Transformer Foundation Design

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TITLE : 132kV Joydevpur Substation Design Calculation for Foundation of Auto Transformer
DOCUMENT NO. : JDP/A26/001 DESIGNED BY : Md. Giasuddin DATE : 19 Nov '05 SUBMITTAL NO. : SECTION : 12, Building and civil engineering works CHECKED BY : REV. NO. :
E:\PROJECTS FOR EXECUTION\Joydevpur - Kabirpur Tangail OHL\Joydevpur Substation\Design Calculation\Static Cal of Foundation For Auto Transformer



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TITLE : 132kV Joydevpur Substation Design Calculation for Foundation of Auto Transformer
DOCUMENT NO. : JDP/A26/001 DESIGNED BY : Md. Giasuddin DATE : 19 Nov '05 SUBMITTAL NO. : SECTION : 12, Building and civil engineering works CHECKED BY : REV. NO. :
E:\PROJECTS FOR EXECUTION\Joydevpur - Kabirpur Tangail OHL\Joydevpur Substation\Design Calculation\Static Cal of Foundation For Auto Transformer



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Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
1. GENERAL 1.1 Considerations : a) Raft foundation is considered for a 132kV Transformer. b) The bottom of the raft is at a depth of 1.0m from existing ground surface. c) Soil bearing capacity is considered 90.04 kN/m2 minimum value from BH-4, BH-5 & BH-7. d) The Top of bund wall is 200mm above the finished switchyard surface level.

1.2 Soil Data:

Allowable bearing capacity of soil is considered : Unit weight of soil : Frustum angle : Water Table from EGL : 90.04 kN/sqm 17.94 kN/cum. 15.00 Deg. 2.50 m

1.3 Material Properties :

Concrete...fc'= 20 N/mm2 Reinforcing Steel..fy = 415 N/mm2 Concrete Clear Cover.= 60 mm Unit Weight of Concrete.= 24.0 kN/cum. 2. DESIGN DATA AND FOUNDATION GEOMETRY : ( Reference Dwg no. 56.20.3-03-3537) Transformer's Length = 6.80 m Transformer's Width = 5.10 m Height of Transformer = 5.00 m Total Weight of Tx. ( with Oil ) = 72,000 Kg Weight of Oil = 19,000 Kg Density of Oil = 840 Kg/cum. Total volume of oil = 22.62 Cum Pit volume reqd. below the stone ( 125% of oil vol. ) = 28.27 Cum Inside length of pit considered = 7.80 m Inside width of pit considered = 5.80 m Surface area of the pit = 41.47 sqm. Width of Tx. Supporting Pedestal = 2.68 m Length of Tx. Supporting Pedestal = 3.89 m Area of Tx. Supporting Pedestal = 10.4 sqm. Net surface area of the pit = 31.0 sqm. Average Depth required = 0.9 m Provided depth below Grating = 0.90 m Thickness of grating = 0.05 m Thickness of gravel layer on top of grating = 0.225 m Free height above gravel top = 0.05 m Max. height of pit wall above base slab = 1.225 m
Center of Tx.

Center of Foundation

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
Center of Foundation

3. LOAD CALCULATION Transformer Length, L = Transformer Width, B = Transformer Height above top of Pedestal, H = Total weight of Transformer ( with oil ) = 3.1 Wind load calculation - as per BNBC Maximum wind velocity , Vb = 160.0 km/hr Height of top of transformer from FSYL = 5.20 m ( Specified in the Contract specification) ( Ref. Bangladesh National Building Code 1993, Chapter 2;Page 6-33) 6.80 m 5.10 m 5.00 m 720.00 kN

q z = ccc Ic z v 2 b
For exposure B , Cz at Top = For exposure B , Cz at Bottom = Velocity to Pressure conversion coefficient, Cc = Structure Importance Factor CI = 0.85 0.801 4.72E-05 1.25

q z = 1.284 kN/m2
= 1.210 kN/m2

; at Top ; at Bottom ( Ref. Bangladesh National Building Code 1993, Chapter 2;Page 6-34)

Design Wind Pressure, pz = cG c pq z

L/B = H/B = Pressure co efficient Cp = co-efficient, Gust Co-efficient, CG = 1.33 0.98 0.80 0 80 1.30

Design Wind Pressure, p z = 1.335 kN/m2

= 1.258 kN/m2 Average Pressure , Pz = 1.29671 kN/m2 Force results from Wind = 1.297*6.8*5.1 = 44.97 kN 3.2 Seismic load calculation - as per BNBC Design Base Shear is given by :

; at Top ; at Bottom

Where, Z = Seismic Zone Co-efficient = 0.15 I = Structure Importance Factor = 1.25 R = Response Modification Coefficient = 6 C = Numerical coefficient system is given by : C = S = Site coefficient for soil characteristics = 1.5
1.25S T
2 3

( Ref. Bangladesh National Building Code 1993, Chapter 2;Page 6-53) ( for Zone 2 ) ( with essential Facilities ) ( For RCC wall System )

T = Fundamental period of vibration is given by : T = Ct ( hn ) Ct = hn = T= C= W = Total Seismic dead load =Transformer Weight = Design base shear V = 4. SOIL STABILITY CHECK 4.1 Check for Soil Bearing Capacity : Weight of each Transformer with 15% impact = Weight of Transformer supporting Pedestal = Length of foundation pad = Width of foundation pad = Thickness of foundation pad = 828.00 kN 306.50 kN 8.800 m 6.800 m 0.300 m 0.049 5.00 m 0.164 Sec 6.262 720.00 kN 140.90 kN

( For all type of non braced RCC structure )

828.0 kN

140.0 kN

CL of Foundation

Load Application on Foundation

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Weight of Pad = Width of Bund Wall = Total Length of Bund wall = Height of Bund wall = Weight of Bund wall = Total area of the Yard within bundwall = Area of Tx. supporting Pedestal = Net area to be filled with gravel = Thickness of Gravel = Weight of gravel = 430.85 kN 0.200 m 28.540 m 1.225 m 167.82 kN 41.47 m2 10.43 m2 31.04 m2 0.225 m 111.76 kN

CL of Foundation

Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station

Load Application on Foundation

Total Vertical Load = 828+306.5 +430.85+167.82+111.76 = 1844.93 kN Maximum Moment at base due to Max. Horizontal Load =140.9*1.525 = 214.87 kN.m Eccentricity for Horizontal load = 214.87/1844.93 = 0.116 m Net Eccentricity = 0.116+0.600 = 0.716 m kNs Q = Fzb = 1844.93 kN A = LxB = 59.84 e = el = 0.716 m L /6 = 1.467
So;q max = and;q min Q 6e (1+ ) A L Q 6e = (1) A L

m2 m


qmax = 43.54 kN/m2

Gross allowable soil pressure = 90.04 + sDf = 107.98 kN/m2 Net Upward Pressure = 43.54-'sDf = 35.60 kN/m2 4.2 Check for Settlement : Settlement of a Soil layer is given by : So it's OK.

S =

cc p + p H log10 0 1 + e0 p0
Where, Cc = Compression Index = 0.258 From soil test report of BH-4. From soil test report of BH-4. From soil test report of BH-4.

e0 = Initial Void ratio = 0.989

H = Thickness of the Soil Layer = 5.00 m

p0 = The original Soil Pressure at the mid point of the

layer = H/2 = 45.00 kN/m2 p = Change In Pressure = qmax - Df = 25.60 kN/m2 Which is less than 2.0" , so OK. 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN 5.1 Design of Pit Wall : Angle of repose for backfilled soil, = 0.00 Deg Coefficient of earth pressure , Ka = ( 1-sin ) / ( 1-sin ) = 1.00 Unit weight of soil = 17.94 kN/cum Height of soil at toe side above base = 0.000 m Height of soil at heel side above slab = 0.700 m PL above heel side soil = 0.200 m Thickness of stem = 0.200 m Thickness of base slab = 0.300 m Superimposed live load at heel side = 10.00 kN/sqm Applied Loading : Unit Weight of Gravel Fill = 16 kN/cum. Unit Weight of Brick = 19 kN/cum. Unit Weight of Sand Fill = 15 kN/cum. Pressure due to Backfill P1= 1/2*Kph2*1.0 = 4.40 kN ( Per meter of width )

S = 0.1269 ft. = 1.524 inch.

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
( For Backfill is considered 0 Degree ) Ka = ( 1-Sin )/( 1+Sin ) = 1.0 Pressure due Surcharge load P2 =10.0+ ( 0.175*16+0.075*19+0.075*15)*0.7 = 13.75 kN ( Per meter of width ) So Moment about point A = 4.41*0.233+13.75*0.35 = 5.835 kN.m ( Per meter of width ) Factored Moment = 5.838*1.5 = 8.752 kN.m " Let us check with minimum reinforcement. As per ACI code, Ratio of minimum reinforcement ( in SI unit) is given by =1.4/fy min= 0.003373494

f M u =f y bd 2 1-0.59 y f'c

...;Where = 0.9
f y fc' = )

Mu f y b(1-0.59

85 mm

; d Provided =200-100-10/2= 95 mm; OK

5.1.1 - Reinforcement Calculation : Vertical Reinforcement Mdes =Mu/0.9 = 9.725 kN.m Assuming depth of stress block, a = 6.94 mm Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = 284.47 mm2 (Ref. -Design of concrete structure, By-Nilson & Winter,Page 83 ,10th Ed.) Check for a a = As*fy/(.85*fc'*b) = 6.94 mm Consideration is OK, So As = 284.47 mm2/m As per Code Min Rebar Required = 0.004bt = 400.00 mm2/m Consider bar Size = 10.0 mm So Nos. of Bars = 5 Nos Spacing = 200.00 mm Provide 10mm @ 200mm at both face of the wall. Horizontal Reinforcement : As per Code Min Rebar Required = 0.002bt = 400.00 mm2/m Consider bar Size = 10.0 mm So Nos. of Bars = 5 Nos Spacing = 1000/5 = 200.00 mm Provide 10mm @ 200mm at both face of the wall. Check for shear : Shear force , V = 18.14 kN Factored shear , Vu = 27.21 kN Where, b= 1000 mm d = 95 mm So, vc= Vc/bd = 0.286 N/mm2 AS per ACI Shear Stress applied to concrete should be less than 0.17 f c ' This is much greater than applied stress so consideration is quite Ok. 5.2 Design of Transformer Supporting Pedestal : ( Reference Dwg no. 56.20.3-03-3537) Length of Pedestal = Width of Pedestal = Hight of Pedestal = Weight of Pedestal = Total Weight of Tx. ( with Oil ) = Design Loads: Compression =720.0+306.5 = 1026.50 kN Moment M = 172.6025 3.890 m 2.680 m 1.225 m 306.50 kN 720.00 kN

N/mm2; In present case which is coming 0.76 Mpa.

Max. or Min. stress on the section = max/ min = A I 3 I = bh /12 = 6.24E+12 mm4 Maximum stress on the section = 0.06 Mpa, Compressive
Stresse is within acceptable limit, so no rebar is required from structural point of view.


sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
But as per code Minimun Rebar = 0.0018*Ag = 0.0018*3890*2680 mm2. = 18766 mm2. So Use 94 nos. of dia 16mm Bar for Vertical Reinforcement. Use dia 10mm bar @ 200mm c/c for tie. 5.3. Design of Base Slab Foundation Layout

Center of Tx.

Center of Foundation
5.3.1 Check for Punching of the Base : Base Thickness, t = 300 mm Clear Cover = 60 mm Consider Max Bar size = 20 mm d = 300-60-20/2 = 230 mm Punching Perimeter = (2680+3890)*2 = 13140 mm Punching Area = 13140*230 = 3022200 mm2 Vertical Forces = 1026.50 kN Punching stress developed by Tx. = 1026.5*1000/ 3022200 = 0.340 Mpa AS per ACI Shear Stress applied to concrete should be less than Mpa 0.33 f c ' In present case which is coming 1.48 Mpa. So OK. 5.3.2 Bottom Reinforcement Along Long Direction : For right side Net Upward Pressure by soil = 35.60 kN/m2 Max Moment Developed at Pedestal face at Bottom = 35.6*3.055^2/2 = 166.147 kN.m/m Design moment = 170.42/0.9 = 184.607 kN.m/m Base Thickness, t = 300 mm Clear Cover = 60 mm Consider Bar size = 20 mm d = 300-60-20/2 = 230 mm Assuming depth of stress block, a = 60.39 mm Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = 2473.73 mm2

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
Check for stress block,a a = As*fy/(0.85*fc'*b) = Consideration is OK, So As = Minimum reinforcement = 0.18 % = Consider bar Size = So Nos. of Bars = Spacing = For Left Side Max Moment Developed at Pedestal face at Bottom = 35.6*1.855^2/2 = 61.257 kN.m/m Design moment = 61.257/0.9 = 68.063 kN.m/m Base Thickness, t = 300 mm Clear Cover = 60 mm Consider Bar size = 20 mm d = 300-60-20/2 = 230 mm Assuming depth of stress block, a = 20.23 mm Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = 828.76 mm2 Check for stress block,a a = As*fy/(0.85*fc'*b) = 20.23 mm Consideration is OK, So As = 828.76 mm2 Minimum reinforcement = 0.18 % = 540.00 mm2/m Consider bar Size = 20 mm So Nos. of Bars = 2.64 Nos Spacing = 379 mm Say 240mm 60.39 mm 2473.73 mm2 540.00 mm2/m 20 mm 7.87 Nos 127 mm

Say 120mm

5.3.3 Bottom Reinforcement Along Short Direction : Net Upward Pressure by soil = 43.54 -'sDf = 35.60 kN/m2 Max Moment Developed at Pedestal face at Bottom = 35.6*2.16^2/2 = 83.057 kN.m/m Design moment = 83.057/0.9 = 92.286 kN.m/m Base Thickness, t = 300 mm Clear Cover = 60 mm Consider Bar size = 12 mm d = 300-60-12/2-20 = 214 mm ( Bars to be placed on top of long Bars) Assuming depth of stress block, a = 30.34 mm Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = 1242.69 mm2 Check for stress block,a a = As*fy/(0.85*fc'*b) = 30.34 mm Consideration is OK, So As = 1242.69 mm2 Minimum reinforcement = 0.18 % = 540.00 mm2/m Consider bar Size = 12 mm So Nos. of Bars = 10.99 Nos Spacing = 91 mm Say 90 mm Calculation For Bar Curtailment Max Moment Developed at 0.75 m far from Pedestal face at Bottom = 35.6*1.41^2/2 = 35.392 kN.m/m Design moment = 35.392/0.9 = 39.325 kN.m/m Base Thickness, t = 300 mm Clear Cover = 60 mm Consider Bar size = 12 mm d = 300-60-12/2-20 = 214 mm ( Bars to be placed on top of long Bars) Assuming depth of stress block, a = 12.37 mm Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = 506.64 mm2 Check for stress block,a a = As*fy/(0.85*fc'*b) = 12.37 mm Consideration is OK, So As = 506.64 mm2 Minimum reinforcement = 0.18 % = 540.00 mm2/m Consider bar Size = 12 mm So Nos. of Bars = 4.77 Nos

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
Spacing = 209 mm Say 180 mm Point of curtailment = 750+(12 times dia of bar ; i.e 12*12 = 144mm use 250mm) 250 = 1000mm from face of Padestal.

5.3.4 Top Reinforcement Calculation along both direction : Max Hogging Moment Developed = 35.6*(3.0550.40)^2/8 = Design moment = 27.165/0.9 = Base Thickness, t = Clear Cover = Consider Max Bar size = d = 300-60-12/2 = Assuming depth of stress block, a = Area of steel, As = M*1000000/(0.9*fy*(d-a/2)) = Check for stress block,a a = As*fy/(0.85*fc'*b) = Consideration is OK, So As = Minimum reinforcement = 0.18 % = Consider bar Size = So Nos. of Bars = Spacing = 6. DESIGN OF GRATINGS Layout of Gratings : 31.368 kN.m/m 34.854 kN.m/m 300 mm 60 mm 12 mm 234 mm 9.95 mm 407.45 mm2 9.95 mm 407.45 mm2 540.00 mm2/m 12 mm 4.77 Nos 209 mm

Say 200mm

Steel of Fy 275.0 Mpa shall be used for gratings. Main bar : 50X6 Flat Spacing of main bar : 30 mm c/c Secondary bar dia. = 12 mm

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
Spacing of secondary bar : Thickness of gravel paving = Unit weight of gravel = Max span of main bar = 100 mm c/c 225 mm 16.00 kN/cum 1.698 m

6.1 Design of main bar : Self weight of grating : Self weight of gravel : Assumed live load : Total load per unit area = Uniform Distributed Load per main bar = Check for bending stress : Zxx of main bar = 6*502/6 = Max bending stress = 0.067*10^6/2500 = Allowable bending stress = 0.6*Fy = 0.6*275 = Check for shear stress : Max shear force = Max shear stress = Allowable Shear stress = 0.346*Fy = 0.346*275 = Check for max deflection : 0.56 kN/sqm 3.60 kN/sqm 2.00 kN/sqm 6.16 kN/sqm 0.185 kN/m

Max bending moment = 0.185*1.6982/8 = 0.067kN.m 2500 mm3 26.64 Mpa 165.00 Mpa 0.157 kN 0.52 Mpa 95.15 Mpa

; So OK.

; So OK.

Ixx of main bar = 6*50^3/12 = 62500 mm4 Modulus of elasticity of steel = 200000 Mpa Max central deflection = 5wl4/384EI = 1 60 mm 1.60 Allowable Maximum deflection = l/325 = 5.22 mm ; So OK.

6.2 Design of grating supporting channel : Max span of channel = Load from grating per channel = 6.16*2.505 = Max bending moment , M = Max end shear, V = Provide : ISMC 200 Check for bending stress : Total depth, D = Sectional Area, A = ryy = Flange thickness, T = Web thickness, tw = Zxx = Ixx = Leff / ryy = 2700/22.3=
When 703 X 103 Cb l Fy r 3516 X 103 Cb Fy

2.505 m 15.431 kN/m 12.104kN.m 19.327 kN

200 mm 2828 mm2 22.3 mm 10.40 mm 6.1 mm 182500 mm3 18251000 mm4 112.33

2 Fy l 2 r Fb = 3 10550 X 103 C Fy 0.60 Fy b Where C b = 1.75 + 1.05 * ( M 1/ M 2) + 0.3( M 1/ M 2) 2

( )

Consider ends of channel are not to carry any moment so 2nd and 3rd term of the above equation can be ignored. So Cb = 1.75 Bending Stress = M/Z = 12.1*10^6/182500 = 66.32 Mpa Fb = 0.535*275 = 147.13 Mpa > 66.32 Mpa ; So OK. Check for shear stress : Shear stress = V/A = 19.327*1000/2828 = 6.83 Mpa Allowable Shear stress = 0.346*Fy = 0.346*275 = 95.15 Mpa > 6.83 Mpa ; So OK.

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station
Check for max deflection : Max central deflection = 5wl4/384EI = 2.17 mm Allowable Max. deflection = l/325 =2825/325 = 7.71 mm ; So OK.

sign By : Md. Giasuddin

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Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station Contents
1. General 1.1 Considerations : 1.2 Soil Data: 1.3 Material Properties : 2. Design Data Foundation Geometry : 3. Load Calculation : 3.1 Wind load calculation - as per BNBC 3.2 Seismic load calculation - as per BNBC 4. Soil Stability Check 4.1 Check for Soil Bearing Capacity : 4.2 Check for Settlement : 5. Structural Design : 5.1 Design of Pit Wall : 5.1.1 - Reinforcement Calculation : 5.2 Design of Transformer Supporting Pedestal : 5.3. Design of Base Slab 5.3.1 Check for Punching of the Base : 5.3.2 Bottom Reinforcement Along Long Direction : 5.3.3 Bottom Reinforcement Along Short Direction : 5.3.4 Top Reinforcement Calculation along both direction : 6. Design of Grating : 6.1 Design of main bar : 6.2 Design of grating supporting channel :

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Giasuddin / BEL

Date : 19 Nov '05


Design of Transformer Foundation ; Joydevpur 132/33kV Sub-station Contents
1. General 1.1 Considerations : 1.2 Soil Data: 1.3 Material Properties : 2. Design Data Foundation Geometry : 3. Load Calculation : 3.1 Wind load calculation - as per BNBC 3.2 Seismic load calculation - as per BNBC 4. Soil Stability Check 4.1 Check for Soil Bearing Capacity : 4.2 Check for Settlement : 5. Structural Design : 5.1 Design of Pit Wall : 5.1.1 - Reinforcement Calculation : 5.2 Design of Transformer Supporting Pedestal : 5.3. Design of Base Slab 5.3.1 Check for Punching of the Base : 5.3.2 Bottom Reinforcement Along Long Direction : 5.3.3 Bottom Reinforcement Along Short Direction : 5.3.4 Top Reinforcement Calculation along both direction : 6. Design of Grating : 6.1 Design of main bar : 6.2 Design of grating supporting channel :

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Giasuddin / BEL

Date : 19 Nov '05

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