Earned Value Professional (EVP)
Earned Value Professional (EVP)
Earned Value Professional (EVP)
AACE Internationals
AACE International's Earned Value Professional (EVP) certification program is designed to establish credentials for the Earned Value Professional. This certification program gives professionals a means to validate their skills and knowledge. EVP certification will distinguish you as an Earned Value Professional who has the knowledge and skills that impact the bottom line. While many professionals do earned value management, until recently there was no way to effectively measure such capabilities - except through real-life performance. AACE's EVP certification provides an exam and experience validation that lets employers identify those who meet the programs competency standards.
3. Document experience/education
Applications are reviewed and verified. Please submit a copy of college degree(s) with your application, plus any letters that could expedite the verification process.
By submitting a EVP application, all candidates agree to adhere to the AACE Canon of Ethics. This is a criterion that says all individuals will practice their profession in a manner that meets fundamental ethical standards. The full AACE Canon of Ethics can be found at: www.aacei.org/certification/.
Study Materials
Recommended reading lists are available from AACE and are posted on the AACE website. Primary references include, but are not limited to: Gary C. Humphreys, Humphreys & Associates (2002). Project Management Using Earned Value. ISBN: 0-9708614-0-0 NDIA Intent Guide http://www.ndia.org/Content/ContentGroups/Divisions1/Procurement/PDFs10/NDIA_PMSC_EVMS_IntentGuide_Jan2 005.pdf ANSI/EIA-748-A Standard http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/product.asp?sku=ANSI%2FEIA%2D748%2DA%2D1998 Additional References include - http://www.acq.osd.mil/pm/ & http://www.acq.osd.mil/pm/faqs/evm_gold_card.pdf.
Show your mark of distinction by earning the Earned Value Professional (EVP) designation.
A A C E I n t e r n a t i o n a l EVP C e r t i f i c a t i o n A p p l i c a t i o n
Please type or print all responses.
I plan to attend the examination scheduled on ____________________. I prefer to take the test at the _________________________________ location. Note: See Cost Eng ineering journal or our website at www.aacei.org for a list of locations or call AACE Headquarters.
Indicate the address where you wish to receive correspondence. Home Work
Name (please print as it will appear on certificate):______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Home Fax: ______________________ Home E-mail:_______________________________________________________________ Company Name:__________________________________________________________ Job Title:_______________________________________________________________ Company Address (City/State/Zip): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Phone:____________________Company Fax: ____________________Company E-mail:_______________________________________________________________
Membership Grade Honorary Member Full Member Associate Member Fellow Former Member Currently applying for membership
Attach a copy of each diploma received or a transcript from each college/university. If no degree received, indicate number of hours earned toward degree: ______.
College/University ______________________________________________________ City, State or Province, Country ____________________________________________ Degree and Major _______________________________________________________ Date Received __________________________________________________________ College/University ______________________________________________________ City, State or Province, Country ____________________________________________ Degree and Major _______________________________________________________ Date Received __________________________________________________________
List chronologically, most recent first. Attach additional sheets as necessary to fulfill experience requirement of the minimum 4-8 years for EVP.
From: __________ To: __________ Title: ___________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Work Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________Fax: ______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor: __________________________________________________ Job Duties: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: __________ Title: ___________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Work Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________Fax: ______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor: __________________________________________________ Job Duties: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
From: __________ To: __________ Title: ___________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Work Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________Fax: ______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor: __________________________________________________ Job Duties: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
From: __________ To: __________ Title: ___________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Work Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________Fax: ______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor: __________________________________________________ Job Duties: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
American Express
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number: ________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________
Total Remitted: US$ ______________________ CDN$ ______________________ Security Code (on back): __________________
Note: Applicants who cancel or reschedule after the application deadline will be subject to a $60 re-sit fee if they wish to be scheduled for the next exam. TRANSACTIONS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THE CREDIT CARD SECURITY CODE. ALL FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE.
Having read the criteria for certification, and believing myself to be fully qualified, I hereby apply for certification by examination. I declare that all the submitted information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In making this application, I fully understand it is for enrollment purposes only. To complete the certification process, I will execute the necessary documents, submit to written examinations as required, be present for oral interviews if necessary, and supply further information as determined by the AACE International Certification Board. I further understand, and by my signature subscribe to, the AACE International Canon of Ethics, with the knowledge that any false statement or misrepresentation that I may make in the course of these certification proceedings may result in the revocation of this application and the issuance of a complaint of violation. Further, it is agreed that: QUESTIONS? Address:
209 Prairie Ave Suite 100 Morgantown, WV 26501 USA
a. b. c. d.
all information and data submitted with this application will be used by AACE International only to verify the expertise of the applicant, and such information will not be divulged to any other person. the applicant hereby authorizes AACE International to investigate and verify all information, references, and other data and attachments to this application. the applicant agrees to hold all information, interview contents, tests, and other certification matters in the strictest of confidence. Such information shall not be copied or divulged in any way. the AACE International, Inc. certification program is administrated by AACE International, Inc. for the benefit of applicants. As an applicant, I agree to hold AACE International harmless from any consequences of acceptance or rejection of this application and to hold AACE International, Inc. harmless from statutory violations or conflicts of this program.
Signature of Applicant ______________________________________ Date __________ Note: This original application must be received by AACE International by the deadline date posted on AACEs website. AACE reserves the right to reject any late application and/or to schedule late applicants for a subsequent examination date. The application is valid for a period of one years exam cycle after the original application date. If you do not take the exam within that time, you must wait for one full year before being eligible to submit a new application with appropriate fees.
800.858.COST 304.296.8444
Please complete all applicable sections and provide appropriate verification so that your application can be quickly processed. If you are handicapped and require special access or other accommodations, please attach a separate sheet detailing your requirements. Thank you.
Return completed application to: Certification Office AACE International 209 Prairie Avenue, Suite 100 Morgantown, WV 26501 USA
Verification of Employment
AACEcannot accept your resume/vitae as verification of employment or your degree. Verification of work can simply be a short paragraph from your supervisor stating how long you have worked there and a brief description of your duties. If you are unable to contact a previous employer, we will accept a statement from your current employer that they did check your previous employment and verifying what they found. If you are self-employed, you can write a short paragraph explaining your work situation and then have the signature notarized. To verify a degree, we will accept a copy of your diploma or transcripts from the awarding college/university.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
The application fee is non-refundable. An applicant scheduled to take an examination who fails to appear at the scheduled time and place is required to pay a re-sit fee of $60.00 before rescheduling to take the examination a later date. Exceptions should be requested in writing to the AACE Certification Board.
For further information on this or any other questions you may have, please contact AACE Internationals Headquarters: Address: 209 Prairie Avenue Suite 100 Morgantown, WV 26501 USA +1.800.858.2678 +1.304.296.8444 +1.304.291.5728 info@aacei.org www.aacei.org
AACE International is a 501(c)3 non-profit professional association Promoting the Planning and Management of Cost and Schedules. Since 1956, AACE International has provided its members with the resources they need to enhance their performance and ensure continued growth and success. With over 7,000 members world-wide, AACE International serves cost management professionals: planners and schedulers, project controls managers, cost managers and engineers, project managers, estimators, claims professionals, and value engineers. AACE International has members in nearly 80 countries and currently includes over 80 local sections. AACE has been certifying individuals as Certified Cost Consultants (CCC)/Certified Cost Engineers (CCE) since 1976, Certified Cost Technician (CCT) since 2000, Planning & Scheduling Professionals (PSP) since 2004, Earned Value Professionals (EVP) since 2005, Certified Forensic Claims Consultants (CFCC) since 2007, and Certified Estimating Professionals (CEP) since 2008. Find us on the web at www.aacei.org.