Project On Zensar Technologies

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The key takeaways are about understanding HR policies, performance management systems and core HR practices at Zensar Technologies.

The objectives of the study are to know about various HR policies, performance management system and to work with the HR team at Zensar Technologies.

The primary methodologies used for data collection are questionnaires and secondary sources include company materials, internal website and journals.


Objectives of the Study

To know about the various HR Policies practiced at Zensar. To understand the performance management system of the organization. To work with the HR team of the organization. To know the core HR practices of the organization

Executive Summary
Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for their survival and attainment of mutual goals. So every modern management has to develop the organization through human resource development. Employee Performance Appraisal is important sub-system of human resource development. Employee training and development is important function and is one of the fundamental operative functions for human resource management. The objective of this project is to study the theoretical aspects of Appraisal process as well as to understand the practical aspects of Appraisal. After studying the Performance appraisal process, problems are identified such as genuine needs identification, development of Employees, attitudes of the employees, conducting ROI assessment etc. which can be faced in the Appraisal process and the recommendations are provided to avoid them.

Methodology & Limitations

The main methodologies used in data collection for the project are as following: 1. Primary Source: - The primary source data collection is through questionnaire.

2. Secondary Source: - The secondary source of data collection is through various company reading material, Internal website of Zensar , Journals etc.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the project is fully dependent upon the objectives of the project: This study can be helpful to the company for conducting any further research. The study is also helpful in finding out the respondents opinion towards certain attributes. It is also helpful in finding out the reach & effectiveness of the performance appraisal system. The study also serves as a base for understanding the perception about the employees regarding their performance appraisals. With the results of the study company can improve their standards of appraisal system.

Limitations of the study

Time was a major constraint. Therefore only limited numbers of employees were included in the project. The respondents were selected inside the organization only so it cannot be generalised as a whole. There are many respondents who hesitated to answer the questionnaire. The human behaviour is dynamic hence the results may not hold good for a long time. The results of the survey are totally dependent on the accuracy & authenticity of the information provided by the respondents.

Company Profile (Zensar Technologies)

6.1 Introduction

Zensar technologies are a globally renowned software service company that specializes in providing a complete range of software services & solutions. Zensar technologies are ranked among Indias top 20 service company by NASSCOM (National association of software & Services Company) & also recognized by DSIR (Department of scientific & Indian Research) for its robust inhouse research & development practices & acknowledged leader in Innovation. The software services range from traditional to the transformational enterprise ---------- product implementation & hosting, Business intelligence & Data warehousing, collaboration & Knowledge management services, Business process outsourcing & optimization.

Zensar is the worlds first enterprise wide SEI CMM level 5 companies and enjoys a strong presence in US, Europe, Africa, Middle East, & Asia Pacific regions. To serve its global customers, Zensar has delivery centers in Pune , Hyderabad , Banglore in India , China , Japan & UK. With 7000+ Associates, 400+ customers & 14 nationalities operating in more than 20 global locations Zensar helps transform global corporations.

Zensar encourages challenging of opinion, of mindsets and a young and vibrant culture of innovation and experimentation. It consciously focuses on building diversity into the system whether it is of gender, region, nationality, background, learning or education, and then in creating a framework for a confluence of these different ideas, cultures and experiences to make an authentic global organisation that delivers value to its customers. At Zensar individual thinking, creativity, innovation and flexibility are celebrated and through that enormous diversity seeps in a 'world culture' for Zensar to become true transformation partners to global corporations driven by a set of core organisational values - that being the only place for homogeneity!

Using the Global Delivery Model in integrating global talent including customer capabilities, embedding frameworks for service delivery, and by creating the necessary go-to-market front ends, Zensar demonstrates business value for its customers! This enables a true customer proximal model by requirements being captured by a consultant at their end with localized and business specific capabilities and the luxury of global sourcing and 24X7X365 support and disaggregated software development that leverages talent across nations.

6. 1 History *1959: Hellerith Limited took over the Indian business of powers Samas Accounting Machines Limited, London. The name of company was changed on 1st Oct 1959 to International Computers & Tabulators Limited & the new trade mark I.C.T was used in relation to the companys products. *1996: ICIL purchased the software business from ICIM. *2000: On Jan 14, 2000 the name of ICIL was changed to Zensar Technologies Limited. *2001: On 16th Aug, 2001 Zensar Technologies Limited merged with Fujitsu ICIM Limited, to form the new company Zensar Technologies Limited. Recently Fujitsus stake in Zensar has been purchased by RPG Group as Fujitsus is planning to come to the Indian market by itself. On 16th November 2010, Zensar Technologies acquired US-based infrastructure Management Company PSI Holding, which operates under the name Akibia.

6.2 Mission & Vision of Zensar Vision: Transformation partners to global corporations Mission: Leveraging technology & processes to help customers attain their goals. 6.3 Values Drive business transformation for our clients, with a firm commitment towards customer sovereignty, passion for excellence, continuous innovation, transparency & Integrity, & people orientation. At the same time strive to maintain high standards of corporate social responsibility. 6.4 Corporate Culture Zensar technologies have a open-door culture. They believe in creating an environment which encourages free & frank exchange of views, fostering interactions & discussions on ideas & issues to improve the work environment & thus increases the productivity.

They encourage associates to express their views openly without any fear of retribution. Thus embracing & fostering the culture of openness & participation forums which encourages active participation. 6.5 Human Resource An organization is only good as its people. The HR is the most important asset for any organization. More so, for a transformation


partner like Zensar. They nurture this asset base through various HR functions & processes & collective needs of the employees. The role of HR at Zensar Technologies limited is that of a strategic partner. The HR strategy is closely aligned with the business as it is evolved from the customer needs & imperatives. 6.6 Work Culture: The work culture of Zensar is based on 5F mantra ------ Fast, Flexible, Focused, Friendly, and Fun Organization. Fast Speedy action in whatever they do to stay extremely responsive to changing market & customer needs. Focused- Excelling in chosen verticals, markets & services. Flexible Spirit of continuous innovation & agility to respond to change business situation Friendly- We care for all our stake holders & always strive to consistent meet & exceed their expectation Fun- During fun at the work place while maintaining focus on complex business problems.


About the Department

The department in which I worked for the period of 2 months mainly focused on joining formalities of new employees & conducting induction program for them. The Department had various Associate Manager & they were assigned group of employees who directly report to them in case of any grievance or complaints. Apart from these the other functions off the department are listed below: Performance appraisal of employees Induction Program Grievance Handling Employee Engagement Programs. Exit Interviews

The department also conducted various events & Employee Engagement Programs in the company. Some of them are as following: 1. Vividha The annual cultural event held to bring to the fore the hidden talents of the associates in the fields of music, Drama, & Dance. 2. Interest Groups 5 interest Groups like sports, adventure, dramatics, Literary, & music, Dance were made for the employees. 3. EBM (Everybody meeting) Everybody meeting is held every 6 months in different locations.


4. Pizza & coke Meets Lunch meeting with random cross section of associates are invited to be the members of management team & discuss issues of common interests

5. Vision Community (VC) - Few employees with outstanding ideas were selected to work with the vision community of the company. 6. Women For excellence (WE) Discussion among womens to discover those inherent potential & fuel their desire for excellence WE meets are held every quarter


Introduction of Performance Management System

8.1 Concept of the Study An organizations goals can be achieved only when people put in their best efforts. How to ascertain whether an employee has shown his or her best performance on a given job? The answer is performance appraisal. Employee assessment is one of the fundamental jobs of HRM, But not an easy one. This project is devoted to a detailed discussion of the nature and process of conducting performance appraisal.

Appraisal, it seems, is both inevitable and universal. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people will tend to judge the work performance of others, including subordinates, naturally, informally and arbitrarily. 8.2 Meaning & Definition Performance appraisal is an objective assessment of an individuals performance against well-defined benchmarks.

Performance appraisal is a formal, structured system of measuring and evaluating an employees job related behaviours and outcomes to discover how and why the employee is presently performing on the job and how the employee can perform more effectively in the future so that the employee, organization, and society all benefit.


In simple terms may be understood as the assessment of an individuals performance in a systematic way, the performance being measured against such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility, health, and the like.

In the business world investment is made in machinery, equipment and services. Quite naturally time and money is spent ensuring that they provide what their suppliers claim. In other words the performance is constantly appraised against the results expected.

When it comes to one of the most expensive resources companies invest in, namely people, the job appraising performance against results is often carried out with the same objectivity. Each individual has a role to play and management has to ensure that the individuals objectives translate into overall corporate objectives of the company. Performance Management includes the performance appraisal process which in turn helps identifying the training needs and provides a direction for career and succession planning.


8.3 Structure of Performance Management System


8.4 What is Performance Management? Performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individual's performance in a systematic way, the performance being measured against such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgement, versatility, health, and the like. Assessment should not be confined to past performance alone. Potentials of the employee for future performance must also be assessed. 8.5 How is performance managed? Good performance by the employees creates a culture of excellence, which benefits the organization in the long run. The activity includes evaluation of jobs and people both, managing gender bias, career planning, and devising methods of employee satisfaction etc. the efforts are to make to generate the individuals aspirations with the objectives of the organization. Organization has to clear the way of career advancements for talented and hardworking people. Fear of any kind from the minds of the employees should be removed so that they give best to their organization. Allow free flow of information. Communication network should be designed in such a way no one should be allowed to become a hurdle. This enables the managers to take correct decisions and that too quickly.


8.6 Why Performance Appraisal? Todays working climate demands a great deal of commitment and effort from employees, who in turn naturally expect a great deal more from their employers. Performance appraisal is designed to maximize effectiveness by bringing participation to more individual level in that it provides a forum for consultation about standards of work, potential, aspirations and concerns. It is an opportunity for employees to have significantly greater influence upon the quality of their working lives. In these times of emphasis on quality, there is a natural equation: better quality goods and services from employees who enjoy better quality goods and services from their employers.

Performance appraisal must be seen as an intrinsic part of a managers responsibility and not an unwelcome and timeconsuming addition to them. It is about improving performance and ultimate effectiveness.

Performance appraisal is a systematic means of ensuring that managers and their staff meet regularly to discuss post and present performance issues and to agree what future is appropriate on both sides.

This meeting should be based on clear and mutual understanding of the job in question and the standards and outcomes, which are a part of it. In normal circumstances, employees should be appraised by their immediate managers on one to one basis. Often the distinction between performance and appraising is not made.


Assessment concerns itself only with the past and the present. The staff is being appraised when they are encouraged to look ahead to improve effectiveness, utilize strengths, redress weaknesses and examine how potentials and aspirations should match up.

It should also be understood that pushing a previously prepared report across and desk cursorily inviting comments, and expecting it to be neatly signed by the employee is not appraisal - this is merely a form filling exercise which achieves little in terms of giving staff any positive guidance and motivation.

THE APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE SHOULD BE GEARED TO: Improving the ability of the job holder; Identifying obstacles which are restricting performance Agreeing a plan of action, that will lead to improved performance.

It is widely accepted that the most important factor in organization effectiveness is the effectiveness of the individuals who make up the organization. If every individual in the organization becomes more effective, then the organization itself will become more effective. The task of reviewing situations and improving individual performance must therefore be a key task for all managers.


For appraisal to be effective, which means producing results for the company, each manager has to develop and apply the skills of appraisal.

These are: Setting standards on the performance required, which will contribute to the achievement of specific objectives

Monitoring performance in a cost effective manner, to ensure that previously agreed performance standards are actually being achieved on an ongoing basis Analyzing any differences between the actual performance and the required performance to establish the real cause of a shortfall rather than assume the fault to be in the jot holder. Interviewing having a discussion with the jobholder to verify the true cause of a shortfall, a developing a plan of action, which will provide the performance, required

Appraisal can then become a way of life, not concerned simply with the regulation of rewards and the identification of potential, but concerned with improving the performance of the company. The benefits of appraisal in these terms are immediate and accrue to the appraising manager, the subordinate manager/employee, and to the company as a whole.


8.7 Objectives of Performance Appraisal To effect promotion based on competency and performance. To confirm the service of probationary employee upon theyre completing the probationary period satisfactorily. To assess the training and development needs of employee. To decide upon a pay raise where (as in the unorganised sector) regular pay scales have not been fixed. To let the employee know where they stand insofar as their performance is concerned and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their development. To improve communication. Performance appraisals provide a format for dialogue between the superior and the subordinate, and improve understanding of personal goals and concern. This can also have the effect of increasing the trust between the ratter and the rate. Finally, performance appraisal can be used to determine whether HR programs such, as selection, training and transfer have been effective or not.


8.8 Features of Performance Appraisal It is a systematic process, which aims to evaluate performance of the employees. It provides a description of an employees jobs relevant strengths & weaknesses. It aims to find out how well the employee is performing the job & tries to establish a plan for further improvement. The appraisal period is carried out periodically according to a definite plan.

8.9 Planning the Appraisal

A meaningful performance appraisal is a two-way process that benefits both the employees & the organization as a whole. The planning appraisal strategy has to be done:

8.9.1 Before the appraisal Establish key task areas & performance goals. Set performance goals. Get the facts. Schedule each appraisal interview well in advance.

8.9.2 During the Appraisal Encourage two-way communication. Discuss & agree on performance goals for the future.


To think about how one can assist the employee to achieve more at work. Record notes of the interview. End the interview on an upbeat note.

8.9.3 After the Appraisal Prepare a formal record of the interview. Monitor performance.

8.10 Purpose of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is aimed at:

To review the performance of the employees over a given

period of time.
To judge the gap between the actual and the desired

To help the management in exercising organizational control. To diagnose the training and development needs of the future. Provide information to assist in the HR decisions like

promotions, transfers etc.

Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the

functions to be performed by the employees.

To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource

functions of the organization such as recruitment, training and development.

To reduce the grievances of the employees.



8.11 Benefits of Performance Appraisal

The benefits of performance appraisal are twofold. The employees develop themselves while the organization gets the benefit of improved workforce. A few benefits are stated below:

8.11.1 Benefits to the Organization To help Organisation understand individual aspirations & development. Building on Individual Competence to assume higher responsibilities in future. Timely identification & development of staff to meet with the business needs. To have a performance based reward system.

8.11.2 Benefits to the Individuals Helps focusing on deliverables against set KRAs. Increasing job satisfaction individual efficiency &

performance. Looking at ones perfo rmance against the achievement Yardstick.


8.12 Purpose of performance appraisal General application Specific purpose Identification of individual needs. Performance feedback. Development Uses Determining transfers. Identification of individual strengths and developmental needs. Salary. Promotion. Administrative uses Retention of individual performance. Recognition of individual performance. Lay-offs. Identification of poor performers. Organizational HR planning. Evaluation of organizational goal l e achievement. Information for goal identification. Evaluation of HR systems. 1 . Reinforcement of organizational development needs. maintenance/objectives Determining organizational training needs.

Table 1: Purpose of Performance Appraisal


Performance Appraisal system at Zensar Technologies

To succeed in the market place where strong competition exists, the organization needs to create a culture with a sharp performance focus. As a result the compensation reward system & career progression of an associate is linked with performance which is tracked & measured through an object performance management system.

The process aims effectively to measure: (a) The performance of the associates against defined

performance goals & targets.

(b)The training & development need for the development of behavioural competencies.

9.1 Scope of the Appraisal Process

The process is applicable to all the associates on rolls of Zensar Technology Limited in the organisation & excludes those on probation or training as well as the retrainers .


Types of appraisal at Zensar Technology

The different types of appraisal that were done at the company are listed below: Confirmation Appraisal Project End Appraisal Annual Appraisal

10.1 Confirmation Appraisal

For all new associates (except junior associates), the confirmation appraisal is held at the end of six months from the date of joining. The confirmation of junior associates is different & while default confirmation appraisal is held at the end of a period of one year, accelerated confirmation is possible for outstanding performance based on quarterly performance measurements. The details of the accelerated confirmation policy are available with the SBU HR Managers & the Line Managers.

On confirmation, the notice period applicable will be as per the notice guidelines.

10.2 Project End Appraisal

From all those who get reallocated from a project, there is a project end appraisal. The team leader / project managers / practice head/ Department head/Direct Supervisor appraises the individual as the case may be. Feedback from customer / clients is also taken as a


part of the appraisal. It is the responsibility of every associate to have his/her project end appraisal done. Whilst moving from one project to another & keep the HR department posted about the same.

10.3 Annual Appraisal

The annual appraisal takes place in April / May / June & the performance bonus / Variable pay / Increment are declared in July. All those who join the organization on 31st December get covered in the appraisal cycle. Variable pay is based on the companys performance & that of the associates & the payout is solely at the discretion of the management. Variable pay is payable annually for the completed financial year & is taxable. Management reserves the right to make partial or full payment of the variable pay periodically at its sole discretion. Variable pay is based on the performance of the company as well as associates as evaluated under the performance management system. It is essential that the associate should be on the payroll of the company as on 31st march of the concerned financial year so as to eligible for the variable pay.


10.4 Performance Evaluation is used for -

Performance Bonus / Variable pay Career Planning T raining & Development

The company reserves the right to review salaries during the mid year if necessary.

Promotion to the next group is done in July/ January on the basis of availability & eligibility on promotion all of the policies & guidelines of the new Group applies automatically.


Process Of Performance Management System At Zensar

Performance is tracked through INNOWET scorecard. From the corporate INNOWET scorecard each functional head creates departmental INNOWET scorecard. Individual key result area (KRAs) are also defined in INNOWET format by his/her managers & used to measure individuals contribution in annual performance appraisal system.

The immediate supervisor / Managers & associates are strongly encouraged to discuss goal setting & job performance on an informal day to day basis. Additional formal performance assessments are conducted to provide the immediate supervisor / Manager & the associates the opportunity to discuss KRAs. Identify & correct performance gaps , encourages & recognizes strengths & discuss positive purposeful approach to achievement of the desired result. The organization has strong focus on performance & therefore will not encourage low / non-performers. Any consistent low or non performer would eventually be separated from the organization.


11.2 What is INNOWET?

INNOWET stands for: INNO Innovation (To promote innovation & excellence) W- Winning (To focus on business results) E- Executing (To achieve operational excellence in every field) T Team (To promote culture of winning as a team rather than as an individual)

11.3 The relation between INNOWET & KRA

KRA Dimensions


*Inno- Innovation (Looking at Improve processes tools & different ways of doing things work environment. evaluate & implement new ideas. Technical knowledge skills improvement identified areas in the


to projects current/future needs) *W Win (How do I contribute Customer to help the company win new or repeat businesses. & communication conducting to

demo/presentation visiting customers

*E Execute (Excellence in my Quality in documentation area of operations) bugs, defects , etc Timeliness





& Knowledge sharing of team members through training. Participation in HR

facilitate synergy in my team)

processes Viz. candidate selection training etc. , appraisal,


Eligibility for Appraisals

Date Of Joining

Annual appraisal Eligibility to be conducted for Annual increment

Up to December 2011 Jan 11 Dec 11 Jan 2012 onwards




Yes (Prorated)




KRA Setting for 2012-2013

1. All associates need to set their Key Result area for the year 2012-13 in the EPMP Module. 2. Practice KRAs as applicable.

3. Schedule for annual appraisal & KRA setting are intimated subsequently. 13.1 KRA Ratings

Performance Rating *Rating 1

Performance Rating Outstanding performance

*Rating 2

Exceeds expectation

*Rating 3

Meets Expectations

Definition Produced exceptional results. The results are considered significant & innovative in nature. Helps to expand the task perception adding value in the process. Consistently exceeds expectation on the set KRA with good quality output reflecting overall good performance limited only by the definition of the task. Accomplished the set KRA on time & met expectations established at the beginning of the performance period satisfactory work turnaround in qualitative & quantitative term.


*Rating 4

Close to meeting Expectation

Was close to meeting KRA set but could not accomplish it. Produced often incomplete output. Did not meet the KRA set has low initiative & demonstrates low quality of output. While able to comprehend the task, unable to execute it due to lack of competence will or attitude.

*Rating 5

Falls short of meeting expectations


PMS Structure
Step 1 a. Self assessment against set KRAs and competencies practice KRA mandatory for all

b. List down 2 career aspirations & the job you would like to move to in the near future. Ex - Over next 1 or 2 years. Step 2 Appraisal discussion with 1up manager on KRA & competencies, resulting in finalization of ratings & behavioral training needs identified. Step 3 Recording of performance assessment by 1up manager.

Step 4- Summary potential review (confidential section) to be filled by the 1 up manager. Step 5 Review & comments by 2up managers.


Electronic Performance Management System (EPMS)

The EPMS is the electronic mode or the online mode in which the appraisals were done at the company. The company internal website Zenlounge has the EPMS option which can be chosen when there are self appraisals which are to be done by the employees themselves. 15.1 Steps for doing self appraisals through EPMS: Go to the zenlounge & click on EPMS option from the application section. The application displays the home page of EPMS. Then click on my appraisals option displayed on the top of the screen to initiate the appraisal process. The screen has 5 options to choose from these are the different kind of appraisals which are done in the company : Project end module Annual Confirmation Midterm Then employees have to select one of the delivery manager & the reviewer from a list of managers. Whom they want to do their appraisals.


The employees then have to give information from the set of KRA which they have had done before. They have to do their self rating & self assessment & give a detailed summary about the KRA Employees have to give 1 critical incident & attach file as a proof of it. With every KRA employees have to attach files like certificate, Pictures, etc. Employees also have to do a competency review at the end. For example:


Self Appraisers Mutual Training Priority Rating Ratings Ratings Required 4 3 3 Yes Normal

Problem solving

Initiative Communication Skill Team work Flexibility Innovation

3 4

3 4

3 4

No No

Normal Normal






Customer Orientation Knowledge Of skills Empathy & Interpersonal Skills







After competency review there are two career aspirations that are to be filled by the employee. Career aspirations can be long term or short term. Then the appraisal forms are submitted to the appraiser for the assessment. The appraisal forms are reviewed by the appraiser after their submission in a read only format so that no changes can be made further after submission. Then the appraiser adds his own rating & comments to the appraisal form After this process again the employees have to check their reviews & ratings & give their agreement or disagreement regarding the ratings which they are awarded. If any case the employee feels any kind of dissatisfaction with the ratings there is a meeting which takes place between the employee & the appraiser. The employees also have to provide valid reasons for the dissatisfaction with the ratings.


Then after the discussion they have to again submit the appraisal form mentioning they are satisfied with the ratings. This is the end of the appraisal process in EPMS mode.

Advantages & Disadvantages of EPMS

16.1 Advantages:-

As it is electronic so there is no wastage of paper. It is easy to access. Correction can be made easily if anything goes wrong which cannot be done in case of paperwork. Saves time. Easy to check More Efficient & Secure

16.2 Disadvantages: Employee may over rate themselves Transparency Sometimes there are problem in discussions the employees dont get satisfied with the appraisers rating so they need discussions


Compensation & Benefit Model at Zensar

Group F LTA HRA 20,000 PA 40% Of Basic salary

Group E D 30,000 PA

Group C 35000 PA

Group B 1,00,000 PA

40% Of 40% Of 40% Of Basic salary Basic salary Basic salary

Medical Meal Coupons

15,000 PA 1,100 PM

15,000 PA 1,100 PM

15,000 PA 1,100 PM

15,000 PA 1,100 PM

Children education

Rs 100 per child

Rs 100 per child

Rs 100 per child

Rs 100 per child


Not Applicable

1500 PM for group E only

2000 PM for C & D

2500 PM

*LTA Leave & Travel Allowance *HRA House Rent Allowance *Group E Senior Technical Lead/Technical Lead *Group D Project Manager / Program Manager *Group C Delivery Head / Senior program Manager *Group B Vice president.


Pay Components
Basic Pay Allowances Statutory Deductions Variable Pay Skill Allowances Consolidated allowance pool (CAP) 18.1 Basic Pay 10,000 salaries 100,000 annual 18.2 Allowances -


Medical Allowance s Telephone



18.3 Statutory Deductions Provident Fund & Gratuity

18.4 Variable Pay Performance based

18.5 Skill Allowance Niche Skill only & for a particular period.


18.6 Consolidated Allowance Pool (CAP) This is recruiters area of negotiations & can vary.



1. Do you Find EPMS easy for appraisals than paper work? Yes No 2. Do you think it saves your Time? Yes No Dont Know 3. If asked to choose between EPMS & paperwork appraisal which one would you prefer? EPMS Paperwork No preference 4. Do you get fair chance for discussions when you are not satisfied with your ratings? Yes No Sometimes 5. Do you think there is fairness in the EPMS process? Yes No Dont Know


6. Do you think it improves the performance Management Process? Agree Disagree 7. Does it help you to get instant feedback about your performance? Yes No 8. Do self appraisals help you to make career plans? Yes No 9. Do you think EPMS is a transparent Process? Yes No 10.Do you want any kind of changes in EPMS process? IF yes plz mention the changes. Yes No


19.1 Analysis & Summarisation of Data collection on Electronic performance management system
Sample Size 30 1. Do you find EPMS easy for appraisals than paper work? Yes No





Interpretation:- Thus we can see that majority of employees find EPMS process easy than traditional paper based appraisal system.


2. Do you think it saves your time? Yes No Dont Know



Don't Know




Interpretation:- So we can see that majority of people believe that it saves a lot of time while 20% people disagree & rest are not aware whether it saves time or not.


3. If asked to choose between EPMS & paperwork appraisals which one would you prefer? EPMS Paper work No preference
EPMS Paperwork 2% 11% No preference


Interpretation: - Most of the employees prefer electronic mode of appraisals and very few number of people will go for traditional system of appraisal.


4. Do you get fair chance for discussions when you are not satisfied with your ratings? Yes No Sometimes
yes No 0% Sometimes


Interpretation: - Here we can see all the employees get a fair chance of discussion with their 1up manager in case they are not satisfied with their ratings.


5. Do you think there is fairness in EMPS? Yes No Dont Know



Don't Know




Interpretation: - Thus 90% people believe that there is a fair practise of appraisal at the organization. While 10% people dont have an opinion regarding this.


6. Do you think there it improves the performance management process? Agree Disagree





Interpretation:- So, most of the people believe that the EPMS improves effectiveness in the performance management system.


7. Does it help to get you instant feedback about your performance? Yes No





Interpretation:- Thus 70% people believe that they get a instant feedback about their performance through EPMS while 30% people dont think the feedback are instant about the performance of the whole year.


8. Do self appraisals help you to make career plan? Yes No

Yes No



Interpretation:- Self appraisal helps in career planning of some employees in the organization.


9. Do you think EPMS is a transparent process? Yes No

Yes 0% No


Interpretation: - All employees agree that the EPMS is a transparent process & there is no partiality or favouritism.


10. Do you want any kind of changes in EPMS? If yes plz mention the changes. Yes No

Yes No


Interpretation:- The employees dont need any kind of changes to take place in the EPMS process.


The EPMS system is effective but there should more emphasis on satisfaction of employees. So employee should be given more chance of discussion with the managers. New employees should be given session on how to do self appraisals through EPMS. As fresher face lot of problem in the process. Employees have to attach certificates, pictures & other material for critical incident so freshers should be informed beforehand about this so they are ready with their proof. The competency reviews in the appraisal process should be carefully analysed as it is the main tool to identify the training need of employees at Zensar. Employees should be given reminder to complete their appraisals in time as there is deadline to do the same.




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