Joseph Andrews - Summary and Analysis - Chapters 5-10 - CliffsNotes
Joseph Andrews - Summary and Analysis - Chapters 5-10 - CliffsNotes
Joseph Andrews - Summary and Analysis - Chapters 5-10 - CliffsNotes
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About Joseph Andrews Character List Summary and Analysis
Author's Preface Book I: Chapter 1 Book I: Chapters 2-3 Book I: Chapter 4 Book I: Chapters 5-10 Book I: Chapters 11-12 Book I: Chapter 13 Book I: Chapters 14-15 Book I: Chapter 16 Book I: Chapters 17-18 Book II: Chapter 1 Book II: Chapters 2-3 Book II: Chapter 4 Book II: Chapter 5 Book II: Chapter 6 Book II: Chapters 7-9 Book II: Chapters 10-11 Book II: Chapters 12-13 Book II: Chapters 14-15 Book II: Chapters 16-17 Book III: Chapter 1 Book III: Chapter 2 Book III: Chapter 3 Book III: Chapter 4 Book III: Chapter 5 Book III: Chapters 6-9 Book III: Chapter 10 Book III: Chapter 11 Book III: Chapters 12-13 Book IV: Chapters 1-3 Book IV: Chapters 4-6 Book IV: Chapter 7 Book IV: Chapter 8 Book IV: Chapters 9-11 Book IV: Chapters 12-14 Book IV: Chapters 15-16
Joseph Andrews
By Henry Fielding
Summary The death of Sir Thomas Booby confines Lady Booby to her house for a period of mourning, but she soon begins to pursue Joseph. Calling him to her bedside, she cunningly tries to arouse his passions, but fails. She cannot understand Joseph's innocence and his failure to understand her. Joseph, somewhat perturbed, writes a letter to his sister, Pamela. He thinks that Lady Booby is perhaps pursuing him, but charitably ascribes this to distraction over the death of Sir Thomas. In any case, he anticipates his dismissal and advises Pamela of his return to the Booby country-seat. After sealing the letter, he runs into Mrs. Slipslop who has long nursed a secret passion for Joseph. Provoked by Joseph's inability to understand her advances, she is about to seize her prey when her mistress's bell rings. Joseph is temporarily saved. Fielding, drawing the reader's attention to the different manifestations of love in Lady Booby and Mrs. Slipslop, returns the reader to the vacillations of Lady Booby, now pouting. By this time, Mrs. Slipslop is also piqued at Joseph and vilifies his character, even claiming that Betty, the chambermaid, is with child by him. Lady Booby orders Slipslop to discharge them both and Slipslop, realizing that she has gone too far, tries to backtrack but it is too late. Yet Lady Booby, warmed by the same passion for Joseph as is Slipslop, countermands her orders several times. Finally she resolves to see Joseph and to insult him before discarding him. This chapter closes with a wry apostrophe from Fielding to love's deceiving power of metamorphosis. Fielding describes Joseph's physical charms and comments that this description might induce all ladies to "bridle their rampant passion for chastity." Continuing with his story, Fielding shows us Lady Booby, seemingly scolding Joseph for his conduct, then embarking on another attempt at seduction, but utterly confounded by Joseph's sense of virtue. A reference by Joseph to the chastity of his sister, Pamela, completely undoes Lady Booby. She then dismisses Joseph from her household and, more mortified than ever, rings violently for Slipslop who has been listening at the keyhole. Lady Booby instructs Slipslop to see that Joseph is paid off and dismissed, but Slipslop is surprisingly pert in her replies. After a verbal parrying by the ladies, Slipslop remarks: "I know what I know," and Lady Booby realizes that her reputation now lies with Slipslop, whom she has just dismissed as well. She tells her steward, Mr. Peter Pounce, to turn Joseph out of the house that evening, but recalls Slipslop to see if she can patch things over. She quickly achieves a reconciliation with Slipslop, but the fact that her reputation is now in the hands of this gossipy servant tortures Lady Booby. Even more disturbing is the maelstrom of emotions concerning Joseph. Joseph now understands the full drift of his mistress and unburdens himself in another letter to his sister. He is then called downstairs to receive the small remainder of his wages from the dishonest Peter Pounce. Stripped of his livery, he borrows a frock and breeches from one of the servants and leaves the house. Although it is seven o'clock in the evening, the moon is full, so Joseph resolves to begin his journey back to the country immediately.
Character Analysis
Joseph Andrew s Fanny Lady Booby Mrs. Slipslop Parson Adam s
He doesn't understand that they're advances. He uses them to make Mrs. Slipslop jealous.
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