Element Magick

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Element Magick What is Element Magick?

Element, or natural magick, entails the use of the four fundamental elements found in nature; Fire, Earth, Air, and Water as the main focus of your spells. Each of the four elements can be used to magickally draw things towards yourself, or to drive them away. By this time, you should have built a working relationship with the elements, from having invited them into your ritual space in the past. One of the main reasons that we call the elements to our circle is so that we can merge the energy of the land around us with our personal energy, and the Divine Essence to produce a profound matrix of power that we can call upon at any time.

The four elements can be used alone or together, however, it is best that you only use one element at a time in the beginning of your studies and work with the elements. Like all aspects of nature, the four elements have their positive as well as their negative attributes. To work with the elements you must have an understanding of each of them and how they work. When working with the elements, you need to always match your endeavor to the appropriate element.

The Element of Fire

Fire can create and fire can destroy. Working with the element of fire often takes the form of moving energies away from your self. Often a person would write the situation of problem on a piece of paper and then burn the paper while calling upon the element of fire to burn away the problem. However, with the exception of candle magick, which is slightly more complicated, drawing energies to ones self is an aspect of fire magick not often touched upon in discussions of fire magick. To work with the element of fire in this way, visualize your magickal goal in the flames of a fire that you have built yourself, or perhaps, the rising Sun. As you visualize your goal say aloud or to yourself:

I link my desire; To this fire; As it grows warm, My will takes form! The element of fire is associated with transformation, healing and passion. It is both physical and spiritual, being related to sexuality and to divinity

The Element of Earth

Earth can create and earth can decay. Earth magick is often employed by burying things such as charms, talismans, remnants of spells, etc near your front door or off of your property. Often a witch will form a sympathetic relationship in his mind with an object or thing that is biodegradable, and that which they want to move away from themselves. The witch will then bury the object in the ground while asking the element of earth to move the unwanted thing away from them as the object decays. An example of this can be found in a folk magick remedy to cure warts. A potato is rubbed on a wart and the potato is then buried in the ground so that as the potato decays the wart will whiter away. To use the element of earth in order to draw something towards you, spread a handful of salt out on a flat surface and draw a symbol of your goal in the salt. It may be an astrological sign, rune, number, a key word or brief phrase. Focus on your desire and invoke the element of earth asking it to bring your desire to you. Finally, gather the salt and spread it out over your front door. Earth is the element that is most stable and dependable. It represents abundance, prosperity, and wealth, and is creative but in a practical, physical manner.

The Element of Air

Air can build things up or tear things down. This can be seen in nature with hurricanes, tornadoes, and less aggressively with breezes that cool the day or move seeds towards their final planting bed. Air magick is most commonly utilized in the following manner. The witch will form a sympathetic relationship in his mind with a small light object that can be easily blown in the wind. He or she will carry the object on a windy day and toss the object in the air asking the element of air to blow away the negative energy as the object moves away from him. Alternately, a situation or problem may be written on paper, which is then torn into small pieces and thrown to the winds. Air magick can be engaged to draw something to your self by the use of sacred breath and chanting. To perform successful Air Magick, draw a symbol in the air before you as in earth magick. Next, chant a spell to program the symbol and finally breathe on it to empower the symbol and send forth the energy to complete its task. The element of air is associated with mental processes and the mind. It is creative and is that which causes magickal intentions to become manifest. It is also associated with higher consciousness and wisdom, divination and purification.

The Element of Water

Water brings life, and it can also take it away. Water holds the mystery of birth and the unknown depths of the oceans. Commonly water magick is employed by writing a persons name or a description of the problem or situation on paper. The paper is then placed in a bottle which is then thrown into moving water, so that the problem moves away from you just as the bottle does. Alternately, the paper is actually placed in a bottle of water and left there for the water to break down the paper, so that the problem goes away as the paper breaks down. To draw something towards you with Water Magick, you can charge water with your goal and keep it in a small vial whose color matches your goal. The element of water is associated with the subconscious mind, intuition and emotions. As the primal substance of life, it is symbolized by the womb and is related to fertility.

Cord Magick What is Cord Magick?

Cord Magick entails the tying of knots in a length of cord, twine, or string. Choices involved in this type of magic include,color, length, number of knots, as well as the choice of using a disposable or a resusuable cord. The most common number of knots employed is nine, and they are tradtionally tied in the following order:


How to Perform Cord Magick

Standard cord magick involves the use of chants and visualization as you are tying a predetermined number of knots (which may follow numerological symbolism) at equidistant points in a length of cord, twine, or string. When deciding upon which color to use in please refer to the section on candle burning and follow the color correspondences given for that practice. The chant you use can either be generic or specific to your goal. An example of a generic chant for the purpose of performing knot magick is as follows. This knot I tie, this spell I lay, to capture the essence of what I say; (name of goal) is now drawn to/away me, as I will so mote it be! However, you will also find the following classic poem in many older Books of Shadows. It is: By knot of one this spell's begun By knot of two, it cometh true By knot of three, so mote it be By knot of four, this power I store By knot of five, this spell's alive By knot of six, this spell I fix By knot of seven, events I'll leaven By knot of eight, it will be fate By knot of nine, what's done is mine If you wish to draw something to you, you may wish to ritually tie a knot in a length of cord over a period of days as the moon Waxes, or grows, so that the energies that you are attempting to influence will come to you. If your desire is to move something away from yourself, you may tie the knots as described while chanting the spell given and visualizating the person or thing that is bound to you. Next, you can ritually untie the knots one at a time over a period of nine days during the Waning Moon. The influence of the person or thing will loosen and lessen as the moon wanes, or decreases.

If your spell is to affect another individual, such as for a healing, you may take the individual's measure by measuring them from head to foot with a length of cord and then adding the length of their foot. This cord can then be folded over to a certain length and knots tied in it to cast spells over the individual. In addition, there are several spells used in various forms of folk magick which entail measuring a man's erect penis and tying knots in the cord to bind his desire to you. As you become more profecient in the use of Cord Magick, you may complete the ritual in one single night rather than over a period of days. The cord is then either carried on your person, or kept in a special place until the goal is manifested. Once the goal has manifested, you can either burn it or bury it to return it's energy back to the universe. Cord Magick can be used alone or in conjunction with other mediums such as Candles, Crystals, Potions (by anointing the cord with oils, infusions, etc...), Sympathetic Magick, Mojo Magick, and Element Magick. This form of magick lends itself well to binding and un-binding spells.

The Magick of Gems, Crystals, and Stones

A Basic Guide to Crystal Magick

Gems, crystals, and stones are natural elements within the natural realm. On a mundane level, many gems, stones, and crystals are very expensive to purchase and are desired to be work as personal adornments and symbols. Originally, jewelry was a form of magickal amulet for protection, strength, and so on. Most magickal people today wear their jewelry in the same manner. Gem, Crystal, and Stone magick is the application which utilizes the natural energy of the stones or gem with the ability to recharge them with either personal power, or that of the sun, moon, and earth. Today, man has discovered a manner in which they can make stone, crystals, and gems. These man made objects are not natural formations, but rather items made from chemicals which intended to be similar to those gems, crystals, and stones found in nature. Some believe that these crystals, gems and stones are equivalent to naturals ones in value and ability. Considering the fact that all magick comes from personal power, in that aspect we would have to agree, but in the aspect of natural energy, we would have to disagree. The choice and decision on this aspect is yours to make. All gem, crystals, and stones have been assigned traditional correspondences and they will differ depending on the tradition, culture, and so forth. Gem, Crystal, and Stone magick is another form of magick which must be personally experienced. What affect a gem, crystal, or stone will have for one person may not be the same for another. You will need to meditate with each stone to build a personal relationship with it and discover the energy with which it resonates for you.

Selected Crystals and their Properties

Amber- It is fossilized resin. Amber absorbs and changes negative energy into positive energy. It calms, purifies, increases motivation and creativity. Amber is a powerful amulet when worn for protection. Amethyst- This type of quartz has the power to control all types of harmful behavior. It has the power to heal and balance physical, emotional and mental energies as well as clearing the aura. Amethyst is excellent in inducing a calm and peaceful energy to aid in both entering and maintaining a state of meditation. Other attributes include stability, strength, protection against psychic attacks and helps one find freedom from addictive personalities. Bloodstone- This form of Chalcedony is wonderful for healing, courage, renewal, enhances creativity and helps one to be unselfish. The green, red spotted bloodstone is also a prosperity stone. It has been used to facilitate admittance to the spiritual realms of the ancestors, providing an open avenue of communication. Carnelian- This form of Chalcedony stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It also relieves feelings of anger or hatred when worn near the heart

by instilling powerful sensations of well-being. Carnelian can also relieve sexual tension by redirecting energies stored in the reproductive center of the body; it can also stimulate sluggish sexual energies.

Cat's Eye- This form of Quartz or Chrysoberyl enhances awareness, stimulates intuition and may be used to see into the future or communicate with the spirit world. Cat's Eye has also been used to increase longevity, bring prosperity, happiness, serenity and luck. Citrine- This form of Quartz is very special in that it does not hold and accumulate negative energy but dissipates and transmutes it. Because of this, it never needs clearing or cleansing. Citrine stimulates mental focus and endurance. It promotes inner radiance making for a constant happy disposition. Copper- Copper has been used successfully to transmit thought and provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies. It also stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence. Diamond- Diamond has been used to remove voids from one's aura and to fill the emptiness with a pure and loving energy. It inspires creativity, ingenuity, inventiveness, inspiration, faith, endurance and helps to manifest abundance in all areas of one's life. Emerald- This form of Beryl increases creative imagination, prosperity, love and fertility. It also instills sensitivity and loyalty within the self, domestic bliss, enhances memory and brings harmony to all areas of one's life. Garnet- Garnet enhancer's one's internal flame to bring out creative energies. It also aids in love, purification, cleansing and the elimination of things in disorder. Hematite- Hematite is an excellent grounding stone. It encourages one to reach full potential, assists in balancing body, mind and spirit along with mental attunement. Jade- Jade helps to remember and understand dreams. Set in gold or silver, it is thought to prolong life and bring riches to the wearer. Jade also inspires and brings ambition toward completion of goals. Other attributes include confidence and self-sufficiency. Jasper- This type of Chalcedony may be used for nurturing, stabilizing the aura and aid in safe astral travel. Red Jasper is for protection, Yellow Jasper clears the mind and Brown Jasper aids in concentration and may be worn for grounding and centering. Lapis Lazuli- Lapis Lazuli expands awareness, attunes to creativity, finetunes the feelings and instincts, helps to overcome depression, protects and enhances a state of serenity. It also assists in entering other realms with wisdom to understand the information received. Deep azure-blue, pyrite-

streaked stones are powerful healing medicine when worn with purposeful intent.

Malachite- Malachite exudes maternal love and warmth and is often used for healing purposes, however it absorbs negativity therefore requiring a thorough cleansing and recharging after each use. It also enhances one's psychic abilities and aids in one's spiritual evolution. Malachite clarifies emotions and helps one accept responsibility for one's own actions. Moonstone- Moonstone stimulates confidence and composure along with understanding through intuition and emotions. It cleanses the chakras and enhances all feminine aspects of one's nature bringing calmness coupled with awareness. Moonstone is trance inducing and may be used for all divinatory work. Its other attributes include balancing and new beginnings. Obsidian- Obsidian is useful in healing providing clarity to both the subject and the healer. It is also an excellent grounding and protective stone. Along with these attributes each type of Obsidian also has their own specific qualities. Onyx- This form of Chalcedony is a powerful grounding stone that aids in concentration, absorbs negativity, banishes grief, enhances self control, stimulates wise decision making, encourages happiness and good fortune along with being a good choice for protection. Opal- The main aspect of this stone is balance. It may crack if the wearer is stressed, in danger or just out of sync. Opal helps to recognize and feel creativity within oneself along with inspiration, imagination and mystical qualities. It may render the wearer invisible by bringing one the quality of "fading into the background." Pear- This type of Sea Shell has a soothing effect and helps the wearer overcome obstacles. It tends to absorb negative energy and must be cleared before wearing. Pearl also induces faith, charity, innocence, focus and enhances personal integrity. Peridot- Peridot emits a warm and friendly energy, regulates cycles (physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and life), along with being excellent for healing and protection. Quartz (clear)- Quartz crystals have been used in magical and healing rituals since the beginning of time as we know it. Quartz crystal can create altered states of consciousness as well as unlocking abilities of the mind. It can be used to clear and activate energy centers of the body attuning well to the heart and third-eye chakras. Quartz purifies the physical, mental and spiritual self along with healing inner negativity transforming it into positive thoughts and feelings. Whether the clear quartz is carried, worn, or simply in one's environment, it's magick and energy remain attuned to the one with whom it is connected.

Rose Quartz- This crystal emits a gentle and calming energy that can bring harmony to a chaotic situation. Rose Quartz is especially helpful in matters of the heart and learning to love one's self as it promotes feelings of love and happiness. Ruby- This form of Corundum encourages one to follow their bliss, promoting creativity and the ability to expand beyond oneself. Ruby stimulates the heart chakra while leading the emotions toward nurturing, spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge and wealth. It is also an excellent shielding stone, protecting the wearer on all levels. Sapphire- This form of Corundum aids in eliminating frustration and allowing for the fulfillment of dreams and desires. Sapphire can also be used to remove unwanted thoughts by opening one's mind to beauty and intuition. It is said that sapphire has the power to counteract negative witchcraft and attract good spirits and that star sapphire (milky or grayish blue) is the best guard against the evil eye. Silver- Silver provides a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies giving the wearer assurance that they may always return home from the astral plane. Silver smoothes out the roughness of one's personality improving speech and bringing an element of culture to one's presence.

Smokey Quartz- This crystal can be used to dissolve negative emotions and thoughts allowing positive energy to take its place. Natural Smokey Quartz can protect one from harm along with heightening one's connection and understanding of Earth and the environment. It is an excellent grounding stone and also promotes personal joy of life.

How to Cleanse & Charge Your Stones

Begin by choosing a crystal, gem, or stone that matches your goal and place it in a dish of salt overnight, washing the salt down the drain the following day. To charge the crystal, gem, or stone light a candle and burn incense. Sit in a meditative state and hold the stone in your projective hand. Visualize your goal and move this energy into the stone. When you are done, place the stone near the candle until it burns out naturally. Carry the stone until your energy manifests.

Generic Gem Spell

You will need a birthstone to represent yourself and a stone, gem, or crystal which corresponds to your goal. If you desire, you can enhance this spell with the use of candles, herbs, incense, etc When the moon is New, set the birthstone and other gem roughly seven inches apart on a mirror. Meditate upon your goal. As you do this, move the stones an inch closer. You will repeat this process for seven days, moving the stone an inch closer each day until they are touching. After seven days, you can put the two stones together in a safe place or carry them with you in a mojo bag until you have achieved your goal. To move something away from you, simply reverse the process described above the seven days after the Full Moon.

Sex Magick

What is Sex Magick?

Just like candle magick utilizes candles to cast spells, and cord magick uses cords, ribbon, or yarn, and herb magick entails the use of herbs, roots, and leaves; sex magick utilizes the medium of sex to effect change. Sex shares many similarities with magickal practices. Both have been described as mysterious, they each involve ritual, and both have the power to sway people, influence their decision, and actions in a matter. For this reason, advertisers have long been aware of the power of sex to draw trade and business. However, witches have known for countless ages the true power of the human orgasm. An essential part of casting spells is the buildup and release of energy. Traditionally, there are eight ways to raise energy. They are: 1. Meditation or concentration 2. Chants, spell, poetry, or invocations

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Trance, or projection of the astral body. Incense, drugs, or alcohol. Rhythm such as drumming or dancing. Biofeedback, or blood control Flagellation, light scourging. The Great Rite (ecstatic sexual energy)

As you can see sexual congress (which involves the buildup and release of tension) lends itself well to the practice of magick.

Techniques of Sex Magick

Sex Magick can be performed with or without a sexual partner. It can be performed by both women as well as men; it can be performed by heterosexual couples as well as homosexual couples. In addition, it may or may not involve the use of other forms of magick such as candles, mojo bags, cords, Runes, crystals, amulets, and talismans. To perform sex magick you must first decide on a goal. If you are performing sex magick with a partner, it is very important that you each have a clear idea of your goal and can agree on a mental image which you both will concentrate on while performing the ritual. Once you have defined your goal, you must decide if you are going to utilize any other form of magick along with the medium of sex magick. Below I will give various examples of how sex magick can be performed to bring about change in accordance with your will.

EXAMPLE ONE: A heterosexual couple wish to conceive a child. They have decided that in addition to following their doctors instructions they would like to use magick to help bring about their goal of conceiving a child. In addition, they believe that sex magick is quite an appropriate form of magick considering their goal. Together, the couple create a sigil (magic symbol) of their goal. To do this they write down a statement of their intent being brief and to the point. They look at their statement and eliminate all the letters which repeat more than once. The couple then take the remaining letters and using their creativity combine the letters creating a symbol of their goal. The symbol is then drawn on a piece of paper. The couple decide on an appropriate time. Rather than choose a time based on the Moon Phase and Magickal Day, they may decide to choose a time when the female is most fertile. Beforehand, the couple bathe together in order to cleanse themselves and get in the proper mood for the work at hand. In addition, they may light several candles in their bedroom and play romantic music so that their child is conceived in love. The sigil is placed somewhere where it will be visible to both parties. For aesthetic reasons, the sigil may be taped to a wall at eye level while the couple make love "doggie-style" so that the sigil will be in both parties line of sight. The couple begin their love-making while visualizing their sigil and focus on their goal. When both parties achieve an orgasm, they will turn their attention to the symbol and "push" the energy that they have released into the sigil in order to charge it. The sigil would then be anointed with both parties sexual fluids and kept in a safe place until their goal is met.

EXAMPLE TWO: A male homosexual couple wishes to attract a large sum of money in order to
go on a Hawaiian vacation. They decide to use sex magick in conjunction with cord magick. The couple decide to perform the ritual on a Thursday (prosperity) in the hour of Jupiter, during a Waxing Moon. At the pre-determined time the two lovers begin foreplay and when the penetrative partner is erect, he lies on his back. The receptive partner straddles his lover's waist and receives his lover. The receptive partner riding his lover, takes a length of cord and ties a knot in it while chanting a spell or making a statement of intent and visualizing his goal. He then gives the cord to his lover, who does the same. The couple alternate tying knots in the cord until there are nine knots in the cord. When both parties achieve orgasm (and it would be preferable if they could time it so that the last knot is tied just as orgasm is achieved) the cord is anointed with their sexual fluids. The couple place the cord in a special box in a safe place. From time to time they add other items to the box, such as pictures of Hawaii, brochures for hotels, etc....

EXAMPLE THREE: A woman wishes to attract a boyfriend and has decided to use sex magick in conjunction with candle magick to do so. To begin, she chooses a pink candle (love and romance) and certain dried herbs. She then determines the correct time to cast her spell. At the appointed hour, she takes a sensual bath, lights scented candles, and plays music to set the mood. After her bath, she removes the candle from her nearby workspace and lies on her bed. She arouses herself with her hands and fingers, and then using the candle like a dildo she masturbates while visualizing her goal as if it has already manifested. When she achieves an orgasm. She takes the candle, which should be covered in her sexual fluids, to her workspace. She then rolls the candle (towards herself) in a mixture of the herbs she has chosen. Finally, she set the candle in a holder and lights it with a match. She repeats an incantation, or her statement of intent in a positive manner three times and then leaves the candle to burn. Note: In the case of a man, he would masturbate as usual and after achieving an orgasm would anoint the candle with his semen in the same manner that he would if he were using an oil. If need be, he may anoint the candle with a mixture of this semen and he lubricant he used to facilitate masturbation.

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