Factors Influencing Movie Goers

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SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Yukti Ahuja

(Faculty of Jims) Srivastava(FC11151)

Alisha Sidana(FC11123) Khushboo Gupta(FC1141) Pallavi Aparajita Singh(FC11176)







Executive summary


Literature review


Research Methodology


Data analysis and discussion










I would like to express my sincere gratitude to MISS YUKTI AHUJA for giving us an opportunity to conduct a research on the title factors influencing moviegoers under her esteem guidance and support..

I also extend my sincere thanks to the Dr. J.K GOYAL, Director Jagan Institute of Management Studies. Without their support and guidance, this project could not be completed. Throughout the project work, they had been a constant source of motivation to us.

Lastly I would like to thank all the facility members of marketing department of our institute who guided me to fulfill my project.

Executive Summary

This project reports is a quantitative research study conducted by our group. The research was conducted in March 2012 in thenorth region of New Delhi area on the issue of factors influencing moviegoers. The project has been undertaken to find out the Movie watchers perception and experience regarding the products and services offered by multiplexes. This will also help the multiplexes to generate business and to find out future growth prospects or potential market for the movie watchers.. To fulfill these objectives, a structured questionnaire was designed containing multiple ended questions and made to fill up by the 150 respondents in the malls, multiplexes and colleges. The data collected through questionnaire on the basis of convenience sampling has been analyzed with the help of statistical tools like frequency, mean, median, mode and standard deviation and ranking method has also been used to check the dependence of parameters. The result shows that about 50 percent of respondents prefer to watch movies in theatres for leisure time and preference for DVDS and Television has declined in the recent years. SPSS( Statistical Package for Social Science) Software is used to analyse information and interpratating the statistical data.SPSS is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social science. It is used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers, marketing organizations and others. Youth between age group of Under 19 and 20-30 forms major part of our sample. Movie ratings plays a major role in influencing the decision of respondents. Our research also highlights various factors that play a vital role that influence decision of moviegoers. Some of the factors are: Timings preferred Ticket price Refreshment Comfortable Seats Approachability Crowd Proper parking

Timings preferred and Ticket price are the factors that influence buying decision the most.

Literature Review

Purchase Decision Model There are many models that can be used to explain the movie watching decision process. Basically divided into two models: Rational Model Emotional model. A more rational decision model that gives priority attention to the cognitive aspects of functional reasons when watching. In contrast, the hedonic model emphasizes the decision on priority aspects of affective emotional reasons when watching. The second model is the emotional model. This model explains that watching movie decisions of consumers greatly influenced by the emotional situation. In this model, sensory (taste, vision, smell, hearing, touch) the consumer is influenced stimulus provided by the Service providers through marketing strategies.

Experience Product Consumption Experience product consumption can be divided into these four Stages: Experience before watching Purchase feel remember the watching experience. There are several aspects of consumer product experience: Multisensory consumption involves symbols and perceptions , consumers experience subjective criteria to select , the process consumes more important than the time of purchase .

Film as Experience Product By its nature as a hedonic and experience product, film can be identified as a product that offers emotional experience. Through watching activity, consumer hopes film can bring special feelings such as love, surprised, happy, angry, sad, deeply moved, frightened . At the consumption and evaluation stage, affective component is very considered. Based on watching movie experience, the satisfaction will obtained if the film is able to give surprise attract attention and create strong emotions.

Research is based on data collected Focus Group Technique Data collection techniques focus group discussions (FGD) is also used. For each FGD, researchers will try to get 6-8 people respondents. Respondents were selected from seven different days. Respondents were selected by criteria routinely watch movies at least once in 3 months. Its because the price of movie tickets set differently on different days. With these considerations, it is possible there are consumers who come under the price variations. These interviews were conducted several times so that the data generated saturated. Based on this principle, FGD conducted 3 times. To analyse the experience of watching movies in theaters, questions regarding: (1) decision-making process (2) the experience to see (3) experiences / feelings after watching the movie.

The second group of questions is relating to information and characteristics of the film. To help participant remember their experience, participants were asked about their experience chronologically. After all, reflective questions were asked related to information source and film characteristics. The tendency to choose certain information source and movie taste maybe never realized by consumer before.

Response of Focus group Interview Segment Watch Movie Film Consumer Purpose Mainly decision making Their own taste according to intensive information search Willing to watch movie alone in order to maximize movie watching enjoyment source Behavior after watching Willing to become film communicator by writing their opinion in personal blog, social network, discussion forum in internet and interpersonal communication If they are satisfied, they talk the movie during eating after watching movie. If they arent satisfied, they dont talk about it.

To get new experience To get moral message and life values

Place Consumer (Cinema/Theater)

To get new experience Entertainment Enjoying spare time with friends

Group decision (based on peer group)


The cinema industry in India is growing at 10 percent per annum driven by multiplexes, which are expanding rapidly in major metropolitan cities as well as second and third tier cities. Favorable demographics in a cinema-crazy nation, tax exemptions, and quality locations such as malls, are driving growth of multiplexes in India. The report provides a snapshot of the market including the two segments multiplexes and single screen cinemas. An overview gives a quick picture of the market with estimated market size, growth rate and theatre distribution in India. Various business models adopted by Indian multiplex operators are presented along with typical revenue streams and cost base. An analysis of drivers reveals that on the supply side - growth in film industry, improving real estate supply, and favourable tax exemptions have help in growth of this sector while on the demand side favourable demographics, rising income levels and willingness of people to spend on entertainment are increasing footfalls. The key challenges identified include slowdown in economy, alternate modes of entertainment, development delays, piracy and uncertainty over entertainment tax exemptions. The industry is characterized by seasonality, low screen density, increasing average ticket prices, and reducing shelf life of movies. The key trends identified include producers bypassing distributors, shift to digital cinema, and alternate content in multiplexes, retail partnerships, and new single screen formats. The competitive landscape identifies and compares the major multiplex operators in the market since they dominate an industry where single screen cinemas are highly fragmented. Comparison parameters include number of screens, number of cinemas, footfalls and occupancy ratio.

Research Methodology

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Main objectives of our research are as follows: 1. To identify variables affecting the choice of movie goers with the help of a focus group study and questionnaires. 2. To study and analyse the impact of these variables on movie goers.

Data Collection: It comprises of designing the instrument, i.e., designing the Questionnaire. Designing the Questionnaire The decision about the format of the questionnaire was very important and crucial since it has to fulfill all the research objectives, so that all the questions and problems are answered and at the same time tabulation and analysis should be easier and subjective bias should be eliminated.

Source of Data Collection In this research, Primary data is collected by administering questionnaire to the respondents. The secondary data could be collected from journals, reports, internet and various publications. Focus group technique is also used for collection of information in this project. The advantages of secondary data can be it is economical both in term of money and time spent. The secondary data is collected from brochures and various Internet sites.

Sampling Unit The universe for this project was customers of North Delhi. The decision to have number of samples/ respondents had to be decided keeping in mind the following factors:-

The time available. The objectives which are to be fulfilled through this study.

The respondents were selected randomly for the study purpose.

Population This study is conducted by the method of field survey of the customers in multiplexes, malls and colleges of North Delhi. Since this study enables to discover the customer awareness, attitude and experience towards movie watching experience. This is basically a descriptive kind of a study.

Sample Size Keeping in mind the above stated factors; the sample size was kept to 150 respondents and in order to have proper representation. Out of this, all 150 responses have been used in the final analysis.

Sampling Technique Sampling technique used here is simple random sampling which is a technique of Probability Sampling or Random Sampling. All the respondents were randomly selected and were given Questionnaires in printed and form so as to get feedback and responses from them.


Chart showing Critics reviews Impact on Movie goers

The report shows that critic review place important role. As 63.33% respondents go for movies after critics review whereas to 64.67% respondents critic review is not so important .

Chart Showing the Frequency Of Movie Goers

By the study we come to know out of 150 respondents 74 respondents that is 49.33% respondents go for movie once in fortnight or month. Where as respondents going weekly are only 30 that is 20%. 26 out of 150 that is 17.33% go for movie once in three months. Respondents going rarely for movie are only 13.33%

Chart showing time prefered by movie goers

The research shows that 38.67% movies goers prefer evening time as the most suitable time to go for a movie. Comparatively 30.67% prefer afternoon time to go for movie. Night show is preferred by only 17.33%. and least preferred is before noon time.

Chart showing the preference of movie goers to watch a movie

The research shows that although in the growing trend of internet only 22% respondents depend on watching movie through internet download. 51.33% respondents still prefer to watch movie going to theatres. The trend towards watching movie through DVD and television is least that is 11.33% and 15.33% only.

Chart showing place pereferred by movie goers

32.67% respondents prefer to watch movie in theatres or multiplexes situated in mall. Whereas 24% respondents prefer to watch movie in a theatre nearest to their house. 22.67% respondents go to multiplexes to watch movie. whereas 19.33% respondents prefer theatres near their workplace or college.

Statistics for respondents preference for buying refreshments

Respondents preference for refreshment N Valid Missing Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Variance 150 0 1.24 1.00 1 .429 .184 Necessity/requi rement 115 35 2.97 3.00 2 1.151 1.324 Peer pressure Quality of food 115 35 2.91 3.00 3 1.014 1.027 115 35 3.27 3.00 4 1.029 1.058 Price 115 35 3.16 3.00 3 1.005 1.010 Fun 115 35 3.49 4.00 3 1.173 1.375 No other option available 115 35 2.75 3.00 3 1.262 1.594

Out 150 sample 35 respondents do not buy refreshments while watching a movie. The report shows that respondents buy refreshments as a purpose of fun with a mean of 3.49 and standard deviation of 1.173. Most of the response although marked is 3. It has the highest median of 4. Quality of food is next factor that is preferred while buying any kind of refreshments with a mean of 3.27 and standard deviation 1.029. Price shows the next important factor while buying refreshments with mean of 3.16 and standard deviation of 1.005. Whereas necessity to buy, peer pressure and no other option available are least affecting factors for buying refreshments.

Statistics for factors affecting movie goers in selecting movie theatre

Approachabi Comfortable Refreshmen lity N Valid Missing Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Variance 150 0 3.16 3.00 2 1.361 1.853 seats 150 0 3.71 4.00 4 2.556 6.531 ts 150 0 3.33 3.00 3 2.723 7.416 Show timings 150 0 3.89 4.00 4 1.014 1.027 Crowd 150 0 3.67 4.00 4 1.052 1.107 Proper parking 150 0 3.36 3.00 4 1.082 1.172 Ticket price 150 0 3.45 4.00 4 1.033 1.068 Theatres in Standalon mall 150 0 3.33 3.00 4 1.185 1.405 e 150 0 3.07 3.00 3 1.191 1.418

The research shows that show timings are mostly preferred by the respondents as its mean is highest that is 3.89 and minimum standard deviation of 1.014 and variance 1.027. its mode is also 4. Respondents preference towards comfortable seats is with mean as 3.71. But this shows highest standard deviation 2.556 and variance 6.531 which shows mixed responses. Crowd and ticket price are next mostly looked criteria by respondents before going for a movie with mean of 3.67 and 3.45 and standard deviation of 1.052 and 1.082. Ticket price covers mean of 3.45 with showing standard deviation of 1.033 where as Proper parking has a mean of 3.36 with standard deviation of 1.082. Theatres in mall, refreshments, approachability and standalone theaters least affect the movie goers.

Our report shows that movie goers have an impact of critics review as 63.33% respondents go after listening to the review. Although it is a world of internet but still 51.33% respondents prefer to watch movie in a theatre. The internet download is a bit low with only 22% respondent going for it. The trend of watching movie on DVD has decreased a lot to an extent that only 11.33% respondent go for DVD. Television still holds on with 15.33% respondents going for television which mostly includes housewives. The most preferred place to watch movie according to the research is theatres in malls. This shows people dont only go for watching movie but also to visit malls and fulfill their others needs along with entertainment. Respondents show preference in selecting movie theater near to their house for convenient purpose. They also prefer to go in multiplexes rather standalone. The preferable show time preferred most is evening, thus concluding that evening time is for leisure and enjoyment.30.67% selects afternoon as their most preferred time The Factors which affect the buying behavior of refreshment while watching movie are fun , quality of food and price. 70% of the movie goers say that show timing is important while deciding for a movie. The research indicates that movie goers prefer comfortable seats as important factor while going for a movie as more than 50% respondents marked it as important. The study shows that movie goers considers crowd as a important factor while making a decision for a movie as 59% respondents marked it important. About 52% of respondents marked ticket price as important factor while taking a decision to go for a movie.

The research report shows that movie watchers going to theaters are more above watching through internet download or watching in TV or DVD. Thus multiplexes have a fair good chance of growth. Movie theaters in malls are more successful in attracting customers. Moviegoers evaluate the key assets of a film by the critics review and form an opinion based on these reviews before going for a movie. Therefore critic reviews help in boosting up the sale of a movie ticket. Thus movie makers should give importance to critic review as well. The buying of refreshments while watching movie is for fun. Thus the food stalls in theatres should design their marketing strategy in increasing their consumer through attractive offers as customers are also price sensitive. Show timing is the most sensitive matter for movie goers. Maximum prefer to watch movie during afternoon and evening. Thus hit movies should be shown during the maximum frequency of customers. If media consumption and technology usage patterns have evolved, so has the journey from awareness to ticket purchase. But where does this leave our marketing. We all know that audiences have fragmented. And yet, when it comes to movie marketing, were still largely following a mass-market approach. The time has come to expand our targeting from the typical Four Quad or 18-34 approach to a more sophisticated segmentation taking into consideration both age and stage of life. Because as moviegoers move through their lives, from high school to college to parenthood and beyond, their moviegoing habits change. Teens to college students, entering single life and the workforce, parenthood (of kids, of teens), empty nesting.Their interest in seeing movies stays the same but their time and priorities change.


Websites www.itcourseware.com www.scribd.com

http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Movie-Goer-And-Source-Code/673053 www.google.com www.slideshare.com

Research journals Indian Journal Of Marketing

Newspaper: HT city Delhi Times


Q1. Gender a)Male Q2. Age Group a) Under 19 ( e) 51 and above ( Q3. Occupational Status a) Student ( ) b)Self Employed ( ) c) Home Maker ( ) ) ) ) b) 20-30 ( ) c)31-40 ( ) d)41-50 ( ) b) Female

d) Working Professional --Full time (

) Part Time (

Q4. How do you prefer to watch movie. (Mark any 1) Theatre ( ) DVD ( ) Television ( ) Internet Download ( )

Q5. How often you go for a movie. (Mark any 1) Daily ( ) Once in a week ( ) Once in a fortnight ( ) Once in a month ( )

Once in 3 Months ( ) Q6. Does critic reviews have impact on your decision making. Yes ( ) No ( )

Q7. Where do you prefer to watch a movie. (Mark any 1) a. b. c. d. Nearest theatre to your house ( ) Nearest theatre to your workplace/college ( At malls ( ) At multiplexes ( )

Q8. Timings Preferred by you to watch a movie. (Mark any 1) Before noon ( ) After noon ( ) Evening ( ) Night ( )

Q9. Which class of movie ticket do you usually buy. (Mark any 1)

Gold Class ( 100-200 ( )

Silver class ( 200& above ( )

) Economy: less than 100(

) 100-150(

Q10. Do you buy any refreshments while watching a movie? Yes ( ) No ( )

Q11. If yes, rate these factors influencing your decision of buying refreshments. (Least) a.) Necessity/requirement (Most)

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

b.) Peer Pressure c.) Quality of food d.) Price e.) Fun f.) No other option available

Q12. Factors influencing you while choosing a movie theatre on a scale of 1 to 5 (Least) (Most)

Approachability Comfortable seats Refreshments Show Timings Crowd Proper parking Ticket price Theatres in mall

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


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