC ductwork, stairwell pressuriza tion systems, automatic guestroom door closers, and alarm initiated fire and smoke control door closers. Fire control also involves elements of building construction and operation that control the spread of fire and smoke. Understand ing the role of these elements is important when conducting building maintenance and renovations. Fire dampers are installed in ductwork where the duct penetrates walls and floors. The dampers, which limit the spread of fire, are activated by the melting of a link that holds them in their normally open position. Maintenance workers have been known to wire these dampers open when links break or are lost. This seri ously compromises the fire control built into the building by the designers. Inves tigation of one of the major hotel fires of the 1980s showed dampers held open with wires and steel straps so they could not close. Whether done by in house personnel or outside contractors, such changes to the building fire control design clearly increase the risk of damage, injury, and death due to a fire. Maintenance staff need to be attentive to the design intent of these features and not compromise this intent. Smoke dampers are installed to inhibit the movement of smoke through ductwork. Smoke sensors control smoke dampers. Smoke sensors may also con trol smoke by shutting down the air handling system when smoke is detected.


Chapter 3

Stairwell pressurization systems increase the air pressure in stairwells, thereby keeping the stairwells relatively smoke free. The automatic door closers on guestroom doors should be inspected as part of guestroom preventive maintenance. One major deadly hotel fire would probably have been a minor incident if a self closing door had been able to operate properly. Fire and smoke control doors should never be blocked or have their complete clo sure inhibited. Some doors are connected to automatic release devices. These doors are nor mally held open by the release devices, but are designed to close automatically when a fire alarm is sounded. Unfortunately, they will also close if a power outage occurs. Since these doors are installed for fire and smoke control, they must meet certain minimum construction standards for example, any glass used in these doors must be fire tested (which usually means it must be wired glass). The walls that surround any means of egress (such as the guestroom corridor or the fire stairs) must meet a minimum fire resistance rating. Renovation must be done with this in mind. Any replacement of walls, doors, or windows that involves spaces along a means of egress will need to have the proper fire resistance rating. In addition, smoke and fire stops (means of sealing gaps that result from construc tion work) should be installed in plumbing chases and other penetrations of walls and floors. Maintenance clearly has a role in keeping these features operational. The importance of replacing smoke and fire stops when performing mainte nance and the need to close fire doors are illustrated by another hotel fire from the early 1980s. A fire on the second floor of a Toronto hotel resulted in deaths on the sixth, twelfth, and twenty third floors of the building. Smoke and fire were able to spread throughout the building because a fire door was held open by a doorstop, and fire stops were not replaced in pipe chases when maintenance work was per formed. These factors facilitated the vertical movement of fire and smoke in the building. This discussion of fire safety deals with only some key issues in hotel fire safety. Most hotel corporations have standards for building design that incorporate fire safety concerns. Many have developed other corporate training materials to assist in keeping staff informed of fire safety issues and systems on their proper ties. Exhibit 9 is an excerpt from a sample maintenance schedule for fire protection. Such a schedule should be developed for each facility on the basis of the equip ment installed at the facility. The schedule should use information from the build ing designer and equipment suppliers. Another source of maintenance information is the NFPA, which includes maintenance suggestions as a component of its standards for various pieces of fire protection equipment.

Evacuation Plans
The probability of facility evacuation is real and must be planned for accordingly. The process of evacuation and re entry should occur as easily as possible. Though detailed discussion of all aspects of these plans is not possible here, plans should include:

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 9

Device Private Hydrants


Periodic Test Requirements: Fire Protection Systems

Frequency Annually Comments Flow water minimum of 1 minute, until water has cleared. Close and observe for proper drainage. Physically verify open position quarterly, annually operate valve through full rangeshut and re-open. NFPA Code 25 4-2 .2.4 4-2 .2.5 4-3 .2

Control Values


25 9-3 .3.1 9-3 .4.1 9-3 .4.3

Main (2) Drain Back Flow Prevention Devices Dry Pipe Valves

Annually Annually Per code requirements, must measure flow and calculate friction loss. Annual trip tests, full flooding every 3rd year. Test quick opening devices. Churn (no flow) test of motor driven pump 10 minutes minimum. Engine driven 30 minutes minimum. Full flow test. Verify pump running alarm in conjunction with weekly test run. Other alarms to be verified in conjunction with annual pump test. Quarterly Hydrostatic test and water supply test5 years. Pressure reducing valves (hose connection)5 years. SemiAnnually Verify alarm signal after two turns of the valve or after it has been moved one-fifth of the distance from its normal position.

25 9-2 .6 9-3 .4.2 25 9.6


25 9-4 . 9-4 .4.2.2

Fire Pump


25 5-3 .2.1 5-3 .2.2

Fire Pump Fire Pump Alarms


25 5-3 .3.1

Water Flow Alarm Standpipe

25 9-2 .7 25 3-2 .3 9-5 .2.2

Valve Supervisory Switch

25 9-3 .4.3



Chapter 3 (continued)
Frequency Annually Annually Comments Distance from its normal position. For nonrestorable type, test electrically. For restorable type, use listed aerosol acceptable to the manufacturer. 72 Table 7-3 .2 NFPA Code

Exhibit 9

Smoke Detectors Heat Detectors

Fire Alarm Pull Stations Alarm Notification Audible & Visual Elevator Capture/Return

Annually Annually Falls under ASME/ANSI A17.1. Required monthly operation and written records on premises. Annually SemiAnnually In conjunction with Pull Station Tests. All operating parts must be tested by semi-annually approved personnelrecorded results.

72 Table 7-3 .2 72 Table 7-3 .2 101 7-4 .8

Electromechanical Door Releases Stairwell Pressurization

101 31-1 .1.10 5-23 .13

Restaurant Hood Extinguishing System Engine-Driven Generator

SemiAnnually Weekly Inspect/exercise weekly. Exercise monthly under load.

96 10-6 .5 8-2 110 6-4 .1

NFPA 25 The Standard for Inspection. Testing and Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Systems, 1999 edition. NFPA 72 The National Fire Alarm Code, 1999 edition NFPA 96 The Standard of Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, 1999 edition. NFPA 101 The Code for Safety to Life From Fire in Buildings and Structures (Life Safety Code), 1997 edition. NFPA 110 The Standard of Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 1999 edition.

Safety and Security Systems


Designation of staff members to supervise the movement of guests down exit stairwells, out exit stairs, and to pre arranged locations of assembly. Designation of locations of assembly for hotel staff outside the building. Preparation of lists of registered guests and their room numbers, as well as one duty staff in case there is a need to account for all building occupants. Designation of staff members to ensure that special needs guests, such as those with physical handicaps, receive information and special care as needed. Designation of individuals to meet fire department personnel and provide whatever assistance and information they require. Instruction for the securing of cash and other valuables.

As mentioned, market issues stand as one of the motivating factors of managerial concern for safety and security. Guests care about security! A hotel that maintains a high level of security does so through a mix of facility design and managerial practices. Physical facilities designed with security in mind help restrict hotel access to guests only. They are designed to inhibit forced entry, to allow supervision of entrances and exits, and to provide adequate lighting. Mana gerial practices that increase security range from instituting procedures to ensure guest privacy, to keeping adequate records to support security related decisions, to training employees to recognize and deal effectively with security related needs, and to adhering to procedures that enhance the security of the property. To reduce the potential for security problems at hotels, several design and operational features should be considered. These include: Providing guests with information about property security and safe behaviors for guests. Use of AH&LA's Traveler Safety Tips" or equivalent material is one way to do this. Exhibit 10 lists the Traveler Safety Tips. Equipping guestrooms with phones to enable guests to make emergency calls. Installing guestroom doors that self close and lock automatically. They should be provided with deadbolt locks, viewports or the equivalent, and security chains or bars that allow the door to be partially opened and yet secure. Installing deadbolt locks on both sides of the connecting doors. Ensuring that operable guestroom windows and sliding glass doors have a means of being locked. Windows should not open wide enough to allow a person or object to pass through. For sliding glass doors at ground level (and others where access may be possible via the balcony) consideration should be given to the installation of secondary access restricting devices as well (hinged bars, metal or wood placed in the door channel, or additional locks).

Hotel guests may have valuables that they wish to secure during their visit. Historically, this was done via a safe deposit box near and often under the purview


Chapter 3 Traveler Safety Tips

Exhibit 10

1. Dont answer the door in a hotel or motel room without verifying who it is. If a person claims to be an employee, call the front desk and ask if someone from their staff is supposed to have access to your room and for what purpose. 2. When returning to your hotel or motel late in the evening, use the main entrance of the hotel. Be observant and look around before entering parking lots. 3. Close the door securely whenever you are in your room and use all of the locking doors provided. 4. Dont needlessly display guestroom keys in public or carelessly leave them on restroom tables, at the swimming pool, or other places where they can be easily stolen. 5. Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry. 6. Dont invite strangers to your room. 7. Place all valuables in the hotel or motels safe deposit box. 8. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. 9. Check to see that any sliding glass doors or windows and any connecting room doors are locked. 10. If you see any suspicious activity, please report your observations to the management.

of the front desk. A variety of procedures and regulations cover the use of safe deposit boxes, with the responsibilities of the facilities department often limited to drilling out the locks when guests lose their keys.17 Recently, properties have installed in room safes to secure quest property. Several factors are involved in this trend. First, today's customers are often interested in a secure place to store per sonal computers. Many existing safe deposit box systems do not have the space to store these. Second, guests prefer the convenience of an in room storage location for computers (and other items) to a front desk location. Finally, hotels have been able to realize some revenue from the in room safes. It is likely that the in room safe will become a more common amenity in the future. Exhibit 11 shows in room safe availability by hotel size and segment type. All employees should keep security in mind with each decision they make. Training employees to recognize and report suspicious individuals and unsafe conditions is also strongly recommended. AH&LA's Educational Institute has pro duced a security videotape series that is an excellent source for the needed train ing.18 It should be supplemented with property specific information.

Key Control
Central to security for hotels is key control. Key control for locking systems is critical to establishing and maintaining security at the facility. Whether mechanical or electronic locks are used, the need for key control is essentially the same.

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 11 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Percentage of Hotels with In Room Safes
Hotels with Safe in Room by Number of Rooms 19%


11% 8% 5% 5%




150-249 250 or more

Number of Respondents 2039 1456 4074 2354 75149 3093 150249 1199 250 or more 833

Hotels with Safe in Room by Segment Type

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%


13% 7% 7% 5%



Mid-Priced Economy


Number of Respondents Luxury 343 Upscale 1473 Mid-Priced 3652 Economy 1534 Budget 317

Source: AH&LA 1998 Lodging Survey.


Chapter 3

Mechanical systems rely more on continuous management involvement, while electronic systems embody a large amount of key control within the system itself. One approach to the topic is to remember the five R's of key control": Rationale Records Retrieval Rotation Replacement

The rationale of a key control system includes the criteria used to develop the keying schedule and to identify who will have what level of access. In other words, the rationale determines how many keying levels there will be and who gets what keys. Considerations include the physical layout of the building, departmental needs for access, the interaction of these needs with the productivity and staffing of these departments, the needs of guests, and the overall security needs of the facility. A rationale lets you develop a coherent hotel keying schedule such as that shown in Exhibit 12. Key control records involve a number of elements. With regard to the guest room, effective key control calls for keeping information about the status of guest room keys, the names of room occupants, and the names of any others having access to the room. With regard to keys issued to employees, records should indi cate which employees have which keys. Policy implementation may rely on these records. For example, a room key should be given out only to the room's occu pants, and then only after their identities are verified. Hotels also need to maintain records of problems with guestroom locks (maintenance and incidents) and of actions taken to enhance security, including rotation and replacement. The mechanical key blanks need to be kept under control. Information con cerning the number of blanks and their disposition should be recorded and checked. Records of the lock cores installed in each guestroom should also be made. One practice of recordkeeping (not currently recommended) is recording the guestroom number on the key itself. This practice or a similar one of attaching a tag with the room number to the key has far too much potential for compromis ing guest security. If your property still uses guestroom keys, provide the guest with room numbers separate from the keys themselves on a printed key enve lope, note paper, etc similar to the manner commonly used at hotels with elec tronic locks. Retrieval involves all actions to retrieve keys from guests and employees when they leave the building. For guests, these involve management attempts to get the guest to leave the key for the room. Asking for the key when the guest checks out and providing drop boxes for keys at exit points assist in this pro cess. Also, housekeeping staff should be told what to do with guest keys found in the room. It is also important to retrieve keys from employees. Employees should take no keys off the premises. Keys needed for the work shift should be signed out at

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 12 Sample Hotel Keying Schedule

Submaster Key Executive offices Sales and catering offices Accounting offices Personnel Front office Entrances Guestrooms (by floor) Kitchens Food outlets Beverage outlets Food and beverage storage Food and beverage offices, purchasing Receiving area Function rooms Function storage Privacy Key Cashiers office (safe) Accounting files Safe deposit area Retail shops


Master Key Administration

Rooms division

Food and beverage

Wine and liquor storage Refrigerators and freezers China and silver storage Entertainers dressing rooms

Function areas Housekeeping

Audiovisual equipment storage

Guestrooms (by floor Lost and found or other maid unit) Linen/housekeeping Lockers and employee dining Laundry Linen storage Engineering offices Engineering shops Mechanical areas Electrical areas Health club and pool Remote facilities (tennis club, golf club, pool) Electric transformer room

Laundry Engineering


Source: Walter A. Rutes and Richard H. Penner, Hotel Planning and Design (New York: Whitney School of Design, 1985), p. 220.

the start of the shift and returned at the end. They should be placed in a secure location, whether in use or not. Housekeepers should keep keys on their person, not on their carts. Keys are all too often not retrieved from terminating employees, as they should be. Annual surveys of hospitality students continue to find that they have keys to hotels or restaurants at which they previously worked. Pay particular attention to keys given to outside contractors for access to a portion of the building. Avoid this practice if at all possible. Rotation involves moving locks from room to room to maintain security a sort of preventive security action. Some properties rotate locks on a regular basis (every six months or every year), while others rotate when a given number of


Chapter 3

guestroom keys have been lost. Rotation is also a good practice when it appears guestroom security has been compromised. A system should be implemented to avoid creating guest dissatisfaction due to rotation. For example, when locks are rotated for occupied rooms, use a lock change" notice card on the guest room door. Despite efforts to deal with proper key control, the replacement of part or all of the locking system will eventually be necessary. Locks for food and beverage stor age areas and other back of the house locations should be replaced if it is believed that security has been compromised. The loss of master keys may trigger the replacement of all locks at the hotel. Replacement of locks also should be consid ered when the property is sold, especially when there is a major change in staff. The replacement process for those operations currently using mechanical/ hard key locks will likely involve the installation of electronic locks. For many operations currently using electronic locks, the next 10 years will probably see them replacing these systems. Exhibit 13 shows that as of the 1998 survey date, there were still a substantial number of smaller properties without electronic locks. Until these operations convert their systems, the five Rs of key control certainly will apply.

Electronic Locks
Electronic locks inherently perform many of the elements of key control described already. The process of purchasing and installing the system includes developing a rationale for key issue and the master/submaster hierarchy. The central computer for the locking system maintains records of keys issued. The need to retrieve keys is greatly reduced, since the combinations of the rooms are changed when a new guest enters the room. In essence, locks are rotated" automatically for each new room occupant. If a master key is lost, the costly replacement of all locks is not nec essary, since the central computer and individual units can be reprogrammed. In addition, the cost of most keys used in electronic lock systems is much less than that of mechanical locks. Some individual locks maintain records of the keys used to gain entry to the room. The ability to interrogate" these locks when security problems are encoun tered is a clear benefit. It has not only assisted in the investigation of thefts, but also served a significant preventive role. Employee theft from guestrooms has been greatly reduced at properties installing these systems. Since every entry is recorded and every key used for entry is identified, employees know that they can neither enter a room without leaving recorded evidence nor blame some non existent unseen intruder. Electronic locks have greatly improved guestroom security. Although these systems add some unique maintenance responsibilities (for example, battery changes), these added duties are more than offset by the systems' overall savings and convenience. Electronic lock technology continues to change. Some locking systems now automatically engage the dead bolt when the door is closed, reducing the potential for forced entry room thefts. Some electronic locks now incorporate smart card" technology that allows guestroom key cards to be used throughout a hotel to

Safety and Security Systems Exhibit 13 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10 % 0% Percentage of Hotels with Electronic Locks
Hotels with Electronic Locks by Number of Rooms 88% 81% 68% 53%






150-249 250 or more

Number of Respondents 2039 885 4074 1798 75149 2591 150249 1012 250 or more 689

Hotels with Electronic Locks by Segment Type

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Luxury Upscale Mid-Priced Economy Budget
20% 66% 62% 47% 69%

Number of Respondents Luxury 316 Upscale 1382 Mid-Priced 3362 Economy 1344 Budget 270

Source: AH&LA 1998 Lodging Survey.


Chapter 3 Safety and Security Reference Sources

Hotel Security Report (formerly Hotel/ Motel Security and Safety Management) Rusting Publications Port Washington, New York Guide to Occupational Safety and Health Compliance for the Lodging Industry Raymond C. Ellis, Jr. Educational Institute of AH&LA

Exhibit 14

Loss Prevention Management Bulletin Loss Prevention Management Institute Conrad N. Hilton College University of Houston Houston, Texas Security and Loss Prevention Management, 2 nd Edition Raymond C. Ellis, Jr. and David M. Stipanuk Educational Institute of AH&LA

charge to the room account. Moreover, there are locking systems that integrate with other systems in the hotel to provide information on the status of room occu pancy. These systems interact with the guestroom HVAC control system, notify housekeepers of room occupancy, and communicate with the front desk. The general overview we have presented in this chapter can be supplemented using the resources listed in Exhibit 14. The previous edition of this text described a visit by an American traveler to Europe in the late 1980s. The traveler commented on the lack of smoke detectors, emergency instructions, and sprinklers in the guestroom. In addition, the independent four star property lacked a viewport and deadbolt was well. Unfortunately, problems such as these continue in both the United States and international marketplaces. During recent visits to the Caribbean, this author encountered newly constructed high rise hotels whose single exit stairwell (centrally located on the guestroom floor) had no fire doors or any other means of separation from the guestroom floors. This meant fire and smoke could readily enter the stairwell and render it essentially useless. There was also no safety chain on the guestroom door. At another property, there was no viewport or safety chain on the door, making it impossible for a guest to see the person at the door without opening it. Finally, at a property at which a major regional tourism meeting was held, the hotel doors were of highly combustible wooden construction and were not self closing. Guestroom keys had the room number on the key tag, and there was no deadbolt on the doors. In addition, the door providing outside egress from one fire exit was locked during the night, the exit stairwell doors were propped open, one exit stairwell was used to store furniture and debris, and the unused upper level of the property (used for additional storage) was open to the exit stairwell. Problems such as these are not limited to locations outside the United States. In 2000, an investigative news program visited a motel operation in the south east United States where attacks and guestroom robberies had occurred. Despite these incidents, the motel did not rotate or replace door locks even when it was obvious

Safety and Security Systems


the assailants had keys to gain access. In another instance, the same news program videotaped motel security guards sleeping in their vehicles in parking lots this at a motel having a history of security problems. Another security shortfall uncov ered by this investigative effort was that, in spite of having electronic locks and locked exterior doors, motels were failing to code expiration dates on the keycards, leaving cards valid long after guests had checked out.

1. Top to Bottom Hotel Fire Safety," NFPA Journal, March/April 2001, pp. 72 76. 2. In the United States, hotel operators are generally responsible for providing reasonable care" a legal concept for guests at their establishments. However, the legal dimensions, implications, and limitations of this responsibility are not the subject of this chapter. For more information on this aspect of hospitality safety and security, see Raymond C. Ellis, Jr., and David M. Stipanuk, Security and Loss Prevention Management, 2d ed (Lansing, Mich.: Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 1999), and Jack P. Jefferies and Banks Brown, Understanding Hospitality Law, 4th ed. (Lansing, Mich.: Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2001), Chapter 10. 3. http://www.bls.gov.news.release/osh.t04.htm. 4. See Security and Loss Prevention Management, published by the Educational Institute of AH&LA at www.ei ahla.org or call 1 800 752 4567. 5. Of particular interest is the National Safety Council publication, Accident Prevention Manual for Business, a three volume set dealing with several aspects of workplace environmental health and safety. 6. Jamelia Saied, Approaches to Risk Management," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, August 1990, pp. 45 55. 7. Saied, pp. 54 55. 8. Saied, pp. 45 55. 9. Robert L. Kohr, The Safety Factor in Bathroom Design," Lodging, May 1989, pp. 27 30. 10. John R. Hall, A Tale of Fire Safety Programs that Work Two Decades of Hotel/Motel Fires," NFPA Journal, July/August 1996. 11. Nichole Bernier, Hotel Cited in Blaze," Meeting News, July 1990, pp. 21 23. 12. For the video Fire Prevention and Response for the Lodging Industry," contact the Educational Institute of AH&LA, 800 N. Magnolia Ave., Suite 1800, Orlando, Florida 32803, 1 800 752 4567. 13. Safety aspects of kitchen ventilation equipment are addressed in NFPA 96 Removal of Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors from Commercial Cooking Equipment. Contact the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts. 14. Further information on kitchen ventilation system cleaning and maintenance is available from the International Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA), www.ikeca.org. 15. See National Fire Protection Association 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems." 16. The National Fire Protection Association videos Fighting Fires with Portable Extinguishers, Fire Extinguishers: Fight or Flight, and Fire Brigade Training Program are all useful for this purpose.


Chapter 3

17. Ellis and Stipanuk, Chapter 3. 18. The titles in the series are Employee Awareness and Problem Prevention, Key Control and Guest Privacy, Protecting Your Property and Guests, and Handling Disturbances. For more information, contact the Educational Institute, P.O. Box 1240, East Lansing, Michigan 48826, or call (517) 372 8800. The Internet address is www.ei ahla.org.

Key Terms
fire damper A device installed in ductwork that limits the spread of fire, usually activated by the melting of a link that holds it in its normally open position. heat detector A device that reacts to the absolute temperature in a location (fixed temperature detectors), to a change in the temperature of a space (rate of rise detectors), or to a combination of the two (rate compensation detectors). Likely to be used where smoke detectors function poorly, such as in dusty locations. key control The coordinated effort to establish and maintain the security of a property's locking systems. risk management An integrated effort to reduce the causes and effects of safety and security related incidents of all types. single station smoke detector A smoke detector containing an integral alarm powered by a dedicated electrical circuit. smoke damper smoke. smoke detector smoke. A device installed in ductwork that inhibits the movement of A photoelectric or ionization device that reacts to the presence of

smoke sensor A device that controls smoke by operating smoke dampers and by shutting down the air handling system when smoke is detected. stairwell pressurization system A system that increases the air pressure in stair wells, thereby keeping the stairwells relatively smoke free during a fire. voice alarm system A system integrating some sort of warning alarm with a pre recorded or live message providing guests with information about proper proce dures in case of a fire.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. Federal Emergency Management Administration http://www.fema.gov Loss Prevention Management Institute http://www.hrm.uh.edu

Safety and Security Systems Federal Emergency Management Administration http://www.fema.gov Loss Prevention Management Institute http://www.hrm.uh.edu National Fire Protection Association http://www.nfpa.org


U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Safety and Health Statistics http://www.bls.gov/oshhome. htm?H6 U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration http://www.osha.gov

Water and Wastewater Systems

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

ATER IS USED at lodging establishments for bathing and sanitary purposes in guestrooms, for drinking, and for cleaning activities in and about the facility. In addition, water is used for sanitizing purposes and cooking in restaurants, for

Outside of a few private homes, hotels were the bastions of luxury and comfort and indoor plumbing. In 1829, the brilliant young architect, 26 year old Isaiah Rogers, sent ripples of awe throughout the country with his innovative Tremont Hotel in Boston. It was the first hotel to have indoor plumbing and became the prototype of a modern, first class American hotel. The four story structure boasted eight water closets on the ground floor, located at the rear of the central court. The court was connected by glazed corridors to the bedroom wings, dining room and rotunda. The bathrooms in the basement were fitted with cold running water which also went to the kitchen and laundry. The bathtubs were copper or tin and probably had a little side arm, gas furnace attached at one end. Perhaps shaped like a shoe as the French and English models, the water in the tub would flow and circulate backwards until the entire bath was heated to satisfaction. In the Tremont, water was drawn from a metal storage tank set on top of the roof, the recently invented steam pump raising the water on high. A simple water carriage system removed the excretal water to the sewerage system. As with other individual buildings of the time, each had its own source of water and removal. Five years later in New York City, Rogers surpassed his achieve ments of the Tremont Hotel. He built the Astor House with six stories, featuring 17 rooms on the upper floors with water closets and bathrooms to serve 300 guest rooms. The Astor and the Tremont were the first mod ern buildings built with extensive plumbing. (In contrast, the Statler Hotel in Buffalo caused a sensation in 1908 by offering A room with a bath for a dollar and a half.") The History of Plumbing1



Chapter 4 Water Consumption in the Lodging Industry

Gallons per Available Room per Day Median Usage 101 124 153 184 208

Exhibit 1

By Size t75 rooms 75-149 rooms 150-299 rooms 300-499 rooms 500) rooms By Group Resort/Casino/Conference Center (N+56) Convention/Midmarket (N+170) Limited Service/Economy (N+72) Deluxe (N+14) Luxury/First Class (N+185) All Suite: Economy & Upscale (N+11)

254 153 94 232 174 139

Source: Michael Redlin and Jan deRoos, Water Consumption in the Lodging Industry (Washington, D.C.: Research Foundation of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 1990).

cleaning in laundry operations, for recreational or landscaping purposes (such as in swimming pools or decorative ponds), for fire safety systems, and as a cooling medium for various pieces of equipment. Most of the water used" at a property is disposed of through the property's sewer system. Exceptions to this are the makeup water used in cooling towers and swimming pools and the water used on lawns and shrubs. An important subcategory of water usage is hot water usage, which costs the property not only for the water but also for the energy used to heat the water. Depending on the fuel sources used for water heating, the cost of the heat can range from 4 to 20 times the cost of the water. The hospitality industry is clearly concerned about water and wastewater issues. Many resort operations rely on access to pristine bodies of water as major guest attractions. The expansion of hospitality facilities is limited in some areas by the availability of adequate water supplies or the capacity of wastewater treatment systems. In other locations, water shortages have led to water rationing. Even where water sources are adequate, water treatment costs sometimes skyrocket or water quality deteriorates significantly as more marginal supplies must be used. For resorts and other facilities that rely on wells or non municipal water supplies, the quality of these sources is a major concern.

Water Usage in the Lodging Industry

Annual water usage by the U.S. lodging industry is in the hundreds of billions of gallons and costs millions of dollars. Levels of actual usage and cost for individual hotels vary significantly by type of hotel, location, facilities, and managerial atten tion to water usage. Exhibit 1 shows median water consumption data for lodging properties of different sizes and types or markets. These data show that:

Water and Wastewater Systems


Larger properties generally use more water per room than do smaller proper ties. As the level of services and amenities increases, so does the amount of water consumption.

Further analysis of water consumption data indicates that the presence of on site laundry, kitchens, extensive irrigation, and cooling towers can significantly affect total water consumption. For example, hotels with on site laundry opera tions for which study data are available showed laundry water consumption rang ing from 5 to 29 percent of total water usage. Similar ranges existed for the percentage of total consumption represented by kitchens and cooling towers. For some properties, landscaping represented 20 percent or more of total water usage. The type of services, facilities (interior and exterior), and equipment affect not only total consumption, but also the distribution of this consumption in use categories. The property manager will probably be most concerned about water costs. These costs are composed of two components, purchase and disposal (or potable water and sewer). The average cost for water (purchase and disposal combined) in lodging properties is $4.60 per 1,000 gallons. On the average, purchase costs account for about 50 percent of water costs; disposal costs account for the remain ing 50 percent. Utilities often assume that the amount of water disposed of in the sewer sys tem matches the amount of water purchased. However, not all water used at hos pitality facilities enters the sewer system for example, that used for cooling towers and irrigation. In consideration of this fact, many water utilities do not charge for the disposal of water that can be shown not to have entered the sewer system. The high cost of disposal highlights the potential benefit of using a deduct meter on the water supply to cooling towers, irrigation, and (to a lesser extent) the swimming pool, which together can constitute 50 percent or more of a facility's total water usage (although about 20 percent is more typical). The deduct meter submeters water used for these purposes so that it can be deducted from the dis posal bill. The data indicate that this would reduce the cost of water used for these purposes by about 50 percent a significant potential savings. The study showed that 60 percent of those facilities with cooling towers and 40 percent of those with irrigation use deduct meters. Since 75 percent of the water utilities studied allow for deduct metering, these percentages indicate that many properties that would benefit from deduct metering do not use it. Given the relatively low water usage attributable to swimming pools in the study, the benefit of using deduct meters on pools is much more limited than on cooling towers or irrigation. This is probably one of the reasons only 22 percent of properties with pools use deduct meters.

Water Systems
Water may be supplied from a variety of sources, including rivers, lakes, wells, rainwater collection, and the ocean (via desalination). Operations may purchase water from a water utility or get it from a facility they operate.


Chapter 4 Building Water Systems and Uses

Bathing Human Use Hot Kitchen Equipment Use Laundry Pool & Spa Water Source Potable Supply Human Use Cold Toilets Bathing Cooking Drinking Kitchen Equipment Use Laundry Pool HVAC Grounds Cooking Washing

Exhibit 2

Sprinklers Fire System Supply Standpipes Hose Cabinets

Building water and wastewater systems actually consist of a number of sub systems with appropriate isolation devices between the subsystems. Exhibit 2 illustrates the more common of these various subsystems. Each subsystem may have special equipment installed to create water conditions appropriate for the use being served. For example, in providing hot water for use in the laundry, the prop erty will often put the water through a softener and then a water heater dedicated to the laundry application. The subsystems shown in Exhibit 2 often have their own subsystems. The chilled and heated water circulated in the building cooling and heating systems is not part of what is typically considered the building water system. The water in such systems is not potable (drinkable). In the building water system, pipes made of galvanized iron, steel, copper, or plastic (PVC or CPVC) contain water under pressure. The pressure is supplied by the water utility, pumps at the property, or a combination of these. The pipes con tain valves that may be used to isolate various elements of the system, shutting off the supply of water to these elements or to the entire system. Other valves, called backflow preventers, are used to prevent water from flowing from one subsystem to another for example, a backflow preventer or an outside hose connection can prevent water standing in the hose from re entering the building water system. Building wastewater systems and their subsystems are shown in Exhibit 3. The storm sewer system is involved in the disposal of rainwater. It flows directly

Water and Wastewater Systems Exhibit 3 Primary Subdivisions of Property Wastewater Systems
Roof Drainage Storm Parking Lot Drainage Site Drainage


Grease Producing Sanitary Non-grease Producing


Guestrooms Laundries Restrooms Other

to some discharge location where the rainwater enters a river, lake, or other drain age system. In contrast, the sanitary sewer system is involved in the removal of waste products from the facility. This system carries waste products to a sewage treatment facility. Building wastewater systems are generally designed to use a gravity flow sys tem. Pumps are used only when necessary. This is the reason the bathroom ceilings in lodging facilities are often lower than the ceilings in other parts of the guest rooms the facilities in the rooms above need space to run waste lines which rely on a gravity flow. Piping systems for wastewater use cast iron or plastic piping (usually PVC) and are designed to withstand lower pressures than water systems. Valves are rarely found in wastewater systems at the property level. Anything that slows or constricts flow in gravity flow systems should be avoided. The grease producing wastewater systems will flow through a grease separa tor (also known as a grease trap). Most municipal sewage treatment systems require the removal of grease because of its negative effect on waste treatment sys tem operation. Grease separators are mounted either in the floor area or attached to a piece of equipment. Wastewater enters the top of the unit, slows its flow in a holding tank (which encourages separation of grease), and then moves toward the outlet, where it is filtered before discharge to the sanitary sewer. Grease separators should be periodically cleaned or pumped to remove the grease buildup; this task is often performed by a contract service. If additional filters are present in the sepa rator, these should be checked, cleaned, and replaced as needed. A few properties operate their own sewage treatment facilities. While some small operators function with a septic tank under these circumstances, most others operate packaged wastewater treatment plants. Proper operation of these facilities is extremely important because of the potentially adverse environmental conse quences that can result from malfunctions. However, this extremely specialized


Chapter 4

operating and maintenance need is beyond our scope. Operators with on site sew age treatment facilities are encouraged to contact their state office of environmental protection, their state health department, or the equipment supplier for operating suggestions and guidelines. One good source for operating instructions is the Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 1994. The building water systems are usually designed to group rooms together vertically, particularly in high rise designs. In addition, whether high rise or low rise, buildings are usually designed to have the guest bathrooms back to back. These two design features result in a grouping of rooms in sets of two by floor and vertically within the guestroom blocks for the supply of potable water and removal of waste. This grouping into plumbing risers, as they are known, has maintenance implications. It will sometimes be necessary to shut down groups of rooms above and below a location with a water system problem in order to perform needed maintenance. Water supply systems may use a small recirculation loop on hot water lines to keep hot water flowing within the pipes of the building. Doing this minimizes the chance that a guestroom will end up at the end of a long pipe full of cold hot" water. Because wastewater systems rely on gravity flow and are open to atmospheric pressure on the user's end, they are vented to the atmosphere and have traps. Traps are water filled sections of pipe that keep sewer gases and odors from enter ing the building. Both water and wastewater systems may utilize insulated pipes. Water system pipes are insulated to prevent heat loss from hot water piping and to prevent con densation on cold water piping. Roof drain piping is also often insulated to pre vent condensation that can lead to wet walls and ceilings. When maintenance or renovation involving water systems is performed, replacement of this insulation is very important. Water systems for fire protection include sprinklers and fire standpipes. Standpipes are used for hose systems installed at the property and for supplying hoses brought by the fire department. These fairly simple systems require little actual maintenance, relying on water supplied from the water main or the hydrant and pump of the fire truck. It is much easier to meet maintenance and emergency needs related to water systems if the elements of each subsystem are clearly identified. Each pipe, valve, and pump should indicate the subsystem it belongs to and the flow direction within the piping. Since pipes are also used to circulate water for HVAC applica tions, a code is sometimes developed to identify piping. Often, the code is alphabetic (CWR for chilled water return, for example); sometimes, a color code system is used. Maintenance staff and key management personnel should know the location of water system shutoffs in order to reduce potential damage during emergencies.

Water Quality
Water quality involves a number of elements that differ in importance, depend ing on how the water is used. The most important concern is clearly related to

Water and Wastewater Systems


potability that is, suitability for drinking. Potability is of specific concern to guests and employees. It involves examining a variety of criteria, including the presence in the water of bacteria, nitrates, trace metals, and organic chemicals. Other water quality concerns not directly related to potability include color, odor, taste, clearness, mineral content, and acidity/alkalinity. Any property relying on wells, lakes, streams, or water supplied by small water utilities should regularly test the quality of its water source. The Environ mental Protection Agency estimates as many as 20 percent of the public water sys tems in the United States do not meet minimum water quality standards. The number of private systems failing to meet these standards is probably higher. Potability concerns were at one time largely limited to concerns about coli form bacteria (which indicate the presence of human or animal feces in the water supply). Such contamination can occur when a well is used and the well becomes contaminated by a nearby septic system. Treatment via chlorination is the common solution, although iodinization or ultraviolet radiation is applied in some instances. More recent potability concerns have extended to fertilizers, pesticides, herbi cides, gasoline and other hydrocarbons, and a variety of heavy metals. These con taminants may have little effect on guests (because their stays are short). However, if present in sufficient quantities, they may well affect employees. Removing most of these contaminants is possible with the installation of rather expensive treat ment systems, such as reverse osmosis. Because some water quality tests offered by local health departments and by vendors selling water treatment equipment are not comprehensive, specific testing for these contaminants should be requested. See Exhibit 4 for a list of maximum permissible levels for several contaminants. Water quality concerns also involve a number of issues not directly related to potability. These problems may be largely aesthetic (odor and turbidity, for exam ple), or they may be relevant for water using equipment (such as hardness that is, the presence of dissolved minerals). These problems are generally solved through the use of firms specializing in water treatment. Specialists are particu larly required when the problems involve microbial growths in locations such as cooling towers (a topic we will return to later). A common treatment method is the softening of water to reduce high levels of calcium, magnesium, and low levels of manganese and iron in the water supply. Calcium and magnesium will create scale (a buildup of the minerals) in boilers and water heaters and on heating elements. In addition, hard water makes it difficult to generate a lather with soap, creates an irksome soap scum, and leaves mineral spots when it evaporates which can reduce linen quality and life. Iron and man ganese stain plumbing fixtures and linens. A water quality expert should deter mine the level of softening required, because over softening can create problems with pipe and equipment corrosion. Since softening involves the replacement of the hardness causing minerals with sodium, softened water should not be used for potable purposes except under special circumstances. Water softening systems are generally low maintenance. Refilling the brine tank with salt and checking the backwash circuit timing may be all that is required. Periodically, the zeolite (that is, the material in the softener that actually removes


Chapter 4 Exhibit 4 Water Quality Standards: Maximum Contaminant Levels of Selected Contaminants
Contaminant Distribution System Turbidity Coliform Bacteria Free Chlorine Arsenic Chromium Fluoride Lead Copper Iron Manganese Sulfate VOCs Maximum Contaminant Level 5.0 NTU (MCL) 5% positive (MCL) 0.05 mg/l (minimum level) 0.05 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 2.2 mg/l 0.015 mg/l 1.3 mg/l 0.30 mg/l 0.30 mg/l 250.0 mg/l 0.005 mg/l

MCL + Maximum contaminant levelthe maximum concentration of a contaminant that, by law, may be present in potable water Mg/l + milligrams per liter NTU + Nephelometric Turbidity Unita measurement of the amount of suspended solid (Turbidity) in water VOCs + Volatile organic chemicals

iron and so forth from the water) will need replacing. This decision requires input from the supplier.

Discharge/Sewage Water
There was a time when hotels and restaurants did not pay much attention to the amount of water or the condition of the water they discharged into the sewer sys tem. Managers only had to make sure that storm water was not entering the sys tem and that grease traps were functioning. But times have changed. Because of the high cost of waste treatment and the costs of enlarging water treatment plants, local governments are taking a closer look at the wastewater of hotels and restaurants. Of particular concern can be the water 's discharge temperature and the BOD, FOG, and TSS values of the discharge. BOD" stands for Biochemical or Biological Oxygen Demand the quantity of oxygen used in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedures for five days. FOG" stands for Fats, Oils, and Grease the amount of free flowing and/or emulsified vegetable , animal , or petroleum based fat, oil, and/or grease detected in standard laboratory test procedures. Total Suspended Solids TSS is the total suspended matter that floats on or is suspended in water and is removable by laboratory filtering. In addition, discharges of ammoniacal nitrogen and

Water and Wastewater Systems


Escherichia coli (E coli) can be of concern. Allowable levels of these elements are established by the local sewage treatment authority. Water conservation at hotels and restaurants can result in a more concentrated waste, with higher BOD levels. Poorly performing grease traps can increase the amount of FOG being discharged. Use of garbage disposals and pulpers can increase TSS values. Restaurants can find their annual sewer charges significantly affected by high BOD, FOG, and TSS levels in their wastewater. Data on 134 food service outlets in one region of the United States showed surcharges as high as $50,000 per year for quick service restaurants; the average surcharge for the region's restaurants was $4,500 per year. Well designed wastewater systems, prop erly maintained, along with chemical and biological treatments all can help to con trol wastewater costs.2

Legionnaires' Disease
Another important aspect of water treatment for operations with cooling towers involves Legionnaires' Disease (formally called legionella pneumophila). First diag nosed in 1976 at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia, this potentially deadly disease has since been encountered at a number of other buildings, includ ing, but not limited to, hotels. The bacteria involved in this disease are widespread in the environment. A cooling tower, with its warm, wet, algae containing environ ment, is a good place for bacterial growth. The cooling tower plume provides a means to place the bacteria into the air, where people may inhale them. A profes sionally designed and implemented cooling tower treatment program is among the best preventive tactics available for this disease. Some hotels that have faced major lawsuits dealing with Legionnaires' Dis ease have been shown to have had essentially no cooling tower treatment program. Locating the cooling tower discharge near an air intake for the building has also been a contributing factor to outbreaks of the disease. While most major outbreaks in the U.S. lodging industry have been linked to cooling towers, the potential exists for transmission via showers, humidifiers, and spas as well. In fact, many non U.S. outbreaks involved facilities other than cooling towers. In addition to its harmful effects on guests and employees, an outbreak also causes long lasting, extremely negative publicity. The Bellevue Stratford, site of the first U.S. outbreak, was forced into bankruptcy as a result of guest cancellations and abandonment. Clearly, it is very important that management be aware of, and take action regarding, the Legionnaires' Disease problem.3

Water Heating
Hotels require large amounts of hot water for uses ranging from guest showers to laundry. The cost to heat water almost invariably exceeds the cost of the water that is heated. Hot water needs for guestrooms, laundry, and kitchen applications are probably the largest at the facility. Employee locker rooms and health club facilities can also be significant users. All of these needs are potentially different and should be approached separately.


Chapter 4

Guestroom hot water needs exist at all hotels. These needs may be rather con centrated at some properties, occurring primarily during the early morning wakeup time. Properties generally try to meet these needs by using a combination of hot water storage and production equipment. In order to meet these concen trated needs, some hotels have resorted to increasing the supply temperatures of the hot water. This is a potentially risky method, since water temperatures above 115F (46C) at fixtures can scald users. Mixing valves are commonly installed to control hot water temperatures. These valves are connected to hot and cold water lines and modulate the flow of these two water sources to deliver water at a constant temperature. These devices are often an integral part of a guestroom water system or a system component, such as a shower control valve. If installed properly, they serve to protect the user from high water temperatures and the resulting burns and scalds. Hotels have faced major lawsuits as a result of high temperature water sup plies. A burn case in Texas led to an award to the burn victim of over $3.5 million! In this case, a high water temperature and an improperly installed mixing valve combined to severely burn a guest who had taken care to test the water tempera ture before entering a shower. The operation of the hot water system was so erratic that, even with this level of care, the guest was seriously injured. The lessons from this example are at least two. The first is that hotels need to keep safety in mind when establishing operating conditions for equipment and building systems. The second is that the installation of safety equipment must be done properly if this equipment is to function properly. The failure to do this at the Texas hotel not only created great pain and suffering for a guest, but also cost the hotel a large amount of money. There is no substitute for proper design, installa tion, and operation of building systems. Since kitchens require water at 180F (82C), most system designers include a separate water heater or booster heater for kitchen needs. This sometimes involves a booster heater in a dishwasher. Laundry operations have such large needs for hot water over relatively short periods of time that they generally have a dedicated water heating system. The kitchen and laundry are sometimes provided with hot water from the same hot water system. This water is usually softened to help achieve proper equipment operation.

Water Heating Options

Choosing from among the various available water heating options involves mak ing decisions about equipment and fuel sources. Exhibit 5 illustrates the equip ment options and the fuel source options for each of these. Directly fired water heaters are probably the most common. These are the typical water heaters found in many homes, restaurants, and lodging establishments. A fuel is burned and heat is transferred to the water. For all fuel sources but electricity, a source of combus tion air is required; the combustion gases are sent up a flue. Directly fired units may have integral or separate storage tanks. Indirectly fired water heaters are more likely to be found at facilities with steam. The steam enters a coil or heat exchanger which transfers heat from the steam to the water. The steam is generally kept separate from the water in these

Water and Wastewater Systems Exhibit 5 Water Heating Equipment and Fuel Options
Fuel Source(s) Natural Gas, Oil, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), Electricity Natural Gas, Oil, LPG, Electricity Electricity Waste Heat (from refrigeration equipment or other waste heat source) Sun


Water Heating Equipment Directly Fired Indirectly Fired Heat Pump Waste Heat Recovery


devices. Since a flue is required only where the steam is produced (rather than at the water heater), indirectly fired units can be placed in basements without access to outside air or at similar locations. Heat pump water heaters (HPWH) extract heat from the air within a space, the outside air, or a water source. The HPWH uses a refrigeration cycle to remove heat from the air (or water) and transfer it to the water being heated. Since the refrigeration system operates on electricity, there is no combustion or need for a flue. HPWHs can produce relatively cheap hot water because the refrigeration cycle uses less energy than electric resistance heating. Also, the refrigeration cycle transfers heat with greater efficiency than electric resistance and gas fired water heaters create heat. HPWHs can pay for themselves very quickly, sometimes in less than one year. With regard to operating costs, waste heat recovery and solar energy are prob ably the least expensive types of water heating equipment. However, the capital investments associated with each can be rather substantial. Waste heat recovery water heating is most commonly done from the condenser of a refrigeration sys tem, where as much as 15,000 Btu of energy are rejected for each ton (or 12,000 Btu per hour) of cooling capacity.4 Consider installing waste heat recovery devices on equipment with long operating hours per year, such as large food service refrigera tion systems. Waste heat recovery water heating is also done at operations that have on site electric power production. Solar energy has seen limited use for water heating, primarily in sunny loca tions. While the fuel cost to provide hot water in this manner is low, the equipment itself can be somewhat costly. Solar water heating requires an expanse of sun fac ing area, usually on a roof, and provision for hot water storage (since hot water is needed when the sun is down). At this time, solar water heating is not the option of choice for most operations, although island resorts and some warm climate loca tions use it rather extensively. All water heating systems will have their costs of operation dictated by the efficiency of the water heating appliance, the cost of the fuel, the amount of hot


Chapter 4 Water Heating Costs per 1,000 Gallons for Various Fuel Sources

Exhibit 6

$12 .05 $10 Cost to heat 1000 gallons 1.07 .13

$8 1.10 $6

.85 .09 .03 .67 .80 .13




.45 .07


Natural Gas Oil $/100 Ft.3 $/gallon Assumptions:

LPG $/gallon

Electricity HPWH 2.5 HPWH 4.5 Steam $/kwh $/kwh $/kwh $/100 lb.

1. Efficiency of Gas, Oil and LP Water Heaters: 75% including storage and piping losses. 2. Efficiency of Electric and Indirect Heaters: 90% including storage and piping losses. 3. HPWH 2.5: Unit has coefficient of performance of 2.5 which includes storage and piping losses. 4. HPWH 4.5: Unit has coefficient of performance of 4.5 which includes storage and piping losses. 5. Energy Content of Fuels: Natural Gas: 1,000 Btu per cubic foot Oil: 140,000 Btu per gallon LP Gas: 95,000 Btu per gallon Electricity: 3,413 Btu per kwh Steam: 1,000 Btu per lb 6. Based on temperature rise for the water of 80 Fahrenheit (27 Celsius) degrees.

water used, and the overall temperature rise of the water. Exhibit 6 illustrates the cost of water heating for various fuel sources as a function of the cost of the fuel source. Electric resistance water heating is generally the most expensive option. Heat pump water heating systems (which use electricity) can be competitive from an operating standpoint with oil or gas water heating systems. Not shown in Exhibit 6 is the cost of water heating for waste heat recovery units. These units incur little or no energy cost for their operation, but they do have a capital cost greater than that of conventional water heating units. They are often used with a conventional water heating system as a backup, either because they are a retrofit item or because the backup is needed to ensure adequate supplies of hot water when the waste heat source is unavailable or hot water demands are very high.

Water and Wastewater Systems


Water System Maintenance Concerns

Although water systems require periodic maintenance, they are generally not a major consumer of maintenance time or cost unless they deteriorate to the point of needing major work or replacement. The preventive maintenance activities involved with water systems include such tasks as: Treating water to make it appropriate to the application or need Replacing sacrificial anodes (which decrease pipe corrosion) in water heaters Cleaning filters and strainers Lubricating pumps Checking hot water temperature settings Checking pressure relief valves on water heaters for proper operation

In addition, guestroom maintenance consists of the repair of leaking valves and general caulking and sealing around fixtures. A facility manager (and owner) should be aware of the potential for corrosion and erosion of water piping systems. Corrosion is the destruction of a metal or alloy by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment; erosion is a lit eral wearing of a pipe's inner surface due to friction. There are many types of corrosion possible; leading causes include: The pH of the water The amount of oxygen in the water The chemical makeup of the water The amount of galvanic corrosion from the use of dissimilar metals within (or in contact with) the piping system The temperature of the water

Facility managers can test the water's pH to determine whether the supply is overly acidic (or, in rare cases, overly alkaline) and requires treatment. Highly oxy genated water (say, in recirculating fountains) may also have a higher tendency to create corrosion. The chemical makeup of water can be quite involved, with a num ber of different chemicals contributing to the water's corrosive potential. Salts are corrosive; managers and others involved with maintaining swimming pools recog nize the corrosive potential of the chlorinated water used in pools. Galvanic corro sion occurs when different metals come in contact with each other. Finally, any corrosion will occur at a faster rate as the temperature of the water increases. Cor rosion is also possible on the exterior of pipes, particularly those that are buried underground. In these instances, there may be a reaction between the pipe and the soil/fill around the pipe, or there may be a leakage of groundwater into the soil/ fill around the pipe (especially troublesome is the salt laden runoff from streets and parking areas that have been salted to clear them of snow and ice). Erosion of the piping system is another concern. Turbulence in water systems (resulting from water flowing at high velocity, pipe turns, and obstacles) causes a wearing of pipe surfaces and of protective oxides produced on the inside of copper


Chapter 4

piping. Water velocities in excess of four feet (1.22 meters) per second should be avoided. A factor that can accelerate pipe erosion is the presence of particulates (sand, metal filings, and so on) in the water itself. Adequate filtering of the water should help to keep these at a minimum. The flame of fossil fueled water heating appliances should be inspected peri odically to ensure that proper combustion is taking place. The flue should also be checked for blockage. All water heating units should be inspected regularly for water side mineral buildup and periodically cleaned and drained to reduce this buildup. If this is not done, the unit's efficiency and lifetime will be reduced. Wastewater systems may require periodic clearing to reduce the chances of blockages and resulting backups. Traps may require periodic filling with water at some locations (such as floor drains in generally dry areas). Gutters, roof drains, and site drainage, all of which enter the storm sewer system, should be inspected and cleaned of debris. This can be particularly important before times of the year when heavy rains occur and when debris, such as leaves, is likely to have built up. Guestroom maintenance generally involves the repair of leaking faucets and valves and the cleaning of clogged filters in aerating faucets (that is, faucets that spray water through a screen that spreads the flow). When problems occur, clogged drains need to be cleared either chemically or mechanically. When mainte nance staff work on plumbing in guestrooms, they should also inspect the tile and caulk around plumbing fixtures and perform any necessary repairs. Emergency and breakdown maintenance of water systems requires knowl edge of the key water shutoff valves, the piping layout for both potable and waste water, and the appropriate cleanup equipment. Such equipment includes, at a minimum, a wet/dry vacuum and usually a pump as well.

Water for Entertainment and Recreation

Water is more than just a utility; at some hotels, it is a key element of the entertain ment and recreational facilities of the property. Water is commonly used in exterior landscaping treatments ponds, flowing streams, fountains, and more. Sometimes these elements are brought indoors. For example, at the Wilderness Lodge at Walt Disney World, a stream emerges in the lodge's lobby and flows to the outside. This is only the beginning. Outside, the stream becomes a waterfall; a geyser erupts as well. Disney also makes extensive use of water features in its theme parks Many hotels and casinos in Las Vegas use water for entertainment purposes. The Treasure Island resort features a mock naval battle in a large sea" where an eighteenth century battleship sinks every hour! The Bellagio resort created the Fountains of Bellagio."5 Completed in 1998 and taking up most of a small lake, the fountains employ 1,200 water jets (many of them motorized and synchronized) and more than 5,400 individually programmed underwater lights, choreographed to the music of Luciano Pavarotti, Aaron Copland, Frank Sinatra, and others. Designers, musicians, and performance artists helped mesh the movement of the water with the music. For many observers, the fountains seem to be alive, with a heart, soul, and emotions of their own. The fountains were designed to express the romantic spirit of the Bellagio.

Water and Wastewater Systems


The Fountains of Bellagio are a spectacular water attraction. (Courtesy of Bel lagio, Las Vegas, Nevada)

Water features on the scale of those at Walt Disney World and Bellagio are cer tainly impressive and unusual. More common is the usage of water for recreational facilities such as water parks, slides, and surf pools. These features are becoming more and more elaborate and more and more common. Eight resorts in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona, have invested millions in water features such as falls, rivers and grottos, and slides. The resorts have seen 4 to 5 point increases in occupancy and 5 to 10 percent increases in average rates during the summer as a result of these water features.6 For those operations taking advantage of natural water features such as oceans and lakes, the water quality of these bodies of water is obviously very important. Blue Flag is an organization formed in Europe to improve and maintain the quality of beaches, marinas, and other marine environments. It concentrates on the following areas: Water quality Environmental education and information Environmental management Safety and services

Blue Flag works with local communities as well as the operators of beaches and marinas; it recognizes that businesses and communities must work together to


Chapter 4 Typical Swimming Pool Piping, Filtering, and Heating Schematic

Exhibit 7

Source: Mel A. Shear, Handbook of Building Maintenance Management (Reston, Va.: Reston Publishing, 1983), p. 318.

improve and sustain their marine environments. Blue Flag is currently expanding globally.

Swimming Pool Water Systems

Many lodging facilities have swimming pools. Maintaining a safe and comfortable pool environment is an ongoing challenge requiring a significant amount of time and labor. The failure to do so can result in major problems. Exhibit 7, which presents a schematic of a typical swimming pool piping, fil tering, and heating system, helps to illustrate the areas of concern in pool mainte nance and operation. Pool maintenance involves cleaning the pool, the equipment, and the water. Pool cleaning involves skimming to remove floating debris and vacuuming to remove debris on the bottom. Walls, steps, and other areas by the pool should be brushed to remove dirt. Tile at and near the water level of the pool should be cleaned periodically (using an appropriate tile cleaner and equipment) to remove lime buildup. Pool equipment is specially designed for the pool environment. Pumps are usually factory lubricated and require little maintenance other than cleaning of the strainer and skimmer basket, which should be done daily. When the strainer is

Water and Wastewater Systems


cleaned, various valves must be closed to avoid either draining the pool (if the strainer is located below pool level) or draining the pump suction line of the strainer (if the pump is located above pool level). The filter requires regular clean ing or backwashing (depending on the type of filter) in order to keep the water clean and to ensure sufficient flow in the piping system. The cleanliness of pool water involves maintaining a proper balance of water temperature and acidity/alkalinity. Since the number of bathers, the intensity of the sunlight, and wind and rain (for outdoor pools) can all affect pool chemistry and conditions, the maintenance of proper pool conditions can be challenging. Failure to maintain proper conditions can result in disease or discomfort for swim mers, corrosion of metal pool parts, and leaching of plaster pools. The balance between acidity and alkalinity is established by measuring the pH of the pool with a test kit. The pH should be between 7.2 and 7.6 (slightly alka line). Pools naturally tend to become more alkaline than is desired. The pH can be controlled by treatment with muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate. Testing of pH lev els should occur before chlorine is added, since residual chlorine levels can affect pH readings. Another problem with pool water quality involves algae. Algae will clog fil ters and impart a disagreeable odor or taste to the water. In addition, algae inter fere with disinfectants and can create slippery floors and steps. While normal chlorine levels are generally effective in controlling algae growth, they do not com pletely kill the algae. Killing of algae requires use of an algaecide on a regular basis. Pool water treatment is also possible using ozone, ionization, or with chemi cals other than chlorine. These methods may be used to supplement or replace chlorine or bromine. All pool chemical usage should be done in a safe man ner, complying with the recommendations of suppliers and with local laws and ordinances. Pool heating is necessary in many locations and is usually provided for all indoor pools. A temperature range of 70 80F (21 27C) for pool water and air conditions of 75 80F (24 27C) and 50 60 percent relative humidity are comfort able to most people. Pool water may be heated by a directly or indirectly fired ded icated pool heater or by a type of heat pump designed specifically for pool applications. Directly fired heaters for indoor pools have been implicated in inci dents of carbon monoxide poisoning. This is caused by inadequate provision of combustion air and/or inadequate venting of exhaust gases. Managers need to check pool heaters for these conditions and rectify any problems they may find. Heat pumps have seen increasing use as a means to control the interior envi ronment around indoor pools, conserve pool water and chemicals, and reduce energy costs. Some units are installed in the pool exhaust airstream where they extract water (which is returned to the pool) and heat (which is used to keep the pool air comfortable). Others are located within the pool area and dehumidify and heat the air in this area. However installed, their overall effect is to reduce the humidity around the pool. This helps reduce corrosion, odor, and other problem atic effects of humid, chlorine laden pool air. Pools and similar water based recreational facilities pose some unique safety risks. One suggested checklist for pool safety is given in Exhibit 8.


Chapter 4 Swimming Pool Safety Checklist

Exhibit 8

Review applicable state, county, and municipal regulations. These provide the minimum standards you must comply with under the law. Hire a certified, trained lifeguard. If you choose not to have a lifeguard present, post a sign warning guests to swim at their own risk. Have an employee trained in emergency first aid present during pool hours. Post a diagrammatic illustration of artificial respiration procedures. Provide clear instructions to indicate when resuscitation should begin and advise that it should continue until professional aid arrives. Make safety equipment, such as a life pole, immediately available. Make breaks between shallow water and deep water obvious. Use ropes, floats, or a different color on the floor of the pool. Enclose the pool with a fence. This will control access and may prevent childdrowning incidents. Clean, inspect, and repair the pool regularly. Make sure all ladders are secure. Install slip-resistant surfaces around the pool. Provide an emergency telephone. Have emergency phone numbers posted. Clearly mark water depth. If your property attracts many foreign visitors, consider marking the pool in meters as well as feet. Post a sign prohibiting diving. Post a sign prohibiting swimming solo. Post a sign with the pools hours. Make sure pool hours are strictly enforced. Prohibit intoxicated guests from swimming. Consider a ban on alcoholic beverages near the pool. If this is unrealistic, keep a close eye on intoxicated guests and restrict them from swimming. Prohibit rough-housing at the pool. Keep a log. Document the times you stop unacceptable behavior in and around the pool.

Source: Adapted from Hospitality Law, July 1999.

Water Conservation
With rising water costs, decreasing water availability, and governmental restric tions on water usage, hospitality businesses have several reasons to reduce water usage. The chapter appendix illustrates some possible water conservation methods as suggested by one governmental agency. In addition to these suggestions, proper maintenance and operation of valves on dishwashers and washing machines can help keep water usage at acceptable levels by reducing leaks. The lodging industry has already done some things to reduce water usage. Some actions, such as installing low flow shower heads, are common, due in part to the fact that they also save energy used to heat water. However, actions to reuse

Water and Wastewater Systems


water (known as gray water) are less common (but growing). With increased pres sure to reduce water usage, we may see further use of water recycling. But the need to have local officials approve such actions (in some instances) and to modify exist ing plumbing connections (calling for capital expenditure) are two major obstacles to water recycling. Initiating water conservation practices that may affect guests should be done cautiously. One operation that installed low volume shower heads received so many guest complaints that it chose to reinstall the previous shower heads. Another operation discovered after it had installed new low volume shower heads that the poor condition of its piping did not allow it to raise water pressure high enough to operate the shower heads properly! Managers who are contemplat ing using water conservation devices should try a few as a test, monitor results, and evaluate the test before installing the devices throughout the property. Water usage can often be reduced with little effort. Controlling landscape irrigation, installing foot operated faucets in kitchens, and doing basic mainte nance on water systems can be very effective conservation measures.

1. The History of Plumbing Part Two Plumbing in America," Plumbing and Mechanical Engineer, July 1996. 2. Data provided by Foodservice Wastewater Consultants Inc., to the multi unit architects, engineers, and construction officers' group of the National Restaurant Association, May 2000. 3. Further information on this topic is available in Minimizing the Risk of Legionnaires' Disease, available from the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, Delta House, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS. 4. A Btu, or British thermal unit, is a measure of heat defined as the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water by one Fahrenheit degree. To convert Btu to kilocalories, multiply Btu by 0.252. 5. Information in this paragraph was pulled from J. Koski, Going Where No Fountain Has Gone Before," Plumbing and Mechanical Engineer, July 1999. 6. Emergy H. Trowbridge, The Marketing of Water Parks, Slides and Surf Pools at Resorts and Hotels in Arizona: A Case Study," Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1998, vol. 5., No. 1, pp. 82 93.

Key Terms
backflow preventer A valve used to prevent water from flowing from one subsystem to another for example, to prevent water standing in a hose from re entering the building water system. deduct meter A device that submeters water that is used by a property but does not flow into the sewer system (for example, water used in cooling towers, irriga tion systems, and swimming pools) so that it can be deducted from the sewage dis posal bill.


Chapter 4

directly fired water heater The most commonly found type of water heater, in which a fuel is burned and heat is transferred to the water. For all fuel sources but electricity, a source of combustion air is required; the combustion gases are sent up a flue. May have integral or separate storage tanks. grease separator A device used to capture grease in wastewater before it enters the sewer system. Also called a grease trap. heat pump water heater (HPWH) A water heater that extracts heat from the air within a space, the outside air, or a water source and, using a refrigeration cycle, transfers it to the water being heated. indirectly fired water heater A water heater in which steam enters a coil or heat exchanger that transfers heat from the steam to the water. potability Suitability for drinking. riser A grouping of rooms in sets of two by floor and vertically within the guest room blocks that share piping for the supply of potable water and removal of waste. sanitary sewer system A system that removes waste products from a facility and carries them to a sewage treatment facility. storm sewer system A system for the disposal of rainwater that flows directly to some discharge location where the rainwater enters a river, lake, or other drainage system. trap A water filled section of pipe that keeps sewer gases and odors from enter ing the building. water softening supply. The removal of calcium, manganese, and iron from the water

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. American Water Works Association www.waterwiser.org Consulting Specifying Engineer www.csemag.com HPAC Engineering Interactive www.hpac.com National Spa and Pool Association www.nspi.org Plumbing and Mechanical Magazine www.pmmag.com PM Engineer www.pmengineer.com Water Online www.wateronline.com Water Web www.waterweb.org

Water and Wastewater Systems


Chapter Appendix
Water Conservation Checklist
General Suggestions Increase employee awareness of water conservation. Seek employee suggestions on water conservation; locate suggestion boxes in prominent areas. Conduct contests for employees (e.g., posters, slogans, or conservation ideas). Install signs encouraging water conservation in employee and customer restrooms. When cleaning with water is necessary, use budgeted amounts. Read water meter weekly to monitor success of water conservation efforts. Assign an employee to monitor water use and waste. Determine the quantity and purpose of water being used. Determine other methods of water conservation. Building Maintenance Check water supply system for leaks and turn off any unnecessary flows. Repair dripping faucets and showers and continuously-running or leaking toilets. Install flow reducers and faucet aerators in all plumbing fixtures whenever possible. Reduce the water used in toilet flushing by either adjusting the vacuum flush mechanism or installing toilet tank displacement devices (dams, bottles, or bags). As appliances or fixtures wear out, replace them with water-saving models. Shut off water supply to equipment rooms not in use. Minimize the water used in cooling equipment, such as air compressors, in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations. Reduce the load on air conditioning units by shutting air conditioning off when and where it is not needed. Keep hot water pipes insulated. Avoid excessive boiler and air conditioner blow down. (Monitor total dissolved solids levels and blow down only when needed.) Instruct clean-up crews to use less water for mopping. Switch from wet or steam carpet cleaning methods to dry powder methods. Change window cleaning schedule from periodic to an on-call/as-required basis. Pools Channel splashed-out pool water onto landscaping. Lower pool water level to reduce amount of water splashed out. Use a pool cover to reduce evaporation when pool is not being used. Reduce the amount of water used to clean pool filters. Kitchen Area Turn off the continuous flow used to clean drain trays of the coffee/milk/soda beverage island; clean the trays only as needed. Turn dishwasher off when not in use. Wash full loads only. Replace spray heads to reduce water flow. If necessary, use ponded water. Use water from steam tables to wash down cooking area. Do not use running water to melt ice or frozen foods. Use water-conserving ice makers. Recycle water where feasible, consistent with state and county requirements. Recycle rinse water from the dishwater or recirculate it to the garbage disposer. Presoak utensils and dishes in ponded water instead of using a running water rinse. Wash vegetables in ponded water; do not let water run in preparation sink. Use water from steam tables in place of fresh water to wash down the cooking area. Bar Do not use running water to melt ice in the sink strainers.


Chapter 4

Laundry Reprogram machines to eliminate a rinse or suds cycle, if possible, and if not restricted by health regulations. Reduce water levels, where possible, to minimize water required per load of washing. Wash full loads only. Evaluate wash formula and machine cycles for water use efficiency. Exterior Areas Convert from high-water using lawns, trees, and shrubs to xeriscapelandscape design incorporating plants providing beautiful color and requiring less water. In the future, design landscapes requiring less water. Inventory outdoor water use for landscaped areas. Do not water landscape every day; two to three times a week is usually sufficient. Stop hosing down sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots. Wash autos, buses, and trucks less often. Avoid plant fertilizing and pruning that would stimulate excessive growth.

Remove weeds and unhealthy plants so remaining plants can benefit from the water saved. In many cases, older, established plants require only infrequent irrigation. Look for indications of water need, such as wilt, change of color, or dry soils. Install soil moisture overrides or timers on sprinkler systems. Time watering, when possible, to occur in the early morning or evening when evaporation is lowest. Make sure irrigation equipment applies water uniformly. Investigate the advantages of installing drip irrigation systems. Mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and discourage weeds. Remove thatch and aerate turf to encourage the movement of water to the root zone. Avoid runoff and make sure sprinklers cover just the lawn or garden, not sidewalks, driveways, or gutters. Water in winter only during prolonged hot and dry periods. (During spring and fall, most plants need approximately half the amount needed during the summer.)

This checklist provides water conservation tips successfully implemented by industrial and commercial users. This list has been revised from the original copy first published and distributed by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. The ideas presented are not intended as an endorsement by the California Department of Water Resouces of any method, process or specific product but are merely suggestions. Source: California Department of Water Resources, A Checklist of Water Conservation Ideas for Hotels and Motels."

Electrical Systems
If the electric current is to be generated on the premises, it should be, by all means, direct current. There is no possible point in using an alternate current generating plan for this character of building, unless it be to con form to the characteristics of an outside service. The cost of generating and distributing direct and alternating current for the building is approximately the same, but direct current is somewhat better for motors which require speed variation, and very much better for elevator work. With current from an outside source, it is a case of take what you can get; but if this happens to be 25 cycle, alternating current, something has to be done about it. This low frequency gives a constant flicker in the lights which is noticeable, and in fact objectionable, to anyone who has not been educated down to it. If the frequency is 60 cycle, the character of the illumination and the wiring for lighting are the same as with direct current, and the lighting of the building can be thrown at pleasure from a direct current plant to an alternating service. In this case the converter equipment need be only large enough for the direct current motors, while with a 25 cycle service it will be called on to convert the total load of power and light. 1

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

1923 magazine article, was written. Today, alternating current and 60 cycle power are the rule in the United States rather than the exception, and most operations purchase their electric power rather than produce their own. The world of hotels has changed as well. Much more so than did hotels in the 1920s, modern hotels rely quite extensively upon electricity to provide for the needs of their guests and their employees. Electricity is the most costly and widely used energy source within the hos pitality industry. A high quality, reliable source of electrical energy is required for the operation of equipment ranging from lights to computers to kitchen equipment to the air conditioning system. With the electric bill accounting for potentially as much as 90 percent of a property's utility costs, it is clear that controlling utility costs involves controlling electricity consumption in particular. Correct design, proper operation, and attention to the maintenance of electrical systems all contrib ute to a safe and comfortable environment for both guests and employees. And, as hoteliers in California were forcibly reminded during California's energy crunch in 2000 and 2001, reliable electrical supplies are crucial to daily operations.

OBVIOUSLY, THE WORLD OF ELECTRICITY has changed since this excerpt, taken from a



Chapter 5 Conceptual Diagram of Electrical Systems

Exhibit 1

Power Sources

Power Distribution Systems

Equipment Control Devices


A Brief Introduction to Electrical Systems

As illustrated in Exhibit 1 , electrical systems consist of a source, a distribution sys tem, and control devices connected to various pieces of equipment. A proper understanding of these components will help a building operator to have a safe and efficient electrical supply system. Although most lodging properties have the capability of producing power only to meet emergency needs, a few produce some or all of their own electricity. Lodging facilities may choose to produce their own power when the local utility's rates are high or the utility service is unreliable. Lodging facilities in remote locations (such as island resorts) are likely to have onsite electrical production capabilities. Most hospitality operations, however, have their electricity delivered by a local utility. For some facilities located within larger complexes, the electricity may be provided by the building owner (who in turn generally gets it from the local utility). The utility is responsible for providing power at a correct voltage and frequency. The utility provides power through an electric meter that measures the rate and amount of power consumed. These data are used to generate the elec tric bill. The utility services the building with electricity at a specified voltage and number of phases with the capacity to deliver a rated amount of current at a given frequency. The voltage of the system is a measure of the electrical potential pro vided by the utility (often compared with water pressure in a water system). Fre quency refers to the rate at which an alternating current (AC) power supply alternates the direction of the current flow. This frequency is 60 hertz, or cycles per second, for North American electric utilities, but is different elsewhere in the world; many countries use a 50 hertz system. The number of phases (which is almost always either one or three) refers to the number of energized or hot" wires in the electrical supply. The ampere capability of the service refers to the maximum current flow (measured in amperes) for the system. It is essentially defined by the wire size feeding the building. When facilities are expanded or significant amounts of electrical equipment are added, it may be necessary to increase the size of the electrical wires, thus increasing the ability of the service to deliver more amperes. Rewiring is a common need during renovations of older buildings. In practice, a small U.S. restaurant might have a 120/208 volt, 500 ampere, three phase electrical service at a frequency of 60 hertz. Larger hotels, motels, or

Electrical Systems


Onsite Power Production

While most hospitality businesses choose to rely on an electric utility for their power, there are instances where hospitality businesses produce their own power. Internationally, the term combined heat and power (CHP) is used to describe one mode of onsite power production; in the United States, the term cogeneration is used. Both of these terms refer to a situation where both a usable thermal output and electrical power are produced. This is mostly done with an engine generator, where the heat from the engine is used to heat water as a heat source for a heat-driven (absorption) refrigeration system. Some operations that are either supplied with steam from a steam utility or produce steam onsite may use the steam to drive a turbine to produce electricity and then use the waste steam that results. A few of these operations bypass the electrical production process and use the turbine to power equipment directly. The Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, has nearly 3,000 guestrooms, 600,000 square feet (55,800 square meters) of meeting space, and numerous restaurants, shops, and ballrooms. It also has a 5-megawatt, gas-driven turbine generator in a hybrid plant that includes 1,000 tons of absorption cooling. Thermal heat from the turbine is fed into a heat-recovery steam generator. This generator is capable of producing the 13,000 pounds (5,850 kilograms) of steam per hour that is used to drive the absorption chiller. The absorption chiller carries the hotels air-conditioning baseload and runs all year long. The hotel enjoys huge savings through its efficient plant operation. In fact, operational savings provided a 5-year payback on installation costs. Of increasing interest are smaller options for onsite power production. Chain restaurants and some hotels are investigating the use of microturbines (25 to 75 kilowatt) to provide some of their power needs, both to save on utility costs and ensure access to a reliable power source. This technology clearly has advantages for hotel and restaurant chains considering expansion into parts of the world that do not have reliable power systems. Several of these units can be used together, so this technology can be used for large facilities as well. Also being considered is heat recovery for domestic hot water and absorption cooling. Finally, any discussion of onsite power production should include the use of emergency generators. It is possible for a hotel to configure its emergency generator to operate during peak electrical demand periods and thus reduce the peak power demand of the hotel. This can result in a substantial reduction in the hotels demand charge (this charge is discussed later in the chapter). In some areas where the power grid is heavily loaded, electric utilities have requested that hotels and other commercial businesses use their emergency generators for this purpose, and have offered a reduced electricity rate for those businesses that comply. In the future, we may see more and more hospitality properties using onsite power produced by photovoltaic (solar) cells integrated into the buildings structure, fuel cells operating off natural gas or even hydrogen, and wind turbines (for properties in locations where this option would be feasible).

restaurants would be served with a 277/480 volt, three phase, 60 hertz system with a current capability of up to several thousand amperes. After the electricity is metered, it enters the distribution and control system at the property. Exhibit 2 illustrates the layout of a building's electrical system. This


Chapter 5 Diagram of a Building Electrical System

Smaller Building Loads (e.g., guestroom lights) Large Equipment (e.g., chiller) Feeders Emergency Transfer Switch Emergency Generator

Exhibit 2

Transformer Main Building Transformer

Utility Service

Main Switchboard Electric Meter

Emergency Loads

system splits the electrical supply into what are called feeders. Feeders deliver electricity to various portions of the building and to major equipment. If the voltage supplied by the utility is not appropriate for all uses, the system will include transformers, which are devices that change (technically, step up or step down) the voltage of the electrical supply. In most larger hospitality facilities, the major equipment is operated at 208/277 or 480 volts. When guestroom applica tions require (for example) 120 volts, a transformer is used to step down the volt age. The main service transformer for a building may be owned by either the utility or the operation. Utility ownership saves the operation the cost of the transformer and the energy it consumes and relieves the operation of the responsibility for its maintenance. On the other hand, the business owning its own main service trans former usually pays a lower utility rate. A hospitality business may also own and operate other transformers to meet its electrical needs. As we will discuss later in the chapter, certain loads are considered to be emer gency loads. These are supplied from the utility service under normal circum stances and from an emergency generator or battery backup in other circumstances. The emergency transfer switch in Exhibit 2 serves to detect the interruption of utility power. When utility power is interrupted, the switch activates the emergency power source and transfers the emergency loads to this source. U.S. hotels should be aware that electrical equipment brought in by guests from other countries may not work at all, may work erratically, or may even be damaged when connected to a typical domestic electrical system. For example, equipment that requires a 240 volt power supply sometimes can be connected to a 120 volt system, but with a large decrease in performance. In addition, since most such equipment is expecting a 50 hertz signal, the use of the equipment at 60 hertz may create other problems. Any device using the 50 hertz signal for speed or time control will run faster on a 60 hertz signal, even when a transformer has changed the voltage to 240. There are also problems with the reverse situation U.S. travel ers staying in hotels abroad. A U.S. traveler who puts a plug adapter on something like a hair dryer (manufactured for the U.S. market) and tries to use it abroad may

Electrical Systems Exhibit 3 Plug Configurations Used in Overseas Locations


Africa, Great Britain, Ireland


EuropeEast & West, Middle East, Parts of Africa, Asia and South America Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Mainland China, Fiji Caribbean, South America, Tahiti, Philippines




be greeted by sparks and a destroyed unit; this may even trip a circuit breaker in the hotel. Plug configurations throughout the world are varied on purpose in an attempt to avoid the problems that can occur when equipment designed for one electrical system is plugged into another. Exhibit 3 shows plug configurations for electrical equipment in various countries.

System Design and Operating Standards

The electrical distribution system at the property should be designed and main tained according to all relevant codes and standards. These codes and standards are established to provide safe and reliable sources of electrical power. Failure to follow the codes and standards can result in problems ranging from equipment failure to a major fire. In the United States, the codes for the electrical system are established by local governments. Generally, these codes are patterned after the National Electrical Code (NEC) developed by the National Fire Protection Association. The NEC and other codes are primarily concerned with safety. Their provisions should be viewed as minimum standards. The NEC and similar local codes cover such topics as proper wire size and type (depending on the load and location), methods to determine circuit loading and capacity, proper wiring conventions, and so forth. The codes change over time as new information is discovered and new materials are developed.2 An older facility making major renovations may need to exten sively upgrade its electrical system both to meet current electrical needs and to meet the current code. Safety issues for employees operating or maintaining elec trical systems are covered in the National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces."


Chapter 5

Further legal requirements for electrical systems and safety are contained in the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). OSHA contains a large number of provisions for electrical safety. Major areas of concern include design safety standards for electrical systems, safety related work practices, safety related main tenance requirements, and safety requirements for special equipment. OSHA standards should be consulted when maintenance procedures are developed. They should also be included as minimum standards for electrical safety during maintenance.

System and Equipment Maintenance

Keeping electrical equipment from breaking down is particularly important, since this equipment is so important to the ability to occupy the building. For an effec tive electrical maintenance program, the following are needed: A current set of plans for the building's electrical system Good knowledge of electrical practices and the building's electrical system by maintenance personnel (and others when appropriate) Good housekeeping practices in areas containing electrical equipment Knowledge of and adherence to proper safety procedures Incorporation of electrical maintenance procedures into the facility's preven tive maintenance program

Electrical Plans
A number of building electrical systems have terminals in the guestroom of a lodg ing facility. Therefore, the electrical plan of a guestroom provides a good reference for viewing a number of elements of the system. The electrical plan and the interior design plan must be closely coordinated to ensure that electrical services are pro vided at key locations. Exhibit 4 is a copy of the electrical plan for a king standard suite. It also pro vides an introduction to some of the symbols used on electrical plans. This plan shows not only the electrical power systems, but also the location of the telephone, fire alarm speaker, smoke detector, TV antenna, and air conditioner con trol. The wires are generally not shown on the plan, since they would clutter the representation. A building's electrical plans will be quite extensive. A major challenge with regard to these plans is to keep them current as modifications are made to the building. While updating plans is sometimes not thought of as a maintenance activity, it should be. Operations that do not update plans are essentially relying on the memories of their maintenance personnel. Such operations invariably find that, as the years pass, their maintenance employees leave or retire, taking important information about the building with them. A good set of plans on file can greatly speed the solution of a problem and may save a lot of money during renovations or other modifications to the building.

Electrical Systems Exhibit 4 Sample Electrical Plan for a King Standard Suite


Courtesy of Sheraton Corp.


Chapter 5 Screening Questions for Electrical Maintenance Applicants

Exhibit 5
1. 2. 3. 4.

What color of wire is used for an equipment ground? What color of wire is used for your power source? What causes a hermetic motor compressor burnout? How do you check a compressor to see if its windings are grounded to the compressor case? 5. If a three-phase motor is running backwards, what should you do to correct the problem? 6. How much voltage drop does it take to cause problems to a motor? 7. How many terminals does a domestic hermetic motor usually have? Name them. Answers to Above Questions* 1. Green or bare. 2. Any color but green, white, or bare. 3. Moisture, high head pressure, single phasing on a three-phase unit, start winding not dropping out. 4. With an ohmmeter, you check for grounding between the case of the compressor to the start, run, and common windings and between the start and the run. 5. Switch any two legs of power to the motor. 6. Ten percent. 7. Three(1) Start, (2) Run, (3) Common (Neutral) *Note: Although these answers are correct for many countries, they may not be correct in every country.
Courtesy of Hampton Inns, Inc.

Training in Operating and Safety Procedures

Maintenance staff and other key personnel should receive training in those aspects of the building's electrical system that are pertinent to their jobs. Their perfor mance evaluations should then be based in part on their knowledge and under standing of the system. Maintenance staff should be given a set of questions related to the building's electrical system. These questions should be part of their training program. The questions can also be used to test employees being considered for retention and/or promotion. It may also be advisable for the prop erty to receive a magazine that covers electrical practices for use by engineering personnel.3 Basic questions about electrical system practices could also be included as part of an employment questionnaire for prospective maintenance staff in order to verify an applicant's competence with electrical systems (see Exhibit 5). Compe tence can be further verified by asking an applicant to demonstrate basic skills, such as wiring a circuit or testing a circuit for problems. While most staff do not need specific training in electrical fundamentals, certain staff clearly need to have some understanding of the building's electrical

Electrical Systems


system. Staff on duty at the front desk, especially in the evening hours, should know the location of circuit breakers and controls for various electrical systems, especially if an engineer is not always on duty. Staff should also know the location of the electrical disconnect switch for the building and the emergency generator. Staff responsiveness to guest and staff needs can be enhanced by clear labeling of breakers and controls. Staff should also have a familiarity with the characteristics of the hotel's elec trical system (voltage, frequency) and be able to answer guest inquiries as to the basic compatibility of foreign electrical equipment such as shavers, hair dryers, computers, and so on. Staff should also know where guests can find adapter plugs, either in the hotel or in nearby stores. All staff should be made aware of the importance of reporting needed electri cal repairs and of not operating equipment that has become unsafe due to electrical (or other) problems. Staff caused electrical maintenance needs can be reduced if the staff observe good operating practices, which include the following: Keep equipment that uses electricity clean. Avoid storage of this equipment in damp or wet locations. Use a firm grip on the plug when unplugging equipment rather than pulling on the electrical cord. Match the equipment to the task. Overloading equipment may result in motor failure or other problems. Promptly report malfunctioning electrical equipment so that needed repairs can be performed. Do not perform do it yourself repairs or modifications to electrical systems and equipment. Do not use electrical rooms for the storage of items that block access to electri cal panels, reduce air circulation to transformer rooms, or otherwise create potential safety problems or contribute to premature equipment failure.

When electrical maintenance is performed, safety concerns are very impor tant. Lockout/tagout procedures should always be followed when work is per formed on electrical equipment. (In the United States, OSHA mandates their use.) This involves locking out of service those circuits to be worked on so that another individual cannot accidentally energize the circuits while someone is working on them. Exhibit 6 presents excerpts from the procedures and forms used at one hos pitality firm. Electrical safety can often be an issue even in non electrical maintenance. Because electrical service is needed for so many uses, electrical wiring can be found almost everywhere. Care must be taken when performing other mainte nance tasks to avoid accidental contact with electrical lines. The following are some key safety tips: When performing onsite excavations, refer to a site map for the location of any buried electrical cables (or other utility services). This is one more reason to keep a good set of as built and modified drawings. If any questions exist, use


Chapter 5 Sample Safety Lockout Procedures


Exhibit 6

Depending on the type of equipment that is shut down for service or repair, the employee responsible for the shutdown must do one of the following: Lockout the electrical disconnect and apply the appropriate lockout tag, or Throw the breaker at the electrical panel and attach the appropriate lockout tag. or Shut off the valve or equipment at the service location and apply the appropriate lockout tag. If any piece of equipment is removed from service for a period of eight (8) hours or more, the reason for the lockout MUST be recorded in the Engineers Log Book. Failure to comply with the safety lockout procedures will result in the issuance of a written warning or possible employee termination. THE ONLY PERSON AUTHORIZED TO REMOVE A WARNING TAG OR SAFETY LOCK IS THE EMPLOYEE WHO LOCKED OUT THE EQUIPMENT OR THE MAINTENANCE ENGINEER/AGM FACILITIES. ELECTRICIANS BLOCKING TAG FRONT BACK

Courtesy of Hampton Inns, Inc.

Electrical Systems


a cable locator to determine the exact location. Anyone using onsite cranes, hoists, and front end loaders should always watch for overhead electrical lines. It is often easy to overlook these while concentrating on the load or the ground. Avoid electrical service locations when painting eaves and drain troughs or doing other work on the roof or sides of buildings. Avoid downed electric wires. Keep people away from these and call the elec tric company immediately. Avoid any tree or limb touching electrical wires. If a tree or limb falls over the wires, don't attempt to remove it. Call the electric company. Wear safety glasses and rubber soled and heeled safety shoes when working.

One other concern warrants attention. Older electrical transformers that con tain oil as an insulating/cooling medium may contain PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). If an electrical fire occurs involving these transformers, dangerous chemicals can be produced. The U.S. government (through the Environmental Protection Agency) has issued numerous rules and regulations that establish con ditions for the continued use of these transformers in commercial buildings. These rules and regulations cover such topics as registration with the local fire depart ment, limitations on their location within the building, procedures for their removal and disposal, and a variety of other conditions. A failure to comply may result in significant fines and other penalties. Management should know and com ply with these regulations. Contact the EPA for a complete set of regulations if you believe that PCB containing transformers are present at your property.

System Components
We have already looked briefly at transformers and feeders. Other components of the electrical system are fuses, circuit breakers, motor controls, relays, and emer gency power supplies and circuits.

Fuses and Circuit Breakers

Some elements of the electrical system are quite literally designed to break down." These are fuses, circuit breakers, and light bulbs or lamps. Fuses and cir cuit breakers serve to interrupt the electrical supply when a current flow in excess of safe levels is detected. Safe levels are determined by the carrying capacity of the wires and local code requirements. Fuses, more common in old properties, are designed and sized to fail when the current in the circuit in which they are installed is too great for the circuit capac ity. The fuse failure indicates either an existing safety problem due to a short circuit or a potential safety problem due to wire overloading. Some fuses have a replace able element and reusable fuse body, while others are completely disposable. Fuses may be screw in plugs or cylindrical cartridges with either cylindrical ends or (knife) blade ends.


Chapter 5

When fuses are used, care should be taken to replace them with units of the correct amperage and type. When installed on circuits with electric motors, fuses are often of a time delay type. Such fuses allow a brief flow of higher current with out burning out; this is necessary because a higher current is needed to start the motor than to keep it running. If regular fuses are used in place of time delay fuses, they may fail whenever a motor starts. Circuit breakers serve a similar function, but differ from fuses in that the cir cuit breaker may simply be reset, while the fuse or fuse element must be replaced. Normally, a tripped circuit breaker merely must be turned off and then back on. The ease of resetting these devices and their inherent safety make them the device of choice for many applications today. One type of circuit breaker is the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). This device, which provides a much higher level of protection than a standard circuit breaker, is largely designed to protect people. GFCIs are installed in such areas as bathrooms, outside receptacles, swimming pools, spas, and other areas where required by code, usually where electricity and water may both be found. A GFCI may be part of the wall receptacle or it may be a separate breaker in the breaker box. A built in testing device is included. GFCIs should be tested as part of the reg ular preventive maintenance activity. Fuses or circuit breakers should never be replaced with items of a larger capacity (amperage) unless an analysis of the circuit reveals that the wiring and other elements are capable of handling the larger load. The burning out of fuses or tripping of circuit breakers especially if it is fre quent is a sign of a potential problem with the electrical system that should not be ignored. Maintenance personnel should inspect fuse and breaker boxes. They should look for discoloration, a burnt odor, and other evidence of overheating or short circuits, debris and dirt, and moisture. To avoid potential problems with vandalism and with electrical system tam pering, fuse and breaker boxes should be kept locked. The key should be in the control of maintenance personnel or otherwise secured. Of course, it should always be readily available when needed.

Distribution Panels and Wiring

Next to the fuse and breaker boxes are the panels and wiring that distribute elec tricity to the building and its equipment. While these elements generally do not require much maintenance, there are preventive maintenance activities that may be undertaken with panels and wiring. Loose connections or overloaded wires can create safety hazards for example, overheating can cause a fire. In addition, over heating and overloading can cause equipment to operate at conditions of voltage and current that lead to inefficient operation and even damage or failure. Diagnosing problems in distribution panels and wiring is made easier when the following preventive maintenance actions are carried out: Check the tightness of all wiring connections to ensure adequate electrical contact.

Electrical Systems


Measure the current flow in electrical circuits to be sure it is within acceptable limits. Measure supply voltages to electrical equipment to be sure proper voltage lev els exist. This should be done under load (operating) conditions. Check the operating temperatures of wires, motors, and other elements of the electrical system. These should be within the rated limits of the equipment. Check the temperature rise in wires, terminal blocks, and motors. Values of 15 to 25 Fahrenheit degrees (8 to 14 Celsius degrees) above ambient may indicate potential problems, while those in the range of 45 to 90 Fahrenheit degrees (25 to 50 Celsius degrees) above ambient warrant immediate attention. Check the flow of electricity in three phase circuits and supplies to ensure that the load on the three phases is approximately balanced.

Some older hotels may have aluminum electrical cables in lieu of the more common copper wires. Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity and is less expensive than copper. For these reasons, its use enjoyed a period of popularity some years ago. Unfortunately, aluminum suffers from a physical phenomenon called creep" or cold flow that causes connections, especially those using set screws or crimps, to loosen. Loose connections cause temperature buildups and can be very dangerous. Properties with aluminum wire need to enforce a regular maintenance schedule to ensure tight connections. Later in the chapter the use of thermal imaging will be discussed as a diagnostic tool for overloaded electrical circuits. This is also a very useful tool to identify loose connections in aluminum wiring systems.

Electric Motors, Controls, and Drive Elements

Electric motors are found in many devices in a hospitality operation for example, air conditioning equipment, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and the laundry. In addition, large motors power major pieces of building equipment such as the com pressors in the chillers, air handling fans, and chilled water pumps. Electric motors that are integral parts of other equipment, such as motors in guestroom air conditioning equipment and dishwashers, will be included in the overall preventive maintenance instructions for the equipment. Some equipment with hard to access electric motors may have little or no preventive maintenance performed. The level of preventive maintenance performed will vary significantly with motor size and the motor's importance to the operation. Remember, the goal of preventive maintenance is to help keep the overall cost of maintenance as low as possible while promoting proper and reliable equipment operation. The preventive maintenance process will involve regular inspections during which operating conditions (such as voltage, current, and operating temperatures) are measured and noted, general conditions, noise, and vibration are observed, and cleaning and lubrication are performed. Operating conditions may indicate a need to change the frequency of maintenance. For example, a particularly dirty environment may warrant more frequent cleaning and inspection.


Chapter 5 Exhibit 7 Sample Preventive Maintenance for Electric Motors

P.M. PROCEDURES: Electric Motors MAINTENANCE ACTION #21 FREQUENCY: Quarterly - Annually Maintenance Action #21Q 1. 2. 3. 4. Inspect motor and check for unusual noise. Clean motor. Blow out dirt and dust. Lubricate per manufacturers specs.

Maintenance Action #21A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carry out Maintenance Action 21Q. Check bearings. Check electrical connections tight. Check running amps against nameplate. Clean starter and replace contacts. Check running temperature.

Courtesy of Days Inns of America

Exhibit 7 contains a sample preventive maintenance procedure for electric motors from one lodging chain. Quarterly activities involve inspection, cleaning, and lubrication. Annual actions include those normally performed quarterly, plus additional inspections, the measurement of key operating parameters, and some parts replacement. Because of the variety of electric motors and their applications, it is very important to write preventive maintenance procedures for each motor based on its type, its usage (especially its operating hours), and the manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance. Equipment warranties can often be voided if the purchaser does not follow the manufacturers' established maintenance proce dures. When electric motors are used to power larger devices, they do so via some sort of a drive mechanism. This may be a belt and pulley, a drive chain, or some sort of drive coupling. Preventive maintenance inspections of this equipment will involve not only the motor but also the drive mechanism. In addition, the motor controls will need periodic attention. Motor controls are devices that provide an interface between an electric motor and the electrical sys tem. They control the motor's operation, generally by turning it on and off, but sometimes by changing its operating speed. Relays also serve a control function; they open and close circuits in response to signals from control equipment. When motors wear out or malfunction and cease operation, managers face a repair or replace" decision. Some guidelines for this decision are as follows: When buying new motors (or equipment with motors), specify EPAct efficiency motors. EPAct" refers to the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992. This

Electrical Systems


Electric Motor Replacement Issues

Hospitality operations use numerous electric motors, some contained in equipment and others connected to equipment such as fans and pumps. When purchasing equipment, the efficiency of the electric motor used in the equipment is a contributing factor to the equipments overall efficiency. However, it is often the case that there are few or no motor options to choose from when purchasing equipment; a piece of equipment tends to come with a standard motor, and no choice is given. It is when electric motors are up for repair or replacement that the operation has the opportunity to make a decision about motor efficiency. In the United States, new government regulations have established minimum efficiency levels for electric motors. The motors sold today are therefore more efficient than those sold 10 or 15 years ago. It is possible to purchase motors that exceed these minimum efficiencies. This especially makes sense when the hotel is in a location with high electricity rates or when it is purchasing motors that are expected to have a large number of operating hours. When purchasing a replacement for an electric motor, it is a very good idea to inquire as to whether the motor being replaced was correctly sized to begin with. Unfortunately, motors are often significantly oversized, and conservation efforts can make this situation worse by reducing the load served by the motor. If investigation reveals an oversized motor (that is, a motor that always operates at a current draw of approximately 85 percent or less of its full load amperage), managers should consider replacing it with a smaller motor. The property will not only save money on the motor, but also on the operating cost of the motor.

act specified minimum efficiency levels for equipment manufacturers to follow; motors produced after October 24, 1997, are stamped with their EPAct efficiency rating. If a repair will cost more than 60 percent of a new EPAct motor, buy the new motor.

Another thing to keep in mind when evaluating whether to repair or replace a motor is the effect repairs will have on the motor's efficiency. Efficiency losses of from three to five percent are possible when repairing standard motors; a loss of one percent efficiency is possible when repairing energy efficient motors. Another way to reduce the operating costs of electric motors is to install vari able speed drives on the motors. Variable speed drives match the speed of the motor to the needs of the connected load, making the motor run more efficiently. The result is reduced energy usage, increased life of the connected equipment, and a better matching of motor output to the application. Finally, when considering electric motors and their operation, attention to the motors' power factors is appropriate. Power factor" is another measure of motor efficiency, having to do with the motor's use of alternating current and voltage. The goal should be to operate equipment with power factors in excess of 90 per cent. When motors are operated below about 65 percent of rated capacity, their


Chapter 5

power factor suffers. Making the right decision on motor size helps to keep the power factor as high as possible. The result can be reduced electric bills.

Electronic Equipment
Although electric motors have long been subject to various power supply prob lems, the proliferation of electronic equipment in the modern hospitality industry has heightened the need for a high quality electrical supply system. Electronic equipment is especially sensitive to such power quality problems as voltage tran sients, momentary voltage sags and surges, momentary power loss, electrical noise, and harmonic distortion. (To a somewhat lesser degree, these power quality problems can also harm electric motors.) Transients involve high voltage, short, fast electrical pulses that can destroy electronic equipment instantly or over a period of time. Sags and surges involve lower or higher than normal voltages. Sags may cause motor heating and disk drive problems, while surges may cause incandescent lights and computer circuits to burn out. Momentary power losses can disrupt data processing, electronic memory, and program functioning. Electrical noise and harmonic distortion are electrical signals injected into the electrical system by faulty equipment or certain types of electric equipment. They give wrong signals" to sensitive electrical equipment, resulting in erratic operation and possible equipment damage. The sources of these problems include natural phenomena (for example, light ning), normal utility operations (for example, equipment maintenance), neighbor ing utility customers (for example, a faulty electrical system in the business next door), and a business's own internal electrical problems. There are various possible solutions to electrical quality problems.4 These include: Wiring intensive solutions such as wiring upgrades, grounding/bonding upgrades, and isolation of equipment loads Equipment intensive solutions such as surge suppression equipment, voltage regulators, isolation transformers, and battery backup units

Wiring upgrades involve the installation of large wires capable of handling the larger starting and operating loads of equipment. Such upgrades should help to eliminate voltage sags. Upgrading of grounding/bonding involves establishing good connections within the building to the electrical ground system and of the ground to the earth. This will help reduce stray voltages that can create noise prob lems. Load isolation places sensitive loads on separate circuits where the possibil ity of their being influenced by noise, sags, and other problems caused by other pieces of equipment is minimized. Exhibit 8 shows suggested equipment isolation where the victim" is the electronic equipment and the culprit" is another type of electrical equipment. Operations should also not operate portable equipment such as vacuum cleaners and other cleaning equipment on circuits that supply elec tronic equipment. The equipment intensive solutions will generally be the more expensive option, although extensive rewiring can also be costly. Surge suppression equip ment limits the magnitude of voltage transients in order to avoid damage to sensi tive electronic equipment. Installation of surge suppressors may be necessary at

Electrical Systems Exhibit 8 Equipment Isolation Chart

Do not connect equipment shown in the victim column of this chart into the same circuit as devices in the corresponding culprit column.




CULPRIT Air Conditioning Unit Conventional Oven HVAC Equipment Industrial Mixer Refrigeration Equipment Water Cooler Conventional Oven HVAC Equipment Industrial Mixer Lighting Control Refrigeration Equipment


Check/Credit Approval System Main/Personal Computer Order Entry Terminal


Bar Code Scanner Check/Credit Approval System Digital Scale Fax Machine Fire/Security System Main/Personal Computer Order Entry Terminal Phone System Point-of-Sale Terminal Video Product Display Audio System Energy Management System Fax Machine Fire/Security System Phone System


Copy Machine HVAC Equipment Industrial Mixer Refrigeration Equipment

Source: Edison Electric Institute, Quality Power in Your Restaurant, p.13.

the electrical service entrance itself, at the electrical panel where the circuit feeding the electronic equipment is located, or at the electronic equipment itself. Data lines feeding the equipment and such items as antenna leads are also candidates for this type of protection. Equipment purchased for this purpose should be UL (Under writers Laboratories) listed as a transient voltage surge suppressor. It should have indicators that reveal whether it is functioning. Voltage regulators address both sag and surge problems by providing auto matic voltage adjustment. Response times of 1.5 cycles or less and operating effi ciencies of 90 percent or better are recommended. Isolation transformers help remove noise from the system, but provide no protection against sags or surges. The device's ability to reduce noise is expressed in a dB (decibel) rating. A rating of 80 dB or higher should be chosen for adequate noise reduction. Battery backup units help to supply power during utility power outages. They are discussed later under emergency power systems. Exhibit 9 is a summary of the more common symptoms associated with elec trical system disturbances, the problems that may cause them, the solutions, and a


Chapter 5 Power Problem Ready Reference

PROBLEM Transients (Spikes) SOLUTION Transient Suppression COST $1,000 to $7,000

Exhibit 9

SYMPTOM Scanner Lockup Scanner Damage Inventory Data Lost Frequent Service Calls Digital Scale Damage Computer Reboots Early Compressor Failure Dim or Flickering Lights Early Lamp Failure Order Files Lost Scanners and Computer Must be Restarted Unexplainable Order Errors Noise on PA System Random Data Error Compressor Heating

Sags and Surges

Upgrade Wiring Rearrange Loads Line Conditioner

$500 to $20,000

Power Loss (Blackout)

Battery Backup System Reduce Exposure

$500 to $30,000 $500 to $20,000


Line Conditioner Battery Backup System Relocate Equipment Isolation Transformer Harmonic Filtering

Harmonic Distortion

$500 to $5,000

Source: Edison Electric Institute, Quality Power in Your Restaurant, p. 15.

range of costs. The cost effectiveness of any particular solution is clearly dependent on how likely the problem is to occur and the cost of the symptom. Many opera tions find that some form of protective equipment is warranted due to the large losses of time and money that can result from problems with electronic equipment.

Emergency Power Systems

Emergency power systems are present to provide power during temporary inter ruptions in the electrical supply to the building. Emergency power supplies and equipment include such items as generators and batteries to provide lighting and uninterruptible power supplies for computer systems. Although these devices are (one hopes) seldom used, they are greatly needed when called upon; therefore, their proper operation is very important. The National Electrical Code provides for specific types of businesses in which emergency power is required and the types of loads that shall be connected to this

Electrical Systems


power. Local code authorities may adopt this code or may modify it. Emergency systems are generally required in all types of hospitality businesses with the pos sible exception of very small food service establishments. Among the items gener ally required to be connected to this system are artificial illumination, fire detection and alarm systems, fire pumps, and public safety communications systems. Battery backup units may be either standby power supply (SPS) units or unin terruptible power supply (UPS) units. The SPS units switch from utility power to battery backup when the utility power is interrupted. There is therefore a momen tary power outage. One selection criterion for such equipment is the transfer time, which should be no more than 15 milliseconds. Another criterion involves voltage regulation, which should be within eight percent of the rated equipment operating voltage. In contrast, the UPS is always on line. Power from the utility feeds the UPS, which stores this power in batteries and supplies the equipment with a clean" power source using the batteries and electronics that create AC power. For UPS selection, efficiencies of 70 percent or more should be specified. For both UPS and SPS systems, the quoted prices of the systems should include the necessary batteries. Emergency power may be provided by batteries alone in smaller buildings. Batteries will generally power lights in corridors, stairwells, and certain interior spaces such as meeting and conference rooms. If more than this level of power is needed, the operation will generally install an onsite emergency generator pow ered by an engine. Onsite engine generators may be installed to operate only essential or code required loads (such as emergency lighting and fire protection systems) or may be installed to provide power to additional loads. Among these additional loads could be the uninterruptible power supply for the computer systems, food service refrigeration, and key building heating systems (especially in colder climates). Engine generators are usually diesel fired and require onsite fuel storage. Various provisions should be made to prevent the unit from transmitting noise and vibra tion to the building. Emergency loads are connected to the emergency generator by an automatic transfer switch (as was seen in Exhibit 2). This device supplies these loads from the utility service when it is present and switches to the emergency source when utility service fails. Because code requirements usually call for a fuel supply capable of providing only two hours of full load operation, the generator is of limited usefulness during long outages unless provision is made for extended operation. Battery powered lighting systems provide light for even shorter periods of time. Maintenance of emergency power systems is often a weekly task which involves the following: Checking fluid levels on battery systems. (Note: Batteries may be installed to provide emergency lighting or to provide starting energy for an engine gener ator.) Checking the charge level in batteries. Checking proper ventilation of battery rooms.


Chapter 5 Cleaning and lubricating battery terminals to retard corrosion. Testing engine generator systems under load. Because of the noise generated, maintenance staff should generally wear ear protection when doing this and should choose a time of day least likely to disturb guests. Observing and recording appropriate data regarding each engine generator test. This will include information required by local code authorities and for maintenance records, such as fuel supply, oil and coolant levels, switch set tings, oil and water temperatures and pressures, and positions of any key indicator lights or gauges. Ensuring that the engine generator is put back on line after any testing or work where the emergency generator must be disconnected.

A properly functioning emergency power system provides insurance in the event of a power failure. The testing and maintenance of the system ensures that this insurance will be available when needed. While it is not required by code, many operations install an uninterruptible power supply on key pieces of computer equipment. The UPS may be designed to allow either continued operation or an orderly shutdown of equipment. UPS units must be matched with the load being served and the time of operation desired. Computer operation during prolonged outages will be assured only if the UPS is also connected to the emergency power system.

Electrical Maintenance Equipment

The various maintenance activities discussed so far require appropriate equip ment. This equipment should include the following somewhat specialized items: Multimeter A device capable of measuring volts, ohms, and current over a wide range. Usable on both major electrical circuits and control and other lower voltage circuits. Wall receptacle analyzer Used to determine the condition of wall outlets (sometimes called convenience outlets). This device plugs into a wall outlet and indicates the circuit condition. Reversal of the neutral and ground wires, the quality of the ground path, and the presence of multiple wiring errors are identified if present. This is a quick diagnostic for these components. Fuse pullers for cartridge fuses tridge fuses. These devices allow safe removal of car

Rubber boots, gloves, and insulated ladders Safety equipment designed to reduce the contact with electrical equipment and the resulting flow of current to earth if contact should occur. Hydrometer A device that measures specific gravity and is used to check the charge level in batteries.

Other items of electrical maintenance equipment which may be needed, depending on the complexity of the facility and expected duties of the staff, could include cable fault locators, transformer oil test kits, and vibration analyzers.

Electrical Systems


Because of the difficulty in accurately measuring temperatures in all elements of electrical systems, it is becoming more common for properties to use a thermal scan of the electrical systems as part of the preventive maintenance program. This scan involves the use of an infrared (IR) video imaging system that represents the object being scanned as an image whose color indicates the temperature of the object. The scan identifies overheating electrical components. Hence, it is pos sible to inspect the operating electrical system for potential safety or operating problems. A thermal imaging inspection is generally a contract service. It may be imple mented as part of commissioning a new building or as an element of the preventive maintenance program of an existing building. It can be particularly useful for older buildings having extensive wiring modifications that make the connected loads, wire size, and so forth difficult to evaluate. Chains and large hotels may elect to purchase IR scanning guns in order to have them available when needed.

Electric Utility Billing and Building Operations

As was indicated at the start of the chapter, the electric bill represents the bulk of a property's utility costs. Understanding the billing methods of electric utilities and their impact on building operations and operating costs can be very helpful. First of all, there are literally hundreds of electric utilities in the United States and throughout the world. Virtually every one will have a slightly different way of converting electrical usage into an electric bill. Almost all of these utilities will gen erate a bill for a commercial establishment such as a hotel, motel, or restaurant in a somewhat different manner from that used for a residence. The major difference lies in the use of both an energy (or consumption) charge and a demand (or capac ity) charge when commercial bills are determined. Residences typically only have an energy charge. The energy charge is based on the amount of electricity used by the customer over the billing period. This electricity is measured in kilowatt hours (abbreviated kwh). The kwh may be thought of as the amount of energy used by a 100 watt light bulb burning for 10 hours. As you can guess, the kwh isn't a very large unit of energy. A commercial establishment can use tens or hundreds of thousands of kwh in a 30 day period (the typical billing period used by utilities). The charge is usu ally in the range of $.06 to $.12 per kwh for business accounts. The demand charge is something which residential customers generally do not pay (although they pay a higher charge per kwh than business customers to make up for it). The demand charge is based on the business's highest rate of energy usage. This rate, measured in kilowatts or kw, is usually determined by breaking the billing period up into a series of 15 or 30 minute windows and measuring the energy usage in each window. The bill is then calculated using the highest average rate of energy usage or demand in these windows during the bill ing period. Demand charges range from $3 per kw per month to as high as $20 per kw per month. One way to think about the demand and energy charges is to think about the way rental car agencies bill for their product. Among the options is usually one


Chapter 5

which charges you a fee per day for the auto and a fee per mile. The fee per day is analogous to the demand charge. The larger the auto, the higher the fee. The bigger the demand, the higher the demand charge. The fee per mile is analogous to the energy charge. The more you use the auto, the more you pay because of the increased mileage. Just as there are variations in rental car rate structures, there are variations in the structures of utility rates. Some utilities have rates that vary according to the time of year or time of day. Others have variations that depend on the relationship between the demand level and the energy used. Yet others will impose a minimum demand charge based on demand during some peak period of the year (rather than just during the current billing period). Under this billing practice, known in utility jargon as a ratchet clause, a high demand during one month can result in a high demand charge for the next 11 or 12 months. Often, the peak periods on which ratchet charges are based are months in which utility services are heavily used summer months in cities and the southern United States and winter months in northern locations. Because the demand charge is based on peak demand during 15 or 30 minute windows, operating practices can have a major impact on costs. One seasonally operated hotel that was up for sale turned on all the building's systems, lights, and so forth to prove to a prospective buyer that everything worked properly. This action established a high peak demand during a ratchet period and led directly to higher charges for several months. A more common scenario involves the start up of building equipment following a shutdown or a power outage. Starting every thing at once leads to high demand. Starting such equipment up in phases helps avoid an unusually high demand charge. One way to do this is to station an employee at the electric meter. This employee can follow the effect of equipment operations and communicate with other staff by phone or radio. Of course, opera tors with demand control equipment should be able to use it in this instance, pro vided the power loss or shutdown does not cause the demand control equipment to need re setting or re programming. The energy and demand charges represent by far the largest portion of the utility bill. The mix between the two varies with the utility and the building. Some utilities have billing methods which weight the energy portion, while others weight the demand. It is not unusual for the demand charge to equal 25 percent or more of the total bill. In rare instances, it might even be more than 50 percent of the bill. Two other charges are usually found on the utility bill. Most utilities use a fuel clause adjustment to adjust their rates in response to variations in the price of the fuels used to produce electricity. This adjustment takes the form of an additional charge or credit per kwh used in a billing period. The other rather common bill component is sales tax. If a charge for a poor power factor appears on your bill and is a significant dol lar amount, call your utility and ask for help to understand the basis of this charge and what to do to lower it. This discussion of electricity rates is somewhat similar to discussions of how hotels set their guestroom rates. Many hotels today practice revenue management:

Electrical Systems


that is, they change their guestroom prices depending on their expectations of the demand for guestrooms during a specific time period. Setting electricity rates based on time of use is a form of revenue management originally developed to pro vide price signals to customers about the cost of their consumption of electricity. This idea was promoted for electric utilities in the early 1970s as a means of trying to control the growth in demand for electrical energy, especially during peak peri ods. Airlines and later hotels picked up this pricing strategy as a way to enhance their revenue as well as control demand.

Reading Electrical Utility Meters

The utility usually sends a meter reader to record the energy and demand values off the property's meter. A well run operation will take its own meter readings, usually once per day and sometimes once per shift. This should be part of the shift engineer's daily responsibility. The readings should then be given to the director of engineering or the general manager. The purpose of taking these readings is to diagnose any problems before they become severe for example, a surge in con sumption caused by a theft of electric service. These readings may also prove use ful if a dispute arises with the utility over the meter readings used for billing purposes. Various types of meter dials are shown in this chapter.5 The actual types or styles of meters used in different properties may vary, but the method of reading the meters will be the same. In general, quantities of energy consumed are deter mined by subtracting the beginning meter readings from the end of period read ings. If a multiplier is shown on the dial face, you must multiply the difference between the two readings by the number shown to determine the actual quantity of energy used. There are two general types of electric meters: the kilowatt hour meter and the kilowatt hour meter with kilowatt demand meter. Kilowatt Hour Meter. This type of meter is used to determine the number of kilo watt hours of electricity used. On a kilowatt hour meter, the meter dials are read in sequence from left to right. The number recorded should be the lower of the two numbers that the hand is between in each dial. In Exhibit 10, Example A, the first dial is read as 4, the second as 5, the third as 1, and the fourth as 9. Thus, the meter reading is 4519. In Example B, the reading is 4628. To calculate the number of kilowatt hours used, subtract the first reading (4519) from the second reading (4628). The difference between the two readings is 109. Since the meter face has the words multiply by 100," you must multiply 109 by 100 to obtain the kilowatt hours that were actually used (10,900). Kilowatt Hour Meter with Kilowatt Demand Meter. In a combination meter, the row of dials on the meter face marked kilowatt hours" is read the same way as the dials on a kilowatt hour meter. There are many types of demand meters and each is read in a different way. When a meter is installed at your property, ask the utility company how to read it. The following section describes three common types of combined meters and provides guidelines for reading each type.


Chapter 5 Kilowatt Hour Meter

Exhibit 10

Source: Robert E. Aulbach, Energy and Water Resource Management, 2d ed. (East Lansing, Mich.: Edu cational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1988), p. 125.

Exhibit 11

Combination KWH and Demand Meters

Source: Robert E. Aulbach, Energy and Water Resource Management, 2d ed. (East Lansing, Mich.: Edu cational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1988), p. 126.

Maximum demand. The pointer in Example A in Exhibit 11 indicates maxi mum demand on the outer scale ring. The scale may be read directly or a multiplier may be required. The demand indicated is 0.4 kw. The pointer will be reset to zero by the meter reader. This type of meter only shows maximum demand since the previous reading and billing period. Demand dials. Example B in Exhibit 11 depicts another type of demand meter that has demand dials below the meter dials. These dials are read from left to right just like those on kilowatt hour meters. The vertical line between the dials indi cates where a decimal point should be placed. If there is a multiplier shown on the dial face, the reading must be multiplied by that number. The demand indicated in

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Example B is 96.2 kw. Demand dials of this type are also reset to zero by the meter reader after the reading is taken. Cumulative demand register. A demand register like that shown in Exam ple C in Exhibit 11 looks and works somewhat like a kilowatt hour meter. The dials are again read from left to right. The vertical line again indicates where a deci mal point should be placed. The demand in this example is 13.15 kw. In the cumulative demand register, the meter dials show the sum of the maxi mum demands up to the time the meter was last read. The meter reader deter mines the maximum demand for the current period by taking the dial reading, inserting a key in the meter that advances the dials to the new meter indication, and taking the new reading. The maximum demand for the period is the difference between the two readings. The new dial setting then remains fixed until the next meter reading. The meter reader must use his or her key to advance the meter before the demand for any billing period can be calculated. However, by recording the meter reading just before the meter reader arrives, and by reading the meter after the reader departs, you can have a check on the demand that is used by the utility com pany during each billing period. Recording demand meters. With the advent of time of day rates, it has become necessary for the utility company to know when energy consumption occurs in addition to the number of kilowatt hours. In its simplest form, this has required the installation of more than one meter to record during certain periods of the day or year. In other instances, especially in larger commercial facilities, record ing demand meters are used. Recording devices also may be required when the rate is based on something other than the maximum demand during the month. For example, the rate sched ule might stipulate that the maximum demand will be the average of the two, three, or four highest demands during the month. In another case, recording devices may be used when an individual consumer's load is large in relation to the system load. This enables the utility to determine whether the consumer's inter vals of high demand coincide with system peaks. There are several forms of demand recording devices, including strip charts and circular charts. However, these devices are giving way to those using magnetic tape. The magnetic tape demand recorder records the demand for every 15 or 30 minute time interval during the month on a cassette tape. This tape is removed from the meter each month and fed into the utility company's computer for com putation and billing. Some utility companies can access this data through devices that transmit meter information to a computer via telephone lines.

Checking the Bill for Errors

While the electric bill is usually given to the accounting department, it is important for the maintenance department to receive a copy to review. This makes sense because the bill will be paid out of the utility budget, which is the responsibility of maintenance. Next, the maintenance department should record the information on the bill in an energy consumption log. Engineering should review the readings taken by the utility and compare them with their own readings. Sometimes the


Chapter 5

utility company makes an error. Errors in demand readings are particularly hard to detect when the demand meter is reset to zero after it is read. Finally, the engineer ing staff are sometimes the only ones who understand how the electric bill is calcu lated. The bill should always be checked for errors. In fact, billing errors are common enough that some independent contractors offer to monitor and check bills, often simply for a percentage of the savings they find. These firms maintain extensive data files on utility tariffs. They check for errors in both calculation and classification (for example, a company paying resi dential rather than commercial rates or paying a wrong or less advantageous com mercial rate; there may be different commercial rates that apply to the same business and the utility is under no obligation to state which rate is more advanta geous). Because billing errors can take many forms, some properties prefer to use the services of these outside contractors. However, with a little care, each property should be able to discover the same errors on its own.

Choosing the Best Rate Schedule

Deciding on a tariff or rate for electric service can be a somewhat confusing deci sion. There are often a number of options available, and it's up to the utility cus tomer to decide which option is best. The utility provides rate information and leaves the decision up to the customer. Some hospitality companies hire firms to identify the most advantageous elec tric rate for them and to audit their utility bills for errors, as just mentioned. Some of these firms provide this service free"; they are paid by collecting a percentage of the dollars they save the hospitality companies they are working for. It is appropriate to review the rate a property is paying when any of the fol lowing occur: Managers are considering replacing the building's electrical transformer. Managers are considering making significant additions to the building or making other changes that could increase the amount of electricity being used. Energy conservation measures are being implemented. The utility company announces changes in its rate structure. (Properties should have a copy of the current electric utility rates on file.)

The chapter appendix provides sample rate sheets from Commonwealth Edi son Company, the electric utility serving Chicago. These rate sheets illustrate a number of common features of electric utility bills. For example, the demand charges vary with the time of year, the energy charges with the time of day. Some utilities vary both of these charges according to both the time of year and the time of day. Because these charges vary, the marginal cost of electricity (the cost of one additional unit of electricity used or saved during a given time period) is some times substantially different than that of the average cost. Knowledge of the rates will allow managers to calculate potential energy savings using marginal costs rather than average costs.

Electrical Systems


Knowledge of the rate schedule, coupled with an automated building control system, can help managers create opportunities for significant electricity savings. For example, the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York participated in a real time pricing (RTP) experiment with Con Edison, its electricity supplier. Con Edison was investigating the potential response of its customers to electric rates that could vary every day by the hour, with rate information transmitted to customers a day in advance, so they could prepare to adjust their electricity consumption accord ingly. The director of engineering at the Marriott saw real time pricing as a great opportunity for savings. The Marriott Marquis controlled various building loads (primarily air handling system fans) and other deferrable non guestroom loads, allowing these to be shut down or reduced during the hours of high electricity prices. The results were amazing. Key results included the following: With automatic control responses to RTP rates, the hotel saved more than $1 million in four years, which represented cost savings of approximately 8.3 percent when compared to conventional time of use electric rates. Average yearly kilowatt consumption dropped by more than two million kilo watts, from approximately 38 million kilowatts during the baseline period to less than 36 million kilowatts during the monitored period. This represented an energy savings of about 5.2 percent compared to conventional time of use rates. Peak electric load was reduced by up to 1,400 kilowatts during high price hours. These savings were achieved without compromising guest comfort or service.6

Exhibit 12 shows the energy savings that the Marriott Marquis enjoyed during one calendar year of the experiment, and the types of building equipment that con tributed to these savings.

Electric Utility Deregulation

The electric utility system in the United States operated for many decades as a reg ulated monopoly. A single electric utility served a given region, and its prices were largely fixed by filed rates approved by a state utility commission. Choice of utility companies and rates did not exist for customers. However, starting in the mid 1990s, electric utilities began to be deregulated, just as the telephone compa nies had been. The result? Deregulation of electric utility companies has presented managers with another decision to make: What company should we choose to provide us with electricity? This can be a hard and potentially risky decision. First, it can be confusing because of the number of companies to choose from; figuring out which companies are reliable and reputable sometimes is not easy. Second, the rates are not fixed in some contracts; the rates are set to vary along with the market price of


Chapter 5 Kilowatts Saved, by Equipment Type, Using Real Time Pricing

Air-Handling Systems Chillers 0 207 1,979 11,445 28,253 68,652 145,683 79,152 49,293 17,222 14,136 1,589 417,610 Exhaust Fans 18,498 38,100 44,115 4,255 4,485 6,095 40,655 13,405 1,035 2,875 28,840 11,200 213,558 Lighting 0 0 17,600 0 0 0 7,200 3,200 0 0 5,280 800 34,080 Misc. Loads 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 4,500 2,000 0 0 3,300 500 21,300 RTP kWh Reduction 92,884 212,779 296,574 135,840 159,442 207,533 432,686 243,345 191,882 171,001 248,810 187,471 2,553,246

Exhibit 12

January 74,386 February 174,472 March 194,880 April 120,140 May 126,704 June 132,786 July 234,648 August 145,588 September 141,554 October 150,904 November 197,254 December 173,382 Totals 1,866,698

electricity. Experiences with market prices for electricity in the late 1990s have shown that large, short term jumps in power prices can occur. Deregulation has introduced another concern for managers. With the electric ity market deregulated, the oversight that was provided by regulatory agencies has been reduced, and the more or less guaranteed fixed return for utilities is gone. Deregulation has opened the door for larger profits, which has encouraged companies to enter the electric utility industry that are primarily interested in quick, large profits. Other companies, under pressure to increase profits, have reduced maintenance activities and system reserve capacities. This has led to more frequent power outages and power reliability problems. The late 1990s saw brownouts (voltage reductions) and requests for voluntary power usage curtail ments (power shutdowns) in many regions. Whether these problems will continue and even worsen is yet to be seen. Hotel and restaurant chains as well as state hospitality associations have responded to the emerging deregulated electricity markets by collecting informa tion and negotiating new electricity purchase agreements. Some hospitality com panies have negotiated directly with power companies; others have used the services of firms specializing in purchasing electricity. It is too early to tell what the overall electric bill savings for the hospitality industry will be, but, if the experi ence with natural gas purchasing in the 1980s and 1990s is any example, the sav ings could be substantial. After the natural gas industry was deregulated, some hotels, through efficient purchasing, saw savings of from 10 to 25 percent and even higher. (Of course, natural gas users have an alternative in oil, something that elec tricity users do not have.)

Electrical Systems


1. J. F. Musselman, Power Plant and Refrigeration Equipment," The Architectural Forum, November 1923, p. 257. 2. Particularly useful sources of updated information include Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine, published by Primedia Business, P.O. Box 12914, Overland Park, KS, 66282 2914; and the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA, 02269 9101. 3. One magazine that can be helpful in this regard is Electrical Construction &


4. These solutions are suggested in two publications of the Edison Electric Institute, Quality Power in Your Restaurant and Quality Power in Your Motel, 701 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20004 2696. These publications guide the reader through a process of diagnosing and solving electrical quality problems. 5. This section on meter reading is drawn from Robert E. Aulbach, Energy and Water Resource Management, 2d ed. (Lansing, Mich.: Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 1988), pp. 124 126. 6. S. D. Gabel, L. Carmichael, and G. Shavit, Automated Control in Response to Real Time Pricing of Electricity," ASHRAE Journal, November 1998, pp. 26 29.

Key Terms
ampere A measure of the current flow in an electrical system. One ampere repre sents 6.251 1018 electrons per second passing through a cross section of the con ductor. demand charge That part of a utility bill based on the highest rate of energy use, measured in kilowatts. Also called a capacity charge. energy charge That part of a utility bill based on the amount of energy used, measured in kilowatt hours. Also called a consumption charge. feeder Element of a building's electrical system that supplies electricity to vari ous portions of the building and to major equipment. frequency With regard to electricity, the rate at which an alternating current (AC) power supply alternates the direction of the current flow. Measured in hertz, or cycles per second. ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) A particularly sensitive circuit breaker designed to protect people from electrical shocks, usually used in areas where water may be found.

National Electrical Code (NEC) A publication of the National Fire Protection Association that details recommended safety code standards for electrical systems.
phase With regard to electrical service, the number of energized wires in the elec trical supply. Almost always either single phase or three phase. ratchet clause A utility billing structure that bases the demand charge on the highest demand over a given period extending beyond the current billing period.


Chapter 5

transformer A device that changes the voltage of the electrical supply. voltage A measure of the electrical potential of an electrical system. Electricity flows between two points of different electrical potential. Comparable to pressure in a water system.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. Consulting Specifying Engineer www.csemag.com Edison Electric Institute www.eei.org

Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine www.industryclick.com/magazine. asp?siteid=13&magazineid=31

Electric Power Research Institute www.epri.com

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems

Air conditioning is the science of mechanically controlling the (1) tem perature, (2) humidity, (3) purity, and (4) movement of the air within buildings and other enclosures, thereby controlling the effects of such air upon the persons and materials exposed to it. The effects of air upon comfort and health are due to the reactions of the human being to variations in air temperature, humidity, purity and motion. The sense or feeling of warmth is dependent upon the moisture content of the air, rather than upon its mere temperature, and for this reason comfortable and healthful heating requires coincident regulation of humidity. The purity of the air breathed by the human being is, of course, primarily important to his physical well being. His personal effi ciency is materially depressed by air that is contaminated with foreign matter, particularly in congested centers, manufacturing districts, or in proximity to any source of pollution. Drafts, due to improper distribu tion of air, are dangerous to health, and subversive to comfort. Air condi tioning is a sure and sane means of insuring comfort and of eliminating the personal inefficiencies resulting from improper air qualities in spaces enclosing human beings. Just as surely as the first invigorating days of spring bring to you a pulsating sense of new energy, so will conditioned air, duplicating those same conditions perhaps, bringing new energy and comfort to all it reaches. Manufactured weather makes Every day a good day," so that the increased satisfaction rather than discomfort of the hotel guest and the increased efficiency rather than indifference of the employee yields a day after day dividend on the operating cost and investment in air conditioning equipment.1

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

the levels of comfort required by guests and employees. HVAC systems must be properly selected, operated, and maintained if they are to provide an appropriate level of comfort. To maintain comfort, you need to understand the basic elements of comfort. The capabilities, limitations, and operating costs of various types of HVAC systems are important as well, especially as they relate to decisions about equipment selection and overall cost control.




Chapter 6

Proper maintenance of HVAC systems not only will create comfortable condi tions, but also will help control the operating costs associated with the equipment. Knowledge of fuel and equipment options can help management to make deci sions for new and retrofit applications. In addition, certain elements of the HVAC system need special care to avoid potential safety and health problems. While there are many types of systems, the underlying ways in which they operate are somewhat similar. Knowing how a property creates heating and cool ing and provides ventilation will help you to understand the ways in which each of these is used to help produce building comfort.

Factors Influencing Building Thermal Comfort

The concept of comfort involves a number of factors. HVAC systems maintain thermal comfort by modifying and controlling the factors that influence comfort. These systems use equipment such as furnaces and boilers to produce heat, air conditioners and chillers to produce cold, fans and ductwork to move air, and fil ters and air washers to clean the air. Factors influencing thermal comfort include: Room air temperature Room air movement Relative humidity of room air or wet bulb temperature Activity level in the room Clothing worn by room occupants Temperature of the room surfaces

Most of these factors will seem quite obvious to you. A room's comfort level can be greatly changed by providing air movement such as with a fan in the sum mer. A humid environment can be much less comfortable in summer than a dryer environment at the same temperature. If we are actively exercising, we find cooler conditions more comfortable. An individual wearing a suit or sweater will be warmer than he or she would be in a thin short sleeved shirt and shorts. An individual's comfort is the result of balancing the heat produced by his or her body with the surrounding environment. Body heat is lost by convection, radi ation, and evaporation. Convection involves the transfer of heat due to the movement of air over a person's skin and a difference in temperature between the air and the skin. The more rapid the air movement or the colder the air, the more rapid is the transfer of heat. Transfer of heat by radiation occurs when two surfaces are at different temperatures. Energy is transferred in the form of thermal radiation from the warmer to the colder surface. Evaporation transfers heat because, in order to turn water from a liquid to a vapor, heat must be added to the water. With regard to human comfort, this heat is removed from a person's body as perspiration evap orates from his or her skin. Radiative heat loss is particularly influenced by the temperature of room sur faces. This effect is illustrated when you sit near a window on a cold winter day.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Exhibit 1 ASHRAE Summer and Winter Comfort Zones


Reprinted by permission from ASHRAE.

The cold glass of the window causes your body to radiate heat in that direction, making the side of your body near the window feel cold. Most building heating systems locate heat discharge points below windows so the heating system can warm the window surface. This reduces the radiative cooling effect the window has on room occupants. The HVAC industry has provided a simplified way to view thermal comfort by defining a region of temperature and relative humidity known as the comfort zone. Through testing of human response to various indoor air conditions, a range of conditions in which 80 percent of the population tested was comfortable" has been defined. Exhibit 1 illustrates this zone on what engineers call a psychrometric chart. Temperatures and relative humidity levels within the ranges specified repre sent desired conditions for occupied spaces. The zones numerically express what we intuitively understand. In summer we are comfortable at warmer conditions than in winter. As the air temperature rises, no matter what the season, the range of comfort shifts somewhat to lower levels of humidity. Interpreting the comfort zone on the chart in Exhibit 1 also provides some background in interpreting the psychrometric chart itself. The lines ascending from left to right and labeled rh with a % sign are relative humidity lines. Relative humidity is a measure of the relative amount of moisture the air is holding, with


Chapter 6

values ranging from 0 percent to 100 percent. These are labeled from 100 to 30 per cent in the exhibit, with most of the comfort zones lying between 60 and 30 percent rh common internal building conditions. The lines ascending from right to left are wet bulb temperature lines. If you move vertically from the 64F (18C) wet bulb line to the 68F (20C) wet bulb line you can see that this also results in the relative humidity increasing. The left (Y) axis is the dew point temperature the temperature at which water condenses. The right axis is a measure of the absolute amount of water in the air, expressed in pounds of water vapor per 1000 pounds of dry air. The bottom (X) axis is the dry bulb temperature, referred to as the operative temperature. The dry bulb temperature is what we commonly refer to as the temperature" and measure with a thermometer. The wet bulb temperature is the value that would be measured if the bulb of a thermometer was surrounded by a small swatch of wet cloth. The wet bulb temperature and relative humidity are often used interchangeably. If we have a dry bulb temperature of 85 F (29 C) we can talk of a relative humidity of approximately 30 percent or of a wet bulb tempera ture of 64 F (18 C). And if we cooled this air to approximately 50 F (10 C) it would reach its dew point and condensation would result. All of these relation ships can be illustrated using illustrations similar to Exhibit 1. The winter comfort zone ranges from approximately 68 F (20 C) at 60 per cent relative humidity to in excess of 76 F (25 C) at humidity lower than 30 percent. Summer comfort ranges from a low of about 73 F (23 C) at humidity lev els in excess of 60 percent to a high of 81 F (27 C) at humidity significantly lower than 30 percent. The summer comfort zone is approximately the same as the winter zone with 5 F added (i.e., the zone shifted 5 F to the right of the exhibit). This is primarily due to different clothing levels in summer than in winter. The comfort zone in Exhibit 1 is for individuals in sedentary activity and not particularly elderly. It is known that people at age 80 require temperatures three Fahrenheit degrees warmer to be comfortable than those of people in their 20s. The comfort zone is not an infallible guide. It will not apply universally in all situations because it was developed for specified levels of air movement, activity, and clothing levels. Nonetheless, it is useful for most occupied spaces. Further needs in the comfort and acceptability of indoor environments con cern such elements as noise, odor, and the general quality of the air. Air quality must meet basic requirements for human occupancy, such as the presence of ade quate amounts of oxygen and the absence of any toxic gases. Air quality also involves subtler issues, such as the possible impact of mold spores, bacteria, and airborne particles of various types on occupant well being.2 A well designed and properly functioning HVAC system strives to meet all comfort needs. While striving to meet thermal comfort needs, room and building HVAC sys tems must meet other comfort needs as well. Acoustical comfort is one of these needs. HVAC systems usually move some fluid air, water, or both. This move ment may make noise, due to either the fluid itself or the pump or fan moving the fluid. Sometimes, a low level of noise is intentionally designed into equipment for example, an air distribution system because it can serve to mask other sounds. This is known as the white noise" approach. Also, air that is discharged at

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Exhibit 2 Guestroom HVAC Loads
Air Removal via Bathroom Exhaust


Sleeping Area

Solar Heat

Heat and Moisture from Bath/Shower

Bath Air LeakageWindows and Exterior Doors

Heat Transmission Through Walls, Windows, and Roof Odors from People and Food Moisture Added By People Heat Added By People and Equipment

Note: Arrows Indicate Direction of Heat/Moisture Flow

too high a rate can make unwanted noise. Controlling ventilation airflow rates is necessary. Additional noise and vibration can be generated by the equipment used to move the fluid. A poorly balanced fan, a lack of adequate vibration isolation of fans or pumps, bearing deterioration, and related problems can result in the trans mission of vibration to the ductwork, the piping, or the building itself. While these problems should be dealt with in the design of the systems, all of them can occur because of a faulty maintenance program.

Building Loads and Comfort

Exhibit 2 illustrates some of the challenges facing an HVAC system operating in a guestroom. (A similar diagram can be drawn for other spaces.) The exterior wall, windows, and ceiling of the guestroom may add heat to or subtract heat from the space, depending on the season. The windows allow solar energy to enter and add heat to the room. The guest, television, lights, and other equipment add heat to the room. The shower and bath also add heat. Air leakage around the windows (and the door if the guestroom opens to the outside) can add cold or hot air to the room, depending on the season. Moisture is added by the bath and shower and by the breath of, and skin evaporation from, room occupants. The bathroom vent fan removes air that must be replaced. This replacement air eventually enters the building from the outside, which means it must be heated or cooled somewhere.


Chapter 6

The HVAC system is ideally able to deal with all of these variable inputs to and outputs from the space (referred to as loads by engineers). Building loads can be broken down into various categories. The simplest are those loads that are sensible and latent. Sensible loads involve heat addition (and removal) with resulting increases (or decreases) in dry bulb temperature only. Latent loads involve moisture addition or removal with resulting increases or decreases in the relative humidity only. If you move horizontally on Exhibit 1 you'll see the sensible load process. If you move vertically, you'll see a latent load process. Many heating loads involve sensible and latent elements the air needs to be cooled and moisture removed as well. Sometimes failure to create comfort is a matter of overly addressing one load (usually sensible) without also addressing the other load (usually latent). One contributor to mold and mildew in guestrooms can be too much sensible cooling and not enough latent. Building loads can also be broken down in other ways. HVAC designers talk about transmission/conduction, ventilation, infiltration, solar, and internal loads. Transmission or conduction loads involve the transfer of heat through walls, ceil ings, windows, and other structural elements of the building. Heat transfer always occurs from warmer to colder locations. This means transmission loads can be heat lost (in the winter) or heat gained (in the summer). Transmission loads are reduced by increasing the insulation value of walls, ceilings, and windows. Ventilation and infiltration loads are similar in many ways. Ventilation loads are deliberately designed into buildings to meet comfort and safety needs. Infiltra tion loads are not designed into the building but are rather a function of leakage of air either from the outside in or the inside out. If from the outside in, the entering air must be cooled or heated to maintain the space in the comfort zone. If from the inside out, replacement air must be cooled or heated to maintain the space in the comfort zone. One challenge with infiltration loads is that these may occur in loca tions where the system is not designed to compensate for them locations such as near a door or a leaking window. Ventilation loads are designed as part of the sys tem. However, in either instance, the load usually requires the use of energy for heating or cooling. Under the right circumstances, the ventilation air can provide cooling if needed and eliminate the need for energy usage to run cooling equip ment. A detailed discussion on effective ventilation and infiltration is presented in the appendix to this chapter. Solar loads are due to sunlight either entering the building through windows or heat generated into a building by surfaces on the exterior of the building (espe cially roofs). Sunlight entering through windows immediately turns to heat within the space. Sunlight striking building surfaces also immediately turns to heat, but the effect is first to raise the temperatures of these surfaces above the air tempera ture. Then, the heat produced works its way through the surface to the interior. This process can take several hours. The result is that a solar roof load may not show up in the guestrooms unto 6:00, 8:00, or even 10:00 p.m. Solar loads are one good reason to paint roofs white or some other reflective color in hot climates. To illustrate, consider the difference in the temperature of the hood of a white car ver sus that of a black car when exposed to bright sunlight. In winter periods, solar loads can reduce the energy needed for space heating.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


Internal loads involve anything inside a space that provides heat or moisture. People, a coffee pot, overhead projectors, or computers provide heat or moisture or both. In some unusual circumstances, there can be things that remove heat and moisture a large urn of iced beverage or an ice sculpture, for example, To maintain comfort, the HVAC system must remove the loads at the rate they are created. This can be a challenge. Imagine the change in load of an auditorium or convention space at a comfortable" 77 F (25 C) and 40 percent relative humidity (rh) when a thousand people suddenly enter from outside where the temperature is 95 F (35 C) and 80 percent rh. Not only do the people themselves generate heat (internal loads) but their movement brings with it a large amount of outside air (infiltration). The sensible and latent loads that result are large and sudden. The good news is that the system is usually configured to handle these loads. More of a problem can occur when guestroom HVAC systems, designed for a small number of occupants and minimal internal loads, are called upon to meet the needs of a large number of people and large internal loads. This can be the case when guest rooms are converted to meeting space or to provide concierge or executive lounge areas on guestroom floors. If no changes are made to the HVAC system, it is almost guaranteed that the system will be unable to meet the peak loads created by these conversions. The result will be uncomfortable guests and complaints about the comfort in these spaces. Without HVAC system changes costing many dollars, there is little that can be done.

Heating Sources and Equipment

The major space conditioning need of guestrooms and many other spaces involves cooling. Yet for operations in colder climates, the space heating needs are quite large and the maintenance needs associated with heating equipment are impor tant. Heating equipment usually creates more important safety concerns than does cooling equipment, due to the flame and flue gases that are generally present. In addition, a failure of the heating system can have disastrous effects on the building because of freezing; in contrast, a failure of the cooling system generally has much less important effects on the building itself.

Heat Sources
Options for heating fuel are shown in Exhibit 3. The type of fuel selected for a loca tion will be dictated by factors such as availability, relative cost of the fuel, cost of equipment and systems to use the fuel, environmental constraints, and safety con cerns. While electricity is almost always available and is generally a safe and clean fuel source, its cost is among the highest of the fuel sources. Electricity can be an economical choice when overall needs for heat are low or the cost of equipment needed to use the other fuel sources is high. You might also choose electricity if a reliable supply of an alternative fuel is not available. Electrical space heating equipment most commonly passes electricity through a resistance device that con verts electrical energy to heat. Another way to use electricity is to operate a heat pump, a method of heating described later in this chapter.


Chapter 6 Heating Fuel Options

Heat Content/Unit Purchased 3413 Btu/kwh Comments Used in all electric heaters. Requires no flue since there are no products of combustion. Usually the most expensive form of heat. Clean burning. Flue required. Complete condensing units very efficient. Delivered to building by underground pipe. Relatively clean burning. Requires onsite storage tank located outside of building. Slow vaporization of fuel in winter. Delivered by truck. May also be used for cooking fuel. More tendency to create dirt and smoke than natural gas. Requires on-site storage tank. Delivered by truck. Various grades of fuel oil with differing energy content and combustion characteristics. More common in urban areas where steam is purchased from local steam utility. May also be supplied from central boiler plant in large complexes. Supply line for steam and return line for condensate.

Exhibit 3

Fuel Types Electricity

Natural Gas

1000 Btu/cubic foot (approx.)

Liquefied Petroleum

95,000 Btu/gallon (approx.)

Fuel Oil

140,000-150,000 Btu/gallon


1000 Btu/lb (approx.)

Natural gas, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas usually liquefied propane), and fuel oil all produce heat as a result of combustion. This combustion requires sufficient supplies of oxygen and produces heat, carbon dioxide, water, and other products. Combustion occurs in a furnace or boiler. A furnace is a device that pro duces hot air. Furnaces may be found in small restaurants and in individual lodg ing units such as some timeshares and condominiums. Boilers produce steam or hot water that may be used both for space heating and for other heating needs as well. During the combustion process, the proper mixing of the fuel and air is required. Generally, the fuel is pressurized and injected into the air. This process both mixes and (in the case of liquid fuels) atomizes the fuel, resulting in the poten tial for more efficient combustion. Combustion is then initiated by either a pilot flame or a spark.

Furnace and Boiler Operation and Maintenance

The maintenance needs of furnaces and boilers are similar. They include actions that promote efficient and safe operation and that prolong the operating life of the equipment. There is an overlap in actions taken in these three areas. Actions to improve efficiency can also help prolong life and vice versa. Because furnaces and boilers are important in meeting guest and employee needs, their proper and safe operation is critical.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


Furnace and boiler efficiency involves two aspects the efficient combustion of the fuel and the efficient transfer of that combustion heat to the air or water being heated. Efficient fuel combustion requires the correct mix of combustion air and fuel. Too little combustion air will cause the fuel to burn incompletely, which leads to waste. Too much combustion air will reduce the temperature of the com bustion gases and, therefore, the amount of heat that can be removed from these gases. Maintenance staff or outside contractors should check combustion efficiency as part of the semi annual or annual maintenance of the furnace or boiler. More frequent checks are warranted when on site personnel are used and when large furnaces or boilers are installed. Combustion efficiency is checked by measuring the oxygen or carbon dioxide content and temperature of the flue gas. Measuring the oxygen or carbon dioxide content of the flue gas will show whether the unit is receiving the correct amount of oxygen. Most larger commercial units now use a controlled combustion process in which air (oxygen) use is controlled and adjustable. The flue gas temperature may also indicate efficiency problems. A low flue gas temperature may indicate that too much air is being supplied. A high flue gas temperature may indicate that combustion heat is not being transferred efficiently. Both situations call for mainte nance attention. Besides adjusting air and fuel for proper combustion efficiency, regular main tenance should include cleaning of all heat transfer surfaces on both sides. Burner nozzles should be inspected and carefully cleaned of dirt, debris, carbon, and other buildup. Furnaces require the removal of soot and dirt from the combustion side and the cleaning of the air side. Usually a stiff brush and vacuum are required for this cleaning. Boilers require similar combustion side cleaning and sometimes extensive water side cleaning. The degree of water side cleaning required by boilers will depend on the water quality in the boiler loop water. If water in this loop contains minerals such as calcium or magnesium, there may be a problem with boiler scale. Scale is a buildup of calcium or magnesium carbonate on the walls of the boiler. Scale insu lates the walls, thereby reducing heat transfer and increasing the operating temperature of these portions of the walls. This can lead to premature failure of these portions of the boiler. The scale problem is addressed by treating and remov ing calcium and magnesium from (or softening) boiler system water and by period ically cleaning the boiler to remove any buildup. The frequency of cleaning should be based on the needs of the individual operation and incorporated into the pre ventive maintenance (PM) instructions. Further issues of boiler water quality involve maintaining the proper pH in the boiler to avoid acidic attacks on boiler components and keeping oxygen out of the boiler when adding makeup water. Operations using steam boilers, especially when this steam is also used for laundry operations, may introduce significant amounts of makeup water. Some of this water is required to compensate for blow down water water deliberately vented from the boiler to remove mineral buildup and debris.


Chapter 6

Some systems provide makeup water automatically in order to avoid danger ous low water conditions in the boiler. You should install a meter on the makeup water line to the boiler system and keep records of the amount of makeup water added. Should a leak occur in a boiler water line or elsewhere, it would be shown by an increased meter reading. In a large property, such leaks could be difficult to identify readily by another means. Because of the potential for soot buildup and other blockages in the flue, flue inspections and cleaning should be included in the PM program. Failure to remove blockages and buildups may force combustion gases back into the boiler room, leading the boiler to operate with a reduced supply of oxygen. Besides reducing efficiency, this situation can produce carbon monoxide a potential killer if inhaled for an extended time. All fossil fuel fired heating equipment should be inspected for leakage. Fur naces should receive particular attention in the area of the combustion chamber/ heat exchanger, where building air comes closest to the combustion products. All joints and seams should receive particular attention, especially on older units. Flue ductwork should also be inspected for leaks. Any problems with the exhaust of combustion products should be corrected immediately. You should also pay close attention to the location of flue outlets in relation to building air intakes especially as buildings are modified over the years. Obviously, flue gas should not enter the building's fresh air intake. There are other concerns as well. One operation located its boiler exhaust quite close to the air inlet for the cooling tower. Since the boiler was used year round for water heating, the air entering the cooling tower was always abnormally warm. In addition, combus tion products were introduced into the cooling tower water. The tower's efficiency was impaired and its life was shortened. Since the delivery of heat from the boiler or furnace usually requires the operation of various pumps or fans, maintenance considerations for such equip ment should be included in boiler or furnace PM instructions. These include basic lubrication, checking of alignment and vibration, and cleaning. Furnaces usually have a filter bank installed on the air inlet side. The filters should be changed regu larly; most operations do so monthly. More frequent changes may be necessary under particularly dirty or dusty conditions, such as during building startup or renovation. Filters on water systems should also be included in PM instructions. For boiler systems to operate properly, all controls and safety devices need to function correctly. The boiler pressure relief valve and low water cut off switch should be checked. Control systems may use compressed air as a means of operat ing valves and other devices. If compressed air is used, these controls should also be calibrated. In addition, the air dryer on the compressed air system should be checked and replaced if necessary, pressures checked and adjusted, air intake fil ters cleaned or changed, and all connections checked for leakage. If steam above 15 psi (pounds per square inch) is produced, the operation of boilers may require a licensed boiler operator. Most facilities have multiple boilers to provide backup during maintenance outages and to match boiler capacity to the load. Because boiler loads vary and the standby losses that occur when unused or

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


underused boilers are kept on are potentially high, management should shut off unneeded boilers, matching the capacity of units on line to the loads. There are different methods of rating or expressing boiler capacity. Boilers may be rated in boiler horsepower. A boiler horsepower is equivalent to a heat out put rate from the boiler of 33,475 Btu/hr, 9.8 kw, or 34.5 lb of steam per hour at standard pressure.3

Cooling Sources and Equipment

Mechanical cooling equipment is used to provide the cooling required in many cli mates. This equipment extracts heat from either air or water and uses this cooled air or water to absorb heat in the building spaces, thereby cooling the spaces. The equipment may use the vapor compression process or the absorption process. Since vapor compression is much more common, the absorption process will not be discussed in this chapter. However, concerns over the impact of vapor compres sion refrigerants on the environment (discussed later in this chapter) may create a resurgence of absorption systems. Absorption processes are used in some guest room refrigerators and minibars.

The Refrigeration Cycle

Exhibit 4 shows the basic components of the vapor compression cycle. In this cycle, a circulating refrigerant removes heat from one location and transfers this heat to another location where it is rejected. Heat removal occurs in the evaporator, while the heat is rejected in the condenser. The compressor provides the energy neces sary to accomplish this heat transfer. The expansion valve controls the flow of refrigerant through the system. In the vapor compression process, the refrigerant is boiled, or converted from a liquid to a vapor, in the evaporator. The energy used to boil the refrigerant is taken from the air or water being cooled. The refrigerant vapor then leaves the evaporator and enters the compressor, which raises the temperature and pressure of this gas. The compressor is powered by an electric motor; it is the major energy using component of the cycle. The high temperature and high pressure refrigerant gas then leaves the compressor and enters the condenser. In the condenser, it releases heat to the con denser's cooling medium either air or water and reverts to a liquid. The liquid refrigerant then moves to the expansion valve, where its pressure is reduced, which causes its temperature to drop. The cold low pressure liquid refrigerant then enters the evaporator and the cycle repeats.

Cooling Systems Operation and Maintenance

All refrigeration system components need to function properly. Maintenance activ ities with regard to these systems include the following: Inspect equipment for refrigerant leaks. These can be identified by the presence of oil carried outside the system by the leaking refrigerant. Special devices are also available to test for leaks.


Chapter 6 Basic Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle


Exhibit 4

Low Pressure Gas

High Pressure Gas

Evaporator Coil

Heat In Condenser Coil

Heat Out

Low Pressure Liquid Expansion Valve

High Pressure Liquid

Check refrigerant dryers for indications of water contamination. (Dryers are devices installed in refrigerant lines that collect and hold moisture.) Replace all dryers showing signs of water and re inspect these dryers again shortly to be sure the problem has not recurred. Clean air cooled condensers and evaporators. Clean condensate drip pans and drain lines from evaporators. Replace algae cide tablets in drip pans and reapply protective paints. Check equipment operating conditions to be sure each unit is operating cor rectly. Refer to equipment manuals. Perform all recommended drive motor maintenance, paying particular atten tion to operating temperatures and motor starting controls. High operating temperatures and repeated starting and stopping are major factors in refrigera tion system motor failure.

Space cooling equipment uses three different types of compressors: recipro cating, centrifugal, and rotary. Each has unique maintenance concerns. Reciprocat ing compressors use a cylinder moving within a chamber to compress the refrigerant. Maintenance needs resemble those of automotive engines and on site

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


staff can sometimes handle these needs. Since they may be relatively small and designed to be replaced, units may be exchanged for rebuilt or other replacement units. Operating efficiencies are often already low and poor maintenance can degrade these values to even lower levels. Centrifugal units are generally larger compressors and require more care in maintenance and shutdown. Particular care is needed to avoid the introduction of air and water, which can cause many components to fail. Because of the complexity of these centrifugal units, maintenance contracts are often used to provide the nec essary services. Rotary compressors are among the smaller compressors found at the property. They are often used in through the wall guestroom units and may be used in other similarly sized applications. Because of the small size and applications for these units, they are often replaced with an exchange unit rather than repaired at the property. Cooling equipment capacities are expressed in several ways. The cooling rate of equipment might be expressed in Btu/hour. A unit installed in a guestroom might have a capacity rating of 7,000 to 14,000 Btu/hr. Cooling rate or capacity is also expressed in tons. A ton of cooling is equivalent to a cooling rate of 12,000 Btu/hr. A large hotel could have several chillers rated at several hundred tons each. All equipment ratings use a standard rating point to allow for comparison among equipment. The cost of equipment operation depends on the load on the equipment, the equipment efficiency, and the cost of electricity (the usual source of power for chilling equipment). An understanding of the factors that define and influence the efficiency of cooling systems can be helpful in achieving optimal performance of these systems, in controlling operating costs, and in evaluating equipment for purchase. The efficiency of cooling equipment involves measuring the ratio of the amount of cooling achieved (the output) to the amount of energy used to operate the system (the input). This ratio can be expressed in several ways. For smaller equipment, such as packaged terminal units used in guestrooms, the ratio may be expressed as the energy efficiency ratio or EER. The EER is calculated by dividing the rated cooling output of the unit in Btu/hr by the watts drawn by the unit. The higher the EER, the more efficient the unit. Exhibit 5 contains information abstracted from manufacturers' specifications for packaged and through the wall air conditioners. Units of approximately the same cooling capacity were selected and the capacity chosen is one suitable for many guestroom applications. The operating voltage (230/208) also represents two of the possible operating voltages, with 265 also available (data not shown). The amps value is for operation in the cooling mode. Slightly lower amp requirements exist when in the heat pump mode but substantially higher values exist if operating via resistance heating. Watts divided into the cooling capacity yields the EER value. Unless the cooling season is extremely short, purchase of units with EER values in excess of 10 is warranted. We could estimate the operating cost of two different units if we knew the cost of electricity and the expected annual hours of operation of the units. The latter can often be supplied by the equipment dealer. If we assume we have a location where


Chapter 6 Specifications of Various Air Conditioning Units

Company A Company A 9200/9100 230/208 3.8/4.0 815/795 11.0/11.0 2.2 310/290 8000 3.2/3.2 Company B 9000/8800 230/208 3.6/ 3.9 795/780 11.3/11.3 2.7 260 8400/8200 3.4/3.5 Company B 8600/8400 230/208 3.6/ 3.9 795/780 10.8/10.8 3.4 230 N/A N/A

Exhibit 5

Cooling Capacity Volts Amps Watts EER Moisture Removal (pts/hr) Air Circulation Heat Pump Rated Capacity Heat Pump COP

9000/8800 230/208 4.5/4.8 980/980 9.0/9.0 2.1 270 8200/8200 2.8/2.8

there are 2500 full load equivalent operating hours, what is the difference in the annual operating cost of a unit with an EER of 9.0 versus 11.3? The units with the 9.0 EER will require 2450 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. This number is derived by multiplying the unit wattage (980) by the operat ing hours (2500) and dividing this by 1000 to convert to kilowatt hours. The 11.3 EER unit will require 1988 kwh per year. The calculated savings for the more effi cient unit is 462 kwh per year. If electricity costs $.10 per kwh, there would be a savings of $46 per year or about $500 over the life cycle (10+ years) of the equipment. The units themselves cost little more than $500, illustrating the value of buying more efficient equipment. One of the units from Company B has a substantially higher moisture removal rate. This unit has been designed to produce dryer air in the guestroom. This will help to reduce potential problems due to mold and mildew that can occur when moisture levels are high. A slightly lower cooling capacity and EER also results. Unit size should be matched to the cooling needs of the space; larger is not better. Larger units typically have a lower efficiency, cost slightly more, and may contribute to more humid conditions in the guestroom. Optimum service to guests and efficient operation is best provided by units matched to the peak needs of the room or slightly less than the peak needs, trading off a little capacity on the warm est days for higher efficiency the rest of the time. Operators who have reduced the heating and cooling needs of their guestrooms via installation of reflective window treatments, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation, and energy efficient lighting should not need to replace heating and cooling units with units of the same capacity. Smaller, less expensive units should be satisfactory, resulting in sav ings in initial costs as well as in energy costs.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


Choosing heat pump through the wall units rather than resistance heat can be a good choice. Heat pump units can cost 10 to 15 percent more than resistance heat units. However, their annual heating energy usage can be half or a third that of resistance heating units. Paybacks could be as short as one heating season. One final element of comfort related to PTAC and PTHP units involves noise. Purchasers of units are encouraged to test the noise generation of the units at all fan switch settings and while the compressor is cycling. Determine whether the levels of noise produced are satisfactory. This author's experiences with a unit that had only an ON switch for the fan was that the noise generated was excessive. In another instance, choosing a unit that cycled the fan along with the compressor created a most unpleasant night's non sleep" as the unit's cycling was far too noisy. Guest comfort includes acoustic comfort. Larger cooling equipment, such as a building chiller, may have its efficiency expressed as an EER value or, more commonly, as a value of kilowatts per ton of cooling. The kw per ton value is really an inverse efficiency (input divided by out put); that is, efficiency increases as the kw per ton value decreases. Recent advances in equipment rating methods of larger equipment have improved the way in which efficiencies are defined. Ratings can now consider per formance at various load levels. Ratings compiled in this manner are known as integrated part load values (IPLV). The information gained using this approach can be significant, since equipment operates for much of the time at partial loads. Selecting equipment with these part load efficiencies in mind can result in lower operating costs.

CFCs, HCFCs, and the Environment

During the 1980s, concern about ozone depletion in the stratosphere and global warming began to grow. Investigation determined that a major contributor to ozone depletion was probably the discharge of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and to a much lesser extent hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). CFCs and HCFCs are chemical compounds manufactured for use as solvents and refrigerants. In past decades, a number of CFCs and HCFCs were commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The CFCs R 11 and R 12 have been used in centrifugal chillers. Reciprocating chillers used R 12. HCFC R 22 has been used in refrigeration equipment as well as some chiller, packaged air conditioning systems, and window units. Depending on the type of equipment, age, and specific recommendations of suppliers, various options are available to retrofit refrigerants to existing equip ment. However, some equipment does not lend itself to retrofitting and new equipment should be purchased using HCFCs with lower ozone depletion or alter native refrigerants such as the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) having near zero ozone depletion ratings. Information on the potential substitute refrigerants and other issues of interest regarding refrigerants can be found at the United States Environ mental Protection Agency4 and at the United Nations Environmental Program.5 Decisions about refrigerant changes should be made only after careful evaluation and consultation with equipment suppliers. Changing refrigerants is not as easy as changing the oil in your car.


Chapter 6

New refrigerants may also introduce some safety concerns. There may be a need for refrigerant monitoring devices in mechanical spaces because of potential toxic effects of exposure to refrigerants. Operations may have to purchase breath ing apparatus to protect staff in the instance of leakages. These issues should be addressed with the equipment suppliers and the local health and building code authorities. One possible solution to the potential costs and uncertainty of HCFCs and HFCs is to use an absorption (heat driven) chiller. Exhibit 6 illustrates one applica tion of an absorption chiller, showing the variety of issues and opportunities that arise when considering this technology. The Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987 with subsequent modifications over the years, provides a schedule for the phaseout of ozone depleting refrigerants as well as other rules and regulations including provisions for global taxes on these mate rials. Many countries are signers of the Protocol and therefore legally obligated to ensure compliance by their citizens. The Protocol represents a major global action to address environmental change caused in this instance by ozone depletion. This depletion is partially caused by refrigerant emissions. Hospitality firms and individual properties should have monitoring pro grams in place to ensure they are following applicable local laws related to the Montreal Protocol and should be considering the implications of the HFC and HCFC regulations when performing maintenance and purchasing new equip ment. One side benefit of the Protocol has been that new equipment purchased using refrigerants with lowered or zero ozone depletion potential have generally been more efficient than the existing equipment. Responding to an environmental threat" has in this instance turned out to be good business providing more reli able equipment with reduced operating costs. There are increased costs associated with the CFC/HCFC issues. First, the cost of CFCs has risen substantially due to new taxes and restricted availability. The production of CFCs had essentially been eliminated by the year 2000. Production of HCFCs will probably be eliminated by the year 2020 and possibly sooner. There fore, only recycled forms of these products will likely be available for replacement needs. Scarcity and the cost of recycling will be reflected in a higher price. A large amount of the refrigerant discharged from equipment in past years was discharged due to either poor equipment maintenance or poor maintenance practices. Refrigerant leaks clearly must be eliminated or reduced to their lowest possible level. In the past, leaks were sometimes tolerated because refrigerants were relatively inexpensive and perceived to be inert and safe. These conditions no longer apply. Maintenance employees will require retraining and certification con cerning appropriate practices. Venting of refrigerants as a standard purging method must be eliminated. Proper equipment must be used to remove refriger ants from equipment and either recycle it on site or store it for eventual reclamation at an off site reclamation plant. The decision to repair, modify, or replace existing refrigeration equipment will be more difficult. An operation with an existing chiller may wish to continue to use a CFC refrigerant but take steps to minimize possibilities of refrigerant release. This could mean installing equipment to facilitate the recovery and reuse of refrigerant.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Exhibit 6 Gas Fired Cooling for Philadelphia Marriott


Over 1400 rooms totaling about one million square feet are air-conditioned mainly by a natural-gas-fired absorption chiller at the Philadelphia Marriott hotel. Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) developed an economically attractive equipment package, which was selected by the customer based on cost savings and energy efficiency. The hotels hybrid cooling system design minimizes operation costs, since the gas chiller provides most of the air-conditioning while an electric unit assists only on hot, humid summer days. The Philadelphia utility benefits from additional gas load year-round and especially during the summer, when sales volumes are lower. PGWs gas cooling load now totals about 250,000 Mcf/season. Background The 23-floor Philadelphia Marriott, occupying a city block in the business district, opened in early 1995. The hotel offers 11,000 square feet of meeting space, four ballrooms, four restaurants and lounges, retail space, and many other amenities. The heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system was designed by Giovanetti-Shulman Associates (Drexel Hill, PA), which analyzed the economics of various fuels and equipment including city steam, electric chillers, heat pumps, and fan coils. Marriotts choice, based on economics and energy efficiency, was a 1,000-ton ThermachillTM unit manufactured by The Trane Co. The lower gas rate compared to electricity, along with an equipment rebate, were factors in the hotel chains decision. Implementation The Trane Thermachill unit at the Marriott hotel is a direct-fired, double-effect chiller that runs primarily on natural gas. At the height of the cooling season, the gas-fired chiller is assisted by a Carrier Corp. 1,000-ton electric centrifugal chiller. The two units were piped in series to ensure that the absorption equipment takes preference. For additional operating cost savings, the HVAC system features variable-flow pumping, water- and air-side economizers, and variable-air-flow equipment. Advantages As with most gas cooling systems, the biggest advantage of absorption chillers is low operating costs. Commercial electric rates penalize consumption during peak demand periods, mainly hot summer days requiring air conditioning. In hybrid cooling systems, gas-fired chillers give operators more flexibility to minimize costs by selecting the most economical combination of energy sources, gas and electricity. Demand charges are pegged at $12.72/kw, and electric rates range up to 8.9 cents/ kwh in an extremely complex rate structure. Due to a ratchet clause, a high peak demand charge for electricity is enforced year-round. Even during the winter, the customer pays 80% of the worst (highest) 15-minute summer peak demand charge. PGW offers a very competitive gas cooling rate of $4/Mcf from May through September for interruptible service. Marriott selected a dual-fuel chiller (gas/ #2 fuel oil) to take advantage of this interruptible rate, but during four years of operation, the system has never been interrupted during the cooling season. PGW also offered a rate on the absorption chiller cost, which the utility views as a worthwhile means of increasing summer gas load. Other advantages of gas absorption technology include quiet operation, low maintenance, and environmentally harmless refrigerants. Brian Mazuk, Marriotts Chief Engineer, says, We have very few problems. The chiller operates efficiently, even at part-load capacity. We use natural gas as the primary fuel because it is cheaper and cleaner.
Source: Municipal Case Studies: Philadelphia Gas Works Absorption Chillers," August 1999.


Chapter 6 Exhibit 7 Guestroom HVAC Options

Centralized Systems Two-Pipe System Three-Pipe System Four-Pipe System

Decentralized Sytems Baseboard Electric Heater/Wall-Mounted Electric Heater Through-the-Wall and Split Units Cooling Only Cooling with Electric Heating Cooling with Heat Pump Heating

Hybrid and Other Systems Water Source Heat Pumps Furnace with or without Cooling

Another option would be to change refrigerants. Finally, careful analysis may lead you to decide to replace the chiller completely. Each of these options requires you to evaluate a number of issues. You will need to collect a significant amount of data and to consult knowledgeable individ uals. A good source for current information is the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Guestroom HVAC System Types

Exhibit 7 is a summary of the possible options for providing HVAC to guestrooms. The two major types of systems are centralized and decentralized. All modern centralized systems use pipes to distribute hot and chilled water to fan coil units in the guestrooms. The hot and chilled water is produced by large boilers and chill ers. Most decentralized units use electrically powered equipment in the guestroom itself to provide heating and cooling. The other" systems in Exhibit 7 are less fre quently found, but they may be used in some applications.

Centralized Systems
Centralized systems use boilers to create hot water and chillers to create cold water. The hot and cold water is circulated to fan coil units in the guestrooms. Air is blown through the fan coils, where heat is transferred either to or from the water, and heating or cooling occurs. Because the only devices operating in the guest room are small fans, centralized systems are relatively quiet.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


Because fan coils require no connection to the outside of the building, they can be placed in a variety of locations in the guestroom. These include under the exterior window, horizontally above the ceiling in entry areas, and vertically on adjoining walls. Vertical units are usually installed back to back; this reduces installation costs by sharing pipe and electrical runs vertically in the building. The two pipe system allows both heating and cooling, but only one of these at a time. In the two pipe design, someone must decide whether to provide heating or cooling on a given day. Converting from one option to the other usually takes several hours or even a day or two, so it is important to choose wisely. Since only one mode is possible, the two pipe system is not capable of dealing with situations requiring both heating and cooling over the course of a day. The operating costs of two pipe systems are relatively low, since they limit guest HVAC options, allow shutdown of the boiler or chiller during seasons of the year, and provide fuel econ omies due to the operation of fossil fuel heating and an efficient central chiller. The guests and management of facilities with two pipe systems may be frus trated by these systems' lack of flexibility in meeting varying conditions in the building. If a building has cool outside air temperatures but abundant sunshine or widely varying outside temperatures from night to day, it will be very difficult to maintain comfortable conditions in all guestrooms. While little can be done to rec tify this in the operating mode, it may be possible to make relatively minor modifi cations to the building piping layout that will zone the building, allowing portions to be connected to a chiller and others to the boiler. Another option is to install water source heat pumps when guestroom fan coils are replaced, if the existing electrical supply to the fan coils will allow this. To increase the comfort provided by the two pipe system, some operations install units that contain small electric resistance heaters. This allows the guest to select heating or cooling. This is often done in locations that have a relatively short heating season, where the expense of a boiler is not warranted. If a boiler is installed as well, the electric heater will have a sensor that disables it when the building heating system is operational. While modern two pipe designs use hot water, steam may be used in some older designs. When this is the case, it is not possible to connect the fan coil to a chiller. If needed, space cooling will have to be provided by another means. The three pipe system is relatively uncommon, especially in recent construc tion. This system provides both hot and cold water to the fan coil units at all times and mixes the return water from the fan coils. The three pipe system can provide good guestroom comfort, since heating and cooling can be provided as needed. However, since the boiler and chiller both use this lukewarm return water as input water, their efficiencies are reduced, causing their operating costs to rise. That is, this system must use energy to bring the lukewarm return water back up and down to proper boiler and chiller temperatures. The four pipe system provides the same level of comfort as the three pipe system, but keeps the cold and hot water returns separated. This leads to greater boiler and chiller efficiency, since much less energy is needed to reheat and recool the return water. The four pipe system is the most expensive central system option to install, since it requires more extensive piping and two coils in the fan coil unit.


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The control of comfort in the guestroom can involve several different meth ods, depending on the system. For those systems with a wall mounted thermostat, the thermostat generally controls one or more valves in the fan coil unit. If a com bination heating and cooling thermostat is used, it will activate either the heating or cooling mode of operation (hot or cold water valve setting), depending on the thermostat setpoint (the desired room temperature) and the actual room tempera ture. Fan operation and speed may be selected by using a switch located with the room thermostat. The thermostat usually controls only the heating or cooling operation. It is rare that the thermostat also controls the fan. Units lacking wall mounted thermostats have controls on the units themselves which allow selection of heating or cooling, fan speed, and temperature.

Decentralized Systems
Decentralized systems place the heating and cooling sources within the guestroom itself or along the outside wall. An electric baseboard heating system is a decentralized heat source. Electric heaters may also be wall mounted with a fan, an arrangement found in some bathroom areas. Electric baseboard or fan forced units generally do not incorporate any method of providing or delivering cooling. For operations in cold climates or those operating seasonally, it may be satisfactory to provide heat only. However, most guestrooms require both heating and cooling, and some require only cooling. Decentralized systems that provide cooling use a small refrigeration system (compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion valve) located within a cabinet that extends through the outside wall of the guestroom. Split" decentralized sys tems locate only the evaporator and distribution fan in the guestroom and put the condenser and compressor outside the building on a balcony, roof, or on the ground. The condenser has access to outside air, which it uses for heat rejection. The evaporator is located within the room. Room air is circulated through the evaporator, where it is cooled and dehumidified. Many decentralized units provide space heating with an electric resistance heater. This may create rather high costs for space heating. One way to reduce the cost of space heating may be to use a heat pump unit instead of electric resistance heating. The heat pump unit uses the refrigeration cycle not only for space cooling, but also for space heating. Reversing the direction of refrigerant flow in a heat pump causes the components functioning as the evaporator and the condenser to switch functions. As a result, heat can be removed from the outside air and added to the inside (and vice versa). The heat pump uses the refrigeration cycle to do this at an efficiency two or more times greater than that of electric resistance heat. Heat pump efficiency (output divided by input) is defined as heat delivered in Btu/hr (output) divided by the heat equivalent of the electric energy input (with each watt of input the equivalent of 3.413 Btu/hr). This ratio is defined as the coef ficient of performance (COP). A unit capable of delivering 8200 Btu/hr (2.4 kw) while drawing 1000 watts has a COP of 2.4. The COP is less of a constant than the EER because the temperature conditions of operation vary considerably over the heating season. The evaporator will see"

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outside conditions ranging from temperatures in the 50s to the 20s Fahrenheit (12 to 7 Celsius), or possibly less. Equipment vendors are able to calculate seasonal performance values for heat pump units and compare these with the performance of electric heat only units to determine potential savings. Keep in mind your expected operating mode for the units when considering this. If occupancies are low in the winter months and you keep temperatures relatively cool in unoccupied rooms, the vendor's savings figures for replacing an existing unit with a heat pump may be somewhat overstated. A factor affecting heat pump operation involves the defrost cycle on the evap orator. Since the evaporator extracts heat from the outside air, cold temperatures may result in frost buildup. The unit will go through a defrost cycle to remove this buildup. The controls governing the defrost cycle must operate properly if the heat pump is to function efficiently. The efficiency of cooling equipment will vary, depending on the conditions at the evaporator and the condenser. The colder the evaporator temperature or the higher the condenser temperature, the less efficiently the equipment operates and, therefore, the less cooling it delivers. While we may think we have little control over evaporator or condenser temperatures, maintenance actions can make a dif ference. If the evaporator is starved for air as a result of a clogged filter, its tempera ture will drop and efficiency will suffer. The same is true when the evaporator or condenser is insulated" by a layer of dirt and dust. Heat transfer is reduced and efficiency suffers. The operation of virtually any HVAC system in the cooling mode produces condensate on the evaporator. Therefore, a means of condensate removal must be provided. Some older units just drip the condensate outside the building. The cur rent standard involves either using some sort of evaporation or ejection system (which ideally vaporizes the condensate) or draining the condensate from the drip pan to a drain system.

Other Systems
Hybrid systems have characteristics of both centralized and decentralized sys tems. The water source heat pump system is the most obvious choice for this cate gory. Rather than using outside air as the heat source or location for heat rejection, the water source heat pump is connected to an internal water circulation loop from which it takes, or to which it adds, heat (in the heating or cooling mode, respec tively). This allows the heat pump to operate with an evaporator (or condenser) temperature that better maximizes unit efficiency. It also eliminates the need to locate the unit on the outside wall of the building and allows the operator to recover and use waste heat within the building. In one hotel application, the water source is well water circulated through the pump and then returned to the ground a free" source of heat or cooling. In another hotel application, the water pipe connected to the heat pump is also the supply pipe for the sprinkler system, thereby reducing installation costs through dual use of the piping. In addition, this system cools all refrigeration equipment with the same water, providing a heat source for the heat pump throughout the winter months. Supplemental heating is provided by a boiler and the water loop is


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cooled in summer by the building's cooling tower. The result is a potentially very cost effective application of heat pump technology. Still another application emerging in some areas is geothermal heating and cooling. Geothermal has the potential to provide significant cost savings to hoteli ers and in most applications to date has proven to be a very reliable technology. The furnace systems mentioned in the other" category in Exhibit 7 are some times found in condominium or timeshare units. In essence, a residential furnace is located within the unit. The unit may have an air conditioning capability as well. This is a type of decentralized system, but it relies on combustion of a fuel in the furnace and a remote condensing unit for the air conditioner. Therefore, they are rather different in design, appearance, and location from the typical decentralized through the wall unit.

Guestroom Ventilation
Providing fresh air to guestrooms can be a problem. Most guestrooms operate at a slight negative pressure due to the bathroom ventilation fan. The air removed by this fan must be replaced from somewhere. Guestrooms with central HVAC sys tems may rely on airflow under the guestroom door from a corridor to provide makeup air. If air does not enter the room under the door, it must migrate from somewhere and will leak in wherever it can, often along windows and through any opening. Decentralized HVAC units adjust the amount of outside air they admit. If the outside air admitted to the room is not conditioned and controlled, operational problems can result. During the summer, hot and humid outside air leaking into guestrooms around windows and through the building exterior can result in moisture condensation in, and deterioration of, walls. In the winter, warm, moist interior air can deposit moisture in the walls as it migrates through the walls. Other related problems include mold growth on wall coverings and carpet. Some of these problems can be reduced by sealing and caulking, but the ultimate solu tion to many problems requires a redesign of building systems and often a resizing and reselection of the guestroom HVAC units as well. Coping with these types of problems can be a real headache for management and staff.

Guestroom HVAC Occupancy Control

While hotels are 24 hour per day, 7 day per week types of businesses, guestrooms are generally not occupied 24/7. Typical hotel occupancies are often 70 percent or less. This means 30 percent of the days of the year the room does not have even the potential of the guest being in the room. For the 70 percent of the time the room is rented, the guest is only present in the room a fraction of this time. For many operations, the guest may be in the room only 10 or 12 hours out of the day. Condi tioning guestrooms 24/7 consumes large amounts of energy whose usage can be reduced. One option for reducing his usage is occupancy control of HVAC equipment. Occupancy control of guestroom HVAC equipment adjusts the temperature in the room depending on room status (rented or not rented) and on guest (or other person's) presence. In summer, the setpoint for room temperature is raised.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


Geothermal Heating and Cooling at the Galt House

Al Schneider is the owner and designer of the Galt House, a complex that now contains over 1.7 million sq ft that includes 100 apartments, 600 hotel rooms, 150,000 sq ft of conference space, and 960,000 sq ft of office space. Mr. Schneider engaged Marion Pinckley, of Pinckley Engineering, Inc., to look into using a GeoExchange system (geothermal) to heat and cool the Galt House East hotel. That 1,700-ton project was completed in 1984. Based on the success of the GeoExchange system in the Galt House East hotel, Mr. Schneider has since completed the Waterfront Office Building in 1993, and the 4,700-ton combined office/hotel/apartment complex Galt House has become the worlds largest GHP project. What made GeoExchange appealing is its economy of installation and operation, ease of maintenance, and environmental benefits. System cost was $1,500/ton. A conventional system (centrifugal chillers, cooling towers, insulated pipes) for such a complex could cost from $2,000 to $3,000/ton. And maintenance is favorable due to heat pump technology, which does not require specialized procedures. The system is controlled by a combination of thermostats and an energy management system. Each heat pump unit in the public and meeting areas has a normal thermostat with a sensor placed in it reporting to the EMS [energy management system]. The EMS kills the thermostat when it is energized; however, if the EMS fails, the thermostats take over control. There are four 130-ft deep wells that each can provide up to 700 gpm [2,650 lpm] with 15-hp variable-speed pumps from the aquifer under Louisville. Ground water at 58 F [14.4 C] is pumped into a 150,000-gal reservoir under the mechanical room. Water from the reservoir flows into the Ohio River. Water from the reservoir is circulated through plate and frame heat exchangers which separate the ground water from closed loop circulation systems in the buildings. There is a total of 65,000 gal of water flowing through the entire loop system: 25,000 gal in the hotel loops, and 40,000 gal in the office building loops. During a typical summer, water is stored at an approximate temperature of 80 F [27 C] while maintaining an average temperature of 55 F [13 C] in the winter. During spring and fall energy can be simply removed from the buildings during the day and put into the loops and 140,000-gal reservoir to be used at night. The Galt House East has a high internal load due to its occupants; therefore, incorporating GHPs with the use of thermal storage has proven to be very efficient. The use of thermal storage allows the controls to shut down the well pumps (sometimes for as long as a week) and use the Btus stored in the reservoir during the day, with a net cooling load, to heat the building during the night if necessary. The office buildings are conditioned with package heat pumps of 10- to 20-ton capacity for interior areas. The exterior is conditioned by stacked vertical units for each bay. Exterior zones are defined as approximately the outer 12 feet. The Galt House East hotel energy cost is approximately 53 percent of the adjacent original Galt House, when subjected to the same rented room/meeting room occupancy. The adjacent Galt House has heat pumps in the first three floors, which include meeting and public space. The remainder is served by electric heat from air units and package air-conditioning units with electric heat. An EMS and better insulation in the Galt House East contribute to the total savings, but the all-GeoExchange system contributes the major portion of the savings. (continued)


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(continued) Due to water-regulating valves and variable-frequency drives on the Galt House East circulating pumps, the pumps most often operate at 25 to 30 percent of full load. The office buildings are not filled, but similar savings are expected on that system. Each 4-ft tall [1.2 m], 15-hp, 700-gpm [2,650 L] pump provides the HVAC system with 3.5 MMBtu/hr of heating or cooling, equivalent to a 300-ton chiller/cooling tower combination and a 4-MMBtu/hr input boiler. The well pump and a heat exchanger pump will cost approximately $1.5/hr to operate, versus $15 to $20 for the conventional system. Maintenance cost and personnel requirements have been very favorable. A heat pump package does not require the skill and experience required by a centrifugal system with four pipe controls, VAV, or other systems common in large complexes. In addition to saving approximately $25,000/month in energy costs, the GHP has been very reliable because each space has its own system. Such a system also has reduced capital requirements during construction since the major portion of the equipment need not be purchased until required. And, of course, it was not necessary to furnish a 4,000-ton cooling tower, or its space and support. The GHP system saves 25,000 sq ft in space that would have been used for equipment rooms with a conventional system. All of this adds up to lower initial cost, lower operating cost, and a very friendly system for the owner, occupants, and maintenance personnel.
Source: GeoExchange Heating and Cooling Teleconferences (www.geoexchange.org/cases/ cs0007.htm)

In winter, the setpoint is lowered. Both of these actions reduce the amount of energy used to condition the room. Some guestroom occupancy controls can also act to turn off the electricity in the guestroom when the guest is not present. Controls of this type have been used for years by four and five star hotels in a number of countries around the world. In one of the simpler versions of guest occupancy control, the guest places his or her key" into a holder upon entering the room. This engages the electrical circuits for television, lighting, and sometimes HVAC (minibar and entry room lighting are on a separate circuit that is always energized). Guests know where their key is and the hotel reduces guestroom energy usage. Such systems will likely be coming to the U.S. in some form. The most recent version of ASHRAE 90.1 1999 (Energy Stan dard for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential Buildings) has a provision for a feature similar to this for new hotel construction. How this provision is incorpo rated into building codes across the U.S. and throughout the world will be seen in the next decade or so. Occupancy sensors can do more than just assist in energy conservation. This technology can also be integrated with security systems to provide enhanced secu rity of guestrooms. When connected to the front desk, occupancy sensor systems can inform the hotel when guestroom doors are not closed properly or when unrented rooms are entered. Occupancy sensors can also create a signal that will tell housekeepers whether the guest is in the room, thus reducing the instances of

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those sometimes unpleasant encounters between sleepy, partially clad guests and housekeepers anxious to clean a room.

Guestroom HVAC Maintenance

Guestroom fan coil units are relatively simple devices. Maintenance of these units is generally part of the preventive maintenance (guestroom maintenance) activity. A common PM checklist for these units would include: Checking the operation of all valves and control knobs. Checking the thermostat for proper operation, appearance, and physical con nections. Cleaning the filter inlet grill and physical connections. Replacing the air filter. (Note: This may be done monthly, while guestroom pre ventive maintenance may be only quarterly.) Cleaning the condensate drain and replacing algaecide tablets. Inspecting fans and cleaning and tightening connections. Checking the condition and fit of electrical plugs and connections. Checking and cleaning the outside air vent. Cleaning all coils. Lubricating blower motors. Painting locations such as condensate pan and any deteriorated surfaces. Reapply corrosion treatment if in coastal areas.

HVAC Systems for Other Building Areas

The fan coil and heat pump systems used in guestrooms may be used elsewhere in the building. Units similar to these are found in office spaces, some corridor and lobby locations, smaller meeting rooms, and similar areas. Other areas may use HVAC systems that differ from those found in the guestroom. Most of these sys tems operate with an air delivery system.

System Types and Configurations

The HVAC systems for building areas other than the guestroom generally involve some form of all air system. Some all air systems use air handling units, while other all air systems use packaged air conditioning units. Air handling units (AHUs) consist of coils (through which steam/hot water or chilled water is circulated from central boilers and chillers), filters, fresh air intakes, exhaust air discharges, and sometimes humidification equipment. AHUs are generally located in building mechanical spaces, often somewhat remote from the areas actually being served. They are connected to these areas via duct systems.


Chapter 6 Air Conditioning System for a Meeting Room or Restaurant

Air Air Handling Unit Fan Supply Supply Air Boiler Coil Fan Return Heat Pollutants Return Air Chiller Distribution Ducts Outside Air Exhaust Air Conditioned Space Odors Moisture Heat

Exhibit 8

Central Mechanical Room

Packaged air conditioning units are generally mounted on the roof. Each packaged air conditioning unit operates separately and is essentially self contained. A fuel provides heat and a refrigeration system produces cooling. Refrigeration systems of this type are called direct expansion (abbreviated DX) units because the evaporator is located directly in the conditioned airstream. Duct work for these systems is usually less extensive than that for AHUs. Exhibit 8 shows a very simplified view of an air conditioning system for a space such as a meeting room or restaurant. Within the box representing the space, people, food, and equipment generate heat, moisture, and odors. In addition, heat may be added or lost through the building structure and via air leakage. The air conditioning system in Exhibit 8 removes air from the space, exhausts some of this air, mixes fresh air with the remaining return air, filters this mixed air, and then either heats or cools the air. This conditioned" air is moved to the space being con ditioned, where it either warms or cools the space. It will also pick up moisture and odors as it moves through the space. Packaged units often supply conditioned air for restaurants and various pub lic areas in low rise lodging facilities. The self contained and factory assembled nature of these units mean they can be installed quickly with relatively little on site labor. On the other hand, their rooftop location means they may be somewhat neglected and not receive proper maintenance. One corporate director of engineer ing tells the story of a property in Texas that was unable to cool its ballroom. After numerous attempts to troubleshoot the system by phone failed, the director visited the property. Upon climbing on the roof to view the unit, he discovered that the

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access doors and ductwork on the unit had come loose. The unit was functioning on 100 percent (hot) Texas outside air.

Maintenance Needs
The maintenance needs of HVAC systems supplying public areas are derived from the maintenance needs of their individual components. These needs include filter changes, fan cleaning and lubrication, cleaning of heat transfer surfaces, cleaning of drain pans, checking of refrigerants for moisture and leakage, belt checking and replacement, and a variety of other maintenance actions. Once again, the equip ment supplier should also supply a list of suggested maintenance actions, which should then become part of the units' maintenance program. Filter replacement (or, in some instances, cleaning) may be done on a regular schedule or on an as needed basis, with need determined by the degree of pressure drop occurring across the filter. When a manometer (a device that records differential pressure) is installed, it is possible to determine this pressure drop and, with input from fan suppliers or the system engineer, to establish an optimal filter replacement point. Belt checking and replacement can be a key item. Replacing a worn belt with a new one can reduce the potential for future failure not only of the belt, but also of other fan components whose life may be compromised by worn belts (or by the belt when it breaks). When belts are replaced, the entire set should be replaced because worn belts have stretched and no longer have the tautness and alignment of a new set of belts. Cleaning fans and heat transfer surfaces will help the system to operate effi ciently at rated capacity and will reduce problems with fan imbalance caused by dirt accumulation. For badly neglected systems, it may be necessary to clean ducts as well to remove the buildup caused by neglect.

Other HVAC Components

With the exception of the most basic lodging guestrooms, a large number of com ponents make up the HVAC system. We have discussed chillers, boilers, pumps, fans, and coils. Two other HVAC components warrant discussion. These are the building controls and the cooling tower.

Various forms of controls allow HVAC systems to operate properly, efficiently, and safely. Early HVAC controls consisted of a manually operated steam valve in a guestroom, an operable window, and a boiler operator who manually adjusted the firing rate of the boiler and kept the steam pressures within acceptable limits. Con trols today are often electronic. They may interface with many computers and may be self correcting and self adjusting to changing conditions. The most commonly encountered HVAC control is the thermostat. The ther mostat, whether in a guestroom or meeting room, performs several tasks. First, it senses the temperature at the thermostat. It then converts the temperature into a signal (usually on or off) that is sent to the HVAC unit conditioning the space. The


Chapter 6

signal can be an on/off type or it can be proportional to the measured temperature. An on" signal tells the HVAC unit to do something usually to provide either heat or cooling. Some thermostats provide more control, such as time of day con trol, startup and shutdown, and staged heating. Thermostats may also have adjustable dead bands" that establish a range over which neither heating nor cooling will be required. Units will also have some sort of differential control that establishes the range of likely operation around the setpoint. For example, a room thermostat set at 70 F (21.1 C) that has a two Fahrenheit degree control differen tial will need to sense room temperatures of 69 F (20.6C) to initiate heating and 71 F (21.7 C) to stop heating. An appropriate differential will avoid excessively rapid cycling of the unit, while still maintaining the room temperatures within acceptable limits. Various control devices help operate many other pieces of HVAC equipment. The simpler devices only turn equipment on and off. Others sense not only air tem perature, but also relative humidity. The enthalpy" or economizer" control found on some HVAC systems determines when the temperature and humidity of outside air make it a potential source of cool air for the building. At such times, the mechanical cooling system can be turned off and cooling accomplished using out side air. Older control sensors rely upon some sort of mechanical sensing and response to parameters being measured for example, temperature measured by the degree of thermal expansion of a metal or a liquid. Some more modern systems use sen sors that measure changes in electrical properties, relying on an electrical rather than a mechanical connection between the sensor and the controller. Sensors that provide an electrical signal proportional to the value being measured allow the operation of digital control systems. Digital systems use a control algorithm in the processing unit to analyze the signals and control the operation of equipment and systems. Digital control systems allow the building operator to change the operation of the building from the central control computer. The building operator can also monitor system operation from the computer, determining the operating status and conditions of various pieces of equipment or systems. Digital control also makes variable output operation of equipment more feasible. The widespread use today of variable air volume (VAV) systems is largely due to advances in digital control. VAV systems vary the amount of air flowing into a zone based on sensor input of the load in the zone. Building Automation Systems. Large, modern hotels can have relatively complex HVAC Systems with system components distributed throughout the building. Effective operation of theses systems requires a large amount of information and the coordination of a number of system components. To collect this information and effectively coordinate the operation of the components, hotels are increasingly installing (and updating) various forms of building automation systems (BAS). Building automation systems generally use a digital signal that provides information about the operating status and conditions of a system. Signals could show not only the operating status of a fan but also how much air the fan was

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moving and the temperature of the air. Information could also be generated on the amount of energy being consumed. The information collected is then used by the BAS to make decisions as to sys tem operation. For a fan system, the BAS might monitor the outside air tempera ture, the temperature of the return air from the space, and the amount of air supplied to the space. As the return air temperature rises above a setpoint, the BAS might increase the airflow to the space to provide more conditioned air to keep the space at comfortable conditions. The BAS could monitor the outside air tempera ture and, if that air is cold enough to provide the cool air needed, shift from mechanically chilling the air to providing it via increased amounts of outside air. Decisions can be made by the BAS itself or an operator can provide control of sys tems. The operator does not have to be on site remote control via the WWW is possible as well. BAS systems attempt to use graphics to represent the system com ponents and their operations. Maintenance needs for control systems depend on the type of system. Clean ing of sensors may be necessary. Proper calibration of controllers, transmitters, and gauges is important, since incorrect signals will compromise system operation. Calibration may reveal failed sensors that need to be replaced. The sensing device needs to know" how to correlate a given signal with the condition of a piece of equipment. Maintaining modern control systems is often beyond the capabilities of prop erty level maintenance staff. Maintenance contracts for these systems are common.

Cooling Towers
When a centralized HVAC system is used, the cooling of the refrigeration system is usually accomplished by circulating water through a cooling tower. The cooling tower cascades this water over various forms of tower fill and, at the same time, pulls or pushes air through the tower. As a result, some of the water evaporates, thereby cooling the remaining water. This cooled water is then circulated back to the cooling system to remove more heat from the condenser. Cooling towers have rather specific operating and maintenance needs. Since not all operations need year round cooling tower operation, there are also startup and shutdown considerations. Because the cooling tower is often located out of sight," some operations forget about the startup and shutdown needs until it is too late. One facility was discovered to have a burst makeup water line (the result of a failure to drain the line when the unit was shut down for the winter) and badly corroded fan supports and other tower components. These problems, which were not found until startup began, resulted in an unknown but potentially significant water leak, a rush" replacement of the tower, and unhappy guests while the building cooling system was out of service. Since motors are used to power pumps and fans, all necessary motor lubrica tion needs to be performed. Electrical connections on all motors and controls should be inspected, cleaned, and tightened. Controls for the tower's water supply should be tested for proper operation. If controls fail to operate properly, the tower may consume excess electrical power, have excessive water usage, or fail to pro vide adequate heat rejection.


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Because the tower uses outside air, dirt and other debris will be caught in the tower water. This debris needs to be removed from the tower basin and other loca tions where it may accumulate. Tower water is a potential breeding ground for var ious forms of algae and bacteria. Proper chemical treatment is necessary to control the buildup of these contaminants. Treatment is also applied to reduce the buildup of scale dissolved salts that concentrate in the tower due to the evaporation of the water. Tower water treatment therefore involves using scale and corrosion inhibi tors, dispersants to disperse sediments, biocides to kill or prevent multiplication of bacteria, and disinfectants of a variety of types. Chemical treatment for cooling towers may be provided as a contract service. The manager 's job is to ensure that the proper treatment is being provided, whether by in house personnel or by a contractor. Failure to provide proper treat ment can result in a significant decline in tower performance, increased operating problems and energy usage, and premature tower failure. In addition, the poten tial for Legionnaires' Disease due to bacteria in the tower entering the building ventilation system could pose a real danger to human health. The metal in cooling towers should be inspected for corrosion. Any corrosion should be treated. Tower components need periodic cleaning and painting with corrosion inhibitors to avoid premature failure. The startup and shutdown of towers requires attention to special concerns. Exhibit 9 contains suggestions for these special concerns. Some towers must be operated during subfreezing winter conditions because they provide heat rejection for computer rooms or food service equipment. These towers require attention to ensure that ice does not form in the tower. Some of these towers have mechanisms for adding heat to the water to melt ice, while others use tower fan shutdown or fan reversal to accomplish deicing. Large amounts of ice formation can be very damaging to the tower and building structure itself. Management supervision is required to keep these problems from occurring.

HVAC Thermal Storage

Because the cooling of buildings requires a large amount of energy, building opera tors and designers sometimes chose to use thermal storage as a means of reducing the cost of cooling. Thermal storage involves the storage of cold in the form of ice or chilled water and the use of this stored cold during periods of high energy cost. The ice or chilled water is produced at times of lower energy cost, typically during the late evening and early morning hours. During these times, not only are the costs of electrical energy (kwh) lower but also the costs of electrical demand (kw) can be lower or even non existent. The additional cost of the chilled water storage systems can sometimes be partially offset by a reduced size of the chillers them selves and of other elements of the chilled water system.

The astute reader can identify in the discussions in this chapter the four major areas of responsibility of facilities management safety and security, legal and reg ulatory compliance, service, and cost control. Proper selection, operation, and

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems Exhibit 9


Shutdown and Startup Considerations for Cooling Towers

Shutdown Considerations Disassemble, clean, and reassemble float and ball-cock valves. Wash down interior of the cooling tower. Clean perforated heat pans and spray nozzles. Drain and flush tower pans. Drain and flush pipelines. Drain and flush pumps. Lock closed automatic fill valves. Remove and clean strainers and screens. Inspect tower fans and drives for wear, cracking, and corrosion. Cover fan and louver opening subject to airborne dirt. Check pump motor bearings and lubricate. Paint all metal parts subject to alternate wetting and drying.

Startup Considerations Remove all debris from within and around unit, then flush as required. Check and clean strainers, bleed, overflow, and drain. Lubricate fan and motor bearings per manufacturers recommendation. Change oil in gear reducer assembly per manufacturers recommendation. Check belts, motor pulley, and motor mounts. Replace and adjust as required. Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety controls. Check motor operating conditions. Clean float valve assembly and check for proper operation. Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.

Source: Johnson Controls, Inc., Fall Maintenance Checklist" (1985) and Spring Maintenance Check list" (1986).

maintenance of HVAC equipment is a major objective in providing a comfortable and safe environment for guests and employees. The operational costs of HVAC equipment can also be substantial, meaning that cost control of operation can make significant bottom line contributions. Legal and regulatory compliance requires attention to the variety of regulations that cover HVAC equipment and its opera tion. Maintaining proper indoor conditions also helps to preserve the physical con dition of the building and its contents, thus protecting the interests of the owner and operator.

1. Frank H. Randolph, Air Conditioning," Hotel Engineering Bulletins, 1931, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 2. Further information on mold, mildew, and related problems can be found in the publica tion Preventing Moisture and Mildew Problems in Hospitality Industry Buildings: Prob lem Avoidance Guidelines, available from AH&LA Publications, 1201 New York Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005 3931.


Chapter 6

3. The heat content of steam as listed in Exhibit 3 is an approximate value, as are the values for natural gas, fuel oil, and LP/LPG. Specifically, the latent heat of vaporization of water is 970 Btu/lb. If you divide 33,475 by 970, you will get 34.5 lb of steam. Use of the 1000 Btu/lb figure is a common rule of thumb" which is easy to remember and makes for simple math. 4. Visit http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/snap. This is the U.S. EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy site. Substitute refrigerant information can be found at this site. Other information on refrigerants and ozone depletion can also be found on the EPA site. 5. Visit http://www. unep.org.

Key Terms
air handling units An all air HVAC system consisting of coils (through which steam/hot water or chilled water is circulated from central boilers and chillers), fil ters, fresh air intakes, exhaust air discharges, and sometimes humidification equip ment. building automation system (BAS) A control system that uses a digital signal to provide information about the operating status and conditions of the HVAC sys tem. Information collected by the BAS is used to make decisions as to system operation and automatically adjust for optimum operation. coefficient of performance (COP) A measure of heat pump efficiency defined as heat delivered in Btu/hr (output) divided by the heat equivalent of the electric energy input (with each watt of input the equivalent of 3.413 Btu/hr). comfort zone A range of conditions in which 80 percent of the population tested is comfortable." compressor The component in a vapor compression refrigeration system that raises the temperature and pressure of the gaseous refrigerant coming out of the evaporator. condenser The component in a vapor compression refrigeration system in which a gaseous refrigerant releases heat and reverts to liquid form. convection The transfer of heat due to the movement of air over a surface and a difference in temperature between the air and the surface. cooling tower In a central HVAC system, the place at which refrigeration occurs. Water is cascading over fill, causing some of the water to evaporate, which cools the remaining water. dew point temperature The temperature at which water condenses. direct expansion (DX) system A refrigeration system in which the evaporator is located directly in the conditioned airstream. energy efficiency ratio (EER) A measure of the efficiency of cooling equipment calculated by dividing the rated cooling output of the unit in Btu/hr by the watts drawn by the unit. evaporation With regard to human comfort, a method of heat removal that occurs when a person's perspiration evaporates from his or her skin.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems


evaporator The unit in a vapor compression refrigeration process in which the refrigerant is converted from liquid to vapor. expansion valve The component in a vapor compression refrigeration system that reduces the pressure and temperature of the liquid refrigerant just before it enters the evaporator. four pipe system An HVAC system that provides both hot and cold water to the fan coil units at all times and keeps the return water lines from the fan coils sepa rate. heat pump A device using the vapor compression refrigeration cycle to deliver either heating or cooling, depending on the direction of the refrigerant flow. integrated part load values (IPLV) Efficiency ratings that take into account equipment performance at various load levels. latent loads Addition or removal of moisture with resulting increases or decreases in the relative humidity only. loads In HVAC systems, variable inputs to and outputs from a space (i.e., sources of heat gain or loss and humidity). occupancy control A component of certain HVAC systems that adjusts the tem perature in the guestroom depending on room status (rented or not rented) and on guest (or other person's) presence. packaged air conditioning units Generally roof mounted, essentially self con tained air conditioning units in which a fuel provides heat and a refrigeration cycle provides cooling. radiation The transfer of heat occurring when two surfaces are at different tem peratures. Energy is transferred in the form of thermal radiation from the warmer to the colder surface. scale A buildup of calcium or magnesium carbonate. sensible loads Heat addition and removal with resulting increases or decreases in dry bulb temperature only. three pipe system A relatively uncommon HVAC system that provides both hot and cold water to the fan coil units at all times and mixes the return water from the fan coils. two pipe system An HVAC system that allows both heating and cooling, but only one of these at a time. vapor compression A refrigeration cycle in which a circulating refrigerant removes heat from one location and transfers this heat to another location, where it is rejected. variable air volume (VAV) system An HVAC system that varies the amount of air flowing into a zone based on sensor input of the load in the zone. wet bulb temperature In measuring temperature, the value that would be mea sured if the bulb of a thermometer was surrounded by a small swatch of wet cloth.


Chapter 6

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. American Society of Heating, Refriger Heating, and Air Conditioning Engineers http://www.ashrae.org Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute http://www.ari.org Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning (HPAC) Interactive Engineering Basics http://www.hpac.com/member/ basics/index.html U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Building Air Quality http://www.epa.gov/iaq/largebldgs/ baqtoc.html

Consulting, Specifying Engineer http://www.csemag.com

Cooling Tower Institute http://www.cti.org Gas Technology Institute http://www.gri.org U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Building Upgrades http://yosemite1.epa.gov/estar/ business.nsf/content.business resources upgradebuilding.htm

Lighting Systems
The designer should consider hotel lighting more a design element than a building science. Lobbies, atriums, restaurants, entertainment areas, meet ing and banquet rooms, and guestrooms owe their success to comfortable and creative lighting as much as to any other single design element. As in other disciplines, the requirements are often based on common sense. For example, guestroom lighting needs to be adequate for reading in bed, work ing at the desk or table, and shaving or applying makeup. If the lighting for any of these is poor, the guest registers at least subconscious irritation. Meeting room lighting also must be highly adaptable. It should combine incandescent lighting for ambiance with fluorescent fixtures for meeting use and track lighting for displays or accents. Special decorative restaurant lighting is essential in creating the desired mood in food outlets. 1

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

LIGHTING SYSTEMS AFFECT SEVERAL ASPECTS of physical plant management. The char

acter and direction of light influence building colors and textures. Light's optical characteristics affect the appearance of surface finishes and ceilings. Some proper ties make major use of lighting to attract customers and create an image; casino hotels are obvious examples. The nature and level of illumination affect employee efficiency and customer comfort. A building's lighting system influences HVAC system design and operation (because of the heat given off by the lights), a build ing's interior design (because of the dimensions of the lighting fixtures), electrical design, and the economics of investment (because the lamps and their controls are part of the initial investment). Finally, lighting plays an important part in safety and security.

Basic Definitions
Before we begin our discussion of light sources and systems, we should briefly introduce some basic terms. Visible light is defined most simply as radiated energy that can be seen by the human eye. Light is made up of various wave lengths and frequencies interpreted by the eye as color. At the low end of the spec trum, violet, indigo, blue, and green light are produced by shorter wavelengths, with violet the shortest; at the high end, yellow, orange, and red are produced by longer wavelengths, with red the longest. Sources of visible light contain some or all of these colors. When light shines on a surface, some of the colors in the light are absorbed and disappear, others are transmitted or reflected. The transmitted or reflected



Chapter 7 Correlated Color Temperature/Kelvin Ranges

Warm 3000K Friendly Intimate Personal Exclusive Restaurants Hotel lobbies Boutiques Libraries Office areas Retail stores Neutral 3500K Friendly Inviting Nonthreatening Public reception areas Showrooms Bookstores Office areas Cool 4100K Neat Clean Efficient Office areas Conference rooms Classrooms Mass merchandisers Hospitals Daylight 5000K Bright Alert Exacting coloration Galleries Museums Jewelry stores Medical examination areas Printing companies

Exhibit 1

Color Temperature Kelvin Range Associated Effects and Moods Appropriate Applications

light is what gives objects their color. For example, a red napkin absorbs almost all light except red; a yellow flower absorbs all light except yellow. Since an object's color is partially determined by the light that shines on it, a light source's color rendition is important. Color rendition refers to a light source's ability to provide a perceived color similar to that which results from sunlight. A lamp's color rendering index (CRI) is a number from 0 to 100 that states how closely a given light source approaches the color rendering capability of daylight or incandescent lighting, both of which have an index of 100. The color appearance of light can also be referred to as the color temperature or, more specifically, as the Correlated Color Temperature (CCT). CCT is measured in degrees Kelvin or K" (see Exhibit 1). Lamps with a CCT below 3500K are con sidered warm" and give out a yellow or reddish light; lamps above 4000K are considered cool" and give out a white or bluish light. Color temperature creates the mood or ambiance of the space you are lighting and can influence customer behavior and employee performance. Lamp specifications generally include a CRI value and a CCT value. Standard light level units and measurement methods have been developed in order to have some objective means of determining relative light levels. The lumen is a commonly used unit of light. Light that strikes a surface is known as illumina tion. Illumination is typically measured in footcandles; one footcandle is a light intensity of one lumen per square foot. In countries using the metric system of measurement, light is also measured in lumens, while levels of illumination are measured in lux, a lux being a light intensity of one lumen per square meter.

Light Sources
Light is either natural or artificial. Both sources can be used to meet a building's lighting needs.

Lighting Systems


The Opryland Hotel makes dramatic use of natural light. (Courtesy of

Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee)

Natural Light
Natural light, or sunlight, is by far the most common and least expensive light source. The use of natural light is currently of great interest to designers of com mercial buildings, especially offices and schools where lighting energy is a signifi cant fraction of total energy use. Since clear sky outdoor illumination levels can approach 1,000 footcandles for over 85 percent of the working day in some loca tions, natural light's contribution to meeting a building's overall lighting needs is potentially great. It should also be recognized that natural light has drawbacks: it can create substantial solar heat gain, be a source of glare and distraction, and con tribute to the fading and physical deterioration of fabrics. Using natural light for interior hotel and restaurant lighting is generally appreciated by guests and employees. The chance to look through a window,


Chapter 7

possibly at attractive hotel grounds or some other pleasant scene, is psychologi cally pleasing and helps employees avoid eye strain because they can occasionally focus their eyes on distant objects. Natural light must be used with care, however. Designers of a building's lighting system have to consider a lot of variables to make natural lighting pleasing the type of glass used in the windows, whether or to what extent to use window treatments such as drapes or blinds, how reflective the surfaces are in the space being lit, the nature of the view outside, and others.

Artificial Light
Artificial light is light other than sunlight. Artificial light sources can be catego rized by many measures, including their efficiency (measured in lumens per watt) and their color rendering index. The two basic sources of artificial light commonly used today are incandescent lamps and electric discharge lamps (see Exhibit 2). Incandescent Lamps. An incandescent lamp consists of a filament inside a sealed glass bulb. Electric current passing through the filament heats it to incandescence, producing light. The lamp is usually etched or coated to diffuse the light produced by the filament. The electrical connection for the lamp is through the base. The light bulbs commonly used in homes and hotel guestrooms are incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are characterized by relatively short lifetimes (2,000 hours or less) and relatively poor efficiencies (15 to 20 lumens per watt). However, they are capable of instant starting and restarting, are low in cost, and are readily dimmed. The light from these lamps is warm" (high in reds and yellows) and color rendition is considered good. As a result, they do not shift" or change the color of fabrics or finishes. Because of their poor efficiency, incandescent lamps contribute a large amount of heat to a building and have relatively high operating costs. Their short lamp life results in potentially high maintenance costs, since employees must replace them often. Lamp life refers to the time it takes half of the lamps in a given sample to fail. If a lamp is rated as having a lamp life of 1,000 hours, for example, 1,000 hours is the expected lifetime for this type of lamp, although a given lamp might burn for more or fewer than 1,000 hours. The higher the wattage of an incandescent lamp, the more efficiently the lamp operates. Long life or extended service lamps (which produce 10 to 20 percent less light per watt of power consumed) are generally less efficient than standard lamps, but have longer lifetimes and should be used where replacement is difficult. Any incandescent lamp will have its efficiency increased (and its life decreased) if it operates at higher than its rated voltage. Besides the conventional incandescent lamp, other types of incandescent lamps are used for special applications: S S Rough service or vibration incandescent lamps are built to withstand rough handling and vibration. Tungsten halogen lamps are incandescent lamps that produce a slightly whiter" light (higher CCT) and have a longer lamp life (3,000 hours) than standard incandescent lamps. These lamps are used as longer life replace ments for standard incandescent lamps as well as for special applications.

Exhibit 2
Standard Incandescent TungstenHalogen Flourescent
4-215 35-1,000 22-115 49-89 24-68 19-43 38-86 4-55 32-2,000 40-1,250

Types of Incandescent and Electric Discharge Lamps

Compact Flourescent Mercury Vapor Metal Halide
18-180 50-150

HighPressure Sodium LowPressure Sodium

Wattage 3-1,500 10-1,500 8-33 4-24

Average System Efficacy (Im/W) 750-2,000 2,000-4,000 7,500-24,000 6,000-20,000 24,000+ 7,000-20,000

Average Rated Life (hrs) 100 100 82-86 15-50 65-92 moderate compact 3-5 min moderate compact 3-9 min moderate compact 0-1 min high low extended 0-5 seconds compact immediate 49-92 high compact immediate




21-85 low compact 3-4 min

0 low extended 7-9 min

Life Cycle Cost

FIxture Size

Start to Full Brightness immediate immediate excellent fair/excellent good/excellent immediate good/excellent immediate 10-20 min poor/fair

Restrike Time

4-20 min good

1 min good/excellent

immediate excellent

Lumen Maintenance


Chapter 7 Reflector lamps (PAR, ER, and R type bulbs) are incandescent lamps that con tain a reflector coating to give the lamps a more directed light output. These lamps are also called spot or flood lamps. They may be installed over food counters with filters to limit the amount of heat in the light beam. They pro vide interesting options for merchandise and accent lighting but care is needed because of their high operating temperatures.

Electric Discharge Lamps. Electric discharge lamps generate light by passing an electric arc through a space filled with a special mixture of gases. This category of lamps includes fluorescent, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high and low pres sure sodium. Electric discharge lamps can't be operated directly from a power supply, as can incandescent lamps. Therefore, all electric discharge lamps require an addi tional piece of equipment, a ballast, that controls their starting and operation and acts as a current limiting device. The ballast for most tube type fluorescent lamps (the four foot or eight foot lamps commonly used) is a separate item from the tubes. It is usually mounted on top of the light fixture and is replaceable. Some compact fluorescents small fluorescent lamps developed as energy efficient alternatives to incandescent lamps have the ballast and tube as one piece; others have separate ballasts. For many hospitality applications, having a separate ballast is preferable because replacement costs are lower. Ten to fifteen percent of the energy used by an electric discharge lighting sys tem is consumed in the ballast and given off as heat. Ballasts are rated by their operating temperature, type of overheating protection (those that are thermally protected, self resetting, and generally specified for commercial uses are denoted as type P" ballasts), and noise level (rated A through F, with A the quietest). Some recent trends in ballast design have included the development of electronic ballasts that consume up to 25 percent less energy than standard ballasts and can provide a dimming capability. Ballasts should also be chosen with an eye on how they will affect the build ing's electrical system. In many applications it is preferable to have ballasts with a high power factor (above .9) to reduce the possibility of electric bill surcharges (for low overall power factor) and to improve electrical system operation. Selecting ballasts with a low total harmonic distortion (under approximately 35 percent) can also help to reduce the potential for electrical equipment problems. Fluorescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps are the most common type of electric discharge lamp. They are characterized by a long lifetime (7,000 to 20,000 hours) and a higher efficiency (40 to 100 lumens per watt) than those of incandescent lamps. They also put out less heat than incandescent lamps, which means less heat needs to be removed by the HVAC system. Fluorescent lamps come in circular and U" shapes as well as long tubes. The development of various types of compact fluorescents throughout the 1980s and 1990s has greatly expanded the potential applications of fluorescent lamps. Compact fluorescent lamps are now commonly used in hotels and restau rants for corridor lighting, in guestroom lamps, and for downlight applications in dining rooms and elsewhere. Compact lamps with electronic ballasts can be used with dimming systems. When replacing incandescent lamps with compact

Lighting Systems



Introduced in the early 1980s, energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps are small enough to fit into fixtures and spaces that only incandescent lamps fit in before. (Courtesy of the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,

fluorescents, managers must attend to the compact lamps' CRI and CCT values to make sure light quality is approximately the same; otherwise, the space being lighted will not look the same in terms of color and light and the interior designer's intended look for the space will be lost. Generally, the color rendition of fluorescent lamps is much poorer than that of incandescent lamps, although some fluorescent lamps have been developed to produce a warmer" light. Fluorescent lamps come in a variety of whites" for example, cool white and warm white. A cool white lamp has a color temperature of approximately 4100K; a warm white lamp has a color temperature of 3000K. Improved color rendition whites have red added to their light to help them bring out the full range of colors. What type of fluorescent lamp should be used in a hotel or restaurant? It depends on the space, the decor, the activities that go on in the space, the desired atmosphere, and other variables. Generally, fluorescent lamps in the warm" group blend more successfully with incandescent lighting. The label on a fluorescent lamp defines several of the lamp's characteristics. A lamp labeled F15T12WW is a fluorescent (F) lamp with 15 watts, a tubular (T) shape, a 12/8 inch diameter, and a warm white (WW) color. Fluorescent lamp life decreases as the average number of burning hours per start decreases. This has led some people to believe that it is cheaper to leave a fluo rescent lamp on continuously than to switch it on and off as needed. However, this is not true, especially in areas with high cost electrical energy. When a room or area


Chapter 7

is left vacant, fluorescent lights should be turned off. The additional lamp replace ment costs associated with the reduced lamp life should easily be repaid by the resulting energy savings. Operation of fluorescent lamps in locations in and around the building that are warmer or colder than the lamps' recommended operating range can cause problems. The same can be true of ballasts, which also have a recommended operating range. For example, in a cold location, lamps and ballasts that are not rated for operation in cold conditions may either not operate, take a long time to come on, or, once operating, produce light at reduced levels. Hot locations will decrease ballast life, resulting in premature ballast failure. Using a ballast suitable for higher temperatures will result in longer ballast operation and fewer mainte nance problems. When fluorescent lamps are installed in cold locations, ballasts that are capable of starting and operating the lamps under cold conditions should be used. Providing a dimming capability for fluorescent lamps requires an electronic ballast and dimming equipment suitable for the size and type of lighting system. During much of the late twentieth century, the standard fluorescent lamp in use was the T12 lamp a lamp 1.5 inches in diameter. At the present time, a more efficient and commonly specified fluorescent lamp in new construction is the T8 lamp a lamp 1.0 inches in diameter. When coupled with energy efficient ballasts (and, ideally, with high efficiency fixtures), the T8 lamp can provide substantial reductions in lighting energy and excellent cost savings. Lighting technology continues to improve and new products are emerging. An example is the T5 fluorescent lamp. Providing approximately the same lumens as a similar T8 lamp, the T5 does so while consuming 10 percent less energy and doing a better job of maintaining its light output over time. With these advantages, the T5 might become the standard for tubular fluorescent applications in the future. Other electric discharge lamps. Mercury vapor, metal halide, and high and low pressure sodium lamps operate on the same principle as fluorescent lamps and require ballasts for operation. These lamps are sometimes listed in a general category called high intensity discharge (HID) lamps. Each type of HID lamp has possible uses within the hospitality industry. While incandescent and fluorescent lamps light almost immediately upon being energized, the strike time (the time required for a lamp to reach full output from a cold start) for HID lamps can be several minutes. In addition, the time required for a hot HID lamp to restrike is usually longer than the strike time. These longer strike and restrike times can be a problem in certain applications, such as locations that need emergency lighting. Mercury vapor lamps have long been used for lighting streets and parking lots. They have an efficiency of 15 to 60 lumens per watt and a lifetime of 12,000 to 24,000 hours. Strike times for these lamps are three to five minutes and restrike times, three to eight minutes. White mercury vapor lamps have somewhat better color rendition than clear lamps. Metal halide (MH) lamps basically are mercury vapor lamps modified by the addition of metallic halides to improve the lamp's color rendition and increase

Lighting Systems


efficiency (80 to 100 lumens per watt). Lamp life is 7,500 to 15,000 hours less than that of mercury vapor lamps. Lumen maintenance the lamp's ability to maintain its output is also significantly reduced later in the lamp's life. Newly introduced MH lamps have improved CRI values (80+), improved lumen maintenance, and higher energy efficiency. MH lamps have relatively short strike times, two to three minutes, but can have restrike times of up to 10 minutes. High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are highly efficient light sources (85 to 140 lumens per watt) that have long life (16,000 to 24,000 hours) and a high lumen maintenance over their lifetimes. Strike times are three to four minutes, with a rela tively short restrike time of about one minute. Color rendition is poor. HPS lamps are typically used to light parking lots and garages, building exteriors, and entry areas. HPS lamps can be used indoors if color corrected lamps are selected or the HPS lamps are mixed with other light sources that together produce an appropri ate color rendition. Low pressure sodium (LPS) lamps are the most efficient light sources, with efficiencies in excess of 150 lumens per watt possible. They have lifetimes of up to 18,000 hours and a high lumen maintenance. Their color rendering characteristics are generally poor, since they produce a very yellow light. They are primarily used for parking lots and security lighting such as after hours lighting in restaurants.

Lighting System Design

Lighting system design is an important element of the overall design of any hos pitality facility. Interior and exterior lighting are crucial design components that: Help attract guests and make them comfortable Communicate a concept (your intended position in the market) Establish an atmosphere Highlight artwork or interior features Improve employee productivity

In addition, lighting can substantially affect safety and energy costs, both directly and indirectly.

Design Factors
Factors in designing a lighting system include light levels, luminaires, color rendi tion, safety, and emergency lighting. Light Levels. One of the first questions a designer must ask is: How much light should there be in a given space? This question is usually answered by determin ing what activities or tasks are being or will be performed within the space. Some times widely varying levels of light need to be available in a single space. For example, a meeting room may only need five foot candles of light during an audio visual presentation, but 100 footcandles during a workshop. The meeting room may need several different types of lamps and fixtures with lots of light switches and perhaps dimming capabilities to accommodate the various lighting needs.


Chapter 7

Light levels can be measured with portable light meters that indicate the avail able light in footcandles. These devices are accurate to plus or minus five percent if kept calibrated. Portable light meters will often have multiple scales allowing designers to measure light levels over a fairly wide range. The Illuminating Engineers Society (IES) lists, for various hotel and restaurant spaces, minimum lighting levels that incorporate a number of task, space, and occupant considerations (see Exhibit 3). These levels are recommended minimum levels, not standards, and designers may want to use more light than these levels. The design of hotel lighting systems, as with all other building systems, must comply with local and state building codes. Local and state codes often incorporate portions of, or adopt in total, standards developed by engineering and design organizations. In regards to light levels, the standards of the Illuminating Engi neering Society of North America (IESNA) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) are of interest for U.S. properties. The IESNA and ASHRAE standards can be found in the ASHRAE/ IESNA publication A90.1 Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low Rise Residential." Exhibit 4 contains the latest proposed lighting standards for various hospital ity building spaces, based on what is referred to as the building area method." This method provides the maximum amount of power wattage that shall be required by the lighting system in various types of hospitality buildings. An alternative standard to the building area method is the space by space method of calculating lighting power. The standards under this method are shown in Exhibit 5. Which of the methods will apply or whether both apply to a partic ular property depends on the policy of the local code authority. There are also pro visions of these standards that allow for adjustments for decorative lighting (chandeliers, for example), retail lighting, and lighting for building exteriors. Light levels within a given space can also be manipulated through the use of dimming controls. Some systems use photosensors wired directly to dimmable electronic ballasts, so that light levels can be adjusted automatically. Spaces that are exposed to natural light (such as atriums and other interior spaces with extensive glazing) are candidates for this technology; as the sun goes down and the natural light dims, the system can be programmed to adjust artificial light levels upward. Many dimming systems rely on manual switches; light levels are adjusted manually depending on the task at hand or the mood" that management wants to convey or support through lighting. Luminaires. Luminaires, also known as fixtures, consist of the following compo nents: S S S S S S Lamps Lamp sockets Ballasts (for luminaires that use electric discharge lamps) Reflective material Lenses or louvers Housing

Lighting Systems Exhibit 3 Minimum Footcandles for Hotel and Restaurant Applications, Based on IES Standards
Recommended Minimum Footcandles


Space HOTELS Bathrooms General Mirrors Bedrooms Reading Subdued environment Lobby General Reading and working Power Plant Boiler room Equipment room Storerooms Offices Accounting Regular office work Good copy Fair copy Corridors, elevators, and stairways RESTAURANTS Cashier Dining areas Intimate restaurant Light environment Subdued environment Leisure restaurant Light environment Quick-Service restaurant Bright surroundings Normal surroundings Food Displays Twice the general level but not under Kitchen Inspection, checking, and pricing Other areas

10 30 30 15 10 30 10 20 10 150 70 100 20 50 10 3 30 100 50 50 70 30

Source: Adapted from Benjamin Stein, John S. Reynolds, and William J. McGuinness, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 7th ed. (New York: Wiley, 1986).

The main function of a luminaire is to deliver the light produced by the lamp(s) to a space or surface in a way that is visually appealing and comfortable for people. Luminaires are used for direct lighting, indirect lighting, spot or accent lighting, flood lighting, and task lighting.


Chapter 7 Hospitality Lighting Power Densities, Building Area Method

Lighting Power Density Space Convention Center Dining: Bar Lounge/Leisure Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food Dining: Family Exercise Center Hotel Motel Office Workshop *Watts per square foot (W/ft2*) 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.4 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.7

Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

Hospitality Lighting Power Densities, Space by Space Method

Lighting Power Density

Space Officeenclosed Officeopen plan Conference/Meeting/Multipurpose Classroom/Lecture/Training Lobby Atriumfirst three floors Atriumeach additional floor Lounge/Recreation Restrooms Corridor/Transition Stairsactive Active storage Inactive storage Electrical/mechanical Guestrooms *Watts per square foot

(W/ft2*) 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.3 0.2 2.2 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 1.3 2.5

Lamps must be correctly matched to luminaires for optimal and safe opera tion; a lamp's geometry, heat generation, and size are all issues that must be addressed. Lamp sockets hold the lamps. Ballasts are often mounted above the

Lighting Systems


luminaire. The reflective material is very important to the overall efficiency of the luminaire, because it affects the amount of light that actually exits the luminaire. Another element that affects a luminaire's efficiency is the lens or louver that is used. Lenses are generally made from translucent, ultraviolet stabilized acrylic plastic; louvers are used when a reduction in the luminaire's glare is desired. The more translucent the lens or the more open the louver design, the more efficient the luminaire in delivering light. The degree to which the luminaire achieves a glare free delivery of light is measured by the visual comfort probability (VCP) rating of the luminaire. VCP values range from 0 to 100, with 70 considered to be the lowest acceptable value for a high performance luminaire. VCP values refer to the percentage of people who would not find the light from a particular luminaire objectionable due to glare. The overall efficiency of a luminaire is called the coefficient of utilization (CU). This value integrates the efficiency of the luminaire's reflective material and reflector design, the efficiency of its lens/louver, and how well the luminaire's lamp interacts with these elements. High CU values can approach or exceed 90 percent. All luminaires have basic maintenance requirements they must be cleaned, replacement items (such as decorative globes or safety covers) must be stocked, and repairs must be made. Whenever possible, designers should choose lumin aires that are easily cleaned. For most applications, this means that a fixture should have no bottom surface and side surfaces as vertical as possible so dust will not readily collect. Luminaires suspended from the ceiling in relatively dust free areas should have an opening above the lamp; the opening creates air circulation because the heated air within the luminaire rises through the opening, carrying dust away. Luminaires in areas with a lot of dust or moisture (flour dust in kitchens or moisture in dishwashing areas, for example) should have dust proof or vapor tight luminaires luminaires that completely enclose the lamp. Color Rendition. Since the color of the light emitted by various types of lamps dif fers, the types of lamps used by a property have a great impact on the appearance of the surfaces, finishes, and furnishings within the building. For example, restau rants should have lamps in their dining areas that give off a sufficient amount of light in the red and orange frequencies, or foods such as beef and tomatoes that are rich in red and orange colors will appear dull, dark, and unappetizing. As men tioned earlier in the chapter, the color rendering index (CRI) is used to rate the rela tive performance of artificial light sources (see Exhibit 6). Generally speaking, the higher the CRI value, the truer the colors. Safety. Designers must keep safety as well as costs and aesthetics in mind when designing a lighting system. Compliance with local safety code requirements is a must. Plastic fixtures should only be used if the plastic materials are slow burning or self extinguishing and have low smoke density ratings and low heat distortion temperatures. (For aesthetic reasons, long term durability of plastic fixtures when exposed to ultraviolet light should also be investigated to ensure that yellowing or embrittlement will not occur.) Fixtures should always be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations, with adequate ventilation and clearance to


Chapter 7 Exhibit 6
Source Incandescent/Halogen Fluorescent Cool Whie T12 Warm White T12 High Lumen T12 T8 T10 Compact Mercury Vapor (clear/coated) Metal Halide (clear/coated) High-Pressure Sodium Standard Deluxe White HPS Low-Pressure Sodium

Typical CRI Values of Various Light Sources

Typical CRI Value 100 62 53 7385 7585 8085 8085 15/50 65/70 22 65 85 0

avoid heat build up. Luminaires should always be used with lamps with the proper (rated) wattage. Light sources in locations where the breakage of a lamp could pose a likely health hazard (such as kitchens and pool areas) must have either a luminaire with an acrylic diffuser to retain glass and lamp phosphor materials or (for fluorescent lamps) a tube safety shield around the lamp. This is usually required by a provi sion of local health codes. Light itself or the lack of it can be the culprit or at least a contributing factor in employee and guest accidents. Insufficient lighting is an obvious hazard, but other light conditions can cause trouble as well glare from lights that are too bright, blinding reflected glare from polished surfaces, harsh shadows, and so on. Guests who move from a bright hotel lobby into a dark restaurant just off the lobby may stumble or even fall if there is a change in floor level between the areas. This is caused by the delayed eye adaption that individuals experience when they move from bright surroundings into dark ones. For that reason, guests should not be confronted with widely varying light levels between adjacent hotel areas. Care should be exercised in the maintenance of lighting systems. Failed lamps can have cracked glass or may be subject to breakage while being removed; eye protection and gloves may be in order. Some public space lighting systems operate at 277 volts; lockout/tagout requirements should be considered when working with these systems. Emergency Lighting. Emergency lighting requirements for a property will be spe cified in the local community's building codes. Local codes must be complied with. This discussion will draw on the requirements found in the Life Safety Code2 and the

Lighting Systems


National Electrical Code (NEC).3 Local building codes usually follow these two stan dards. The NEC states that
emergency illumination shall include all required means of egress lighting, illu minated exit signs, and all other lights specified as necessary to provide required illumination. Emergency lighting systems shall be so designed and installed that the failure of any individual lighting element, such as the burning out of a light bulb, cannot leave in total darkness any space which requires emergency illumi nation.4

Emergency lighting can be provided as (1) an emergency lighting system with its own power, independent of the regular lighting system, or (2) two or more sepa rate and complete regular lighting systems with independent power supplies, each system providing sufficient current for emergency lighting purposes. In the event of a power failure, a delay of no more than ten seconds is permitted in the opera tion of the emergency lighting system. The system must be capable of providing a minimum of one footcandle for 1.5 hours. The lighting of exit signs is another emergency lighting concern. Exit signs operate 24 hours a day and must be kept in good repair, with lights functioning properly. That said, exit signs can be excellent opportunities for energy conserva tion. Exit sign lighting options include: S S S S S S Light emitting diodes (LEDs) Low wattage incandescent lamps Compact fluorescent lamps Incandescent lamps Electroluminescent fixtures Self luminous signs

Light emitting diodes are the most energy efficient option, consuming two to five watts of energy per sign. They have the added advantage of extremely long lifetimes (25) years). Low wattage incandescent lamps (8 to 18 watts) in a flexible light tube" configuration also have long lives (10 years). Compact fluorescent lamps have low power consumption (10 watts or less) but only have a two year lifetime and are somewhat costly. Incandescent lamps should be avoided, due to their high lifetime operating costs. Electroluminescent sources have relatively high initial costs ($200 per fixture) but have a low wattage (about one watt per fixture) and lifetimes of approximately 10 years. Self luminous signs require no electricity and have lifetimes of 10 to 20 years but cost in excess of $200 per fixture. Also, since they utilize tritium, they require disposal as a radioactive waste.

Lighting System Maintenance

Operating problems with lighting systems can be caused by several factors. If the voltage supplied to the lamp is above or below the rated voltage for the lamp, the lamp's output and life will be affected. Fluorescent and some HID lamps may not


Chapter 7

operate properly if placed in an operating temperature environment for which they are not rated. Choosing ballasts that are not compatible with the lamps can also result in operational problems. Managers should always remember that they are dealing with a lighting system, all of whose components and interconnections must be correct if proper operation is to be achieved. The requirements for lighting system maintenance depend on what types of lamps are used, their locations, and the purpose served by the lighting. The two major activities of lighting system maintenance are cleaning luminaires and lamps and replacing lamps.

Cleaning Luminaires and Lamps

How clean the housekeeping staff keeps a building's luminaires and lamps will affect light output, thereby affecting the ability of the lighting system to deliver its designed light levels. Periodic cleaning of lamps and luminaires will enable the lighting system to deliver a greater fraction of its light output than it does when the light is absorbed by dirt on the lamps and luminaires. Regularly replacing filters in the building's air handling units can make housekeeping's job easier by removing dust and dirt from the building's air. How often should luminaires and lamps be cleaned? Semi annual cleaning is sufficient in many locations; in dustier or dirtier areas, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. Each hotel must establish a cleaning program that works for it. To prevent them from attracting dirt, plastic luminaires should be de staticized when they are cleaned. Often, a destaticizer is included in the cleaning solution. Plastic luminaires should be air dried; wiping them would give them a new static charge. Employees should wear clean gloves when handling the cleaned luminaires; otherwise oil from their hands will leave marks on the plastic and destroy the de staticization there.

Replacing Lamps
Replacing lamps can be as simple as screwing a light bulb into a guestroom table lamp or as difficult as climbing into a bucket truck to replace a pole mounted high pressure sodium lamp and its ballast in the middle of a parking lot. Two factors that help determine how lamps are replaced at a property are lamp characteristics and the property's replacement policy. Lamp Characteristics. As mentioned earlier, incandescent and electric discharge lamps have different life expectancies. Incandescent lamps need to be replaced much more often. For example, if we assume an incandescent lamp life of 1,000 hours (some may have a life of only 750 hours) and a fluorescent lamp life of 12,000 hours, the incandescent lamp could require as many as 8 or 9 replacements per year if burned continuously. (There are 8,760 hours in a year.) The fluorescent lamp would be replaced about once every 1.5 years under such circumstances. While the use of incandescent lamps in guestrooms may sometimes be appropriate for aes thetic reasons, their use in back of the house spaces where such characteristics are unimportant and daily operating hours are long is certainly unnecessary.

Lighting Systems


A consideration when replacing fluorescent lamps is maintaining the desired color rendition. Replacing a fluorescent lamp with a lamp that has a markedly dif ferent color rendition (warm white with cool white, for instance) results in a mottled lighting effect on the interior design that can be disastrous. If a property's lighting system maintenance program is designed to maintain the lighting system and its light levels as closely as possible to its initial condition, then the lumen depreciation of the system's lamps is also of concern. Lumen depreciation is a measure of a lamp's tendency to decrease its light output over time. With mercury vapor lamps and some other types of fluorescent lamps, light output drops off dramatically as the lamps' operating hours approach the lamps' rated life. Unless the lighting system is greatly overdesigned, it may be desirable to replace lamps before they fail entirely because their light output has fallen so far below what it should be. Other characteristics of lamps that affect maintenance needs are the average burning time of the lamp and the voltage of the electrical supply to the lamp. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps that are frequently cycled (turned on and off) will have greatly reduced lifetimes, resulting in greater maintenance costs in terms of lamps and labor. Lamps that are supplied electricity at a voltage different from the lamp's rated voltage (even by only a very low percent) will have a reduced life if the voltage is above the lamp's rated voltage, an increased life if the voltage is below the lamp's rated voltage. Electrical system or circuit voltages can change for a variety of reasons, including loads being added or removed, changes in electric utility supply voltages, and malfunctions of electrical equipment. Replacement Policies. Most discussions of lamp replacement policies include a discussion of group relamping versus replacement upon burnout. Group relamp ing advocates suggest that wholesale replacement of all of the lamps in the lighting system (or a portion of the system) after some prescribed number of operating hours will result in significantly reduced lamp replacement costs. Cost reductions are possible primarily through a labor cost reduction, although it may be possible to reduce lamp costs as well by purchasing them in bulk. One lamp replacement policy is shown in Exhibit 7. A group relamping policy does not mean that the visual appearance of the space is compromised by not replacing burned out lamps, as Exhibit 7 illustrates. Lamps that burn out are replaced as they fail, but rather than doing the relamping on a failure" basis indefinitely, a group relamping program is proactive with regard to failure that is, it anticipates failure. When the lamps in a given area reach a portion of their rated life (80 percent in the instance of Exhibit 7), they are all replaced. The result is a space that enjoys a uniform light level, with fewer instances of burned out or malfunctioning lamps. Group relamping can save the property money as well. Group relamping is particularly appropriate in any area that requires a significant number of labor hours simply to gain access to the lamps or where special equipment is required for example, convention halls and parking lots. Labor costs for lamp replacement can vary considerably, depending on the length of time required to replace a lamp and the wages of the individual replacing it. For example, if burned out lamps in guestrooms can be replaced by


Chapter 7 Sample Lamp Replacement Procedures

Exhibit 7

P.M. PROCEDURES: Planned Lamp Replacement MAINT. ACTION #23 FREQUENCY: Annually Maint. Action #23A How to set up this program: 1. List all your lamps by area, such as: Coffee Shop50 lamps Restaurant100 lamps Corridors200 lamps

2. Doing one area at a time, replace all the lamps with new ones. Save 20 percent of the best-looking lamps in a replacement box with the area clearly marked on it. 3. Now, lets take the coffee shop with 50 lamps as an example. If you saved 20 percent of the old lamps, you have 10 lamps in a box marked Coffee Shop. 4. As the lamps in the coffee shop burn out, replace them with the ones you have in their replacement box. When there are no lamps left in the box, you have achieved 80 percent of the coffee shop lamps life and it is time to re-lamp this area with 50 new lamps, once again saving 20 percent (10) for the replacement box. EASY, ISNT IT? P.S. Dont forget to maintain an inventory of lamps sufficient for complete lamp changes.
Source: Adapted from Maintenance Operating Manual, Days Inns of America, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia.

housekeeping employees as part of their normal rounds, the cost of lamp replacement in guestrooms will be low. However, if every time a lamp burns out it's replaced by a member of the engineering staff dispatched via radio, the labor cost to replace a single lamp can approach $5 to $10. Lamp and Ballast Disposal. Replacing lamps and ballasts brings up waste dis posal issues. This is especially true during lighting system upgrades or a group relamping effort; both can result in the accumulation of large numbers of lamps and ballasts that must be disposed of properly. Legal as well as environmental issues must be considered. Some current and most older fluorescent and HID lamps contain small amounts of mercury. Depending on the lamp type and the quantity involved, the disposal of these lamps may be subject to hazardous waste regulations at the fed eral or state level. Managers should refer to local environmental agencies and/or

Lighting Systems


the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to check on whether the lamps they are disposing of fall under hazardous waste guidelines. All ballasts manufactured through 1979, and some after this date, contain PCBs. There is legislation in the United States (at both the state and federal level) and in many other countries in the world that specifies proper handling and dis posal practices for PCB ballasts. These laws must be followed by the property or the contractor retained by the property. Options for ballast disposal include incin eration, recycling, and disposal in a landfill. Although not available in all locations, recycling of fluorescent lamps and bal lasts is certainly something that can contribute to a hotel or restaurant's record of good environmental stewardship. When available, fluorescent lamp recycling typ ically costs approximately 10 cents per lineal foot of lamp. Or, for another way to look at it, the recycling of fluorescent lamps is approximately 1 percent of the life cycle costs of the lamps. Ballast recycling costs approximately $3.50 per F40 bal last.5 Freight expenses will add to these costs.

Energy Conservation Opportunities

For lighting systems, the two primary energy conservation opportunities are the use of more efficient lighting sources and the control of operating hours. Secon dary benefits may be possible by reducing lighting in overlit spaces, but this must be approached with caution since lighting reductions may affect safety, productiv ity, or guests' perceptions of the property. One way to achieve more efficient lighting (fewer watts per lumen) is to replace incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps in as many locations as pos sible. Compact or screw in fluorescent lamps are available that can be substituted for incandescent lamps in downlights, table lamps, and ceiling mounted lighting fixtures of various designs. The result will be a reduction of up to 75 percent in the electricity consumed by the lamp. In addition, there will be substantial labor sav ings due to the longer life of the fluorescent lamps. Replacing inefficient exterior lights with more efficient ones usually has a short payback period, since the oper ating hours of exterior lighting are very long. Efficiently controlling the operating hours of lights results in fewer operating hours, lower energy usage, and lower costs. The easiest control method is to sim ply turn off lights that are not needed. This is something everyone employed at a property can do that requires no additional training, investment, or labor hours, and has immediate benefits. Since motivating employees and managers to take this responsibility has sometimes proven difficult, many operations use mechanical methods whenever possible to turn off unneeded lights. Microprocessors can also be used to turn lights on and off on a predetermined schedule. In addition to sav ing electricity, reduced operating hours also increase the time between lamp replacements. One area that certainly lends itself to mechanical control is exterior lighting, including parking lot lighting. Photocell control for exterior lighting is highly rec ommended and, in comparison to either manual or time clock control, should result in substantial energy savings with a minimal initial investment. (Time clock


Chapter 7

Since exterior lights operate for long hours, replacing inefficient exte rior lights with more efficient ones usually has a short payback period.
(Courtesy of Resorts International Casino Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey)

control for this lighting must frequently be reset in order to operate the lighting only when needed.) In locations within the property that benefit from natural light, management may wish to install photocell control as well. In these instances, the photocell control acts to maintain a preset light level in the area and either dims or turns off lamps as the amount of natural light increases, or turns on and brightens them as natural light decreases. This can be quite effective in reducing energy costs. To control the operation of lights in meeting rooms, storerooms, and other areas where lights do not need to operate continuously, the use of ultrasonic or

Lighting Systems


infrared sensors or twist timers may be appropriate. Sensors turn on lights when they sense movement in the room. Following a preset period of inactivity in the room, the lights are switched off. Twist timers are manually activated by the per son wanting to use the space; they automatically turn off after a period of time. The length of time lights stay on is dictated by the type of timer and the degree to which it is turned.

1. Walter A. Rutes, Richard H. Penner, and Lawrence Adams, Hotel Design, Planning, and Development (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001), p. 338. 2. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (Quincy, Mass.: National Fire Protection Association, 1985). 3. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (Quincy, Mass.: National Fire Protection Association, 1986). 4. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70 87 National Electrical Code, copyright 1986, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Mass., 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lighting Waste Disposal, EPA 430 B 95 004, September 1998.

Key Terms
artificial light Light other than sunlight. ballast A piece of equipment that controls the starting and operation of electric discharge lamps and acts as a small transformer in the lighting circuit. coefficient of utilization The efficiency factor that combines the luminaire effi ciency (light delivered from the luminaire divided by the light produced by the lamp) with the room characteristics and the light distribution in the room. color rendition A light source's ability to provide a perceived color similar to that which results from sunlight. electric discharge lamp A lamp that generates light by passing an electric arc through a space filled with a specially formulated mixture of gases. Types of elec tric discharge lamps include fluorescent, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high and low pressure sodium. footcandle A measurement of illumination. One footcandle denotes a light inten sity of one lumen per square foot. high intensity discharge (HID) lamp A lamp requiring a ballast that generates light by passing an electric arc through a space filled with a specially formulated mixture of gases. HID lamps are types of electric discharge lamps that are charac terized by high lumens per watt and long strike and restrike times. illumination Light that is incident on a surface.


Chapter 7

incandescent lamp A lamp that consists of a filament inside a sealed glass bulb. Current passing through the filament heats it to incandescence, producing light. lamp life The expected operating lifetime of a lamp, defined as the time it takes half of the lamps in a given sample to fail. lumen The most commonly used unit of light. lumen depreciation over time. lumen maintenance A measure of a lamp's tendency to decrease its light output A lamp's ability to maintain its output.

luminaire A lighting appliance that consists of a lamp, lamp socket, ballast (for luminaires using electric discharge lamps), reflective material, lenses or louvers, and a housing. Also called a fixture. natural light Sunlight. strike time The time required for an electric discharge lamp to reach full output from a cold start. visible light Radiated energy that can be seen by the human eye.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. American Lighting Association www.americanlightingassoc.com American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. www.ashrae.org Consulting Specifying Engineer www.csemag.com Green Lights Program http://.es.epa.gov/partners/green/ g lights.html Illuminating Engineering Society of North America www.iesna.org International Association of Lighting Designers www.iald.org Lighting Research Center www.lrc.rpi.edu Philips www.lighting.philips.com Sylvania www.sylvania.com

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

Laundry Systems

The Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel doesn't try to put any marketing spin on its laundry equipment the staff just knows it works. Humming behind the scenes at the Long Island hotel is an in house laundry system which goes unnoticed by guests who just see the soft and clean whites and linens which make their stay comfortable and worry free. Executive Housekeeper David Jakubowski knows exactly how important that is to a hotel, and to its housekeeping staff. The hotel uses two 150 pound machines and a single 250 pound machine to accomplish the dirty work, while a custom built automatic folding and ironimg machine puts the finishing touches on hotel whites. That and two industrial size dryers round out the modest but hardwork ing equipment at the hotel. We haven't had any problems whatsoever with the equipment since I came here," Jakubowski said. We have an in house preventive maintenance program which keeps things running smooth." At a time when many hotel companies are forced to outsource their laundry service, The Wyndham Wind Watch prefers to continue using its in house system. It's definitely cheaper to do laundry in house," Jakubowski said. But the real advantage is the convenience to the guests. It's always right there. You don't have to worry about the laundry truck getting stuck in a snowstorm." 1

DEALING WITH LAUNDRY is a fact of life for hotels. Guestrooms, restaurants, ban

quets, fitness centers, and employees all have soiled linens, towels, tablecloths, uniforms, and other laundry that must be cleaned. Hotels have several choices in how they handle this chore. They can: Use disposable products in some cases (paper rather than linen napkins, for example). Rent clean linens from a commercial laundry. Buy their own linens and use a commercial laundry to clean them. Buy their own linens and use a centralized laundry (either free standing or in a hotel) run by the hotel chain or some other group of affiliated hotels to clean them. Buy their own linens and use an on premises laundry to clean them. Use a combination of these alternatives.2



Chapter 8

Lodging properties in the United States often operate an on premises laundry for processing all or most of their laundry. In contrast, lodging properties elsewhere in the world usually have their laundry cleaned and processed by out side contractors. Some U.S. chains operate regional laundry facilities where laun dry from several of the chain's hotels are processed, providing an off site laundry similar to a commercial laundry but retaining corporate control over laundry standards. There are several advantages to operating an on premises laundry. Many properties enjoy significant savings because processing their own laundry costs them less than paying a commercial laundry to do it. Properties can get by with smaller linen inventories. The life of laundry items is extended; fewer laundry items are lost or damaged. The quality of finished laundry is higher. And the prop erty has complete control of the operation there is no dependence on an outside laundry's deliveries.

Laundry Equipment
It takes a lot of equipment to outfit the laundry of a large hotel, especially one that offers in house valet service to its guests. Laundries of small properties can usually get by with the basics washers and dryers. In the section that follows, we'll discuss a full range of commercial laundry equipment. Keep in mind that the number and type of equipment a hotel has depends on the hotel's size, level of guest service, and other factors.

Laundry Transport Equipment

Employees have to get soiled linens to the laundry. At small properties, laundry (sometimes called work" or goods" by laundry personnel) may be carried by hand. At larger properties, carts or chutes are used to move large amounts of laun dry quickly. Some hotels have automated overhead transport systems to carry laundry to the washers once linens, towels, and other soiled laundry items arrive at the laundry room. Carts. Laundry carts are used to transport linen to the laundry, within the laundry, and to storage areas outside the laundry.3 There are basic carts, carts with shelves, carts with bars or hangers, and raising platform" carts the bottom of the cart rests on springs, so that as workers unload the laundry, the bottom rises and work ers don't have to bend over so much. There are open carts, carts with covers, and lockable carts. Other cart options include tow hitches (so a worker can pull more than one cart at a time), drain valves, wheel brakes, special casters, and caster swivel locks. Laundry carts come in various sizes common sizes carry 200, 400, or 500 pounds of laundry. There are many color options so that hotels can choose carts that match their decor. One manufacturer offers 15 color choices, including bright lemon, jade green, honey gold, and pink! Carts range from heavy duty canvas to one piece plastic types with drain holes for easy washing. Carts should not have protrusions that can snag or tear. They should move easily, and employees should be able to load and unload laundry without

Laundry Systems


A large laundry with an automated overhead transport system. (Cour

tesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana)

excessive bending and stretching. Carts should be cleaned and sanitized on a regu lar basis. It is a good idea to keep carts for soiled laundry separate from those for clean laundry. The clean laundry carts can be a different color or made from a dif ferent material so that they are not mixed in with the soiled laundry carts.4 Chutes. Laundry chutes are a convenient way to get laundry to the laundry room. They should be cleaned regularly to remove lint and dust. Any fire detection or suppression equipment in the chute should be checked periodically to ensure proper operation in case of fire. Laundry chutes should be locked to reduce the risk that they will be used by a prankster or an arsonist. The locks should be on the engineering department's preventive maintenance schedule to ensure that they are kept in working order. Automated Overhead Transport Systems. Some large properties have automated overhead transport systems in their laundry rooms. With a typical system, employees sort laundry items and place them in bags that travel on overhead rails to the washers. When a washer is ready for another load, an employee opens the bottom of the bag (or the bag automatically opens) and drops the laundry into the washer. Some machines tilt backward to make this easier. If the transport system is computerized, the computer can keep track of which laundry goes where and make sure it is properly processed.

There are many types and sizes of commercial washers. Commercial washers not much bigger than the washers found in homes can handle up to 35 pounds of


Chapter 8

Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana)

This washer extractor handles up to 450 pounds of laundry per load. Machines of this size would only be found in large hotels. (Courtesy of the

laundry per load; at the other extreme are giant washers that can handle as much as 700 pounds. Two common washer types are washer extractors and tunnel washers. Washer Extractors. Washer extractors, sometimes called conventional washers, are free standing units made of stainless steel or other heavy duty materials, used to clean laundry and extract water from it to prepare it for drying. Washer extrac tors may be front or side loaders. The type of machine a manager chooses depends on the property's laundry operation. Side loaders, for example, are usually used in laundries that deliver soiled items to the washers by way of an overhead transport system. Once laundry is loaded into the machine, water must be added that is at the proper temperature. Then the correct mix of chemicals for the laundry being washed are added. Many washers are computerized, so that the correct chemical mixture is added automatically all an employee has to do is push a button to start the process. The control panel will display such information as the name of the cur rent wash operation (Rinse," for example), time remaining in the operation, water

Laundry Systems


Washer Extractor Capacities

Double sheets Pillowcases 54 x 54 tablecloths 20 x 20 napkins Bath towels Shirts Pants Uniforms Mopheads

35 lb. model 50 lb. model 75 lb. model 95 lb. model 135 lb. model














































These sample laundry capacities provide a general idea of how much laundry can be placed in small to mid size washer extractors. Of course, the amount of laun dry a given size washer extractor can process will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer (these numbers were provided by the Pellerin Milnor Corporation). How much laundry can be washed per cycle also depends on a number of other factors, including how much the individual laundry items weigh, the type of fabric they are made of, and their degree of soiling.

temperature, and chemicals being injected. Some washers' control panels have two language capability messages can be displayed in English or in one of five other languages (French, Dutch, German, Italian, or Spanish). Some washer extractors have a cool down cycle. During this cycle, cold water is slowly injected into the wash to prevent blended no iron fabrics from going into the thermal shock" that causes wrinkles. Some of the large washer extractors tilt forward to help with unloading. Once the machine is tilted, an employee can position a laundry cart under the door and push a button to rotate the cylinder, causing the clean laundry to tumble into the cart. The machine can also unload onto a conveyor that can transport the laundry to a dryer. Some washer extractors also tilt back to help employees load laundry. Tunnel Washers. Tunnel washers, also called batch washers or continuous washers, have characteristics that make them different from conventional washer extractors. As you can see from Exhibit 1, a tunnel washer is, in effect, a series of interconnected washers.5 In both conventional washers and tunnel washers, laundry is subjected to successive baths" some with chemicals to loosen, suspend, and rinse away


Chapter 8 Diagram of a Tunnel Washer

Exhibit 1

Courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana

soil. These baths are followed by finishing operations (sour, starch, softener, etc.). A conventional washer does this in a single cylinder; baths are changed by drain ing and refilling the cylinder. A tunnel washer, on the other hand, keeps each bath in a different cylinder and moves the laundry from one cylinder to the next. The laundry is separated into batches, just as with a conventional washer. Computer ized tunnel washers can keep track of each batch as it moves through the tunnel and automatically adjust water temperatures and chemical formulas so that each batch receives the treatment it needs for optimum cleaning. Two basic types of tunnel washers are top transfer machines and bottom transfer machines. Top transfer machines lift the laundry out of the water and drain it before transferring it to the next bath; bottom transfer machines transfer both the laundry and the water along the bottom of the washer. Top transfer machines offer the advantage of draining laundry before moving it along to pro gressively cleaner baths; this process makes for cleaner laundry. In bottom transfer machines, dirty water moves forward with the load, so laundry is not as clean. Tunnel washers are becoming more popular in the United States for a number of reasons. One is that it takes fewer employees to operate them. Tunnel washers are connected to an extractor, and conveyors can automatically move the laundry from the extractor to the dryers, so that instead of a number of employees loading and unloading separate washers, extractors, and dryers and transporting laundry between these machines, only one employee is needed to load the washer and one or two to load the dryers. In addition to labor savings, there can be significant energy and water savings. Where conventional washers can use as much as three gallons of water per pound of laundry, some tunnel washers use just one gallon. By extension, energy is saved because less water needs to be heated. Tunnel washers have other advantages as well. Laundry is processed faster because there are no delays for filling and draining cylinders. Because water and

Laundry Systems


energy demands are constant, support systems water heaters, water softeners, drains, and so on do not have to be sized to cover peak demands. Tunnel wash ing systems are highly adaptable to whatever space is available. If necessary, they can be installed around corners so that the washer, extractor, and dryers are arranged in an L or U shape. Since tunnel washers process laundry steadily in small batches, morning startup time is quicker and throughput is at a steady level. Employees in the finishing sections don't have to wait a long time to get started, only to be buried under hundreds of pounds of laundry all at once.

As the name implies, extractors extract water from laundered fabrics, usually by the centrifugal force generated when the laundry is spun in a basket, although very large extractors may press the water out. Extractors cut down on drying time and costs. Most extractors have two extraction speeds: fast, for most natural fiber fabrics, and slow, for easily wrinkled polyester or other no iron fabrics. Stand alone extractors are typically used in large laundries or with tunnel washers; as noted earlier, washer extractors do their own extracting, and many laundries don't need a separate extractor.

Dryers are machines that dry laundry by tumbling it in a basket exposed to hot air. There are gas, electric, and steam dryers. Gas is generally the most economical heat source; electric dryers are quiet; steam dryers are best suited for locations where steam power is already available. Dryer capacities range from 15 to 450 pounds. Today's dryers are more sophisticated than their counterparts of yesteryear because (1) there are more types of fabrics now, some of which have special drying needs, (2) saving energy is of greater concern, and (3) managers are seeking sim pler machines that can reduce energy, training, and labor costs.


Chapter 8

Two 50 pound washer extractors. (Courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation,

Kenner, Louisiana)

Many dryers now have microprocessor driven control systems. All an employee has to do is push the button on the control panel that corresponds to the type of laundry being dried, and the dryer goes through a cycle that has been pre programmed by the laundry manager or by the dryer's manufacturer (usually with input from the laundry manager). Some dryers dry the load for a set number of minutes recommended for that fabric; others have sensors linked to their micro processors that can feel" moisture in the load and turn the dryer off automatically the moment the laundry is dry. Many dryers then go through a cool down cycle so that wrinkles are not set into no iron fabrics. Some also have an anti wrinkle" fea ture that automatically tumbles the load without heat at pre selected intervals managers may program the dryer to tumble the load for 20 seconds every two minutes for ten minutes, for example. If an employee is busy and can't get to the laundry right after a cycle is completed, the anti wrinkle feature keeps clothes from sitting at the bottom of the dryer basket and wrinkling. Energy saving features on dryers include an ignition system for gas dryers rather than a standing pilot light. Some manufacturers build extra insulation into their energy saving" models. One manufacturer offers a heat reclaimer" pack age, in which a portion of the hot exhaust air is recirculated into the dryer, saving energy and reducing drying time. Another dryer saves time and energy by using a permanently tilted basket and gravity to position the wettest laundry (which is the heaviest) closest to the hot air inlet.

Laundry Systems


The Ten Most Common Drying Mistakes

Although these tips were written with large laundries in mind, many of them can also help managers of mid-size and small laundries. 1. Not loading the dryer to full capacity. Underloading is the most common and most costly mistake made in institutional laundries. Dryers with microprocessors can eliminate this problem with small load dry cycles for each fabric classification. 2. Allowing laundry to dry too long. Besides wasting energy and production time, overdrying creates friction, which wears out linen fibers and produces excess lint. Dont pad drying time just to make sure. 3. Not running the dryer at constant production rates. Its a waste of production time to let employees dictate when a dryer is loaded. Often the machine sits idle after a load is dried because employees are engaged in other tasks. There are automatic or semi-automatic dryer loading and unloading possibilities for almost any laundry. 4. Taking too long to load or unload machines. Besides wasting time, this allows the dryers cylinder to cool off between loads, resulting in the dryer having to work harder to bring the temperature back up for the next batch. 5. Too much heat at the end of the load. The most effective means of drying is to apply the greatest heat to laundry at the beginning of cycles. It is best to restrict heat toward the end, when goods are most susceptible to damage. Dryers with microprocessors can do this easily. 6. Not enough cool-down. If dried laundry is not cooled down enough during the dryers cool-down cycle, at worst there is a chance that it may smolderor even catch fire! At best, wrinkles are set into the fabric, which means employees must spend more time in the finishing area trying to get them out. Sometimes the laundry must be rewashed. Ideally, the cool-down cycle should occur when the laundry reaches a certain temperature, not at a pre-selected time. Microprocessors make this possible. 7. Not keeping filters clean enough to allow the dryer to operate at optimum levels. Although it should be a given that laundries follow the manufacturerss recommended filter-cleaning schedule, its amazing how few do. 8. Not maintaining the dryers seal. A dryers efficiency is directly related to the condition of its seal, since it keeps cold air out and hot air inside the basket so it can flow through the laundry. Most seals wear out quickly since they are subjected to the reverse side of the baskets perforations (a cheese-grater effect). A worn-out seal means the dryer has to work harder and longer to dry goods. You can bypass this problem entirely with new dryers, which have an unusual placement of the seal on a smooth band around the basket. 9. Not moving laundry to finishing stations quickly. Optimum use of ironers, for example, relies on a specific amount of moisture in the goods before ironing. Allowing goods to sit too long makes them wrinkle; sometimes rewashing is the only cure. Besides improving scheduling, consider installing a conveyor or some other automated means of transport between dryers and finishing stations. 10. Not keeping accurate production and cost figures for drying. To improve anything, you need to know what youre starting withhow much time and fuel are projected for each classification versus actual numbers. New personal computer systems can provide this information in summarized reports.
Source: Mike Diedling, Avoiding Ten Most Common Errors in Drying Reduces Fuel Costs in Institu tional Laundries," Laundry News.


Chapter 8

Dryers come in various colors to match an operation's decor. Other features include signal lights indicating dryer operation, self cleaning lint screens, reverse cylinder drives (to help prevent laundry from balling and tangling), no snag" baskets with extruded perforations to help protect delicate fabrics, and automatic backdraft dampers (to eliminate downdrafts that chill the dryer). Some dryers with microprocessors have diagnostic boards that allow maintenance employees to locate a problem quickly.

Flatwork Finishers
The two machines commonly used to finish linens, tablecloths, and other laundry items are ironers and folders. Ironers. Ironers give linens a crisp, finished look. Sometimes properties even send no iron" blended linens through an ironer to improve their appearance, espe cially if they have been washed enough times for their no iron finish to be dam aged or worn out. Ironers can be heated by gas (generally the most economical method), steam, electricity, or thermal fluid, and are available in several sizes. Small units may fin ish 40 to 100 pounds of laundry per hour; large units can finish up to 1,500 pounds per hour.6 Ironers are wide enough to take in tablecloths and bed linens. Some ironers also fold and stack linens. Some, called dual finish ironers, iron linens on both sides. Microprocessors on large units monitor temperatures and production speed. Some ironers can take linens directly from washer extractors, eliminating the drying step. Folders. Folders can be very simple devices that function like an extra pair of hands to help an employee fold laundry manually. Folders can also be large, rec tangular machines that look much like ironers and fold laundry automatically. They take linens fed into them manually or automatically from the ironer and fold them, using blasts of air for the primary folds. There are primary folders and cross folders. Some machines combine both functions. Some folders have infrared photo sensors that measure the linen as it is fed into the machine; a microprocessor then makes the calculations that determine the fold points and triggers the air blasts. Counters display the number of linens that have been folded. Grading devices sig nal employees when soiled or torn linens go through the machine. Some folders have attachments that stack folded linens on a conveyor belt; the belt then moves the stacks to the next laundry station.

Valet Equipment
Valet services require many types of equipment.7 There are body presses, sleeve finishers, collar yoke cuff presses, vacuum spotting boards, form finishers, utility presses, mushroom presses, pants toppers, and others. Presses are heated with steam and come in automatic, semi automatic, or manual models. Presses greatly increase employee productivity. For example, an employee can finish 20 to 35 shirts per hour with a good shirt finishing press. Finishing cabinets and tunnels are used to get wrinkles out of no iron employee uniforms and other garments. Garments are put on hangers and placed

Laundry Systems


in a cabinet or on a conveyor that pulls laundry through a tunnel where wrinkles are steamed out. Hand irons (electric or steam), water spray guns, and sewing machines are also part of a good valet department.

Laundry Design
Obviously, to run smoothly a laundry needs to be well designed and have the right equipment, properly installed. What may be less obvious is that such laundries have lower equipment maintenance costs. By having a well designed facility with correctly installed equipment, equipment modifications and equipment break down due to overuse and misapplication will be minimized. Managers at many properties have their laundries designed by outside con tractors. These contractors should be aware of laundry employees' schedules, guestroom occupancies and quantities of dirty laundry generated, the type and amount of laundry coming from food and beverage operations, and laundry from other sources for example, a health club facility. There may be a time in your career when you will be asked to help design or redesign an on premises laundry. There are several signs that a laundry may need to be redesigned: Too many last minute rush jobs Persistent linen shortages Too much overtime among laundry workers The laundry never seems to catch up Work space is tight; often there seem to be too many employees, carts, and equipment for the space8 You should ask questions before redesigning a laundry, however: Can the laundry's workload be changed to avoid last minute rush jobs? Would a change in the laundry's operating hours solve the problem? Are linen shortages due to inventory depletion because linens have been lost, worn out, or stolen? When was the last time anyone took a physical inventory of sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, and so on? In hotels operating with 3 par or less, an inventory should be taken at least every 30 days. Can the overtime problem be solved in a cost effective manner by hiring addi tional part time or full time employees? Are there employees from other parts of the operation that can help out in the laundry (for example, room atten dants who finish their rounds early)? If the laundry never catches up, is it because employees are not scheduled cor rectly? Do you simply need more equipment? Is laundry being washed or dried too long, causing unnecessary delays? Is equipment operating at peak efficiency? Does the laundry lose time because equipment constantly breaks down? If your equipment is more than ten years old, new equipment could


Chapter 8 dramatically decrease washing and finishing times and eliminate the need to redesign the laundry.

Even if work space is tight, a redesign of the laundry may not be necessary. Are the laundry carts in the laundry room typically half full? If so, the number of carts in the laundry room can be reduced. Can an area outside the laundry be used as a holding space for soiled laundry? This area would have to be eas ily accessible with no safety hazards and be secure from theft. As a last resort, perhaps housekeeping personnel can be asked to hold onto soiled goods until they can be accommodated in the laundry.

If these options do not seem to be the answer, then a redesign of the laundry may be in order. You should do a cost analysis first, however. Add total direct and indirect operating costs (salaries, supplies, maintenance, repairs, utilities, depreci ation, and so on) for a given period of time, and divide that cost by the number of pounds of laundry processed during that same time period. This will give you a cost per pound of laundry processed. If a redesign of the laundry, including the purchase of new equipment, cannot reduce the cost per pound by 15 percent or more, the redesign is not practical from a cost savings standpoint.

Design Factors
Basic design factors that need to be thought out when designing or redesigning an on premises laundry include location, size, equipment, layout, utilities, and labor. Location. If you are planning to redesign an existing laundry, the location of the laundry has already been decided for you. But since most laundries are expanded when they are redesigned, there is still the question of where to find the additional space. To save labor and utility costs, find the extra space as close as possible to the existing laundry. One hotel moved the valet section of its laundry into an adjacent locker room, freeing up space in the laundry for additional equipment. Another hotel built its new laundry on the floor directly above the old one. The old laundry had washing, drying, and finishing areas in one room. The new laundry housed the washing and drying equipment only, and the old laundry was converted into a finishing area. Clean linens from the new laundry dropped through chutes into waiting carts on the floor below to be separated, folded, and stored. If you are planning a new on premises laundry, make sure to locate it far enough from guestrooms so that guests won't be disturbed when laundry equip ment is running. Another important consideration: are utilities and drains readily available at the proposed location? If so, installation costs will be lower. Very hot water 160F to 180F (71C to 82C), cold water, steam, gas, and large sewer drains and water lines are essential plumbing requirements. Getting carts into and out of the laundry is easier if the laundry is located on the main floor. Remodeling costs can be kept down if the laundry is located in or near the current linen distribution area. And last but certainly not least, ideally a laundry should be located in an area with an outside wall, since dryers and other equipment need to be vented to the outside. If a hotel has a basement, the laundry is usually located there because (1) laun dry equipment can be very heavy, and (2) vibrations from the equipment are better

Laundry Systems


absorbed. There are exceptions to this, however. As noted earlier, one hotel chose to expand its laundry by taking space above the laundry rather than alongside it. The floor of the new laundry was structurally reinforced to bear the added weight, and vibration was not a problem since the new equipment had such anti vibration features as shock absorbers and self balancing baskets. In Hawaii, where flooding can be a problem, the Hawaii Prince Hotel in Waikiki located its laundry well above the basement. If an upper floor has not previously supported laundry equip ment, it is important for management to consult a structural engineer before mov ing equipment to that floor. Wherever the laundry is located, the laundry room's walls should be durable and moisture resistant, and ceilings should resist moisture and absorb sound. An eight to ten foot ceiling is usually sufficient. A cement floor with easily cleanable floor drains and no low spots where water can pool is ideal. Size. The size for a hotel laundry is dependent on a number of variables: the types and amounts of linen used; the average number of guests per day; the number of restaurants in the hotel; the types and capacities of laundry equipment; whether employees wear uniforms and, if so, whether those uniforms are laundered at the hotel. Laundry equipment manufacturers and laundry design consultants can help you determine the correct size for your hotel's specific needs. Equipment. Because each lodging operation is unique, it is impossible to give spe cific advice on equipment selection. However, there are some useful general ques tions you should ask when selecting a piece of equipment:

Is it easy to operate? Ease of operation is especially important if there is high employee turnover or if employees from other departments help out in the laundry. Many machines have microprocessors to help keep things simple for employees. Is it versatile enough to do the job? Chances are, a piece of equipment will be called on to handle a variety of tasks. For example, washer extractors are called on to clean a number of different fabrics with various degrees of soiling, from lightly soiled sheets to heavily soiled floor mats. Therefore, washer extractors should be able to dispense a variety of chemical formulas and have different cycles to deal with the various laundry items and soiling conditions they will encounter. Will it survive heavy use? Commercial laundry equipment is designed to stand up under heavy use for many years, but some equipment handles the workload better than others. Also, the laundry's equipment will be operated by a number of different people over the years and, at times, will be abused. Is the equipment well constructed of strong materials? Does it have life extending features such as heavy duty motors and a load distribution speed?

Of course, another factor to consider when buying equipment is the manufacturer. Does the manufacturer provide good service and parts backup? How long has it been in business? What kind of warranty does it provide? Does it specialize in laundry equipment? Some manufacturers have extensive mainte nance manuals, service seminars for maintenance employees, and training videos


Chapter 8

and workbooks for on the job training. Some do not. You may pay dearly for an equipment bargain" if the manufacturer doesn't stand behind its products or provide good service support.9 A question that is sometimes not asked until the last minute is: How are we going to get the equipment into the laundry room? Some washer extractors and dryers are huge machines, and it is not unknown for a hotel to take off a section of its roof or knock a big hole in a wall to get its laundry equipment into the building. For small hotels buying small capacity equipment, some manufacturers make machines narrow enough to fit through conventional doorways. Let's take a closer look at selection considerations for the two most important pieces of equipment every laundry has to have: washer extractors and dryers. Washer extractors. It is usually best to install two small washer extractors rather than one large one, because: It takes less time to accumulate a full load for a smaller machine If one machine breaks down, you have a backup You can handle small, odd laundry loads more efficiently You can wash two different types of laundry at the same time (for example, lightly soiled sheets and heavily soiled cleaning rags) Small machines impose less of a peak load on plumbing and electrical systems

However, there may be times when you should buy a single large washer extractor rather than two smaller ones. The laundry area may not be large enough for two machines. Perhaps the budget won't permit two machines (usually one large model costs less than two small models). And if the choice is between one 35 pound commercial washer extractor or several home appliance washers, choose the single commercial machine for greater efficiency, durability, and laun dry quality. The size of the washer extractor's cylinder or basket is a top consideration when choosing a washer extractor. Commercial washer extractors use a lifting and tumbling action to wash clothes, as opposed to the agitator action of a home washer. A large cylinder does more lifting and tumbling than a small one. Machines rated at the same capacity may have different size washing cylinders; those with the smaller cylinders will do a poorer job of washing. Cylinder turning speed is also important. A wash speed that is too fast will plaster the laundry to the cylinder wall, cutting down on the lifting and dropping action. Because a laundry handles a variety of fabrics, it is best to buy one washer extractor with a high extraction speed (for thick laundry items and cottons) and one with a low extraction speed (for permanent press sheets, polyester or cotton/ polyester employee uniforms, and other polyester or blended fabrics). If only one machine is budgeted, buy one that gives you a choice of high or low extraction speed.10 A large, accessible door is important for fast loading and unloading. Door safety locks prevent opening the machine while it is operating. Finally, ease of operation is important. Choose a washer extractor that your employees can learn easily and quickly.

Laundry Systems


Dryers. For faster drying and less wrinkling, a dryer should have a slightly larger capacity than its corresponding washer extractor. One rule of thumb is approximately 25 percent more.11 There are many things to look for in a dryer. Is it the right size for your needs? Is it easy to operate? Is it easy to maintain? Some dryers have diagnostic micropro cessors if there is a problem with the dryer's door, heat sensor, motor, etc., the microprocessor displays information to help maintenance employees locate and solve the problem. Does the dryer have a variety of cycles to handle various types of laundry with differing drying requirements? Does it have an anti wrinkle cycle? Does it have a no snag basket? The answers to these and other questions will help you determine the dryer(s) best suited to meet your hotel's needs. Layout. A laundry layout should position equipment so that laundry flows smoothly with no backtracking from the soiled laundry area to the finished laun dry area (see Exhibit 2). Exhibit 3 shows a laundry layout for a typical small property (150 rooms); Exhibit 4 shows a layout for a property with 500 to 750 rooms. These exhibits illus trate the flow through nature of laundry design and the need to locate equipment to provide a minimum travel distance between key equipment (such as between washers and dryers). Any modifications to a laundry's layout should always consider work flow and, whenever possible, not interfere with the smooth flow of traffic. When laying out a laundry room, aim for easy loading and unloading of equipment to reduce turnaround time between loads. Soiled laundry storage and sorting should be done near the washer extractors. Dryers should be placed close to washer extractors to save time and employee effort. Hinges on washer extractor and dryer doors can be placed on the left or right side the proper choice depends on your laundry's layout. For example, if you have two washer extractors and two dryers in a row along one wall, it would be best for the washer extractor hinges to be on the left side and the dryer hinges to be on the right, so that employees won't have to walk around an open washer extractor door to get to a dryer. The folding area should be located close to or in the direction of the room or area where laun dry is stored. When positioning equipment, you should also pay close attention to the laun dry room's entrances, exits, support columns (if any), and drain locations. Check local codes for restrictions or permit requirements before installing equipment. Have you allowed enough space between adjacent machines? A good general rule is to allow at least 18 inches between washer extractors. Dryers can usually be placed closer together.12 It's also important to allow space around a machine for servicing. One manufacturer suggests you should allow at least two feet between the back of a machine and the wall behind it, although this minimum clearance varies with the machine's design.13 Utilities. Many pieces of laundry equipment require an electrical supply, usually three phase and at least 208/240 volt. Both 115V and 220V grounded electric out lets must also be provided in the laundry area. Machines may use natural gas or


Chapter 8 Laundry Layouts

50 lb. washerextractor 35 lb. washerextractor 65 lb. washerextractor 110 lb. dryer 110 lb. dryer 110 lb. dryer 110 lb. dryer folding table

Exhibit 2

small piece folder

81-95 room hotel

450 lb. washerextractor 50 lb. dryer 50 lb. dryer 450 lb. washerextractor 350-400 room hotel

folding and stacking table

ironer folder/ crossfolder

valet area

two compartment sink scale

soiled sorting area


linen storage area

linen chute

95 lb. washerextractor

95 lb. washerextractor folding and stacking table 95 lb. washerextractor 95 lb. washerextractor 95 lb. washerextractor

146-170 room hotel

231-255 room hotel folding and stacking table

110 lb. dryer folding and stacking table

110 lb. dryer folding and stacking table

110 lb. dryer ironer/folder/ crossfolder

110 lb. dryer

110 lb. dryer

Source: Adapted from materials supplied by the Pellerin Milnor Corporation and Jay D. Chase, Laun dry Service: Consider the Options," Lodging, May 1986, p. 34.

(less commonly) steam as their fuel source, requiring a connection to the building's gas or steam system. A laundry must have an adequate supply of hot and cold water. One to five gallons of water may be required for each pound of laundry processed. If you can operate the laundry during periods of low hot water usage, you may not need to increase hot water capacity, or may only need to add a booster to the existing water heater(s). Otherwise, additional water heaters may be needed. A water softener may also be required. Since both hot and cold water are used in washing, it may be advisable to soften both. Drains must keep up with the rapid rates of discharge

Laundry Systems Exhibit 3 Laundry Layout for a Small Property



On-Premises Laundry: Typical Small-Property Layout

150 Rooms No-Iron Facility Approximate space: 800 sq. ft. Equipment Budget: $42,500.00 1. (2) 85 Pound Washer-Extractor 2. (3) 100 Pound Gas Heated Dryer 3. (1) 60 Gas Heated Ironer 4. (1) Double Laundry Sink 5. Extra-Hand Sheet Folder



2. 3.





Source: Jay D. Chase, Laundry Service: Consider the Options," Lodging, May 1986, p. 38.

Exhibit 4

Laundry Layout for a Large Property

On-Premises Laundry: Typical Large-Property Layout

1. 2. 3. 4. 4a. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Approximate Space: 6,000 sq. ft. 11. Equipment Budget: $570,950.00 12. 13.

500-750 Rooms Flatwork Finishing with Valet

Double Sink Weighing/Loading Conveyor 13-Chamber Tunnel Washer Membrane Press Shuttle Conveyor (3) Gas-Heated Tumbler (2) 65 Pound Capacity Washer/Extractor (2) 110 Pound Capacity Gas Heated Tumbler Washer Control Console Shuttle/Dryer Control Console Small Piece Folder w/ Return 2-Roll, 32 Steam-Heated Flatwork Ironer Folder/Crossfolder Steam Tunnel Finisher

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Spotting Board Drycleaning Machine Air Vacuum Unit Pants Topper Legger Press Form Finisher Triple Puff Iron Collar & Cuff Press Cabinet Shirt Press Shirt Sleever Utility Press Spreader/Feeder Chemical Tanks 3-Roll Bagger Stick Rail Assembly Rail

Source: Jay D. Chase, Laundry Service: Consider the Options," Lodging, May 1986, p. 36.


Chapter 8

possible from modern laundry equipment. Often a drain trough is used (see Exhibit 3). Other floor drains (installed flush with the floor surface so as not to impede work) remove accidental overflow and normal cleanup water. Water for the laundry must be supplied at suitable pressure levels. Large laundries have washers with rapid fill rates, which means water must be provided at enough pressure to ensure that the washers are filled quickly. Because of the large quantity of water required and unique temperature needs, large laundries should have their own water heating equipment. This equipment has all the main tenance needs of any water heating equipment. Only heavy duty, commercial equipment should be purchased to heat water for a laundry. The water itself must be free of problem causing contaminants. As mentioned, water for laundries is usually softened because detergents work better in softened water. It may also be necessary to remove iron, manganese, and sulfur to avoid staining problems and enhance the cleaning action of detergents. Maintenance staff should be sure water treatment equipment is operating at an optimum level and is properly maintained. Periodic water testing may be necessary to ensure the water is being treated correctly and to check for changes in water supply conditions. The rapid filling rates of commercial laundry equipment can result in water hammer," a problem that can also affect other portions of the water system. Water hammer occurs when water flowing rapidly in a pipe is abruptly stopped. In the case of laundry equipment, the solenoid valves used to control water flow can create this problem. Consider installing shock arresters on the water lines, using piping practices that reduce water hammer, or replacing solenoid water valves with adjustable air operated water valves that can eliminate water hammer. Labor. One factor that affects laundry design is the number of people who work in the laundry. One rule of thumb for a small institutional laundry is that one person should be able to handle about 80 pounds of laundry per hour.14 Allow enough space to accommodate the number of employees who will be working during the laundry's busiest times.

Laundry Maintenance
The general manager is indirectly responsible for correctly operating and main taining the on premises laundry. Direct responsibility is shared by the housekeep ing department and the engineering department. Engineering is responsible for maintaining laundry equipment and keeping the laundry's utility and water costs within limits set by upper management. Laundry equipment may be maintained by engineering personnel or by an outside contractor usually the dealer from whom the equipment was purchased. Housekeeping employees staff the laundry and are therefore involved in a number of day to day decisions and actions that have an impact on how much maintenance a laundry needs. Some properties have a laundry manager; at others, the executive housekeeper or one of his or her assis tants manages the laundry. A laundry's maintenance and operating needs depend in part on its size and equipment. In a hotel that processes laundry for other hotels as well as its own (the

Laundry Systems Exhibit 5 Sample Maintenance Actions for Laundry Equipment

CLOTHES WASHER DAILY 1. Inspect washer and check operation. 2. Wipe door gasket to remove soap buildup. MONTHLY 1. Check and tighten base hold-down bolts. 2. Vacuum lint and dust from control housing. 3. Check for loose wires and connections. Tighten. 4. Check belt for wear and tension. 5. Check drain assembly. Clean out rubbish. 6. Lubricate drain solenoid linkage. 7. Lubricate bearings per manufacturers specs and frequently (may be annually rather than monthly). 8. Clean machine. ANNUALLY 1. Conduct all actions listed under monthly heading. 2. Check pulley alignment. Adjust as required. 3. Open front loading door. Check rotating drum for clearance. Adjust from rear as required. 4. Check all safety devices. CLOTHES DRYER DAILY 1. Inspect machine and check operation. 2. Clean lint trap.


MONTHLY 1. Check and tighten base hold-down bolts. 2. Vacuum dust and lint from top compartment and burner assembly. 3. Blow out dust and lint from lower electrical compartment. 4. Check for loose wires and connections. 5. Check belt for wear and tension. 6. Lubricate chain per manufacturers specs and frequency (may be annually rather than monthly. ANNUALLY 1. Carry out maintenance actions listed under monthly. 2. Lubricate bearings per manufacturers specs and frequency (may be monthly rather than annually). 3. Open front loading door. check rotating basket for clearance. Use adjustment bolts in rear if required. 4. Thoroughly clean dryer. 5. Check pulley alignment. Adjust as required.

Source: Adapted from materials supplied by the Pellerin Milnor Corporation and Jay D. Chase, Laun dry Service: Consider the Options," Lodging, May 1986, p. 34.

Chicago Hilton and Towers, for example, processes laundry for other Chicago area Hilton properties), the laundry's size is much larger and it has more equip ment than is required just for the hotel itself. The type of equipment in the laundry depends on whether the facility provides all possible laundry services or only the basics. For example, a hotel laundry may do dry cleaning for the hotel or may send it to an outside commercial establishment. Exhibit 5 contains sample maintenance actions for laundry equipment. Main tenance actions are usually not complex, although troubleshooting and repair of today's computerized equipment can become so. For large laundries, some main tenance employees may be assigned virtually full time to the laundry, or contract maintenance services may be used. A good preventive maintenance program for laundry equipment is a must, since a breakdown can have immediate effects on many aspects of the hotel. Equipment is not the only maintenance concern in a laundry. Because of the heat, humidity, and chemicals present in laundries, the only way most laundries can be kept habitable is by using an HVAC system. For this reason, maintenance staff should give any HVAC maintenance request by laundry personnel a priority.15


Chapter 8

1. Nick Raio, Wyndham Wind Watch In House Laundry Custom Fit for Hotel Needs," Hotel Business, July 7 20, 1998, pp. 32 33. 2. Adapted from Frank D. Borsenik and Alan T. Stutts, The Management of Maintenance and Engineering Systems in the Hospitality Industry, 2d ed. (New York: Wiley, 1987), p. 442. 3. Some of the following information was found in Poly trux: Seamless One Piece Molded Polymer Trucks," a brochure from Meese, Inc., Leonia, New Jersey. 4. Commissioning Milnor 35 and 50 lb. Machines," a brochure by the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana, p. 30. 5. Much of the information in this section was found in Questions People Ask About Tunnel Washing," a brochure by the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana. 6. From Chicago's All Star Lineup," a brochure by the Chicago Dryer Company, Chicago, Illinois. 7. Much of the material in this section is drawn from brochures and other materials from the Cissell Manufacturing Company, Louisville, Kentucky. 8. This list and much of the information in this section are based on How to Spot and Remedy Growing Pains," by Charles A. Emling, Jr., Laundry News. 9. Laundry Equipment Selection Checklist," courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana. 10. Before Buying a Washer Extractor" Executive Housekeeping Today. 11. Kenneth A. Penman, Saving Money with an On Premise Laundry," Athletic Purchasing and Facilities. 12. A Laundry Planning Checklist," courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana. 13. A Laundry Planning Checklist," courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana. 14. A Laundry Planning Checklist," courtesy of the Pellerin Milnor Corporation, Kenner, Louisiana. 15. Two sources for more information about on premises laundries and laundering are the National Association of Institutional Linen Management and the American Laundry and Linen College, both in Richmond, Kentucky.

Key Terms
bottom transfer machine A tunnel washer that moves the laundry and the water along the bottom of the washer.

Laundry Systems


cool down cycle A washer cycle in which cold water is slowly injected into the wash to prevent blended no iron fabrics from going into the thermal shock" that causes wrinkles. dryer A machine that dries laundry by tumbling it in a basket exposed to hot air. extractor A machine that extracts water from laundered fabrics, usually by spin ning the laundry in a basket, though very large extractors may press the water out. Extractors cut down on drying time and costs. folder A machine that folds laundry. Folders range from simple devices that help employees fold laundry manually to huge rectangular machines that fold laundry automatically, taking linens fed into them manually or directly from the ironer. ironer A machine that uses rollers to iron linens, giving them a crisp, finished look. Some ironers also fold and stack linens. top transfer machines A tunnel washing machine that lifts the laundry out of the water and drains it before transferring it to the next bath. tunnel washer Also called a batch or continuous washer. Tunnel washers are, in effect, a series of interconnected washers in which each bath, or cycle, is kept in a different cylinder and laundry is moved from one cylinder to the next. washer extractors Sometimes called conventional washers, these free standing units are used to both clean laundry and then extract water from it in preparation for transfer to drying machines.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. International Fabricare Institute www.ifi.org Pellerin Milnor Corporation www.milnor.com Textile Care Allied Trades Association www.tcata.org

Laundry Today www.laundrytoday.com

NAILM: American Laundry & Linen College www.nailm.com

The Building and Exterior Facilities

From Hospitality Facilities Management and Design, Second Edition by David M. Stipanuk

N THIS CHAPTER we will discuss the building itself the shell that protects employees and guests and houses the electrical, HVAC, lighting, telecommunica tion, and other systems. We will also discuss the facilities exterior to the building parking areas, storm water drainage systems, utilities, and landscaping and grounds that provide parking spaces for staff members and guests, protect the building, provide the building with power and other services, and enhance the building's value.

The building exterior, grounds, and parking areas of hospitality busi nesses are the first places seen and experienced by guests. Most hospital ity businesses strive for some level of curb appeal and need to maintain it. In addition, the building exterior represents the barrier between the con ditioned interior of the facility and the varying and sometimes harsh conditions found in the natural environment.

The Building
The building envelope is made up of all the exterior elements of the building: the roof, exterior walls (including doors and windows), structural frame, and founda tion. The various parts of a building must work together. If any one part is neglected, it can have an adverse effect on the others. The functions of a building are to provide usable space and shelter people, equipment, fixtures, and furnishings from the weather. Wind, rain, snow, heat, and cold are excluded or managed by the building envelope.

The roof is a critically important part of any building. Unfortunately, the roof is often ignored until it leaks. If water gains access to the building through the roof system, great damage can result, first to the roof and later to the structural ele ments of the building. Interior finishes are also quickly destroyed by roof leaks. For example, a new paint job is ruined by a few minutes of water leakage. It is not uncommon to find roofs with very few problems over a 20 to 30 year period. On the other hand, some roofs suffer partial or total failure in the first year of a building's operation. A roof's life expectancy depends on the quality of the



Chapter 9 Built Up Roof

Exhibit 1

gravel felts insulation vapor barrier deck

construction materials, the skill of the builders, and the effectiveness of the preven tive maintenance program. A major roof repair can be a very substantial investment that has a profound effect on cash flow as well as day to day operations. Therefore, serious efforts should be made to maintain a roof properly and extend its service life. Basic Structure. A roof is composed of a deck and a covering. The deck is the struc tural material the covering is placed upon. The deck is usually made of wood, metal, or concrete. A roof system is the combination of all the components of the roof that act together to create a weather and climate barrier for the building. There are several common types of roofing materials, including asphalt or fiberglass shingles and roll roofing, split wood shakes, sawn wood shingles, clay and concrete tile, steel and aluminum, and various types of built up and single ply materials. The roofing material chosen for a building will depend on factors such as economics, the shape of the roof, climate, fire resistance, durability, and aesthet ics. Even marketing may play a factor some operations have distinctive colors or shapes to their roofs that serve to identify the product to prospective guests. The primary purpose of all of these roofing systems is to keep water from penetrating below the roofing material. For some systems, this is accomplished by having overlapping layers of roofing material oriented on the roof so that water running down the roof will not penetrate under the layers. This is the method used on many homes. For added protection, a layer of asphalt or tar impregnated paper called roofing felt is installed directly on the roof's deck. When roofs are relatively flat, multiple layers of felt may be sealed together to form a moisture barrier. These layers are then covered with a surface dressing often a gravel layer that (1) helps reduce damage due to ultra violet rays, (2) pro vides weight to hold down insulation materials, and (3) provides a greater degree of fire protection. This type of roofing system is referred to as a built up roof (see Exhibit 1). Many flat roofs are built today with single ply roofing systems. These systems are a membrane roofing system composed of large pieces of roofing material that

The Building and Exterior Facilities


are bonded together using heat or chemicals to form a one piece roof system. The roofing material may adhere to the deck by mechanical means, adhesives, or by the weight of gravel used as a ballast. There are many different materials used for single ply roofing systems, each of which has particular properties, installation requirements, and maintenance needs. Most roof structures are pierced by a variety of building mechanical systems, the mounting locations for various equipment, and are subject to foot traffic for periodic inspections, the removal of debris, and the maintenance of equipment. In addition, most flat roofs have integral roof drains for the removal of water. All penetrations of the roof structure must be adequately sealed so that water does not enter below the roofing material at these locations. Flashing is installed under the roofing and up the sides of equipment and where roofs contact walls. Flashing is usually formed from sheets of aluminum or copper with edges and joints sealed with elastomeric materials. In addition, many roofing systems include insulation as part of the roof sys tem. In these instances, the roofing system also plays a key role in controlling energy usage of the building. Preventive Maintenance. A preventive maintenance program should include reg ular inspections (before and after the most severe climatic season each year, and after each major storm), removal of all foreign objects (tree limbs, leaves, dirt, and so on), repair of blisters (pockets of air or water between layers of the roof system), exclusion of ponded water, maintenance of all flashing, and maintenance of the ballast. Just because a roof is under warranty does not mean that it should be neglected. Indeed, failure to routinely inspect the roof may void the warranty. Inspections. As part of the inspection process, the condition of the roof should be documented. This is especially true if a leak is found. It is then important to locate the spot and write down the conditions under which the leak occurred (such as wind direction and velocity, temperature, and so on). Also note if anyone was on the roof prior to the first time the leak was noticed. A more thorough and detailed inspection by professionals is often called for.

Exterior Walls
Exterior building walls have two basic functions: 1. To enclose the usable parts of the building 2. To provide support for higher floors and the roof system For walls to function as intended, they must be built to provide protection against the weather and have enough structural strength to support the building. Exterior walls are constructed of a variety of materials, such as timber, con crete, and steel. A wall may be an integral unit, or be constructed in pre assembled units and joined together on the job site. A wall's materials and method of construction and assembly have a pronounced effect on maintenance. Walls can be classified as bearing (supporting) or non bearing, depending on whether they support other building elements or only themselves.


Chapter 9

The useful life of an exterior wall depends on the type of wall and the quality of construction. In general, any exterior wall, properly maintained, should last over 100 years. Without good maintenance, a wall's useful life can be reduced dramatically. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance activities for exterior walls include painting, cleaning, and inspecting. Painting. Painting outside surfaces poses special problems. Wind, sun, rain, and snow can quickly take their toll if these surfaces are not properly protected. The durability of an outdoor paint job depends on many factors, such as the qual ity of paint selected, the extent of the surface preparation, the skill with which the paint is applied, and local climate and weather conditions. For the longest lasting job, top quality paint should be selected. Surface prep aration is also very important. It is a good idea to inspect for difficult areas, such as peeling paint under roof eaves or on gutters and downspouts. If the surface is not correctly prepared, the new paint will not adhere on it properly. Surface prepara tion should include scraping the outside surfaces clean of peeling paint and rust, and making sure that oil, grease, and dirt are removed. Graffiti on exterior walls can be a serious problem, especially for masonry walls. The most practical method of minimizing graffiti damage to masonry walls is to apply clear sealers. When masonry pores are sealed, paint and other materials used for graffiti are prevented from penetrating the surface, making cleanup rela tively easy. Acrylic sealers are the most promising of all the various sealers applied solely for protection against graffiti. Cleaning. Cleaning is an important part of the preventive maintenance pro gram for exterior walls. Dirt provides a much greater surface area than clean build ing materials, and the more surface area that is exposed to atmospheric pollutants, the greater are the possibilities that destructive chemical reactions will start. Dirty areas remain wet longer, resulting in more severe freeze/thaw cycles. And wet, dirty areas can support microorganisms that can cause disintegration, destruction, and staining. Selecting an appropriate cleaning method can be challenging, because the composition of dirt is so complex. Acidic cleaners can be very damaging, particu larly to marble and limestone, and alkaline cleaners can also be harmful. A cleaner should first be tested on a small area to make sure it will not damage the wall. When cleaning a sealed masonry surface that has been marked with graffiti, the gentlest treatment, such as water mixed with a detergent, should be tried first. A stiff scrub brush, such as a roofing or whitewash brush, is a recommended tool. If this treatment is ineffective, a mild organic solvent, such as mineral spirits, should be tried. If the markings still won't come off, stronger solvents are necessary. These include xylol, lacquer solvents, and paint strippers. These materi als may remove some of the acrylic sealer along with the markings. However, as long as the sealer kept the markings from penetrating the wall's pores, it served its purpose. Inspections. Exterior walls should be inspected at least semi annually. Things to look for include cracks, loose mortar, mildew, inflow or outflow of water, paint and sealant deterioration, and evidence of wall or building movement. Changes

The Building and Exterior Facilities


noted since the previous inspection should be investigated to determine why the change occurred. Any evidence or suspicion of wall movement should be thoroughly checked by a structural engineer.

Windows and Doors

Openings are made through a building's exterior walls for windows and doors. These windows and doors need sealants around their edges to keep moisture out, and may be weather stripped to prevent heat loss or gain. Buildings can lose significant amounts of heat in cold months and cool air in hot months if windows and doors are not properly designed and maintained. Windows in new, energy efficient buildings are often fixed (cannot be opened). Casement windows open either outward or inward like a door; vertically hung windows open by sliding the lower half up. The glass in windows is referred to as glazing. Single glazed windows have one pane of glass; double glazed win dows have two sheets of glass with air or gas in between. They provide better temperature and noise insulation than single glazed windows. Tinted glass has a coating that reflects heat and keeps a building cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Doors may be wooden or metallic, solid or hollow. Some doors are mostly glass, such as revolving doors. Revolving doors are used at some hospitality prop erties because they don't get the wear regular doors receive from constantly being opened and closed, and because they reduce the amount of outside air that gets into the building. Fire safety codes may stipulate that a regular door be installed next to a revolving door as an emergency exit. Inspections. Windows should be inspected regularly for ease of opening and clos ing, loose fitting frames, cracked glazing, damaged hardware, deteriorated caulk ing, and rust (for windows with metal frames). Doors also should be inspected periodically. Problems to look for include damage to hinges, locks, and other hardware; damaged frames; surface deteriora tion; and improper alignment.

Structural Frame
The structural frame of a building is normally thought of as the skeleton" that provides support for the entire building. If there is failure in the structural frame, the entire building has serious problems. Typical construction materials used in structural framing include steel, concrete (reinforced, pre stressed), and ordinary or heavy timber. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance efforts needed for the structural frame include: Inspecting all visible structural members Inspecting other building features that might give telltale signs of structural problems (for example, cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings) Checking doors and windows for proper alignment and closure


Chapter 9

Cracks in walls can indicate underlying structural problems.

(Photo by Jeffrey Lallas)

Tightening all connections Weatherproofing (including painting) structural elements Maintaining fireproofing materials Checking reinforced concrete members Preserving structural steel members

Inspections. The structural frame is usually not exposed to view, but can be inspected fairly easily through access panels and behind the scenes" areas. This inspection should take place at least once a year, and answer at least the following questions:

The Building and Exterior Facilities Have there been any changes since the previous inspection? Are bolts tight and welds intact? Is rust at an acceptable level? Are structural beams deformed or bent? Are fireproofing materials in good condition? Are anchors and attachments in good condition?


For multi story buildings this inspection should be supervised by a structural engineer.

Foundations are traditionally constructed of stone or concrete and rest on a solid, underground footing base. If firm foundation material is not available at a reason able depth, it may be necessary to go deeper by using piles. The decision on footing depth and type is usually left to the architect and structural engineers. Frost walls commonly surround a building in cold climates and are usually part of the foundation system. Their primary purpose is to exclude entry of frost into the foundation, and their structural uses are normally very limited. The foundation of a building is structurally designed to carry the various loads of the building: dead load (the weight of the building itself), live load (the weight of the people, equipment, furnishings, and so on within the building), and loads and stresses imposed by nature (wind, rain, snow, earthquakes). Frequent inspections and a preventive maintenance program are recommended to keep the foundation intact. If maintenance is neglected until it becomes remedial in nature, it is usually too late, and serious problems probably already exist. Foundation walls commonly also serve as basement walls. In these cases the foundation walls take on the added load caused by lateral pressures from the soil. Normal construction techniques require that foundation walls serving as basement walls be waterproofed. However, many old structures have no waterproofing, and many new structures have inadequate waterproofing systems. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance on foundations and footings is difficult to do, since these structural elements are mostly hidden and inaccessible. However, there are some things that can be done: If there are footing drains, keep the outlets open, so that no water stands in the drains. Keep rodent covers over all drain tiles. Relieve excessive water pressure from the outside. Maintain the integrity of the exterior waterproofing. If any excavation is done near the foundation, be sure the membrane is not disturbed.

Inspections. Foundations are often difficult to inspect, and generally it is impractical to inspect the underground portion of the foundation system. How ever, it is essential that the upper portion receive an annual inspection.


Chapter 9 The inspector should look for at least the following: Any cracks through the foundation wall Evidence of water going down adjacent to the foundation Spalling or crumbling concrete Moisture penetrating the foundation walls into basement areas

The building shell must make allowances for the building's transportation sys tem" the hallways, stairways, and elevators that are an integral part of the physi cal facility.1 Because of the elevator 's importance and cost, we will discuss elevators and elevator maintenance in this section. Components. Elevator systems are made up of several components. A cable elevator system has an elevator shaft, a car or cab, guide rails, cables, counter weights, safety devices, and an elevator motor that supplies the electrical power (see Exhibit 2). The car is the only component of an elevator system guests see. The car moves passengers and goods up and down within a vertical shaft. Guide rails are posi tioned in the shaft; the elevator rides on wheels along the guide rails. Cables attach the car to counterweights that move in the opposite direction of the car; counter weights help offset the weight of the car and its passengers, so less energy is needed to move the car. Safety devices keep the car from moving past the lower most and uppermost floors it serves and properly level the car at each floor. Should the cables holding the car break, rail clamps will slow or stop the descent of the car, and bumpers installed at the bottom of the shaft will absorb the impact, limiting passenger injuries and physical damage to the car. There are two basic types of elevator systems: cable and hydraulic. The basic difference between them is that cable elevators move up and down with the help of cables and counterweights; a hydraulic elevator has no cables or counterweights. Instead, the car is mounted on a giant piston inside a cylinder. The cylinder extends into the ground to a depth equal to the height the elevator will rise. An electric pump forces oil into the cylinder, displacing the piston and raising the car. The oil pours out of the cylinder through valves when the car goes down. Hydrau lic elevators can only be used in buildings of six stories or less. Cable elevators are used in buildings with more stories. Maintenance. Many elevator components are covered under a maintenance con tract with the elevator 's manufacturer. Day to day maintenance cleaning, inspecting, and lubricating and some minor repair work is typically the responsi bility of the property's maintenance department. Because the car is what guests see and what they use to judge the condition of the entire elevator system the car should be well maintained at all times. The emergency telephone installed in the car should be checked to make sure it is in working order. Maintenance person nel should ride in the car every day to check ride quality and listen for unusual sounds. Swaying or vibration as the elevator car moves is usually caused by poor

The Building and Exterior Facilities Exhibit 2 Cable Elevator System

elevator shaft motor


roof counter weight

doorway cable


2nd floor

elevator car


pulleys ground/first floor guide rails


guide rail alignment, worn car wheels, or incorrect adjustments. The doors should also be checked at this time. Are they opening and closing properly? The movable parts of the elevator system must be inspected, cleaned, and lubricated periodically. Worn out cables must be replaced by the elevator's manufacturer.


Chapter 9

Exterior Facilities
Some essential facilities are located exterior to the main building. Many of these are underground, and, in a classic illustration of out of sight, out of mind," are not thought about until there are problems. The function of exterior facilities is to provide essential support services to the building. Common types of exterior facili ties are: Parking areas Storm water drainage systems Utilities Landscaping and grounds

Parking Areas
Almost every hotel has a parking area of some description for guests and employees. Some center city hotels may rent space in a municipal parking garage, and the garage is maintained by the city. But most hotels are on their own when it comes to parking area maintenance. In this section we will provide some useful tips on how to properly maintain a parking area. Since most parking lots and garages are built of concrete or asphalt, the section will open with a discussion of these materials and what causes them to deteriorate. Next there are sections on parking lots and garages and the activities necessary to properly maintain them. The section concludes with a discussion of parking lot accessibility requirements mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Concrete. Concrete is a simple building material formed by a somewhat complex chemical process. Concrete's durability, versatility, and economy have made it the most used construction material in the world.2 It's no wonder that many develop ers, builders, and building owners use it to construct their parking lots. Fundamentals of concrete. Concrete is basically a mixture of paste and aggre gates.3 The paste is composed of portland cement, water, and entrapped air. Port land cement combines slowly with water to form a hard solid mass. Aggregates are the inert materials in the concrete such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone. Aggregates make up 60 to 75 percent of the volume (70 to 85 percent by weight) of most concrete mixes. Fine aggregates generally consist of natural sand or crushed stone with most particles smaller than .2 inches (.51 centimeters). Coarse aggre gates consist of gravel or crushed stone with particles generally between 3/8 and 1 1/2 inches (.95 and 3.8 centimeters). The quality of concrete depends to a great extent on the quality of the paste. In properly made concrete, each particle of aggregate is completely coated with paste and all of the spaces between aggregate particles are completely filled with paste. Hardening of concrete is a chemical process called "hydration." Hydration is the chemical reaction between cement and water that forms a rocklike material which bonds to aggregate particles, steel, and other materials. Hydration is not the same as drying. In fact, dry cement does not hydrate because with no water the

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chemical reaction cannot take place. The more cement hydrates, the stronger it becomes. Hardened concrete becomes a strong, non combustible, durable, and abra sion resistant building material that requires little maintenance. However, con crete's relatively low tensile strength (the greatest longitudinal stress it can bear without tearing apart) causes it to crack. Exhibit 3 illustrates how cracks can result from shrinkage. Think of a concrete slab as made up of a series of thin vertical seg ments. Because the top shrinks more than the bottom, each segment becomes slightly narrower at the top than at the bottom, so the segments become slightly wedge shaped. Because the segments remain in full contact with each other, the slab tends to curl at the edges. This creates enough stress to cause the concrete to crack when loads are applied to its surface. The existence of a crack usually does not mean the concrete is in danger of col lapse or disintegration. Cracks are of serious concern only when they are of a type or frequency that cannot be considered typical for a particular structure. Since a certain amount of cracking is usually unavoidable, builders have developed ways to reduce and control cracking. Joints are the most effective method of controlling unsightly cracking. Joints do not eliminate cracking; they are used to predetermine and control the location of cracks. Cracks along neat, straight joints are much easier to seal and maintain than are random cracks. Many concrete problems, especially in concrete parking lots, decks, and ramps, can be avoided by applying a high quality sealant. Sealants fill the pores of the concrete surface and protect it against penetration by waterborne de icing salts and other contaminants. There are many sealants on the market. Professional advice should be sought as to which is best suited for a particular use and a partic ular concrete area's exposure conditions. Concrete deterioration. Concrete deterioration includes crazing, leaching, the deterioration caused by freeze/thaw cycles, and spalling. Most of these problems can be controlled, or at least reduced, by the periodic application of a high quality protective sealant. Crazing refers to fine hairline cracks that form a map like pattern on the sur face of concrete. Just as with many other concrete cracks, crazing is caused by shrinkage. These tiny cracks generally do not seriously affect the usability of a con crete floor. However, if the cracks are wider than hairline width the problem may become quite severe and lead to the concrete's disintegration. Leaching is caused by frequent water migration through a cement floor or through the cracks in the floor. As water migrates through, it takes along part of the cementing constituents and deposits them as a white film, stain, or stalactite on the underside of the concrete. Over a period of years, this process weakens con crete and is accelerated by porous or perpetually moist concrete. Successive freeze/thaw cycles and the resulting disruption of paste and aggregate eventually will damage concrete. In northern climates, freeze/thaw cycles can cause substantial damage. As the moisture in concrete freezes, the con crete expands. When spring thaws start, the concrete's surface thaws first, and has a tendency to shrink back to its original volume, but the frost continues to hold the expanded concrete below the surface in place. This uneven thawing causes the


Chapter 9 Exhibit 3 Concrete Shrinkage and Curling

After curing, a concrete slab begins to dry at the top. Each vertical segment tends to narrow at the top and becomes wedge-shaped (a). Then the slab curls (b). When curling stresses exceed the concretes tensile strength, the slab cracks (c).
Source: American Concrete Institute, Concrete Craftsman Series troit, Mich.: American Concrete Institute, 1982), p. 6. Slabs on Grade (De

The Building and Exterior Facilities


beginning of surface cracks that allow spring rains to penetrate the concrete. When freezing temperatures return, these cracks are widened because the moisture in the cracks freezes and expands. The freeze/thaw cycles are repeated, with cracks con tinuing to grow wider. Finally, the surface area breaks free of the underlying mate rial and begins to break up during a thaw period. The weakened material breaks loose under the movement of traffic and a pothole is formed. Reinforced concrete contains embedded bars, wires, or strands made of steel or other materials. Corrosion of the embedded reinforcement can lead to dish shaped cavities called spalls. Metallic corrosion is an electrochemical process that induces progressive deterioration of reinforced concrete. Rust, a byproduct of corrosion, occupies a volume at least 2.5 times that of the parent metal. Therefore, as rust develops on metal surfaces, the metal expands, causing pressure that forms cracks in the concrete surface. The depth of concrete over and below embedded reinforcement is perhaps the single most important aspect of design and construction that can help prevent spalling. Floor slabs with less than recommended cover over reinforcement, and subject to a lot of de icing salts, undergo rapid and severe spalling. When prepar ing maintenance programs for parking facilities, maintenance managers should pay special attention to the areas where reinforcement occurs near the concrete's surface. Repairing concrete. Repairs to deteriorated concrete range in complexity from simple cleaning and sealing to complete reconstruction. If done properly, patching is generally an effective method of repairing isolated spalls or potholes (see Exhibit 4). A good patch must be durable and must bond well to the concrete surrounding it. Although many patching materials have been tried, the most widely used and effective are generally of portland cement concrete. Other patch ing materials include epoxy and polymer concretes. When the area to be patched covers a significant part of the concrete's surface area, an overlay may be more cost effective than isolated patching. In the case of a concrete floor within an enclosed structure (such as a parking garage), overlays add thickness to the original floor, reduce headroom, and increase the floor's weight. Poorly planned overlays can also cause serious drainage problems. Con sulting a qualified engineer can help ensure that the overlay does not cause more problems than it solves. Asphalt. Asphalt is a dark brown or black thermoplastic material refined from petroleum. Asphalt cement is asphalt that is further refined to make a semi solid material suitable for paving and other industrial uses. Asphalt is valued because it is strong, durable, waterproof, and resistant to the action of most acids and salts. Fundamentals of asphalt. Asphalt concrete is asphalt cement combined with aggregate to make a dense paving material. Just as with the aggregate used for cement, there are various types of aggregate, from fine to coarse, used with asphalt. The asphalt cement and aggregate must be heated before they are com bined the asphalt cement to make it fluid, the aggregate to make it dry and hot enough to keep the asphalt cement fluid while it is coating the aggregate particles. Asphalt paving mixes may be designed and produced from a wide range of aggregate blends, each suited to specific uses or localities. Different types of mixes


Chapter 9 Exhibit 4 Concrete Patching

(a) Saw cut around spalled area to a depth of about 1/2 in.

(b) Slope saw cuts to key in patch.

(c) Chip concrete within saw-cut area to a depth of about 1 1/2 in. Chipped surface should be rough but clean. (d) Prior to patching, dampen area with clean water, cover with wet burlap, and allow to stand several hours. (e) Mix concrete for patch. Concrete should have same proportions as slab concrete but slump should not exceed 2 in. Let mixed concrete stand several minutes before placing it in patch. (f) Remove excess water from patch area but leave surface slightly damp. (g) Compact concrete into patch, overfilling slightly. (h) After several minutes, strike off to proper surface, then finish to the required texture. (i) Moist-cure patch for at least three days. (j) Correctly installed patch.

(k) Incorrectly installed patch. The feathered edges will break down under traffic or will weather off.

Source: American Concrete Institute, Concrete Craftsman Series Slabs on Grade (De troit, Mich.: American Concrete Institute, 1982), p. 65, and Steven H. Kosmatka and William C. Panarese, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 13th ed. (Skokie, Ill.: Portland Cement Association, 1990), p. 118.

The Building and Exterior Facilities


are preferred, depending on the geographic area. Specifications for asphalt mixes have been created by the American Association of State Highway and Transporta tion Officials and the American Society for Testing and Materials. The soil base must be carefully prepared before the asphalt mix is spread. Once spread, the asphalt must be compacted with steamrollers or other heavy equipment. Squeezing out the air in the asphalt mixture and compressing the aggregate and asphalt together strengthens the pavement and makes it more waterproof. In fact, compaction is the single most important factor affecting the quality and life of an asphalt pavement. Asphalt deterioration. Asphalt problems can result from poorly compacted soil underneath the asphalt or from surface failures caused by weathering or wear ing, insufficient asphalt, too much asphalt, unstable mixtures, or poor drainage. Repairing asphalt. Small asphalt cracks should be cleaned with a broom or a leaf blower to get rid of surface debris. If there are plants growing in the cracks, they should be pulled out (if possible) and weed killer applied to the cracks. It may be necessary to flush the cracks with water to remove coatings of clay or dirt. The cracks must be completely dry before repair work begins, however. Once clean, small asphalt cracks can be filled with a hot, rubberized crack filler. Squeegeeing the filler into the crack strengthens the repair and makes for a smoother surface. If there are only a few small cracks to repair, they can be repaired manually. If there is a large area of cracking, it may be necessary to apply a slurry seal instead. A slurry seal is a mixture of emulsified asphalt (asphalt cement thinned with water), fine aggregate, mineral filler, and water applied in a uniform, thin coat to an existing pavement. Repairing large cracks and potholes in asphalt is similar to repairing potholes in concrete. First, the edges of the hole should be squared vertically, and all dam aged or loose material removed from the hole. Then a tack coat a thin, sticky layer of emulsified asphalt should be applied to the sides and bottom of the hole. The hole can then be filled with an asphalt patching mix and compacted. The patching mix should be soft and pliable for easy shoveling, raking, and shaping. If possible, the hole should be dry before the tack coat and patching mix is applied. If the hole is wet, the tack coat or patching mix may not stick and the mix will be forced out of the hole by traffic. That is why many potholes repaired in wet winter conditions have to be repaired again in the spring or summer. Skin patches are generally used to re level asphalt areas that have settled. Again, the edges of the area to be patched should be squared vertically and the area sprayed with a tack coat to make the asphalt mix stick to the existing pavement. Parking Lots. In this section we will discuss a parking lot's structural features, lay out considerations for parking lots, and parking lot maintenance. Structural features. The structural features of a ground level parking lot include the subgrade, subbase, and surface course (see Exhibit 5). The subgrade is the soil that has been prepared and compacted to support the surface course. The subbase is a layer of sand, gravel, crushed stone, or other granular material that is sometimes placed over the prepared subgrade to enhance uniformity of support, bring the site to the desired grade, and serve as a cushion between the surface


Chapter 9 Structural Features of a Ground Level Parking Lot

Exhibit 5

course and the subgrade. The surface course usually consists of concrete or asphalt and provides the wearing surface for vehicles to drive on. It also functions as a sealant, preventing moisture from entering the subbase and the subgrade. The performance of a ground level parking lot depends in large part on the strength and uniformity of the subgrade. Cracks, slab settlement, and structural failure can often be traced to an inadequately prepared subgrade. The subgrade should be well drained; of uniform bearing capacity; level or properly sloped; and free of sod, organic matter, and frost. The surface of a parking lot will be subjected to varying, but predictable, vehicle loads throughout its lifetime. To help the parking lot designer determine the optimum thickness of the surface course, the facility's general manager or maintenance manager must supply the designer with estimates of: The types of vehicles that will use the parking lot (for example, passenger cars, light trucks, heavy trucks) The number of vehicles of each type Typical vehicle loads The number of vehicles expected in the parking lot each day

These estimates, and traffic studies done for similar types of facilities, can help a designer establish structural design requirements. Exhibit 6 indicates concrete slab thicknesses appropriate under various traffic loads. Surface parking lots should be designed and constructed to drain well, dry quickly, and be puddle free. If possible, the grounds surrounding a parking lot should be sloped so that rain water drains away from the lot rather than toward it. In addition, the lot should be designed to provide adequate drainage in all gutters, around all traffic islands and structures, and especially in intersections and pedes trian walkways. Roof drains should not discharge large amounts of water onto a parking lot because maintenance problems can result, such as erosion of surface materials, build up of algae growth (under certain conditions), and the creation of icy spots in cold weather.

The Building and Exterior Facilities Exhibit 6 Recommended Concrete Thickness for Various Traffic Loads


Source: Concrete Parking Areas: By Definition Association, Skokie, Illinois.

A Classic, a brochure produced by the Portland Cement

Layout considerations. Layout considerations for parking lots include deter mining parking dimensions and establishing parking controls to channel and seg regate traffic. Parking lot entrances and exits should be well defined and located so as to have as little effect as possible on traffic movement on adjacent streets. Local standards usually prescribe lengths of acceleration/deceleration lanes at entrances and minimum distances from intersections. Local zoning regulations usually dictate the minimum number of parking spaces required for various types of buildings. Many local regulations also specify minimum sizes of parking spaces. A parking lot is not usually expected to serve the broad spectrum of traffic from very light vehicles to the heaviest trucks that highways and streets must serve. When parking lots are planned to serve heavy delivery trucks as well as light vehicles, traffic controls are usually imposed to separate and channel the heavy trucks away from areas designed for automobiles and light trucks. If vehicles carry loads beyond those allowed for in a parking lot's structural design, structural failures result. A common cause of structural failures is the garbage truck, which is very heavy and must usually cross the entire parking lot to reach refuse containers at the rear of the property. Some properties install a separate cement pad near the refuse containers for garbage trucks, designed especially for the loading conditions imposed. Maintenance. A well designed and well maintained surface parking lot should have a service life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. The following list indicates


Chapter 9

typical parking lot maintenance tasks and the frequency with which they should be performed:
Maintenance Task Surface cleaning Security inspection Drainage inspection Parking control inspection Waterproofing Minor repair of surface cracks Structural repairs Snow and ice removal Frequency Daily Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly As needed

Each of these tasks should be incorporated into an overall preventive maintenance program. Parking Garages. Parking garages are commonly constructed of reinforced con crete, prestressed concrete, or concrete surfaces over a steel frame structure. A parking garage is not just a series of concrete floors for parking vehicles. A parking garage also has drainage structures, underground drainage systems, exhaust and ventilating fans, lights, traffic control markings, guardrails, and access ramps. Maintenance. A well designed and properly maintained parking garage should have a service life expectancy well in excess of 30 years. The maintenance plan for a parking garage should include regularly scheduled cleaning, inspec tions, and maintenance activities. In addition, the plan should specify how manag ers evaluate the effectiveness of the maintenance program. Parking garage maintenance can vary widely because of features unique to some garages that require special maintenance care. The following items indicate typical maintenance tasks and the frequency with which they should be per formed:
Maintenance Task Cleaning Parking control equipment inspection Safety checks Security system inspection Painting and striping Snow and ice removal Frequency Daily Daily Daily Daily Annually As needed

Each of these tasks should be incorporated into an overall preventive maintenance program. ADA Accessibility Requirements for Parking Areas. The Americans with Dis abilities Act (ADA) requires hospitality businesses to modify their parking areas to make them accessible to people with disabilities.4 The law requires that modifica tions must be made that are readily achievable." However, there are no clear guidelines defining what is meant by readily achievable. In general, it is recommended that any modifications be completed in accor dance with the Justice Department's appendix to the law, called the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).

The Building and Exterior Facilities


Accessible parking spaces. The ADAAG calls for a sliding scale of accessible parking spaces from 4 percent in parking lots with 1 to 100 spaces down to 2 per cent when there are more than 1,000 spaces:
Total Parking in Lot 1 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 501 to 1,000 over 1,000 Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2% of total 20, plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000

Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. Accessible parking spaces are reserved by a sign showing the symbol of accessibil ity. Signs designating parking spaces for disabled people should be at the front of accessible parking spaces and mounted high enough above the ground so they can readily be seen from a driver's seat. Also, signs must be located so they cannot be obscured by a vehicle parked in the space. Accessible parking spaces must be wide enough to allow a wheelchair user to open the vehicle door, transfer to a wheelchair, and easily exit to the walkway. These parking spaces should have a minimum width of 13 feet (4 meters) 8 feet (2.4 meters) for the vehicle and 5 feet (1.5 meters) for an access aisle (see Exhibit 7). Access aisles allow guests to exit and enter vehicles with a device, such as a wheelchair, and travel to the sidewalk or entrance. Access aisles cannot be restricted by planters, curbs, or wheel stops. As shown in Exhibit 7, adjoining accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle. An essential consider ation for any design is having the access aisle level with the parking space. Since a person with a disability must maneuver within the access aisle, the aisle cannot include a ramp or sloped area. The access aisle must either blend with the accessi ble route or have a curb ramp. An accessible route is an obstruction free route that connects the parking area to an accessible entrance of the facility. Curb ramps must be provided wherever an accessible route crosses a curb. The minimum width of a curb ramp is 3 feet (91 centimeters), exclusive of flared sides. Transitions from ramps to walks, gutters, or streets must be flush and free of abrupt changes. Also, no obstructions should hang over the accessible route that would present hazards to a person who has a visual impairment. The route should be a minimum of 36 inches (91 centimeters) wide to allow for people who use crutches or wheelchairs and individuals carrying bags. Exhibit 8 shows optional dimensions for accessible walks.


Chapter 9 Exhibit 7 Accessible Parking Spaces

8-0 (244)

5-0 (152)

8-0 (244)

Accessible parking spaces should have a 5-foot (1.5-meter) clear aisle beside the vehicle. Adjoining accessible spaces may share a common access aisle. Different paving materials or unique markings are recommended to identify the access aisle.
Source: Thomas D. Davies, Jr., and Kim A. Beasley, Design for Hospitality: Planning for Accessible Hotels & Motels (New York: Nichols Publishing, 1988), p. 29.

When accessible parking spaces are designed to meet minimum requirements, at least one (and 12.5 percent of all accessible spaces) must be designated as van accessible." The access aisle for a van accessible space must be 8 feet (2.4 meters) wide. A sign is needed to alert van users to the presence of the wider aisle, but the space is not intended to be restricted only to vans. (It should also be remembered that high top vans, which disabled people or transportation services often use, require higher clearances in parking garages than automobiles.) An alternative to providing a percentage of van accessible parking spaces is the use of universal" parking space design. With this design, all accessible spaces are 11 feet (3.4 meters) wide with an access aisle that is 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide. With this design, no van accessible" signs are needed because all spaces can

The Building and Exterior Facilities Exhibit 8 Optional Dimensions for Accessible Walks 4-0 (122) 5-0 (152)


3-0 (91)

A walk that is 3 feet (91 centimeters) wide meets the minimum requirements for an accessible route. A 4-foot (1.2-meter) walk allows ambulatory guests to pass or walk beside guests in wheelchairs. A 5-foot (1.5-meter) walk allows simultaneous passage for two guests in wheelchairs, although a width of 6 feet (1.8 meters) is recommended.
Source: Thomas D. Davies, Jr., and Kim A. Beasley, Design for Hospitality: Planning for Accessible Hotels & Motels (New York: Nichols Publishing, 1988), p. 29.

accommodate a van with a side mounted lift or ramp. Also, there is no competition between cars and vans for spaces since all spaces can accommodate either. Valet parking. Not all disabled individuals can use valet parking services. For instance, a disabled individual may use vehicle controls that render the regular controls inoperable, or the driver's seat in a van may be removed. In these situa tions, another person cannot park the vehicle. It is recommended that some self parking spaces be provided at valet parking facilities for individuals whose vehicles cannot be parked by another person, and that such spaces be located on an accessible route to the entrance of the facility. Passenger loading zones. Passenger loading zones are typically located outside the main entrance of a hospitality facility. Accessibility requirements for these zones include an access aisle at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide and 20 feet (6.1 meters) long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull up space. If there is a curb between the access aisle and the vehicle pull up space, then a curb ramp should be provided.

Storm Water Drainage Systems

Storm water drainage systems are designed to carry rain water away from the property. Rain water can also be controlled by allowing it to seep into the soil. If the


Chapter 9

water is not contained through seepage, it must be transported to a place of storage on the property or discharged from the property. Sheet flow is a uniform flow of water across the ground until it has ultimately reached its storage point or has been discharged from the property. It is not directed into definite channels of flow. An example of a sheet flow is the flow of water over a surface parking lot. The direction of flow always follows the slope of the ground. Depths of sheet flow seldom exceed 1/2 inch (1.3 centimeters) and can be controlled by changes in the ground's surface. Sheet flow can cause erosion. Open channel flow is water that flows into a defined channel such as a road side ditch. An underground drainage system collects surface water through a catch basin or some other type of inlet structure and transports it down through an under ground piping system to its ultimate point of discharge from the property. Usually, the drainage from even a small property is a combination of all these types of flows. The goal of a drainage system is to control the flow of water so that it is not a problem for guests and does not damage the property. Due to the nature of the type of construction required, no underground drain age facilities should be constructed or installed with a life expectancy of less than 50 years. Extensive earth excavation is necessary to install an underground drain age system. This excavation almost invariably results in conflicts with other exist ing or planned utilities. Temporary repairs and alterations usually result in so many problems that their value must be questioned. If changes are needed, it is probably best to do all needed work in a permanent manner, and limit the number of times the ground must be opened. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance of drainage facilities includes routine inspections after every rain. Were there blockages at any points? Did the water pond or back up during the rain? Did the flow seem sluggish? These are typ ical questions that should be answered. The answers usually determine the pre ventive maintenance that is needed. Leaves, twigs, and discarded rubbish and trash that block or clog the drainage system are the causes of most problems. They should be promptly removed. Manhole and catch basin covers and grates should be kept in place. They are usually set in a frame, but are anchored only by their substantial weight. If the frame is loose, it should be tightened. This usually requires the use of a welding machine. If grates or lids make excessive noise when vehicles cross over them, it may be necessary to anchor or secure them in some way. Do not weld them shut; ease of access is important. Likewise, do not allow manholes to be covered by asphalt or concrete. This may easily happen if a parking lot or driveway is repaved. Inspections. Inspections of storm water drainage systems should include a thorough visual inspection of the entire system after every hard rain. Problems will usually show up then. Look especially for spots where water is going through a hole into the ground, other than at a catch basin or inlet. These holes are always signs of underground voids. Left uncorrected, these voids will grow larger. Often the water will enter the ground in a swirling motion.

The Building and Exterior Facilities


Inspect for blocked or partially functioning inlets. Often they are clogged with debris or leaves. Fast heavy rains closely following grass mowing can carry a sig nificant amount of clippings into the inlet, causing clogs. Look down into the inlets and catch basins while it is raining to see if the water is flowing away smoothly, or if it appears to be impeded by something.

Typical utilities used in a hospitality facility include water, sewer, oil, gas, electric ity, steam, chilled water, telephone, and cable television. Externally supplied or purchased utilities are normally brought to a distribu tion point somewhere on the property. For example, in the case of the water sup ply, the distribution point is commonly at the property's water meter. Electricity is normally brought to an electric meter's distribution panel. Ideally, utilities enter the property and are distributed by an underground system to various parts of the property. However, some utilities, such as cable television, telephone, and electric service, are carried above ground at some prop erties. These above ground lines are easier to inspect and maintain than under ground lines, but they are not as aesthetically appealing. Normally it is necessary for the facility to maintain the utilities from the facil ity to their final delivery point. The final delivery point is usually considered to be the meter recording the quantity or volume consumed of the particular utility being provided. Extreme caution should be used when working around any of the public utili ties. Dangers from electrical shock and earth cave ins are but a few of the problems that can occur. Any time underground digging takes place, the potential for strik ing an underground utility line is present. Workers should never be allowed to work alone under dangerous conditions. Preventive Maintenance. Water lines, both potable and non potable, are normally equipped with valves for control purposes. These valves not only shut off the water, but control the direction and quantity of flow as well. Water control valves should be exercised" annually. That is, they should be fully opened and closed, to be sure they seat properly and still perform their intended function. If left too long in one position, valves have a tendency to stick in that position, rendering them useless in time of need. A record should be made each time a seldom used control valve is exercised. Any problems should be noted and taken care of. Sanitary sewer lines can become clogged by a buildup of solids. This can be caused by the flow being too slow (the sewer grade being too flat), or by the sewer grade being too steep, allowing the liquids to outrun the solids, leaving the solids behind. Sewer slopes should be neither too steep nor too flat. Sewers that are partially or completely blocked should be rodded or flushed out. Flushing can be done with a high pressure hose, such as a fire hose. A typical garden hose is usually not capable of supplying the quantity of flow or the pres sure needed. Rodding is done by mechanical means, usually by inserting a flexible rod into an opening such as a manhole and pushing it through to the next opening. A roto rooter is a piece of equipment that rotates a cutting bit through the sewer or


Chapter 9

drain pipe, rooting" its way through the blockage. The cutting bit is attached to a flexible cable that is rotated by a power source. This equipment is fairly easy to use and is effective in removing blockage. Roto rooter equipment comes in various diameters and is capable of accepting different turning forces. Inspections. Inspection of underground utilities is usually limited to observ ing the surface of the ground above them and looking at the lines themselves through access points such as manholes. Tools are available to do scientific analysis, such as natural gas detectors, moisture and water detectors for water mains, and sewer gas analysis equipment. The necessary equipment ranges from hand held, reasonably user friendly equipment to very sophisticated electronic analyzers. Overhead electric, cable television, and telephone lines can be more easily inspected. If necessary, ladders and lift trucks can be used for detailed inspections.

Landscaping and Grounds

A property's landscaping and grounds set the visual tone for the entire property; they are a large part of the first impression guests receive. Allowing the grounds to decline into mediocrity will severely diminish the property's attractiveness, which may result in lower revenues. To keep the property's curb appeal" high, the grounds should always be kept at their best. As landscaping and grounds are planned, consideration should be given to the location and types of driveways, entrances, the first or principal view guests see, drainage conditions, existing trees, the direction of the prevailing wind, underground and overhead utility lines, recreational facilities, the direction of the sun, watering facilities, and of course the initial cost of the landscaping and the cost and ease of maintaining it. Preventive Maintenance. The most common maintenance activities for grounds are mowing, fertilizing, and pruning. Mowing is necessary to keep a lawn attractive and healthy. The mower's blades should be sharp so that grass blades are cut cleanly, not ripped; ripped, frayed blades invite disease. The grass should be cut when it needs cutting, not according to some arbitrary timetable. Only one third or less of the grass blades should be cut at any one time, otherwise the roots are starved for nutrients and grass health is damaged. Lawns should not be mown too close to the ground because short grass makes it easier for moisture to evaporate and weeds to invade the lawn. Lawns, plants, and trees usually need fertilization to maintain the healthy appearance guests have come to expect from landscaped grounds. Commercial fertilizers usually contain nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. The amount of each element that is needed depends on the type of soil, the vegetation, and the climate. The manufacturer's instructions should be followed carefully when applying fertilizer. Trees and shrubs must be pruned with care. Using the wrong technique or pruning at the wrong time of year can ruin or kill a plant. When is the right time to prune? It depends on the plant. For example, deciduous trees should be pruned in

The Building and Exterior Facilities


Attractive landscaping adds to a property's appeal. (Courtesy of The Greenbrier, White Sulphur
Springs, West Virginia)

winter when they are dormant; evergreens can be pruned in April before new growth begins or in July after new growth has matured. Maintenance employees should consult reference books or call a lawn and garden center if they are unsure of when or how to prune a particular plant. Regardless of the kind and extent of landscaping work, the maintenance man ager is faced with the decision of who should do the maintenance. Many otherwise competent persons in a maintenance department lack the skills to do an acceptable job on landscaping. Extensive training may be necessary. The alternative to train ing the in house maintenance staff is to hire a landscaping maintenance service. The amount of landscaping work varies significantly with the seasons and cli mate. It is usually best to organize maintenance activities for the grounds into monthly cycles and to subdivide these further into weekly and daily tasks. When rainy days prevent outside work, the landscaping staff must be rescheduled. Fol lowing extended rainy periods the landscaping workload may be very heavy. Inspections. Landscaping and grounds are relatively easy to inspect, since they are readily visible and accessible. The inspector should walk the entire grounds, noting any problems or changes since the last inspection. Problems often


Chapter 9

develop slowly over a period of time, so detailed notes should be kept. Preferably a scaled drawing should be used. Inspections should be done at least quarterly, and following any significant departure from normal weather. Irrigation Systems. Many hospitality facilities use irrigation systems to maintain their grounds. The need for irrigation is not universal. It is not necessary in areas where rainfall is equal to the needs of plant life. In the hospitality industry, the function of irrigation is to artificially provide a reliable source of water for a building's landscape. In some cases the irrigation water is also used as the transport vehicle for soil and plant nutrients. A successful irrigation system not only furnishes water to plants and trees, it supplies the water at the proper time and in the proper quantity. All irrigation systems must take the following elements into account: Rate of water loss through evaporation Rate of water infiltration into the soil Water absorption capacity of the soil to which the water is applied Depth of infiltration (usually related to depth of the topsoil) Depth of plant roots

Lawns and trees usually need large amounts of water. However, it is prudent to stretch the interval between waterings as much as possible, since overwatering wastes water and can have a negative effect on plant life. The supply or source of water can be one of the following: The treated, potable water system of the facility A stored supply, such as in a lake or underground tank A nearby stream or river Gray water

Water that comes from the potable water system must be paid for, and thus carries a significant cost. Potable water used for irrigation should be metered sepa rately. It commonly has had many of the most desirable nutrients removed in the purification process, and often has had chemicals added that are detrimental to plants. It is the most readily available source, but is least desirable. Backflow pre vention devices must be used if the irrigation system is connected to the potable water supply. Water for irrigation can be stored on the surface or underground. Surface stor age can either be natural (a lake) or artificial (a tank or a constructed pond). Under ground units include cisterns and other underground tanks. These tanks are usually small because of the cost of building a large underground tank. Gray water is obtained from selected parts of the facility's plumbing system. It originates from the laundry, kitchen, and bathroom sink areas. Its primary pollu tants are dirt, food wastes, and laundry detergents. Most of these can be success fully removed by a simple clarification process. The heaviest pollutants settle to the bottom of the clarifier and can be retrieved and dumped into the sanitation

The Building and Exterior Facilities


sewer. The remaining gray water is rich in nutrients, such as phosphate and nitro gen, and makes excellent irrigation water. Because of the danger of contaminating pathogens, the gray water should be disinfected. Common methods of disinfection include chlorinating and applying ultra violet light. A typical irrigation system consists of sprinkler heads or mist applicators. Sprinkler heads are located at the terminals of a piping system. When the water pressure reaches a certain point, the heads begin to spray water. Sprinkler heads are, in general, pressure dependent; the greater the pressure, the greater the flow of water and the greater the area of coverage. Three common types of sprinkler heads are fixed, pop up, and pulsating. Mist applicators are similar to the other types of sprinkler heads, except that the nozzle is designed to create a fine mist. Because the discharge nozzles of mist applicators are smaller in diameter, they are easier to clog and thus require more maintenance. Preventive maintenance. Irrigation systems should be observed daily when in use and inspected in detail monthly. Observers should make note of any sprin kler units that do not seem to deliver the correct quantity of water (either too much or too little). If too little water is delivered it can be a sign of clogged pipes or nozzles, partially closed valves, inadequate water pressure, or other problems. As part of preventive maintenance, the following should be looked for each day: Pump problems Leaks in the distribution system Sprinkler heads not functioning

All control valves in the irrigation system should be exercised (completely opened and closed) semi annually. Valves and control devices should be marked with an identifiable code and special paint color. Their location should be docu mented for easy access. Irrigation systems located in cold climates must be protected against freezing. As water freezes it expands, bursting pipes and valves. To winterize the system it is usually necessary to remove the water.

1. Some of the information in this section was adapted from Frank D. Borsenik and Alan T. Stutts, The Management of Maintenance and Engineering Systems in the Hospitality Industry, 3d ed. (New York: Wiley, 1992), pp. 399 403; and Mel A. Shear, Handbook of Building Maintenance Management (Reston, Virginia: Reston Publishing Company, 1983), pp. 508 514. 2. Steven H. Kosmatka and William C. Panarese, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 13th ed. (Skokie, Ill.: Portland Cement Association, 1990), p. vii. 3. Much of the material in this section was adapted from Steven H. Kosmatka and William C. Panarese, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 13th ed. (Skokie, Ill.: Portland Cement Association, 1990); ACI Committee 330, Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots (Detroit, Mich.: American Concrete Institute, 1988); and the


Chapter 9
American Concrete Institute, Concrete Craftsman Series American Concrete Institute, 1982).

Slabs on Grade (Detroit, Mich.:

4. Although it was published before the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, and therefore some of its recommendations may not exactly match provisions in the new law, Design for Hospitality: Planning for Accessible Hotels and Motels by Thomas D. Davies, Jr., and Kim A. Beasley is a good source of information on how to make properties accessible to disabled people. The book was published in 1988 by the Paralyzed Veterans of America and developed with assistance from the American Hotel & Lodging Association.

Key Terms
access aisle An aisle next to an accessible parking space that allows disabled individuals to exit and enter vehicles with a device, such as a wheelchair, and travel to the sidewalk or building entrance. accessible parking space A parking space specially designed for disabled per sons that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. accessible route A route that connects the accessible parking area to an accessible entrance of the building the parking lot serves. An accessible route should be a minimum of 36 inches (91 centimeters) wide and have no abrupt surface transi tions (from sidewalks to streets, for example) or obstructions that would present hazards to a visually impaired person. cable elevator system An elevator system in which an elevator car moves up and down with the help of cables and counterweights. crazing Fine hairline cracks that form a map like pattern on the surface of con crete. dead load A structure's own weight. flashing Copper, aluminum, or fiber sheeting that joins the roof covering to the building structure where the roof meets a wall, chimney, etc. hydraulic elevator system An elevator system with no cables or counterweights. Instead, the elevator car is mounted on a giant piston inside a cylinder that extends underground to a depth equal to the height the elevator will rise. leaching The subtraction of cementing constituents from cement due to water migration through the cement. live load The weight of the people, equipment, furnishings, and so on within a building. roofing felt Fiber filled paper impregnated with asphalt or tar. spall A surface cavity of a cement slab, caused by corrosion of embedded metals. subbase In parking lot construction, a layer of sand, gravel, crushed stone, or other granular material that is sometimes placed between a prepared subgrade and the surface course. subgrade In parking lot construction, soil that has been prepared and compacted to support a layer of concrete or asphalt.

The Building and Exterior Facilities


surface course A wearing surface for vehicles to drive on, usually made of con crete or asphalt. tensile strength The strength to bear longitudinal stress.

Internet Sites
For more information, visit the following Internet sites. Remember that Internet addresses can change without notice. If the site is no longer there, you can use a search engine to look for additional sites. American Concrete Institute www.aci-int.org American Concrete Pavement Association www.pavement.com American Society for Testing and Materials www.astm.org Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association www.aema.org Asphalt Institute www.asphaltinstitute.org Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association www.asphaltroofing.org Associated Landscape Contractors of America www.alca.org Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists www.asphalttechnology.org Australian Asphalt Pavement Association www.aapa.asn.au British Cement Association www.bca.org.uk Canadian Technical Asphalt Association www.ctaa.ca Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute www.crsi.org Concrete Society www.concrete.org.uk Construction Specifications Institute www.csinet.org Ecological Landscaping Association www.ela-ecolandscapingassn.org Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation www.eesf.org European Asphalt Pavement Association www.eapa.org European Bitumen Association www.eurobitume.org European Cement Association www.cembureau.be Indonesia Cement Association www.inaweb.co.id/asi Institute for Research in Construction www.nrc.ca/irc/ International Association for Building Materials and Structures www.rilem.ens-cachan.fr/ International Conference of Building Officials www.icbo.org Irrigation & Green Industry Network www.igin.com Irrigation Association www.irrigation.org Landscape Irrigation Tutorials www.irrigationtutorials.com


Chapter 9 Portland Cement Association www.portcement.org Roof Consultants Institute www.rci-online.org roofinfo.com www.roofinfo.com Swedish Asphalt Pavement Association www.fas.se

National Asphalt Pavement Association www.hotmix.org National Association of Elevator Contractors www.naec.org/naec National Gardening Association www.garden.org National Roofing Contractors Association www.nrca.net

Certified Maintenance Manager

Sample Examination Questions


A property's largest energy expenditure is typically for: A) B) C) D) fuel (natural gas, oil, and/or propane). electricity. steam. water.


A hotel's capital expenditures, as a percentage of revenue, _________ from year to year. A) B) C) D) stay the same vary widely, but predictably vary negligibly are not even broadly predictable


As a building's equipment reaches its expected service life, management can expect: A) the maintenance department to make the equipment last indefinitely. B) a measurable increase in efficiency just before total breakdown. C) the equipment to totally break down under peak loads, necessitating immediate replacement. D) more frequent equipment failures.


Maintenance at a lodging property that has an immediate affect on reve nue is called __________ maintenance. A) B) C) D) emergency of breakdown scheduled preventive none of the above


Maintenance work orders that are issued by the front desk are usually the result of: A) the general manager's inspections. B) an automated work order generation system linked to the front desk computer. C) guest comments or complaints. D) preventive maintenance checks.



Sample Examination Questions One of the principal purposes of a preventive maintenance schedule is to: A) B) C) D) identify the work to be done. smooth the maintenance workload. assign the personnel to perform the maintenance. document the work performed.


Hazards due to electrical shocks in guest baths can be reduced by: A) B) C) D) furnishing ground fault protection on selected electrical outlets. placing outlets close to water sources. putting plastic covers over all bathroom outlets. putting switches on bathroom outlets closest to the sink.


Single station smoke detectors used in lodging operations differ from most smoke detectors used in residential properties primarily in that they: A) B) C) D) are more sensitive to rapid changes in temperatures. contain both a smoke detector and an integral alarm. are powered by a dedicated electrical circuit, not by batteries. send a louder alarm signal.


Many properties are now providing ______________ for guests to secure their valuables during their stay. A) B) C) D) locking systems front desk boxes optional theft insurance in room safes


Backflow preventers in a building's wastewater system are used to: A) B) C) D) stop water from flowing from one subsystem to another. prevent sewer gases and odors from entering the building. remove waste products from the water. reduce water pressure when it rises higher than the maximum toler ance for the building's water system.


Swimming pools naturally tend to become more __________ than desired. A) B) C) D) acidic chlorinated alkaline aerated

Sample Examination Questions 12.


A measure of the electrical potential provided by an electric utility (often compared with water pressure in a water system) is termed: A) B) C) D) voltage. frequency. amperes. none of the above.


The charge based on a business's highest rate of energy usage during a billing period is called the __________ charge. A) B) C) D) energy demand spike voltage


In the vapor compression refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant is first __________ in the evaporator unit, then moved to the compressor and con denser units. A) B) C) D) chilled boiled recirculated vented


The centralized HVAC system offering the greatest room temperature flex ibility is the: A) B) C) D) two pipe system. three pipe system. four pipe system. universal system.


A light source's ability to provide a perceived color similar to that which results from sunlight is known as the source's: A) B) C) D) illumination. color code. lumen. color rendition.


A lamp having a lamp life of 1,000 hours is: A) B) C) D) guaranteed to last for 500 hours before burning out. expected to last for approximately 1,000 hours before burning out. guaranteed to last for 1,000 hours before burning out. expected to last for approximately 2,000 hours before burning out.


Sample Examination Questions Exit signs must operate: A) B) C) D) 24 hours a day, every day. only at night. only in dark areas within a building. during emergencies; at other times, operation is optional.


What is the most common and costly mistake institutional laundries make when drying laundry? A) B) C) D) applying too much heat at the end of the drying cycle taking too long to load or unload the dryers underloading the dryers allowing laundry to dry too long


Water hammer" occurs when: A) B) C) D) water flowing rapidly through a pipe is abruptly stopped. calcium and other substances in water clog a pipe. water is incorrectly treated by the water softener. water in hot water heaters is brought to high temperatures too quickly.


Laundry chutes: A) must be regularly checked for lint and dirt. B) should never be locked. C) are self maintaining because the laundry cleans them as it slides through. D) should only be locked at night.


To seal penetrations of the roof by equipment, __________ is installed under the roofing material and up the sides of the equipment. A) B) C) D) jointing glazing decking flashing


Exterior walls should be inspected at least: A) B) C) D) once every six months. every other year. every five years. every ten years.

Sample Examination Questions 24. Joints in concrete are used to: A) B) C) D) 25. reinforce the concrete. control the location of cracks. eliminate cracking, spalling, and scaling. absorb longitudinal load stress.


To exercise" a valve is to: A) B) C) D) thoroughly clean it. replace it with a new one. fully open and close it. carefully lubricate it.


Sample Examination Questions

Answers to sample questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 B B D A C B A C D A C A D B C D B A C A A D A B C

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