The Shoemaker's Holiday: A Study Guide To The Utah Shakespeare Festival
The Shoemaker's Holiday: A Study Guide To The Utah Shakespeare Festival
The Shoemaker's Holiday: A Study Guide To The Utah Shakespeare Festival
The articles in this study guide are not meant to mirror or interpret any productions at the Utah Shakespeare
Festival. They are meant, instead, to be an educational jumping-off point to understanding and enjoying the
plays (in any production at any theatre) a bit more thoroughly. Therefore the stories of the plays and the
interpretative articles (and even characters, at times) may differ dramatically from what is ultimately produced
on the Festival’s stages.
Insights is published by the Utah Shakespeare Festival, 351 West Center Street; Cedar City, UT 84720. Bruce C.
Lee, communications director and editor; Phil Hermansen, art director.
Copyright © 2011, Utah Shakespeare Festival. Please feel free to download and print Insights, as long as you do
not remove any identifying mark of the Utah Shakespeare Festival.